I've been monitoring Robert Reich's subscriber growth since January 7 (through yesterday).

In those 24 days, Reich's total subscriber numbers increased from 517,900+ to 642,900+ - an increase of 125,000 subscribers in 24 days. Reich is averaging adding 5,208 subscribers every day.

I've been doing the same analysis with new Substack author Paul Krugman.

On January 23rd, Kruguman wrote that he had "just passed 119,000 subscribers."

Yesterday, Krugman had 156,900+ subscribers - an increase of approximately 38,000 subscribers in eight days. Krugman is adding 4,738 subscribers every day.

Again, for context, I've been adding 4 to 5 subscribers per day.

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I suspect they want statist authors to have such large subscriber NUMBERS that when they start to promote substack the top ten writers will all be plants and newcomers will no ever realise there are real dissident writers on substack and will think the top ten puppets are the dissidents they came here for.

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As you and I both know, those "new" subscribers may not be real people. My little test yesterday (or Thursday?) proved to me that some of these subscribers are using bogus emails, and in many cases have not even opened an issue since subscribing.

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I agree. I don’t believe they are really gaining so many new subscribers. And maybe some of these new ones just want more reinforcement of their feelings about the issue. The facts and the truth is coming out daily and I think they’re scared, especially now. I’m fairly new to Substack but I’m also not vaccinated. I never believed the lies. I fortunately was in a unique situation. I drove an Ambulette, we transported patients to appointments and dialysis. We were never mandated to be vaccinated, go figure. But thankfully in 2021 I retired, but I do have family members that were mandated or loose their job or be forced to leave because of being vilified. These people that are still believing the lie are so brainwashed they’re never coming back but they need their feelings reinforced daily. I personally feel sorry for them. Sorry for going on a rant. Thank you Bill.

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Did not come across as a rant, more like a well thought out opinion. I was never vaccinated, and contracted what they said was Covid on two separate occasions. The second positive test, which I was mandated to take because of an employer, was done at a local clinic. After testing positive the doctor wanted to put me in the hospital? I refused and he said, and I quote, “If you don’t go you’re probably going to die.” I laughed at him. I was/am a vigorous healthy man and I took the medication I was given and was back at work in 7 days. Now I can’t say it was a “sham” but I do know that doctor wanted me in the hospital, which is somewhere I DID NOT WANT TO GO.

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I've come to believe hospitals were the last place you would want to go if you were diagnosed with Covid.

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And just before this second diagnosed case a good friend of mine, four years younger than me (although a heavy drinker at times) had gone in and never came out. I remember in the beginning my Dad and Stepmom were kind of leary of me coming around since I had not been vaccinated, and I wore a mask to placate their concerns, but I never took the “jab”

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The killing fields

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Thank you Bill and Jeffrey. I can’t believe what that doctor said to you. But then again maybe I do. I believe these doctors were possibly getting kickbacks for every patient they sent to the hospital. Just my opinion. I also feel throughout the whole event they used fear to gain control. What that doctor said was supposed to scare you. Good for you for resisting.

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Interesting point Rose about the need for these people "to have their feelings reinforced daily." I think this must be part of the explanation for the eye-popping subscriber growth (allegedly) of the extreme liberal/socialist writers - who are also all "globalists."

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I’d say probably less than half of these guys base are real people that agree with there positions, and followed them to sunstack. The rest and majority of the paid subscribers are bots created by various agencies that want to continue there propaganda campaigns. If all of these guys allowed open comment sections, this would be very easy to disseminate. AI produced comments would stick out in the back and forth between dissidents and there followers. Substack allows it I’d guess, but not sure how to prove, by taking money from these agencies to suppress and promote content. The CIA, FBI, NSA, CDC, NIH , plus the corporate media companies are all involved in my opinion. The answer for dissidents is to keep churning it out anyway possible. Most of these writers between x and here can really make a difference, even if the supposed subscriber numbers don’t reflect that.

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That's my bottom-line too, Jim. All we can do is keep churning out skeptical or dissident content. Of course, somebody could create a better alternative to Substack for readers and writers.

Remember this post.

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And how about featured writer Eric Topol(otron)?

