"We literally locked down our world, without bothering to repeat China’s initial findings. Adding insult to injury, China’s ‘stop the spread’ measures were imitated without question."
"The response from our world leaders was shocking. They were quiet and complicit. To make matters worse, questioning or opposing voices were suppressed and ridiculed.
"Dissension came from prominent doctors, respected scientists, immunologists, vaccine researchers, and virologists. They voiced many concerns, but no one could hear. The media championed political expert opinions, while the real experts were discounted and dismissed. This was truly devastating time to be alive. "
Here's the ICRMA statement, attempting to counter all the "Misinformation" that's still getting out into the world. See if you agree with me, that just about every statement is ... a lie.
And here's some info about this group's current director ... a former Big Pharma lobbyist!
The Chair of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) is Ms Emer Cooke.
Emer Cooke began her mandate as ICMRA Chair on 16 November 2020.
She has over 30 years of experience in international regulatory affairs, with more than 18 of these in leadership roles. Before taking up her current role, she was the Director responsible for all medical product-related regulatory activities at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva between November 2016 and November 2020.
Ms Cooke worked at EMA between 2002 and 2016, holding various positions including Head of Inspections and Head of International Affairs. Prior to that, she was Principal Administrator in the Pharmaceuticals Unit of the European Commission between 1998 and 2002, with responsibility for inspections, international activities and legislative initiatives.
Ms Cooke worked for the European Federation of Pharmaceutical industries and Associations (EFPIA) as Manager of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs from 1992 to 1995 and from 1996 to 1998. She also worked part-time as an independent pharmaceutical policy advisor from 1996 to 1998.
Ms Cooke worked in the Irish pharmaceutical sector between 1985 and 1991, including two years as a pharmaceutical assessor at the Irish medicines regulatory authority.
Vaccine misinformation leading individuals to decline vaccination has very likely led to many more deaths than adverse effects of the vaccines.....note how "very likely" has become a fact, an absolute truth. How they can make a statement like that and get away with it is beyond me.
What this is in effect is a coalition of all the corrupt regulatory agencies worldwide like the FDA, CDC, EMA, etc., who are the puppets of Big Pharma, and use lies, fraud, and corruption to create profits for all of them and spread, death, disability and disease - which creates more profits - And this group has formed to basically claim that as an 'independent' global non-profit they can confirm that what they did was 'safe and effective.' It's truly laughable but also grossly genocidal. And that women are the new Nazis running so many of this type of agency is sickening too.
They have no shame. I briefly skimmed the statement and they actually claim that Covid caused more cases of myocarditis in young people than the vaccine does? And that the disease was serious in children, with potential life long consequences?!! What are they smoking over there? Obviously a hallucinogenic substance of some sort.
This may sound bizarre but have you ever wondered if the lying was so deliberate that next time when they do actually tell the truth (lets say bio-terrorism) no one will beleive a word and they'll kill us that way instead?
You can’t put anything past these psychopaths but I believe they expected more from the plandemic 1 and we’re hoping the international health pass would remain and we’d need continuous COVID vaxxes to do most things - so they kind of failed - I think the next one they’ll do harder with an illness that will affect kids coz then people will attack anyone who might put the kids in danger- more vacces forced on us lockdowns back to closing the world and that time they’ll stop us demonstrating coz if we do they’ll cut off our access to cbdcs- in fact anything they deem wrong will be problematic
I wrote about the serial lying a while ago. It's just continued. Maybe, re: the shots, we can take some comfort in the very low uptake of boosters. People are recognizing and repudiating the lies via their conduct.
But yes, all the lies are exasperating. They just won't stop.
This is what I wrote. It has an SEC football nexus.
A funny Joseph Heller quote. He told an interviewer that "People tell me I never (again) wrote anything as good as Catch-22. I tell them, "Neither did anyone else."
