In my last paragraph, I observe that "all" the same experts and authorities are "still in power." Someone might point out that Anthony Fauci is now retired and thus no longer in the power cabal.

However, I strongly suspect that Dr. Fauci is NOT spending his retirement chilling on his back deck working crossword puzzles. He's STILL working 16-hour days helping master-mind all the cover-ups that must occur. And we can be sure his replacement at the NIAID is a Fauci disciple.

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For those who have not read Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci (which I called "the most important book of our lifetimes" in a book review), I also took the time to present 18 excerpts from the book in a sidebar article. These excerpts show that the book deals with far more than just Covid issues.

I believe the first two excerpts are particularly significant as Kennedy goes back to Rockefeller and the beginning of the "pill for any ill" new science. He also highlights the second part of Ike's famous Farewell Address. It's not just the "Military Industrial Complex" that scared Eisenhower, it was the Science/Government Complex.


These excerpts should show how much research RFK, Jr. has done, and that he's especially adept at connecting dots and identifying key and disturbing trends in public health.

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I asked a couple of my providers at the VA hospital I go to if they had read "The Real Anthony Fauci."

Glazed look. No clue what I was talking about.

Sad there is no quest for knowledge, or a different opinion, in the medical community.

But hey, the VA is still pushing covid shots giving veterans one more chance to die for their country.

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It's not surprising they haven't read it ... because mention of the book was CENSORED in the MSM. For example, I am not aware of ONE newspaper that even ran a book review (and the book was the No. 1 international non-fiction seller for months!)

Most Independent book store owners also don't even sell the book. They also know its contents are taboo and go against "The Current Thing." As I pointed out in a recent article, such book store owners seem to be supporting the banning of books that don't square with the authorized narrative.

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Negligent cowardly colluders !

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Speaking of "a pill for any ill", how many have heard of Abraham Flexner? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/justinuk/beyond-the-shadow-of-flexner-final-push

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The talking points have gone out: Hotez shouldn't debate the guy running for president because Hotez would be "giving him a platform".


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Yes, because "scientists don't debate."

Heck, I never knew. All those times I argued with my boss, his boss, corporate auditors, 3rd person auditors, I guess none of us should have spoken a word. Who knew?!

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Today's MSM "journalists" also know they can't debate or encourage debate either. College professors either.

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Then the checks would stop..........

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Every scientific theory in history has been, or is currently being hotly debated. Science is inquiry, not dogma.

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Anyone with an research-based MSc or PhD went through a debate---an examination in front of a committee. People ask questions, examine your research, try to find weaknesses, etc. Sure, a lot of scientific debate takes place in written form, but still... any PhD has already been through an oral exam.

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Great point. Thanks, James.

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Kennedy doesn’t need this twit for a platform, he’s doing just fine right now.

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But don't you think such a debate would be an Internet ratings blockbuster? If you can reach 40 million people with one 2 1/2-hour debate ... you jump at this opportunity IMO. That is, if you are confident you will WIN the debate. If you know you will lose this debate ... you make excuses for why you can't participate and keep running and hiding.

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But a public debate would be SO epic!

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Heard on twitter space: Why should such a vaccine expert as Hotez bother to debate an EPA-suing environmental lawyer on this topic? Why indeed.

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Absolutely, so why the fear Hotez? Hmmmm, because anyone with critical thinking skills saw thru this farce from the very beginning! They know that we know and the chickens are coming home to kick some Gubment azz! The truth is getting out wether they like it or not.

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Another good point. The truth IS getting out ... but, alas, only in the alternative media. Our official and "authorized" press covers up or ignores all these many narrative-debunking "truths." Just read my story on "Case Zeroes did NOT originate at WIV in NOVEMBER 2019."

All the mainstream journalists must know this. I know I've informed scores of these journalists and editors of these FACTS. So what conclusions do we make from the fact all of these "news" organizations will NOT report this news?

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Kennedy knows how to play the expert witness game. Part of a litigator's job is to manage expert witnesses. Hotez is correct to be wary.

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The fact that Hotez is a total liar would immediately be exposed. Good plaintiffs' lawyers do their homework.

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That wasn't predictable or anything ;)

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Yep, Commander. You have a great talent for picking up the "meme" of the day.

