At the moment, Disney World’s Splash Mountain ride is closed because it offended perhaps four or five people with its “Song of the South” characters.
Despite the fact that millions of people queued up to ride Splash Mountain, Disney executives were mortified their customers weren’t more socially sensitive and the company is now spending tens of millions of dollars to replace B’rer Rabbit with Princess Tiana, who happens to be black.
A year or so ago, an executive at Disney’s movie studio bragged that the company wouldn’t produce a film where at least 40 percent of its characters were minorities or members of an authorized oppressed class.
If you’ve seen a recent Disney movie, you can quickly tell everyone got this memo.
As a sports fan, I noted how efficiently Disney transformed ESPN into an ideological CNN. (I knew ESPN had jumped the shark when its now defunct print magazine published a cover story on the perils of Global Warming.
I’d add that Disney was so committed to the Current Thing that they refused to re-open Disney World long after Gov. DeSantis told all businesses in his state they were free to make money again.
And to really prove my contrarian, politically-correct bona fides, I happen to think "Song of the South" was one of the best movies Disney ever made. I wish my kids could see it and hum along with that blue bird on my shoulder.
If I could share a photo, I'd show you my Dixie Landings towel. We got one before they changed the name to Port Orleans - Riverside in 2000. Disney has been pushing this political correctness crap for a very long time.
We stayed at that resort last Spring. I think I remember now that they changed the name. We lucked out that Disney had just dropped the mask mandates before we arrived. However, we all had to wear them on the busses that shuttled us to the theme parks. We were packed in like sardines in many of those lines and didn't have to wear masks, but did on the bus. Don't tell anyone. I wore my mask on my chin.
Just so. The film "Song of the South" has, to Disney, been kryptonite. According to its Wikipedia entry, the film has never been re-released in the USA so the censorship dates to the 1980s, at least. Curiously it was widely released in several foreign countries in recent decades. I guess it's ok to be racially insensitive where they can make a few bucks. None dare call it hipocrisy. In fact that raises a curious point: In theory, a publcly-traded corporation has a legal duty to maximize profts for its owners (shareholders), without breaking the law of course. So when a company goes woke, self-censors, and so forth, it is, in effect, saying that it values being politically correct, of supporting the Latest Thing, over making money.
I wouldn't say that Song of the South has been kryptonite at all, in fact Disney has seemingly been using it as a badge of honor in the past 3 years. It was wildly popular 40 years ago, so much so that they made the movie the theme of a park ride. The full version of the movie was never released on home video in the US, but it was re-released in theaters 4 times. Although the full movie wasn't released on home video, Disney did create shorts and compilations with parts of the movie included. I know because I remember watching them at my daycare when I was little. I had to do a fact check of my own memory thinking I had watched the full version of the movie, but it must have been a short or compilation I remember watching.
The "stakeholder capitalism" that Klaus Schwab promotes is exactly what you said, corporations supporting the Latest Thing (tm) over profits. In reality, according to Vivek Ramaswamy in his book "Woke, Inc", what the corporations are doing amount to virtue signaling.
"Song of the South" might be the first movie I remember seeing in a movie theater. My father took me and my brothers when I must have been four or five. I remember loving the movie and still sing (in my mind) the song, "Mr. Blue Bird's on my shoulder" all the time.
Why would Disney spend massive amounts of money to reconfigure one of its most popular rides/attractions? They didn't need to do this ... unless appeasing a few radical, woke people in the world is the most important thing to them. Or just going along with "The Current Thing."
Or perhaps Disney realizes that this country has a very troubled past. Especially with racism. Maybe they want to do better. They know how you all feel. Disney does not care what racist, homophoic, and bigoted folks want. Or even care about. Disney is putting quite a bit of money into updating and making things right. DeSantis is a has been. And has no future as president. But at this point, the Democrats don't have anything to be proud of either. The entire political system is a hot mess.
Great point. Maximizing profits or making money for investors is no longer the main reasons companies exist. "Social investing" is the New Big Thing. FWIW, DeSantis has tried to make an issue of this as well. He's gone after BlackRock, which is leading that parade.
I don't think this issue - you've got to be socially-conscious if our company is going to invest in your company - has gotten enough attention yet.
Yup! Walt Disney would be appalled. Four or five people with an insecure need to bear influence shut down a wonderful whimsical ride. Don’t go to Disney World then !! This social justice movement along with their equally outrageous not affordable prices may cause their demise and honestly, if they’re going to continue with this non sense... shut it down!
Actually, Walt Disney was a Fascist, too. He just believed in the idealized version of it where good, upstanding traditional family values were upheld. Just like those on the left who believe in an idealized version of Communism, like Bernie Sanders, who ignore all evidence of prior abuses with a waive of a hand saying "real communism was never tried before." Walt, and many Fascism supporters are the equivalent.
You’re right. Years ago , we went to the Disney Family Museum in San Francisco and Walt’s convictions were highlighted. That being said, I don’t think he’d be on board with the prices being charged for hotel rooms to hamburgers!
Did you know there is more than one interpretation of that "Song of the South"?
If you didn't, let me tell you there is - I know there is.
What I have a hard time understanding lately is why folks think they have the "right" not to be "offended" per their personal sensibilities? Who and how has it come to be that anybody thinks they got the right to that?
(Edit: The reality is folks think they got the "right" to that must not realize it directly conflicts with the so-called "Constitution" of the land....and makes one wonder why folks such as this have been given so much heed lately - I think Disney should just close up the shop and move out of Florida - if I was the governor's advisor, I'd suggest he say that to them!).
In a saner world, Disney would have escorted the offended customers to the cashier's office, given them a pro-rated refund, and told them to get off the property.
Good article Bill! I thought Alex Berenson had missed the point somehow about DeSantis. The Govenor seems to be about the only man standing in the political world anywhere who actually appears to have both beliefs and common sense in abundance! I certainly don't agree with everything he says and I think he should have held off until Trump had finished with politics. I would enjoy seeing a contest between Robert F Kennedy Jr and Ron DeSantis - two men with integrity having more in common than they may realise. Not going to happen though.
As for Disney and all those Woke corporations snuggled up with the governments of the world - well, they would do well to remember that they actually need customers! I hear Disney is struggling to get people to see their movies these days because they are so boringly "correct". People don't want to be lectured by their cartoons, beer cans or car company!
I've liked DeSantis. My observations are that he talks a great game, makes very high profile announcements of policy I support, bravely. That unfortunately don't end up as faithfully executed as his announcements.
But something noticeably changed during the week after Mar-a-Lago when he went dark. When he reemerged his staff had changed and so had his authenticity.
Having the experience I have with politicians I rather suspect he had The Visit. The Visit I've seen many other political leaders get from very influential types. Built like gorillas. In the finest custom made suits. I've seen politicians elected to leadership positions go from solid conservatives, libertarian values to mouthing progressive talking points and even become "moderate" Democrats. After The Visit. Very persuasive, these gorillas. Who my eyes have witnessed newly elected to leadership politicians disappear into private rooms in expensive restaurants with. Noting it to others at my table. Then working with them after The Visit. Noticeably changed.
Ron DeSantis has been very much like those politicians. As if he got a dead fish in a box left on his doorstep.
It's almost as if our government has become an extension of this, the negotiations between party's and the politicians of the same nature:
I don't dislike Ron DeSantis. But very powerful people have insinuated themselves into his orbit. And while they may give him a longer leash than most politicians, he is now unmistakably on their leash.
He may very well be the best we can hope for given the circumstances. What makes Trump so appealing to so many, that he doesn't seem to be on anyone's leash, may be why he won't be allowed to win. Again. But hope is eternal. And many of us have hope. The powerful don't want us to have that hope. But it is eternal. Thank God.
I have noticed a similar thing over the years. Every President makes all kinds of speeches and promises while running for office. Once they are sworn in, it appears that "Someone" has had a conversation with them and told them what they can and cannot do while in office. They are forever changed.
In my "early spread" investigations, I keep thinking about one scenario. Say, for example, that DeSantis won and became president. He ran as someone who was going to sponsor real hearings to find out all the real Covid scandals. Two hours after he is sworn in, he's told by the CIA that, yes, our own government scientists did create this virus and we've been covering it up ever since. So President DeSantis could just let the world know the truth ... in which case every country in the world would demand reparations, which would bankrupt America. He might also learn that plenty of scientists knew the vaccines were dangerous and deadly and have indeed caused millions of deaths world-wide. There's a couple trillion more in reparations and probably 100 million Americans going for their pitch forks and marching on Washington D.C.
