UPDATE. Citizen Free Press picked up this story, which in a span of two days was read by more than 73,000 (!) readers. Thank you very much to Citizen Free Press. I know the McIntosh family - and every family who has gone through such a tragedy - appreciates the fact one very popular Internet site IS running such stories.
The headline was "Pfizer vaccine killed Derek McIntosh"
I just read your article, having come across it via a link on Facebook.
I applaud you for being a truth teller, and digging into a topic that many seem to want buried and swept under a rug. The elephant in the room no one seems to want to talk about and admit.
Please keep speaking out!! People’s lives depend on the knowledge. As Dr. Phil says often: “when you know better, you do better”. People need to at the bare minimum have full transparency and know the risks.
I lost my mom in 2015 from Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome from a flu vaccine. The “powers that be” would have us believe GBS is rare. I beg to differ. Some recover, but for some GBS is fatal.
Please do follow up articles! I for one, appreciate your brave journalism.
Thank you very much, Shelly. I must say I'm surprised Facebook even allowed a link to the article. I've been banned (again) from Facebook after I tried to link several of my previous Substack articles on taboo Covid topics. I also agree with you that the flu vaccine has been an unreported scandal/scam for decades. That shot also doesn't prevent infections (for the vast majority of people in the vast majority of years) and it no doubt has caused deaths and debilitating injuries to countless people like your mother. I hope you have subscribed. I'm just getting started on all the "taboo" stories the mainstream press refuses to cover. A big story I hope to write soon will be on the real number of ILI cases in the flu season of 2019-2020. Some percentage of these people sick with an ILI clearly had Covid IMO.
Good for you for covering the stories that others won't cover. I am so disgusted with what the corporate media has become. They are complicit in covering up these deaths. It's pure evil. I have zero respect for these reporters. No backbone and no soul.
I am only now seeing that you had replied back to me earlier.
Oddly enough, I scrolled just now, because I wanted to look again at where I’d seen your article linked. I can’t find it now. Go figure. I’m pretty certain it had the banner at the bottom that it had been fact checked (new code, as you know, for stifling the truth).
I look forward to your upcoming article. If I can be of any help with my mom’s story, please reach out. Obviously hers was pre-Covid, but the implications of the potential dangers of vaccines are a commonality.
I will never stop being angry about this. For that reason, I can very much feel empathy and sympathy for Derek’s family. Preventable death, and one that should never have happened.
Our government CANNOT help but do this AGAIN. Millions of dollars go to the pursuit of biological weapons. They "get around" the strict and unambiguous rules by claiming they must create them in order for "countermeasures" to also be made. I'm sure that there are people that believe this SOMEWHERE, I cannot think much of their experience and education that they believe this. The rest of us know better.
This was a "trial balloon", "dry run" or just practice for the next "plandemic". Some people think that a 5G signal is going to be sent, that opens some of "lipid nanoparticles" that have Marlburg or another hemorrhagic illness. Fear is the ultimate desired outcome, as various actions designed to maximize fear were done by at least the US and UK governments. There is direct evidence that this fear was sought.
I don't know if this is true, but if it's false, it's NOT the "integrity" of the government that's keeping them from doing it.
I'm sorry to hear that. I had a series of shots for a government job, went hiking an had a bite on my leg a few mos later, w a rash, but slightly different than the Lyme bearing rash. After a couple more months my legs became very weak. I couldn't do my 5 mile bike ride that I enjoyed every other day, I couldn't do my 2 mile walks that I did on the other says. I was terribly exhausted and my legs stopped working! No Dr wanted to see me. My sis insisted on a Lyme test. Dr refused. Says Lyme is all made up. My sister bought a test kit and told me to take it to the lab. I did. They never replied so I made calls. They reported they lost it. Meanwhile, I am barely able to lift my legs. I was shuffling to walk anywhere-for 2 years!
Luckily, I was studying nutrition and researched some cases that had some similarities to mine, and proper nutrition to heal. Slowly they got better, but never fully healed. Legs are still weak. ED PA thought I had infection in my veins of the lower extremities when my calf muscles froze up.
