This "incompetence" angle is misdirection. Yes we have some incompetent people in government but that's not what lead to the epically wrong response to covid, that was caused by corruption. They use the incompetence angle to avoid accountability. Elected persons have qualified immunity which means you can't punish them no matter what they do while in office unless you can prove it was done intentionally and with a full understanding. This incompetence excuse keeps their qualified immunity in tact.

They will never and I mean NEVER EVER admit that the gene therapy drug being marketed as a vaccine was an actual failure that has caused more harm then good as that would be b ad for their buddies in the Pharmaceutical Industry which in turn means less kickbacks to the politicians and bureaucrats. They, the Federal government, also did not get something they were betting everything on during covid; the precedent that the Federal Government can mandate drugging of the population. If you don't believe that this is something many at the Federal level and the private sector want than you're not paying attention. ranted it would start out as being only during emergencies and only for "vaccines" but as we've already seen they just change the definition of what a vaccine is so they can use a drug that's not an actual vaccine. Once they get that precedent it's just a matter of time before the government expands on that. Once the Feds get that door open, even if just a tiny crack, they eventually push it further. What National government today wouldn't salivate at the ability to force it's citizens to take a government mandated drug(s)?

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Yeah, the "experts" fucked up, but just give them a break and more of your money.

Next time, it won't be any different.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Thanks for pointing out this piece (of sht) from the Washington Post. I assure you, it's the only way I'd have been exposed to its garbage...But your critique was absolutely spot on!

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As usual, the "experts" are the ones who decide what the "experts" did right and what the "experts" did wrong. Why would anyone listen to these admitted losers? I guess people who listen to the WAPo don't have the critical skills to realize just how ridiculous that is. And (surprise!) the same old, obvious conclusion: "If only we would have had more power and money we would have done so much better. We'll get it next time!" Losers. Plus, I love the way media these days declare that "experts say" but rarely name these incredibly insightful experts. We're just supposed to assume and believe that the media has some supernatural power to figure out who the real experts are, but no need for us to know.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The 1956 book by Joost Meerloo titled THE RAPE OF THE MIND tells all about the events of the past three years, even without mentioning "the virus." I am about 3/4 of the way through this remarkable report, and am learning many new things (as well as confirming many of my current biases!).

Regarding health from a nutritional perspective, "the seasoned experts" have nothing to offer - they are just not very nutritious!

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I have thought a lot about what could happen should they push another fake emergency upon us. How much have people seen to keep them from complying with another round of ruthless idiotic mandates and fear porn?

What is as plain as day is the amount of power and influence that can be easily bought when the controllers run the government, the media, education as well as the banks that print up the cash necessary keep the Ponzi scam running. The day is coming when the too big to fail principle will come crashing down. Once enough of us, upon discovering just how badly we were duped by these lying crooks, will no longer trust them even if the Post tells us that we must. Until that time arrives all we can do is keep pointing out the real failures - the lies, the bullying, the apathy and the fear mongering - and remind ourselves that it’s far better to aspire for the truth than to allow these evil forces to prevail.


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Really well done, Bill.

Please keep ripping those liars, perhaps with an expanded version.

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My old fraternity brother friend Fletcher (a subscriber!) sent me this funny movie clip (from "Little Big Man") reminding me that I am a contrarian.

It's 1 minute and 34 seconds if you need a Tuesday chuckle.


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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Tar and feather? How about piano wire?

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Good article Bill. Will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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"Useful experts"

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It's a limited hangout--a half-assed "apology."

MY APOLOGY. A self-styled “parenting expert” makes a plea for “Pandemic Amnesty.” Listen to Turfseer’s latest hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-aplogyq

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OSS/CIA skull and bones did what?

Jeff Bezos is a member of skull and bones. Trust anything at your absolute peril.

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Yea, Yea they said the exact same thing when they created the Patriot Act after 9-11. How did that work out?

More government control!

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Hi dear Bill, I don't need anyone to tell me not to listen to WashPo, I figured that out on my own back in the Mezozoic. (...And you know what, I used to be a subcriber...) Cheers!

PS The picture you chose is very amusing.

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Doing what you want to do anyway and getting paid too? Doesn't get much better than that. Keep writing and we'll support your habit. If you happen through Crossville Alabama, your old card table looks pretty good to me.

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