My visit with history’s most important embalmer
Richard Hirschman actually lives 30 miles from me. After a long in-house visit, I’m happy to be able to tell this brave whistleblower’s very important story.

By Bill Rice, Jr.
Richard Hirschman describes himself as “just a little embalmer in southeast Alabama.” However, this little embalmer from Alabama might be the most consequential Covid whistleblower in the world.
By now, probably every consumer of alternative media is familiar with Hirschman, who in late January 2022 stunned millions of world inhabitants by showing pictures of the strange blood clots he was finding over and over in bodies he was embalming.
The “horrifying” pictures and video clips depicted long, stringy, white fibrous “blood clots” he was regularly seeing during the embalming process.
Hirschman, 56, had embalmed “thousands” of bodies over 20 years and had never seen such clots prior to the introduction of the Covid vaccines in December 2020.
He quickly concluded the Covid “vaccines” are almost-certainly producing these never-before-seen strange substances.
(As Richard notes, these “protein” substances are not “blood clots” because they are not the “grape-jelly-like” blood clots all embalmers are familiar with. This seemed to be completely new. For convenience, Richard and I do call these substances “clots” in this article.)
In addition to these thick, white rubbery substances, Hirschman noted blood he was now seeing did not resemble blood he’d seen for decades. The “dirty blood” he was now seeing contained particles that resembled “coffee grounds” or fine grains of sand.

As it turns out, the world’s most famous (and infamous) embalmer lives just 30 miles from me in Ozark, Alabama. A friend of Richard’s provided me Richard’s phone number and, two weeks ago, I called him.
After several long phone conversations, Richard drove to Troy where we recently spent five hours visiting in my den.
I feel like I now know Richard Hirschman much better and hope my 2-part feature story makes readers feel the same.
In America, approximately 15,000 people are employed as embalmers in the funeral home business. World-wide, hundreds of thousands of people work in the same profession. But until 26 months ago, no person in this career field had summoned the courage to come forward and share the information and images Richard Hirschman shared.
As I learned, Richard might not have come forward unless destiny - as it sometimes does - took a hand.
Richard is a “trade embalmer,” meaning he works for himself and contracts with approximately 10 funeral homes in south Alabama. After the roll-out of the vaccines in 2021, his case load exploded. When he previously performed about 350 embalming sessions per year, in 2021, this figure soared to perhaps 650.
(According to Richard, the ages of the decedents also seemed to be lower and more “fetal demises” were suddenly occurring).
He first noticed the strange white “fibrous” clots early in 2021, probably before May, he said.
“Sometimes you see weird things you can’t explain,” said Richard, who added, “but I kept seeing them.”
By mid-summer 2021, he was certain what he was seeing was completely new.
In the months that followed, he began asking colleagues if they were seeing the same things; several reported they were.
The thought occurred to him that if similar clots are inside millions or billions of people, “what we might have is a catastrophic situation,” he said, adding, “These are blood clots on steroids … Even the typical-looking clots are much stronger than they used to be.”
Richard made his first public comment on Facebook
The first time he shared what he was seeing with the public was a reply he made to someone else’s post on Facebook.
“If you could see what I see in the embalming room, you’d be concerned,” he wrote.
A man in Cyprus, Greece (Andrew Clarke) picked up on Richard’s comment and the two men began sharing personal messages. In one of these messages, Richard shared photos of the strange clots.
Clarke immediately sensed this visual evidence - if shared widely - might shake up the world.
Richard agreed and, indeed, several of his closest colleagues in the funeral business were now saying, “Someone needs to show this to the world.” But nobody did … yet.
By late 2022, the ramifications of what he was seeing in approximately “50 percent” of the embalming sessions he performed was causing him to lose sleep.
Something, he concluded, was changing the composition of human blood. This process, he’s now come to believe, was happening both post-mortem (after death) and prior to death. (UPDATE: This whistleblower might be as significant as Richard).
“I didn’t think this was being caused by - I don’t know … a bad batch of Doritos or Coke Zero,” he said.
