Watching this, it's clear that the 'best' thing Fauci and the gang did during covid was making the issue of covid origins political. Emails show that since attacks were coming 'from the right', the criminals ran to the left for protection -- protection that continues to this day. This hearing flip-flopped between tough questions from one side and tongue baths on the other.

We would have been better off with Substackers asking the questions.

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I bet "Mr. Fauci" would not agree to 3 hours of questions from Substackers like Simulation Commander and Bill Rice, Jr.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I also nominate Katherine Watt please.

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I nominate ... you!

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I am ready.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The hearing also shows why DeSantis getting the GOP nomination was the best (last?) chance to get a political reshaping in response to lockdowns. Trump and Biden are too wrapped up in the mess for their parties to significantly criticize what happened.

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Yes, we know if "Joe Biden" is re-elected no real Covid tribunals will happen. But I don't see how they could happen with President Trump either. The results of that investigation would embarrass him tremendously.

President Kennedy probably (might) push through real investigations or prosecutions - which is why he definitely cannot ever become president.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

True, Bill. Nothing is going to happen with either one so I’m not pinning any hopes on this election in any way. I don’t watch or listen to either one. My down ballot GOP congresscritter hasn’t done much or acknowledge what happened. Still giving rosey job predictions in his newsletters. His votes reveal he will do nothing but sill grind out more political boilerplate.

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They are (almost) all taken care of by Big Pharma. If they were serving in Congress before the Covid response, they are guilty of malfeasance. One can even say they are guilty of treason for allowing the Constitution to be trashed so completely and brazenly.

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He still is. I maintain that a covid reckoning will not come from DC.

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You are 100 percent right, SC. It would have to come from some real prosecution/investigation at the state or local level.

It also definitey won't come from the corporate news organizations doing real investigative journalism.

It already has come from the alternative media and plenty of outstanding Substack authors ... but those findings simply don't matter.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Are there "corporate news organizations doing real investigative journalism"? I have missed them.

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That was their key chess move - completely capturing every member of the corporate press. There is no "Fourth Estate" watchdog any more.

We still have real journalists in the alternative media, but we obviously don't count.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I asked the question because since 2020 I have not found any such organization. The news site I read daily ignores COVID and thinks climate change is real. Thank God I found Substack.

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Conservative leaders are ALL IN on suppressing the core aspects of the Covid/Vax Disaster. Their verbal attacks on Fauci amount to their coming before us with a toy voodoo-doll they stick pins in.

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They have covered up the JFK conspiracy for over 60 years. The Covid coverup is already in motion! Biden by the way has made sure the truth about the JFK event will not see the light of day! It would catapult RFK Jr. into the White House!

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This is a very strong and well-targeted summary, Bill.

You would have easily outperformed the Congresspeople.

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Thanks, Mark. I happened to click on Zero Hedge and saw that they had a link to the live hearings and I caught the last 2 1/2 hours. After I watched it, I said, "Well, I might as well write a story, summarizing the key points or my main take-aways."

I wish you could have had 90 minutes asking Fauci questions.

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Jun 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

This is why it’s up to us to change public opinion.

We cannot stop. I will not stop.

Show these pics to anyone and everyone:


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Great job, Laura. I hadn't heard that the cath-lab whistleblower who was on Dr. McMillan's show has now gone silent. Hmmm.

I agree that showing these clot videos and pictures is the best-possible way to stop the shots ASAP.

Needless to say, nobody in Congress has mentioned the embalmers clots.

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Jun 3Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

We had another cath lab whistleblower that was instructed to “immediately” stop talking about it.

MTG knows all about the clots. Hmmmmm

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What's MTG stand for?

This - what hospital employees really know about these clots - is the most explosive info in the world right now.

This simply CANNOT be investigated.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Marjorie Taylor Green. She retweeted something that Richard Hirschman posted and she was in attendance with Ron Johnson when McCullough, Cole and Milhoan testified.

I agree Bill. These clots being found in the living is a much bigger issue than them being found in the deceased. We may have another whistleblower. 🙏🙏🙏

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Dang, I wish MTG would have shown one of her posters - of these clots.

She could have asked everyone in the country who might have been watching: "Do these things connote 'safe and effective' to you?"

Keep us posted on that potential whistleblower. We need about 10 of them. Thanks for everything you are doing on your end!

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

That would have had an ENORMOUS impact had she done that.

It makes me think this is simply a dog and pony show. Nothing more.

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Even MTG is on a leash. Longer than most. But leashed nonetheless. Remember those Swatting incidents? Message: One time it won't be a prank. It's why she supported Ukraine early on and supported Kevin McCarthy. Leashed. She growled as mean as they would let her.

