The story also mentions that the maximum compensation an injured Covid victim could get is only $50,000. But as the story tells us the average payment of the 12 people who have been paid in 40 months is $3,600.

Heck, it probably took these 12 people 100 hours of work and unimaginable hassle to get the $3,600.

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Ed Dowd was not available for an interview, I guess.

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BTW, the journalist who wrote this story was part of the NY Times editorial team that was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for its stellar Covid coverage in 2020.

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Moral: You can earn a Pulitzer for publishing misinformation and disinformation every day for 12 months.

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That's where we're at. Super sadly.

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Alas, like so many other things in our culture, the Pulitzer Prize used to mean something.

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Speaking of, did you see that Pelosi just got the presidential medal of freedom for her 'work' on J6.

At first I was excited seeing something go around her neck in a formal and legal setting but then I was like :(

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I keep pointing out if the Kennedy "Profile in Courage" Awards really honored people that showed guts, RFK, Jr. would have been given one of these awards years ago for his crusade to prove that vaccines are not always "safe" nor "effective" and probably cause autism in hundreds of thousands of children. Not to mention, taking on the Great and Powerful Fauci, "Mr. Science" himself.

Even most of his own family disowned him when he went down this road less travelled - but he did it anyway - which is actually a "profile in courage."

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RFK Jr's cousin Caroline (JFK's daughter) is your ambassador to Australia and she lives here now. She has lots of fun at your (and our) expense.

Caroline was appointed by Biden.

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The bulk of the Kennedy clan knows they should never "abandon the herd," and they should always support the "authorized narratives."

I think the only Kennedy who might be proud of RFK, Jr. would be his late father - and he might advise his son (for his own safety) to just shut up.

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RFK Jr will be fine. His 'most important views' are in line with what is expected. No one cares about a crazy guy who talks crap about vaccines.

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lol - well, the kerazy continues - as it will until it can't.

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One of my kids is in fifth grade. She told me today one of her classmates has cancer.

Fuck you, NYT. The longer you gaslight, the more kids will wind up like that. We will catch it later. We will be less effective in treating it. More kids will die. More families will fall into unimaginable despair.

Fuck. You.

You're not scientists. You're not civil rights heroes. You never were. You will be remembered as cowards and monsters.

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The other day on a neighborhood lawn, I saw a sign that said "Childhood Cancer Awareness." Yes, the organization that produced the sign has been around a while...a pre-2021 group...but I don't believe I've ever seen one of their signs before. Hmm...

And yes, "no name here," I also hate the cowards and monsters (who reside not simply at the Times, but in NEARLY EVERY JOURNALISTIC OUTFIT MAJOR OR MINOR, "LEFT" OR "RIGHT" also). I pray to God that I bear enough witness to His hatred of them, and of his Justice, but that the hatred will not consume me, that I will somehow find a way to live with it.

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The work the stress hormones have to do to keep us sane within this unimaginable situation we are in and that we are forced to say nothing in many cases IS a form of torture and I know it’s part of the plan. I’m trying to remember that and not succumb to the fear and pain.

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“Human beings suffer mysterious medical ailments all the time. If you happened to begin experiencing one in the weeks after receiving a vaccine, you might blame the shot, too, even if it were a coincidence.”


Yet they never once applied this to covid. Everybody who had a positive test was a covid death -- but just before the vaccine was released, they wrote articles essentially saying "Don't worry if old people die after they get the jab, because old people die all the time."

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I hope you knock out your own piece on this too, SC.

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Hank Aaron! Wasn't he the first famous elderly person to die soon after vaccination?

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First one I remember, yes.

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And RFK, Jr. got into scalding hot water for simply pointing out he was vaccinated and soon after died ... which is true.

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At another Substack, Dr. Shetfall had some good comments about the author of this NY Times' story. He says we should not trust her. She always has an agenda. I agree. Here's his post:

"Apoorva Mandavilli is ranked #1 in my List of "Worst Covid Journalists" in both "Heroes and Villains: The COVID-19 Book of Lists" and my upcoming "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" and she deserves it. She got caught falsifying pediatric data twice.

This lady is so beholden to her woke ideology, she can’t report the facts accurately. She once reported that 900,000 children had been hospitalized with COVID-19 when the actual number was 63,000 (and, of course, this number is wildly exaggerated for the reasons you have read and will read in this book). She told her readers 4000 children had died of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) when 4,000 had been diagnosed and only 68 had died.