Still no treatment. Just passing me around. Soon, I fell and broke both ankles-one a compound fracture, trimalleolar, dislocated and all muscles, tendons, nerves severed. 2 years later still in terrible pain and have a hard time walking.
I’m so sorry for all this. How awful. Less than 50% of tick bites result in a ‘typical’ bullseye rash. Many result in no rash whatsoever, even when the tick transmits Lyme and/or other infections. Conventional doctors notoriously know nothing about, and don’t know how to treat, tickborne infections. I’m curious…what state/area were you in when you were perhaps bitten when hiking?
That's very kind- thank you. I was bit in Colorado and live in Nebraska. I didn't have symptoms, other than the rash, for a couple mos. My sister was bit near the creek on her acerage, where several neighbors also were plagued w chronic Lyme symptoms after a bite. Hers was that she was not able to feel her legs/feet. She had a severe case for a long time. Apparently "it's political"- Dr's don't want to believe it's here, is what I'm repeatedly told. Funny, seems true. My Dr kept changing the subject when I scheduled an appointment just for that. Interestingly, I was bit in Colorado, while hiking. Colorado is known for lyme.
I’m a CFP nation reader and subscribed to your substack following that link to your newsletter. Thank you for telling this important story! There are many others like it who’s family members are in denial and who’s stories will never be known. It’s a sad SADS world we are living in.
Thank you very much for subscribing! I wonder how many other people have really lost a loved one because of these "vaccines?" Steve Kirsch says at least 250,000 Americans and I think that's probably a conservative estimate. All of these stories should be reported and covered. What's stunning to me is that so many victims aren't acting just like the McIntosh family members. If I lost a loved one, I'd be exactly like them. I wouldn't rest until some kind of justice was administered.
Same! But my own son listened to my advice and was in a job that didn’t mandate. If he had been forced I think he would have caved as he hasn’t done the research I have done. My mom went right out and got both shots immediately despite my objections as well as my brother and sister in law. So far the only thing that’s come up is a new onset dizziness recently (I couldn’t bring myself to ask if she got the new booster as she gets angry about my objections) and she forgot my sons birthday which is VERY strange for her. I feel very lucky but because they live in Texas I’m also in the dark about day to day issues. I still think they have all dramatically increased the odds of health issues in the near future.
Here in KS there hasn’t been a lot of the destruction that I’ve seen in other states and countries but there has been deaths and injuries I have no doubt. And I’ve come to be one of the dreaded anti-vaxxers you read about because once you see what’s been happening you can’t unsee it so you follow it down to the inevitable conclusion.
There is a great deal of indifference in the world today. I cannot help but believe that at least a partial reason of this is because God has been removed from everywhere that it can.
Many cannot admit to themselves the sinister facts. I have friends who have lost loved ones and worked in a care facility during the brunt of it. We lost many. There was death every day
Thank you so much for writing about this family's plight. It is truly enraging how the "machine" works in tandem to cover up these deaths and gaslight the public. Basically, every entity from doctors, department of health's, to funeral directors are in on the take.
Then, there is the media which IMHO is one of the worse offenders by deliberately spreading lies and misinformation to gaslight the public into believing that none of this is actually happening. I just wrote about the role of the "fact" checkers when it comes to the big vax death cover up https://mycovidbubble.substack.com/p/covid-19-fact-checkers-are-a-joke
I agree. The number of "stakeholders" who are actively working to conceal the truth is a stunning number. Thanks for the link to your article. I'm going to check it out now.
It really is frightening. These epic purges of the media have been happening for at least 20 years under the guise of simple layoffs but they were really just replacements. Thank you for reading. I am looking forward to subscribing to your stack.
I'll definitely subscribe to your site. Your recent piece is important. The proliferation of these paid-off fact-checkers is scary and Orwellian. We could probably spend all day doing nothing but fact-checking the fact checkers. From time to time, I try to debunk some mainstream "journalism" almost paragraph by paragraph. The entire mainstream profession is captured IMO. I just wrote a story on a family who lost a loved one to a vaccine injury. I can't think of one mainstream writer who has written such a story ... in two years. That's 100 percent groupthink.