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Did you see that an NFL center, 28, just retired after he just had emergency surgery to remove one of those big "saddle" clots from around his lungs?

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I did hear about that. And sadly, we will hear about more.

On my second published stack I gave your stack a shout out:


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At one point, Fauci said that "a million" more Americans might have lost their lives from Covid if the lockdowns and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions had not been implemented.

That might qualify as the most preposterous statement he made today.

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Thinks about that claim. We did have draconian lockdowns beginning as early as March 12th, 2020 in some states in America. By that time, per the official narrative, there had hardly been any "cases" in America. And, definitely, no "excess deaths" from a new virus.

So, according to Fauci, if we had not had masking, lockdowns, social distancing ... one million more Americans would have died after March 15, 2020?

The virus suddenly started spreading in America in late March 2020 (really in the Spring)?

I don't remember anyone suffering from flu-like symptoms after late March 2020. (I remember 1/4 of my town having those symptoms BEFORE March 2020).

Sweden didn't implement these lockdowns and they didn't have any excess deaths greater than America. Sweden had some extra deaths, but they were almost all in nursing homes or people age 80 and over (those were probably iatrogenic deaths). There was no excess deaths in Sweden among people under the age of 60.

What's the scientific basis for saying lockdowns "saved a million lives" ... or even "hundreds of thousands of lives?" There is none. It's all pulled out of the air.

As I keep asking, how many Amish died of Covid? There's 370,000 Amish in America and none of them followed any lockdowns or social distancing. The Amish didn't have any excess deaths. In America, the Amish are our country's best "placebo group."

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yes, he kept trying to make points. And no one of the questioners came close to holding him accountable for anything. How can we be surprised? He's been at this for, what, 40 years?

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

One of my best friends was an African American, who jokingly told me he was enduring Tuskegee Part2, but he still took the booster to keep the peace at home, even though I begged him not to expose himself or his family to repeated shots. I wonder what Kweise Fume would say about my friend dying suddenly in Feb 2022, a couple of weeks after a booster. I'm sure he'd be baffled.

Fauci is going to skate. He's killed thousands of gay guys with AIDS by denying Bactrim, tortured beagles, experimented on little black orphans, Covid isn't the first time he's butchered his fellow citizens.

I really wonder how all of these Congressional Clowns can look in the mirror after pumping their grandchildren full of toxins. Unlike you or I, they could take direct action to stop the slaughter, but doing good moral deeds isn't lucrative, so I guess the rest of us need to keep pushing for medical freedom and accountability.

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Don't forget one member of Congress lost his vaccinated 17-year-old daughter who died suddenly in her sleep not long after getting her shots.

Healthy 17-year-old girls do not die suddenly in their sleep.

I assume that Congressman is still a supporter of the vaccines and boosters. He certainly has never questioned whether these shots killed his own daughter.

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Well, he is a democrat near my district. He will never admit anything. I’m really sorry for his loss.

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Rep Casten is a horrible person, may God have mercy on his soul.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I watched the debacle and took notes.

The closest anyone got to asking a useful question was Jim Jordan: “Why was it so important that the virus did not come from a lab?” Of course F did not answer that question.

There was no discussion of whether a SARS2 virus actually existed.

This was the first time I’ve seen Marjorie Taylor Greene do anything useful. She contended that Fauci was no scientist and that he belonged in prison. I cheered, probably the only one.

Dr. Wenstrub, the Chairman, chided Fauci for signing grants without reading them. Having a subordinate like Mr. Tabak sign them does not relieve Fauci of responsibility. [I cheered.]

I did enjoy the limited attention to the six-foot separation mandate, which Fauci could not justify. Oddly, he was not pressed to say who was responsible.

I suspect that Congress is unable, either individually or collectively, to describe the COVID story. This is not a trivial task - it’s taken me days to do so and I have been watching the story since Day One. We are finally getting close to the story of the virus itself.

I admit to being confused when Fauci talked about the vaccine preventing disease but not transmission. I cannot recall any evidence of the former. And, not surprisingly, no one asked about shedding.

These were all softball questions by people who had little understanding of the issues.

And we elected them. God save us, because we need the help.

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Also, the format was rigged. As someone at Brownstone pointed out to me, the Republicans control the House. They could have allowed 15-minute sessions for questions or allowed Committee lawyers to ask questions of Fauci for 1 or two hours. It was all set-up to allow no substantive Q & A's. That's why Fauci "voluntarily" agreed to participate. He knew this would be easy to survive. Plus, half the questioners were running cover for him.

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was there any questions about banning existing effective treatments??? that’s the game changer right there… the vaccine was never needed!!