If her errors were rare and not always in favor of the woke narrative on Covid you could write this off as incompetence, but that is not at all the case. She continues to do it on purpose, perhaps to convince more parents to get their children vaccinated.

She also downplayed the loss of a year-and-a-half of in-person schooling. Studies show those children are more likely to drop out of school, live in poverty, earn less and die sooner than they would have if their schooling had not been interrupted; an unmitigated disaster for those kids.

She told us anyone who supported the lab leak theory is taking a racist position, figuring that somehow, it is more racist to argue that the virus got out of a research laboratory- a fairly common occurrence- than for it to have come from a filthy wet market where animals like pangolins and bats are purchased for human consumption.

A partial list of things she got wrong in writing includes the IFR which she had 30x too high, and the claim that Ebola was more transmissible than coronaviruses. The latter claim shows a profound lack of understanding of how viruses get transmitted. With Ebola, transmission requires coming in contact with an infected person’s body fluids. Corona viruses are transmitted “through the air” as aerosols.

“Ebola virus floods every part of the body”, she wrote, “so the risk of transmission, even after death, is far greater than that posed in theory by the coronavirus.”

This is below the threshold of stupidity/incompetence. She is doing this deliberately

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The New York Times is the USA equivalent of Pravda in the Soviet Union. I can't even look at their articles anymore.

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I can't either. Someone at The Brownstone Writers Group linked this article and Leonhardt's companion column this afternoon. Even non-subscribers can get Leonhardt's propoganda every day, but I usually can't read NY Times articles because they are behind a paywall.

However, I clicked on this link a couple of times and the text popped up - so I could then copy and paste it and start the parsing proper.

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I told my husband I'm so glad we're subscribed to your SS - because you're doing the dirty work.

This piece made me want to gag, tear my hair out, and throw things simultaneously. The NYT is hideous.

Simply hideous.

40 months later the NYT is stomping on the dead and maimed while sullying their poor readers' eyeballs with their lies.

So disgusting. J&J. One Contaminated Batch. Long Covid. The Virus. Vaers Unreliable.


Yes Mr Leonhardt, these toxic injections are overwhelmingly effective... they protect against (reaching) old age.

I've actually been relieved for many years that the NYT's rubbish is behind a paywall.

Thank you Bill for wading through this garbage and reporting back.

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If I had a book and had book blurbs on the back cover, I'd use this one. Thanks for the nice words about my newsletter and for the not-nice words about the awful NY Times.

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once upon a time in mountain west big city we used to go to Sunday Brunch and read the Sunday NYT along with the two big city papers. Never again.

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I remember how that was, readying the NYT on a Sunday. Now it seems like another planet.

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It was the Chicago tribune for me I would enjoy the slow digestion of the sections. I don’t touch the stuff anymore.

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it was a different time and place in another country on another planet. If I think about it , I get a little sad. But there's nothing for it.

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May 4Edited
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My late mother used to subscribe just to the NY Times crossword puzzle. She could do the Sunday crossword in about 20 minutes - using a pen (no pencil eraser required).

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Hideous is the word.

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Criminal is another

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I linked an archived copy of the article in another comment. If you ever want to see something behind a paywall just archive it Bill my guy https://archive.li/

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Name one msm newspaper that isn't the equivalent of Pravda? Name one msm tv station that isn't? Is there a common factor?

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wilson: I can think of one honest newspaper but it was a small one on Maui. My son has lived off and on on Maui for 25 years, so I've become acquainted with the place.

A woman in her thirties ran a family newspaper out of Lahaina. She lived there with her family in the house in Lahaina that her family had for generations.

This newspaper told the truth and wasn't afraid of controversy. After the Lahaina fires it had two or three issues, hard-hitting issues, about the fires. I read them online.

Then, the paper disappeared.

Turns out the house the family owned in Lahaina was destroyed in the fire and I'm sure their finances were stretched along with their time and energy.

The paper died.

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There's so few newspapers like that ... and they are disappearing.

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wilson: I can't think of one paper that isn't like Pravda but the NY Times and the Washington Post are the main CIA info outlets.

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Dailymail is an intelligence-run outlet as well but I like it. The comments are not heavily moderated and it is a 'dogwhistle' rag. They plant things in there for people to notice.

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An appropriate line I saw yesterday: "No science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power."— Jacob Bronowski

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Ike tried to warn us in his Farewell Address. Did he know every mainstream news organization would also become captured? Probably not.