The theme of this column probably isn't too original, but I do wonder is there a cut-off point where the next lie is too many? I couldn't finish Catch-22. I recognized it was brilliant, but it was too maddening. Even 30 years ago, I got the book's truths. But the insanity is a lot worse today IMO. Now I've got to go read your piece. I'm a big Elvis Costello fan.
Lol...yep. Same BS in my feed today. The more I read..the more rabbit holes. Honestly I don’t even think I’ll ever darken the door of an allopathic doctors office again! Maybe an overreaction but...
I haven't darkened the door of any doctor or dentist for a decade now and never felt healthier. I took my health in my own hands and do a lot of preventive things. I make my own herb tinctures, I use a lot of sun, fresh air and move every day. Nothing extreme, just how we used to live. I regularily detox with coffee enemas. I take MMS drops daily, rinse my mouth with mild hydrgen peroxide, I eat whole foods and avoid all sorts of toxic foods as much as I can. I invested in a high quality water filter. I do fasting, hardly eat any processed carbs or rancid oils. I learned to listen to my body. I experiment with all sorts of supplements and drugs. It is work but well worth it and fun. Its not that difficult at all. I can count my sick days on ten years on two hands. I am 60. Everyone can do this if they take full responsibility for their own health. But the medical fear propaganda is powerful.
"Everyone can do this if they take full responsibility for their own health.". Why would they do that when they take no responsibility for any of their other bad choices?
There are some good, honest doctors, in it to really help people. I met some when I was my mother’s medical advocate, especially the last ones that we saw, who did not want to put her on any medication. One, a urologist, who saw her mother decline into dementia from one of the drugs she was given, so she was very cautious. But we got the same response from an endocrinologist, a podiatrist, gastroenterologist and a neurologist. My mother went to many doctors and was on several harmful meds . She thought doctors walked on water, because her father was an orthopedic surgeon, and she adored him. I was truly impressed by these doctors. They understood that pharma doesn’t heal and often causes more harm!
Good article, Bill, and thanks for thes heads up on Dee's substack, Will probably start following that one. Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
I am indeed exhausted with the relentless obvious lies (3 years of the madness and it keeps getting worse), of the absurd attacks on free speech called misinformation, of not being able to talk with my husband any longer (as - according to him- I have joined the right wing-conspiracy theorists-climate denialists-nutters while he proudly supports the Ukraine and has no issue with authorities controlling freedom of speech). My government would happily put me out of my misery (I live in Kanada) yet the last thing I want is to give it all up as they want me to. I am fucking frustrated and furious.
I'm an Englishwoman aged 64, and never fell for any of the evil lies from the Establishment, re. what's been taking place since early 2020 (I've been 'awake' for 40-45 years, re. many things).
I'm the only one in my family who's 'awake', and only two of my friends are also awake. Am the only one who refused to comply with the evil injections. My younger brother [now 57] subjected me to vile verbal ridicule and abuse, from the start, for telling them all what's really going on. He (amongst other things...) said "Hah, you're a conspiracy theorist!", and all the other ridiculing terms he could throw at me.
Like you, I too am furious (incandescent with rage, actually...) with all the 'sheep' who've gone along with the 'official narrative' as a result of their extreme gullibility, brainwashedness, naivete, and uninformedness, and hence subjected we properly-informed people around the world to vile, unwarranted ridicule and abuse. And, by going along with the scam, they're putting the human race in such peril.
My longtime partner passed in 2019; he was 70. I think that he, too, would have fallen for the scam. And that might have caused problems for our relationship.
One question, please, if I may. WHY are you spelling Canada with a K??? It's spelt with a C...
Canada is the democratic country I thought I was immigrating to, 25 years ago; Kanada is the authoritarian country that it has turned into- apparently 3 years ago, although there are a number of dark episodes in its history (one less known than the obvious mistreatment of the First Nations is the deportation of the Japanese immigrants into camps and the confiscation of their assets during WWII) - so that darkness was possibly always there and I was not awake to see it...
OK... I'm well aware of how bad things are in Canada, the last 3+ years, with your Trudeau at the helm... but I still don't understand why you'd spell your adopted country with a K.