Given these scenarios, what would President DeSantis do? For that matter, what would RFK, Jr. do? My guess is both would say, "Keep it down home, boys. What the people don't know won't hurt them." Or ... the truth would actually harm millions of people and the nation. It might break up the nation. Anyway, no big truth-seeking tribunals would take place.
This is the type stuff I think about!
Basically, the villains get away with Crimes Against Humanity.
Exactly!! Do you remember when Trump won the GOP nomination and there was this call from DC elites, most notably Hillary, that “under no circumstances, should Trump be given security briefings.” And I thought “ what the Hell is going on here?” And then when he was, I think he was somewhat stunned by what he learned. Another reason for me, once a Democrat, once a Republican, now an Independent to support Robert Kennedy. If our country is that evil, than let’s stop pretending to be the greatest nation in the world.
It brings to mind the line from "A Few Good Men" ... "You can't handle the truth!"
Maybe we all can't?
BTW, That Marine Colonel was the man who really couldn't handle the truth. He actually thought our nation needed Marines on the walls in Guantanamo, Cuba (!) to protect Americans' freedoms.
Your hypothetical (?) examples are just one of many. There are, I've been (un)relaibly told various historical events, policy decisions, etc. dating back nearly a century that are classified "above top secret." Surely incoming officals are told of some -- only those that they need to know at least.
To the above list (of super-secret stuff that is never disclosed, but might be inferred by various means) add the problem of persistent popular beleifs. Many of these are partially or completely false. Popular delusions and/or ignorance, whether deliberately fed by the unscruplous or simply emergent behavior, are a universsal trait of human individuals and societies.
Human beings in general, and citizens of a supposed republic, live to some degree in a perpetual fantasy land. To cite an obvious example, there is a world of difference between how you were taught how the government works in high school (Do they even teach it any more???) and how government really works. Even those who've woorked in the environment probably haven't seen it all. You can glipse into some of the dark corners and you may be amused or appalled at what you see.
I've been watching RFK interviews closely. In a couple of recent ones he talks about how his uncle - President Kennedy - was fooled and lied to by the CIA. One example he gives is with the Bay of Pigs fiasco. After this event (which Kennedy arguably supported or that was not what he was told it was) went sideways and after President Kennedy learned that 75 military "advisors" in Vietnam had already been killed, Kennedy basically gave up on the CIA and said that it should be broken up into a thousand pieces and the pieces scattered into the wind (per his nephew, corroborated by other historic accounts).
Some believe this is why Kennedy was assasinatted in Dallas. His nephew apparently believes this was probably the motive.
But it seems to me that the nephew is picking up on themes developed or believed by his uncle. Except that the nephew has compiled far more evidence about how corrupt the Intelligence and Science Industrial Complex really is. I actually think RFK, Jr. has displayed far more courage than his own late father and uncle.
Think about it. RFK, Sr. and JFK were very popular - even iconic politicians. RFK, Jr. is a pariah. Even most members of his own family have disparaged his work and seem to want to disown him. Nobody in the Democratic Establishment is saying the things RFK, Jr. is saying. So he has been completely alone for years .... but still, like a character in a Tom Petty hit song, he "won't back down .... He's gonna stand his ground."
If nothing else, that's real and rare courage.
So it will be interested to see if this rare display of courage will be rewarded by voters or not.
DeSantis would do what Trump did when he said he wanted to pardon Assange. Don't believe for a moment that Trump didn't face that and other moral dilemmas. Even without being on the leash that DeSantis has agreed to be on by virtue of the consultant class and donor money he's accepted.
RFK, Jr is probably the one man who could. I like him very much. I hope he will be the D nominee. That would make it a very difficult decision about who to support.
I was a lobbyist and political campaign consultant in state legislatures for two decades. I've been in the homes of US Senators, taken phone calls at home directly from US Congressmen and Governors early on Saturday mornings asking me for help with something or another. I've been in homes of partners in the top law firms with state and DC offices, homes where sitting US president's have stayed overnight when visiting town. I've been out socializing and drinking with governor's - and their mistresses - and other politicians, university president's, Fortune 500 CEO's, media personalities, etc. I know these people. And many still know and remember me by name and face. I know these people well enough to know that when Madison Cawthorn told of scandals there was truth in his telling. Dangerous truth. And why he is no longer in the system.
I was never fully in the system. I was never in those private dining room meetings with the well-coiffed gorillas. Even with my access I wasn't a "made man" of the system, rather someone who was kept a safe distance outside of it to not be a threat to it. Which is where I liked being. But I saw enough to know what I know. About those in power. And the system they operate in.
There is The Visit. With people who are very persuasive. They will protect their system. With any and all means available to them. The System is more important than any one in it. And all are expendable, if deemed necessary to protect The System. And yet, we Resist. We must. If not us, then who? Our posterity?
The politics here er so obvious, it’s ridiculous. DeSantis stands a better chance of beating Tapioca Joe than Trump, so he must be taken out. The corporate owned media is so in lockstep, voters are increasingly foolish to think we have any true say.
That's my "obvious" take as well. They fear DeSantis more than Trump. They want to run against Trump and probably have a plan to take him out after they take down DeSantis.
Hard to say. I think you may under-estimate the insane hatred Trump engendered, and still does, in his opponents. The Deep State, perhaps, still view Trump as the major threat. DeSantis (in my opinion) is already pretty much a neocon and, as did all too many before him, would forget his promises and principles the day he raises his right hand (if it comes.) I mean come on -- it's not like the man has no prior experience, he served six years as a U.S. Rep. From Deep State's point of veiw, they are just fine with Trump and DeSantis duking it out in the primaries. All they need is either man running as a third party and then you get a replay of 1992 when Perot drained off swing voters.
So why do you think DeSantis went out on a limb and took on the Deep State with his contrarian Covid views? No other politician did this - at least to the extent and high-profile that DeSantis did ... and is really still doing as he and his surgeon general are fighting a war with the CDC and NIH over "safe and effective" vaccine claims right now.
Do you think he was just trying to find an issue that would catapult him onto the national political stage? I guess this is possible, but I think he did it based on principles and intelligence/ his own critical-thinking abilities.
I despise the neocons as well so, if on the off chance DeSantis is elected president and turns out be another big defender of the military industrial complex and keeps trying to start unnecessary wars, I'll flip and become one of his most vocal critics.
I think the "DeSantis is a closet Neo-con" is a canard or red herring designed to harpoon his presidential bid. This "chess move" seems to be working - already worked probably.
I'm pretty sure it won't be a DNC candidate that prevails and odds are even if it is an RNC candidate at the end, the RNC's days are numbered as well because - justice must be served.
Did you see what Lindsey Graham did the other day - I rest my case on the RNC and the DNC is even worse.
DeSantis might be best off just remaining as the gubnor of FL. Truly, it would save a lot of trouble and I think this would be better for his young son. Either that, or keep the family photos to a minimum, but really one must wonder who would even want to be head of any federal establishment decayed so much it is basically beyond repair and in need of a root canal I reckon.
Now - being the gubnor of FL might have some staying power and truly might be a better way to wield influence in the future.
“From your mouth to ...” I could not agree more about the two parties! But I do not have much faith in their going away. Look at all the “ above the law” activity they get away with... and until the media actually does their charged duty as the Fourth Estate and holds the Government accountable, the across the board corruption will continue. The entrenched bureaucrats have no reason to change things. And look how little as in none or only negative coverage Vivek Ramaswami and RFK Jr are receiving. Somethings got to give. And so far the issues that should expose the vast and nefarious corruption remain protected. It’s really disheartening. I’m 71, I’d like to see the dam burst before I take my leave.
There is no story about DeSantis' son as far as I know. I only commented that his son looked uncomfortable in the image and that is something to take notice of I think.
There is a story though about a Senator from SC who apparently likes dead Russians and consider their bodies to be an investment for the future - see what I mean about DC being so contaminated?
