I just sent this email to Leada Gore, one of Alabama's leading Covid writers for the website al.com:

6:45 PM (0 minutes ago)

to Leada


This would he a high-interest story for you and al.com. An Ozark embalmer has become the most important embalmer in world history.

It's bizarre no state news organization has covered this story. Go see him. He'll show you what he's finding in bodies.

Hope you are well,

Bill Rice, Jr.


We'll see if she follows-up on my news tip.

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This will be interesting.

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She won't talk to him. She knows she won't talk to him .... and why - I know it - she knows I know it. So she knows, basically, she's not really a journalist. I just like to remind these frauds and hypocrites from time to time that they are NOT brave "truth-seeking" journalists standing up to those with great power. They are the opposite of that.

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It occurs to me that it might be wicked fun to keep public count of the days from when you alerted this covid reporter with contact information etc. to a genuine woolly mammoth of a story and, still, no report appeared.

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I could probably do this. After Richard did that interview on Dr. Ruby's podcast show, which went viral in the alternative media ... I emailed several reporters and editors of the big newspapers in our state, telling them they ought to do a story on this guy or at least do some of their own research, interviews and reporting.

None ever did. I don't think anybody even replied to my "story suggestion." As I keep writing, they are ALL captured - 100 percent of them. That's the big scandal.

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Indeed it is. I wonder if some reporters have tried but been quashed by their editors. There was a piece about the Forest of the Fallen in Australia that looks to me like an example of that. Someone made a video about it with screenshots, and I transcribed that-- you probably already saw it:


All I'm saying is, it does look to me like the mainstream media journalists went lock-step covidian, and for the most part that's probably because, well, they went lock-step covidian, but there could be some who are pushing to report but their editors say no. But that's just my guess.

I know you've already seen this, but for any readers here in the comments section, journalist Doc Pruyne posted the damning PDF at this post:


[edited to correct typo]

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That's a "whistleblower story" I'd love to break - a reporter at a prominent news organization who has the guts to come forward and say his or her bosses quashed important stories they wanted to pursue.

There must be many people who fall into this category. If any journalist whistleblowers want to contact me, my email is:


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Yes. Across the world the media has the command from on high to avoid anything & everything that might lead to “vaccine hesitancy”.

It’s been a strictly observed rule since 2021.

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Actually Since 2020. 100-percent compliance rate in the MSM = "100 percent capture rate."

I swear, this is the great story. How is this even possible?

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The appalling thing is, when the zeitgeist moves (and it may, possibly, move later this year if RFK Jr's candidacy can build enough momentum) many journalists will jump on the shiny new gravy train, acting as if... wait for it.

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Bill, this is an excellent article and I look forward to reading part 2. Ozark is right up the road from me as we live in Dothan. I had no idea Richard lived in our neck of the woods! I cannot thank him, you and all the contrarians for your work exposing the lies about the Covid shots. I am thankful Richard will continue his work.

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Thanks, Karen. Richard just told me today that a Dothan radio station - 102.7? - just interviewed him yesterday - Some lady who has a talk show that airs every two weeks or so. Richard said the interviewer knew of him, but a county commissioner who was also sitting in, had no clue. He was really shook up to hear what Richard was saying. That's why I think he's so important - When people DO hear this and see his pictures, they do pause and start to think that maybe they're not hearing the full story on the "safe and effective" vaccines.

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And then they get to find out, it's not just Richard Hirschman, it's also Brenton Faithfull in New Zealand, John O'Looney in the UK, Laura Jeffery in Canada, and the Haviland and Kasner surveys.

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has also spoken publically about the white clots.

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loved loved LOVED the meme-o-rama festival u posted.❤️

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Update: and a few more, including the courageous Nicky Rupright King:


Jason Liosatos, November 29, 2022

Project Humanity with Jason Liosatos




And for those who don't do video:

TRANSCRIPT OF 2 EXCERPTS: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/149566.html

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None in Australia of which I am aware. They're cowards, making too much money from the slaughter.

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It remains extremely important because they want to use MRNA in animals that we eat as well as do this with other vaccines like flu shots.