I'm aware that Americans, for some strange reason, spell some words that should be spelt with a C, with a K... a prime example being what Americans refer to as 'EKG', when of course it should be 'ECG': for the word 'cardiac' of course begins with a C, and not a K.
My concern is how the lies become a matter of law. That is, it becomes a truth in the eyes of the law. Up here, where there appears to be a shortage of intelligent and courageous judges, they simply accept public health edicts and narratives. That's fine but what makes this highly problematic, if not dangerous to a free society, is they're hostile to any evidence to the contrary. They refuse to listen to the evidence. Here in Quebec, judges believe those with dissenting views are 'conspiracy theories'. In one case in 2022, a lawyer attempted to make the point that the clinical trials weren't due to end until 2023 as per Pfizer's own documents. The judge retorted that was her 'opinion' despite her having cited the document showing this! From the Federal all the way to municipal courts, the judicial system in Canada has spectacularly failed Canadians. And this is a function of the fact we have, it turns out, weak protections where civil rights are concerned.
Canada talks a mean game, but it doesn't put its money where its mouth is when it matters most.
I have a saying that I may have picked up from my grandparents or made up. I'm not sure where it came from..."lie a little, lie a lot". If someone is willing to lie a little they have no problem lying a lot. If they are willing to tell little lies then they are willing to tell big lies.
this is excellent - thanks for the link. I've read the first part - his thoughts on reproduction rates were actually helpful to me. I think the R number was 2 to 3 ... in November and December 2019 and January 2020. He thought it was 2 in April 2020.
the satanists' plan to kill off all nonsatanists is called a holocaust in LXX and is ancient, mentioned in all scripture (but erased by satanist scribes using a systematic shorthand code). "Afar off" is associated with the omitted word "holocaust" everywhere it happens. It is way older than 2020.
The lock downs gave everyone a window of time to think a period of grace. Perhaps what we now confront is the specter of their decisions. Sobering is it not?
Lies will not stop and we “skeptics” must not stop calling them out. I actually consider it a badge of honor whenI get censored on FB or other social media platforms when I speak the truth.
I really don’t think they care if some of us see this they’re just never ever going to change their tune ; they have an agenda and they’re working for the globalist enslavement plan; they will stop at nothing and it’s all been meticulously planned but they do underestimate us as I believe they see us as actual cattle needing “management “
Not my original words, but from a beautiful meditation, I listen to called Making Your Life Sacred by Sarah Blondin- “I don’t feel capable of being here.” That’s exactly how I feel.
''The vast majority of side effects are mild and temporary. However, safety monitoring (pharmacovigilance) systems have identified some very rare (occurring in less than 1 in 10,000 people) but serious side effects.''
In the UK alone that would amount to 8,000 people seriously injured or worse by these death-shots. So far we have over 2,000 PROVEN case of death because OF the 'vaccines'
'Medicines regulators around the world have put in place measures to reduce the risk of harm from these side effects.'
Yes, they refuse to acknowledge that people are actually injured or bead because OF the 'vaccines' This they believe will get them off the hook.
Here's another excerpt from Nurse Dee I really like:
"We literally locked down our world, without bothering to repeat China’s initial findings. Adding insult to injury, China’s ‘stop the spread’ measures were imitated without question."
"The response from our world leaders was shocking. They were quiet and complicit. To make matters worse, questioning or opposing voices were suppressed and ridiculed.
"Dissension came from prominent doctors, respected scientists, immunologists, vaccine researchers, and virologists. They voiced many concerns, but no one could hear. The media championed political expert opinions, while the real experts were discounted and dismissed. This was truly devastating time to be alive. "
Here's the ICRMA statement, attempting to counter all the "Misinformation" that's still getting out into the world. See if you agree with me, that just about every statement is ... a lie.
And here's some info about this group's current director ... a former Big Pharma lobbyist!
The Chair of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) is Ms Emer Cooke.
