You're right that "covid killing children" is the greatest covid lie of all. A vicious and disgraceful lie.
All studies show that very, very few - if any - healthy children died from covid. Most of the low number of child deaths were to children with other serious co-morbidities.
CDC fatality rate for Ages 0-19 is 0.003%
Dr. John Ioannidis - the gold standard study - gives the fatality rate for Ages 0-19 as 0.0003%
The European Journal of Epidemiology gives the fatality rate for Ages 0-19 as 0.004%
EXCELLENT article, Bill! You are superb researcher and also excellent at gathering statistics. My virologist husband worked with coronavirus (which is what covid was originally called) when he worked at Public Health Dept. of PA years ago. He says it was one form of the common cold that caused alot of respiratory problems. Kids don't normally get sick and die unless they have another comorbidity, they are protected by their mother's immune system from when they were in utero. No one should be jabbed under the age of 6 minimum because their immune systems aren't developed enough to handle it - which is why we're seeing epidemic proportions of autism, as part of the immune system is in the brain. You've gathered enough stats to prove what I'm saying right here. We need more researchers who are writers like you. And if you can figure this out, why the heck can't the CDC figure it out?????? Truth is no one should have died from covid except those with impaired immunity/comorbidities. Those who died were either jabbed or otherwise killed with remdesivir and ventilators or some such.
Thanks for the kind words, E Grogan. I agree of course. I've still got a lot of stories that no one else has covered, or questions that no one else has asked.
That is assuming that the government wants to get to the bottom of the Covid scam instead of perpetuating it. The government has the momentum now with their captured media to push the death shot. Last statistic I saw was one in 600 jabees have died of the shot. I posted a question a couple of days ago asking how many politicians have died from the vaccine. I can't think off the top of my head of any.
I've noted the same thing about politicians, Fred. Take the members of Congress. We have 535 senators and representatives at any one time. But over the 3-plus years of Covid, at least 650 must have served. No Congressman or Senator has died from Covid. And that is a very old demo! It's another good sample that gets ignored.
I still haven't heard of one college or pro athlete who died from Covid. That's a sample of millions of people.
I've read of some young pro athletes dying and some politicians and celebrities but it never says what they died from, which is strange, they usually give a cause of death. I'm assuming it's from the jab though.
Hi. I was responding to your comment of "why the heck can't the CDC figure it out?" My thought is the CDC does not and never had any intention of deviating from the genocidal plan.
BINGO! My husband has been a virologist for over 50 yrs, worked for Public Health Dept of PA for many yrs, and worked with Nobel prize winning scientist on her research team. As such he had access to some world class scientists. One was James Watson, co-discoverer of the spiral nature of DNA for which he won the Nobel prize. One day in early 1990s, he and my husband were talking and he told my husband that Pres. Clinton had fired all the scientists at C D C and hired public relations people in their place. This explains alot. C D C has never been the same since. You nailed it exactly, sir.
Not sure why you're saying in your first sentence? I'm not assuming the govt wants to get to the bottom of anything - but I don't know how this applies to my comment, could you please explain, I must be missing something. Thank you.
More info from my original article in
A footnote in the study defines life-limiting conditions as “diseases with no reasonable hope of a cure that will ultimately be fatal.” Approximately 3 in 1,000 young people have medical conditions characterized as “life-limiting.”
“Our findings emphasize the importance of underlying co-morbidities as the main risk factor for death, as 76% had chronic conditions, 64% had multiple co-morbidities, and 60% had life-limiting conditions.”
Among the 25 U.K. children who died of COVID, 15 had a “life-limiting neurological condition,” of which 13 “had complex neurodisability due to a combination of an underlying genetic or metabolic condition, hypoxic-ischaemic events or prematurity.”
Note: The authors make clear that these major “life-limiting” medical conditions were not “asthma” or “diabetes.” These Covid deaths occurred primarily among children who suffered from very serious neurological conditions, according to the study’s authors.
Imagine having believed the government's lies about the danger your children were in from a covid infection, and having been so frightened, running to your pediatrician to get your children vaccinated for covid, only to have them injured by that vaccine, and then getting a covid infection!
Think of all of the global hags, bags & decrepits that are supposedly most vulnerable like Biden, Faux-Xi, Clintons, Chuck & Camilla, Pelosi, Feinstein, ad nauseum - not a 1 dropping dead after supposed multiple rounds
Thank you for reporting, Bill, on this criminal madness. And it hasn't just been about grossly misrepresenting the risks of fatal illness for the kids, it has also been about labeling the kids dirty little disease spreaders. Jab them to protect adults (and mask 'em, too). I think the Sesame Street skit with Rosita sums that up quite well:
Sesame Street's Rosita gets her first Covid-19 vaccine dose
"Characters from Sesame Street talk to CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill about the children's Covid-19 vaccine. For more tune into The ABC's of Covid Vaccines: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Families hosted by CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill along with Sesame Street's Big Bird, Elmo and Friends. Saturday, November 6 [2021] at 8:30am ET on CNN."
MUPPET WITH ORANGE HAIR, RED FACE, YELLOW NOSE: Oh, does Rosita have a boo boo?
