Here are the questions I emailed the SEC's main media spokesperson early Monday morning.

Is Pfizer now an official “corporate sponsor” of the SEC Network? Or, as I asked in a follow-up email, of the SEC proper?

When was this sponsorship agreement finalized? Has the SEC publicly announced this sponsorship in any kind of press release? If not, why not? (I have found several other sponsorships that were announced by the SEC Network and companies through press releases).

Regarding the “updated Covid booster shot,” does this commercial and sponsorship partnership mean that the SEC endorses the view that every fan of SEC athletics should get this booster shot?

Is the SEC encouraging its student-athletes, coaches and athletic staff to get these boosters?

Will there be any type of sanctions or extra protocol requirements for athletes and coaches who choose to not get the booster shot (as there was for athletes and coaches who did not get the original vaccines)?

What percentage of SEC student athletes and coaches have already gotten this booster shot?

Is this booster shot required or strongly encouraged for employees at The SEC offices and employees of the SEC Network?

What percentage of employees at the SEC offices have already received the booster? If employees choose to not get the booster, will there be any repercussions for these employees?

Does the SEC believe that the booster shots reduce the likelihood those who get this shot will be infected by the novel coronavirus (and thus develop Covid)?

Does the SEC believe this shot will reduce the incidence of community spread?

Does the SEC believe the boosters only prevent the possibility of “severe” cases of Covid or the possibility of death?

How many SEC student-athletes, coaches and athletic staff members have died from COVID since March 2020?

How many SEC student athletes, coaches and athletic staff members have developed a “severe” case of Covid since March 2020? (I define a “severe” case as one where an infected person was hospitalized for at least two days).

If no athlete, coach, etc. has died from or experienced a severe case in almost three years, why do they need a shot to prevent them from severe outcomes that have never happened?

Asked differently, WHY does the SEC believe everyone should get this Pfizer booster shot?

My early research has found at least one example (Pilot) stating that a corporate sponsorship with the SEC Network requires an annual financial contribution to the Network (or Walt Disney Company) of at least the “mid-7 figures” (which would be several million dollars). Is this correct?

Asked more directly, how much money did Pfizer pay the SEC Network or its parent company to become a corporate sponsor?

Lastly, 13 of the 14 member institutions of the SEC are public universities, meaning they receive tax-payer funding. Should the public be able to learn the answers to the above questions? Does the SEC and its member institutions support the concept of “transparency” and accountability regarding its policies and corporate sponsors?

Thank you very much for your answers and any information that addresses these questions.

Also, please let me know if I could interview yourself or any official with the SEC office for this story.


Bill Rice, Jr.

Follow-up email:

Is the SEC aware of any possible cases of vaccine injuries or adverse events that could be traced to the vaccines?

If so, did doctors follow-up on this possible connection? For example, has any vaccinated athlete been diagnosed with myocarditis after receiving at least one dose of vaccine?

Also, have there been any cases of myocarditis believed to have been caused by the novel coronavirus?

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Woke before all.

Common sense no longer common

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Your first comment and of course it's perfect.

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Omg. We must stop these colleges and universities mandating the shots. I’m aware of several lawsuits in the private sector, first responders, etc. Are there any against a university? If we win just one...

There are so many kids at such risk!

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Did you hear about the court victory for NYC workers' mandates? Just happened. Judge ruled that the mandates were "arbitrary, capricious, and unconstitutional", and ruled that every fired employee is to be reinstated, with back pay. 🏆

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Si. Behold! Some good news for a change. Sanity might not be extinct yet.

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Several college lawsuits have been dismissed (Indiana University, Rutgers University and Santa Clara University). In our Substack that posted earlier today, we included a letter stating that a lawsuit is coming, and we are working to facilitate other lawsuits that we hope will come soon. https://nocollegemandates.substack.com/p/fordham-mandated-the-bivalent-booster

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Fascism is defined as a coalescence of thought between business, government, entertainment, and throw sports into too because why WOULD the new Marxist, progressive (the murdering Soviet state called themselves "progressive") left leave sports alone?

Anything that CAN be exploited and usurped by godless collectivists will be. You either fight them or eventually they kill you and take your stuff.

