Apr 1·edited Apr 2Author

Cutting Room Floor Text - about MOTHERS leading the protest of the treatment of college students ....

As an aside, before I was fully banned from Facebook, I subscribed to two Facebook groups that were organized by the mothers of students. These mothers and the allies they were briefly able to recruit DID try to push back against draconian and unnecessary measures that were harming and needlessly scaring their children.

The potential influence of such sites was eventually neutered by bans, threats of future bans, algorithms and non-stop bullying on the part of Facebook, which was playing good soldier and going along with the dictates of the CDC, Anthony Fauci and an army of Big Brother admirers working inside of government.

I mention these “protest” sites only because I think it’s interesting they were organized by parents and not the students themselves.

Today’s students might protest Climate Change and call for more racial justice or transgender rights, but restrictions on their freedom of assembly and speech at college produced only meek compliance.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Not a nightmare on my part, but a continuing sense of doom that this covid charade and debacle will not end anytime soon.

The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

With an "additional dose" for veterans over the age of 65.

Will the madness ever stop? How can I ever trust this medical community again when they give me medical advice? It said right on the box that the masks do not prevent covid but yet for a period of time, I was forced to wear one or I would be denied medical care.

How was that even humane?


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Apr 1Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Back oh 11 September 2001, I was a senior in college. The tragic events of that day left me wondering what actually happened. I did not watch TV, but did listen to the radio for a while and heard an interview with one of the survivors of the second tower. He said when the first tower was hit by a plane, he and his colleagues said: "We're outta here" and got up and left. They had to switch elevators on or about the 43rd floor. The interviewee said there was a man with a bullhorn on that floor saying: "Everything is all right - return to work." The man asked: "Who was that guy? And what was he doing there?" I've never heard an answer to these questions.

In the weeks after the tragedy, I asked several of my college professors what they thought had happened. Some quietly admitted they had some questions as well, but none of them seemed to dare to counter the official narrative.

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I ask the same questions every day. During Covid my daughter was at UCBoulder, told to go to her dorm (she wasn't sick) and then a group of students that were sick with "Covid" were shoved in her dorm and the dorm was surrounded by police. This went on for days. Bagged food was delivered "as meals".'

Was Covid a crime?

Now, no one wants to talk about "what happened", reflect, discuss, NOTHING!!!

Thank-you for your post.

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Apr 1Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Do any of the 99.999% of colleges and universities who forced the very "safe and effective" experimental sacred miracle elixir on their students in order to attend classes, actually care about their students? Asking for a friend.

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At the end of 2021, UNR required faculty to be 'vaccinated'. I didn't comply and my part-time contract was terminated. Later, I met a friend of mine, a professor in microbiology at the local Raleys. I told him that I didn't get the shot and he told me that he was going to get his booster. I am a physicist and he is a microbiologist, how come that he got it wrong? I would like to find out what he thinks about it now. It is really puzzling. A physics colleague of mine, he and his whole family got vaccinated. So did probably 99% of all UNR faculty. I wonder how many died or got harmed from the 'vaccines'.

Other friends with no higher education also got vaccinated and think they were doing the right thing and that I was crazy, still today! They probably watch too much TV.

It will be a slow but sour awakening...

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I've a PhD. in political science, and while I was never could get on the tenure track anywhere, I did teach at UVA, Hampden-Sydney College, Skidmore College, and Washington and Lee University, among others. I was removed in late 2019 from a non-tenure-protected academic gig--a constitution-focused "center" supported by donations--at another university for "budget" reasons, but the real reason likely was that the top admins of this center suspected I would be difficult to control going forward.

I can't know what I would have done with lockdown policy had I still been a university employee when the crisis came--all I know is that I attended some of the first organized protests rallies against the lockdowns in mid-April of 2020. But I know I would have stirred some shit at work to protest against the university's and center's silence in the face of the riot-protests of the summer of '20, and most definitely, against the university's vaccine-mandate policies of late '21. So I would have been eventually fired anyhow, almost certainly, for ideological reasons.

Presently, I am a substitute teacher, with most my jobs being elementary school ones. It's fun, it does real good, but society is certainly not benefitting as much as it could be from my training and knowledge. I also lead a long-running "Great Books" club.

And here is some of the academic writing I still do. Also for free, and when for substack, without gaining the key check of a "peer-reviewed publication." People can scroll around for more.



Or those not interested in Greek epic poetry might try what I wrote on the American Founding and Constitution: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/readings-for-constitution-day?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

Or on Pascal: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-storeys-on-pascal?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

I am what I am, and I will still do what my spirit is led to do. And I know the true worth of what I know, and what I can teach.

We will soon see, and already do see, a number of alternative viewpoint colleges being founded in America. Austin's college led by Bari Weiss is the primary example, as is the New College in Florida led by Chris Rufo.

