I hope readers are picking up on the common thread in many of my recent stories - namely, that there IS "evidence" of early spread ... everywhere. But officials didn't pursue this evidence, which is THE giant "tell" about our corrupt agencies and institutions.

Today's story tells us there must be evidence of early Covid deaths (in hospital records, hospice records, coroners records, etc).

My story on outbreaks on Naval ships tells us there must be undeniable evidence that many sailors were getting sick or already had this virus weeks and months before mid-March 2020.

All the thousands of schools that closed for flu or ILI "outbreaks" in the months not that far removed from "official" Covid are telling us the true story of "early spread" IMO.

The weekly ILI reports produced by every state health agency show "severe" and "widespread" ILI outbreaks dating back to November.

The antibody tests that could have been done, but weren't, should not be forgotten or dismissed.

Add it all up and the kryptonite for all the false Covid narratives is actually .... early spread, which clearly can't be investigated and "confirmed" - which could/would quickly expose all the other faux narratives IMO.

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I just saw an interesting Reader Comment from Igor’s Newletter. The poster is Brian from Michigan. Here is his post:

I haven't looked at your data, but I believe it, just based on anecdotal accounts of local folks who died in January/Feb of 2020 here in west Michigan (Grand Rapids / Muskegon areas). These folks would have gotten sick in Nov/Dec and subsequently hospitalized. I know of one elderly couple who both died of a "flu-like respiratory illness" in January. They both attended a church we are familiar with and have friends/relatives at.

My reply:

Thanks for sharing that info - personal anecdote, Brian. It's on point. People were dying from Covid. My guess is that many officials at hospitals must have figured this out and have intentionally NOT investigated possible early deaths. Think of how just one "confirmed" early Covid death (from, say, December 2019) would completely blow up the entire Covid narrative.

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My snowbird Dr neighbor from Brooklyn said she treated a woman right around Halloween 2019 who just returned from Wuhan with a “major flu”. Then the Dr got sick. Now she thinks it was Covid

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I wonder how many healthcare workers had already been infected (and thus had natural immunity) by the dates of the lockdowns. A lot more than most people think would be my educated guess.

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People will continue to die because of the hyper-focus on Covid. My son, who lives in Thailand, was recently hospitalized due to breathing difficulties (he does have asthma). The only thing they tested him for was Covid (negative)- nebulizer treatments weren't working but no further testing and discharged him when he had little improvement. I wonder if how he was treated would have been better pre-covid.

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The single most important thing is that Gretchen Whitmer gets her family boat in the water for Holidays. Remember how angry she got when during the very lockdown/fear mongering she imposed there turned out to be no dock workers available to set her boat in the water for their annual 4th of July outing? Angry phone calls ensued. Boat got put-in. Elsewhere police rented a boat to arrest a lone paddle boarder during lockdown. Funny izzinit how our rulers weren’t the least bit afraid of covid? But don’t question. Just comply peasants!!

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Rules for Thee and Not For Me

Grabien: Rules Are For the Lab Rats

June 16, 2023


hat tip:


one law for thee, another for me

June 16, 2023



MALE TV REPORTER: Tonight while Governor [of California] Newsom is telling all of us to have Thanksgiving dinner outside, he's facing some new fallout for that fancy birthday dinner party he went to at the French Laundry.*


GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM: It was in Napa which is the orange status, relatively loose compared to some other counties. Ah, it was to be an outdoor ah, ah, restaurant.


ANOTHER MALE TV REPORTER: Raising some new questions about the governor's claims that the dinner was outdoors, as he has repeatedly claimed.


GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM: And I let my guard down, and I apologize for it.


FEMALE TV REPORTER: Mayor [of Chicago] Lori Lightfoot has been adamant that people stay home and socially distance for weeks.


MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT: I can't make this any clearer. You absolutely must stay at home. We will cite you. And of we need to we will arrest you and we will take you to jail. Period. There should be nothing unambiguous about that.


WHOOPI GOLDBERG: I guess you would all imagine that a lot of people were surprised when she made a trip to the hair salon.


MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT: I take my personal hygiene very seriously. As I said, I felt like I needed to um, have a haircut.


VOICE OF FEMALE TV REPORTER: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi under fire tonight after security footage showed her inside a San Francisco hair salon that's closed to the general public.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI: It was a set up. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup. And that's all I'm going to say on that. [cut] I think that they owe, that the salon owes me an apology.


TUCKER CARLSON: Almost immediately after telling the rest of New York City to stay inside for example, Mayor Bill De Blasio loaded up his SUV with government bodyguards and headed for the gym across town in Brooklyn.


MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO: I need exercise. And again, I have to stay healthy so I can make the decisions for the people of this city.


VOICE OF FEMALE TV REPORTER: The leader is embroiled in controversy for attending a party at 10 Downing Street in May of 2020. At the tine, the country was under a strict government-imposed lockdown.