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Great point Stuart on fascism. The evidence is glaring. I know where my red line is.

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Here's a list of public schools that took blood money. I imagine the only reason this info is available is a disclosure requirement for public school funding.

Keep in mind that schools aren't the only entities to take blood money: corporations (especially those related to healthcare), small businesses, state and local health departments, and even churches took govt and pharma payola as well.


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Thanks for this link!

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Good points, Bill. I should be principled and refuse to watch SEC games. But the Bama games are the only sports I watch.

Since the vaxxes began, I have been concerned that some player--esp. a big lineman--would have some bad vaxx effect. I feel very bad for that kid from Miss. St.

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Thanks, Mark. I must admit I'm surprised no high-profile athlete has died on the field yet (as has happened in many soccer matches and basketball games in other countries). I think there are athletes in America who have died. An Alabama State football player died suddenly in his sleep this summer and this got virtually no attention. An Alabama basketball manager died.

I need to research the Miss State athlete.

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Also the LSU football player who collapsed before the TN game of "dehydration"-he lived but that story disappeared quickly.Also that same week was the Michigan coach who collapsed I believe with a stroke.

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I forgot about those examples. I remember last year a Minnesota running back had some serious medical emergency on the sidelines (he wasn't hurt on any play in the game) that was never explained. He sat our the rest of the season. I need to go back and see if he is playing this year. That always seemed like a possible vaccine injury to me.

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Eli Gold, the Alabama radio announcer, has ads for the vax and booster that run during radio coverage. Every Alabama radio announcer does live in game ads for the vax. Eli has been out this year recovering from illness and it’s hard to wish him well as he is pumping how safe the vaxxine is for kids.

The Pfizer ad that runs in SEC games is very insidious, talking about sports and get togethers are back. You see people living normal lives and having fun in groups. Then the voice over cautions is ‘to keep it that way get your Covid vaxxines and boosters.’ And the ad closes with just the word Pfizer over a clear blue sky.

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I wondered if Eli might have some kind of vaccine-related health condition. Maybe not, but that's always my first thought these days.

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Don’t know about Eli. It has to be serious for him to miss what may be an entire season. He apparently thanked well wishers via a message in which he said that he has lost 100 pounds and is in some sort of residential rehab.

You know when Auburn recently fired football coach Brian Harsin, local journalists were quick to remind everyone how when he was initially hired Harsin refused to reveal his vaccine status to media (horrors) and how he refused, unlike Nick Saban, to do PSAs for the vaccine. (Egads)

I think many in the Alabama sports media never liked him or gave him a fair shake simply because of this.

And while the SEC may not have mandated the vaccine for its employees, ESPN did for people covering the SEC, individual states (including Alabama) did for employees — which Brian Harsin was, and I know coaches pushed the vaccines on their players. Lane Kiffin, currently of Ole Miss, bragged of complete compliance. And there were rumors one of the issues that angered Nick Saban about a particular player who later transferred was his ‘vaccine status.’ (It was suggested he jeopardized the rest of the team!)

I appreciate your digging for info on this.

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Here are some college athlete injuries and deaths that have happened. These are from October alone. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/doctors-baffled-18-year-old-athlete-suffered-cardiac-arrest-tennis-practice/ I don't know if this kid was a college student (but certainly the same age as a first year college student). https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/butler-bulldogs-jalen-thomas-indefinitely-due-blood-clot-lungs/. http://www.nguathletics.com/news/2022/10/6/baseball-ngu-mourns-death-of-student-athlete.aspx and this one https://ycpspartans.com/news/2022/10/8/general-the-spartan-community-mourns-the-loss-of-drew-ruehlicke.aspx None of these are making big news. It is curious why we aren't seeing/hearing more of these from the televised college athletes?

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Thanks for these links!

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In the long haul...humanity has been SINNED AGAINST by corporations who would call mRNA gene therapy "vaccine". That was a lie told for money. I believe this will WILL turn out to be the biggest lie ever told. I'm 63. I've been self employed all my life....independently minded....anti-authority.

The world CHANGED so quickly in the last 3 years. Our population is being primed for world government. We aren't there yet but that's where the fight is....for the USA to accept a world government. I have a PhD bro-in-law....he's totally ready for world government.

