These are the Most Important Articles I’ve Published
These headlines should allow readers to connect the dots on the distressing trends of our captured New Normal times.

Today’s Day 2 of my 7-day effort to demonstrate the vital role Substack has played in debunking false and harmful narratives. As I’m trying to “shock the world” with an audacious subscriber goal, it occurs to me I should perhaps highlight some of my own articles I think are important.
The headlines and brief synopses that follow include my thoughts on why these particular stories could and should matter. I note that none of these stories have ever appeared in the mainstream media.
Hundreds of other Substack authors are also producing important journalism that’s off-limits to the “pack” media.
Readers supporting these contrarian writers are the real heroes of a resistance movement that’s trying to save the country. The more Substack readers who can support their favorite Substack authors, the more likely “our side” wins.
The Big Themes …
I identified several common themes in these articles, which include …
Our rulers intentionally exploited fear to control the population of the world.
Their modus operandi is to not investigate that which they do not want to confirm.
Our rulers are either genuinely evil or incredibly obtuse.
Every important institution is now captured and every institution that should exist to search for the truth is now committed to concealing these truths.
Commonly-accepted disinformation provides the pretext for even greater control, which includes banning products the public likes, but our rulers don’t.
Our rulers (and their allies in Big Media) fear free speech and genuine debate because both threaten their lofty positions in a corrupt hierarchy.
Some trends are encouraging. For example, more people now know those who created our “Trusted News Initiative” should not be trusted. In fact, the legacy media is dying. While the death of local journalism is another alarming trend, it should be noted that the MSM’s demise is self-inflicted.
I’m proud I wrote these stories …
This is how officials concealed early spread
Unacknowledged “early spread” might not qualify as a Covid scandal if our public health experts never knew this was happening. If this was the case, the only “crime” these officials committed was gross incompetence.
However, the evidence is overwhelming at least some key officials must have known this was happening and took concerted measures to conceal this truth from the public. As far as I am aware, I’m the only journalist in the world who attempted to itemize all the ways officials have covered-up early spread. This list also shows the importance of the maxim “never investigate that which you don’t want to confirm.”
The timeline of the birth date of Covid spread is WRONG
Because of this, all the harmful responses to Covid should never have happened. To assist contrarian researchers and future Covid historians, I presented the evidence of early spread in one document.
In my longest article, I published anecdotes provided by 104 Americans who contacted me with ‘early spread” stories. I think some of these testimonials could end up being very important and that this piece is worth the long read.
Everyone (who matters) ignored the significance
of the Red Cross antibody study
Sherlock Holmes proved that detectives can solve a crime by noting the “dog that didn’t bark.” Everything investigators could investigate, but refuse to investigate, should qualify as a “smoking gun” to genuine investigators, who apparently no longer exist in official organizations.
The 2019-2020 Flu Season was severe, widespread and long
… and strongly suggest early spread
If millions of people actually experienced Covid symptoms in the weeks and months before “official” Covid arrived, maybe some percentage of these “sick” people actually had Covid.
Huge number of school closings for ‘flu’ have been ignored
If the novel coronavirus is very contagious and does easily spread in “congregate settings,” it would follow that the virus would have spread through schools across the country. This, per my original reporting, is exactly what happened in America in the weeks and months before “official” Covid arrived.
Outbreaks on Navy ships show Covid is not a threat
… and also show early spread
I think I’m the only journalist in the world who attempted to emphasize the antibody studies that tested crew members from three Naval vessels, including the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier.
These antibody results showed that 41 to 72 percent of crew members had “confirmed” evidence of “prior infection.” Significantly, only one crew member (reportedly) died from Covid. This shows the real IFR of Covid. The Roosevelt evidence also strongly suggests this virus came on board this ship before the first official case had been reported in America.
In a follow-up article, I speculated that the Navy likely covered up evidence of early cases on all Naval vessels.
