Two more thoughts I cut for length reasons:

Like many, I’ve come to believe that the concept of evil has been turned on its head, allowing evil acts to be marketed as acts of compassion.

Evil is a master manipulator and deceiver, so cunning that perhaps most people don’t stop to take inventory of evil acts, which are now widely accepted as necessary or even compassionate.

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An example of how the "Evil" group frames their agendas in the context of "Good vs. Evil:"

… Long before the Covid pandemic occurred, the fight against Global Warming (or Climate Change) was framed as a fight against evil people and corporations who want to destroy the planet.

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🙏🏼🙏🏼 My maternal grandmother used to say “The Devil is so successful because no one believes he exists.” I witnessed the evil becoming more pervasive the last 3 decades while raising my children. This evil seeped into Hollywood, social media and the music industry, greatly distracting and redirecting our youth.

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*** For length reasons, I deleted this text from my essay, but I can use the Reader Comments to include it ***

History is replete with examples of fights between “good and evil.” Some of these battles were legitimately framed, while others were no doubt contrived to advance an ulterior and evil agenda.

This country was created from a rebellion against tyranny (which is a form of evil). However, my knowledge of history tells me the king England did not impose any of tyrannical measures cited in the above questions.

President Ronald Reagan was criticized in some circles for labeling the former Soviet Union “an evil empire.” However, for many Americans, any communist, dictatorial government that restricts genuine freedom is and was a form of evil.

In the Soviet Union, free speech was outlawed, dissidents were harassed, the practice of religious faith was discouraged; every person who didn’t comply with the government’s ideology was vilified or considered a threat to the better good.

In the former Soviet Union, the mainstream press published only articles that supported the government’s positions. Travel and freedom of movement were restricted.

Today, practices Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine or Ronald Reagan would decry as evil incarnate are heralded as important features of America’s “New Normal.”

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We could feel the evil some days when we were researching, documenting and writing our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey....and we moved mountains to get it published as it actually provides a road map and identifies many of the most powerful entities and persons that are trying to take over all nations and run the world. This global plan (actually global plans as there are more than one faction of globalists) is still unfolding and our administration is no longer pro-America and pro-democratic republics. we must demand that our elected officials and representatives put America first and work to rebuild our nation, and the rest of the national republics around the world. God bless you Bill, and everyone else who is working in the service of freedom, individualism, and in the service of God. We were born into this time for a reason. We need to face the evil before us and move forward to regain our constitutional rights and responsibilities peacefully.

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Fantastic book.

Thank you for your work.

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Hi Ginger, why did you ban me from your substack? I wish I could have had a reason before I was cut off. (Apologies to Bill for asking on his substack).

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Sadly, though, you have engaged in damaging "friendly fire" towards people you perceive as "rivals" such as Dr Robert Malone, who are working effectively to provide insight and information.

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Malone is thin skinned and his ego got hurt.

Who sues someone for $25 million?

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I like much of what Dr. Malone has done, but if you read his substack you will certainly realize it's more about him than the good fight. He has visions of being our savior and getting full credit for his brilliance. Too much ego for me to read more than just the medical insights.

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Malone has stated a couple of times that he "knows where the bodies are buried."

Yet, he never tells us.

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If you haven't already, read 'The Art of War' By Sun Tzu, then you'll see why Dr Malone is not only "perceived" in the camp of rivals, but he is a rival. Sometimes these kind of people are called gatekeepers for the cabal. If you still think he's on our side after reading it, then you'll realize why it's so hard to wake up people from their deep deep slumber even if they say they're red-pilled.

Before they use to hide it and cover up their crimes (eg Epstien), but now they're on their last leg of enslaving us. In this process, they have a coming out party at our expense. It's called externalization of the hierarchy where they show off their cunning work to deceive to the masses. Dr Malone is part of this externalization and people can't see it because they're not privy to the art of war.

This is how we know we're in the last days because they're revealing, instead of concealing, their evil. This revealing entraps people into realizing that they don't live in a world that they thought they did. Because their mind can't handle this sudden turn of events that their safety might be extremely violated, they compartmentalize the revelation into very dark recesses of their brain as if they never heard it. At the same time, they despise you for even thinking such a thing could exist. Again, they're not privy to the art of war.