ROSITA [green furry puppet]: Oh oh, no I [inaudible] this is from my covid vaccine. My mami and my papi took me to get it this morning. Hmm hmmm.
MUPPET WITH ORANGE HAIR, RED FACE, YELLOW NOSE: [laughs and nods delightedly]
ERICA HILL: Rosita, that's great! Getting the covid vaccine is a great way to stay healthy.
ROSITA: Sí, my mami and my papi said that it will help keep me, my friends, my neighbors, my abuela, all healthy.
DR. SANJAY GUPTA: Your parents are absolutely right. You know, covid vaccines are now available for children 5 years and older. And the more people who get them, the better we're going to be able to help stop the spread of covid and keep everyone healthy.
Thank you Tr.B. Herculean work tranniescribing (not funny... I'm punch-drunk from Sesame poison!), and so appreciated by those of us who prefer reading the words. Best.
I thought Ivermectin hadn't gotten a fair shake by the FDA/CDC but I still got vaccinated and was waiting patiently for it to become available for my kids. But then Delta hit that summer and I got worried about them going back to school. That's when I wanted to know the risk of hospitalization and I couldn't get an accurate number. The CDC had something like < 2% chance of hospitalization for children under the age of 18. I have two kids. My basic math was telling me there was a 1/25 chance we'd be bringing one of them to the hospital if the risk was close to 2%....So how much less was the less sign saying? It took me weeks to track down a BBC article that had chances of a kid going to the ICU once infected at 1/50K. A relief but also frustration and anger ensued.
At that point I became obsessed to know as much as I could. By the time the vaccines were available in November I had concerns but figured it was something like a 1/2000 chance they'd be hospitalized by Covid or 1/5000 chance of something like 'mild' myocarditas. I figured the vaccine would let us mentally move on from the shot but I voiced my opinion that I didn't think it was necessary, and was probably a mistake. In one of those conversations I asked my wife how many hospitalizations were there per what she's been reading and she said 90,000. I noted that that was a problem because the FDA documentation had it at 9,000. She noted she was bad at remembering numbers, but I tracked down that the NYT had articles with numbers that high that they had to retract. My father-in-law is a virologist so the short of it is they got vaccinated and are fine.
I took a break from medical stuff until I heard it was going on the vaccine schedule. At that point I figured I owed anti-vaxxers a fair listen. Asked Toby Rogers for the best books. Read Dissolving Illusions, and Turtles all the Way Down and am now an anti-vaxxer but I'm not vocal about it in real life. It feels like a form of living the closet. Its driving me crazy.
I know this fall there will be pressure for all sorts of shots. So thanks for the summary and the reminder of how unhinged this has all become.
I also got vaccinated and then came around to believing that the Covid vaccines are a fraud, and became more skeptical about vaccines in general—not knee-jerk anti-VAX but not regarding them as sacramental, either.
I feel it's important to not hide my opinion from my friends, although I try not to be militant or obnoxious which makes people close their ears; rather calm and reasonable and just point out things that should be obvious, like the fact that they've all been boosted to the max and have been infected multiple times.
There was nothing knee-jerk about me becoming anti-vax. I tried to offset reading the vaccine critiques by reading books by Dr. Paul Offit at the same time. It just didn't work. IMO, if you take the time to give each side a chance to make there case like we do in a court of law, its not close. The vaccine industry gets its clock cleaned. Honestly they'd do better having Hotez try to settle the issue in a fist fight with Joe Rogan than try to argue it.
I gave up on Offit when in the False Prophets of Autism he tried to admonish the scientist who hit pause on thimerosol in vaccines because....wait for'll never guess....breast implants. remember how americans sue people when products might have hurt them...well such litigious behavior unfarily targeted breast implants as later studies...(later is after tens of thousand implants were given) showed them to be safe. So arguably the scientist concerned about mercury in vaccines being higher than the EPA suggests should have played it cool.
The greatest lie is that there is a novel pathogen called Covid. All it is, is repackaged flu or respiratory illness. They pretend you can tell the difference. It is a lie.
To the psychos however, Covid is not a lie. They actually believe they are saving the world. They are religious fanatics in which their science is a religion. They are not rational. We have regressed to an earlier era.
I'm going to write an article at some point on this theory - i.e. that "Covid" is/was simply "re-branded" flu or ILI. I don't automatically dismiss this theory like many of my Covid writer colleagues do ... but I've got some questions that I'd like to pose to those in this group.
You are exactly right, it is a form of the common cold. It says this in medical reference books and my husband worked with it when he was a virologist at Public Health Dept. of PA years ago. It was called coronavirus.
If I hadn't found substack, my few remaining sanity cells would have been brain-killed early on in this decade.
I wear the conspiracy -theory tinfoil hat (reluctantly) because I was raised to demand personal agency, take responsibility for myself (and my cohort) and live a faithful life knowing Most People are Good. Internet subject matter experts made me paranoid because my research debunked their claims.
Thanks to YOUR cogent study analysis on early WuFlu, Dr Adrian Gaty's advocacy for children, Dr Colleen Huber's Defeating Covid posts and Dr Robert Malone's early and persistent revelations about the jab, I am among the better informed and yet sadly isolated. Glad though to hear your words, that I can survive and thrive without the ignorant bliss.