He also knew these changes might be occurring in the blood-circulation systems of “billions” of citizens who’d already received mRNA vaccines and/or boosters.
Furthermore, he realized he was not seeing all the clots that must be in the body as the embalming process wouldn’t reveal every clot in every vein or artery.
“We only get what comes out of the body in the embalming process,” he said. “There’s probably a lot more of these structures inside the body that we’re not seeing.”
Destiny played its hand the second week of January 2022 when another one of the world’s best-known Covid whistleblowers attended a funeral where Richard does contract embalming.
This whistleblower was physician and Army Lt. Col. Theresa Long, a “flight surgeon” at Ft. Rucker, the home of Army Aviation, located just a few miles from Richard’s home in Ozark, Alabama.
Lt. Col. Long had raised eyebrows (at least in the alternative media) when she advocated for the troops under her care by proclaiming the vaccines were harming Army personnel, including the helicopter pilots trained at Ft. Rucker.
In her opinion, the vaccines should be immediately stopped, an opinion she shared at one of Sen. Ron Johnson’s whistleblower panels in Washington.
After the service, the funeral home director struck up a conversation with the brave whistleblower and told Lt. Col. Long she should contact “one of our embalmers, Richard Hirschman.”
Lt. Col. Long quickly followed up on this suggestion.
In their ensuing conversations, the Army physician suggested that Richard might consider going public with his story via a podcast produced by Dr. Jane Ruby, who has a large following in the “Covid Contrarian” market.
To speak out or to remain silent …
For Richard, the proverbial moment of truth had arrived. Should he tell what he knows or remain silent?
After a series of conversations with Dr. Ruby, he concluded, damn the torpedoes … He was going to tell the world what he was seeing.
“I was scared to death,” he admits. “Nobody had ever shown anything like what I was about to show. What I was going to show was horrifying. But I also knew I couldn’t prove that the vaccines were causing this and I knew I’d be going up against a huge industry. I knew I could lose my license.”
He’d even heard of people who “disappeared” after sharing explosive or taboo truths.
One of his closest friends counseled him to not speak out, arguing he could lose his income and his means of supporting his wife (Bobbie), their four children and seven grandchildren.
Dr. Ruby offered him the option of sharing his story anonymously, but this rubbed Richard the wrong way.
“I’d read so many stories based on anonymous sources and those stories never seemed as credible to me,” he explained.
Not only would he share what he knew, “I was willing to put my name and reputation on the line.”
A sign from above …
As I learned in our conversations, Richard possesses a deep religious faith. I also learned that several pivotal decisions in his life came after he received what he believed was a message or sign from God.
One afternoon while Richard was pondering whether he should go public, he was sitting in a chair in his rural back yard. He glanced up into the sky and was transfixed by the sight of a beautiful bald eagle soaring over his head.
“I’d never seen a bald eagle in Ozark, Alabama,” he said.
Perhaps the eagle represented a sign from God. Then again, the bald eagle also symbolizes the most majestic of American values, including freedom and the pursuit of justice and the truth.
Whatever … “I took it as a sign that I should go ahead and do what I knew had to be done,” said Richard with a smile.
As expected, the extensive interview with Dr. Ruby - including the stunning photos of many of the clots - quickly went viral around the world …. at least in the alternative media. (To this day, no mainstream journalist has contacted Richard Hirschman).
Nor, as it turns out, did anything terrible happen to Richard Hirschman. The sky that eagle flew in did not fall.
“The majority of the response I’ve received has been very positive,” said Richard, although he notes most of the feedback has come from people who think like he does.
Of the approximately 10 funeral homes who contract with him for embalming services, only one terminated this arrangement. While he is careful not to name funeral homes, the funeral home directors know what he’s doing and why … and, with one exception, have supported him.
Overnight, Richard went from a person who performed an important job few people could perform, but a person few people in any town could name … to a person who could change the way the entire population viewed the most controversial vaccine in world history.
A short bio of Richard Hirschman …
In many respects, the man who decided to issue a stunning warning to the world seems nondescript, certainly not a person who might one day be considered a historic figure.