I agree. It's nearly impossible to get these stories covered now that virtually every entity in the media (and social media) is under the thumb of censorship. Fingers crossed that Musk will continue to allow Twitter to share this valuable info.
Bill, throw some quote marks around "Fact checkers." They're not, as you and I know, checking facts. They're paid assassins of facts; Soviet Russian Cold War-era censors come back to life with a vengeance, like a malicious virus reborn. And thank you for everything.
CFP is what American journalism was once all about, before craven waves of prostitutes took over the business, and this includes Comcast (NBC), Viacom (CBS), and Disney (ABC) et al.
I have no doubt that these companies are extensions of the FBI and other related American Stasi fascist organizations, and have agents covertly planted in what are ostensibly "civilian" businesses, exactly in the same manner that the pre-Musk Twitter was honeycombed with ex-FBI agents all tethered to the Obamas et al.
At any rate, CFP has been doing an outstanding job of getting the news out that has zero chance of being reported by the corrupt media outfits, the latter being essentially blackmail mafias.
Although I know this is happening all over the world, I still find these stories upsetting beyond words. I feel so much for this family - a lost son, father, brother. It is simple, this is state-sanctioned murder and the ‘looking the other way’ by the mainstream media, medics and government officials is criminally unspeakable. I hope that, one day, this family and others like them will at least receive an acknowledgment of what happened. It will be too little, too late though.
Here is the obituary for Derek - the "edited" version after the family took out the sentence about Joe Biden's mandates. It has generated about 130 comments; some supportive and some not.
Mr. McIntosh said the family complained when the local paper would not run the obituary. A family member contacted the editor of the paper, who told the family the obituary should have run and he would look into the matter. However, the obit never ran.
Mr. McCintosh also said the state's biggest paper, the St. Paul/Minneapolist Tribune had a reporter that called him for an interview. The interview "lasted five minutes" and the paper never ran a story about their son's death or the controversial obituary, said Mr. McIntosh.
Papers are owned by big conglomerates. small papers use to be trustworthy, they were all bought out. should be disallowed. i've written to local paper regarding vaccines and letters were rejected. When I asked why, was told my opinions (actually facts) where right wind or conspiratorial.
we No longer have free speech. I was praying some big money conservatives would step up and start their own papers or media platform. Right now, media is controlled by satan himself.
The purchase of all the mom and pop newspapers/media and the journalist purge started during Obama's second term. This, coupled with Bill Gates essentially owning most of the big journalism schools, has put the final nail in the coffin of unbiased media and genuine reporting. It simply does not exist anymore in the mainstream.
Papers are owned by big conglomerates. small papers use to be trustworthy, they were all bought out. should be disallowed. i've written to local paper regarding vaccines and letters were rejected. When I asked why, was told my opinions (actually facts) where right wind or conspiratorial.
we No longer have free speech. I was praying some big money conservatives would step up and start their own papers or media platform. Right now, media is controlled by satan himself.
We need a real investigative journalism site that covers ALL of the taboo topics. That's a lot of topics. I think such a site would be very popular. I'd love to help start it. Look for a future article on this project.
Bless this man’s memory and his dear family and son. He was co-murdered by Big Pharma, his employer and the US government. They will be held responsible one day in front of an all powerful, absolutely Just, Supreme Being who will hold everyone accountable. God will judge these pawns of Satan then, if they don’t repent and try to make amends and tell the truth. I’m so sorry to hear what this man suffered and what his family endured. 😢
I bet there is. Let me email the family and I'll post an address and how to make out the check as soon as I have one. That's very generous of you. The son seems like a very special young man. Derek seemed like a wonderful person.
