That may be the basis for the next "pandemic plan". If the smart people who didn't take the jab and won't take a future one are to be culled then introduce a real deadly virus that does need a vaccine shot and they will watch while their opposition (you, me, etc) drop like flies.
My devious mind likes to work out multiple scenarios to the future in my world. Hard to work out a plan when the scamdemic masters hide their plans. For now the future seems clear, stay away from vaccines. In the future that may become difficult if the "vaccines" are aerosolized, added to the food supply, water supply or as I mentioned above they introduce a lethal virus that does need a vaccine to stay alive.
I don't think I have a dozen... Our 'truth seeking' organizations were never created to seek the truth. The motives behind the creation of federal agencies were always nefarious, at best, to foster corporate welfare. At worst, they were created to protect the politically favored from criminal prosecution or to attack political enemies, as is the obvious case with the Dept of Justice which was created by arguably the most corrupt president in US history (I'll let y'all google which one it was.)
1. The Protocols - The problem with the PCR tests wasn't that covid deaths were overcounted (which they were). The problem with the PCR tests was that it was a death sentence especially early on. (I assume you've seen the stories regarding mass dropoff of antibiotic Rx during the 1st year of the pandemic.) The protocols meant meant ventilator + remdesivir + no antibiotics. People died of untreated bacterial pneumonia. Check out these auto-populated graphs and look at AL and Louisiana. Note the spike of deaths in April/May 2020 in LA, which didn't occur in AL. We were lucky Birx didn't identify us as a hotspot.
So if you want to cite a precursor which allowed the pandemic to be so bad, you could point to Obamacare which led directly to the widespread top-down enforced protocols.
2. The demonization of Hydroxychloroquine. When was that early-mid April? Our media are terrorists. With widespread use of HCQ, the pandemic would have ended. There wouldn't have been almost 2 years of lockdowns and school closures.
3. Ivermectin - Same. It wasn't bad enough that there was one cure, there were 2 cheap easily manufactured drugs! Remember the FDA 'Stop taking horse meds, y'all' tweet? I'll add the fact that corporate pharmacies prevented people who had Rx from getting their medicine.
4. Biden cutting off supplies of monoclonal antibodies to red (mostly Southern) states at the height of Delta. It would have been around Sept 9, 2021. He did this a day or two after he announced the vaccine mandate. From talking to doctor friends, they worked pretty good.
5. The American People - Yes the lockdowns were terrible. Why in the hell did people go along with them? And worse - I heard stories that nurses and doctors were sharing in private groups, some of the things they overheard their colleagues saying. Like a PA at a doc-in-the-box saying she wouldn't give a patient a referral for monoclonal antibodies because the patient hadn't been vaccinated.
I spent 6 weeks sitting with my mom in/out of a hospital when my dad was recovering (nearly getting murdered with drugs) after his 2nd open heart surgery back in 2011. Everything I believed after that experience was confirmed by watching what went on in hospitals during the pandemic. Get healthy and stay that way as long as you can.
Now I will focus on the good things.
- Revelation of mass censorship campaigns. Elon takeover of twitter. Excellent journalists such as Matt Taibbi, M. Shellenberger, (and Bill Rice Jr) and others getting wider exposure. Speeding up the death of legacy media.
- Increased exposure to people of the failure and rot of all of our institutions, all of the things RFK Jr talks about regarding Big Pharma.
- Revelation of culture war issues. I have no doubt parents would be oblivious to what was going on in their schools if it weren't for working from home and online school.
- Cleansing of networks. I lost a few friends, but I gained a lot more than I lost. I gained whole NETWORKS of people including actual doctors who were saving lives prescribing IVM and HCQ, all liberty minded as well.
- Experience. I hate to say it, but we all know something is going to happen next year. I don't think it will be another pandemic, but we can all feel it. Maybe it will be a real event - but like the pandemic, the cure will be worse than the disease. Just be prepared. At least we are all more prepared after surviving the past 4 years.
Thnks Bill for characterizing these elements into eddible plates. Clarification and simplicity.
Add #13 demonization of proven cheap and available drugs in order to provide the vxx agenda with their EUA. Add #14 hypocrisy of hospitals during covid concerning reports of overcrowding were empty with dancing nurses and drs all in lockstep with each other (extension of 2012 Olympic games). Add #15 turning hospitals and nursing homes into killing centers by use of remdesver, ventilators and misuse of other lethal sedatives.
I would add to the positives RFKs new book Wuhan Cover Up as important as first book.
Add #16 the creation of the greatest wealth-transfer machine in human history, wherein the pharmaceutical/medical complex discovered how to make older folks die incrementally, and suck their 401Ks and real estate portfolios dry via copays over the final decade of life. Medicare only covers so much, and the money in the Medicare fund was "contributed" by you and me.