This was a man who moved often while growing up, who attended high school in Minnesota and Wyoming, who later found God thanks to a life-changing, late-night viewing of the religious show “The 700 Club.”
… A man who served in the U.S. Army for a decade, married his wife in 1996 and, in 1997, moved their blended family to Alabama where his in-laws had recently moved.
As will be documented in Part 2, this nondescript family man struggling to provide for his family later became an embalmer due to a set of fluke circumstances …. although this was the last job this self-confessed “squeamish” person ever thought he’d have.
But he excelled in it and thought it was important to the families who’d lost loved ones. And then “Covid” arrived, followed by a brand new mRNA vaccine, and Richard Hirschman started seeing things that made him lose sleep and, in the course of 24 hours, a transplanted yankee now living in a small town in south Alabama became, perhaps, history’s most important embalmer.
Life changes over-night …
“I’ve lost track of how many interviews I’ve done,” Richard said.
Not long after his appearance on Dr. Ruby’s podcast, well-known Substack author Steve Kirsch contacted him and published a similar interview.
Later, alternative media entrepreneur Stew Peters reached out to him and pitched a documentary he was producing called “Died Suddenly.” Richard became one of the prominent subjects in this documentary, which has been viewed by millions of people around the world.
A couple of weeks ago, producers for Del Bigtree’s Internet show “The HIghWire” called him and asked him if they could fly him to Texas for an in-studio interview, which Richard did.
Robert Kennedy Jr. even contacted him and they had a 35 to 45-minute conversation on Zoom regarding details of the clots Richard had been seeing.
Today, Richard’s dumbfounded by the high-profile figures in the “freedom movement” he now talks with, including many serious scientists and medical professionals like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole and others.
Richard is quick to admit that the science regarding what might be causing these clots and odd blood “is way above my understanding.” However, he also understands that if intelligent researchers are going to find answers about what’s causing these clots - the how and the why - researchers will need as many samples as they can get.
He admits the ethics of what he’s doing - collecting samples from deceased people - is “a gray area.”
As Richard understands it, he’s not violating HIPAA laws, as these apply only to the living. He also points out there’s not many other sources besides embalmers where researchers can get such samples; not to mention these clots would simply be flushed down the drain with the rest of the blood.
Autopsies would be another source, but Richard points out that shockingly few autopsies are performed.
State authorities are not ordering these autopsies and a private autopsy can cost $5,000 to $10,000, according to Richard.
Even if autopsies are performed, many medical examiners probably “won’t find what they’re not looking for,” Richard says.
That leaves … the embalmers.
It turns out that Richard was not alone …
After he went public, the reaction he was happiest to see came from the significant number of fellow embalmers who quickly confirmed they were seeing the same thing.
Tom Haviland, a retired Air Force major, took it upon himself to organize a nation-wide survey of embalmers and his comprehensive survey found that 73 percent of the embalmers who responded to his questions reported they’ve been seeing the same disturbing things as Richard. Robert Kennedy’s journalism website, The Defender, wrote that a similar study found 70 percent of embalmers world-wide were seeing these strange fibrous substances.
In Sen. Johnson’s latest panel on taboo Covid issues, writer Bret Weinstein noted that morticians are actually doing the important work that scientists, medical examiners and coroners should be doing.
Richard agrees that colleagues in the funeral home business have, if perhaps belatedly, stepped up and displayed more integrity than perhaps any other profession.
As Richard pointed out, the funeral home director who gave Richard’s name to Lt. Col. Long was really trying to get important information out to the public …. if in a way where he wouldn’t be the front man.
Richard also points out that most funeral home employers and employees also got the jabs and some perhaps mandated the shots for their employees.
Indeed, one of Richard’s closest colleagues in the business - a friend who filmed some of the video clips of him removing long and thick clots - is herself vaccinated and has recently been diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis.
“You can only imagine what people in our profession must be thinking,” said Richard, who never received a Covid shot.
Regarding the “ethical dilemma” of extracting samples from the deceased, Richard ultimately decided it would have been far more unethical to remain silent.
