The "elites" have a major issue that you've probably noticed -- all their ideas are terrible because they are all top-down edicts made by people who have their own agendas. This is obviously no way to 'run' a society. (a society doesn't NEED to be 'run', but THEY think it does.) The worst part is that as everything starts (or continues) to fall apart, the priorities of the "elites" becomes even more obvious -- do whatever is good for them and everybody else is on their own.

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We outnumber the super rich by 35,000 to one. They need our compliance hence the brainwashing, propaganda and censorship. This war is being fought in our minds.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/the-psychological-war-in-your-mind

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Apr 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Those billions of citizens in the middle won't do anything until their comfortable lifestyle is interrupted.

When they can't get enough to eat they will raise there heads to look around and figure out what is going on. By then it may be too late for them. I am sure the cabal will keep them comfy until the last moment while they disarm the public, remove legal rights, etc. The key is to get them to think sooner. Remember that it only takes 3.5% of the population to defeat a government peacefully.


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Apr 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

God will prevail in the end, because Jesus has already won the battle.

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Apr 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

everyone should learn from Sharyl Attkisson and Mark C Miller how gaslighting and propaganda work. Read some Substack. To my delight Mark Oshinskie has bundled some of his essays in a booklet. If you want one, give him a holler!

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Apr 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Very interesting Dr. David Martin video The Great Setup Part 2 on William Makis Substack. He talks about where all these organizations originated. No authority but that which they gave themselves.


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Someone at work posted that cartoon.. The original has the 5th horseman saying "misinformation" !!! 'Bout what you'd expect from The Lying Whore Media. I wrote "government propaganda" on a small post-it and stuck it on top of the original... 🤔


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Apr 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Widespread indifference of the general populace as long their tummies are full is the main road-block to an awakening of the masses. The Universal Basic Income in tandem with the clot-shots are meant to prolong this phase until it is too late ...

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As Thomas Jefferson said, "The government that governs best, governs least." It is the aim of all Nanny State supporters to meddle in the affairs of the masses in order to put their best foot forward. I recently wrote a small Substack article about the non-release of the papers from the Warren Commission. These papers were legally authorized to be release by both houses of the U.S. Gov't yet there are more than four thousand pages of documents that are still "classified." These agencies like the CIA, NSA and FBI are connected to the powerful elite who actually run our country. No need to look any further for evidence of democracy being subverted, there it is in the open. The U.S. Senate and House both vote on a matter without a single nay vote and that particular piece of legislation is just ignored due to "national security." People should be outraged, but they don't care. As long as citizens allow their rights to be violated, these elites will continue with business as usual. President Eisenhower warned against the military/industrial complex, but we have yet to heed the warning.

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Apr 28Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Imagine the plan of the elites is to

1. Kill 5 or 7 billion people

2. Eliminate nation states

3. Enslave the survivors in digital hell

Something like. How many actually understand this is the plan? Is it really 200,000? Or is this 200,000 the 'control network' composed of compartmentalized useful idiots, who execute a small slice of the overall plan?

This matters, a lot, because while the 200,000 are corrupt all right, would they continue to do their bit if they came to realize 1 2 3 is the real plan?

Imagine a ho hum run of the mill general in the MIC. He is not a nice person, he is willing to profit personally from folk dying in the Ukraine, in Gaza. But he might rebel at the genocide of billions. He may have residual affection for the US, he may feel the constitution retains some value. So he is corrupt but not THAT corrupt. Extend this line of reasoning to members in the media, the CIA, CDC, 'Congress critters', to the Canadian parliment, etc etc.

Perhaps the true insiders, privy to the actual active genocide and the rest of it, are less even than 200,000? And here is the thing, if their useful corrupt idiots wake to the real plan, will they turn against the 'true' insiders? Some might. Our corrupt US general may wrestle with God in the middle of the night and conclude a step too far. The thin veneer of control depends on useful idiots doing bad things while not seeing the real extent of the actual plan? Their greatest weakness perhaps? Minions who are needed to execute their bit, can't be allowed to realize what lies outside their 'compartment'?

I think their control is perhaps even less than we make it out to be. Even a cartel boss might choke on deliberate genocide of 6 billion. Its a hideous plan, it has to remain hidden from say all but the inner 10,000? And their minions might turn on them..... our hope possibly their greatest weakness?

I always ponder the behind the scene censors. The nature of censorship means you are immersed in the material you are censoring. Through time the reality of the plan may start to emerge in your mind, like shambling monster emerging from the fog.... and its a one way ratchet. But so too our corrupt general or congress critter, its a one way ratchet. The monster must remain hidden.

A comment on substacks generally. No one will see this post. Not that it is some genius revelation.... not the point. When substacks start sorted by 'top first' the dynamic is different. It is a subtle effect but real. The likes pile up on early posts as everyone flows past them and agrees with the 26 likes already there. The appearance of dominant views is partially an artifact of the format. Of course you can resort by date. Doesn't change that a certain inequality emerges..... Kirsch sorts by date and it actually makes a difference in the dialogue. Even us redpilled pay attention, are influenced by, the post at the top with 32 likes or what have you.... I dunno, minor point.