Also, for amusement, here's some satire on jabbing the kiddos:
I have been vocal but unsuccessful on the "plz wait-&-see before vaxxing kids" effort. One of three g'kids avoided the jab, 2 were under control of my sheeple son&d-in-law and are fully vaxxed/boosted.
I wonder what underlying mess awaits them, and worry for all of their futures on a mental, physical and spiritual level.
>Covid kills a much higher percentage of Blacks and Hispanics
Vitamin D-dark skin in cold climates, genetics and SC2, obesity, poverty? But we will never know, because 'knowing things is racist', and helping people is racist, which is what the 'pious non-racists' tell us as they murder people of colour in huge numbers.
I think the higher rates of diabetes and obesity in blacks must have s/thing to do with the higher death rates of blacks. And poverty too. Poor people aren't as healthy as wealthier people so they would be more susceptible to death. Also, look at where the vast majority of these early "Covid deaths" happened - in a couple of large cities and within hospitals in these cities that serve the poor. The poor aren't as likely to have strong advocates speaking up for them while isolated in these hospitals. They are easier prey for the iatrogenic deaths, which clearly caused the overwhelming percentage of "Covid deaths."
Bill, as you note the UK was less scared of noticing racial variation than the US. In fact it was initially deemed imperative to investigate. After controlling for socioeconomics and comorbidities, the race correlation was found to be weak at best, possibly nil. I'm sure the studies are easily searchable. Interestingly the whole discussion seemed to disappear from the media after about the first year of COVID. Strange how the dominant narrative always converges eh?
I also have another couple of hypotheses: these 'covid deaths' in poor black areas were 1) sprayed with something - a bioweapon that is deadly that does not spread. The US has deep, deep form for experimenting on the public using aerial spraying (see the many declassifed docs), and/or 2) poor homeless people were kidnapped/lured into hospitals and murdered for profit (see: Nurse Erin).
Also, Bill, to add to your point, that “virus” acted rather racially: folks of darker skin make less vitamin D than caucasians, and was a factor early in the plandemic: australians, predominantly white, were sunning themselves on beaches and getting vitD and suffered less disease. The good Dr Campbell on YT discussed this early on. As gov advised us to avoid vitD and any other effective treatment besides the poison jab.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. It's so common that most children have been infected with the virus by age 2. Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-ul) virus can also infect adults.
Kids need muck and bugs to build immunity. LEAVE THE KIDS (and their expectant mothers) ALONE
The high mortality rate for black people is because they have dark skin and sunlight produces insufficient vitamin in their skin in north climates. Is almost certainly the reason we have winter colds and flu seasons, insufficient vitamin D for everyone in the winter. Take Vitamin D supplements with vitamin K2 to ensure calcium is directed to the bones.
The medical establishment has totally failed black people for not informing them about their need for vitamin D (+K2) supplements. Is this malice or incompetence? At the end of the day who cares why? They failed to protect people. They are failures. The doctors need to be looked at as failures.
STEVE BANNON: How can we possibly have the FDA approving—and they seem like they're obsessed— to approve the vaccinations, the vaccines for the babies. Walk me through this. I don't understand how this could happen given all the information that's come out now, and I particularly don't understand the obsession, and it is an obsession they have, to get it into kids under five. Dr. Alexander.
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Hey Steve, once again, it's a real honor to be here. Look, let me get to the point. When we look at all of the data, we look at data out of Sweden, out of Germany, out of the UK, we look at data by Martin Makary Johns Hopkins, we look at all of the Nordic nations, we see that the risk of death in healthy children, young children, young infants even, is basically zero. In fact Sweden, Germany, and these places record no deaths in healthy children in this age group. Martin Makary's group Johns Hopkins showed us that, I want to be clear how I make this statement, in United States of America since the beginning of this pandemic, not one healthy child has gotten infected with covid and died.
In the United States of America, during covid, from day one to today, that's almost two and a half years, not one healthy child has gotten infected with covid and passed away. Period.
There is no data that Fauci, Francis Collins, Rochelle Walensky, anyone in the Biden administration, or anyone even in the prior Trump administration, has shown us. There weren't any child. This is reckless, this is dangerous what the FDA and CDC has done.
They have no data, Steve. And what they have done is, they are relying on trials and studies that are very suboptimal and methodologically flawed. They are deliberately undersize, in terms of the sample size being small, and they deliberately shorten the duration of followup. So you, the reader, don't realize that they cannot detect safety signals because the duration of followup is so short, the safety effects can't emerge. So what they are doing is deceiving and misleading the public. And they are using crazy procedures like immunobridging. They are not looking at the patient important outcomes that you as a parent, you as grandparents, need to know.
Does this vaccine, let me be clear, does the Pfizer Moderna vaccine cut the risk of hospitalization or death or ICU? Patient important hard outcomes. There is no study that Pfizer Moderna has done, none, as of this moment, to show that these vaccines are effective in reducing hospitalizations or death. What they have done is they've run studies on antibodies, which means nothing to us because antibodies are not a proxy for immunity. So right now we are being misguided and misled with this flawed, and I actually say fraudulent, studies.