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Actually, the talking points have gone out... Hotez shouldn’t debate Kennedy, because if he tried to, he’d be exposed as the total non-expert that he is. I’m sure Hotez knows that he would babble incoherently compared to Kennedy.

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What a quack.

Why do all the so called experts look like they came from central casting at DC comics.

FYI they ain't the "good guys"

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With a touch of Chris Farley.....

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You know if you really look at him, I’d bet he is vaccine damaged, as he really looks like a retard.

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Well, he did admit to eating tons of junk food while simultaneously avoiding exercise. Health expert indeed.

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I welcome any debate or forum where RFK would be given the opportunity to share his views on the pediatric vaccine schedule and the COVID vaccine, the overreach by the Pharmaceutical Industry and the alarming increase in autism exclusively to our country. Why are our health agencies not researching this? They confidently assure that it’s not the vaccines, yet don’t seem bothered by their own lack of research into what is the cause of this alarming increase.

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Why? Because you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. The injured are collateral damage, just the price of doing business. And yes it makes my blood boil!

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This is what I finally successfully explained to my 35 year old daughter. That the industry helps to fund the FDA , and the The government looks at the risk/benefit stats with no consideration for the damage/death done.

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I would also suggest that slowly killing us is the goal of the secret society that runs the world, and vaccines are part of their plan.

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... and only slowly if hey can't get away with quickly.

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I think you are correct. People are forgetting that the ruling elite of the 'west' are deeply involved in the occult. They have not been Christian for at least 200 years, since Disraeli took power in the UK. The great banking families are Jewish, most of the elites are either Freemasons or worse. Covid may also be some form of mass ritual.

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😱😱😱 so scary to even consider

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RFK, Jr's interview on Joe Rogan's show was a masterpiece. He talked about how his uncle mastered the new medium of television and Trump the new medium of Twitter. He didn't say it but RFK,Jr may be the master of the podcast, the medium that allows in-depth discussions of complex, nuanced topics. A medium, for now, somewhat beyond the reach of the captured media and with a significantly larger audience to boot. Can you feel the worm begin it's turning?

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Great points, Mark. I think Kennedy knew what he was doing when he decided to run for president. If he wins, he can actually do something significant (as president) to purge the corrupt Big Pharma/Science/Medical Establishment. But even if he loses, he's going to dramatically raise awareness for the issues he's devoted his life to championing ... (In fact, he already has achieved this goal).

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Precisely! I am not even sure RFK Jr. thinks he can win the election, but he has destroyed any chance of burying the truth about the Covid bullshit lies and fraud! Bravo Mr. Kennedy.

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And, my dream is he unravels the whole vaccine scam! ALL OF IT.

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That's my dream as well, Katherine. And there's a bonus feature to my "dream" - once more people realize all the Covid narratives were a scam, some of them will belatedly start to realize that other "narratives" they thought were the infallible truth were/are also scams. This "light going off" in the heads of tens of millions of people might provide the impetus to finally drain or purge "the swamp" - which would actually save the country going forward.

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Precisely! I mean if you think about it, it’s a genius move and a win win especially for the people wether he wins the presidency or not. I’m thinking this could be a new avenue to get the truth out to the people. Just run for office and get that soap box out there. The only downside is if you didn’t want to win, lol 😆. Yet, if your out debating you’ll do fine.

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I think Ron Paul ran for president a couple times, knowing he had no chance of winning. However, he did this just to raise awareness of all the "taboo" issues he thought were vitally important and were not being considered by enough voters.

His 2012 presidential campaign had a tremendous influence on my thinking about myriad issues I once hadn't thought enough about. I still can't think of ONE issue where Ron Paul was wrong.

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The neocons sabotaged him for a variety of reasons. They love the federal reserve, endless wars overseas, servitude to Israel, etc.

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When Paul's (grassroots) campaign started to get serious momentum in 2012 - and could no longer be ignored - they knocked him down pretty fast. Reminds me of the Canadian truckers' protest.

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The only thing you have wrong in your very good article is the man's name. It's Hortez. With an R. Because he whores for The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. 😉😊😋

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I think this would be great! And yes, most are completely oblivious to all of this.