Unfortunately, many of the professional conservatives of academic circles are engaged in what I have defined as Suppression of the vax-death/harm part of the Covid/Vax Disaster story. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/my-covidvax-disaster-lexicon?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

It would be one thing if we saw exposed-on-other-hot-topics figureheads like Chris Rufo staying silent about the story, never permitting a name like Peter McCullough or Sasha Latypova to pass from their lips--we would expect some of that.

But 95% of the scholars and leaders in question, maybe even more, are 100% mum. All we get is episodic swipes against 2-year old Covid issues like school closures, as if they were some limited-hangout shill like Bill Maher. As if that is what being a "principled conservative" was about.

So if and when we see an uptick in hiring at institutions like University of Austin and the New College, I can be pretty sure to be left off the recruiting list. Even the alternative academia is going to, in most cases, be part of what you call "the conspiracy of silence on Covid falsehoods," and will likely engage in silent exclusion of those who it fears will expose their silence.

I know my confrontations with academic "conservatives" are likely only going to become uglier and uglier as they go ever farther down the path of "tactical" ideological untruth...and, that the "official" line of my not being a real scholar is only going to become more and more entrenched.

Well, you shared your nightmare, so I thought I'd share some of my absurdist life!

P.S. Any academic or conservative leader reading this who wants to help me fight the pall of compromised Suppression hanging over our movement, do get in contact! I need allies...

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I think it's a myth that colleges were ever bastions of freedom of thought. Perhaps if we go back to the ancient Greeks, we'll find some signs of intelligent life. Other than that, college is where people go to learn to conform.

I just now had a thought: In the military, recruits have conformity drummed into them. That seems understandable. But colleges do much the same thing. Why?

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You're not alone. I live in Canada, retired from a laboratory career at a world-renowned university. I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep. I'm horrified that people just want to forget what happened and actually seem to believe it's all over. My sleeplessness comes from feeling helpless to change matters, and dread of what will happen next time, now that we've set a precedent of psychologically manipulating whole populations. I may live in a different country, but your views resonate! Thank you for continuing to speak the truth.

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Apr 2Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I have come to the conclusion that it's not that people are stupid or evil. It's what Bill alludes to here - ". . . one is left questioning two great truisms of American history - namely that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave."

Courage is in short supply. People are too afraid to stand up for what their own self-preservation instincts should be telling them (even when it comes to their kids!). During Covid, I was stunned at the level of fear that permeated the entire society based on propaganda. It almost seemed like some people liked being paralyzed by fear and then being told what to do by Fauci, Gates and others. And regarding freedom, many Americans today do not value it (thanks to the education system) and thus do not deserve the country that they inherited from braver generations.

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In this article, I didn't list examples of where the college experts were wrong in endorsing (and enforcing) all the bogus Covid guidance and protocols. Here's an excerpt from a recent piece, where I quickly listed 12 items where the experts were wrong. I could have expanded this list to 50.

Here are 12 bogus claims (disinformation) that could easily be “scored” for veracity by honest fact-checkers:

Vaccines definitely prevent infection and spread.

Covid vaccines have never caused any deaths and are “safe” for everyone.

Masks definitely prevent virus spread and save lives.

The novel coronavirus is spread from physical surfaces, which need to be wiped down routinely.

Mass testing slows virus spread and people and organizations must get a swab pushed deep into their noses X times a week or month.

“Community spread” in America did not exist prior to late February 2020 (Source: CDC, May 29, 2020 press conference).

Everyone faces a great mortality risk from Covid, even healthy children and young adults.

Outside events should be cancelled. (No sunbathing at beaches allowed until further notice. And, you can’t visit your depressed and lonely grandmother in the nursing home).

Masks must be worn when walking into a restaurant but may be slipped below your mouth while eating appetizers or drinking a beverage.

This aerosolized virus doesn’t spread farther than six feet in grocery stores.

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There was a time when “7,000 did not bend the knee”.

The Prophet Elijah (who some keep an extra chair for) has been granted a task to smack some heads once again.

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What especially concerns & frightens me is that of the prominent medical schools (UCSD, University of Utah, Harvard Medical school, . . . ) not a SINGLE ONE pushed back. AND, to add aggressive stupidity to ignorance, censored the professors that did speak out, some of whom lost their position. JFC, stupidity on steroids was in plain view. Trust in science is at an all time low. Now we can add confidence in our higher education system has cratered.

Trust has left the building.

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‘Mass formation psychosis’ is what we are witnessing.

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One more...I recommend The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet. It explains why people will continue to push for more and more oppressive controls placed upon them in pursuit of 'the right goals'.

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Courage is indeed in short supply

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