Cutting-Room-Floor text:

Based on Substack metrics, the message of Our Local Epidemiologist seems to be resonating with far more people than my message is.

(My message is the country should fire Your Local Epidemiologist. However, the chief stenographer of Team Fauci seems to have gotten a nice pay raise on Substack.)

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These people are paid shills with fake, non organic followings. The fact this site pushes them on everyone makes your theory about substacks owners seem 100% fact. They still haven't resorted to running ads, so this to me is more proof that it is all there doing. Most likely they are being paid above and beyond there normal take to push these controlled, fake sights on readers. I'm still quite happy with substack, as I don't mind seeing content I disagree with, and I can support who I want. If it ever resorts to running ads I'll be out of here, just like I deleted or abandoned all my other social media during Trump part 1.

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Thanks, Jim. I think that "tell" I've picked up on by noting the sites Substack aggressively promotes ... is significant. Just as revealing is the sites Substack never promotes with its PR feature stories and author Q&A pieces.

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https://benjaminjolley.substack.com/ endorses YLE. Get your safe and effective shots now!

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She's awful.

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And redundant. Just read the NY Times, Washington Post or any Gannett newspaper ... or read the CDC website. She's a stenographer or echo chamber for the authorized propaganda - but you knew that.

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Heather Cox Richardson is another one along those lines…allegedly has a very large following, for writing that does nothing but slightly reword the official talking points of the day. Not even slightly interesting as a writer.

I have an aunt, who has never questioned an official narrative in her life, who shares posts on facebook from Richardson, Reich and YLE.

My aunt and uncle are both retired and, while not wealthy, are well off enough financially that they that are somewhat isolated from the realities of the last few years. Yes, she was one of those people “happy to pay $2 more a gallon for gasoline, if it means we can help Ukraine”.

I assume that is the main audience these writers have, if any, aging, out of touch with reality, and not even a hint of curiosity about what goes on in the world beyond what they are told by the only sources of information they have always known.

It has never occurred to them to do a Bill Rice style series of Socratic questions about all that has happened in the past decade or more.

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I think about a quality of "intellectual curiosity." It seems to be rare, it might actually be difficult for most people.

Then with a degraded educational system (tell me again what your MA in ____ Studies" was about) there may well not be enough cognitive information to notice that a question should be asked.

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Probably like yourself, I think there was a long-term "conspiracy" to kill "intellectual curiosity." That conspiracy is working too.

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Consider that Substack payments could be rather like payments for Hunter Biden's "art", just a thinly disguised way to launder bribes.

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I suspect that you may be close to the truth, Patrick. By 2022 Big Pharma must have noticed the surge of narrative dissidents popping up on Substack and reacted by redeploying a billion or two from their marketing budgets to countering the trend by facilitating & then subsidising their favoured narrative-pushing agents onto Substack. The amounts of money involved in this exercise would be chicken-feed to Pharma. This sort of information management Agitprop technique has always been the bread and butter of major security agencies, such as the CIA and the former KGB, so the people running the Big Pharma psyop team would be fully aware of it. I don’t know what the answer is.

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I think the answer is to overwhelm Big Pharma's narrative by posting the truth in millions of places.

I just experimented with Facebook since Zuckerberg claimed they would not censor anymore. I posted "The mRNA injections are dangerous and worse than ineffective, making you more likely to get sick and die. If you can see this post, please reply. I'm testing whether Facebook is still shadow-banning."

Lol, it disappeared instantly! I could not even see it myself.

So Zuckerberg is apparently full of shit and the censorship about the death jabs continues at full force.

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Good experiment, Patrick. I've done the same type of experiments myself ... and gotten the same result.

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A reader of Jeff Childers says he didn't get the email this morning:


So you may be right that Substack is quietly unsubscribing people or swapping in dummy emails. I'm going to be checking my subscriber list every day for a while to try to catch them doing it.