The dissident "crowd I run with" consensus seems to be: DeSantis is at best a "Trump Lite." Recent polls show this. For all his faults (and they are manifold) Trump remains the champion of most disaffected Conservatives. How his indictment and other troubles will play out is anyone's guess. Relevant solely to their persecution of Trump, the Deep State has crossed its Rubicon, a line that can't be uncrossed, in declaring war on opponents. Love him or not, Trump is the figurehead of the opposition. He will likely pay with his freedom, maybe even his life. But he won't be easily suppressed or forgotten. I make no prediction as to who even ends up on the ballot. I will observe that (among Republicans) Trump is still far in the lead of anyone else, to include the heir apparent, DeSantis.
I do believe that if Trump is re elected, some one ( whose name rhymes with “See My Day” will assassinate him. I haven’t figured out who the assailant will be, they’re still working on that profile.
Alex Berenson is a NYC liberal and former NYT writer. Even though he’s been ostracized by his left wing friends, he is still unable to give up all his deeply ingrained lefty tendencies. CoVid showed that most Dems are really fascist at heart but Berenson still suffers from cognitive dissonance and doesn’t want to leave the reservation.
Companies, governments, everywhere were becoming woke because the Millennial generation was woke. They were all indoctrinated at universities. If you read the lengthy 'dossier' on Katie Britt, you will know it was even happening here in AL. She was advocating social justice policies as President of the SGA at UA and as President of the BCA. But we still elected her.
The corporations are virtue signaling and dividing us over cultural issues, but they are also damaging their bottom line. Companies have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders - they don't have any requirement to be a 'good corporate citizen'. I think Ron had the right approach. We need state Attorneys General, state treasurers etc. to put a stop to it.
Alex Berenson has been wrong on so many issues, I'm not sure why people give any credence to what he says. As soon as he got back on twitter, I immediately unfollowed him.
You cite how corporations have become politicized. To my admittedly summary knowledge, this is a phenemenon unprecedented in our history. Note: I am by no means saying that corporations don't have a long history of contributing to favored politicians, and using other efforts to influence politics, whether above board or under the table. That's business as usual. Nor was it unheard of that corporations, or more likely rich scions, would make donations or get personally invovled with partisan organizations. So it's not like the change happened over night.. But a few decades ago, I'm pretty sure it was more the norm to, say, give a few million dollars a year to Greenpeace or NARRAL but beyond being listed somewhere as a donor, they didn't trumpet their invovlement in advertising and worse, demonize those who disagreed. What is almost unheard of, though, is corporations becoming "woke," championing people, groups, or movements that are at best a tiny minority of the population, at worst are unpopular if not an outright affront to majority values (e.g. legitimizing homos or trannies.) The very fact that they are willing to take such stances, often to the detriment of the bottom line (e.g. Bud Light, Target), suggests that there are powerful influencers in the system, saying "Promote Message X" as the top priority. Weird.
Everything you're saying is in fact spot on however you're forgetting unlike RFK Jr DeSantis is bought and paid for! Keep in mind everything is schtick and gimmickry. Bush exploited the religious zealots and no one on the face of this earth exploited the black community to the extent Obama did. DeSantis is doing the exact same (exploiting the division) the parallels to Obama's campaign are uncanny! Don't waste your time and STICK with RFK Jr! The more air time you give, Ron the less you're giving Bobby!!!
Thus far Bobby seems to be the real deal - a man of tremendous knowledge honor and integrity! Don't forget unlike all the rest the man has nothing to gain from any of it! For him it's a crusade to save what little is left of this Country! Can the same be said for ANY of the other? Absolutely NOT!!
Thanks. I can't think of an example where W Bush or Obama went against the "narrative."
DeSantis didn't just give a speech here or there opposing the lockdowns. He made it the center piece of his administration when almost everyone in politics including President Trump was criticizing him. Everyone in the press and media criticized him.
He brought in the experts from the Barrington Declaration for a big media panel that the media of course didn't cover. So I don't put him in the same category.
He also is becoming more and more of a vaccine critic. I've been surprised nobody is following his back-and-forth war with the directors of the FDA and CDC over the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.
I agree that Bobby Kennedy has been sterling and I'd be stunned if he sold out on these issues.
Thanks for your comments and reading the article. I can already tell the effort to sink DeSantis is likely going to work. Then again, we need to wait to see if DeSantis can make it to Iowa or New Hampshire and see how he might do in some debates. From what I can tell, he's very good in debates.
Screw wokism and the fascism you rightly recognize and call out. I like Haley, DeSantis, Vivek, and West. However, DJT is the only wrecking ball powerful enough to pull us through. If any of the others were dangerous to the status quo the DOJ would be raiding their homes!
Interesting idea. I believe the swamp is too deep for any immediate turn around. I saw that with trump in office. Too many congressmen and women, governors, and media are in bed with the fascist state. This takes a long series of elections and a sustained desire for freedom and smaller government by the populace.
Smart people I listen to keep preaching local, local, local. Any real meaningful reforms or push-backs will come from the states. For example, the effort to nail the conspiracy to censor content (the fascist partnership b/w government and Big Tech/Social Media) came from the State of Missouri.
The ultimate "solution" or ultimate check and balance would of course be secession, which few people are discussing seriously at the moment. However, I think that will change if "Joe Biden" is re-elected.
There are several groups in Alabama. One is Focus on America....meets in Madison, AL and Birmingham, AL. It is important to focus locally. Find like-minded people, pool your strengths and resources. Find and encourage people to run for local board, city council, etc.
Boy, if Kennedy could get rid of the FBI and CIA, he'd change the country for the better.
I actually think most Americans believe there was conspiracy to murder JFK. Kennedy now believes this. He believes the real truth hasn't come out about his father's death too. It occurs to me if he tapped into this belief, he could get a lot of votes.
It's funny; people do believe the CIA murdered JFK ... but they don't believe the same government would have mandated an unsafe vaccine.
And I cannot believe how unceremoniously the DNC and media are ignoring RFK Jr!!! He needs to recruit Cousin Caroline and his mother!!! That’s really pathetic to support a cognitively impaired 80 year old over a Kennedy!
From what I gather, almost all of his family disagrees with him. Some have thrown him under the bus. So it takes real courage to say things that your own family doesn't like or agree with.
You've got to be joking. IMOH, there is no one in the country, maybe even the world, that would do that. Who would they have hear them? (That's not already on the payroll.)
He was Commander in Chief of a military operation that rolled out the death jab on the entire world. No, I do not think Trump will be calling for any tribunals. Remember those decks of cards that the Americans made in the 'war on terror' with Bin Laden as the Ace of Spades? Trump is the new ace and people refuse to see it.
Virtually anything the libtards are “for”, I am against. Anything they are “against”, I am for. They are against DeSantis so he must be a threat. I voted for Trump twice, but never again due to WuFlu & his role in it, including warp speed & Faux-Xi, etc. And that he will disavow none of it. And instead of touting his real accomplishments & reminding people how much better off the country was under his leadership. & it can be that way again, he petulantly complains about the past & criticizes DeSantis & then reverses (like with Disney) when the polls show he’s on the wrong side. I think DeSantis going after Disney is apropos, given what’s happening w/ Bud, Target, Dodgers, etc.
That said, the whispers re DeSantis & WEF, Paul Ryan, Bushes, etc. are of interest but not alarming unless real evidence appears. Given how photos & video can be falsely manipulated (have you seen the Tom Cruise fake videos???), it’s going to be hard to uncover truth & lies.
I love your writing but disagree with you on this. DeSantis has been fooled by big Never Trump money. He should have waited and built his brand. It will be a wild Republican primary. I don't see how anyone can take Trump down. It is a shame to see the wasted money on fighting with each other and allowing Biden to not campaign and spend weekends in Delaware. Never underestimate the ability of the Republicans to whiff on what should be an easy home run.
Thanks, Dennis. I recognize that my thoughts on DeSantis seem to be in the minority. That's become abundantly clear to me reading all the stories and Reader Comments about DeSantis in the last couple of months and days.
Going back to my sports-writing days, I'll try a sports analogy. Many successful coaches - like my team's coach, Nick Saban - always harp on the importance of competition. Athletes shouldn't fear it. Good competition makes you better - in games and in practice drills.
Competition is certainly the key component of genuine capitalism or free enterprise.