The elite know how the brain works and are using it against us. They've conducted experiments for many millenniums for the sole purpose of carrying out a final war without the people realizing it's a dualistic war on their own people.

Almost every nation in the world has now implemented Noahide Laws without their citizens knowledge. These are the "Great Reset" laws that enslave the whole world all at the same time.


The Art of War By Sun Tzu


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For the citizens of our nation, the battle that matters is the battle between freedom and those who espouse greater control by central authorities.

However, those with deep religious faith must rightfully worry about a nation and its citizens who are losing their individual and collective souls.

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"The alternative is letting these people - the forces of evil - ruin this nation"

Actually, it's destroying the (Western) world as we know it - mainly the countries that signed off the liability clauses of the Pfizer agreements, as the toxic gene jabs weren't shipped to countries that didn't. Not yet anyway. No doubt Gates / WEF / WHO etc. pressure will mount for further politicians to comply, though it's difficult to see how that will be achieved since the mRNA jabs have now been exposed as highly toxic or lethal to (hundreds of?) millions. The bad news is that practically unlimited funds are available to get the world jabbed as per the original, diabolical plan of Gates & company.

The sheer dimension of the global mass murder reminds me of an Epoch Times article by Naomi Wolfe ("We Need a Big Awakening") last summer with the ending paragraphs as follows:

"We are in a time when people must decide: "What am I on this planet for?" Those who cling to lies and their professional position, their children will live as slaves - and so will they.

It is time to be brave, because if we are a little brave now, we won't have to be horribly brave in the near future ... I also believe that we are in a time of growing spirituality, in a biblical moment. And I also believe that there is a metaphysical level that goes beyond the material and political attack on us when we react.

I speak only for myself, but I feel that it is part of it, the nature of the evil that is unfolding around us ... The way the mRNA “vaccines” target the foetus, the amniotic membrane (inner layer of the placenta) and lactation (milk production) is an evil beyond what the Nazis were able to achieve. It is an evil of Miltonic proportions.

I have looked at it from all sides, and I will only say this much: I cannot explain it in terms of purely human material processes. It has an element of sophistication, scale and magnitude that really seems to me beyond the human. It also has an element of massive existential evil.

I'm Jewish, we don't have a distinct idea of Satan, but it seems to be malevolent forces that can accomplish things beyond what humans can accomplish.

So I have started to believe more in God in a literal sense, because these malevolent forces seem to be directed against good. What is divine? The human face, which according to my tradition is an image of God. The human body, which is made in the image of God. Love, which according to many religious traditions is a manifestation of the divine. The family.

It is as if all the things that are under attack are part of the divine in our human journey on this planet. I don't know how to proceed here, but it seems that we are in a moment where we can - in addition to all the other things we can do, and I'm just speaking for myself here - we can pray.

We don't have the option as human beings to get out of this situation. It is too big. I believe that it takes a great awakening to get out of it. And for myself, asking for divine help has worked before.

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I just finished Naomi Wolf's excellent book. The book influenced this column as I think she agrees with many of us.

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It's a great book. She is a brave rock star in this fight.

More recently her volunteers published the truth after the deeply analyzed the 55k page Pfizer Pfraud document dump. It is a stunning read.

Worth every penny the $11.


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The Bodies of Others? I bought it for my daughters to read.

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Yes. I thought it was very good with some original points and lots of evidence to support the author's points.

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I love Naomi Wolf’s work. I have not read the book yet, but will.

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I bought 5 copies for my daughters and employees.

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She has a great substack too!

She is on the leading edge of discovering the evil con we have experienced.


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Your comment is amazing. I wish l could give you a million "likes" as l agree with every word!

May God bless you!

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God bless you John! What an insightful comment. This is certainly a spiritual battle. I think many of us can feel it deep down in the very fiber of our being. I pray that you and your family are kept safe throughout these trying times and that you will continually be filled with faith, courage, wisdom, compassion, empathy, hope and love.

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Highly recommended link. Some reporters are trying to ask questions ... which of course the CEO wouldn't answer.

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God bless these reporters. That was fantastic. Very telling that Bourla didn't even attempt to answer one of their questions.

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They made another good point. Nobody from the mainstream press - those who got credentials and were allowed inside - would ask any of these type questions.