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There is no doubt that Zuckerberg is an opportunist with an unreliable moral compass - (unless it is pointing in the direction of money) - but he must be facing the same problem that confronted Musk when he took over Twitter - namely that 80% of the Twitter backroom staff were ideological zealots and were not going to implement the new policies introduced by their new owner. Musk’s solution was to fire the obstructionists - all 80% of them, and of course they screamed. Zuckerberg has only just announced his new policy. Wait a few weeks to see what he does. Believe me, managing large organisations is like trying to steer the Titanic away from disaster - it takes time to turn the ship. The public service here in over-governed Australia are notorious for this sort of obstruction. The problem is that they are pretty well unsackable. It always takes a leader with guts to solve problems like this - and they are hard to find.

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I'll check Facebook tomorrow to ask whether anyone saw it. Maybe I'm too hasty, but I definitely could not see my own post about the jabs myself. Is that how Facebook normally works?

I'm sure Twitter is still infested with blue-haired harridans who are probably the reason I've been banned twice under Elon. But then, it's still his fault if he's letting them do that.

Didn't know you are in Australia. I have distant relatives there, and Killalea Beach south of Sydney is named for one of them. Went to a family reunion there ten years ago, very beautiful place.

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Update: Facebook did indeed suppress my post about the danger of the mRNA injections. So they are definitely still censoring, big time.

Just for fun, I tried to post this link on FB this morning:


They deleted it so fast that no human could have done it. They seem patrolled by woke AI now, pfunded by Pfizer.

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All he said was he was getting rid of fact checkers and adding something akin to community notes. I have heard anything about getting rid of content moderation, which is technically something different. They still may just stop you from posting certain things, especially anti vaccine stuff, since I'm sure pharma has billions flowing to Facebook or meta or whatever.

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Right, I misunderstood that as Facebook saying that they would allow free speech about the death jabs at last. Nope.

And maybe that was the intent, to mislead the public into believing that their Facebook posts would no longer be censored.

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No. The point was the censors are still at work perhaps in spite of Zucker. Maybe he hasn't even fired his fact checkers yet as promised. On the other hand, maybe he won't.

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It’s got to be rigged, I don’t believe these numbers. They can make anything look authentic these days, don’t fall for it!!!

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I agree with you and maybe people who follow him are so brainwashed they can’t come back to reality or the truth. It’s the unreality.

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In Canada TDS (that is, Trump Derangement Syndrome) was about 95% in public discourse. TDS (TrudeauDerangement Syndrome!) was far less evident.

Look at elections and polls. Even if there was a 10% steal on Nov 5th, there were still millions of votes for Harris and Democrats. Another group held their noses and voted for RINO's and Donald Trump after sensing the rot in the Biden/Harris camp.

Why would 500,000 Reich subscribers be a surprise, especially if most are free readers?

Understanding large numbers (Trillion dollar deficits!) does not seem to be a common competence.

As we cannot see into the black box (Dominion Voting Machines or Substack subscriber data) we must decide what to believe.

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How many bots abound on substack to support the liberal narrative? I believe, based on comments I’ve read, they have been found dissing a number of anti-narrative authors, so given that, not unreasonable to think they would be promoting narrative compliant stacks…

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Thanks for giving me a chance to say that Robert Reich is a pig.

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Hey now, I think that unfair to pigs. 😉😅

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Robert Reich is a greenhead who pretends he isn't.

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Among other things….just a hateful guy who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.

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I asked Reich what I could do to address a problem he raised in an article.

His response was, buy my book.

He rails against the system while enriching himself at the same time.

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He’s rude.

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Yes, he’s just a disgusting grifter

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He's 4 feet tall and that is one reason he hates the world.

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Frightening… 519,000 people embracing entitled victimhood….

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Reich of the worst writers around. He stands short on truth. Pun intended.

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I started off with the aim of debunking one of his recent pieces of hogwash. I then saw how many subscribers he allegedly has and decided to make that the focus of this story.

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He is only 4'11"? I just looked it up. He was drafted to serve in Viet Nam, but you had to be at least 5', so he was rejected.