So Trump and his supporters shouldn't fear competition from a "worthy opponent" like DeSantis. In the political arena, "competition" allows for genuine debates and highlights differences ... on issues that are, literally, life and death.
What I see in the latest "meme" being spread is the notion that, "no, we should not have any political competition. Trump's positions are all we really need. Let's all get on board and support him ... and stop or silence those political voices who might be saying different things."
The result you get would be compliance or uniformity of views. No choices ... no real competition.
In my view, many powerful forces (on the right, center, left) are essentially afraid of competition. They view it as a threat to their continued rule and power and would prefer to not face it. (Censorship is really grounded in a fear of competing views).
I'd prefer political leaders who said, "Bring it on. I'm confident enough in my views that I know they will prevail in the court of public opinion. Answering questions from someone who challenges my views will make me sharper and ultimately a more impressive candidate to voters."
If Trump is a great man and leader, he can handle a politician like Ron DeSantis.
On the flip side, if DeSantis really believes his ideas and solutions are superior than the Status Quo politicians, he'd be a coward if he said, "okay, I won't run. I won't say what I really believe."
This is kind of a philosophical, babbling addendum to my DeSantis article.
All this said, I think the effort to eliminate any political "competition" from Ron DeSantis looks like it's going to succeed.
I am completely fine with the competition. I just worry that tons of money will be wasted on various attack ads and the real enemy of freedom is "Joe Biden", who must be defeated.
Put "Joe Biden" in quotes! It's not him calling the shots (as I'm sure you know). It's his handlers behind the curtain. I don't think DeSantis would go overboard with any attack ads on Trump. If he is going to win the ultimate prize, he would need the Trump supporters to not be pissed off at him. Plus, any attack ads probably wouldn't cost Trump any votes. The people who are going to vote for him are already going to vote for him and the people who aren't won't.
I think the fix is in. It's going to be "Joe Biden." The real interesting question is what happens in America if and when Biden gets four more years. My guess: The "S word" (secession) is going to start coming up a whole lot more. Be careful what you wish for Deep State, you might get it. That is, "Biden" might win ... but you might have 150 million fewer citizens that you get to rule over.
Here's one easy solution to save lives on dangerous sections of roadways: Add more guardrails along the shoulders of those roads.
We can be certain this "public health" measure would save many lives and severe injuries in the decades to come. Instead, we try to save lives with lockdowns and vaccines that don't work.
We don't take the easy road. And nobody picks up on this.
Wow! I agree with everything you wrote. Thank you!
Politicians, on all sides, have turned their backs on the people. Every 4-year cycle it becomes more clear, obvious and worse.
We ALL have one thing in common, all of us, no matter if Democrats, Republicans, Trump fans, climate activists, … anyone. We all are the people and this is our country. I can’t believe, no matter what your background may be, how you can allow those clowns in charge take away our country and everything with it. Generations of our forefathers have worked hard and given their lives, so all of us can have a better future. How can anyone allow this being taken away from us? Open your eyes, open your ears, let your brain work on its own. Don’t eat the junk the clowns feed you. Free your mind. None of us will be winners. There are only losers, except for the clowns who are running this show. How can you all not see that?
They want us to hate each other. They want us to fight with each other. They want us to disagree with each other. No matter who is in the White House, they all want the same thing. They want us to be busy with each other so no one is watching them taking money, resources and power. That’s why they want so much control over us, so they can feed us hate and keep us busy. All of us are fools for not catching this earlier. We are ALL losers, don’t you see that?
So, what does that have to do with DeSantis? Well, I do believe that he is very different from all the other politicians. They know that too. Different in what way? He’s seeing what I described above. And his actions tell us, that he wants to stop all that. This is rare. I look at him like Neo in the Matrix, he’s the one. Of course everyone who has power and control over the people - politicians, corporations, the rich, etc. - they all don’t want him to succeed. He’ll expose them all and open all of our eyes. Even the most hardcore Biden fans will at some point realize that they have been misled. It’s just a matter of how deep we’ll go down that rabbit hole and bring things to light. I think, none of us truly have a clue. I’m sure it is bad, real bad.
Before we disagree again with each other and hate each other for whatever stupid reason that only exists in our mind, can’t we all respect each other, accept each other’s differences and come together as the People of this beautiful country? Can we make our ancestors proud by keeping America the America that it once was? Why can’t we do that together? Why can’t we kick out these clowns that mess with our minds and make us hate each other?
We, together, are the People. Don’t let anyone or anything divide us. United we stand, divided we fall. It’s an old saying, but it is particularly true today, just look around you. I truly believe that DeSantis is on the side of the people. We need to be on his side to stop the madness and all be united again. Let all of our futures be bright together.
"The State Health Officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health. Such actions include, but are not limited to:
4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.
b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual."
Dunno but I doubt anything useful will come out of it. Usually these things drag out for months and years, there will be lengthy discussions and maybe some heated arguments, then a final report which will get some attention in the media (or not), and that will be the end of that. No real consequences and no accountability.
Combine that law, with this Governor. Meet Florida Lt. Governor Jeannette Nunez. Who would complete the remainder of a vacated Gov. DeSantis term. Who is she?:
“...Nuñez later entered the health care industry, working as the vice-president of government affairs at Jackson Health System. Nuñez also worked for Florida International University as an adjunct professor and advisor. She also served as the vice-president of external affairs at Kendall Regional Medical Center and Aventura Hospital & Medical Center, until becoming the lieutenant governor of Florida.”
"As a state representative, Nuñez broke ranks with some members of her party on immigration, sponsoring a bill that allowed undocumented students to pay in-state tuition rates at colleges and universities. "Don't hold these children responsible for something they had no control over."
"She supported legislation that extended state lawsuit protection to university doctors working in public hospitals."
"Nuñez rallied support for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012 as a member of the “Women for Mitt” coalition."
"Wake up Florida voters. Trump, is the biggest con-man there is.
#supportsKKK” and “#nevertrump.”"
They say personnel is policy. Gov. DeSantis chose Jeannette Nunez as his Lt Gov., personnel, policy. Do you believe her background and influences will be faithful to the freedom, specifically health freedom values DeSantis has advanced as governor? Or to the values we've seen come from the Big Health Industry she's a product and advocate of?
This bill/law/mandate is pretty much word for word in nz and australia. It was preplanned for every leader to sign it ( before the unawake ones realised just what they were signing).
Good, pithy summary, Dan. What he did that was different was take action ... actions that went against the actions political leaders were "supposed" to take. That, of course, makes him a major threat to our "hidden rulers" and/or "the authorized narrative."
Liked all you said on tnt radio . Now we differ. Backing any of these players because they are the "lesser evil" is what got us this dog eat dog system and keeps the status quo.
At the moment, Disney World’s Splash Mountain ride is closed because it offended perhaps four or five people with its “Song of the South” characters.
Despite the fact that millions of people queued up to ride Splash Mountain, Disney executives were mortified their customers weren’t more socially sensitive and the company is now spending tens of millions of dollars to replace B’rer Rabbit with Princess Tiana, who happens to be black.
A year or so ago, an executive at Disney’s movie studio bragged that the company wouldn’t produce a film where at least 40 percent of its characters were minorities or members of an authorized oppressed class.
If you’ve seen a recent Disney movie, you can quickly tell everyone got this memo.
As a sports fan, I noted how efficiently Disney transformed ESPN into an ideological CNN. (I knew ESPN had jumped the shark when its now defunct print magazine published a cover story on the perils of Global Warming.
I’d add that Disney was so committed to the Current Thing that they refused to re-open Disney World long after Gov. DeSantis told all businesses in his state they were free to make money again.
And to really prove my contrarian, politically-correct bona fides, I happen to think "Song of the South" was one of the best movies Disney ever made. I wish my kids could see it and hum along with that blue bird on my shoulder.
If I could share a photo, I'd show you my Dixie Landings towel. We got one before they changed the name to Port Orleans - Riverside in 2000. Disney has been pushing this political correctness crap for a very long time.
We stayed at that resort last Spring. I think I remember now that they changed the name. We lucked out that Disney had just dropped the mask mandates before we arrived. However, we all had to wear them on the busses that shuttled us to the theme parks. We were packed in like sardines in many of those lines and didn't have to wear masks, but did on the bus. Don't tell anyone. I wore my mask on my chin.