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Cutting-room floor text that I think is telling or illustrates today's point:

In late March 2022 - when I had been publishing this newsletter for six months, I already had 3,155 subscribers.

I averaged the number of "page views" four columns generated around March 24, 2022. Those articles averaged 3,358 "page views."

Thus, my articles were being READ by more people than I had as subscribers.

Today, 22 months later, I now have about 7,100 subscribers. However, my last four articles generated only 4,360 page views.

My "read percentage" as a fraction of my total subscribers is now 61.4 percent ... where it used to be a positive ratio of about 1.1.

My subscriber numbers are still going up (albeit at a rate that's dramatically slower) ... but my more-important "read numbers" are declining at much greater rate.

I added 4,000 subscribers in approximately two years but only increased my number of story reads by about 1,000 ... which is odd to me.

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Maybe like me, many people read the article in their email. Until this article, I didn't realize this method I had been using, apparently doesn't show the article as 'read' by subscribers.

I also noticed Substack promotes liberal authors in their Substack recommended reads.

So it is not surprising other non partisan, or conservative substacks aren't growing as much. Your articles are always well written and appreciated.

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Feb 1Edited

Same…I have been reading the articles in the reading panel of my email and not opening the page.

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You just answered a question for me NMM, and I sometimes do the same thing. When reading the article from the email you only go to the Substack site if you "like" or make a comment. I wondered if going to the site to do those things made a difference and now you are saying that it does, it then counts it as a "read article".

The reason I was wondering is that I have several people on my subscriber list that are "5-star readers" according to activity rate, but when I open up their profile their reading % is sometimes around 20-50%. That didn't make sense until now.

All these metrics are a bit screwy and not real clear.

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There are two explanations, one is already covered (people read it via email), the other is your smart subscribers are one step ahead of you and have already figured out what you are saying and do not need to read the details supplied by you.

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I often listen to an article rather than read it. That may affect your metrics if many others are doing the same.

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Brownstone articles have a narrator reading them so you can listen to those. That's a cool innovation, attractive to people who can now "listen" to many articles while they are in the car or doing chores at home.

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I listen to a good portion of the 60 or so Stackers that I follow while commuting. I assume that counts as a “read.”

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I do like the feature on substack too. I listen to many posts and sometimes I listen to the same post multiple times. I have noticed that if I reopen a post after having listened to it then substack doesn't tag it as having been read. I was wondering if that was affecting your metrics . .

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Bill, I hear what you are saying & concerned about.

However, the election results & the unhinged response of the Dims & their equally unhinged supporters are actually revealing.

Krugman & Reich (like Acosta) appeal to a very narrow band that is not likely to grow in numbers (though in subscribers, perhaps). K & R are not convincing anyone new, IMHO. They are from failed & failing entities.

I don’t know what the powers behind SubStack are plotting, but I think we are on the flood tide & they will recognize that & should understand that to resist too strongly will have them go the way of the Edsel.

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I think Substack - or the people who might be attacking contrarian authors on Substack - might have a 2-pronged strategy. Suppress the reach and growth of the Contrarian authors while promoting or inflating the growth of the liberal and Status Quo promoting authors.

The explosive growth of the liberal writers began well before the election, but I guess it's ramped up after the election, purportedly because so many liberals are terrified of Trump and are now ... flocking to Substack.


What was wrong with the MSM's daily attacks of MAGA and the daily defenses of the authorized narratives?

Also, if MAGA supporters are so huge in numbers ... why aren't more of these people also discovering Substack?

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Many MAGA folks are just trying to keep their heads above water to counter the disaster of the last years. Look at that red map after the election. They voted. They saw SOMETHING, even if it wasn’t substack.

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We need a a lot more people on "our team" to "discover" Substack. This is how we can get around the completely captured "gatekeepers of the news."

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There are so many choices today. Podcasts, contrarian streaming news/analysis/commentary sites & apps, social platforms, websites/independent blogs, video platforms…While these alternatives previously existed, they blossomed when in January 2021 Parler was taken down completely by Amazon’s back-end hosting; and Twitter and Facebook shut down accounts en masse (Bongino asked, are we going to have to start speaking in code? Well, a lot of us did). Until that month, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook had the lion’s share of eyes and ears. Now, Contrarians and MAGA have many options, so many it’s a challenge to keep up.