Good substack, thks for your efforts and insights.

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I like your optimism Bill but I'm sitting in a country where only 1.5% of the adult population resisted the covid jabs. Feeling a bit outnumbered mate.

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Apr 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Ghandi style worked before and will again

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Apr 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Lets hope you are right.

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Apr 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

From your lips to God's ear

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I'm here after reading the article on Brownstone. You echo my thoughts. Particularly, the conclusion,

"This means recruiting the legions of people we need to recruit will be a strangely tough sale.

Our charge of persuading more of our neighbors to join our side has been made far more difficult by the false narrative that all of the important disinformation is coming from citizens like us, when, in fact, we don’t control any of the important information. "

Resonates with me. The danger is the 'blind-follower' type among us, the people that can be easily swayed to action and do devastating harm to others. As you imply, how do we convince them to take up independent thinking and exercise self control when ordered to harm peaceful fellow travelers on this earth. It's a dilemma that spans generation as Donavan's song, Universal Soldier" so apply implies.

My personal viewpoint i that the problem is even deeper than you state. The 200,000 odd, your 'elite oppressors' if you will, are in fact, not independent thinkers either. They too are captured by the age-old idea that a society must have leaders and followers and there is no role for independent thinking, that the collective is strong and an individual weak.

Fundamentally though, I see the solution as a better grasp of language. of the meaning of the words we use. Too clearly see the difference between knowledge and information is one aspect and another is understand there's a difference between reality in nature and the view of reality inside a human head.

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Apr 23Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Let us take a short but dramatic rear-view look at the ending scenes of WW2. Japan was in no mental state of mind to "surrender" obviated by her resistance in the face of such futility against the dominant strength shown her by the West.

The Allied war-room operators cringed at the thought of the looming, imperative war of attrition, costing around a million or so American lives, and at least that many enemy souls. Fortunately, the atomic bombs' shock and awe apparently broke through the hard-nosed stance of the enemy and brought about their reluctant surrender. So where is the parallel in this modern "war" waged against the world's peaceful society through the injection campaign?

First and foremost, the glaring obviation is that the "enemy" has been planning, investing in, formulating, positioning, and finally employing their weapons of warfare behind the (created) scenes used as diversions, and running every known media outlet to their (purchased) advantage. Therefore, it is only a matter of third-grade common sense that “justice” or morality is far from them, paralleling the Japanese society whose “god” was their emperor. (No God, no justice, no peace, no morality). But that sermon will be for another time.

The point is that by NO means of anything less than an “atomic” effort will persuade the enemy to divert from his course. I will guarantee you that even if it were possible to round up 7/8ths of the millions of complicit compatriots in the covid circle and hung them by their necks in town squares as examples, that the remnant would simply go underground and form different strategies and formulate different tools to accomplish what they had originally set out to do. It’s a mindset and one which is not easily altered, this side of Christianity.

The good “Doctor” here, writes prolifically about a reversal or a peaceful-style revolution to occur and change the landscape of things, back into that which should more closely parallel a “democracy” (better: a Democratic Republic.) He notes numbers such as 8 billion vs the few millions highlighting the advantage society has over the “Illuminated ones.” But was there a single hint of mention written of the ability of the combined armed forces to wreak total havoc on a nearly unarmed population when directed to do so, i.e. once “war” has been officially waged by the people on the govt officials and the like?

Certain authors are living in a dream world, much like the majority of the souls around us. I’ve spent way too much time already with this conceptual reality, and there has been little response, pro (or against) it. There is concrete evidence for that strange attitude, but that’s for someone else to unravel and expound. It parallels that of ancient Israel, when before the city Jerusalem was breached while under siege, and the city was in horrible internal turmoil, that the “priests and rulers” calmed the people with false predictions about the safety and impregnability of the walls/gates. And the people believed them, even when the Roman army broke through, many Jews retreated into the temple, fully assured that the enemy would be powerless to breach God’s Holy Temple, or at least hesitant to do so. But what happened?

Can we see any connection here? How much more needs to take place in order to KNOW that the country first, and the “world” second, are being chastised for their sinfulness and disregard for God’s Law and order. This funnels down to a personal level as well. If we personally repent and our ways altered for the good, we, ourselves, on a singular basis, will be forgiven and survive this thing called “death” (eternal). But if we stubbornly refuse and cling to what the narrative that we’ve been dining on for the past couple centuries assuages us with, we will (yes) see the country we loved go up in smoke, but our personal salvation will evaporate along with it. Who among us have been taking note of this warning? Certainly not as many as should be!

That’s all I’ve got to say for now. And YES, it's exasperating.


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