Add #17 mega boost to the entire pharma-complex through a) the ability to now use the mRNA technology in everything within little or no time; b) no longer needed to use expensive lab animals to test; c) the need to create all new focused therapeutics to enable humanity to survive the after affects of cvd (See Toby Rogers new post:; d) approval to use LNP products as payload delivery vehicle. Win Win Win Win.
Another great addition. The mRNA "vaccines" are going to be everywhere. It seems to have gotten little attention, but I think the RSV "vaccines" have now been approved and are being given.
The future flu vaccines will be mRNA vaccines.
I've about decided the simplest and best solution would be to ban all vaccines. People would scream "bloody murder!" and "madness!" ... but the Amish already don't get any of them ... and are they dropping dead?
Oh I wasn't even trying to imply more of the 'Russian Collusion' cockamamie stuff...I think I read it on the C&C stack (I think), it really is in a school text book. Of course, the progressives ARE all up in arms about Russiagate...again.
Maybe if the so-called scholars/experts on this side of the pond did what they are supposed to do...
An excellent synopsis of events. I'll add one name to #7. Although not well known, the 5th president of Tanzania, John Magufuli, was skeptical. Having a goat, quail, and fruit tested under the guise of fictitious names, he reported that they tested positive for covid. Snopes relates the story and says there is no evidence so it remains unproven. In March 2021, he died and the government attributed his death to a long standing heart problem..........I wonder.
My mother-in-law is 98.5 years old. Her doctor gave her the flu shot, she had no symptoms, the doctor was using her as an ATM machine and guess what... she has the flu.
The industry of medicine is using older people as a way of making money versus providing medical means to ensure the best possible outcome for one’s health and safety.
The flu vaccine has to be one of the greatest medical scams of all-time. Until the Covid "vaccines" came along. I now think the Statin scam might be just as big - as 35 percent of adults take these anti-cholesterol drugs ... every single day of their lives ... and they probably don't work at all.
Fifty percent of the population gets the flu vaccines - but people only get these shots once a year. They re-fill their Statin prescriptions once a month.
How can Big Pharma afford to buy 50 percent of the TV commercials? Read above.
... and why is it considered ethical to promote drugs that cannot be sold without a prescription? Big Pharma provides a revenue stream to the networks via commercials which keeps their mouths shut and salivating over the $$$.
Allowing Big Pharma to advertise was a bigger deal than most of us realized. It's just legalized bribery. They bought the protection of the "watchdog press."
One point I remember early on was how much everyone was encouraged to get the long pcr swab shoved too far up the nostril, but if you wanted to find out if you already had covid through an antibody test then you were an ass. You were told to hold on for the vaccine which will be perfect when it comes out. The same attitude was given to anyone who tried to prep their immune system for covid. I started researching vitamin d, zinc, quercitin etc. early on but people were not allowed to share information. It was anti vaxx to help yourself via nutrition before the mrna shots came out. The last point I would like to explore is the shameless response from collins ,fauci and all when it turned out the shots didn't work. They promised a solid gold Rolex to everyone and then when it turned into a
broken Yugo, the response was "well that Yugo is as close as you are going to get to a gold Rolex just take the shot every year,and get the flu shot that doesn't work in the other arm."To go from amazing to worthless is fool me once,to travel from worthless back to something you should take is fool me twice. Remember disgraced televangelist Jimmy Swaggart? What they were asking us to do was the same as demanding that everyone believed Swaggart the SECOND and THIRD time he cried out to God about ALL of the COCAINE and PROSTITUTES he KEPT GETTING CAUGHT WITH. You can only do that once. Can I get an amen?
They know they can get busted on their lies ... and it won't matter at all. That's a function of them knowing that every important truth-seeking organization is completely captured.
The people who will/might expose them ... don't matter. The people who do matter will ... continue to protect them.
WRT #3 - Be careful with the word "Chinese" as in the Chinese reported what became Covid on 12/31/19. Since there are two Chinas, using the generic term "Chinese", which would include Taiwanese, is a great way to obfuscate "who" the Chinese were that actually reported Covid to the WHO (Bad Pun intended).
It was Taiwanese (Chinese) that reported Covid to the WHO on 12/31/19. They reported to the WHO that 8 Taiwanese had been hospitalized with an unknown pneumonia like disease caught while they were in Wuhan. My belief is after Taiwan contacted the WHO, ChiCom Toddy Tedros immediately altered his ChiCom masters that the word was getting out. So on 12/31/19, after Taiwan had spilled the beens, the ChiComs ordered the destruction of all Chinese Covid records. They eventually destroyed even US controlled genetic data. Why?