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Watching those reporters from Rebel News question Bourla sent chills up and down my spine. That took a lot of courage. We all need to follow suit.

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I just found this excellent article from Expose News that reports some of the excess death figures in the 0 to 44 age cohorts. The sources, according to story authors, are the CDC and the ONS, the UK's data-compilation agency.

The statistics show massive increase in "all cause" deaths among the young ... after the roll-out of the vaccines. The exact opposite was supposed to happen.

One excerpt:

“The year 2021, was by and far the worst, however, with 27,227 more excess deaths by week 40 following the roll-out of the Covid-19 injection than what occurred in 2020 at the height of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.”

The authors also included data from the ONS in the UK (which produces better data than the U.S. government, although this agency probably tries to hide scandalous statistics as well).


“The data shows that triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were 52% more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds in May (2021), with a mortality rate of 21.4 per 100k among the triple vaccinated and 14.1 among the unvaccinated.”

“… In regard to Covid-19 deaths, the ONS reveals that the mortality rate among unvaccinated children aged 10 to 14 equates to 0.31. But in regards to one-dose vaccinated children the mortality rate equates to 3.24 per 100,000 person-years, and in regards to triple vaccinated children the mortality rate equates to a shocking 41.29 per 100,000 person-years.

“… However, the rate goes from bad to worse following the administration of each injection. The all-cause death mortality rate equates to 97.28 among double-vaccinated children, and a shocking 289.02 per 100,000 person-years among triple-vaccinated children.

“This means, according to the UK Governments’ own official data, double vaccinated children are 1422% / 15.22x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children. Whilst triple vaccinated children are 4423% / 45.23x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children.”

The article contains many excellent charts and graphs and is definitely worth a read IMO.


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What bothered me the most were the people in the hospitals and nursing homes who were not allowed to have visitors.

Imagine having a family member in a nursing home and that person felt like everyone abandoned them.

Or having a family member in a hospital who was treated with Fauci's NIH protocol of Remdesivir and a ventilator and no one was allowed in to advocate for them.

Horrible and cruel and murderous...and it was all on purpose.

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And that's without considering places where they had the local law enforcement remove family from the hospital, and then gave the patient the death protocols. There's a point at which "doing my job" becomes evil as well.

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Yes, those officers were good little Nazis.

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Truly evil. Many of the nurses started referring to "Remdesivir" as "Run-Death-Is-Near." I had two friends die from what I believe was a denial of "alternative" treatment options in the ER. I never thought I'd be afraid to go to the ER for an illness, but I was during the heart of the plandemic. Unfortunately, many of us no longer trust our once trustworthy institutions, but I think that's just part of the diabolical plan. They want us to be so demoralized that we are craving a leader to save us. Eventually, I believe that leader will be revealed as "the son of perdition." The leader will be very charismatic, persuasive, appear to genuinely care about the best interests of the common person, and appear to be extinguishing evil - even performing seemingly miraculous feats. The devil always disguises himself as an angel of light and his greatest trick was convincing people he does not exist.

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Great post, Blair. You made some of the big points I wanted to make or tried to make.

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No problem Bill! You're a fantastic writer, filled with wisdom and insight. I appreciate you! Thank you so very much for your contributions. God bless you my friend.

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Thanks, Blair. I just got an email, showing you subscribed for an entire year. Thank you so much for the support. Please post often!

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Anytime Bill! Thank you! Will do!

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Yes, yes, yes!

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Yes... It's beyond me that suddenly all medical professionnals, knowing their medication and

life-saving protocols allied together to make sure there was a "broom clean intervention" going on against our hospitalized older folks. They all knew (and assessed through observation!) what the Run-death-is-near, narcotic coktails, ventilator and isolation from family were doing. Heck they were letting our grand-parents lying in their feces and denied them water and food. To this day I still don't grasp the mass hypnosis and silence.

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Could it be that if we scratch the thin veneer of respectability and professionalism, there is a good chance that most medical professionals are uncaring murderers?

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I'm not sure how they referred to themselves once the work day was over and they go back home to a spouse or children. As an uncaring murderer? Maybe they should have taken a good look at their face in the mirror. That day they have been a witness and accomplice in killing helpless souls. Ok, it's between God and them at the end. In the meantime they should be facing a judge explaining "I was just following orders".