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Just imagine showing up to a party 2.5 years late and failing to even bring wine!

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Trump could have written this NYT article!

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Fauci, Collins et al probably had burner phone conversations about the importance of getting this story out there now. (Or: The Deep State leaders who installed Fauci and Colllins). I think these people/organizations could easily get the NY Times to write whatever they wanted. (They certainly can keep them from writing what they don't want published.)

It is interesting to speculate on why this story came out now. I think it's because vaccine injuries are so obvious and wide-spread and the Times (or the people who give the Times its orders) just felt they had to write at least one story on the topic every three or four years.

Historians will note it took them 40 months to write this weak, BS story.

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Tim, remember the NYT propped up the communist death machine that destroyed Russia and murdered in cold blood the Czar and his family. And intentionally denied the Holodomor, when the west might have been able to do apply global pressure or refused to bail out Stalin's ass during WWII. Someone needs to write a book doing research on exploring potential ties to the communist internationale via the high wealthy American families.

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Extremely useful link, and provided by one of the best history organizations in existence, teachingamericanhistory. It's the place you go for original documents in American history, and of course, it's run by conservatives.

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And yet another point:

In an editor's note prologue, the newspaper notes that the reporter who wrote this story interviewed "30" people who had vaccine injuries. However, in the story, I counted only about five or six quotes or details from these 30 people. Couldn't the paper have run a sidebar and listed all 30 "vaccine-injured" citizens this paper interviewed and, maybe, give a brief synopsis of the adverse effects these people reported?

In other words, the Times' left out summaries of 25 of their interview subjects (80 percent of the "vaccine injured" citizens they interviewed).

And, again, I didn't see any quotes from people who think a family member DIED because they got these shots. As usual, it's what "journalists" don't report that reveals their real agenda (or bias).

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Supporting text, showing that this reporter interviewed "30 people" with vaccine injuries: From article:

"Similar sentiments were echoed in interviews, conducted over more than a year, with 30 people who said they had been harmed by Covid shots."

Also, I again stress that if the Times had been interviewing the vaccine injured for "more than a year," why did it take "more than a year" to run a story admitting that some people may have been injured by vaccines?

I also note that the paper could have begun interviewing such people - who were already reporting vaccine injuries - in January 2021!

Bottom line: Our "paper of record" SPIKED reports of vaccine injuries, which they've known about for more than a year (but should have known about for more than 3 1/2 years).

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Bonus text I didn't include in my story proper ... From NY Times article:

"The nation’s fragmented health care system complicates detection of very rare side effects ..."

Me: Note the characterization of side effects as being "very rare." This statement, to me at least, is debunked by the text that mentions that "more than one million" reports of side effects have been reported on VAERS alone. And, as I note (but the Times' does not), the VAERS system is only capturing a tiny percentage of people who believe they've experienced "adverse" side effects.

Again, the point the Times is clearly accentuating is that any vaccine side effects are "very rare." I would simply argue that "millions of reported side effects" does NOT meet an intelligent person's definition of "very rare."

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My concern with this article, and the supposed dam break (e.g., Cuomo) is that there is another motive. This particular quote makes me think Medicare for all. Anybody who thinks that’s a good idea, think about this gov having all your data, easy access. And look at supposedly great systems like UK NHS and Canada’s healthcare system. If you are connected, or wealthy, or right zip code, or just lucky, you might get care in a timely manner. But for most, get in line.

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I also read the first few Reader Comments this article generated (more than 1,200 when I last looked). The first comment is included below. I also note that the author of the story added her own replies to some comments, including this one. I view her first comment as an admission of what her goal was in writing this story:

First Reader Comment after the story:

"This is part of the problem of politicizing healthcare and vaccines. Every body is different and people reporting symptoms should be believed. It’s terrible that people are suffering and then being disregarded as well. Acknowledging the risks and side effects doesn’t detract from the effectiveness and importance of vaccines. We have to find space for nuance."

Comment by the author:

"Thank you, that is exactly what I was trying to get across in the article."

Me: So the author's main goal was to show that "acknowledging the risks and side effects doesn't detract from the effectiveness and importance of vaccines." That is, we do have some "nuance," but this discussion (or acknowledgement) is not really important. Everyone should keep getting these shots (which were a "triumph of science") ... and the 1 million plus people who filed VAERS reports are just part of this "nuance."