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There was none. And I watched the whole thing waiting for any mention of the monopolization of treatments. They didn’t mention the paid hospital protocols either.

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On the positive side - the fact that the NIH routinely evades FOIA was acknowledged. While our government may chose not to investigate itself, that fact alone tells us what we need to know about that agency.

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Yes, although the Committee hasn't done nearly enough to investigate all the issues that need investigating, we have learned a few important things we wouldn't have known otherwise.

This just shows what's possible when a few members of Congress follow-up on one area of inquiry. Think if half of them were trying to get important information on other topics.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

No one of sane mind or sound body expected Mr. Fauci to be actually questioned, let alone interrogated, let alone condemned for managing a global bioweapons system used on the world's people, paid for and coordinated by the same US government that was "questioning" his "science".

It is ALL kabuki theater at best. Name ONE "congressional hearing" that fought to find the truth, to hold those responsible to account, or who showed the American people what a corrupt disgusting evil empire our feral, federal government has become.

The meme with Putin saying "90% of you would be happy if I nuked DC", is becoming much more pro-American every day.

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The lab leak or natural jump argument is, was, and always will be a masterful distraction and I can promise you Tony secretly LOVES for his grillings to stay right there. He’s a talented and practiced liar and his buddies control the levers of power. More importantly, it keeps people arguing about when and where the virus came from. It’s important but is a gnat compared to the elephant in the room. That elephant is, of course, that no matter when or where it came from, Sars-cov2 never caused a public health emergency “pandemic.” No pandemic means no masks, no lockdowns, no massive economic destruction, no need to inject a rushed, experimental, generically modified, gene therapy slow kill bioweapons.

And so the circus continues…for now.

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Yesterday, the New York Post ran a startling but ultimately unsurprising jab story headlined, “NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to hide.” The so-called scientists allegedly slaving away for taxpayers’ public health were actually enriching themselves helping big pharma hawk its novel injections. So, might this be an attractant to Fauci? Is this how he spends his time?

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I just re-watched this clip of one of the Republican questioners, a doctor, who did grill Fauci very well. He played a clip of Fauci explaining how the government can make people who don't want to get vaccinated ... go ahead and get vaccinated.

You tell them you can't go to college or work at this company unless you get vaccinated, said Fauci. "You do away with all the ideological bullshit."

This is really the best sound-bite of the day. I hadn't heard Fauci saying this. I wonder where they got this audio file. I think this shows the real Fauci.


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Fauci et al may escape penalty in this life but not in the next...cold comfort but there you have it. The real criminal element of all of this are the unnecessary deaths (I'm looking at you Andrew Cuomo) and lives ruined these past three years...not to mention how there are numerous people going forward that will be negatively impacted by the Jab. There will be no Justice for any of these folks. On some level we deserve what we get for being asleep at the switch and for allowing ourselves to being "dumbed down". Pax

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We readers of Blll don't deserve it. But most Americans do.

Just so gullible and unwilling to think.

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True,,,In my mind I was excluding such folk.... that said, there is a lot of stupid out there.

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Former Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf also sent covid positive patients back to the nursing homes to die.

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I suspect that part of the reason Fauci wasn’t grilled more harshly is that all of these Congress people technically benefitted from and probably enjoyed a lot of the lockdown measures. After all, they still collected their inflated paychecks from the posh comfort of their homes. They didn’t have to figure out how to run their business or serve their customers without violating any of the unscientific rules. Their lives actually became even easier and they could sanctimoniously claim they were just following the science. Put all of them in a room with people who lost family businesses, were prevented from seeing dying family members, or worse yet, people who suddenly realized at the age of 60 that at least half the world will do horrible things to their friends and neighbors based on the words of “experts” without questioning the science. It doesn’t make sense to leave the questioning or punishment up to a group of people who were complicit.

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Bill, atheistic technocratic scientism has taken over control of the levers of power of a very large sphere of the public policy of United States--this control is pragmatic, maximizing profit over life and consumed with maintaining power over truth. It is no less a potent takeover than the authoritarian entities that have taken over the instrumentalities of the deep state that is now consolidating power and attempting to destroy Donald Trump and anyone else who gets in their way. Both of these spheres and their predatory attacking dissent seem to be connected. Should it be any surprise that this truth commission' just bounces off of Fauci? And that it avoids hard ball issues over the vaccine which was the entire raison d'etre for the covid pandemic.

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Never mentioned by any committee member was the incentive payments paid to hospitals and doctors for the poison jabs and harmful protocols, like remdesivir and ventilators, non-treatment and no admittance of sick patients, etc.

Just more kabuki theatre by this kangaroo congress.

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Thank you for this valuable wrap-up. Like others of your readers, I could not have stood to watch it myself.

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