As he views it, the chance to do something that might save countless lives is what matters.
“The way I look at it - this is really a way for the dead to speak,” he said. “These people can no longer speak on their own behalf. What might have killed these people? Could it be these strange clots and this different-looking blood? Don’t we want to know?”
More committed than ever …
Richard could have done just one interview and exited the public arena. Instead, he’s fully committed to doing everything he can to advance authentic if politically-incorrect science.
For example, he now keeps far-more meticulous records, which he saves on a computer data base. He also saves samples and has taken countless photos (and, now, videos). To him, someone needs to document how long these clots and strange blood keep presenting themselves.
Basically, he’s decided, “the world needs to see this” and he’s not going to stop until mRNA vaccines are no longer administered.
“This has consumed the last two years of my life,” he said. “It’s hard in some respects, but this is a story that someone has to tell. I really believe it’s what God has called me to do. I’d like to stop or not have to be doing what I’m doing, but something inside of me is driving me to keep going forward.”
No curiosity on the part of public health agencies …
I asked Richard if he’s presented his information to the FDA, CDC or NIH, and he said he had not. The reason for this, he said, is that he simply knows he would be ignored.
This point made, he also mentioned that if any public health agencies wanted to contact him, he’s not hard to find. (Also, Tom Haviland did send his embalmer surveys to the major public health agencies, none of which have replied.)
According to one of his funeral director friends, someone from the FDA did call this funeral director and asked a series of questions about Richard. So someone from the FDA is aware of his work and was perhaps trying to find out more about his professional reputation.
‘Fact-checkers’ did spring into action …
While most of the response he’s received has been positive, the “fact-checkers” quickly discovered who he was and quickly went to work trying to discredit the significance of his findings.
For example, PolitiFact labeled his claim (or “gut instinct”) that the vaccines have changed the character of blood in a certain percentage of the deceased as “mostly false.”
Two points anonymous fact-checkers make are that Richard is not a credentialed scientist and no medical study on this subject has been been performed.
Richard simply retorts that scientists need to do a major study. He further notes that no scientists in the Science Medical Complex have reached out to him or asked him a single question.
Regarding the second point, Richard notes that he’s never passed himself off as a scientist or doctor, adding (brilliantly IMO): “But you’re not an embalmer.”
Richard has no financial interest …
Richard makes another point worth mentioning.
“I haven’t made a penny” doing this work, he said.
He hasn’t started a website with paid subscribers. He hasn’t written a book. He has been asked to speak at a few events where the hosts sometimes, but not always, reimbursed him for travel expenses. He’s never been paid for any interviews or for his appearance in a widely-viewed documentary.
The vials he’s constantly buying and the samples he’s shipping all over the world to scientists come out of his own pocket.
Basically, an embalmer making a modest income in one small, rural Alabama town is challenging the “safe-and-effective” mantra of a science complex where a billion dollars is pocket change.
Richard Hirschman’s simply doing what he thinks God wants him to do.
“I know we’ve all heard this quote, but it’s true,” he said. “The only way evil exists is for good people to do no nothing.”
And, he added, he’s not going to stop “even if it cost me my life.”
At least for one little embalmer in south Alabama, if someone has a chance to save many lives, a person who cares about his fellow man should take that chance.
(Thank you to readers who consider a paid subscription or Ko-Fi donation to support independent journalism that will not appear in the mainstream press).
I just sent this email to Leada Gore, one of Alabama's leading Covid writers for the website
6:45 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Leada
This would he a high-interest story for you and An Ozark embalmer has become the most important embalmer in world history.
It's bizarre no state news organization has covered this story. Go see him. He'll show you what he's finding in bodies.
Hope you are well,
Bill Rice, Jr.
We'll see if she follows-up on my news tip.
Bill, this is an excellent article and I look forward to reading part 2. Ozark is right up the road from me as we live in Dothan. I had no idea Richard lived in our neck of the woods! I cannot thank him, you and all the contrarians for your work exposing the lies about the Covid shots. I am thankful Richard will continue his work.