Substack is one important platform in an ecosystem of options for seekers of more truthful - or less pretending - information and commentary. It’s one place where I am far less concerned about what I say.

We seem to have a short respite from the American Gestapo, I have no doubt they are regrouping and will attack more viciously than ever. When, IDK. Meantime, we shore each other up, encourage each other, and keep speaking. Remember what “inalienable” means.

You, Bill, have a unique voice, in that you study trends by the facts and numbers, analyze these trends, and tell us what you see. Please keep doing that!

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I meant to correct “inalienable” to “unalienable” but my finger slipped!

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Only because I am retired can I devote any time to SubStack.

I think there are more retired lefties, the voting break downs seems to suggest that .

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same here. More retired lefties because they are mostly government retirees.

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& there will be millions more when DOGE gets done!

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Because we can't read, Bill. We're all illiterate yahoos.

Or so the MSM suggests.

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I wonder if most of MAGA is captured on X, and there is little crossover from Musk’s suppression if Substack cross links. I know Substack authors here have found their getting little traction on X as well. I know this greatly impacted Matt Tiabbi’s reach.

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Maybe I just noticed more of the non contrarian authors and posters in my feed after the election, but also Substack started really dropping my subscriptions and follows around the same time. Maybe AI in the algorithm has been ramped up?

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Remind your list of dissident writers to periodically save their member lists. Also everyone might want to send out a post that they might have to contact them if they leave the platform to notify them of their new platform via direct email if they can no longer access their platform.

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Warren & Sanders, what a pair!

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Of course. Still, Substack is also full of "bogus narratives," although red herrings, limited hangouts, bait-and-switch, and compartmentalization tend to prevail. The last one I call "the stupidity meter" to check for the "stupidity index"! :)


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Hi Bill, thank you for covering this important topic. I didn't think freedom of reach was as much of a problem on Substack, but I stand corrected.

I don't think I am affected on Substack as I am on X. I now have about 6.4K subscribers and my last article (on the Trudeaus) actually raked in about 9.2k views which is way more than my number of subs. (the previous ones were 4.1k and 3.6k which is reasonable), these excluding my podcast.

On X, however I know I am sharply shadow-banned / raped a la 'freedom of reach' (as per WEF-acolyte Yaccarino) as they will never let me get above my petty 1,600 followers mark. Though some of my peers (Johnny Vedmore & SGTReport) have greater follower counts, they are also throttle as their # of followers never grow; plus, I am sure that many of their posts don't appear on their followers' feeds (like is the case with mine). So, this really p*sses me off.

Accordingly, Elon & Yacc are a HUGE part of this Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC) and I am 100% certain that their AI algos play into this. I lived 13 years in China and know about state-level censorship and what Elon is doing (keep in mind he wants to create an X all-encompassing App like Wechat in China - see https://fournier.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-empire-building-a-trojan), I am 100% certain he is doing this too. My last two years in China I taught at the very company that makes Wechat (Tencent) in various departments including AI, Big Data, and Weixin (Wechat), among many others and I know intimately how they go about doing this kind of stuff. I have no doubt in my mind that Elon and his X engineers are replicating these censorship mechanisms. Anyone who doesn't think this is happening, is being very naive and blind, imo.

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I keep reading comments from smart people who think the same thing you do about X. Personally, I have virtually zero presence on X as I never figured out how to grow my followers there even before everything changed in 2020.

I KNOW Facebook shadow-bans dissidents - or outright bans them - on a massive scale.

The reason I write so many "metrics" articles about Substack is I thought it was the most important "beach head" for dissident writers. If we're going to win this war for hearts and minds - and debunk a few of these bogus narratives - we are going to need to use Substack ... and no "funny business" needs to be happening on this "speech"/Reach platform.

That's a dubious proposition at the moment.

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I left Facebook about a decade ago.

Here's another one to add on your top 140, my fellow investigative journo Johnny Vedmore from Wales, UK. He's the real deal: https://newspaste.substack.com/

(see also https://newspaste.com/).

We are currently collaborating on a huge piece which should be out early next month.

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I think they're doing something to you here, too. I never see your name when I'm scrolling down my feed (I ignore the emails and the app, just use my browser).