Emer Cooke began her mandate as ICMRA Chair on 16 November 2020.
She has over 30 years of experience in international regulatory affairs, with more than 18 of these in leadership roles. Before taking up her current role, she was the Director responsible for all medical product-related regulatory activities at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva between November 2016 and November 2020.
Ms Cooke worked at EMA between 2002 and 2016, holding various positions including Head of Inspections and Head of International Affairs. Prior to that, she was Principal Administrator in the Pharmaceuticals Unit of the European Commission between 1998 and 2002, with responsibility for inspections, international activities and legislative initiatives.
Ms Cooke worked for the European Federation of Pharmaceutical industries and Associations (EFPIA) as Manager of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs from 1992 to 1995 and from 1996 to 1998. She also worked part-time as an independent pharmaceutical policy advisor from 1996 to 1998.
Ms Cooke worked in the Irish pharmaceutical sector between 1985 and 1991, including two years as a pharmaceutical assessor at the Irish medicines regulatory authority.
Another bag lady with a hell of a lot of baggage 🧳. No doubt she listens to what she says and believes what she hears. Living In a WHO hell WHO’ILL.
Vaccine misinformation leading individuals to decline vaccination has very likely led to many more deaths than adverse effects of the vaccines.....note how "very likely" has become a fact, an absolute truth. How they can make a statement like that and get away with it is beyond me.
Yep. They are also experts at inserting qualifiers like "very likely."
I've become an expert at picking up on all those weasel-word qualifiers. You've picked up on the same language I have.
What this is in effect is a coalition of all the corrupt regulatory agencies worldwide like the FDA, CDC, EMA, etc., who are the puppets of Big Pharma, and use lies, fraud, and corruption to create profits for all of them and spread, death, disability and disease - which creates more profits - And this group has formed to basically claim that as an 'independent' global non-profit they can confirm that what they did was 'safe and effective.' It's truly laughable but also grossly genocidal. And that women are the new Nazis running so many of this type of agency is sickening too.
They have no shame. I briefly skimmed the statement and they actually claim that Covid caused more cases of myocarditis in young people than the vaccine does? And that the disease was serious in children, with potential life long consequences?!! What are they smoking over there? Obviously a hallucinogenic substance of some sort.
I see it a little bit different.
Keep your society confused.
Tell them not to judge.
Tell them they have no responsibilities/accountability.
Give them plausible denialability.
"I didn't know, it's not my fault"
Most of our society accepts this.
This may sound bizarre but have you ever wondered if the lying was so deliberate that next time when they do actually tell the truth (lets say bio-terrorism) no one will beleive a word and they'll kill us that way instead?
You can’t put anything past these psychopaths but I believe they expected more from the plandemic 1 and we’re hoping the international health pass would remain and we’d need continuous COVID vaxxes to do most things - so they kind of failed - I think the next one they’ll do harder with an illness that will affect kids coz then people will attack anyone who might put the kids in danger- more vacces forced on us lockdowns back to closing the world and that time they’ll stop us demonstrating coz if we do they’ll cut off our access to cbdcs- in fact anything they deem wrong will be problematic
Yes. This is why I ruthlessly evaluate information with discernment.
Bill, that's another really good column. Thanks.
I wrote about the serial lying a while ago. It's just continued. Maybe, re: the shots, we can take some comfort in the very low uptake of boosters. People are recognizing and repudiating the lies via their conduct.
But yes, all the lies are exasperating. They just won't stop.
This is what I wrote. It has an SEC football nexus.
A funny Joseph Heller quote. He told an interviewer that "People tell me I never (again) wrote anything as good as Catch-22. I tell them, "Neither did anyone else."
The theme of this column probably isn't too original, but I do wonder is there a cut-off point where the next lie is too many? I couldn't finish Catch-22. I recognized it was brilliant, but it was too maddening. Even 30 years ago, I got the book's truths. But the insanity is a lot worse today IMO. Now I've got to go read your piece. I'm a big Elvis Costello fan.
