Richard Hirschman's latest interview is fascinating
And raises more disturbing questions. See also my "Embalmers' Clots - By the Numbers" sidebar after this story.
Richard Hirschman, the world’s best-known whistleblowing embalmer, recently did a two-hour interview with podcasting lawyer Viva Freiheit.
I found this interview to be one of the most comprehensive and fascinating discussions I’ve seen yet on the taboo subject of the “white fibrous clots.”
Since I know most people don’t have two hours to watch an interview, I’ll paraphrase the topics or points that stood out to me.
(Aside: I’ve gotten to know Richard, who lives 35 miles south of me in Ozark, Alabama and does “trade embalming” for a funeral home in my hometown of Troy. In my previous in-depth feature story on Richard, I didn’t mention a couple of points Richard discusses in this interview.)
Can clots be formed in non-vaccinated deceased who have received blood or plasma transfusions?
In our interview, Richard told me this possibility troubles him.
In his interview with Mr. Freiheit (or Frei on his website name), Richard discussed one embalming session where he discovered the decedent had not been vaccinated. However, Richard still found the “white fibrous” clots - which he says he is finding in 45 to 50 percent of the decedents he embalms.
From information provided to him by the funeral home director, Richard learned this individual had received blood or plasma donations before his death.
This is when Richard first started worrying about the possibility that those who have received transfusions of “blood products” could form the same clots as the vaccinated.
Richard compared this scenario to the HIV/AIDS crisis when it was discovered that people who do not fit the AIDS “stereotype” could still develop this disease from blood transfusions.
If this is happening - and medical and blood bank officials are not investigating or disclosing this possibility - this would constitute another massive and sinister unreported scandal.
The interviewer repeatedly returns to a point that resonates the most with him - namely, embalmers like Richard Hirschman were NOT finding these fibrous clots or “coffee grind dirty blood” in decedents at any time prior to 2021 (and the roll-out of the vaccines).
Is amyloid the culprit or lethal/harmful protein?
Per a quick Internet search and as highlighted in the interview, “Amyloid plaques are aggregates of misfolded proteins that form in the spaces between nerve cells. These abnormally configured proteins are thought to play a central role in Alzheimer's disease. The amyloid plaques first develop in the areas of the brain concerned with memory and other cognitive functions.”
Richard said several teams of scientists and researchers he’s working with have confirmed the substances consist of amyloid proteins.
The texture of the “clots” are often compared to calamari or rubber bands.
These clots - some of which have been several feet long and have the girth of a human finger - would of course block or restrict blood flow (usually in the veins but even in the arteries).
Richard admits he does not know if the approximately 200 clots he has removed in the embalming process were the exact cause of death, but common sense suggests they were in at least some of the deaths.
However - in a new evolution of his thinking - Richard seems to be concerned about the role these amyloid proteins may have played in myriad causes of death excluding strokes, blood clots, embolisms, etc.
For example, he said he has noted an explosion in cancer deaths, with many deceased having only recently been diagnosed with cancer prior to their deaths.
Richard, admitting this is speculation, wonders if amyloid substances are affecting the body’s natural immune system and the body’s ability to fight off cancer.
Freiheit noted that cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s are already one of the world’s leading causes of death with these cases expected to explode even more in coming years.
Richard notes that many more people seem to be experiencing signs of dementia or “foggy thinking” and wonders if the amyloid substances in blood are contributing to this increase in people with dementia symptoms or impaired cognitive ability.
For me, the take-away of what Richard’s suggesting is that changes in blood composition may be causing virtually all of the premature deaths of the vaccinated … not just “clotting” deaths.
More info on why no studies of the embalmers clots are occurring …
Richard provided more background on why no major (or even minor) studies of this phenomena are occurring.
According to Richard, such research is taboo and will not be funded or undertaken by any “scientific” organization like a university.
He described a reality where the few scientists studying this issue have to use clandestine or less controversial explanations to even get labs to analyze the chemical composition of the white fibrous clots.