So the word about Covid would have gotten to the WHO from Taiwan regardless of the ChiCom's action. Whether the WHO could have stopped it from being reported or not, given the Medical Mafia's recent actions, may not be that much of a question.
Thanks for this, Bill. Good list. It occurs to me that a proper chronology, with these more important points in bold, would be an excellent resource for future historians.
I saw all these with my own eyes and the lockstep of all aforementioned parties made my inner alarm bells ring so loudly that I could actually feel it. Still can. Everywhere. Brace for impact.
In 2013, Edward Snowden blew the whistle on govt mass surveillance. Some reactions: "But it's only to fight terrorism." - "Muh, privacy." - "Yeah, whatever, I have nothing to hide." That was a first testing round, and the lack of public outrage significantly contributed to the foundation of the convid vaxxiine passport climate change CBDC mass surveillance system.
Fast forward to March 11, 2020. Italy, following the recommendation of the WHO, decided to imitate China and imposed complete and total lockdown. I hypothesize that If Italy wouldn't have done that, Spain wouldn't have done the same thing on March 14, and without that, the US wouldn't have followed on March 16, and without that, the rest of the world wouldn't have followed a few days later, and without that, the whole thing would have played out in a completely different way. On the other hand, maybe it doesn't matter who started the lockdown lunacy because the whole chain of dominoes was destined to fall one way or another.
You've identified the chain reaction ... but I think your final point is accurate - one way or the other all of this was going to happen. It was a set-up by "someone."
Maybe all the gain of function stuff is part of the hoax. I see it is being used now on X as a reason why we need to be afraid and have the measures come back. I imagine that it gets boosted by algorithms, as a way to keep the idea of a "novel dangerous" virus alive. I like point number 3 and 4 especially because it clears the whole thing up. Nobody would have noticed a thing, until they were told to. That was probably one of the most frustrating things, is that when people look very closely at something they will find more and more reasons to keep looking, and then we are stuck looking at this nonsense forever. People are so sure it is gain of function because it was censored. Just because something is censored does not make it true. I am not saying that they do not do these types of experiments, I am only saying that they want to create a new mythology. BTW my favourite show is GigaohmBiological with JJ Couey, he talks about the mythology a lot. I also try to write about it here on substack.
Keeping it compartmentalized was key to the plan, everyone was a bit player and trusted the info they were given from above, with no follow up required or pursued.
They have been planning and practicing for ages... (Event 201, SPARS, Operation Lockstep)...
They've also been studying human behaviour for ages too... We're in a real life Asch conformity experiment... We're the few who go against the obvious lies, rather than "go along to get along".
This psych research was then weaponised against us, and here it is in its full psyop glory.
What a sh!t name, seriously?? They had to have something with a date and a sci fi ring to it didn't they?
The PCR in Covid playbook was deliberately ramped up way too high (40 cycles), looking for...
Without questioning these sequences, HOW did they know in EARLY 2020 EXACTLY what to look for?
☝️This link no longer works, but luckily I copied pasted when I saved the reference, it said:
"During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, CLINICAL SPECIMENS WERE NOT READILY AVAILABLE to developers of IVDs to DETECT SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDS based on available data from CONTRIVED samples generated from A RANGE of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these CONTRIVED SPECIMENS provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is NOT FEASIBLE to PRECISELY COMPARE the performance of VARIOUS TESTS that used CONTRIVED specimens because EACH TEST validated performance USING SAMPLES DERIVED from DIFFERENT gene specific, SYNTHETIC, or genomic nucleic acid SOURCES. From February through the middle of May, the FDA issued a total of 59 EUAS for IVDs for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 based on validation data using contrived specimens derived from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA."
Words have meaning, CONTRIVED, different, sources, synthetic etc... 🤔
"Although PCR Ct (cycle threshold) values have been shown to be inversely associated with viral load and infectivity, there is NO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION across laboratories, rendering PROBLEMATIC the interpretation of RT-PCR tests when used as a tool for mass screening."
Words have meaning, no standardization, PROBLEMATIC INTERPRETATION, when used as a mass screening tool
Page 40 "Since NO QUANTIFIED VIRUS ISOLATES of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with CHARACTERIZED STOCKS of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of KNOWN TITER (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”
Words have meaning: characterised stock, known titers, MIMICS a clinical specimen, IN VITRO TRANSCRIBED in vitro transcribed 👈 let's look at this so they accessed "covid" from Genebank...
And transcribed it "in vitro" (in the lab), possibly using a form of mRNA tech, or CRISPR ... There's NO QUESTIONING up the chain as to the AUTHENTICITY of this Genebank delivered from CHINA, which was ISOLATED for Genebank SUPER EARLY in Jan 2020... To deliver "known titers" of covid.. with which they'll TEST FOR RELIGIOUSLY using OVER AMPLIFIED PCR.