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Just look at what they tried to make people believe about Kamala’s numbers! Totally manufactured numbers. And that famous pollster that was called out for fraud... it all looked real and on the up and up , couldn’t be further from the truth though!

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Here's a few thoughts on the subject. Consider the possibility that progressive idiotologues are, in fact, a small demographic on Substack. At the same time consider that rational anti-Big Brother rationalists are the vast majority on Substack. Why then would Reich have all those followers? Because the progressive idiotologues are going to flock to him, not to Bill Rice or any of those rational doctors. In the meantime, with the large quantity of rational writers on Substack (myself included!), they each can expect only their small share of the larger pie.

Work with me here. So, two pies on Substack, a small blueberry pie and a large strawberry pie. Fewer people may want the blueberry pie, but the smaller it is, the more each slice is worth. The bigger strawberry pie is more popular, but there are far more slices, so less demand for each slice. I think that translates to real life. Progressives are not as numerous as they, or we, think, but they are very, very tight.

As for the promotional stuff from Substack, as with FB or anyone else, their algorithms are likely to feed you what your history says you want to see. Bill, since you are subscribed to some of these folks, expect to get similar recommendation. I subscribe to nearly none of them, and get nearly no such recommendations. Not even Noah Smith anymore, since he ghosted me. I was never that hard on him, but there you go.

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Good points. Our side's farm system is substantially bit larger - and, thus, our piece of the pie can't be as large. We're the "Covid contrarians." There's really no need for newsletters that regurgitate the authorized Covid narratives. Hundreds of mainstream media organizations do that job every day.

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I think many of the liberal subscribers have the money to spread around while those of us that place ethics over financial gain do not. I can only afford two subscriptions each month but really appreciate the free subscription option offered by journalists such as yourself. ( If ever I come into extra money there will be some generous donations!) I have noticed the promotion of substack views that are more akin to the msm nonsense that I came to substack to avoid. However if you support free discussion then that must be tolerated.

Thanks for your excellent pieces.

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I agree with several other commenters that it's extremely likely - in fact, I have little doubt about it - that the stats of virtually all Substack authors are fudged. Because they know that you all are looking at them as a measure of reach, and a measure of "which group" is "ascendant" vs. "descendant", just as you discussed. It would be easy peasy for them to fudge the numbers, and to assume they don't is, at this point, ignoring that you are right - they are not the true freedom fighters we'd all hoped. In fact, we SHOULD assume that they're fudging just about everything we see. Because, if you were them, i.e. snakes, wouldn't you? If you were a snake, you'd be stupid not to. As that saying goes, perception is (or becomes) reality. This is all a test - and we're being played from every side possible because we HAVE to brought to our knees. And, what we perceive has a way of affecting our thoughts and behavior - if we perceive things are going badly, we tend to get depressed and stop fighting as hard. All my best.

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"if we perceive things are going badly, we tend to get depressed and stop fighting as hard. "

Demoralization is a key component of the plan. Make them think everything is hopeless and keeping your head down and bowing and scraping is the way. I've seen this resignation in third world countries. the idea is I am a peasant and the rulers know best and I can't do anything about my station in life or circumstances anyway.

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probably subscribers are tax dollar bots as in just another way to fund deep state interest. may not mean anything in respect to substack but just another way to abuse tech by the deep state. imho. when I write something controversial I get these never before 'comments' from followers I never heard of before saying confusing things or shame based censorship comments. So the deep state knows truth moves here. It still does.

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Ding ding ding.

Same with the "freedom movement" side as well. The huge voices have massive teams behind them. Content is carefully curated and they are government-adjacent.

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this. Crush and marginalize any dissidence and straying from the official narrative. Pour money into idiots, make them seem popular. the idea is that guy has many thousands of subscribers, he must know what he is talking about.

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It would have to be sad for him to know the real numbers at the end of each month. Be 4 feet tall, standing in his kitchen, opening the very important mail that tells him how many are bots and how many are real, from his handler at the FBI, wearing his Iron Man pajamas, and out of 500k subscribers find out his total of real readers went from 597 to 49 because of some rational thing he said,

"Aww, dang it. Only 49 are real."