I'm a fellow Canadian, and interested in politics, as well.

It's weird. Or possibly sinister.

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Do you mean on your Substack Notes feed or X?

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El-Ayin has full power to dismiss the Yakking Rhino and reverse her malicious acts.

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They are two peas in a pod, one and the same, imo. Or, good cop (Elong) bad cop (Yakky).

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Peebo Preboskenes raised an interesting anomaly in this note, https://substack.com/@wiseguyfromwayback/note/c-90268834. Leftist substackers somehow get better metrics on Substack than they do on mainstream television, which doesn't seem plausible. Seems like there's more astroturfing on Substack than there is in the Astrodome.

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For at least a month or more, I haven't gotten most of the substackers I subscribe to. I also read in my email but open Substack for reading the comments. I have noticed the same thing on X. I have to go looking for those I want to read or even those I have a paid subscription to.

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I have completely stopped watching or reading any mainstream news for over 5 years Absolutely nothing they say has any truth or integrity to it. As well as the fact that any true journalist wasn’t even allowed to report anything that was objective to other sources, This holds true to all the Medical community that lost there jobs as well. As much as this has turned all our lives around … I think it’s been a good thing and hopefully we will all have the Freedom to speak and choose what is best for each of us… I am internally Grateful for everyone who STOOD with COURAGE for what they believed was best for not only themselves but for Humanity.. What’s taking place now has simply got to STOP . WE MUST STAND UP

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I'd like to add my recent "experiences" with Substack. First, I receive all articles through e-mail. I do not like loading Apps onto my phone. It is the only "computer" I have and I do not wish to slow it down with extraneous things I do not need or want.

Last week I received a column from someone I was not subscribed to and had never heard of. I read part of it. It was boring and far left leaning. I had to "unsubscribe" to get rid of it, though I had never subscribed.

This week, on Wednesday, IIRC, I came to my email, opened an article and read it. I pushed the "Like" button and an horrible, orange, whole page banner came up, before opening to the comment section. It showed 1 comment for me to read. The comment counter showed double digit comments, but only this 1 comment was available to read. I was alarmed and puzzled. I thought Substack had changed their email formatting. I tried another article and the exact thing happened again. It was horrible compared to the ease of reading I was used to.

I shutdown my phone and came back to see if that rectified the problems. It had not.

I started looking on other screens and found that Substack had downloaded their app onto my phone without notice or permission. Needless to say, I deleted it!

I don't know how anyone can stand that clunky, hard to navigate app!

Has anyone else experienced anything like this recently?

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What I have found is that if I subscribe to a particular substack, two banners pop up at rhe bottomof rhe page: one asks if I want to post this on my account, the next asks me to subscribe to 3-5 other, "random" Substacks and "like" 30 people I don't know.

Before I started paying attention to this, I "accidentally" subscribed to a bunch of leftist Substacks (which are the people Substack apparently prefers to promote like this).

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These digital platforms all have an agenda. And nobody knows how to work their systems better than they do. Amazon is the king but they all do it. Here is an article with some insight on one of the tricks being used by Spotify.


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I just read that Jim Acosta, the ex communist news network "journalist" just started a substack and has 123, 000 subscribers.

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why is SUBSTACK promoting only centrist - liberal - left writers?.... Trump won the election, now SUBSTACK needs a "new crop" of "outrage" to perpetuate it's business model.

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What is a "page view"? If I read an article only in email, does that count? Albeit, I usually go to the Substack Web page both for improved legibility, and to view comments. Are the stats worse if emails are deleted unopened? How does Substack know? Load some image when the email is opened?

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I am also confused. I always read from my email and click like. I am then taken to the Substack page and may or may not make a comment. It sounds like my view/reading does not count....??? I most always read them.

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I read the emails rather than the substack pages, partly because the text is available offline and I commute. Do these reads show up in your stats?

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It's worth bearing in mind that this substack began in a time when the barbarians were clearly at the gates. The fear was palpable and I reached out to any sources that tried to push back. Now the fear has subsided (for some), as has the urgency.

With the ascension of Trump, I suspect the Progressive Liberals now feel the same sense of fear, perhaps fuelling the surge in subscriptions.

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