My heart goes out to this family ❤️ My boys are in their 20’s, we could EASILY be in this position. They both got the shots early on for work/school, we’ve all awakened since then and they won’t get more, but why Derek, and not Will or Nik? It’s a tragedy and if I can help them in any way…
This is a very sad story. Good to see that Derek's family is fighting for him. There were two deaths, that I'm aware of, from the shot on my street where I live which are definitely not in the VAERS system. So, 40K is not the actual number.
Please recommend anyone who needs donation money NOT to use Go Fund Me. That is another evil corporation that stole money from those that donated to the trucker's in Canada. Please stop patronizing that website. We must all be diligent and stop buying products from and using websites that are part of this evil. If we can stop using them and buying from them, then they might actually feel the pain and possibly back off on some of the evil.
Both my parents died after getting the Pfizer vaccinations. My Dad died 3 days after Pfizer shot #1. He had severe abdominal pain. Cat scan found blood clots in his abdomen. COD was multiple organ failure and the attending physician would not list the Covid vaccination on the death certificate. My Mom lived 13 months after getting both Pfizer shots. She developed a terrible cough after #2. COD was restricted lung disease. She never smoked or had breathing problems before being double vaccinated. My parents stories were reported to Vaers. Hope this helps.
Thanks Bill. I re-told my parents story to highlight the lack of legal support for families affected by these so called vaccines.
The government has offered to pay $10,000 funeral expenses for vaccine caused deaths but the medical community will not list covid as the cause of death.
Europe has started payments for vaccine deaths but not in the USA.
For now the Medical and legal communities have circled the wagons around the pharmaceutical companies.
Hopefully a class action suit can be put together.
I heard that Harvard and Yale have both required the new killer boosters for anyone returning in January. Based on what we know how are these administrators not being hassled to the ends of the earth to make their lives hell?
Thank you, Jeff. I appreciate you letting me tell your family's story. I wish I would have known Derek. He sounds like my type of guy. You have probably already saved many lives and you have raised awareness. Keep doing what you are doing!
Mr. McIntosh, please allow us all here to express our heartfelt sympathy for this tremendous loss.
We are all devastated for you. Prayers for you and your family.
Most of us here have seen from the get go this horrible murder of our countrymen, and we are
in the nightmare with you. We will all do what we can to get justice for you and for every other citizen who has been forced to take this experimental injection.
This family’s story is tragic. Derek’s death never should have happened. And the coverup only makes everything worse.
Del Bigtree’s TheHighWire.com has a non-profit called ICAN. ICAN has had successful lawsuits related to the vax. Del also has a weekly show on Thursdays about the vax and other relevant topics in our world today. Highly recommended.
Yes, I think they should get in touch with Del Bigtree about their father/son's death, and join with other families to ask why has the DEATH signal been triggered but the DOD keeps on with this Mnra shit?
I’m so sorry for this family. My friend died on Dec 3rd 2022. She believed it was the last Pfizer shot that killed her. She had 3 Moderna shots prior. Her lungs were ruined with blood clots and fungi.
This is all evil works. It’s not only the Covid vaccines. Vaccines have been making us sick for years. Everyone needs to research like their life depends on it, because it does.
UPDATE. Citizen Free Press picked up this story, which in a span of two days was read by more than 73,000 (!) readers. Thank you very much to Citizen Free Press. I know the McIntosh family - and every family who has gone through such a tragedy - appreciates the fact one very popular Internet site IS running such stories.
The headline was "Pfizer vaccine killed Derek McIntosh"
I just read your article, having come across it via a link on Facebook.
I applaud you for being a truth teller, and digging into a topic that many seem to want buried and swept under a rug. The elephant in the room no one seems to want to talk about and admit.
Please keep speaking out!! People’s lives depend on the knowledge. As Dr. Phil says often: “when you know better, you do better”. People need to at the bare minimum have full transparency and know the risks.
I lost my mom in 2015 from Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome from a flu vaccine. The “powers that be” would have us believe GBS is rare. I beg to differ. Some recover, but for some GBS is fatal.
Please do follow up articles! I for one, appreciate your brave journalism.