Just so. The film "Song of the South" has, to Disney, been kryptonite. According to its Wikipedia entry, the film has never been re-released in the USA so the censorship dates to the 1980s, at least. Curiously it was widely released in several foreign countries in recent decades. I guess it's ok to be racially insensitive where they can make a few bucks. None dare call it hipocrisy. In fact that raises a curious point: In theory, a publcly-traded corporation has a legal duty to maximize profts for its owners (shareholders), without breaking the law of course. So when a company goes woke, self-censors, and so forth, it is, in effect, saying that it values being politically correct, of supporting the Latest Thing, over making money.
I wouldn't say that Song of the South has been kryptonite at all, in fact Disney has seemingly been using it as a badge of honor in the past 3 years. It was wildly popular 40 years ago, so much so that they made the movie the theme of a park ride. The full version of the movie was never released on home video in the US, but it was re-released in theaters 4 times. Although the full movie wasn't released on home video, Disney did create shorts and compilations with parts of the movie included. I know because I remember watching them at my daycare when I was little. I had to do a fact check of my own memory thinking I had watched the full version of the movie, but it must have been a short or compilation I remember watching.
With that said and not knowing the real reason the movie was never released on home video, Disney is taking full advantage of it.
The "stakeholder capitalism" that Klaus Schwab promotes is exactly what you said, corporations supporting the Latest Thing (tm) over profits. In reality, according to Vivek Ramaswamy in his book "Woke, Inc", what the corporations are doing amount to virtue signaling.
"Song of the South" might be the first movie I remember seeing in a movie theater. My father took me and my brothers when I must have been four or five. I remember loving the movie and still sing (in my mind) the song, "Mr. Blue Bird's on my shoulder" all the time.
Why would Disney spend massive amounts of money to reconfigure one of its most popular rides/attractions? They didn't need to do this ... unless appeasing a few radical, woke people in the world is the most important thing to them. Or just going along with "The Current Thing."
Or perhaps Disney realizes that this country has a very troubled past. Especially with racism. Maybe they want to do better. They know how you all feel. Disney does not care what racist, homophoic, and bigoted folks want. Or even care about. Disney is putting quite a bit of money into updating and making things right. DeSantis is a has been. And has no future as president. But at this point, the Democrats don't have anything to be proud of either. The entire political system is a hot mess.
Great point. Maximizing profits or making money for investors is no longer the main reasons companies exist. "Social investing" is the New Big Thing. FWIW, DeSantis has tried to make an issue of this as well. He's gone after BlackRock, which is leading that parade.
I don't think this issue - you've got to be socially-conscious if our company is going to invest in your company - has gotten enough attention yet.
I agree. Do you feel like "social investing" is a good idea?
Me too
Yup! Walt Disney would be appalled. Four or five people with an insecure need to bear influence shut down a wonderful whimsical ride. Don’t go to Disney World then !! This social justice movement along with their equally outrageous not affordable prices may cause their demise and honestly, if they’re going to continue with this non sense... shut it down!
Actually, Walt Disney was a Fascist, too. He just believed in the idealized version of it where good, upstanding traditional family values were upheld. Just like those on the left who believe in an idealized version of Communism, like Bernie Sanders, who ignore all evidence of prior abuses with a waive of a hand saying "real communism was never tried before." Walt, and many Fascism supporters are the equivalent.
You’re right. Years ago , we went to the Disney Family Museum in San Francisco and Walt’s convictions were highlighted. That being said, I don’t think he’d be on board with the prices being charged for hotel rooms to hamburgers!
Who needs Disney? Least of all Florida I reckon...they are turning into a liability - let em go back to California....that place is worthless.
Right on cue. ESPN to raise transgender flag at their campus:
Did you know there is more than one interpretation of that "Song of the South"?
If you didn't, let me tell you there is - I know there is.
What I have a hard time understanding lately is why folks think they have the "right" not to be "offended" per their personal sensibilities? Who and how has it come to be that anybody thinks they got the right to that?
(Edit: The reality is folks think they got the "right" to that must not realize it directly conflicts with the so-called "Constitution" of the land....and makes one wonder why folks such as this have been given so much heed lately - I think Disney should just close up the shop and move out of Florida - if I was the governor's advisor, I'd suggest he say that to them!).
Ha, ha.
In a saner world, Disney would have escorted the offended customers to the cashier's office, given them a pro-rated refund, and told them to get off the property.
Good article Bill! I thought Alex Berenson had missed the point somehow about DeSantis. The Govenor seems to be about the only man standing in the political world anywhere who actually appears to have both beliefs and common sense in abundance! I certainly don't agree with everything he says and I think he should have held off until Trump had finished with politics. I would enjoy seeing a contest between Robert F Kennedy Jr and Ron DeSantis - two men with integrity having more in common than they may realise. Not going to happen though.
As for Disney and all those Woke corporations snuggled up with the governments of the world - well, they would do well to remember that they actually need customers! I hear Disney is struggling to get people to see their movies these days because they are so boringly "correct". People don't want to be lectured by their cartoons, beer cans or car company!
I've liked DeSantis. My observations are that he talks a great game, makes very high profile announcements of policy I support, bravely. That unfortunately don't end up as faithfully executed as his announcements.
But something noticeably changed during the week after Mar-a-Lago when he went dark. When he reemerged his staff had changed and so had his authenticity.
Having the experience I have with politicians I rather suspect he had The Visit. The Visit I've seen many other political leaders get from very influential types. Built like gorillas. In the finest custom made suits. I've seen politicians elected to leadership positions go from solid conservatives, libertarian values to mouthing progressive talking points and even become "moderate" Democrats. After The Visit. Very persuasive, these gorillas. Who my eyes have witnessed newly elected to leadership politicians disappear into private rooms in expensive restaurants with. Noting it to others at my table. Then working with them after The Visit. Noticeably changed.
Ron DeSantis has been very much like those politicians. As if he got a dead fish in a box left on his doorstep.
It's almost as if our government has become an extension of this, the negotiations between party's and the politicians of the same nature:
Who send little dead fish messages like this when a politician has notions of independence:
And this:
I don't dislike Ron DeSantis. But very powerful people have insinuated themselves into his orbit. And while they may give him a longer leash than most politicians, he is now unmistakably on their leash.
He may very well be the best we can hope for given the circumstances. What makes Trump so appealing to so many, that he doesn't seem to be on anyone's leash, may be why he won't be allowed to win. Again. But hope is eternal. And many of us have hope. The powerful don't want us to have that hope. But it is eternal. Thank God.
I have noticed a similar thing over the years. Every President makes all kinds of speeches and promises while running for office. Once they are sworn in, it appears that "Someone" has had a conversation with them and told them what they can and cannot do while in office. They are forever changed.
In my "early spread" investigations, I keep thinking about one scenario. Say, for example, that DeSantis won and became president. He ran as someone who was going to sponsor real hearings to find out all the real Covid scandals. Two hours after he is sworn in, he's told by the CIA that, yes, our own government scientists did create this virus and we've been covering it up ever since. So President DeSantis could just let the world know the truth ... in which case every country in the world would demand reparations, which would bankrupt America. He might also learn that plenty of scientists knew the vaccines were dangerous and deadly and have indeed caused millions of deaths world-wide. There's a couple trillion more in reparations and probably 100 million Americans going for their pitch forks and marching on Washington D.C.
Given these scenarios, what would President DeSantis do? For that matter, what would RFK, Jr. do? My guess is both would say, "Keep it down home, boys. What the people don't know won't hurt them." Or ... the truth would actually harm millions of people and the nation. It might break up the nation. Anyway, no big truth-seeking tribunals would take place.
This is the type stuff I think about!
Basically, the villains get away with Crimes Against Humanity.
Exactly!! Do you remember when Trump won the GOP nomination and there was this call from DC elites, most notably Hillary, that “under no circumstances, should Trump be given security briefings.” And I thought “ what the Hell is going on here?” And then when he was, I think he was somewhat stunned by what he learned. Another reason for me, once a Democrat, once a Republican, now an Independent to support Robert Kennedy. If our country is that evil, than let’s stop pretending to be the greatest nation in the world.
It brings to mind the line from "A Few Good Men" ... "You can't handle the truth!"
Maybe we all can't?