According to Richard, if labs knew the researchers were investigating the possibility the vaccines might be deadly, lab owners or managers probably wouldn’t authorize the analysis.
The resources that would be required to do a serious and comprehensive scientific investigation are not available to the tiny group of scientists and doctors who are trying to perform such analysis, Richard said.
Also, any work that has already been done would not meet the standards required of a peer-reviewed study so no major “scientific papers” could be published.
This, according to the interviewer Mr. Frei, qualifies as a “Catch 22” which supports my conclusion that the public health establishment is not going to investigate anything it does not want to “confirm.”
Needless to say (but I’m going to keep saying it), every college with a science department could and should be funding research into all questions surrounding the “embalmers’ clots.”
Apparently, as Richard confirms, such “scientists” are fully aware of topics which are off limits to legitimate scientific investigation.
The view that these clots always existed is preposterous and non-sensical, says Richard …
If these clots had existed before the vaccines, embalmers would have seen them over and over, Richard said.
Richard made a great point when he noted one cannot find pictures of these clots in any textbook studied by embalmers or funeral home directors when they were studying to obtain their embalmer/funeral home credentials.
Some skeptics and “fact checkers” maintain these substances are “chicken fat” clots, which embalmers have always encountered.
Not so, says Richard, who points out the so-called chicken fat clots are yellow in color (not white) and do not have the same texture as the new clots embalmers are finding.
Richard points out that at least two whistleblowers - a Cath-lab manager and a cardiologist surgeon - have reported finding and extracting these clots in living patients on a routine basis. (Dr. Philip McMillan, Tom Haviland, Laura Kasner and this Substack author have also repeatedly pointed this out).
But some clots might form post-mortem …
Richard does say he knows of at least one case where he is almost certain the “white fibrous” clots formed post-mortem (after death).
This case was a person who died with tubes from the ECMO devise still left on his body. Richard found white fibrous clots inside this tube, a chemical change that must have happened after death, he says.
However, this is still a phenomenon that is new to medicine and the reason this happened should be of great interest to scientists, he said.
Still, Richard firmly believes the vast majority of the white fibrous clots he’s finding were formed while the person was still alive.
He points out that he embalms many bodies within minutes after the body has been transported to the funeral home. (He says he is often at the funeral home before the body has even arrived and often begins the embalming process “while the blood is still warm.”)
In some of these recent-death cases, he has removed very long and thick white fibrous clots - including one 19-inch clot he showed on camera. The possibility that such lengthy and thick clot could have formed inside the body in a matter of hours seems extremely remote to him.
And, again, he points out that whistleblowers have found identical-looking clots in living patients - many times.
Richard notes that up to “80 percent” of surveyed embalmers report finding these clots. These embalmers are from countries around the world and Richard has corresponded or spoken with many of these embalmers.
Richard defends ethics of what he’s doing …
Frei asked a few questions about the “ethics” of removing or saving these materials from decedents.
As Richard told me in my interview, he points out this material would simply be flushed down a drain if he didn’t save it. He compared what he is doing to criminal investigators who often look through dumpsters for important evidence.
An analogy Richard referenced several times rang true to me.
Asked Richard … if he looks out his window and sees smoke coming out of his neighbor’s home, should he call the fire department or not?
What if he did, and the 911 operator told him he could be wrong or she couldn’t act on his information because he wasn’t a certified fire man?
Officials or the operator might tell him that they need more evidence before they commit the resources of sending a fire truck to the scene.
But what if Richard was right that there was a fire next door, which could have burned the house to the ground and killed every person in the house, including children.
To finish the analogy, Richard says the embalmers (and those who believe the embalmers) are reporting a terrible fire … that officials refuse to even investigate.
No first responders are interested in preventing deaths.
Even if he’s wrong and the “vaccines” are not causing these clots, why don’t officials want to know what is causing these clots, he asked.
It’s beyond disturbing the world’s leaders apparently have no interest in answering Richard’s questions.
Embalmers’ Clots - By the Numbers …
200 - Approximate number of white fibrous clots Richard Hirschman has found - and documented - in deceased in the last three years.