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Sad LOL, very sad LOL

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Since the NY Times is the undisputed leader of the (captured) "pack journalism" fraternity, I guess we'll now see more corporate-owned establishment press organizations publishing their own stories on "vaccine injuries." (Basically, if the Times says this is now okay, it's okay).

So it will be interesting to read other anecdotes provided by even more vaccine injured. (These people are actually not hard to find). My guess would be that any of these forthcoming stories will follow the Times' template and say that, "a few people might have been injured and they probably deserve a little compensation, but, still, the overwhelming evidence is that these shots were a "triumph" for science and saved "millions of lives."

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There is a LOT of money to be made by promoting the lies of Big Pharma. There is very little money to be made by telling the truth and by pointing out the mRNA 'vaccines' were essentially Untested, Ineffective, and Deadly to a sizable percentage of the people who were injected. Millions of people have been injured, hundreds of thousands have died and yet the money keeps flowing to the NYTimes & its co-conspirators. District attorneys could - I think - find probable cause for investigation of bribery.

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Great points ... and I agree that local District attorneys (and even sheriffs) would probably be our best shot at any real investigations and prosecutions.

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Well, I just found out another relative has myocarditis. He is in his 40's with two young kids at home and his heart is taking on fluid and is only working at 25%. He's currently in the hospital for heart failure. My dad has turbo skin cancer. He goes in for surgery on Tuesday and they will see how bad it truly is. He had a checkup with his dermatologist in mid-December and everything was fine. He saw the cancer appear on his face in early March and it just took off like wildfire from there. Every day young people with kids to take care of are dying unexpectedly. I went to a birthday party the other night and a guy told me he has lost his father, mother and mother-in-law in the past two years. He said he's never been to more funderals in his life. His family and friends are dropping like flies.

These serpents may fool the masses with their devilish lies and deceit, but more and more people are starting to realize the pure evil that has been done to them in the name of "health and safety." There are just so many people around the globe that have been involved with this evil scamdemic, that it will be very challenged to bring even a third of them to justice.

I think as it becomes more and more obvious to even the person who has been sleepwalking the past four years, calls for justice will get much louder. At least, that is my hope.

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Please look into ivermectin or fenbendazole for the cancer. It has helped some people.

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Thanks for the recommendation. Will do!

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Just also learned about this education on demand resource at FLCCC. They are great. https://covid19criticalcare.com/courses/conference-2024/lessons/emergence-and-treatment-of-turbo-cancers/

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The comments on the article were horrid. The brainwashed en masse. No empathy for the injured. Until they join that unfortunate group.

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I only read the first five "Reader Comments." That's all I could access. I would have liked to read them all. What you report is what I would have expected to read from paid NY Times' subscribers.

Some NY Times' Reader Comment moderator(s) also pick which comments get to be published.

Off topic, I once subscribed to the NY Times on-line edition so I could read all the Reader Comments. In early May 2020, I found a comment from a man in northern California (a poster identified as "Shane") who said he had Covid in the "fall of 2019 - far earlier than anyone I've ever heard."

Shane described his symptoms - which were very bad - and then added these nuggets of information - He said he had recently gotten not one, but TWO positive antibody results, seemingly confirming he had early Covid. He even gave the names of the labs where he got his antibody results.

Since Shane was a paid subscriber, I knew the NY Times had his credit card info and his real email address and probably his physical address. That is, any reporter for the Times could have easily contacted him and sought out more details about his fantastic claim. Basically, Shane was telling NY Times readers (and editors) that he had Covid in September, October or November 2019. He could have been "case zero" in all of America - by many months.

I kept emailing the NY Times "story tip" email and telling the people who read these story tips that they need to contact their subscriber, Shane. He had a scoop that would completely change the entire Covid narrative.

Nobody every responded to my story tip and the NY Times never wrote any story on Shane's early case.

That's one of the reasons I believe the NY Times does publish only the news that they see "fit to print." They clearly do NOT publish news that would debunk any false narratives.

Anyway, it's amazing what you can find by reading the Reader Comments.

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Absolutely. I lived in the Bay Area during and before covid. I 100 percent believe it was there in Dec 2019. Many people with cough, lost taste and smell, fever, developed into pneumonia and sepsis. Funny that. Doctors treated the pneumonia and sepsis and people got better. Until the death protocols were put into place around March 2020. I knew of 2 elderly “pull-forward” deaths in Jan 2020. But in Dec/Jan 20-21, 23 of 25 elderly, in a long term care facility, died either from Covid (lack of care) or the jabs.

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