
This column stood out for the random number of typos I missed. I correct them as I find them.

It's a good idea not to read one of my articles until about 42 minutes after I hit the "send" button.

Annie, my dog and newsletter partner, is supposed to catch these things, but I think her mind is on the bones and toys she's scattered through the house.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I take it then, that Annie isn't a Border Collie? because if she were there wouldn't be any editing problems.

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Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

She is a mix of some sort of terrier and a corgi, hence the issues.

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"Random wife comment."

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Thanks for this admission. I feel not so alone and embarrassed regarding my typographical errors. I am completely unable to find my own typos until after my document has "cooled." Of course, perceptual filling has been proposed as the culprit for those of us so afflicted. Our brains appear to fill in the missing words as we read "over" the error. I knew an editor that told me he does one reading in reverse to help spot the single-word, typo-level errors. Also, I experience a very odd phenomenon whereby later, perhaps in the middle of the night, I become acutely aware of having left a particular misspelling. Thus, it seems, some part of my brain "knew" the correct spelling and it also seems that it had to wait for its slovenly and boisterously active fellow brain regions to fall asleep and to desist from their daytime raucous mayhem. Once that occurs, the humble, in-the-know part can quietly, clearing its voice, take to the podium in that great congress of disparate brain activities and announce the correct spelling. (I would not be surprised if there are some left here despite my attempted proofreadings.)

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I have that same little voice that tells me something is wrong with a sentence or article I wrote. It's some mistake I made that I should have not made or at least researched and fixed.

I often fix bad errors before my readers catch them because that little voice got a little louder.

Reading copy backwards does help. Someone once gave me the same advice ... and I apply it sometimes, but not enough.

"Never edit or proofread your own copy" is another good piece of advice. I don't have a staff (except Annie) so I have to do this.

The good news is that after I've made five or 10 corrections over a couple of hours, the version that will be "archived" should be pretty clean copy.

... I also make even more typos in my Reader Comments!

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I like the idea of not trying to correct one's typos. I often wind up inserting more errors. I do not do well with too much cutting and pasting and rearranging.

Say, while I have you one the line, twice in the last month or two, I received messages in my email box, with your Avatar and name made to appear as replies to comments on your Substack. It is the same pattern we saw with C.J. Hopkins---and those messages were found to be bogus. If these were authentic messages from you, fell free to resend those messages.

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No, those comments were not me, David. The same "Bill Rice, Jr's" put hundreds of comments in my stories as well. I wonder if this is another effort to perhaps sabotage the growth of my Substack. I've received many troubling reports from subscribers who don't directly get my emails or report other troubling anecdotes.

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Ahah. We await the next, better "Stack," maybe a 'Superstack'. You should be honored that they have targeted you.

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I still know several people who run for the jabs, believe it or not. One just got pinched a few weeks ago, a few days later got covid and was sick in bed for a few weeks. Had to postpone a trip.

As to the reverse ATM, is anyone still using this monstrous machine? It has always been a rip off, since it would charge you to get your own money unless you had one of your own bank. No one should buy anything from these thieves!

Any store that refuses money will lose my as a customer. And so has the store in town where I was a regular, who had a sign on the door that the unvaccinated had to wear a mask, and the vaccinated did not. I now shop 18 miles down the road.

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Two years ago I went to a college baseball game at the University of Alabama and was stunned to learn they wouldn't take cash, which is all I had. So I couldn't buy a $6 hot dog and $6 Coke.

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's more like $12 now. Anybody know?

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Jun 23Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Cash is legal tender and the basis of social order. Leadership in Congress should step up and make it clear that cash needs to be accepted everywhere. It should be illegal to not do so.

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Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Good show. No one here in my basket of deplorables land has gone to no cash. But if they do I won't buy anything there.

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Natural Grocer? They ain't admitting they did that.

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regular mom and pop store. Haven't been in there since

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

With thanks to The Eagles; You can't hide your lyin' eyes

And your smile is a thin disguise

I thought by now you'd realize

There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes.

Meanwhile in Oz, we have a Judge in an ongoing case that appears to have a hazy memory.She forgot to tell the prosecutor ( against Pfizer & Moderna)that in her previous life as a Barrister she had represented Pfizer on @ least 5 separate occasions. Recuse BEFORE we accuse. Checkout Jules on the beach, Substack. He's an ex barrister who is coming for this "Judge" big time in an attempt to punt this woman out of the corrupt system. This case, by the way, affects everyone on the planet about GMO's.

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I keep going back and forth on what's the most Orwellian nation these days - Australia or Canada.

But some of my favorite Substackers and subscribers are from these two nations ... so hang tough!

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Add New Zealand to the candidate list.

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Until four years ago, visiting all three of these countries was on my Bucket List.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Do they still require the vaxx for entry into the country?

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I don't know. Good question. Surely not. Tourism must have fell off a cliff.

I'm sure everyone in the tourism businesses appreciates that.