I expect before too long there will be a multiplying of fascism ....unless we flood over their cheating this upcoming election. But note....the entire last 20 years of elections have been critical to America's direction....and we are now 31 trillion in debt.

We aren't winning when people like the Pelosis and McConnels and Bidens aren't in jail for grifting.

They ARE destroying America ON PURPOSE and the sooner we realize the sooner they die politically.

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Pfizer should be banned from sponsoring anything EVER

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Scary times, my dear.

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Maybe Sankey should take a course in critical thinking at one of the SEC Universities. The danger of the c19 death jab are very clear if you look at the evidence. Phizer lied about the clinical trial evidence, the jab is not safe nor effective. It is in fact, the most deadly "vaccine" in history with the number still going up. How.many pieces of silver did Sankey sell the SEC sponsorship for? Ignorance is not an excuse.

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I agree. I should have asked if the SEC's "Safety" or "Medical" panel of experts signed off on this sponsorship ... and thus the SEC's apparent endorsement wherein they continue to promote these vaccines. Were these experts polled about whether this was a good idea given all the evidence now available that the vaccines do not prevent infection or spread? And all the evidence (see VAERS, etc.) they are NOT "safe." Again, it seems to me they are opening themselves up to potentially massive future liability.

I also think the copious evidence of (ignored) early spread opens up government agencies and individuals to charges of fraud and cover-ups. They should have known the lockdowns couldn't stop "spread" as spread was already far too extensive to hope to stop transmission of this virus.

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Phizer is banking on their EU immunity granted by the corrupted FDA. However, as I have read lawyers like Todd Calendar and Thomas Renz, the fact that phizer lied about the clinical trials means their EU immunity is null and void. Dailyclout.io led by Naomi Wolfe is doing great work breaking down the evidence Phizer was forced to release. I cannot speak to the legal liability the SEC would have, but I know from a marketing standpoint being associated with the greatest medical scandal in history is probably not the best leadership decision.

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Well said. Thanks. At some point, everyone is going to know what crooks and frauds Pfizer was and that these vaccines didn't do anything they were supposed to do ... and actually were very dangerous to many people. But still the SEC and its member institutions is eager to be a partner with this company and continue to promote its products - even in November 2022. Yes, business professors will/might one day teach this case study of leadership and marketing brilliance. Then again, all the business professors have also signed off on this campaign and partnership.

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As the Roman famous saying says, "fortune favors the bold."

The SEC would become even stronger if it simply stood for the truth and factual evidence. A possible statement for the SEC commissioner with some stones; "The SEC in good conscious can no longer support the COVID 19 gene therapy. Based on deaths and adverse events as a result of the newly defined "vaccine", and an analysis of the risk reward equation for our population of students, it simply does not make sense in light of the clinical evidence."

Given that in TN and FL, states were I have first hand knowledge of the mass migration from NY, ILL and CA to these southern states, a bold leadership position by the SEC would stand for freedom and critical thinking and would appeal to many families with would be college students. And most importantly, would put the SEC on the right side of history. Keep up the good fight Bill.

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Hear! Hear!

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Looks like the SEC has now become a part of Satan's seed, along with NBA, NFL and MLB.

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The love of $ is the root of all kinds of evil, the apostle Paul famously wrote.

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SEC made a deal with the devil. Those never end well.

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Some very excellent thoughts, Bill, most especially (this being America) the looming bogeyman of future liability. The Wuhan Madness luckily only touched the Free Peninsula of Florida in passing, but it infected portions of the country in a very serious way.

I call it "Long Wuhan," which is my name for the ongoing, Stockholm Syndrome-like conviction some people have that all of the crap these petty tinpot dictators thrust upon the bizarrely willing sheeple was "worth it" and - more terrifying - "worked."

Rather than drop it and let us all get on with our lives, they are committed to declaring with their lives - fine - and everyone else's - not at all fine - that kabuki masks, enforced jabs of Pfizer poison, school shutdowns and business lockdowns were all wonderful and should be kept going.

Pfizer's motives are even clearer.

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great article. FJB

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