Thank you very much, Shelly. I must say I'm surprised Facebook even allowed a link to the article. I've been banned (again) from Facebook after I tried to link several of my previous Substack articles on taboo Covid topics. I also agree with you that the flu vaccine has been an unreported scandal/scam for decades. That shot also doesn't prevent infections (for the vast majority of people in the vast majority of years) and it no doubt has caused deaths and debilitating injuries to countless people like your mother. I hope you have subscribed. I'm just getting started on all the "taboo" stories the mainstream press refuses to cover. A big story I hope to write soon will be on the real number of ILI cases in the flu season of 2019-2020. Some percentage of these people sick with an ILI clearly had Covid IMO.
Good for you for covering the stories that others won't cover. I am so disgusted with what the corporate media has become. They are complicit in covering up these deaths. It's pure evil. I have zero respect for these reporters. No backbone and no soul.
Oh my word do I agree with you!!
I swear the “news” used to be just that. Now it’s much more sinister. Almost no one has any integrity.
I am only now seeing that you had replied back to me earlier.
Oddly enough, I scrolled just now, because I wanted to look again at where I’d seen your article linked. I can’t find it now. Go figure. I’m pretty certain it had the banner at the bottom that it had been fact checked (new code, as you know, for stifling the truth).
I look forward to your upcoming article. If I can be of any help with my mom’s story, please reach out. Obviously hers was pre-Covid, but the implications of the potential dangers of vaccines are a commonality.
I will never stop being angry about this. For that reason, I can very much feel empathy and sympathy for Derek’s family. Preventable death, and one that should never have happened.
Thank you again!!
How much longer can we ignore the elephant under the rug???
Our government CANNOT help but do this AGAIN. Millions of dollars go to the pursuit of biological weapons. They "get around" the strict and unambiguous rules by claiming they must create them in order for "countermeasures" to also be made. I'm sure that there are people that believe this SOMEWHERE, I cannot think much of their experience and education that they believe this. The rest of us know better.
This was a "trial balloon", "dry run" or just practice for the next "plandemic". Some people think that a 5G signal is going to be sent, that opens some of "lipid nanoparticles" that have Marlburg or another hemorrhagic illness. Fear is the ultimate desired outcome, as various actions designed to maximize fear were done by at least the US and UK governments. There is direct evidence that this fear was sought.
I don't know if this is true, but if it's false, it's NOT the "integrity" of the government that's keeping them from doing it.
I keep saying the same! They are perpetuating the same thing they say they are trying to stop. It's ridiculous
I'm sorry to hear that. I had a series of shots for a government job, went hiking an had a bite on my leg a few mos later, w a rash, but slightly different than the Lyme bearing rash. After a couple more months my legs became very weak. I couldn't do my 5 mile bike ride that I enjoyed every other day, I couldn't do my 2 mile walks that I did on the other says. I was terribly exhausted and my legs stopped working! No Dr wanted to see me. My sis insisted on a Lyme test. Dr refused. Says Lyme is all made up. My sister bought a test kit and told me to take it to the lab. I did. They never replied so I made calls. They reported they lost it. Meanwhile, I am barely able to lift my legs. I was shuffling to walk anywhere-for 2 years!
Luckily, I was studying nutrition and researched some cases that had some similarities to mine, and proper nutrition to heal. Slowly they got better, but never fully healed. Legs are still weak. ED PA thought I had infection in my veins of the lower extremities when my calf muscles froze up.
Still no treatment. Just passing me around. Soon, I fell and broke both ankles-one a compound fracture, trimalleolar, dislocated and all muscles, tendons, nerves severed. 2 years later still in terrible pain and have a hard time walking.
I still wonder, shot or bug...?
I’m so sorry for all this. How awful. Less than 50% of tick bites result in a ‘typical’ bullseye rash. Many result in no rash whatsoever, even when the tick transmits Lyme and/or other infections. Conventional doctors notoriously know nothing about, and don’t know how to treat, tickborne infections. I’m curious…what state/area were you in when you were perhaps bitten when hiking?