What the FDA has done here and the CDC is wrong. And I want to go on record Steve by saying, this is the hill that parents must battle on. This is the hill that parents must be prepared, must prepared to wage their largest battle. No child should be given these vaccines. Absolutely none. There's no basis. Your child is at zero risk, statistical zero risk, of severe illness or death from covid. You stand up and you say no.
DR. MICHELLE PERRO: Hi, I'm Dr. Michelle Perro. I am a physician caring for children for nearly four decades. And I'd like to thank [inaudible] for inviting me to chat with you. I apologize for not being able to be there in person, but I have a work conflict right now. So, but I'd like to share a little bit about my experience.
Briefly, about me, who am I? I've been a pediatric emergency physician, trained at Mt. Sinai, NYU, Bellevue, and then Metropolitan New York Medical College. I've been in California for thirty years where I worked at Oakland Children's Hospital and then I branched out to work in integrative health with a focus on GMOs, pesticides and environmental intoxicants, and how they affect our children. I co-authored a book, WHAT'S MAKING OUR CHILDREN SICK, which looked at the effect of GMOs and pesticides on health. I am cofounder and executive director of, a nonprofit based on educating, education regarding GMOs, pesticides, and health, with a lens on health. But we've covered many topics over the years.
And why am I here today? I am going to be brief. This is in regard to the effects of Covid on children. And I'd like to share a bit of my experience of the past two years. I've been seeing children with Covid, from CoV-2, and I have to say, in the practice where I work, out of six practitioners, there have been no sick children from Covid. Certainly some fevers, some flu-like illnesses, body aches, etcetera., were the worst that we've seen. And the recovery, the majority of our children, was super quick. Those who took a bit longer, a few days, were usually older teenagers or early, young adults.
Fast-forward to January, February. What have we been seeing, are Covid vaccine reactions. And they are amazingly frequent. They run the gamut of mild, moderate, and severe. We don't tend to see the mild ones because many parents don't even recognize that they are vaccine reactions. Just the moderate and severe ones.
What type of reactions am I seeing? I've seen now, and it's still, I just want to share with you that I work very little clinically at this point in my career, I am mostly teaching and writing, so I'm not seeing a lot of patients, and out of the few patients that I'm seeing, I've seen cardiac issues, breakdown of muscle tissue, seizures. One child lost the ability to speak. One child developed problems with her blood pressure, it's called POTs, postural orthostatic tachycardia, hypertension. She was unable to stand after her booster. She was fourteen. Persistent menstrual bleeding in young women. What else have I seen? Severe reactions at the site of the injection. And two kids with bizarre rashes that looked autoimmune in nature.
And I have been following the data. And it really is quite clear that a child's risk of being injured or dying from the vaccine is actually much, much worse than the virus itself, which has an almost zero morbidity and mortality.
I really am flummoxed as to why we are vaccinating— and it's not a vaccine, by the way— our children with this, I will say it, be frank, bio-weapon.
You have to understand also that the newest research right now in vaccinology is nanovaccinology. And that's the use of these nanoparticles which are extremely small in vaccines. It is clear that these nanoparticles that are encased in lipids, which allow them to enter cells better, because the cell membrane is lipid, and lipids enter lipid cells better, can cross the blood brain barrier in children. And there's no data or studies on this experimental therapy on our children.
When we consider the influence of this technology on children who are already challenged with disorders that have skyrocketed over the past few decades, especially neurocognitive challenges like autism, 1 in 33 now, ADHD, 10% of kids, most of those disorders are more common in boys. Neurosensory disorders, language issues, etcetera. So our children are chronically ill, and now we're superimposing this new technology, not studied, not researched, for no reason that I can possibly understand as a pediatrician.
In addition, we are also seeing a spike in kids who had already had chronic disorders and then flared after these inoculations. What can I say.
So, to the community that I'm speaking to, I believe many of you are rabbis, others, I apologize, I don't know who everyone is listening to this brief but impassioned plea from a pediatrician, that please consider that we are doing more harm than good for reasons that are inexcusable and unexplainable.
And, there's a few last points I'd like to end this conversation with. That to vaccinate— I'll just use that terminology — children for the sake adults is immoral and unconscionable. And I can't wrap around that. It's called coccooning.
Additionally, here in the state of California where I live we want to allow twelve year-old children to give consent for vaccines [without parental consent]. That is shocking! Children cannot give consent for their own vaccines. That is absolutely unacceptable.
[shares contact information]
I thank you for consideration in the protection of our most vulnerable and most precious, our children.
Those jabbed/innoculated/jabbed/poisoned innocent dear precious children are the ones dying or dead. And the evil communists like trudeau and macron and their ilk Know It.
You're right that "covid killing children" is the greatest covid lie of all. A vicious and disgraceful lie.
All studies show that very, very few - if any - healthy children died from covid. Most of the low number of child deaths were to children with other serious co-morbidities.
CDC fatality rate for Ages 0-19 is 0.003%
Dr. John Ioannidis - the gold standard study - gives the fatality rate for Ages 0-19 as 0.0003%
The European Journal of Epidemiology gives the fatality rate for Ages 0-19 as 0.004%
All other studies show comparable numbers.
Great job of research, thank you for sharing this.