The case study that, by itself, could prove ‘early spread’
I challenge any fair-minded person to read this story and then argue that Tim and Brandie McCain of Sylacauga, Alabama did NOT have Covid in December 2019. And someone please tell me why legitimate public health officials would refuse to even investigate this possibility.
I also sent this article to approximately 30 prominent “news” organizations, none of which would publish it. Alternative media website finally published my article. By May 2020, I already knew “early spread” was a taboo subject. I also asked myself “Why” this might be the case.
Mortality rate for Covid among healthy children is 0.000 percent
Even some “experts” occasionally note Covid is not a great mortality threat to healthy children or young adults. But even this acknowledgment is obfuscation. The truth is that the mortality risk to healthy children is almost literally zero. This article provides another example of how important medical studies are ignored.
Fear of Covid never made any sense
This is another story I spent weeks researching that no news organization would publish. In this article, I show the fear-mongering was just that. The overwhelming percentage of alleged Covid deaths occurred in people with multiple pre-existing conditions and who’d already exceeded the normal life expectancy.
In 4 weeks, excess all-cause deaths in Michigan
exploded from 0 percent to 76 percent
How could a super-contagious virus that hadn’t killed anyone suddenly emerge in the early spring (outside of the cold and flu season) and after weeks of lockdowns implemented to prevent spread? The only answer is that the vast majority of these victims were not dying from a novel virus, but from iatrogenic protocols and government-created hysteria and panic.
I also think I might be the only journalist who believes some people were already dying from Covid. These deaths were simply missed. I think evidence in some states (like Michigan) supports my hypothesis. “Confirming” early deaths would also, of course, confirm “early spread.”
Insurance companies and media are covering up all-cause deaths
In this article, I point out Ed Dowd was wrong on one of his predictions (namely, that all-cause deaths would be too big a story to conceal). But this article is not a criticism of Ed Dowd, who I admire greatly. I was simply pointing out how captured the key organizations in the world are. Even life insurance companies that are paying out early-death policies don’t want anyone to know what they’re doing and why they’re having to do this.
Why Canadian Trucker Protest did not become another Boston Tea Party
For a few weeks, I thought the Canadian Trucker protest might become one of the seminal grassroots events in history. Then Prime Minister Trudeau cracked down … and history was NOT changed. I blame the captured MSM for not supporting or fairly covering this protest. Also, no prominent world leader supported the protestors. In contrast, in Boston-Tea-Party times all of America’s leading citizens supported this protest.
Where did all the Woodwards and Bernsteins go when we needed them?
All scandals are not created equal … some are off limits to the “watchdog” press, who today don’t care what corrupt officials knew and when they knew this.
Media won’t cover 'Biden has Dementia' story
Everyone with a functioning brain knows “Joe Biden” is suffering from ever-worsening dementia. In several articles, I tried to point out the real scandal … which is that the mainstream media will not investigate or expose real scandals. The “Biden-has-dementia” non-story is more evidence that the Fourth Estate is captured and part of the problem.
Officials lie about other data too - including official data on inflation
Real inflation might be the scariest and most important story of our times - and will ultimately cause millions of unnecessary deaths around the world. It goes without saying that official government inflation statistics are preposterous.
The number of “work-arounds” families have to utilize to deal with this reality tell us the true story on real inflation. As far as I’m aware, no other journalist has ever documented this ever-growing number of “work-arounds.”
We need more feature stories like this …
Derek McIntosh, 41, died after receiving a Covid vaccine. His family simply wanted one journalist to tell his story. I did and this story ended up being seen by more than 73,000 people. It’s important independent journalists tell these stories because we know the MSM journalists will NOT.
Everybody ignored what happened to Tracy Beanz
Tracy Beanz, the founder of, gave me my first big break as a freelance journalist. Tracy was later banned and de-monetized by companies like Twitter for the crime of reporting the truth. As far as I can tell, nobody (who matters) came to Tracy’s defense. She told me I was the only journalist who reached out to her and wanted to tell her story.
SEC sold its soul and abandoned any redeeming principles
for some pieces of Pfizer silver
I was also the only journalist in America who wrote a big story revealing that the 14 colleges of the SEC were now “corporate partners” with Pfizer.