That's very kind- thank you. I was bit in Colorado and live in Nebraska. I didn't have symptoms, other than the rash, for a couple mos. My sister was bit near the creek on her acerage, where several neighbors also were plagued w chronic Lyme symptoms after a bite. Hers was that she was not able to feel her legs/feet. She had a severe case for a long time. Apparently "it's political"- Dr's don't want to believe it's here, is what I'm repeatedly told. Funny, seems true. My Dr kept changing the subject when I scheduled an appointment just for that. Interestingly, I was bit in Colorado, while hiking. Colorado is known for lyme.
I’m a CFP nation reader and subscribed to your substack following that link to your newsletter. Thank you for telling this important story! There are many others like it who’s family members are in denial and who’s stories will never be known. It’s a sad SADS world we are living in.
Thank you very much for subscribing! I wonder how many other people have really lost a loved one because of these "vaccines?" Steve Kirsch says at least 250,000 Americans and I think that's probably a conservative estimate. All of these stories should be reported and covered. What's stunning to me is that so many victims aren't acting just like the McIntosh family members. If I lost a loved one, I'd be exactly like them. I wouldn't rest until some kind of justice was administered.
Same! But my own son listened to my advice and was in a job that didn’t mandate. If he had been forced I think he would have caved as he hasn’t done the research I have done. My mom went right out and got both shots immediately despite my objections as well as my brother and sister in law. So far the only thing that’s come up is a new onset dizziness recently (I couldn’t bring myself to ask if she got the new booster as she gets angry about my objections) and she forgot my sons birthday which is VERY strange for her. I feel very lucky but because they live in Texas I’m also in the dark about day to day issues. I still think they have all dramatically increased the odds of health issues in the near future.
Here in KS there hasn’t been a lot of the destruction that I’ve seen in other states and countries but there has been deaths and injuries I have no doubt. And I’ve come to be one of the dreaded anti-vaxxers you read about because once you see what’s been happening you can’t unsee it so you follow it down to the inevitable conclusion.
Right and right again
There is a great deal of indifference in the world today. I cannot help but believe that at least a partial reason of this is because God has been removed from everywhere that it can.
Many cannot admit to themselves the sinister facts. I have friends who have lost loved ones and worked in a care facility during the brunt of it. We lost many. There was death every day
Thank you so much for writing about this family's plight. It is truly enraging how the "machine" works in tandem to cover up these deaths and gaslight the public. Basically, every entity from doctors, department of health's, to funeral directors are in on the take.
Then, there is the media which IMHO is one of the worse offenders by deliberately spreading lies and misinformation to gaslight the public into believing that none of this is actually happening. I just wrote about the role of the "fact" checkers when it comes to the big vax death cover up https://mycovidbubble.substack.com/p/covid-19-fact-checkers-are-a-joke
I agree. The number of "stakeholders" who are actively working to conceal the truth is a stunning number. Thanks for the link to your article. I'm going to check it out now.
It really is frightening. These epic purges of the media have been happening for at least 20 years under the guise of simple layoffs but they were really just replacements. Thank you for reading. I am looking forward to subscribing to your stack.
I'll definitely subscribe to your site. Your recent piece is important. The proliferation of these paid-off fact-checkers is scary and Orwellian. We could probably spend all day doing nothing but fact-checking the fact checkers. From time to time, I try to debunk some mainstream "journalism" almost paragraph by paragraph. The entire mainstream profession is captured IMO. I just wrote a story on a family who lost a loved one to a vaccine injury. I can't think of one mainstream writer who has written such a story ... in two years. That's 100 percent groupthink.
I agree. It's nearly impossible to get these stories covered now that virtually every entity in the media (and social media) is under the thumb of censorship. Fingers crossed that Musk will continue to allow Twitter to share this valuable info.
Bill, throw some quote marks around "Fact checkers." They're not, as you and I know, checking facts. They're paid assassins of facts; Soviet Russian Cold War-era censors come back to life with a vengeance, like a malicious virus reborn. And thank you for everything.