How were these tell tale titers so well known in January 2020?
Well don't worry Australia to the rescue *cough* Apparently Covid was isolated via research here:
The only reason to doubt the above research, which I would have swallowed hook line and sinker a few years ago, is two things:
1.) Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) was used, which means that the Melbourne researchers "must have had the information from Chinese authorities" on the selections of primers...
Really, they must have had the primers from the Chinese??
Neat trick to get the right primers to detect "covid" so early...
What were these primers?
The sequences are listed in the research notes, but yet again, thanks WEF OWNED CHINA for supplying these sequences which we won't check or verify.
2.) ... Which really leads on from point 1.).... They detected and determined "covid" in Australia on Jan 24, 2020??!!!!
Seriously ONE SICK GUY, a SAMPLE from him yielded the elusive covid... Wow...
Fortuitously all happened at Monash University ... Where "Moderna's vaccine production factory will be based at Melbourne's Monash University under a 10-year deal inked with both state and federal governments."... according to government talking points in the media.
So sus that THIS IS THE PLACE to isolate covid in January 2020 isn't it?
Oh and they took a photo...
Of a coronavirus...
Hmmmm ...
Could be ANY coronavirus to be honest, one of the known human coronaviruses, or any of the many wild coronaviruses that do not cause human illness...
Compartmentalization of the bit players to perform an elaborate hoax...
What were they testing for with PCR..? Ramped up to 40 cycles, where you could find "just about anything in anyone" as inventor Kary Mullis said ??
What were we testing for??
A little exerpt from my old university biology textbook that we may find relevant right now...
"More than 200 strains of viruses that cause colds have be identified, which makes the development of appropriate immunization methods very difficult, if not impossible.
For about 40% OF ALL COLDS, the responsible agents havent even been identified."
Biology (2nd Edition) 1989 Raven and Johnson page 576.
Let's say pick any select sequences from just one or a few of those "unidentified" agents and test for them? Make sure some of those sequences appear in the Genebankfor Covid?? Although there could very well have been deliberate man made sequences sown too... But it was just a passing thought there...
Those that made the hoax must have been laughing as their psyop rolled out, the fear that was sown, the conformity of the people, manipulated to protect those they love, to fear those that wouldn't conform, the ridiculous lengths they went to so a needle went in every arm, the job threats, the perverse incentives, etc...
Were they laughing when they saw the fearful lining up to get their "toxic by concept" mRNA or DNA vector vax's??
Were they laughing when they saw people coerced and blackmailed to take the "toxic by design" mRNA and DNA vector vaxs?
Were they laughing when they saw how easily they manipulated the crowds into a frenzy? How easily they could make people turn on their friends, break up families??
How about this: Trump had ivermectin and hydroxychloroquane IN HIS VOCABULARY while he was in the White House. He admitted that he knew Birx was lying to him. What did he do? Spineless fool that he is, he let other people tell him what was right and he let them steamroll him into giving up on ivc and hcq. So the spineless dummy couldn't stop the pandemic when he had the answer already. What a loser fool.
He put Jared the slumlord on it. Jared called up a college buddy and the two of them formulated some kind of pandemic response. Sure, that's as much as regular people deserve right, a couple of frat boys doing a big boy job. Then the administration put it on the shelf so the federal gov't. had NO RESPONSE TO THE PANDEMIC until JB came along.
If you want to politicize medicine, your guy looks a chump who can't stand up for his own right answers. Only right answer he had in his whole time in office and he chumped it off when someone looked at him the wrong way.
Significant developments for me:
I will never, ever, get another vaccine again.
I will never, ever, trust the medical community again.
That may be the basis for the next "pandemic plan". If the smart people who didn't take the jab and won't take a future one are to be culled then introduce a real deadly virus that does need a vaccine shot and they will watch while their opposition (you, me, etc) drop like flies.
My devious mind likes to work out multiple scenarios to the future in my world. Hard to work out a plan when the scamdemic masters hide their plans. For now the future seems clear, stay away from vaccines. In the future that may become difficult if the "vaccines" are aerosolized, added to the food supply, water supply or as I mentioned above they introduce a lethal virus that does need a vaccine to stay alive.
Scary scenarios, but good ones to consider and be on the lookout for.
I don't think I have a dozen... Our 'truth seeking' organizations were never created to seek the truth. The motives behind the creation of federal agencies were always nefarious, at best, to foster corporate welfare. At worst, they were created to protect the politically favored from criminal prosecution or to attack political enemies, as is the obvious case with the Dept of Justice which was created by arguably the most corrupt president in US history (I'll let y'all google which one it was.)
