One Question at today’s confirmation hearings could blow-up up the “safe” vaccine narrative
But we all KNOW this question won't be asked.
By the time I post this dispatch, the confirmation hearings of RFK, Jr. might have already started.
If just ONE senator asked ONE question of Mr. Kennedy, hundreds of millions of global citizens might begin to reconsider the authorized narrative that the Covid “vaccines” (and never-ending booster shots) are extremely “safe” and, indeed, “saved millions of lives.”
The question:
“Mr. Kennedy, are you familiar with the so-called ‘embalmers’ clots?”
Important Note: This senator could then use the big screen in the room to show a picture or two of said embalmers’ clots.
For example, this picture:
(For more recent photos, visit Laura Kasner’s Substack “Clotastrophe,” which would be the best website a senator could reference in his/her prepared remarks/questions.)
Alas, everyone reading this dispatch knows this question will not be asked … and a picture like the above will not be shown to the tens of millions of people who will probably watch at least parts of these two-day confirmation hearings.
The above hypothetical question succinctly illustrates how bogus and deadly narratives are protected by everyone who matters.
It’s not the questions important officials ask other important figures that really matter … it’s the questions they will never ask.
Clearly and obviously, the white, fibrous “embalmers clots” are a taboo subject among all “truth-seeking” organizations in the world.
*** (Which is why Substack’s Share Button is so important - it’s the best tool our side has to get around the barricades set up by the “gatekeepers of the news.”) ***
If, by some miracle, one senator did ask this question and Mr. Kennedy used a couple of the limited minutes he’s given to expound on the embalmers’ clots, I guess it’s possible millions of viewers would just shrug their shoulders and say:
“Ah, that’s no big deal. These things aren’t anything science or public health officials should be concerned with. After all, our public health leaders are very busy. They’ve got other more pressing issues to investigate,” etc.
Personally and FWIW, I doubt this would be the collective response.
A more likely response might be:
“Good God! What the heck?! What are these things? Why haven’t I heard anything about this before?”
This last question is interesting to me as the answer is obvious.
The reason the masses (who don’t peruse alternative media) don’t know anything about the embalmers’ clots is because the corporate/legacy/mainstream media has never run one story about the wide-spread existence of these clots.
No mainstream “journalist” in the world has ever interviewed any of the hundreds of embalmers who confirm they are routinely finding these worm-like, terrifying clots in up to 50 percent of the corpses they embalm. (And the same embalmers report they never found these substances prior to the roll-out of the Covid “vaccines.’)
To me, this FACT, proves a conspiracy has been perpetrated to ignore the embalmers’ clot phenomena.
The FACT no U.S. elected “leader” has broached this subject confirms yet another layer of this vast conspiracy.
Indeed, if this question was asked, one wonders if any of the stories that will be written this afternoon would even mention this question and these photos.
I don’t know how such a shocking line of inquiry could be censored, but it probably would be - which, if this happened, should also be “duly noted.”
No billboard campaign is necessary …
A couple of weeks ago, I published a story suggesting that “Substack Contrarians” could organize a fund-raising drive to rent billboards all over the country that would show millions of Americans one or more photos of the embalmers’ clots.
This project, which hasn’t taken off yet, would require thousands of participants, millions of dollars and many months to make happen.
It occurs to me the same goal could be achieved in five minutes - for free - if just one senator asked this one question and showed just one photo to everyone who will watch these hearings.
But this incredibly-easy method to“raise awareness” about an issue of massive public heath interest … won’t happen.
We all know this won’t happen - a truism that’s probably worth thinking about.
The truism or maxim more people need to think about is that every important “truth-seeking” organization in the world is now completely captured.
Also, American citizens perhaps shouldn’t continue to trust the nation’s alleged experts and our national “leaders,” almost all of whom are clone “followers” who are terrified of leaving the safety of their respective herds.
FWIW, RFK, Jr. KNOWS all about the embalmers' clots and has for years. I know this because I interviewed the most-famous/infamous embalmer in the world, Richard Hirschman (who took most of these photos).
Richard told me that Mr. Kennedy called him and they talked for 30 minutes about what Richard is finding in approximately 50 percent of the bodies he embalms.
I also want to highlight that embalmers would be finding many more of these clots except for the fact that more than half of deaths today now result in cremations (where these clots would NOT be discovered).
Lastly, these clots are also being found in LIVING patients.
As readers who get my emails must be aware, I've come to suspect that the reach of my articles has likely/possibly been suppressed by some kind of nefarious software algorithm of "dummy" subscriber mechanism.
If these suspicions are true (and not just paranoia), the people doing this are probably trying to suppress the reach of articles (and photos) like this one.
The "motive" might be: "We can't let stories/photos like this 'go viral.' "