CFP is what American journalism was once all about, before craven waves of prostitutes took over the business, and this includes Comcast (NBC), Viacom (CBS), and Disney (ABC) et al.
I have no doubt that these companies are extensions of the FBI and other related American Stasi fascist organizations, and have agents covertly planted in what are ostensibly "civilian" businesses, exactly in the same manner that the pre-Musk Twitter was honeycombed with ex-FBI agents all tethered to the Obamas et al.
At any rate, CFP has been doing an outstanding job of getting the news out that has zero chance of being reported by the corrupt media outfits, the latter being essentially blackmail mafias.
Although I know this is happening all over the world, I still find these stories upsetting beyond words. I feel so much for this family - a lost son, father, brother. It is simple, this is state-sanctioned murder and the ‘looking the other way’ by the mainstream media, medics and government officials is criminally unspeakable. I hope that, one day, this family and others like them will at least receive an acknowledgment of what happened. It will be too little, too late though.
Thank You Hilary!
Here is the obituary for Derek - the "edited" version after the family took out the sentence about Joe Biden's mandates. It has generated about 130 comments; some supportive and some not.
Mr. McIntosh said the family complained when the local paper would not run the obituary. A family member contacted the editor of the paper, who told the family the obituary should have run and he would look into the matter. However, the obit never ran.
Mr. McCintosh also said the state's biggest paper, the St. Paul/Minneapolist Tribune had a reporter that called him for an interview. The interview "lasted five minutes" and the paper never ran a story about their son's death or the controversial obituary, said Mr. McIntosh.
Papers are owned by big conglomerates. small papers use to be trustworthy, they were all bought out. should be disallowed. i've written to local paper regarding vaccines and letters were rejected. When I asked why, was told my opinions (actually facts) where right wind or conspiratorial.
we No longer have free speech. I was praying some big money conservatives would step up and start their own papers or media platform. Right now, media is controlled by satan himself.
The purchase of all the mom and pop newspapers/media and the journalist purge started during Obama's second term. This, coupled with Bill Gates essentially owning most of the big journalism schools, has put the final nail in the coffin of unbiased media and genuine reporting. It simply does not exist anymore in the mainstream.
Papers are owned by big conglomerates. small papers use to be trustworthy, they were all bought out. should be disallowed. i've written to local paper regarding vaccines and letters were rejected. When I asked why, was told my opinions (actually facts) where right wind or conspiratorial.
we No longer have free speech. I was praying some big money conservatives would step up and start their own papers or media platform. Right now, media is controlled by satan himself.
It still should be. At one time, we had an Anti Trust divsion at the Department of what I know call Injustice.
We need a real investigative journalism site that covers ALL of the taboo topics. That's a lot of topics. I think such a site would be very popular. I'd love to help start it. Look for a future article on this project.
Bless this man’s memory and his dear family and son. He was co-murdered by Big Pharma, his employer and the US government. They will be held responsible one day in front of an all powerful, absolutely Just, Supreme Being who will hold everyone accountable. God will judge these pawns of Satan then, if they don’t repent and try to make amends and tell the truth. I’m so sorry to hear what this man suffered and what his family endured. 😢
I’d prefer to see justice in THIS life.
Bass-ackwards. HaSatan is the prosecutor.
You did good, Bill. Real good.
Derek approves of all you are doing to STOP this insane madness.
Thank you.
Thank you for telling Derek’s story. I prefer not to support GoFundMe. Is there an address where I can send a check?
I just heard from Calvin's grandfather, who has now legally adopted Calvin.
He said you can make check out to him and mail to this address:
Jeff McIntosh
10788 County Road 127
Nisswa Mn 56468
And I just got Calvin (the son's) mailing address:
Calvin McIntosh
4633 Homestead Drive
Monticello, Mn 55362
Thanks, again. I hope they get a few more donations.
I bet there is. Let me email the family and I'll post an address and how to make out the check as soon as I have one. That's very generous of you. The son seems like a very special young man. Derek seemed like a wonderful person.