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TEASE FOR PART 2: One point I'll highlight in Part 2 is that there would be far more examples of these odd substances except for one thing - according to Richard, about half of decedents at the funeral homes where he works now choose cremation over traditional burial. That is, far fewer bodies are being embalmed.

This is actually an "inflation work-around" that I identified in a story on work-arounds I published at my Substack. I did that research four or so years ago, but there was already a huge trend in people choosing cremation. I think it was 20 percent back then.

Richard told me a traditional funeral can cost $10 to $15,000, while a service with cremation might be $4,000 to $6,000. I bet in a few years, 80 percent of funerals will be cremations. This means the "clot evidence" isn't going to be as conspicuous as it now is.

No pun intended, but Richard is probably working in a dying profession.

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I’ve noticed in my local paper, an awful lot of the death notices say arrangements are being handled by a cremation company...

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Goosebumps. The eagle has a higher perspective and I’m grateful Richard took that as a sign from above. Thank you Bill for this powerful Substack. You’re a captivating writer, that researches and interviews brave souls like Richard, to expose the raw truths we need to hear. I appreciate you and thank you both for your bravery.

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Thank you very much.

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I'm in the UK and first heard of Richard Hirschman through our own 'Hero' (And I mean that so sincerely) funeral director, John O'looney (Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services) who it would appear has been the subject of both character and literal assassination attempts since he started whistleblowing in 2020. Kudos and prayers to both.

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John O'looney was the first embalmer seeing these clots that I heard about.

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Richard mentioned that he wasn't the first person in the funeral home business to mention these clots. He credited John. His unique contribution is that he was the first person to show so many photos and later videos of these actual clots.

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Indeed, yes I also followed O’Looney’s stories from the early relatings….stunning and shocking….yet still so much runs underground, building up torrents of information for when it will flood the news highways ….so maddening how much is censored and ignored

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It is maddening, Sharon.

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With the greatest respect, John O'Looney regards himself as a 'Funeral Director' and employs the services of a contractual 'Embalmer'. I hope John may confirm this. (Sorry to be picky, but the devil is in the details')

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In his interviews it is clear that O'Looney employs an embalmer. He has given several interviews on the subject. Here is an excerpt transcribed from one:

John O'Looney Presents Latest Clotting Evidence in the Vaccinated



June 30, 2022


DESCRIPTION ON ODYSEE PAGE: "In this 2-hour video, Informed Consent Researchers (I.C.R.) whistleblower funeral director John O'Looney in Milton Keynes U.K, retired neurosurgeon & pharmacist Dr. Daria Schooler of the U.S., host of Rumble's The Fifth Doctor (https://rumble.com/c/c-1060561) Dr. Sam Dubé of Canada, and former European forces member Maverick Black discuss breaking news - the latest post-mortem discovery in the blood vessels of some vaccinated people."

Hat tip: frankploegman




JOHN O'LOONEY: It does take its toll on you. The, just the misery of it all. I mean, the last 3 weeks I've looked after 3 people under 30, and on Friday I looked after a guy who died suddenly and he had a post-mortem. So we were kind of waiting for a sudden death in a youngster that had had a post-mortem to take a closer look.

Now the post-mortem process, I don't know if you're aware or not, but they basically take all the organs out and they do whatever they need to do with the organs, weigh them, take slides and blocks, and then they put them back in the bag and the bag is put back in the cavity, sometimes with the brain, and then they sew the cavity up.

Now, obviously the arterial system in that person has been compromised, so you can't do a traditional embalming, it's quite invasive. So you have to open the cavity, take the organs out, and source the individual arteries that have been severed. So the femoral arteries down the legs, the radial ones down the arms, and the carotid, [indicates his neck] both sides.

And it was straightaway the embalmer saw all this crap hanging out of this person's arteries.

And I'm going to hold it up. [he holds up a glass filled with white clots] This is a glass of formaldehyde with just some that were pulled out of the arteries to get the pump in, because it was blocking. I don't know if you can see it very clearly.


JOHN O'LOONEY: Yeah, let me turn, turn the background blur off, one second.