EXCELLENT article, Bill! You are superb researcher and also excellent at gathering statistics. My virologist husband worked with coronavirus (which is what covid was originally called) when he worked at Public Health Dept. of PA years ago. He says it was one form of the common cold that caused alot of respiratory problems. Kids don't normally get sick and die unless they have another comorbidity, they are protected by their mother's immune system from when they were in utero. No one should be jabbed under the age of 6 minimum because their immune systems aren't developed enough to handle it - which is why we're seeing epidemic proportions of autism, as part of the immune system is in the brain. You've gathered enough stats to prove what I'm saying right here. We need more researchers who are writers like you. And if you can figure this out, why the heck can't the CDC figure it out?????? Truth is no one should have died from covid except those with impaired immunity/comorbidities. Those who died were either jabbed or otherwise killed with remdesivir and ventilators or some such.
Thanks for the kind words, E Grogan. I agree of course. I've still got a lot of stories that no one else has covered, or questions that no one else has asked.
Keep them coming, Bill, we need more journalists like you!
That is assuming that the government wants to get to the bottom of the Covid scam instead of perpetuating it. The government has the momentum now with their captured media to push the death shot. Last statistic I saw was one in 600 jabees have died of the shot. I posted a question a couple of days ago asking how many politicians have died from the vaccine. I can't think off the top of my head of any.
I've noted the same thing about politicians, Fred. Take the members of Congress. We have 535 senators and representatives at any one time. But over the 3-plus years of Covid, at least 650 must have served. No Congressman or Senator has died from Covid. And that is a very old demo! It's another good sample that gets ignored.
I still haven't heard of one college or pro athlete who died from Covid. That's a sample of millions of people.
I've read of some young pro athletes dying and some politicians and celebrities but it never says what they died from, which is strange, they usually give a cause of death. I'm assuming it's from the jab though.
Hi. I was responding to your comment of "why the heck can't the CDC figure it out?" My thought is the CDC does not and never had any intention of deviating from the genocidal plan.
BINGO! My husband has been a virologist for over 50 yrs, worked for Public Health Dept of PA for many yrs, and worked with Nobel prize winning scientist on her research team. As such he had access to some world class scientists. One was James Watson, co-discoverer of the spiral nature of DNA for which he won the Nobel prize. One day in early 1990s, he and my husband were talking and he told my husband that Pres. Clinton had fired all the scientists at C D C and hired public relations people in their place. This explains alot. C D C has never been the same since. You nailed it exactly, sir.
Thankyou for that extra historical clue I have not come across previously!!!!!
Right. Lots of athlete have died after getting the jab. But none (that I am aware of) from Covid proper.
Me either.
Not sure why you're saying in your first sentence? I'm not assuming the govt wants to get to the bottom of anything - but I don't know how this applies to my comment, could you please explain, I must be missing something. Thank you.
More info from my original article in
A footnote in the study defines life-limiting conditions as “diseases with no reasonable hope of a cure that will ultimately be fatal.” Approximately 3 in 1,000 young people have medical conditions characterized as “life-limiting.”
“Our findings emphasize the importance of underlying co-morbidities as the main risk factor for death, as 76% had chronic conditions, 64% had multiple co-morbidities, and 60% had life-limiting conditions.”
Among the 25 U.K. children who died of COVID, 15 had a “life-limiting neurological condition,” of which 13 “had complex neurodisability due to a combination of an underlying genetic or metabolic condition, hypoxic-ischaemic events or prematurity.”
Note: The authors make clear that these major “life-limiting” medical conditions were not “asthma” or “diabetes.” These Covid deaths occurred primarily among children who suffered from very serious neurological conditions, according to the study’s authors.
Imagine having believed the government's lies about the danger your children were in from a covid infection, and having been so frightened, running to your pediatrician to get your children vaccinated for covid, only to have them injured by that vaccine, and then getting a covid infection!
I don’t think the “Royal Family” or any other global elites & useful idiots took the real jab anyway.
Probably right.
Think of all of the global hags, bags & decrepits that are supposedly most vulnerable like Biden, Faux-Xi, Clintons, Chuck & Camilla, Pelosi, Feinstein, ad nauseum - not a 1 dropping dead after supposed multiple rounds
Thank you for reporting, Bill, on this criminal madness. And it hasn't just been about grossly misrepresenting the risks of fatal illness for the kids, it has also been about labeling the kids dirty little disease spreaders. Jab them to protect adults (and mask 'em, too). I think the Sesame Street skit with Rosita sums that up quite well:
Sesame Street's Rosita gets her first Covid-19 vaccine dose
"Characters from Sesame Street talk to CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill about the children's Covid-19 vaccine. For more tune into The ABC's of Covid Vaccines: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Families hosted by CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill along with Sesame Street's Big Bird, Elmo and Friends. Saturday, November 6 [2021] at 8:30am ET on CNN."
MUPPET WITH ORANGE HAIR, RED FACE, YELLOW NOSE: Oh, does Rosita have a boo boo?
ROSITA [green furry puppet]: Oh oh, no I [inaudible] this is from my covid vaccine. My mami and my papi took me to get it this morning. Hmm hmmm.
MUPPET WITH ORANGE HAIR, RED FACE, YELLOW NOSE: [laughs and nods delightedly]
ERICA HILL: Rosita, that's great! Getting the covid vaccine is a great way to stay healthy.