My heart goes out to this family ❤️ My boys are in their 20’s, we could EASILY be in this position. They both got the shots early on for work/school, we’ve all awakened since then and they won’t get more, but why Derek, and not Will or Nik? It’s a tragedy and if I can help them in any way…
This is a very sad story. Good to see that Derek's family is fighting for him. There were two deaths, that I'm aware of, from the shot on my street where I live which are definitely not in the VAERS system. So, 40K is not the actual number.
Please recommend anyone who needs donation money NOT to use Go Fund Me. That is another evil corporation that stole money from those that donated to the trucker's in Canada. Please stop patronizing that website. We must all be diligent and stop buying products from and using websites that are part of this evil. If we can stop using them and buying from them, then they might actually feel the pain and possibly back off on some of the evil.
Both my parents died after getting the Pfizer vaccinations. My Dad died 3 days after Pfizer shot #1. He had severe abdominal pain. Cat scan found blood clots in his abdomen. COD was multiple organ failure and the attending physician would not list the Covid vaccination on the death certificate. My Mom lived 13 months after getting both Pfizer shots. She developed a terrible cough after #2. COD was restricted lung disease. She never smoked or had breathing problems before being double vaccinated. My parents stories were reported to Vaers. Hope this helps.
Thank you for sharing this, Tom. Your terribly sad story sounds just like the McIntosh's story, but you lost both parents.
Thanks Bill. I re-told my parents story to highlight the lack of legal support for families affected by these so called vaccines.
The government has offered to pay $10,000 funeral expenses for vaccine caused deaths but the medical community will not list covid as the cause of death.
Europe has started payments for vaccine deaths but not in the USA.
For now the Medical and legal communities have circled the wagons around the pharmaceutical companies.
Hopefully a class action suit can be put together.
So very sorry to hear about your tremendous and unacceptable loss.Thank you for sharing this with us.
I heard that Harvard and Yale have both required the new killer boosters for anyone returning in January. Based on what we know how are these administrators not being hassled to the ends of the earth to make their lives hell?
Thank you so much for the kind and thoughtful comments.
Words cannot express our gratitude for all the support we have received for sharing our son's story.
Jeff McIntosh
Thank you, Jeff. I appreciate you letting me tell your family's story. I wish I would have known Derek. He sounds like my type of guy. You have probably already saved many lives and you have raised awareness. Keep doing what you are doing!
Dear Jeff McIntosh,
My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. And thank you for helping so many people by speaking out.
Mr. McIntosh, please allow us all here to express our heartfelt sympathy for this tremendous loss.
We are all devastated for you. Prayers for you and your family.
Most of us here have seen from the get go this horrible murder of our countrymen, and we are
in the nightmare with you. We will all do what we can to get justice for you and for every other citizen who has been forced to take this experimental injection.
Thank you so much. The support we have received is amazing.
This family’s story is tragic. Derek’s death never should have happened. And the coverup only makes everything worse.
Del Bigtree’s TheHighWire.com has a non-profit called ICAN. ICAN has had successful lawsuits related to the vax. Del also has a weekly show on Thursdays about the vax and other relevant topics in our world today. Highly recommended.
Yes, I think they should get in touch with Del Bigtree about their father/son's death, and join with other families to ask why has the DEATH signal been triggered but the DOD keeps on with this Mnra shit?
Thank you
These stories must be pushed out and forced on the public.
I agree, David. There are so many of them and very few are being told.
I’m so sorry for this family. My friend died on Dec 3rd 2022. She believed it was the last Pfizer shot that killed her. She had 3 Moderna shots prior. Her lungs were ruined with blood clots and fungi.
This is all evil works. It’s not only the Covid vaccines. Vaccines have been making us sick for years. Everyone needs to research like their life depends on it, because it does.
So right Paula. Never take another one.
That is a horribly heartbreaking story. 😭 May God bless them all and bring them some peace. In Jesus name I pray. 🙏
Thank you for writing this story Bill. I am afraid there are many thousands like this across our country!
Sad beyond belief.
Fauci should die by lethal injection. Pfizer or Moderna