1. The Protocols - The problem with the PCR tests wasn't that covid deaths were overcounted (which they were). The problem with the PCR tests was that it was a death sentence especially early on. (I assume you've seen the stories regarding mass dropoff of antibiotic Rx during the 1st year of the pandemic.) The protocols meant meant ventilator + remdesivir + no antibiotics. People died of untreated bacterial pneumonia. Check out these auto-populated graphs and look at AL and Louisiana. Note the spike of deaths in April/May 2020 in LA, which didn't occur in AL. We were lucky Birx didn't identify us as a hotspot.
So if you want to cite a precursor which allowed the pandemic to be so bad, you could point to Obamacare which led directly to the widespread top-down enforced protocols.
2. The demonization of Hydroxychloroquine. When was that early-mid April? Our media are terrorists. With widespread use of HCQ, the pandemic would have ended. There wouldn't have been almost 2 years of lockdowns and school closures.
3. Ivermectin - Same. It wasn't bad enough that there was one cure, there were 2 cheap easily manufactured drugs! Remember the FDA 'Stop taking horse meds, y'all' tweet? I'll add the fact that corporate pharmacies prevented people who had Rx from getting their medicine.
4. Biden cutting off supplies of monoclonal antibodies to red (mostly Southern) states at the height of Delta. It would have been around Sept 9, 2021. He did this a day or two after he announced the vaccine mandate. From talking to doctor friends, they worked pretty good.
5. The American People - Yes the lockdowns were terrible. Why in the hell did people go along with them? And worse - I heard stories that nurses and doctors were sharing in private groups, some of the things they overheard their colleagues saying. Like a PA at a doc-in-the-box saying she wouldn't give a patient a referral for monoclonal antibodies because the patient hadn't been vaccinated.
I spent 6 weeks sitting with my mom in/out of a hospital when my dad was recovering (nearly getting murdered with drugs) after his 2nd open heart surgery back in 2011. Everything I believed after that experience was confirmed by watching what went on in hospitals during the pandemic. Get healthy and stay that way as long as you can.
Now I will focus on the good things.
- Revelation of mass censorship campaigns. Elon takeover of twitter. Excellent journalists such as Matt Taibbi, M. Shellenberger, (and Bill Rice Jr) and others getting wider exposure. Speeding up the death of legacy media.
- Increased exposure to people of the failure and rot of all of our institutions, all of the things RFK Jr talks about regarding Big Pharma.
- Revelation of culture war issues. I have no doubt parents would be oblivious to what was going on in their schools if it weren't for working from home and online school.
- Cleansing of networks. I lost a few friends, but I gained a lot more than I lost. I gained whole NETWORKS of people including actual doctors who were saving lives prescribing IVM and HCQ, all liberty minded as well.
- Experience. I hate to say it, but we all know something is going to happen next year. I don't think it will be another pandemic, but we can all feel it. Maybe it will be a real event - but like the pandemic, the cure will be worse than the disease. Just be prepared. At least we are all more prepared after surviving the past 4 years.
See, I knew I'd get great posts like this if I wrote this article!
How about this addition? We learned who NOT to trust. We learned who the real Bad Guys and dangerous people and organizations are.
And we learned who we we want on "our side." More of us are ready for whatever's coming next.
Thnks Bill for characterizing these elements into eddible plates. Clarification and simplicity.
Add #13 demonization of proven cheap and available drugs in order to provide the vxx agenda with their EUA. Add #14 hypocrisy of hospitals during covid concerning reports of overcrowding were empty with dancing nurses and drs all in lockstep with each other (extension of 2012 Olympic games). Add #15 turning hospitals and nursing homes into killing centers by use of remdesver, ventilators and misuse of other lethal sedatives.
I would add to the positives RFKs new book Wuhan Cover Up as important as first book.
Those are great additions to my list, Arnold. Thanks.
Add #16 the creation of the greatest wealth-transfer machine in human history, wherein the pharmaceutical/medical complex discovered how to make older folks die incrementally, and suck their 401Ks and real estate portfolios dry via copays over the final decade of life. Medicare only covers so much, and the money in the Medicare fund was "contributed" by you and me.
Add #17 mega boost to the entire pharma-complex through a) the ability to now use the mRNA technology in everything within little or no time; b) no longer needed to use expensive lab animals to test; c) the need to create all new focused therapeutics to enable humanity to survive the after affects of cvd (See Toby Rogers new post:; d) approval to use LNP products as payload delivery vehicle. Win Win Win Win.
Another great addition. The mRNA "vaccines" are going to be everywhere. It seems to have gotten little attention, but I think the RSV "vaccines" have now been approved and are being given.