ROSITA: Sí, my mami and my papi said that it will help keep me, my friends, my neighbors, my abuela, all healthy.
DR. SANJAY GUPTA: Your parents are absolutely right. You know, covid vaccines are now available for children 5 years and older. And the more people who get them, the better we're going to be able to help stop the spread of covid and keep everyone healthy.
we need an exorcism of the world
The media, and especially the doctors who pushed it, are all complicit.
Thank you Tr.B. Herculean work tranniescribing (not funny... I'm punch-drunk from Sesame poison!), and so appreciated by those of us who prefer reading the words. Best.
I thought Ivermectin hadn't gotten a fair shake by the FDA/CDC but I still got vaccinated and was waiting patiently for it to become available for my kids. But then Delta hit that summer and I got worried about them going back to school. That's when I wanted to know the risk of hospitalization and I couldn't get an accurate number. The CDC had something like < 2% chance of hospitalization for children under the age of 18. I have two kids. My basic math was telling me there was a 1/25 chance we'd be bringing one of them to the hospital if the risk was close to 2%....So how much less was the less sign saying? It took me weeks to track down a BBC article that had chances of a kid going to the ICU once infected at 1/50K. A relief but also frustration and anger ensued.
At that point I became obsessed to know as much as I could. By the time the vaccines were available in November I had concerns but figured it was something like a 1/2000 chance they'd be hospitalized by Covid or 1/5000 chance of something like 'mild' myocarditas. I figured the vaccine would let us mentally move on from the shot but I voiced my opinion that I didn't think it was necessary, and was probably a mistake. In one of those conversations I asked my wife how many hospitalizations were there per what she's been reading and she said 90,000. I noted that that was a problem because the FDA documentation had it at 9,000. She noted she was bad at remembering numbers, but I tracked down that the NYT had articles with numbers that high that they had to retract. My father-in-law is a virologist so the short of it is they got vaccinated and are fine.
I took a break from medical stuff until I heard it was going on the vaccine schedule. At that point I figured I owed anti-vaxxers a fair listen. Asked Toby Rogers for the best books. Read Dissolving Illusions, and Turtles all the Way Down and am now an anti-vaxxer but I'm not vocal about it in real life. It feels like a form of living the closet. Its driving me crazy.
I know this fall there will be pressure for all sorts of shots. So thanks for the summary and the reminder of how unhinged this has all become.
I also got vaccinated and then came around to believing that the Covid vaccines are a fraud, and became more skeptical about vaccines in general—not knee-jerk anti-VAX but not regarding them as sacramental, either.
I feel it's important to not hide my opinion from my friends, although I try not to be militant or obnoxious which makes people close their ears; rather calm and reasonable and just point out things that should be obvious, like the fact that they've all been boosted to the max and have been infected multiple times.
There was nothing knee-jerk about me becoming anti-vax. I tried to offset reading the vaccine critiques by reading books by Dr. Paul Offit at the same time. It just didn't work. IMO, if you take the time to give each side a chance to make there case like we do in a court of law, its not close. The vaccine industry gets its clock cleaned. Honestly they'd do better having Hotez try to settle the issue in a fist fight with Joe Rogan than try to argue it.
I gave up on Offit when in the False Prophets of Autism he tried to admonish the scientist who hit pause on thimerosol in vaccines because....wait for'll never guess....breast implants. remember how americans sue people when products might have hurt them...well such litigious behavior unfarily targeted breast implants as later studies...(later is after tens of thousand implants were given) showed them to be safe. So arguably the scientist concerned about mercury in vaccines being higher than the EPA suggests should have played it cool.
The greatest lie is that there is a novel pathogen called Covid. All it is, is repackaged flu or respiratory illness. They pretend you can tell the difference. It is a lie.
To the psychos however, Covid is not a lie. They actually believe they are saving the world. They are religious fanatics in which their science is a religion. They are not rational. We have regressed to an earlier era.
The Plandemic Is compared to the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR.
I'm going to write an article at some point on this theory - i.e. that "Covid" is/was simply "re-branded" flu or ILI. I don't automatically dismiss this theory like many of my Covid writer colleagues do ... but I've got some questions that I'd like to pose to those in this group.
You are exactly right, it is a form of the common cold. It says this in medical reference books and my husband worked with it when he was a virologist at Public Health Dept. of PA years ago. It was called coronavirus.
All along, age of covid death has exactly mirrored age of "other" death, with one exception -- very young kids die of a things, but NOT covid.
If I hadn't found substack, my few remaining sanity cells would have been brain-killed early on in this decade.
I wear the conspiracy -theory tinfoil hat (reluctantly) because I was raised to demand personal agency, take responsibility for myself (and my cohort) and live a faithful life knowing Most People are Good. Internet subject matter experts made me paranoid because my research debunked their claims.
Thanks to YOUR cogent study analysis on early WuFlu, Dr Adrian Gaty's advocacy for children, Dr Colleen Huber's Defeating Covid posts and Dr Robert Malone's early and persistent revelations about the jab, I am among the better informed and yet sadly isolated. Glad though to hear your words, that I can survive and thrive without the ignorant bliss.