BTW, That Marine Colonel was the man who really couldn't handle the truth. He actually thought our nation needed Marines on the walls in Guantanamo, Cuba (!) to protect Americans' freedoms.
Who's really chiseling away at all our freedoms?
Your hypothetical (?) examples are just one of many. There are, I've been (un)relaibly told various historical events, policy decisions, etc. dating back nearly a century that are classified "above top secret." Surely incoming officals are told of some -- only those that they need to know at least.
To the above list (of super-secret stuff that is never disclosed, but might be inferred by various means) add the problem of persistent popular beleifs. Many of these are partially or completely false. Popular delusions and/or ignorance, whether deliberately fed by the unscruplous or simply emergent behavior, are a universsal trait of human individuals and societies.
Human beings in general, and citizens of a supposed republic, live to some degree in a perpetual fantasy land. To cite an obvious example, there is a world of difference between how you were taught how the government works in high school (Do they even teach it any more???) and how government really works. Even those who've woorked in the environment probably haven't seen it all. You can glipse into some of the dark corners and you may be amused or appalled at what you see.
I've been watching RFK interviews closely. In a couple of recent ones he talks about how his uncle - President Kennedy - was fooled and lied to by the CIA. One example he gives is with the Bay of Pigs fiasco. After this event (which Kennedy arguably supported or that was not what he was told it was) went sideways and after President Kennedy learned that 75 military "advisors" in Vietnam had already been killed, Kennedy basically gave up on the CIA and said that it should be broken up into a thousand pieces and the pieces scattered into the wind (per his nephew, corroborated by other historic accounts).
Some believe this is why Kennedy was assasinatted in Dallas. His nephew apparently believes this was probably the motive.
But it seems to me that the nephew is picking up on themes developed or believed by his uncle. Except that the nephew has compiled far more evidence about how corrupt the Intelligence and Science Industrial Complex really is. I actually think RFK, Jr. has displayed far more courage than his own late father and uncle.
Think about it. RFK, Sr. and JFK were very popular - even iconic politicians. RFK, Jr. is a pariah. Even most members of his own family have disparaged his work and seem to want to disown him. Nobody in the Democratic Establishment is saying the things RFK, Jr. is saying. So he has been completely alone for years .... but still, like a character in a Tom Petty hit song, he "won't back down .... He's gonna stand his ground."
If nothing else, that's real and rare courage.
So it will be interested to see if this rare display of courage will be rewarded by voters or not.
DeSantis would do what Trump did when he said he wanted to pardon Assange. Don't believe for a moment that Trump didn't face that and other moral dilemmas. Even without being on the leash that DeSantis has agreed to be on by virtue of the consultant class and donor money he's accepted.
I bet RFK, Jr. WOULD pardon Assange. He might even let Snowden come back to America.
But I think most Americans want Assange to stay in prison for the rest of his life and also think Snowden is a traitor who should be executed.
Everyone always forgets that Assange is Australian. I heard his father speak recently and the situation is very painful.
Again, because the media has not told the truth!!!! RIP Seth Rich!!!!
RFK, Jr is probably the one man who could. I like him very much. I hope he will be the D nominee. That would make it a very difficult decision about who to support.
There's about as much chance of that happening as there is of his father and uncles returning from the dead.
I was a lobbyist and political campaign consultant in state legislatures for two decades. I've been in the homes of US Senators, taken phone calls at home directly from US Congressmen and Governors early on Saturday mornings asking me for help with something or another. I've been in homes of partners in the top law firms with state and DC offices, homes where sitting US president's have stayed overnight when visiting town. I've been out socializing and drinking with governor's - and their mistresses - and other politicians, university president's, Fortune 500 CEO's, media personalities, etc. I know these people. And many still know and remember me by name and face. I know these people well enough to know that when Madison Cawthorn told of scandals there was truth in his telling. Dangerous truth. And why he is no longer in the system.
I was never fully in the system. I was never in those private dining room meetings with the well-coiffed gorillas. Even with my access I wasn't a "made man" of the system, rather someone who was kept a safe distance outside of it to not be a threat to it. Which is where I liked being. But I saw enough to know what I know. About those in power. And the system they operate in.
There is The Visit. With people who are very persuasive. They will protect their system. With any and all means available to them. The System is more important than any one in it. And all are expendable, if deemed necessary to protect The System. And yet, we Resist. We must. If not us, then who? Our posterity?
Thanks for sharing. I've been around some of these people as well ... and their mistresses.
The Visit.
Good comment.
The politics here er so obvious, it’s ridiculous. DeSantis stands a better chance of beating Tapioca Joe than Trump, so he must be taken out. The corporate owned media is so in lockstep, voters are increasingly foolish to think we have any true say.
That's my "obvious" take as well. They fear DeSantis more than Trump. They want to run against Trump and probably have a plan to take him out after they take down DeSantis.
Hard to say. I think you may under-estimate the insane hatred Trump engendered, and still does, in his opponents. The Deep State, perhaps, still view Trump as the major threat. DeSantis (in my opinion) is already pretty much a neocon and, as did all too many before him, would forget his promises and principles the day he raises his right hand (if it comes.) I mean come on -- it's not like the man has no prior experience, he served six years as a U.S. Rep. From Deep State's point of veiw, they are just fine with Trump and DeSantis duking it out in the primaries. All they need is either man running as a third party and then you get a replay of 1992 when Perot drained off swing voters.
So why do you think DeSantis went out on a limb and took on the Deep State with his contrarian Covid views? No other politician did this - at least to the extent and high-profile that DeSantis did ... and is really still doing as he and his surgeon general are fighting a war with the CDC and NIH over "safe and effective" vaccine claims right now.
Do you think he was just trying to find an issue that would catapult him onto the national political stage? I guess this is possible, but I think he did it based on principles and intelligence/ his own critical-thinking abilities.
I despise the neocons as well so, if on the off chance DeSantis is elected president and turns out be another big defender of the military industrial complex and keeps trying to start unnecessary wars, I'll flip and become one of his most vocal critics.
I think the "DeSantis is a closet Neo-con" is a canard or red herring designed to harpoon his presidential bid. This "chess move" seems to be working - already worked probably.
I'm pretty sure it won't be a DNC candidate that prevails and odds are even if it is an RNC candidate at the end, the RNC's days are numbered as well because - justice must be served.
Did you see what Lindsey Graham did the other day - I rest my case on the RNC and the DNC is even worse.
DeSantis might be best off just remaining as the gubnor of FL. Truly, it would save a lot of trouble and I think this would be better for his young son. Either that, or keep the family photos to a minimum, but really one must wonder who would even want to be head of any federal establishment decayed so much it is basically beyond repair and in need of a root canal I reckon.
Now - being the gubnor of FL might have some staying power and truly might be a better way to wield influence in the future.
“From your mouth to ...” I could not agree more about the two parties! But I do not have much faith in their going away. Look at all the “ above the law” activity they get away with... and until the media actually does their charged duty as the Fourth Estate and holds the Government accountable, the across the board corruption will continue. The entrenched bureaucrats have no reason to change things. And look how little as in none or only negative coverage Vivek Ramaswami and RFK Jr are receiving. Somethings got to give. And so far the issues that should expose the vast and nefarious corruption remain protected. It’s really disheartening. I’m 71, I’d like to see the dam burst before I take my leave.
PS.. i e been away from the news, what is the story about DeSantis’ son? Thank you.
There is no story about DeSantis' son as far as I know. I only commented that his son looked uncomfortable in the image and that is something to take notice of I think.
There is a story though about a Senator from SC who apparently likes dead Russians and consider their bodies to be an investment for the future - see what I mean about DC being so contaminated?
The dissident "crowd I run with" consensus seems to be: DeSantis is at best a "Trump Lite." Recent polls show this. For all his faults (and they are manifold) Trump remains the champion of most disaffected Conservatives. How his indictment and other troubles will play out is anyone's guess. Relevant solely to their persecution of Trump, the Deep State has crossed its Rubicon, a line that can't be uncrossed, in declaring war on opponents. Love him or not, Trump is the figurehead of the opposition. He will likely pay with his freedom, maybe even his life. But he won't be easily suppressed or forgotten. I make no prediction as to who even ends up on the ballot. I will observe that (among Republicans) Trump is still far in the lead of anyone else, to include the heir apparent, DeSantis.
