That's about the only type of research I did - Google searches for "school closings" because of flu in X state and X month. It was a little more sophisticated or involved than this - I found school closings that readers sent me or from links inside of links.
There's no doubt there were a lot of school closings in January 2018. Just rememb…
That's about the only type of research I did - Google searches for "school closings" because of flu in X state and X month. It was a little more sophisticated or involved than this - I found school closings that readers sent me or from links inside of links.
There's no doubt there were a lot of school closings in January 2018. Just remember that's supposed to be the worst flu season in four decades. So even if it turns out that more schools closed that flu season, the baseline comparison would be skewed. It would be like saying Hurricane Opal wasn't bad ... because it wasn't as bad as Hurricane Camille.
I still think more schools closed in 2019-2020 than in January 2018 ... and that flu season was only notable for about four or five weeks. The 2019-2020 was prolonged. It was many waves of outbreaks and school closings.
I'll give you an example, I found no school closings in MISS or Georgia, which are Alabama's neighbors. I found plenty in Alabama's neighbor of Tennessee. Why no school closings in MISS or GA? I know from ILI reports that the ILI percentages in those states were through the roof at different points of that flu season.
So I think there must have been some school closings in those states. I just never learned about them.
That's about the only type of research I did - Google searches for "school closings" because of flu in X state and X month. It was a little more sophisticated or involved than this - I found school closings that readers sent me or from links inside of links.
There's no doubt there were a lot of school closings in January 2018. Just remember that's supposed to be the worst flu season in four decades. So even if it turns out that more schools closed that flu season, the baseline comparison would be skewed. It would be like saying Hurricane Opal wasn't bad ... because it wasn't as bad as Hurricane Camille.
I still think more schools closed in 2019-2020 than in January 2018 ... and that flu season was only notable for about four or five weeks. The 2019-2020 was prolonged. It was many waves of outbreaks and school closings.
I'll give you an example, I found no school closings in MISS or Georgia, which are Alabama's neighbors. I found plenty in Alabama's neighbor of Tennessee. Why no school closings in MISS or GA? I know from ILI reports that the ILI percentages in those states were through the roof at different points of that flu season.
So I think there must have been some school closings in those states. I just never learned about them.
Thanks for any new data you might find!