DR. SAM DUBÉ: Sure, yeah.

JOHN O'LOONEY: That should be better. So you can see there—

DR. SAM DUBÉ: [inaudible] Daria, are you looking at this?

DR. DARIA SCHOOLER: Yeah. [inaudible]

JOHN O'LOONEY: So you see, see the thick, the thick one here?


JOHN O'LOONEY: This one, this one here came out of the aorta. From the heart. They take the shape of the vessels that they're growing in, totally, and they gradually fill the vessels as they grow. And, and these, obviously, that's what's killed him.



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Still doesn't make him NOT the first one I heard of bringing these clots to the attention of other people. I also read it then on Substack.

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Very fair point. Thank you.

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Bill - so glad I could help make this meeting with Richard happen. God has certainly called him for such a time as this. Thank you for enabling your readers to know Richard the man, not just Richard the courageous embalmer. I am blessed to call him friend (and his wife as well) 🥰. I look forward to reading part two.

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Thanks, Laura. Richard seems like a good egg! He's now a friend.

After I did my in-house interview, a couple of days later my 8-year-old and I went to Captain D's in Troy for lunch. The back exit to the restaurant is near a Troy funeral home, where Richard is the contract embalmer. I looked over and there was Richard, talking to the owner, standing by his car.

I pulled in and we visited some more. Jack made an instant friend with a very non-shy kid who is the grandson of the owner.

It's a small world.

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Thank you, Laura. You've done so much!

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🥰 I’ll never stop trying.

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I’m so proud of you sissy my heart is full♥️. You are a brave truth teller. If God is with us who can be against???

Speak loudly, speak often speak with conviction. We are on the right side . We The People will not sit down & shut up.

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Amen, sissy!

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Here is video re removing clots from the living. www.bitchute.com/video/ccDm4prwuSWh/

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Terrifying. This hospital whistleblower might be more significant than Richard. This is the smoking gun that should stop these shots and bring down the whole house of cards. How can this be ignored by the entire medical establishment? Everyone should watch this interview.

I added this link to my article.

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I've watched 2/3 of this video and it is extremely important. This whistleblower has done an incredible job of documenting what is occurring in the catheterization lab that he works in. Hopefully this will be spread widely and give others the courage to come forward with their own experience.

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Ignored may be the wrong term, when a significant percentage of the medical community is apparently being paid to stay quiet - and being threatened if they should speak up. Hippocrates is rolling in his grave.

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I do kind of blame the docs, more than ignorant lower level politicians because regardless of virus or no virus, no new, never seen before symptoms, were seen. So all doctors were too afraid, or stupid, to actually do their jobs. I'm talking before experimental gene changing injections and what's being found since. I hope the video gets shared so this technology is stopped. However, unless a remedy is available, if there is one, then what good is telling people they are ticking timebombs? Read yesterday that in New Zealand, 2 year waiting list to see cardologist, unless you pay, no doubt. Maybe the answer is get as many credit cards as possible, have the best times with family and die not worrying about debt?

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It is a ticking time bomb. That whistleblower did say that the people who have gotten many vaccines seemed more likely to develop those clots than the people who might have gotten only 1 or 2 shots.

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It's very worrying as my adult children didn't listen to me, nor friends and there has been reactions, father in law, was very sharp minded, then over night, unable to read a newspaper, know what he was having for dinner, to his great grandson, born 8 weeks early to his jabbed up nurse mum, with breathing difficulties, and died. Father in law died with heart failure, no doubt assisted by night shift nursing techniques.

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I wonder what the real mortality toll is. Far higher than even most of us think, I bet.

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Mr. Rice,

I would agree totally. Consider the deficiencies and the intentional circumventing of the "health/food industries" for probably a century or more, causing a flood of medical issues running the gamut! Now if that has been compromising people's health for such a long time, how much worse if something super-detrimental is injected straight into the souls of mankind on TOP of all that is already causing problems. (?)