The future flu vaccines will be mRNA vaccines.
I've about decided the simplest and best solution would be to ban all vaccines. People would scream "bloody murder!" and "madness!" ... but the Amish already don't get any of them ... and are they dropping dead?
There's someone who doesn't politicize the medical facts. Good!
#10 - Russian text book now asserts that the US 2020 election was indeed rigged and Biden is an illegitimate president.
I definitely think this is true: Our leaders are guilty of doing what they accuse their enemies of doing.
For example, who really spreads the important "disinformation?"
Oh I wasn't even trying to imply more of the 'Russian Collusion' cockamamie stuff...I think I read it on the C&C stack (I think), it really is in a school text book. Of course, the progressives ARE all up in arms about Russiagate...again.
Maybe if the so-called scholars/experts on this side of the pond did what they are supposed to do...
Yes I read it on C&C too.
Read so much stuff these days (as opposed to MSM miasma) I can't keep track sometimes. Thanks for the sanity check.
Pennsylvania cheated. Trump won in 2020.
Great post!
It's my understanding that Kary Mullis' PCR test was never intended to be a "diagnostic" tool.
Only a laboratory tool.
Dependent on the amplification rate, you could find a viral load on anything.
40 cycles is an amplification over 1 Trillion, higher than I can count.
40 cycles could pick up a cold a person had 20 years ago.
An excellent synopsis of events. I'll add one name to #7. Although not well known, the 5th president of Tanzania, John Magufuli, was skeptical. Having a goat, quail, and fruit tested under the guise of fictitious names, he reported that they tested positive for covid. Snopes relates the story and says there is no evidence so it remains unproven. In March 2021, he died and the government attributed his death to a long standing heart problem..........I wonder.
Thank you for the summary list of all the jaw-dropping hell we've endured of late. Here's to renewed endurance in 2024!
My mother-in-law is 98.5 years old. Her doctor gave her the flu shot, she had no symptoms, the doctor was using her as an ATM machine and guess what... she has the flu.
The industry of medicine is using older people as a way of making money versus providing medical means to ensure the best possible outcome for one’s health and safety.
The flu vaccine has to be one of the greatest medical scams of all-time. Until the Covid "vaccines" came along. I now think the Statin scam might be just as big - as 35 percent of adults take these anti-cholesterol drugs ... every single day of their lives ... and they probably don't work at all.
Fifty percent of the population gets the flu vaccines - but people only get these shots once a year. They re-fill their Statin prescriptions once a month.
How can Big Pharma afford to buy 50 percent of the TV commercials? Read above.
... and why is it considered ethical to promote drugs that cannot be sold without a prescription? Big Pharma provides a revenue stream to the networks via commercials which keeps their mouths shut and salivating over the $$$.
Allowing Big Pharma to advertise was a bigger deal than most of us realized. It's just legalized bribery. They bought the protection of the "watchdog press."
One point I remember early on was how much everyone was encouraged to get the long pcr swab shoved too far up the nostril, but if you wanted to find out if you already had covid through an antibody test then you were an ass. You were told to hold on for the vaccine which will be perfect when it comes out. The same attitude was given to anyone who tried to prep their immune system for covid. I started researching vitamin d, zinc, quercitin etc. early on but people were not allowed to share information. It was anti vaxx to help yourself via nutrition before the mrna shots came out. The last point I would like to explore is the shameless response from collins ,fauci and all when it turned out the shots didn't work. They promised a solid gold Rolex to everyone and then when it turned into a
broken Yugo, the response was "well that Yugo is as close as you are going to get to a gold Rolex just take the shot every year,and get the flu shot that doesn't work in the other arm."To go from amazing to worthless is fool me once,to travel from worthless back to something you should take is fool me twice. Remember disgraced televangelist Jimmy Swaggart? What they were asking us to do was the same as demanding that everyone believed Swaggart the SECOND and THIRD time he cried out to God about ALL of the COCAINE and PROSTITUTES he KEPT GETTING CAUGHT WITH. You can only do that once. Can I get an amen?
They know they can get busted on their lies ... and it won't matter at all. That's a function of them knowing that every important truth-seeking organization is completely captured.
The people who will/might expose them ... don't matter. The people who do matter will ... continue to protect them.
WRT #3 - Be careful with the word "Chinese" as in the Chinese reported what became Covid on 12/31/19. Since there are two Chinas, using the generic term "Chinese", which would include Taiwanese, is a great way to obfuscate "who" the Chinese were that actually reported Covid to the WHO (Bad Pun intended).