My daughter is finally waking up as now, as I provide her with documentation to back up my claims. Called me crazy, a conspiracy theorist and so much more.

She’s upset and still getting over some of the initial shock. Unfortunately, she’s been jabbed 4 times! So, yes a debate like this will really upset her, no doubt.

I tried to warn her.

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Your post makes me think of another social experiment that might flow from this debate happening. We would see how many people can and cannot "handle the truth."

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In my Pavlovian reaction to any reference to Hotez, I offer the following example of his stellar scientific output.

"Crafting Your Scientist Brand" by Peter Hotez (2018)


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Yeah. And he’s likely Fauci’s replacement.

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Agree 100%

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OMG! No way!

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What a freak!

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What a BS article. No mention of public debating as a means to embellish your brand, of course. Him and his bowtie are toast.

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LOL! In a debate, RFK, Jr. would have a field day with that.

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Just, wow. Most definitely sharing. While making that chicken clucking sound.

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Excellent write up! To say Hotez is scared is being kind. Hotez is in very unfamiliar territory, he can no longer fall back on the stupidity of public covid panic. Hotez (and his side) can no longer invoke censorship. Hotez is petrified. And its wonderful to watch.

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The newly 'opened' Twitter has exposed the cosseted hens of the state media to the wilderness. It is truly wonderful to watch.

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Yep. Sometimes Musk and Twitter make you wonder if they are 100-percent committed to genuine free speech. For example, Twitter will not provide links to Substack articles and I note that Twitter is not even an option on the "share" key any more. So there's a big fight going on b/w Twitter and Substack (having to do with Substack's "Notes" product, which Twitter thinks is competing with its product).

Still, this said, the difference between Twitter pre-Musk and today is night and day. My guess is that the Powers that Be are brainstorming 24/7 on how to harpoon and sabotage the "new Twitter." As long as Musk doesn't "go wobbly," our rulers are going to have a much more difficult time implementing the rest of their nefarious agendas (like central bank Digital currency, the Green New Deal, more mRNA vaccines, transgender programs, etc)

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He's seems like a child trying to get out of trouble.

Arrested development?

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That or vaccine damage, take your pick.

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It’ll never happen. Unfortunately. Just as Biden won’t debate with RFK , Jr. Haven’t they already announced that there will be no presidential debates for the 2024 presidential election?

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I think it took about 30 minutes after RFK, Jr's presidential announcement for the DNC to announce that Biden would not be participating in any debates with Kennedy.

This is another great "tell" about our "democracy."

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I was hoping for a repeat Lloyd Benson moment...which would have been delicious to watch!

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"Mr. Quayle, you are NO Jack Kennedy."

Today's "Jack Kennedy" is apparently "Joe Biden." Sigh.

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Dan Quayle would smoke Biden in a debate.

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I think any of us could smoke Biden in a debate!!

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A sixth grader recently had to tell him that he'd recently made a trip to Ireland. "Joe Biden" couldn't remember.

Every person that has ever read one of my Substack articles could wipe the floor with "Joe Biden" in a debate. His handlers know that too. The entirety of the White House press corps knows that. His wife and children know that. The White House chef and groundskeepers know that. Anyone who has tried to talk to the guy for five minutes knows that.

In his lucid moments, Joe Biden knows that.

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Great post Bill!! I would add that they've been lying about safety of basic medicine for decades - from thalidomide to DES to thimerosal (mercury) and aluminum in vaccines, Vioxx, Oxy... Pfizer alone has paid nearly $11 billion in fines and penalties since 2000 for bribery, fraud, etc. Watch my documentary at greatergoodmovie.org to understand the issues better. Or check out our recent post on Pfizer's long, but not unique, track record of misconduct. https://healthfreedomdefense.org/the-story-of-pfizer-inc-a-case-study-in-pharmaceutical-empire-and-corporate-corruption/

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I will watch that documentary, Leslie. Keep doing what you are doing. That's why "they" can't debate. It's not just "Covid topics" that Kennedy would debunk and highlight.

They can't risk losing one high-profile debate on Issue A, because they know many viewers might say, "Well, if these experts and authorities were lying about that, what else have they been lying about?" You could have a cascading, domino effect of "truth bombs" detonating - a series of blasts that might take them all out.