I do believe that if Trump is re elected, some one ( whose name rhymes with “See My Day” will assassinate him. I haven’t figured out who the assailant will be, they’re still working on that profile.
Alex Berenson is a NYC liberal and former NYT writer. Even though he’s been ostracized by his left wing friends, he is still unable to give up all his deeply ingrained lefty tendencies. CoVid showed that most Dems are really fascist at heart but Berenson still suffers from cognitive dissonance and doesn’t want to leave the reservation.
As some wag may have observed, you can take the reporter out of the New York Times, but you can't take the Times out of the reporter.
Companies, governments, everywhere were becoming woke because the Millennial generation was woke. They were all indoctrinated at universities. If you read the lengthy 'dossier' on Katie Britt, you will know it was even happening here in AL. She was advocating social justice policies as President of the SGA at UA and as President of the BCA. But we still elected her.
The corporations are virtue signaling and dividing us over cultural issues, but they are also damaging their bottom line. Companies have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders - they don't have any requirement to be a 'good corporate citizen'. I think Ron had the right approach. We need state Attorneys General, state treasurers etc. to put a stop to it.
Alex Berenson has been wrong on so many issues, I'm not sure why people give any credence to what he says. As soon as he got back on twitter, I immediately unfollowed him.
Your thoughts confirm my suspicions about now Sen. Britt. She's going to go along with the Current Thing.
You cite how corporations have become politicized. To my admittedly summary knowledge, this is a phenemenon unprecedented in our history. Note: I am by no means saying that corporations don't have a long history of contributing to favored politicians, and using other efforts to influence politics, whether above board or under the table. That's business as usual. Nor was it unheard of that corporations, or more likely rich scions, would make donations or get personally invovled with partisan organizations. So it's not like the change happened over night.. But a few decades ago, I'm pretty sure it was more the norm to, say, give a few million dollars a year to Greenpeace or NARRAL but beyond being listed somewhere as a donor, they didn't trumpet their invovlement in advertising and worse, demonize those who disagreed. What is almost unheard of, though, is corporations becoming "woke," championing people, groups, or movements that are at best a tiny minority of the population, at worst are unpopular if not an outright affront to majority values (e.g. legitimizing homos or trannies.) The very fact that they are willing to take such stances, often to the detriment of the bottom line (e.g. Bud Light, Target), suggests that there are powerful influencers in the system, saying "Promote Message X" as the top priority. Weird.
Again, I agree SD. There has been a coordinated effort on the part of companies to force feed social agendas on the public.
Everything you're saying is in fact spot on however you're forgetting unlike RFK Jr DeSantis is bought and paid for! Keep in mind everything is schtick and gimmickry. Bush exploited the religious zealots and no one on the face of this earth exploited the black community to the extent Obama did. DeSantis is doing the exact same (exploiting the division) the parallels to Obama's campaign are uncanny! Don't waste your time and STICK with RFK Jr! The more air time you give, Ron the less you're giving Bobby!!!
Thus far Bobby seems to be the real deal - a man of tremendous knowledge honor and integrity! Don't forget unlike all the rest the man has nothing to gain from any of it! For him it's a crusade to save what little is left of this Country! Can the same be said for ANY of the other? Absolutely NOT!!
You getting lured into the theatrics!
Thanks. I can't think of an example where W Bush or Obama went against the "narrative."
DeSantis didn't just give a speech here or there opposing the lockdowns. He made it the center piece of his administration when almost everyone in politics including President Trump was criticizing him. Everyone in the press and media criticized him.
He brought in the experts from the Barrington Declaration for a big media panel that the media of course didn't cover. So I don't put him in the same category.
He also is becoming more and more of a vaccine critic. I've been surprised nobody is following his back-and-forth war with the directors of the FDA and CDC over the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.
I agree that Bobby Kennedy has been sterling and I'd be stunned if he sold out on these issues.
Thanks for your comments and reading the article. I can already tell the effort to sink DeSantis is likely going to work. Then again, we need to wait to see if DeSantis can make it to Iowa or New Hampshire and see how he might do in some debates. From what I can tell, he's very good in debates.
Screw wokism and the fascism you rightly recognize and call out. I like Haley, DeSantis, Vivek, and West. However, DJT is the only wrecking ball powerful enough to pull us through. If any of the others were dangerous to the status quo the DOJ would be raiding their homes!
I wonder if Trump would/will call for any kind of Covid tribunals.
Interesting idea. I believe the swamp is too deep for any immediate turn around. I saw that with trump in office. Too many congressmen and women, governors, and media are in bed with the fascist state. This takes a long series of elections and a sustained desire for freedom and smaller government by the populace.
Smart people I listen to keep preaching local, local, local. Any real meaningful reforms or push-backs will come from the states. For example, the effort to nail the conspiracy to censor content (the fascist partnership b/w government and Big Tech/Social Media) came from the State of Missouri.
The ultimate "solution" or ultimate check and balance would of course be secession, which few people are discussing seriously at the moment. However, I think that will change if "Joe Biden" is re-elected.
There are several groups in Alabama. One is Focus on America....meets in Madison, AL and Birmingham, AL. It is important to focus locally. Find like-minded people, pool your strengths and resources. Find and encourage people to run for local board, city council, etc.
Volunteer in the schools.
Click on red arrow at top of page to see videos from our meetings.
Thanks. "Start local ... and grow from there" is a great strategy!
If that is your yardstick, you only have one candidate to support.
You know who.
His dad and uncle were killed by the same group he would need to put on trial.
Boy, if Kennedy could get rid of the FBI and CIA, he'd change the country for the better.
I actually think most Americans believe there was conspiracy to murder JFK. Kennedy now believes this. He believes the real truth hasn't come out about his father's death too. It occurs to me if he tapped into this belief, he could get a lot of votes.
It's funny; people do believe the CIA murdered JFK ... but they don't believe the same government would have mandated an unsafe vaccine.
And I cannot believe how unceremoniously the DNC and media are ignoring RFK Jr!!! He needs to recruit Cousin Caroline and his mother!!! That’s really pathetic to support a cognitively impaired 80 year old over a Kennedy!
From what I gather, almost all of his family disagrees with him. Some have thrown him under the bus. So it takes real courage to say things that your own family doesn't like or agree with.
Don't "want" to belive.
No, because he went along with the vaccine ....and took credit.
You've got to be joking. IMOH, there is no one in the country, maybe even the world, that would do that. Who would they have hear them? (That's not already on the payroll.)
this suggests tis time for the law of the jungle to take precedence if the law of formal places cannot deliver the justice due.
One simple law in the jungle is if you cause harm to the other inhabitants then the jungle will eliminate you...
simple really once one gets the sense of the jungle...
He was Commander in Chief of a military operation that rolled out the death jab on the entire world. No, I do not think Trump will be calling for any tribunals. Remember those decks of cards that the Americans made in the 'war on terror' with Bin Laden as the Ace of Spades? Trump is the new ace and people refuse to see it.
Virtually anything the libtards are “for”, I am against. Anything they are “against”, I am for. They are against DeSantis so he must be a threat. I voted for Trump twice, but never again due to WuFlu & his role in it, including warp speed & Faux-Xi, etc. And that he will disavow none of it. And instead of touting his real accomplishments & reminding people how much better off the country was under his leadership. & it can be that way again, he petulantly complains about the past & criticizes DeSantis & then reverses (like with Disney) when the polls show he’s on the wrong side. I think DeSantis going after Disney is apropos, given what’s happening w/ Bud, Target, Dodgers, etc.
That said, the whispers re DeSantis & WEF, Paul Ryan, Bushes, etc. are of interest but not alarming unless real evidence appears. Given how photos & video can be falsely manipulated (have you seen the Tom Cruise fake videos???), it’s going to be hard to uncover truth & lies.
I love your writing but disagree with you on this. DeSantis has been fooled by big Never Trump money. He should have waited and built his brand. It will be a wild Republican primary. I don't see how anyone can take Trump down. It is a shame to see the wasted money on fighting with each other and allowing Biden to not campaign and spend weekends in Delaware. Never underestimate the ability of the Republicans to whiff on what should be an easy home run.
Thanks, Dennis. I recognize that my thoughts on DeSantis seem to be in the minority. That's become abundantly clear to me reading all the stories and Reader Comments about DeSantis in the last couple of months and days.