He then pulls his Snugly Bear off the kitchen counter, and with his copy of "Rules for Radicals" under his arm, shuffles upstairs to bed to read before night night.

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It's hard to believe that Dan Rather has that many subscribers. He was busted faking the Bush National Guard memo and fired from CBS.

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I remember when he used to sign off his newscasts with the word "Courage." Well, he's not courageous enough to allow me as a subscriber.

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courage is only a word for rather.

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On Jan 6th he continued spreading the false claim that capital police died at the protest in 2021. The guy is a clown. Only bots and low iq boomers subscribe to or believe this dolt. The guy is a joke.

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Exactly! Those subscribers can't be real.

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rather's book, the camera never blinks, completely clued me in about the lying msm. I finished with a sense of disgust for talking heads and that hasn't changed.

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Someone (it might have been you) did a piece on YLE a while ago and noted that they have very little engagement compared to authors with far fewer subscribers. They are certainly being boosted by bot nets if not by substack directly. I wouldn't be surprised if there was public funds paying for bot subscriptions as well in exchange for propaganda pieces.

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I did a story on her a while back and a couple of other liberal Substack authors with very dubious subscriber/revenue numbers - like Bob Dunning.

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"They"? Do you mean she? Or do you suggest Dictator Katelyn Jetelina suffer gender dysphoria?

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No, I mean they. For all I know the stack is curated by a dozen spooks that may or may not be trannies and eunuchs.

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I thought there were suddenly (when Kamala was running) a lot of awful nasty people suddenly in substack, insulting anyone who didn’t agree with the Biden regime’s views.

Promoting evil creatures like Reich could sink substack. The fact that he actually has subscribers to that level could explain the truly awful commenters wandering around

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And we should welcome these low iq, non thinking dolls with open arms. They deserve ridicule and scorn. Troll them to death like the librarian of celeano. Or meme them death like El Gato Malo. Both excellent writers on this site. Or go the Chris bray route and kill them with ther own words.

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Makes sense to me. I imagine you have a load of memes at the ready. I will be watching and borrowing. 🔥

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I don't think it's paranoid AT ALL to consider corruption at the highest levels of substack.

Statists are people who believe in the "system" for among other reasons, allowing them to "wet their beak" in popular items EXACTLY LIKE SUBSTACK.

Maybe that's why there hasn't (to my knowledge) been a large effort to diminish or outlaw Substack, like the effort(s) to compromise Twitter.

Is substack a private or public company?

If it's public, doesnt Substack have a fiduciary duty to a honest accounting?

That would be good to know.

Count on the "Deep State" ALWAYS being dishonest.


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I'm pretty sure Substack is a private company. There's reams of REAL metrics I'd love to know.

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I suspect AI is being used. Not all commenters are real people, not sure, but some commenters on Substack notes just don't sound genuine to me. Guess that's just my skeptic's antennae. I've muted a few. They can speak to others freely, but they don't clog my page uninvited.

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there is always the human element, even if substack was started with the best intentions every organization if there is power and wealth involved will eventually be hollowed out and taken over by greedy liars and ideologues and used for nefarious purposes. Anyone who was there for the right reasons will be driven out.

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Things tend to go in cycles. I don’t like to see the lefties or worse yet lefty trolls out here. I blocked out Reich and Rather a long long time ago. I have my concerns about the leadership here and what they are trying to accomplish.

At least there are more than enough like yourself, Bill, who align with my views to give me hope in things moving forward. And then, there’s always those who write their stories. Stories about life, heartache, journeys and motivation. Try to remember that there seem to be more who are more brain dead out there than those with a little common sense (remember that ?) who would support the likes of Reich and Rather.

Don’t fret. Do what you do. You’re good at it. We all need you, and more like you. Right. Here. Now.

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Thanks, Ken. Pep talks are always appreciated!

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