Lol...yep. Same BS in my feed today. The more I read..the more rabbit holes. Honestly I don’t even think I’ll ever darken the door of an allopathic doctors office again! Maybe an overreaction but...
I haven't darkened the door of any doctor or dentist for a decade now and never felt healthier. I took my health in my own hands and do a lot of preventive things. I make my own herb tinctures, I use a lot of sun, fresh air and move every day. Nothing extreme, just how we used to live. I regularily detox with coffee enemas. I take MMS drops daily, rinse my mouth with mild hydrgen peroxide, I eat whole foods and avoid all sorts of toxic foods as much as I can. I invested in a high quality water filter. I do fasting, hardly eat any processed carbs or rancid oils. I learned to listen to my body. I experiment with all sorts of supplements and drugs. It is work but well worth it and fun. Its not that difficult at all. I can count my sick days on ten years on two hands. I am 60. Everyone can do this if they take full responsibility for their own health. But the medical fear propaganda is powerful.
"Everyone can do this if they take full responsibility for their own health.". Why would they do that when they take no responsibility for any of their other bad choices?
There are some good, honest doctors, in it to really help people. I met some when I was my mother’s medical advocate, especially the last ones that we saw, who did not want to put her on any medication. One, a urologist, who saw her mother decline into dementia from one of the drugs she was given, so she was very cautious. But we got the same response from an endocrinologist, a podiatrist, gastroenterologist and a neurologist. My mother went to many doctors and was on several harmful meds . She thought doctors walked on water, because her father was an orthopedic surgeon, and she adored him. I was truly impressed by these doctors. They understood that pharma doesn’t heal and often causes more harm!
I hear you.
And when will they be prosecuted and executed for their murder.
They won't.
Does "never" suggest anything to you?
Good article, Bill, and thanks for thes heads up on Dee's substack, Will probably start following that one. Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Thanks as always, Watchman! We don't have many nurse sub stackers so I think it's good to highlight such brave (and smart) voices.
I am indeed exhausted with the relentless obvious lies (3 years of the madness and it keeps getting worse), of the absurd attacks on free speech called misinformation, of not being able to talk with my husband any longer (as - according to him- I have joined the right wing-conspiracy theorists-climate denialists-nutters while he proudly supports the Ukraine and has no issue with authorities controlling freedom of speech). My government would happily put me out of my misery (I live in Kanada) yet the last thing I want is to give it all up as they want me to. I am fucking frustrated and furious.
very tough situation not to be on the same page as your husband. My deepest sympathies.
Thank you! At least I have found a refuge on Substack with like-minded people; my new tribe.
you are superior to your 'husband'. Be comforted, take up celibacy, besides, he may be a vax-shedder.
See my reply under this same article for the key to freedom.
I'm an Englishwoman aged 64, and never fell for any of the evil lies from the Establishment, re. what's been taking place since early 2020 (I've been 'awake' for 40-45 years, re. many things).
I'm the only one in my family who's 'awake', and only two of my friends are also awake. Am the only one who refused to comply with the evil injections. My younger brother [now 57] subjected me to vile verbal ridicule and abuse, from the start, for telling them all what's really going on. He (amongst other things...) said "Hah, you're a conspiracy theorist!", and all the other ridiculing terms he could throw at me.
Like you, I too am furious (incandescent with rage, actually...) with all the 'sheep' who've gone along with the 'official narrative' as a result of their extreme gullibility, brainwashedness, naivete, and uninformedness, and hence subjected we properly-informed people around the world to vile, unwarranted ridicule and abuse. And, by going along with the scam, they're putting the human race in such peril.
My longtime partner passed in 2019; he was 70. I think that he, too, would have fallen for the scam. And that might have caused problems for our relationship.
One question, please, if I may. WHY are you spelling Canada with a K??? It's spelt with a C...