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No one talks about tourism here anymore. They have jammed in millions of migrants from India and China. I am not sure what they are doing but there is nowhere left to life. Student visas and food delivery I guess. We're done.

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No, but don't come. Spend your money elsewhere.

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I once wanted to take my family on a vacation to New York City. I'm definitely not going to that city.

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So sad: niece had two miscarriages after the jab because she wanted to go up Canada. Male Cousin had stroke; very long recovery. Younger female cousin had jab then stroke. Still going through speech therapy. My son had to get it for work, but my daughter is a functional medical practitioner and gave him detox IVs shortly after the jab. He appears well. Stay healthy and happy. Thanks for a refreshing post!

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We live in such a crazy world Bill.

Perfect cover meme image, by the way!

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I have a good source for these memes. The columns might be stinkers, but the memes are pretty good.

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Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I believe the Isle of Woman is called Lesbos.

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

😃🤣😃🤣 Loved your bittersweet humorous take on this crazy (or should I say evil and crazed) world, Bill. I particularly needed a light moment right now. You are a talented writer, God-gifted indeed! ❤️👏

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Thank you, Judy. That's very kind of you to say.

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

200 years ago, not a single Aborigine would've imagined that generations hence, a descendant would would be shilling for vaccines for the government like this.

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Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Coercion equates to legal battery. 9th circuit just affirmed this last week. Time for state AGs to press criminal charges not bullshit deceptive ad practices civil suits.

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Thanks, JWM. That's another possible/easy "solution." Get the local district attorneys or state atttorney generals - "on the case."

As they say, "Think Local."

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Jun 20·edited Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Bill, excellent article, a great mix of different topics and analysis topped with humor.

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Thanks very much!

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Good one Bill! On fire today!🤗

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Thanks, AJF. I should have been working on a good exclusive I have from a real whistleblower. I'll try to finish that real journalism piece tomorrow.

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Looking forward to this.

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I think it might make some "news." At least on Substack.

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Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Random Thoughts is consistently one of my favorite columns Bill, a necessary break from the mania that is modern life. Keep up the great work!

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These are kind of like your Facebook and Substack short vignettes - which cover a random spectrum of fascinating historic topics. I hope some of my readers discover your site!

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Jun 20Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

$3.95 for a lettuce?


I bought two lettuces for less than £2 the other day - from an expensive supermarket here in the UK.

Food used to be cheap in the USA, compared to Europe. What has gone wrong?

Also, "reverse ATM"? I guess a lot of fans will be going without a beer. Any UK venue that doesn't accept cash doesn't get any money out of me (other than the ticket price!). I go to see opera quite often and generally bought a programme and a drink. Then the Opera House went cashless (due to Covid, apparently) and now I don't buy anything when there.

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It discriminates against people who only have cash. Lettuce was still somewhat affordable in Troy, Alabama ... until the last few months. At $3.30, you can sill make a couple of salads ... so I'm going to keep buying it. It's cheaper than everything else.

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It's still shocking - a lettuce should cost a dollar shouldn't it? Or less. Pretty easy to grow and presumably can grow in Alabama? According to my husband (who has just googled it!), it's the distribution costs in the States that are pushing up prices. Are they being transported by unicorns or something? Maybe you should take up vegetable growing in your back garden!

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We all need to learn to grow our own food ... and get some chickens in our back yard!

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Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Great Raising Arizona reference. Good old 1987, back when movies were still fun.

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Another Raising Arizona fan. I've got a friend that can quote about the entire movie.

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Jun 24Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I think I picked the best one.

Nick Cage to Holly Hunter after he stole one of the quintuplets!

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"They got more than they can handle."

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I work in a grocery and completely agree with Carrie regarding inflation. Total BS. It is still going up, not as quickly, but it sure as heck is not going downward. And even if it was holding steady the massive price increases from the last few years are still there.

Good example: Ore Ida frozen French fries and hash browns. November of 2021 a 32oz bag would set you back $2.89. Today it is $5.99. I don’t know about anyone else but my wages have sure as heck not doubled in that timeframe. I got a 2% increase this year. My boss hyped it up ahead of time, saying I was getting a really good one this year, because I got the highest possible rating in my performance review. Whoopee.

Here is a bizarre op ed from a professor at a local college arguing that our perceptions of the economy being bad are based on our political leanings or disinformation from foreign powers. (Perhaps he needs to ask HIS wife how things are with the grocery bill lately)


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Great specific example on a specific price item. I wish I had saved grocery receipts through the years and could do a comparison.

A 2-percent raise isn't going to allow someone to buy those French Fries at "constant" price.

As Ron Paul has been saying forever, inflation is the cruelest tax on the poor and the middle class. It steals your money.

Also, the government is making a killing on ever-rising sales tax receipts - which are also going through the roof as prices soar.

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Jun 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I hear the Presidential Debates are going to be on the Comedy Central Channel

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Ha! It could end up being a "horror story." Or, I guess, a "dark comedy," which is what we are living through right now.

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