The SEC continues to run commercials encouraging “everyone” to get their Pfizer booster shots. “Everyone” would include healthy young athletes and college students who face virtually no risk of dying from Covid. I don’t know why I thought this should be a “story,” but I did.
The “most important book of our times” was blackballed …
I wrote a book review of The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. because no mainstream media organizations would review the book.
Citizen Free Press ran this review and has since linked to many of my articles, which is why my stories have been read by more than one million people in 65 countries and all 50 states.
I also wrote a sidebar piece that highlighted 18 important excerpts from the book. You can read the first couple to see that Kennedy didn’t just focus on Anthony Fauci. The corruption of the Science Medical Complex goes back to the times of Rockefeller.
I hope I’ve lived up to the mission I outlined in my first Substack article
In the last paragraph of my first article, I identified the “real reason I’m champing at the bit to get started …
“I don’t like what certain people and organizations are doing to my country and are getting away with. Our mainstream journalists are awful and are taking a pass on the most important stories of our times. I don’t know if I can play even a tiny role in changing this, but I’m damn sure going to try.”
To everyone who’s supported my writing in the last 12 months, thank you. For what it’s worth, I’m just getting started.
Note: Please See today’s Reader Comments for an Update on our Subscription “Demonstration Project.”
Subscription Drive Update …Here are the headlines from my/our Subscription Drive:
The good news is we’ve already obliterated my personal record for new paid subscriptions in 24 hours. In 24 hours, the number of paid subscriptions has grown by 28. But this deserves a caveat as three of my subscribers purchased “Founders-Level” paid subscriptions (which are $250/year!)
As these subscriptions equal five normal subscriptions (at $50/year), one might say I’ve achieved the equivalent of 43 paid subscriptions (28 + 15).
My gross annual revenue has also exploded. In 24 hours, due to the generosity and support of my subscribers, I grossed $2,220, most from paid subscriptions (and three “tips” from ko-fi).
Last night, I shared the good news with my wife. In my first 12 months as a Substack author, our family grossed $7,000 from paid subscriptions. In ONE DAY, that figure increased by $2,200!
In other words, my subscribers - in 24 hours - gave me a pay raise of 31.4 percent!
My ratio of paid subscribers to total subscribers has also increased from 3.5 percent to 4.2 percent.
Of course, we’re far from reaching 1,000 paid subscribers, which is the level that would make anyone who follows “significant media events” stand up and notice.
But I still don’t rule out such a stunning result for one reason only. My article announcing this initiative reached about 2,800 people and only 1,663 of my actual subscribers. My “open rate” on this article is 36 percent, meaning I still haven’t reached 64 percent of my total subscribers.
(Typically, my “open rate” on stories is around 43 percent, which is probably standard for Substack authors.)
For this project to have any chance of success, I always knew this appeal would have to go “viral” or semi-viral. That is, enough people would have to share this article and/or promote it with their own posts, that we reached, say, 100,000 Substack readers.
If just 8 percent of these Substack readers and supporters were willing to spend $6, we’d demonstrate that a result everyone thought was impossible was, in fact, possible.
I don’t know how this might happen - or who might make it happen - but if this campaign does go viral, we still might shock the world.
Thank you to everyone who has supported this project. I don’t mind admitting that one of my main goals is to achieve financial independence or “peace of mind,” which, in my case, would be possible when my writing produced an annual income of around $40,000.
It’s sad that so many people who might be cash-strapped themselves are being asked to support independent journalists, but this is really the only way “our side” is going to continue to have a growing army of journalists to battle the mainstream media stenographers who are being paid nice salaries.
As one of my favorite Substackers always writes - “Onward!” I have not yet begun to fight!
Maybe today’s story - which summarizes just a fraction of the stories I’ve produced in the past year - will give “Team Rice” another burst of momentum.
"You'll get a free donut!"
This shows you what they think about the general population's intellect.
Unfortunately, in many cases, they were correct.