Going back to my sports-writing days, I'll try a sports analogy. Many successful coaches - like my team's coach, Nick Saban - always harp on the importance of competition. Athletes shouldn't fear it. Good competition makes you better - in games and in practice drills.
Competition is certainly the key component of genuine capitalism or free enterprise.
So Trump and his supporters shouldn't fear competition from a "worthy opponent" like DeSantis. In the political arena, "competition" allows for genuine debates and highlights differences ... on issues that are, literally, life and death.
What I see in the latest "meme" being spread is the notion that, "no, we should not have any political competition. Trump's positions are all we really need. Let's all get on board and support him ... and stop or silence those political voices who might be saying different things."
The result you get would be compliance or uniformity of views. No choices ... no real competition.
In my view, many powerful forces (on the right, center, left) are essentially afraid of competition. They view it as a threat to their continued rule and power and would prefer to not face it. (Censorship is really grounded in a fear of competing views).
I'd prefer political leaders who said, "Bring it on. I'm confident enough in my views that I know they will prevail in the court of public opinion. Answering questions from someone who challenges my views will make me sharper and ultimately a more impressive candidate to voters."
If Trump is a great man and leader, he can handle a politician like Ron DeSantis.
On the flip side, if DeSantis really believes his ideas and solutions are superior than the Status Quo politicians, he'd be a coward if he said, "okay, I won't run. I won't say what I really believe."
This is kind of a philosophical, babbling addendum to my DeSantis article.
All this said, I think the effort to eliminate any political "competition" from Ron DeSantis looks like it's going to succeed.
I am completely fine with the competition. I just worry that tons of money will be wasted on various attack ads and the real enemy of freedom is "Joe Biden", who must be defeated.
Put "Joe Biden" in quotes! It's not him calling the shots (as I'm sure you know). It's his handlers behind the curtain. I don't think DeSantis would go overboard with any attack ads on Trump. If he is going to win the ultimate prize, he would need the Trump supporters to not be pissed off at him. Plus, any attack ads probably wouldn't cost Trump any votes. The people who are going to vote for him are already going to vote for him and the people who aren't won't.
I think the fix is in. It's going to be "Joe Biden." The real interesting question is what happens in America if and when Biden gets four more years. My guess: The "S word" (secession) is going to start coming up a whole lot more. Be careful what you wish for Deep State, you might get it. That is, "Biden" might win ... but you might have 150 million fewer citizens that you get to rule over.
It's human nature to take the easy road.
It goes against human nature to leave the easy road.
Fencing protects the easy road.
Therefore the easy road is hard to leave.
Those not on the easy road want to be on the easy road.
Those on the easy road want it to stay easy, no traffic.
Easy street ain't easy.
Here's one easy solution to save lives on dangerous sections of roadways: Add more guardrails along the shoulders of those roads.
We can be certain this "public health" measure would save many lives and severe injuries in the decades to come. Instead, we try to save lives with lockdowns and vaccines that don't work.
We don't take the easy road. And nobody picks up on this.
Governments take the easy road leaving the hard road for the people.
We don't need safe roads or safe cars, we need safe people.
Place a 10 inch spike in the center of every steering wheel of every car. People would become very safe.
Your 10-inch spike in the steering wheel "safety idea" is inspired! That would actually work.
Wow! I agree with everything you wrote. Thank you!
Politicians, on all sides, have turned their backs on the people. Every 4-year cycle it becomes more clear, obvious and worse.
We ALL have one thing in common, all of us, no matter if Democrats, Republicans, Trump fans, climate activists, … anyone. We all are the people and this is our country. I can’t believe, no matter what your background may be, how you can allow those clowns in charge take away our country and everything with it. Generations of our forefathers have worked hard and given their lives, so all of us can have a better future. How can anyone allow this being taken away from us? Open your eyes, open your ears, let your brain work on its own. Don’t eat the junk the clowns feed you. Free your mind. None of us will be winners. There are only losers, except for the clowns who are running this show. How can you all not see that?
They want us to hate each other. They want us to fight with each other. They want us to disagree with each other. No matter who is in the White House, they all want the same thing. They want us to be busy with each other so no one is watching them taking money, resources and power. That’s why they want so much control over us, so they can feed us hate and keep us busy. All of us are fools for not catching this earlier. We are ALL losers, don’t you see that?
So, what does that have to do with DeSantis? Well, I do believe that he is very different from all the other politicians. They know that too. Different in what way? He’s seeing what I described above. And his actions tell us, that he wants to stop all that. This is rare. I look at him like Neo in the Matrix, he’s the one. Of course everyone who has power and control over the people - politicians, corporations, the rich, etc. - they all don’t want him to succeed. He’ll expose them all and open all of our eyes. Even the most hardcore Biden fans will at some point realize that they have been misled. It’s just a matter of how deep we’ll go down that rabbit hole and bring things to light. I think, none of us truly have a clue. I’m sure it is bad, real bad.
Before we disagree again with each other and hate each other for whatever stupid reason that only exists in our mind, can’t we all respect each other, accept each other’s differences and come together as the People of this beautiful country? Can we make our ancestors proud by keeping America the America that it once was? Why can’t we do that together? Why can’t we kick out these clowns that mess with our minds and make us hate each other?
We, together, are the People. Don’t let anyone or anything divide us. United we stand, divided we fall. It’s an old saying, but it is particularly true today, just look around you. I truly believe that DeSantis is on the side of the people. We need to be on his side to stop the madness and all be united again. Let all of our futures be bright together.
Excellent take on it! I thought Alex’s article missed the mark as well.
He can still. I can still have hope. :( 💔
DeSantis should explain why he signed this bill:
"The State Health Officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health. Such actions include, but are not limited to:
4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.
b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual."
Do you know anything about his covid enquiry? Is he looking at the DOD or is he just looking at pharma?
Dunno but I doubt anything useful will come out of it. Usually these things drag out for months and years, there will be lengthy discussions and maybe some heated arguments, then a final report which will get some attention in the media (or not), and that will be the end of that. No real consequences and no accountability.
Don't forget the strongly worded emails!
Combine that law, with this Governor. Meet Florida Lt. Governor Jeannette Nunez. Who would complete the remainder of a vacated Gov. DeSantis term. Who is she?:
“...Nuñez later entered the health care industry, working as the vice-president of government affairs at Jackson Health System. Nuñez also worked for Florida International University as an adjunct professor and advisor. She also served as the vice-president of external affairs at Kendall Regional Medical Center and Aventura Hospital & Medical Center, until becoming the lieutenant governor of Florida.”
"As a state representative, Nuñez broke ranks with some members of her party on immigration, sponsoring a bill that allowed undocumented students to pay in-state tuition rates at colleges and universities. "Don't hold these children responsible for something they had no control over."
"She supported legislation that extended state lawsuit protection to university doctors working in public hospitals."
"Nuñez rallied support for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012 as a member of the “Women for Mitt” coalition."
"Wake up Florida voters. Trump, is the biggest con-man there is.
#supportsKKK” and “#nevertrump.”"
They say personnel is policy. Gov. DeSantis chose Jeannette Nunez as his Lt Gov., personnel, policy. Do you believe her background and influences will be faithful to the freedom, specifically health freedom values DeSantis has advanced as governor? Or to the values we've seen come from the Big Health Industry she's a product and advocate of?
Yeah, that’s some bullshit! Wtf?!!! I’d be irate as a Floridian. That’s gonna come back to haunt him.
I'm not saying it's right, but that has more or less been the law everywhere in America for well over a century.
This bill/law/mandate is pretty much word for word in nz and australia. It was preplanned for every leader to sign it ( before the unawake ones realised just what they were signing).
Santis is a man of ACTION rooting out the corrupt agendas. He works for the PEOPLE, not them cult. That is why they despise him.
Good, pithy summary, Dan. What he did that was different was take action ... actions that went against the actions political leaders were "supposed" to take. That, of course, makes him a major threat to our "hidden rulers" and/or "the authorized narrative."
Liked all you said on tnt radio . Now we differ. Backing any of these players because they are the "lesser evil" is what got us this dog eat dog system and keeps the status quo.
Thanks for listening to the interview, Bob. I'm glad it was just audio and so people didn't have to look at me!