In order to effectively have the dice come up in one's favor with absolute obvious consistency, they need to be "loaded." "Chance" is then over-ruled, overridden, and obfuscated. False conceptions are promoted. Among the lucky ones still above ground, they find out too late they've been had. Satan's tree of intentions will be partially fruited.


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I'm intrigued. Richard had never seen such clots prior to the introduction of the Covid vaccines in December 2021. (I'd thought December 2020.) Yet, as you yourself have repeatedly pointed out, Covid ran rampant for at least 2 (1?) years previously. This would imply the spike protein have little or nothing to do with this phenomenon, albeit, mRNA causes massively increased exposure to it as compared to just infection. Is he absolutely certain these amyloids had not been observed prior to the vaccines? If so, then what? Frame-shift misreading? Other?

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Yes, I should have added that point in the article. He never saw this stuff in the year 2020, when Covid was raging (allegedly). As I argue, virus spread had begun in at least November 2019. No strange clots in bodies in 2020.

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Perhaps Bill, because Covid is a set of symptoms...and we really also have no idea if it just affected Wuhan from a lab leak...and then the flu took over the world...or if that RNA engineered virus really could go around the world (maybe by smart drops of infectious clones)....

So many questions....and so little answers. Thank you and Richard for at least ASKING some important quetions.

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I believe you answered your own question: the killshots cause massively more spike production than infection. A Midwestern Doctor has written extensively about zeta potential and how perturbing it causes precipitation in fluid systems. I’m a chemist and pharmacist, and I find his/her arguments pretty compelling.

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While I don't endorse the iatrogenic community's allegation everything is virus, and the vaccine is totally innocuous, if spike, virus ought to have at least some effect, and not be entirely under the threshold.

Fwiw, vitamin C (and perhaps other acids) breaks up the spike thromboses. (No idea about the amyloids which started this discussion. Have they been sequenced?)

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It is well documented that Covid19 causes blood clots, however this has been ascribed to inflammatory processes rather than the spike protein itself. I haven’t seen where anyone has studied the clots themselves qualitatively. As for sequencing the amyloids, so far their very existence has been doubted, fact-checked and “debunked”. It all needs study, certainly.

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In the interview of Thomas Haviland by Del Bigtree, he says that he believes that the spike protein in the body leads to the formation of amyloid proteins. Seeing that the embalmers are reporting a moderate amount of white clots in 2020 (higher than in 2019, but lower than in 2021-2022), one could be tempted to conclude that indeed the spike (through infection) causes amyloidosis (probably not lethal in most cases), but that when someone receives an mRNA injection, because the body produces so much more SP, and because the SP is expressed in the endothelium, then the amyloidosis is much more severe and often fatal.



Was looking at this article from 2020: https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/blood-clots-in-the-heart-are-common-in-patients-with-covid-19/

"Underlying heart conditions that are known to be related to worse outcomes for patients with COVID-19 also were cited in the study. Of note, more than 26% of patients with COVID-19 who were studied were found to have cardiac amyloidosis ― a cohesive buildup of abnormal proteins that interferes with the heart's ability to function. "

They don't say if those 26% with cardiac amyloidosis had the condition before covid or if it was triggered by covid.

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"Full-length folded S-protein did not form amyloid fibrils, but amyloid-like fibrils with evident branching were formed during 24 h of S-protein coincubation with the protease neutrophil elastase (NE) in vitro."

Perhaps my human leukocyte elastase (HLE) inhibitors could protect against amyloidosis if they can be safely introduced to the blood stream (rather than inhaled as aerosols as was intended to prevent emphysema as a substitute for or augmentation to alpha-1-antitrypsin), and might also help avert lung circulatory blockage during and immediately following active covid infection. Covid supposedly causes shortness of breath.

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Interesting. That led me to research "natural" HLE inhibitors.


"Among them, poplar bud absolute, rosemary extract, benzoin resinoid and turmeric oleoresin had an inhibitory activity significantly higher than the reference, ursolic acid. Specifically, turmeric oleoresin was the most potent inhibitor of HLE."

Orange powder wins. A search for "turmeric amyloidosis" yields a lot of interesting articles. Intravenous curcumin ?