Note: The number would be larger but Richard didn’t begin documenting these clots until about four or five months after he first began noticing them around May of 2021.
50 percent - Percentage of embalmed bodies where Richard is finding white fibrous clots and/or “dirty blood.”
Note: Richard says this percentage might have gone down to “45 percent” in recent months.
50 percent or more - Percentage of deceased who are now cremated.
67 percent - how much cheaper it is to be cremated compared to traditional funeral services where the body is embalmed and buried, according to Richard.
Note: Extrapolating, Richard might have have found twice as many “embalmers clots” if every decedent underwent the embalming process.
65+ - Age of the vast majority of decedents where Richard is finding these clots.
Note: However, Richard has found these clots in virtually all age groups, he says.
99 percent - Percentage of living patients who had “white fibrous clots” removed in emergency procedures who had been vaccinated, according to a Cath-lab manager interviewed by Dr. Philip McMillan.
1 to 29 - Number of days from cancer diagnosis to death of several decedents Richard has embalmed, according to information provided to him.
73 to 84 percent - Percentage of embalmers who responded to Tom Haviland’s two surveys who report finding white fibrous clots.
2 - Whistleblowers (so far) who report finding white fibrous clots in living patients.
Note: One of these whistleblowers, a cardiac surgeon, has decided not to come forward, according to information previously disclosed by Tom Haviland.
1 - Number of decedents embalmed by Richard Hirschman who had white fibrous clots and had recently received blood products via a blood transfusion, per information revealed by Richard.
7 - Approximate number of stories I’ve written on this subject, including this one asking why no officials will investigate this subject.
0 - Number of research studies into the “embalmers’ clots.”
Tom Haviland, the man who with Laura Kasner's help, has done the surveys of embalmers, emailed me and said 73 to 84 percent of embalmers who responded to his two surveys say they found the "white fibrous clots."
Here's Tom's email, that is interesting:
First, thanks for giving coverage to Laura's and my important embalmer surveys that are tracking/quantifying the "white fibrous clot" side effect of the Covid vaccines. To my knowledge, we are the only persons in the entire world who are counting the prevalence of these dangerous clots.
Attached is a PowerPoint file with the results of last year's worldwide embalmer survey for 2023, and a SurveyMonkey file with the interim results of the USA portion of this year's survey for 2024 which we are running right now.
When you look at both files, you will see the bad news:
2023 Survey: 73% (197 out of 269) of world embalmers saw the "white fibrous clots" in 2023 (see Q4 slide)
20% of corpses contained the "white fibrous clots" (weighted average of bars on Q5 slide, including the 63 embalmers who said they saw none)
2024 Survey: 84% (198 out of 234) of USA embalmers saw the "white fibrous clots" in 2024 (see Q2 slide)
25% of corpses contained the "white fibrous clots" (approx. weighted average of bars on the Q3 slide, including the 29 embalmers who said they saw none)
CONCLUSION: Despite the fact that we are further away from the date that most people took their last Covid jabs way back in 2021, there are STILL A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER of corpses showing up with these "white fibrous clots" in 2024! Remember, the vast majority of embalmers, many with 20 or 30 years of experience, have never seen these "white fibrous clots" prior to 2021.
You will also see in both files that 80% of embalmers are seeing the equally dangerous phenomenon of "micro-clotting" in a shocking 20% to 25% of their corpses as well. These "micro-clots" block the small capillaries that feed oxygen to all organs including the brain, the eyes, etc.
When you see these horrific numbers, now it makes sense why we see such a large increase in heart attacks and strokes these days.
July 8, I had surgery for a badly broken wrist. I WROTE on the pre-op consent form: no xenografts, no allografts, autograft only; and NO mRNA products at all. Blood to come only from my husband. I don't actually know his type--maybe we aren't even compatible. Verbally I told the PA: I would rather die than receive mRNA tainted blood. And that is true, as I am not afraid of dying. Come, Lord Jesus.