Canada is the democratic country I thought I was immigrating to, 25 years ago; Kanada is the authoritarian country that it has turned into- apparently 3 years ago, although there are a number of dark episodes in its history (one less known than the obvious mistreatment of the First Nations is the deportation of the Japanese immigrants into camps and the confiscation of their assets during WWII) - so that darkness was possibly always there and I was not awake to see it...
OK... I'm well aware of how bad things are in Canada, the last 3+ years, with your Trudeau at the helm... but I still don't understand why you'd spell your adopted country with a K.
I'm aware that Americans, for some strange reason, spell some words that should be spelt with a C, with a K... a prime example being what Americans refer to as 'EKG', when of course it should be 'ECG': for the word 'cardiac' of course begins with a C, and not a K.
My concern is how the lies become a matter of law. That is, it becomes a truth in the eyes of the law. Up here, where there appears to be a shortage of intelligent and courageous judges, they simply accept public health edicts and narratives. That's fine but what makes this highly problematic, if not dangerous to a free society, is they're hostile to any evidence to the contrary. They refuse to listen to the evidence. Here in Quebec, judges believe those with dissenting views are 'conspiracy theories'. In one case in 2022, a lawyer attempted to make the point that the clinical trials weren't due to end until 2023 as per Pfizer's own documents. The judge retorted that was her 'opinion' despite her having cited the document showing this! From the Federal all the way to municipal courts, the judicial system in Canada has spectacularly failed Canadians. And this is a function of the fact we have, it turns out, weak protections where civil rights are concerned.
Canada talks a mean game, but it doesn't put its money where its mouth is when it matters most.
I have a saying that I may have picked up from my grandparents or made up. I'm not sure where it came from..."lie a little, lie a lot". If someone is willing to lie a little they have no problem lying a lot. If they are willing to tell little lies then they are willing to tell big lies.
Also, once you've told so many lies, you have to invent new lies to cover-up your previous lies.
All the lies were part of The Plan. The First Pandemic, by Bill Gates, April 23, 2020.
I have posted this elsewhere today because it is skeemingly cold and prophetic, or all according to plan. How much of the world is run like this?
Hope some take a few minutes to read it and view all the scamdemic lying with clear eyes.
this is excellent - thanks for the link. I've read the first part - his thoughts on reproduction rates were actually helpful to me. I think the R number was 2 to 3 ... in November and December 2019 and January 2020. He thought it was 2 in April 2020.
the satanists' plan to kill off all nonsatanists is called a holocaust in LXX and is ancient, mentioned in all scripture (but erased by satanist scribes using a systematic shorthand code). "Afar off" is associated with the omitted word "holocaust" everywhere it happens. It is way older than 2020.
The lock downs gave everyone a window of time to think a period of grace. Perhaps what we now confront is the specter of their decisions. Sobering is it not?
Lies will not stop and we “skeptics” must not stop calling them out. I actually consider it a badge of honor whenI get censored on FB or other social media platforms when I speak the truth.
It is a flag of honor ... when your posts are flagged for "misinformation." It's also an IQ or common-sense test.
I really don’t think they care if some of us see this they’re just never ever going to change their tune ; they have an agenda and they’re working for the globalist enslavement plan; they will stop at nothing and it’s all been meticulously planned but they do underestimate us as I believe they see us as actual cattle needing “management “
Not my original words, but from a beautiful meditation, I listen to called Making Your Life Sacred by Sarah Blondin- “I don’t feel capable of being here.” That’s exactly how I feel.
''The vast majority of side effects are mild and temporary. However, safety monitoring (pharmacovigilance) systems have identified some very rare (occurring in less than 1 in 10,000 people) but serious side effects.''
In the UK alone that would amount to 8,000 people seriously injured or worse by these death-shots. So far we have over 2,000 PROVEN case of death because OF the 'vaccines'
'Medicines regulators around the world have put in place measures to reduce the risk of harm from these side effects.'
Yes, they refuse to acknowledge that people are actually injured or bead because OF the 'vaccines' This they believe will get them off the hook.