It was Taiwanese (Chinese) that reported Covid to the WHO on 12/31/19. They reported to the WHO that 8 Taiwanese had been hospitalized with an unknown pneumonia like disease caught while they were in Wuhan. My belief is after Taiwan contacted the WHO, ChiCom Toddy Tedros immediately altered his ChiCom masters that the word was getting out. So on 12/31/19, after Taiwan had spilled the beens, the ChiComs ordered the destruction of all Chinese Covid records. They eventually destroyed even US controlled genetic data. Why?
So the word about Covid would have gotten to the WHO from Taiwan regardless of the ChiCom's action. Whether the WHO could have stopped it from being reported or not, given the Medical Mafia's recent actions, may not be that much of a question.
Good article.
Interesting. Thanks.
Thanks for this, Bill. Good list. It occurs to me that a proper chronology, with these more important points in bold, would be an excellent resource for future historians.
Any document that tells a story in the order of events is a worthwhile project. That's why I keep trying to start with the real "first (known) cases."
That's where the detectives' timeline should start.
If important players want to push back the timeline of virus spread, detectives should ask, "Why is this so important to you?"
I saw all these with my own eyes and the lockstep of all aforementioned parties made my inner alarm bells ring so loudly that I could actually feel it. Still can. Everywhere. Brace for impact.
In 2013, Edward Snowden blew the whistle on govt mass surveillance. Some reactions: "But it's only to fight terrorism." - "Muh, privacy." - "Yeah, whatever, I have nothing to hide." That was a first testing round, and the lack of public outrage significantly contributed to the foundation of the convid vaxxiine passport climate change CBDC mass surveillance system.
Fast forward to March 11, 2020. Italy, following the recommendation of the WHO, decided to imitate China and imposed complete and total lockdown. I hypothesize that If Italy wouldn't have done that, Spain wouldn't have done the same thing on March 14, and without that, the US wouldn't have followed on March 16, and without that, the rest of the world wouldn't have followed a few days later, and without that, the whole thing would have played out in a completely different way. On the other hand, maybe it doesn't matter who started the lockdown lunacy because the whole chain of dominoes was destined to fall one way or another.
You've identified the chain reaction ... but I think your final point is accurate - one way or the other all of this was going to happen. It was a set-up by "someone."
Maybe all the gain of function stuff is part of the hoax. I see it is being used now on X as a reason why we need to be afraid and have the measures come back. I imagine that it gets boosted by algorithms, as a way to keep the idea of a "novel dangerous" virus alive. I like point number 3 and 4 especially because it clears the whole thing up. Nobody would have noticed a thing, until they were told to. That was probably one of the most frustrating things, is that when people look very closely at something they will find more and more reasons to keep looking, and then we are stuck looking at this nonsense forever. People are so sure it is gain of function because it was censored. Just because something is censored does not make it true. I am not saying that they do not do these types of experiments, I am only saying that they want to create a new mythology. BTW my favourite show is GigaohmBiological with JJ Couey, he talks about the mythology a lot. I also try to write about it here on substack.
Keeping it compartmentalized was key to the plan, everyone was a bit player and trusted the info they were given from above, with no follow up required or pursued.
They have been planning and practicing for ages... (Event 201, SPARS, Operation Lockstep)...
They've also been studying human behaviour for ages too... We're in a real life Asch conformity experiment... We're the few who go against the obvious lies, rather than "go along to get along".
This psych research was then weaponised against us, and here it is in its full psyop glory.
What a sh!t name, seriously?? They had to have something with a date and a sci fi ring to it didn't they?
The PCR in Covid playbook was deliberately ramped up way too high (40 cycles), looking for...
Without questioning these sequences, HOW did they know in EARLY 2020 EXACTLY what to look for?
☝️This link no longer works, but luckily I copied pasted when I saved the reference, it said:
"During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, CLINICAL SPECIMENS WERE NOT READILY AVAILABLE to developers of IVDs to DETECT SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDS based on available data from CONTRIVED samples generated from A RANGE of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these CONTRIVED SPECIMENS provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is NOT FEASIBLE to PRECISELY COMPARE the performance of VARIOUS TESTS that used CONTRIVED specimens because EACH TEST validated performance USING SAMPLES DERIVED from DIFFERENT gene specific, SYNTHETIC, or genomic nucleic acid SOURCES. From February through the middle of May, the FDA issued a total of 59 EUAS for IVDs for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 based on validation data using contrived specimens derived from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA."
Words have meaning, CONTRIVED, different, sources, synthetic etc... 🤔
"Although PCR Ct (cycle threshold) values have been shown to be inversely associated with viral load and infectivity, there is NO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION across laboratories, rendering PROBLEMATIC the interpretation of RT-PCR tests when used as a tool for mass screening."