... So that scenario is what they are really scared of. And that's why they HAVE to keep censoring.

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The latest is a piece by Axios quoting Hotez and others saying that now is the time for narrative(TM) promoting scientists to leave twitter. Thank goodness, and good riddance!

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You mean like rats leaving a sinking ship?

I tried to look at the Hotez Twitter feed the other day, and only certain people can see his tweets anyway. He's definitely bunkered.

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He must have protected his tweets temporarily. He's spent the past 2 days retweeting anyone who says something nice about him. There is still a massive gap between what they believe and what we believe. Echo chambers are dangerous, but that's what big tech and Biden admin created in early 2021 when they ramped up vaccine distribution. These debates should have been settled a year ago. I suspect my company was getting ready to implement some kind of pressure or mandate, but 1 of our workers died 2 days after his 1st moderna shot, which he got onsite. He was 26 years old and died of a myocarditis induced heart attack in the ICU. Our company never mentioned vaccines again after Sept 2021.

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That might be a big story, Lisa P. If you have any more details or ways for me to follow-up on this, please shoot me an email.


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I will send you an e-mail, Bill. I've filled out these details just about every time Steve Kirsch asked if his readers knew someone who died. We have about 1500 employees where I work, and I didn't know him personally, but I know an operator who knew him pretty well enough to give me details. He is in VAERS, ID # 1700774.

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Thanks, Lisa!

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So sorry about your coworker.

I don't know about settled, but they were suppressing legitimate scientific discourse about Covid and any potential vaccine in early 2020. There were serious scientists with serious disagreements about the official narrative even back then. The fact that they were suppressed led to all the other bad stuff.

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You are right... I'm thinking about twitter censorship, but I was mostly on FB back then and twitter seemed to be more free. The first one I remember them shutting down was that Dr Erickson who had urgent care clinics in CA. Then later, they really clamped down on HCQ and IVM. It just got so bad during and in the aftermath of Delta, some of the other censorship seems so tame. They were firing doctors just for giving Rx for those medicines.

Remember that article from the doctor/professor who wanted "amnesty"? That's what I meant about being settled.

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Not just social media, but mainstream journalism and especially scientific journals. Censorship everywhere.

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I'd like to have been a fly on the wall in the boardroom (or wherever the decision was made).

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But then who will we make fun of?

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Bill , have you had a chance to read Igor Chudov's opinion re a "debate" ? As always , I thoroughly enjoy your writing and your opinions .


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I skimmed it earlier, but just re-read it. He makes some good points, but I don't agree. If you had two people (both supposedly informed), the readers could make their own judgments. `Our side is already "losing the debate" so we have nothing to lose by debating! We could only benefit if our side was perceived as winning. Or: If more people who watched the debate, came out of it believing "Our debater" made the most compelling points. That's what would happen in the Kennedy-Hotez debate.

Thanks for sending the link. Igor is great.

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Like you, yes he is : thoughtful and so intelligent . My sense is, no one will ever debate because then they may have to admit there is something to debate . On the other hand , I am noticing more people are saying they aren't getting anymore of these things, but I often wonder how many will buckle when something is threatened to be taken away. At least Kennedy is out there and comfortable speaking in his own skin . In Canada , our leader , no matter what he says or does, is well padded and is able to be totally outrageous ; people think ,all they need to do is vote him out . Imagine that idea !

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One argument I've heard is that such a debate would not be a fair fight because RFK is a lawyer and therefore a highly skilled debater, whereas Hotez is a scientist (which raises the question of why he hasn't kept his big mouth shut all along and simply gone about his scientific pursuits, but whatever). Others have offered to debate Kennedy in Hotez's place. What do you make of this? Should Rogan and Kennedy take them up on it?

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Yes, any debate - that was widely hyped and drew a very big audience - would be incredibly important for "our cause" IMO. This said, who are these substitutes for Hotez you reference? I haven't heard any of them volunteer to do this.

Steve Kirsch has been issuing debate challenges for 30 months and he's also had no takers.

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I wish I could remember. There were a couple of names in a story I read a day or two ago, but now I can't find it. All that comes up in a search is stuff like scientists shouldn't debate cranks, scientific truths are not decided by debating, Hotez is being stalked, etc. Perhaps another reader will recall?

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