UK PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON: That I myself fell short when it came to observing the very rules which the government I lead had introduced to protect the public—


CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU: Let's put into practice what it truly means to love our neighbors as ourselves by making sacrifices to protect their health. Let's stay home for them.


TUCKER CARLSON: Not long after recording the video you just saw, Trudeau left the capital and traveled all the way to Quebec to visit his family at their lake house. Just like you'd want to do on Easter, if you were allowed to do that. But you're not allowed. So stop complaining.


VOICE OF MALE TV REPORTER: Former president tweeted: "It might be Labor Day weekend, but let's all remember that we're still in the middle of a pandemic. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and follow the experts. It'll save lives."

Former President can be seen in pictures hitting the dance floor without a mask or told that he danced all night and had a great time.


MALE TV REPORTER: San Francisco mayor London Breed was defiant today when asked about video of her without a mask at a nightclub earlier this week.


MAYOR LONDON BREED: I got up and started dancing because I was feeling the spirit. And I wasn't thinking about a mask. I was thinking about having a good time—


MALE TV REPORTER: Mayor Steve Adler's apologizing tonight for traveling to Mexico with a group of family and friends last month despite urging Austinites to stay home.


MALE TV REPORTER: As he issued this message on the night of November 9th.

MAYOR STEVE ADLER: And then we need to, you know, stay home if you can.

MALE TV REPORTER: He was doing it from a time share in Cabo San Lucas.


MAYOR STEVE ADLER: Sorry I took that trip. Ah, it was a lapse in judgement.


FEMALE TV REPORTER: Governor [of Michigan] Whitmer is facing some backlash after a picture surfaced of her dining at a restaurant with at least 12 other people at a table, a violation of the state Health Department's epidemic order.


GOVERNOR GRETCHEN WHITMER: It's, you know, it was an honest mistake and I, I have apologized for it.


ROD MELONI: Well, you know, the governor spent a lot of time asking Michiganers not to go on spring break, particularly in Florida. It took the governor's office a couple of months to confirm it, but she indeed flew from Lansing to West Palm Beach in a private jet on March 12th, spent the weekend with her father, and headed back to Lansing on March 15th.


TUCKER CARLSON: Again and again they do the very things they punish us for doing. When they're caught, they acknowledge no shame. They are entirely lacking in self-awareness. They have no idea how absurd they are.



#   #   #


* French Laundry is a stunningly expensive 3 star Michelin restaurant in California's Napa Valley. It's official website is https://www.thomaskeller.com/tfl

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Yes! I have the majority of that list committed to memory. I’ve spoken of it frequently. I’m floored that even with all that obvious devious malfeasance (that wasn’t difficult to see and access) we still, even now have a woefully uninformed populace who remain blind. People behaved vastly smarter before our so-called Information Age turned everyone into the living personification of The Three Blind Mice.

I lost count of how many people told me if covid was bullshit it wouldn’t be world-wide. Really? Five minutes before March 2020 you’d be nodding like lemmings to anyone telling you we live in a connected world now. So, you don’t think malfeasance can hitch a ride around the world at the speed of light? Hello….

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Thanks for pointing out Michigan. I look forward to your further report on the nursing home deaths. I had a client who granddad had been in a nursing homes for several years. They called EVERYDAY to check on him, and he was fine. Then one day he wasn't.

The nursing home had found him unresponsive. They took him to U of M hospital and put him on a ventilator. He died. They said he died of Covid. IMHO they hooked him up to get the Covid $.

Plus the hospital was sending sick patients to nursing homes. Remember the young guy in Westland Nursing home beating up the elderly patient, it was all over the news. Horrific! I had a nurse friend look up if he was sent from U of M and yes he was.

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This is a massive scandal, which deserves any belated scrutiny it gets. I wish the MSM would investigate what really happened in nursing homes, but they won't.

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They won't. The MSM (should be SSM for "ShitStream") is Operation Mockingbird, so enforces military prototype biowarfare countermeasures.

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"Pre-Covid medical protocols were far better"

No doubt, at least then they were looking for lung infection by common bacteria.

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I think Tim McCain, who had Covid in December 2019 and was hospitalized for 28 days in ICU in Birmingham, probably would have died if he'd been hospitalized after March 15, 2020.

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Undoubtedly. As would my girlfriend, ER visits 2 days in a row in November, 2020. Doc told me to take her home, but to bring her back if needed, which she did. Second Doc told me same thing, but a supply of promethazine and my care got her past it.

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Thank you for your great work Bill Rice.

These stats on Michigan are damningly incriminating.

I gave you my early story back in November 2022 and was so appreciative that you were compiling the evidence on the WHEN.

My son interviewed WelcomeTheEage88 back in 2021 and I thought if you're not familiar with his VAERS work, you might find it very valuable.


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Thanks, Jill. I'll check out this link right now.