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I could see them not knowing any better at first when Remdesiver and the ventilator were used.

One death. Two deaths. Three deaths max.

They saw what was going on and continued to use the deadly protocol.

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Yes. Not the heroes they were lauded to be at all!

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I will never trust them again.

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Brilliant and True. All the best evidence is right before our eyes, clearly revealed. We’re being tested by God just as He prophesied.

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3 questions for those that want your vote.

1 Did you support biz and school closures ?

2 Did you support home lockdowns ?

3 Did you support Vax mandates ?

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Hear! Hear!

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If the answer is no.

Next 3 questions

1 Did you speak out against biz and school closures?

2 Did you speak out against home lockdowns?

3 Did you speak out on Vax mandates?

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I think you’re incredibly accurate, Bill.

Wish everyone could read this.

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We are in the midst of a spiritual warfare; satan, beautiful angel - the head of all the angels in heaven, (I refuse to capitalize his name) wanted to BE God, conquer Him if you will, put himself above God. Mistake. Thou shall have no other gods besides Me. I Am is the true holy God. God dispatched him from heaven; he roams to & fro on the earth. He tempted Jesus in the wilderness. He perverts everything that is good.

To deny he exists is folly; he’s real, he comes to steal, kill, destroy. He’s the prince of darkness.

The good news is his time of evil reign will end & he will burn in the Lake of Fire forever. Only God knows the hour.

I agree that covid has exposed his evil minions (I call them); we know who follows him overtly or not. Once such a person crosses in to satan’s territory he’s under the influence of him.

Corrie ten Boom told an allegory to explain that spiritual concept. One can enter satan’s territory on purpose or inadvertently. Result same; you’re his.Not to say like Flip Wilson(look it up🤣) saying “the devil made me do it.” We are still accountable for our actions.

God sent His Holy Spirit to us; any goodness we see is bc the HS is still in this world. Can you fathom the day He’s removed, & only evil is left? Think it’s bad now.... just wait.

I also agree with another commenter that many have become more aware of God & perhaps more spiritual in their daily lives.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

Conversely a nation which mocks God or forgets Him can’t be blessed.

It’s up to us.

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“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14

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There was recently such a potential leader as you describe: Eric Zemmour in France. He lost the French presidential election, partly due to the powerful forces aligned against him employing their usual toolkit (lies, slander, propaganda etc). Here is the remarkable Christmas address to his countrymen he, a Jew, recorded (with English subtitles.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfJyAHnbI8E&t=3s

I agree that visionary leadership (by which I mean someone who diagnoses the problem we face accurately and provides direction) would greatly help our country. Much as I am grateful for many of President Trump's policies, he was wrong about the absurd "Operation Warp Speed." And in America, "the people" chose more of the same in the two major elections we have had recently. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm praying.

Undoubtedly you are right that there are spiritual forces at play like we've never seen before in this country at least. They are vividly presented in Ephesians 6 and at the end of the day, the only way to effectively counter the "cosmic powers over this present darkness" is to put on - through faith in Christ - the spiritual armor (of truth, the Word of God, Christ's righteousness, prayer etc) there described.

Your thoughts and insights are much appreciated.

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Juliet, I'm French Canadian and was able to listen to this man's speech. Eventhough I'm no longer Catholic, -I'm protestant now- I cherish this man's audacity. He talks about our dear Judeo-Christian values on which our Western world founded its way of living and denounces the devastating effect of communism. It's brilliant, but somehow not what the people want to hear: money, vain and proud political promises. Thank you to have shared this, I wish our leaders were like him.

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The people did not choose more of the same- clearly fraudulent elections both 2020 and 22!!

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Thank-you for that link. That speech was amazing! He is (at least seems to be) exactly what the world needs in a leader.

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The global dishonesty, lunacy & cruelty of the scamdemic “measures” from the very start led me to know this was the devil’s work. Confirmed w/ the “vaccine” mandates & passports that further ramped up discord, discrimination & distrust of each other & the Davos set admitting the plans for us out loud

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It has always been obvious to me that this has been a battle between good and evil. It's why we do what we do. Linking your article tomorrow, Bill @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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