Also, for amusement, here's some satire on jabbing the kiddos:
I have been vocal but unsuccessful on the "plz wait-&-see before vaxxing kids" effort. One of three g'kids avoided the jab, 2 were under control of my sheeple son&d-in-law and are fully vaxxed/boosted.
I wonder what underlying mess awaits them, and worry for all of their futures on a mental, physical and spiritual level.
I hope your family stays healthy. 🙏
>Covid kills a much higher percentage of Blacks and Hispanics
Vitamin D-dark skin in cold climates, genetics and SC2, obesity, poverty? But we will never know, because 'knowing things is racist', and helping people is racist, which is what the 'pious non-racists' tell us as they murder people of colour in huge numbers.
I think the higher rates of diabetes and obesity in blacks must have s/thing to do with the higher death rates of blacks. And poverty too. Poor people aren't as healthy as wealthier people so they would be more susceptible to death. Also, look at where the vast majority of these early "Covid deaths" happened - in a couple of large cities and within hospitals in these cities that serve the poor. The poor aren't as likely to have strong advocates speaking up for them while isolated in these hospitals. They are easier prey for the iatrogenic deaths, which clearly caused the overwhelming percentage of "Covid deaths."
Bill, as you note the UK was less scared of noticing racial variation than the US. In fact it was initially deemed imperative to investigate. After controlling for socioeconomics and comorbidities, the race correlation was found to be weak at best, possibly nil. I'm sure the studies are easily searchable. Interestingly the whole discussion seemed to disappear from the media after about the first year of COVID. Strange how the dominant narrative always converges eh?
I also have another couple of hypotheses: these 'covid deaths' in poor black areas were 1) sprayed with something - a bioweapon that is deadly that does not spread. The US has deep, deep form for experimenting on the public using aerial spraying (see the many declassifed docs), and/or 2) poor homeless people were kidnapped/lured into hospitals and murdered for profit (see: Nurse Erin).
Also, Bill, to add to your point, that “virus” acted rather racially: folks of darker skin make less vitamin D than caucasians, and was a factor early in the plandemic: australians, predominantly white, were sunning themselves on beaches and getting vitD and suffered less disease. The good Dr Campbell on YT discussed this early on. As gov advised us to avoid vitD and any other effective treatment besides the poison jab.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. It's so common that most children have been infected with the virus by age 2. Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-ul) virus can also infect adults.
Kids need muck and bugs to build immunity. LEAVE THE KIDS (and their expectant mothers) ALONE
I will recycle a comment I made this morning on another substack article:
As President Ronald Regan famously said: " the 10 scariest words are "I am from the government and I am here to help"".
The high mortality rate for black people is because they have dark skin and sunlight produces insufficient vitamin in their skin in north climates. Is almost certainly the reason we have winter colds and flu seasons, insufficient vitamin D for everyone in the winter. Take Vitamin D supplements with vitamin K2 to ensure calcium is directed to the bones.
The medical establishment has totally failed black people for not informing them about their need for vitamin D (+K2) supplements. Is this malice or incompetence? At the end of the day who cares why? They failed to protect people. They are failures. The doctors need to be looked at as failures.
Dr. Paul Alexander: ‘Not One Healthy Child Has Of Died' In US Since Beginning Of Pandemic
Bannon's War Room
June 17, 2022
STEVE BANNON: How can we possibly have the FDA approving—and they seem like they're obsessed— to approve the vaccinations, the vaccines for the babies. Walk me through this. I don't understand how this could happen given all the information that's come out now, and I particularly don't understand the obsession, and it is an obsession they have, to get it into kids under five. Dr. Alexander.
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Hey Steve, once again, it's a real honor to be here. Look, let me get to the point. When we look at all of the data, we look at data out of Sweden, out of Germany, out of the UK, we look at data by Martin Makary Johns Hopkins, we look at all of the Nordic nations, we see that the risk of death in healthy children, young children, young infants even, is basically zero. In fact Sweden, Germany, and these places record no deaths in healthy children in this age group. Martin Makary's group Johns Hopkins showed us that, I want to be clear how I make this statement, in United States of America since the beginning of this pandemic, not one healthy child has gotten infected with covid and died.
which references this research]
I want to say it again so the public can hear it.
In the United States of America, during covid, from day one to today, that's almost two and a half years, not one healthy child has gotten infected with covid and passed away. Period.
There is no data that Fauci, Francis Collins, Rochelle Walensky, anyone in the Biden administration, or anyone even in the prior Trump administration, has shown us. There weren't any child. This is reckless, this is dangerous what the FDA and CDC has done.
They have no data, Steve. And what they have done is, they are relying on trials and studies that are very suboptimal and methodologically flawed. They are deliberately undersize, in terms of the sample size being small, and they deliberately shorten the duration of followup. So you, the reader, don't realize that they cannot detect safety signals because the duration of followup is so short, the safety effects can't emerge. So what they are doing is deceiving and misleading the public. And they are using crazy procedures like immunobridging. They are not looking at the patient important outcomes that you as a parent, you as grandparents, need to know.