"Curcumin is a polyphenol compound produced by plants of the Curcuma longa species and has been reported to have many physiological activities, which include anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-amyloid properties"

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Thank you Richard for defending Life.

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This is amazing. Astounding. This is what 'they' do not want to happen - people getting together and talking.

I recently saw Major Tom's presentation on Dr John Campbell's YouTube where he presented data from Australia. Only a few Australian embalmers/funeral workers replied to him and I can say that NONE of the Australians in the industry are talking. I have sent out dozens of emails. They are all silent, raking in the cash while the slaughter continues.

God Bless both of you in your work.

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Here's hoping that some will come forward. I would expect, if any do, it will be on Café Locked Out. Here's the rumble page: https://rumble.com/c/Cafelockedout

I recall that, maybe in 2021 or 22, they interviewed some funeral directors, but, if memory serves me, it wasn't about the white clots, rather the notable increase in deaths with the jabs roll out. [edited to fix typos]

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Thank you TB. Your memory is incredible. I do remember a casual interview with a lady funeral worker in a park at a freedom protest now that you mention it.

Most of the key people here in that industry are government employees and we have not had any whistleblowers these whole four years.

We have real issues here with gatekeeping, not just in government but among 'freedom people.' The messaging is tightly controlled which is extremely alarming.

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Thank you Bill, This is a very important report. (I was especially heartened to see that it was an in-person interview, rare these days!)

And thank you, Richard Hirschman, for your strength and courage.

P.S. For anyone reading this who wants to know more about the white clots, but who doesn't do video, you can read a batch of relevant transcripts here:


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You might want to transcribe the video that Marker just posted (see above and I added a link to my article). That might - should - be one of the most important revelations yet.

These "clots" are in the living and they are very common.

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Oh my gosh.

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No kidding. Game-changer whistleblower? If not, why not?

Multiply this man times 20,000 medical professionals who are doing the same thing - and seeing the same thing .... every day and week.

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Thanks, Bill, for doing this reporting.

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I watched a Bitchute video where an anonymous whistleblower was interviewed with pics and videos in operating theatres in USA. He was a theatre technician that used the machine which sucks out blood clots. He said normal clots generally come out easily with suction but these were long and morphed to the exact shape of veins and needed a different tool piece on end of the vacuum tube to be able to scrape the vein walls. The good news is they were still alive to have this done. But will they grow more? Is everyone injected slowly growing these? I will try to find interview to link and yes, surgeons and theatre staff know.

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Powerful link. I just watched it and Richard had told me about this. This should be a game-changer on the vaccines. This whistleblower isn't making this up. Like Richard, he has many photos.

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More scary if the shedding is contaminating the rest of us...

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Another great article Bill, keep 'em coming!! I look forward to part 2 as well...

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There's a lot more good info - and maybe some big news - a possible narrative-changing truth bomb? - in Part 2. I need to pray over how to best present this information.

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I'll look forward to Part 2, then. I think this is perhaps the best and most important article you've written, Bill! Taking the initiative to meet with Richard and then report this remarkable man's story gives him and thus the pathological thrombi so much more credibility.

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Thanks, Tom. I need to do more straight "feature stories" like this.

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Thank you Bill for an excellent, very enlightening article that should be viewed as extremely medically significant on a scale that affects all humanity. Looking forward to part two. The video link provided by Markker showing the corroborating anti mortem observations is credible, honest and frightening. Not calling for research on these findings should be grounds for medical malpractice.

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Philip, that video of that whistleblower Markker presented should be the evidence that ends all of this ... but, amazingly, it won't be. That whistleblower now needs some more people doing the same work as himself to come forward. Of course, here is where real journalists could help the world by simply finding more lab workers who are extracting these terrifying clots on a weekly basis. But we know they want make that effort.

The entire system is captured. The purge that has to occur at "truth-seeking" organizations is massive.

FWIW, Richard Hirschman is aware of this evidence and also thinks it corroborates his view - these clots are occurring in people while they are still living. They are in millions if not billions of people!

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Yicky, but important.

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Ultra yicky, humungously important.

PS Luv your essays, Mark.

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