Words have meaning, no standardization, PROBLEMATIC INTERPRETATION, when used as a mass screening tool
Page 40 "Since NO QUANTIFIED VIRUS ISOLATES of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with CHARACTERIZED STOCKS of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of KNOWN TITER (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.”
Words have meaning: characterised stock, known titers, MIMICS a clinical specimen, IN VITRO TRANSCRIBED in vitro transcribed 👈 let's look at this so they accessed "covid" from Genebank...
And transcribed it "in vitro" (in the lab), possibly using a form of mRNA tech, or CRISPR ... There's NO QUESTIONING up the chain as to the AUTHENTICITY of this Genebank delivered from CHINA, which was ISOLATED for Genebank SUPER EARLY in Jan 2020... To deliver "known titers" of covid.. with which they'll TEST FOR RELIGIOUSLY using OVER AMPLIFIED PCR.
How were these tell tale titers so well known in January 2020?
Well don't worry Australia to the rescue *cough* Apparently Covid was isolated via research here:
The only reason to doubt the above research, which I would have swallowed hook line and sinker a few years ago, is two things:
1.) Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) was used, which means that the Melbourne researchers "must have had the information from Chinese authorities" on the selections of primers...
Really, they must have had the primers from the Chinese??
Neat trick to get the right primers to detect "covid" so early...
What were these primers?
The sequences are listed in the research notes, but yet again, thanks WEF OWNED CHINA for supplying these sequences which we won't check or verify.
2.) ... Which really leads on from point 1.).... They detected and determined "covid" in Australia on Jan 24, 2020??!!!!
Seriously ONE SICK GUY, a SAMPLE from him yielded the elusive covid... Wow...
Fortuitously all happened at Monash University ... Where "Moderna's vaccine production factory will be based at Melbourne's Monash University under a 10-year deal inked with both state and federal governments."... according to government talking points in the media.
So sus that THIS IS THE PLACE to isolate covid in January 2020 isn't it?
Oh and they took a photo...
Of a coronavirus...
Hmmmm ...
Could be ANY coronavirus to be honest, one of the known human coronaviruses, or any of the many wild coronaviruses that do not cause human illness...
Compartmentalization of the bit players to perform an elaborate hoax...
What were they testing for with PCR..? Ramped up to 40 cycles, where you could find "just about anything in anyone" as inventor Kary Mullis said ??
Covid CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel
Page 38:
"Detection of viral RNA may NOT indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the CAUSATIVE agent for clinical symptoms"
"This test CANNOT rule out diseases caused by OTHER BACTERIAL or VIRAL pathogens.”
Words have meaning :
What were we testing for??
A little exerpt from my old university biology textbook that we may find relevant right now...
"More than 200 strains of viruses that cause colds have be identified, which makes the development of appropriate immunization methods very difficult, if not impossible.
For about 40% OF ALL COLDS, the responsible agents havent even been identified."
Biology (2nd Edition) 1989 Raven and Johnson page 576.
Let's say pick any select sequences from just one or a few of those "unidentified" agents and test for them? Make sure some of those sequences appear in the Genebankfor Covid?? Although there could very well have been deliberate man made sequences sown too... But it was just a passing thought there...
Those that made the hoax must have been laughing as their psyop rolled out, the fear that was sown, the conformity of the people, manipulated to protect those they love, to fear those that wouldn't conform, the ridiculous lengths they went to so a needle went in every arm, the job threats, the perverse incentives, etc...
Were they laughing when they saw the fearful lining up to get their "toxic by concept" mRNA or DNA vector vax's??
Were they laughing when they saw people coerced and blackmailed to take the "toxic by design" mRNA and DNA vector vaxs?
Were they laughing when they saw how easily they manipulated the crowds into a frenzy? How easily they could make people turn on their friends, break up families??
A disgusting example from Australian television:
Shameful, despicable and a crime against humanity.
Bill, are you still politicizing a health issue?
How about this: Trump had ivermectin and hydroxychloroquane IN HIS VOCABULARY while he was in the White House. He admitted that he knew Birx was lying to him. What did he do? Spineless fool that he is, he let other people tell him what was right and he let them steamroll him into giving up on ivc and hcq. So the spineless dummy couldn't stop the pandemic when he had the answer already. What a loser fool.
He put Jared the slumlord on it. Jared called up a college buddy and the two of them formulated some kind of pandemic response. Sure, that's as much as regular people deserve right, a couple of frat boys doing a big boy job. Then the administration put it on the shelf so the federal gov't. had NO RESPONSE TO THE PANDEMIC until JB came along.
If you want to politicize medicine, your guy looks a chump who can't stand up for his own right answers. Only right answer he had in his whole time in office and he chumped it off when someone looked at him the wrong way.