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Bill, if you haven't already seen it, when he gets to slide 4:

Dr. David Martin at the European Parliament (with slides)


International COVID Summit III, European Parliament, Brussels, May 3, 2023


Backup clips of Dr. David Martin's presentation:

with slides:


slides also here: https://transcriberb.substack.com/p/dr-david-martin-at-the-european-parliament

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/97438.html

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I hadn't seen this, TB. I'll take a look later. Thanks for the heads-up.

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Relevant text from transcript:

[SLIDE 4 "Premeditated in Early 2019"]

DR. DAVID MARTIN: If you have not done so please make sure that you make reference in every investigation to the premeditation nature of this because it was in September of 2019 that the world was informed that we were going to have an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen so that by September 2020 there would be a worldwide acceptance of a universal vaccine template. That's their words, right in front of you on the screen.

The intent was to get the world to accept a universal vaccine template and the intent was to use coronavirus to get there.

And the last slide. This isn't advancing, so if I could have somebody do it.

[SLIDE 5 "This GLOBAL, MANDATORY injection was planned in 2015 by the COVID RICO CONSPIRATORS"]

Let's, let's read this because we have to read this into the record everywhere I go.

[reading text on slide] "...until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at the emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process" ****

Sounds like public health?

Sounds like the best of humanity?

No, ladies and gentlemen. This was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015, published in front of them. This is, this is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race. And it was admitted to in writing that this was a financial heist and a financial fraud. Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.

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Even if you don't care to moderate or respond, I'd prefer you enable comments on your Substack.

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Thanks for your interest, and I do sincerely appreciate your wanting to comment. Subscribers can always email me. I know it's frustrating not to be able to comment on a blog, in fact I am frustrated too when a blogger doesn't allow comments! But I have certain convictions about moderation and it is simply impossible for me to take on a comments section at this time.

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And we had to change all the metrics in order to make covid seem scary. No longer did you actually need to be sick to have a case, you just needed a positive test.

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I'm in Detroit near a horrible hospital, Sinai-Grace, which had had earlier (than 2020)outbreaks of anti-biotic resistant bugs. In April 2020 there was an ambulance on its way there every fifteen minutes. Although the alternative media line is that no healthy children ever died of covid, a child of first responders here, 5, died. Young people, middle-aged people, and the elderly died. Nurses at Sinai-Grace went public with how the CEO gave them each 12 patients on ventilators and his response was to fire them. They lost bodies. My neighbor, who worked driving for a funeral home, carried 700 bodies to a site guarded by the National Guard. He asked a guardsman why, and the guardsman didn't know why they were guarding them. The FBI raided a metro Detroit clinic that was giving IV vitamin C as a preventative to first responders. Whitmer discharged patients into the nursing homes. Many of the nursing homes were owned by private equity and Mayor Duggan (who I used to like but who now has become a WEF puppet like every politician in MI) called Doctors without Borders into the nursing homes as the death toll was so high and the staff was quitting or getting sick and the covid protocols weren't being implemented. Many poor people buy food at the Dollar Tree stores, owned by China, and I have hypothesized that the flours being sold or used in ultra-processed products were low selenium, and low selenium can cause a virus to mutate in an individual to become more virulent. Lots of lead in the water here, and Rust Belt particulate incessant air pollution. I have wondered if there was something water borne, a vector, which lockdown made people more vulnerable to if it aerosolized. I've wondered if there were accidental or purposeful antibiotic resistant bugs in the hospitals prior to lockdown also. JJ Couey's theory of infectious clones is also interesting. It was very very bad here, and now Detroit is a WEF center for Urban Transformation. Whether that is just due to Detroit's long history of corruption and corruptibility, or a more nefarious cause, I don't know. There are no sidewalks here, but we are getting bike lanes, where no one rides bikes and there are 7 months of winter. East Detroit, which could use so much humanitarian aid, is getting a community center where they can shelter during a "climate emergency" The governor is a Davos darling, and is implementing Whole Child Design which forsakes literacy and numeracy for "social emotional learning". How all these things relate one can only speculate. Thanks for doing this research!

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Bill, check this out at 34:25. Increase in grape jelly clots 2019 and 2020.


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Looking at the numbers of deaths, I wonder if the numbers of living of that age cohort have been considered? Baby boomers were aging up in 2020. which would represent a population boom in 75 year olds. Deaths as a percent of population age 74-85 would/could be a factor.

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I'm sure there's myriad factors that are used to create those models which predict "expected" deaths for a given year ... and then the "excess death" charts and graphs. With this analysis, I just used the raw numbers of deaths from mortality statistics. My assumption was there wouldn't be big changes over just a couple of years.

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No one in Michigan had asthma? No excess deaths prior to the lockdown hysteria seems inexplicable. The choking can kill! Took about 2 days; not 21 to 25. Is the public health policy to kill asthmatics? (I suspect vaccines induce asthma.)

BTW, I have no idea what "flu" is other than an infection responding to amantadine.

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Sep 5, 2023
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That's my (educated) best guess as well, Tim.

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