Does this vaccine, let me be clear, does the Pfizer Moderna vaccine cut the risk of hospitalization or death or ICU? Patient important hard outcomes. There is no study that Pfizer Moderna has done, none, as of this moment, to show that these vaccines are effective in reducing hospitalizations or death. What they have done is they've run studies on antibodies, which means nothing to us because antibodies are not a proxy for immunity. So right now we are being misguided and misled with this flawed, and I actually say fraudulent, studies.
What the FDA has done here and the CDC is wrong. And I want to go on record Steve by saying, this is the hill that parents must battle on. This is the hill that parents must be prepared, must prepared to wage their largest battle. No child should be given these vaccines. Absolutely none. There's no basis. Your child is at zero risk, statistical zero risk, of severe illness or death from covid. You stand up and you say no.
# # #
More info about Dr Paul Alexander at
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Also relatedly:
Dr. Michelle Perro's warning about children and the shots
Chananya Weissman, Posted February 9, 2022
DR. MICHELLE PERRO: Hi, I'm Dr. Michelle Perro. I am a physician caring for children for nearly four decades. And I'd like to thank [inaudible] for inviting me to chat with you. I apologize for not being able to be there in person, but I have a work conflict right now. So, but I'd like to share a little bit about my experience.
Briefly, about me, who am I? I've been a pediatric emergency physician, trained at Mt. Sinai, NYU, Bellevue, and then Metropolitan New York Medical College. I've been in California for thirty years where I worked at Oakland Children's Hospital and then I branched out to work in integrative health with a focus on GMOs, pesticides and environmental intoxicants, and how they affect our children. I co-authored a book, WHAT'S MAKING OUR CHILDREN SICK, which looked at the effect of GMOs and pesticides on health. I am cofounder and executive director of, a nonprofit based on educating, education regarding GMOs, pesticides, and health, with a lens on health. But we've covered many topics over the years.
And why am I here today? I am going to be brief. This is in regard to the effects of Covid on children. And I'd like to share a bit of my experience of the past two years. I've been seeing children with Covid, from CoV-2, and I have to say, in the practice where I work, out of six practitioners, there have been no sick children from Covid. Certainly some fevers, some flu-like illnesses, body aches, etcetera., were the worst that we've seen. And the recovery, the majority of our children, was super quick. Those who took a bit longer, a few days, were usually older teenagers or early, young adults.
Fast-forward to January, February. What have we been seeing, are Covid vaccine reactions. And they are amazingly frequent. They run the gamut of mild, moderate, and severe. We don't tend to see the mild ones because many parents don't even recognize that they are vaccine reactions. Just the moderate and severe ones.
What type of reactions am I seeing? I've seen now, and it's still, I just want to share with you that I work very little clinically at this point in my career, I am mostly teaching and writing, so I'm not seeing a lot of patients, and out of the few patients that I'm seeing, I've seen cardiac issues, breakdown of muscle tissue, seizures. One child lost the ability to speak. One child developed problems with her blood pressure, it's called POTs, postural orthostatic tachycardia, hypertension. She was unable to stand after her booster. She was fourteen. Persistent menstrual bleeding in young women. What else have I seen? Severe reactions at the site of the injection. And two kids with bizarre rashes that looked autoimmune in nature.
And I have been following the data. And it really is quite clear that a child's risk of being injured or dying from the vaccine is actually much, much worse than the virus itself, which has an almost zero morbidity and mortality.
I really am flummoxed as to why we are vaccinating— and it's not a vaccine, by the way— our children with this, I will say it, be frank, bio-weapon.
You have to understand also that the newest research right now in vaccinology is nanovaccinology. And that's the use of these nanoparticles which are extremely small in vaccines. It is clear that these nanoparticles that are encased in lipids, which allow them to enter cells better, because the cell membrane is lipid, and lipids enter lipid cells better, can cross the blood brain barrier in children. And there's no data or studies on this experimental therapy on our children.
When we consider the influence of this technology on children who are already challenged with disorders that have skyrocketed over the past few decades, especially neurocognitive challenges like autism, 1 in 33 now, ADHD, 10% of kids, most of those disorders are more common in boys. Neurosensory disorders, language issues, etcetera. So our children are chronically ill, and now we're superimposing this new technology, not studied, not researched, for no reason that I can possibly understand as a pediatrician.
In addition, we are also seeing a spike in kids who had already had chronic disorders and then flared after these inoculations. What can I say.
So, to the community that I'm speaking to, I believe many of you are rabbis, others, I apologize, I don't know who everyone is listening to this brief but impassioned plea from a pediatrician, that please consider that we are doing more harm than good for reasons that are inexcusable and unexplainable.
And, there's a few last points I'd like to end this conversation with. That to vaccinate— I'll just use that terminology — children for the sake adults is immoral and unconscionable. And I can't wrap around that. It's called coccooning.
Additionally, here in the state of California where I live we want to allow twelve year-old children to give consent for vaccines [without parental consent]. That is shocking! Children cannot give consent for their own vaccines. That is absolutely unacceptable.
[shares contact information]
I thank you for consideration in the protection of our most vulnerable and most precious, our children.
Thanks for these transcripts!
Those jabbed/innoculated/jabbed/poisoned innocent dear precious children are the ones dying or dead. And the evil communists like trudeau and macron and their ilk Know It.