I should have mentioned that Lt. Col. Long happened to meet another of the world's most significant whistleblowers, embalmer Richard Hirschman. As recounted in my previous in-depth feature story on Richard, Long attended a funeral at a funeral home where Hischman provides trade embalming services. The funeral home's director recognized Lt. Col Long at the service, introduced himself and told her she should contact Hirschman about the "white, fibrous" clots Hirschman was routinely finding in bodies.

Long quickly contacted Hirschman and encouraged him to share this hugely-important news. Long suggested Richard contact podcaster Dr. Jane Ruby, who would allow him to reach a sizeable audience. Hirschman, after his own period of prayer, did exactly this and the "embalmer clots" had soon gone viral in the alternative media universe.

I've wondered if this meeting was another example of God working in mysterious ways. Hirschman and Long live approximately 20 miles from each other (and about 40 miles from me).

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“I've wondered if this meeting was another example of God working in mysterious ways.”

Absolutely Bill.

Thank you for this wonderful article. I’ll be sure to share with Richard. I know he and I both have the utmost respect for Dr. Long. May God bless her richly. 🙏🙏🙏

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Or like living in, practicing Tao lucky synchronicities happen one after another when not seeking to benefit yourself but to benefit other people and other life.

I'll never forget watching LtCol Long online days after her appearance on that Congressional November 2021 panel. My path to seeing that was a series of "lucky" connections when I was deep in a search to figure out why virtually all top USA leadership had gone nuts. Specifically, it was a link on Gab.com that led me to that panel video. l'll never forget her talking to that panel about how she'd been poor and knew how to get out of poverty again if need be to have the courage to be a whistleblower. A Mama Bear Warrior.

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She is definitely a "Mama Bear Warrior." Thanks for this comment, A.J.

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You're welcome, thank you for this outstanding essay and the photo of Long with her family. Wonderful to see her smiling.

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. . . and thank YOU, Laura, for guiding me to this.

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You are most welcome, red.

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Retired military here.

Lt. Col. Theresa Long has my tremendous respect.

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I'm so glad you are on this substack. I was thinking about you and going to share on C&C for you to read.

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Thanks for thinking about me.

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Wow, Lt. Col. Long is my new heroine! May God bless her for her commitment to Him over EVERYTHING else that was happening. She inspires such hope, even as the big election is about to happen in November.

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Thanks, Jeff. I was hoping others would be inspired by Lt. Col. Long's story and example of true courage and integrity. She's a credit to the military whether the military brass know this or not.

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Most probably DON'T know it or care, but God does, and ultimately, that's what matters. Thanks so much for writing this, well done!

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and, I will second that!

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Bill, this is such an excellent and important article. I am sure I am but one of a multitude of US citizens who has profound respect and gratitude for her courage.

Many thanks for the link to my transcript of her testimony for Senator Ron Johnson's panel. If anyone missed it, I would really recommend watching the video.

"US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021


Long's testimony starts at 30:45 and goes to 45:40

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/143483.html

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Thank you, TB. Your links were my starting point in my research. Readers can see a video of Sen. Johnson's whistleblower panel and written transcripts of Lt. Col. Long's remarks.

As I keep telling people, your work/project is an invaluable resource for journalists, citizen journalists and future historians.

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I really appreciate your kind words, Bill, and backatcha. You are one of the few professional journalists who are hanging in there and doing the good work, and I really respect that.

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PS Back when I started transcribing in 2021 it did not occur to me to transcribe anything from Senator Johnson's panels because I assumed there would be an official transcript and a fair amount of press coverage. How naive I was then. Now there may well be an official transcript of those panels, but I have yet to see it.

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It's still hard to find a copy of Lt. Col. Long's affidavit. I pieced together excerpts from several alternative media stories. It seems like in one of these stories there would simply be a link to the full sworn statement.

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I know you'll find it.

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One day there's going to be a "suspense thriller" big movie or Broadway stage play about LtCol Long's saga fighting hard against the Pit o' Hell, a.k.a. the Pentagon Academy graduate "ring knockers" bizarro world where US military officers care more about their perks, rank, ribbons and bank accounts than their own soldiers, sailors and airmen. Always kissing up and slugging down.

FYI, Long's whistleblower work with military pilots predated the FAA's broadening of Air Transport Pilot (ATP)'s medical standards in October 2021 (or 2022?) after way too many airline pilots were grounded for very serious heart damage from the jabs exposed during their twice-yearly ATP FAA medical exams when they are hooked up to EKG machines. Steve Kirsch blew the loudest first whistle on that scandal. I know personally way to many airline pilots grounded in 2021-22 for heart troubles, many hospitalized more than once who are now back in the cockpits with ticking time bombs inside their chests.

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Wow, thanks Transcriber!

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What an inspiration!!! Courage still matters.

When can we give this deserving woman an award??

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She does deserve a "Profile in Courage" Award. Maybe the world will see that in our lifetimes?

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She absolutely deserves that award. It will be undoubtedly given to her in the Divine Realm, not here, on this corrupted, satanically infected planet.

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My email inbox informs me that "Evie" "liked" this comment, but that it was SENT by "Dear Rest of America."

"Dear Rest of America" "likes" many of my comments, but she uses innumerable different handles. Bill, please beware of Dear Rest of America, McKeekitty, Elena Alexander, and many others, (they are all the same person, using innumerable fake names) are targeting you and your family.

Bill, you are being targeted and gangstalked, though it seems you're not aware of this fact at this point. The vast majority of people who are victims of targeting NEVER become consciously aware of this fact.

Please, I beg you, please, study this website: TargetedJustice.com/

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I assume every contrarian journalist who is challenging the initiatives of the "Powers that Be" is being monitored.

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hmmmm. I noticed about a year ago "Dear R of A" liking ALL my posts. Thought this was odd and commented to "her".

I had Noooooo idea.

Thanks for the heads up Truthbird!

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Brilliant, inspiring profile of Dr. Long. I'm not much into movies...but this should be made into one. Thank you for this excellent piece.

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In a sane world, this WOULD be a riveting movie or mini-series. People actually love a story about a brave hero taking on an army of corrupt Bad Guys. It's yet another tell that we know such a TV series or movie will never be produced.

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"Bad guys?" Accessories to murder by willful knowingly or with gross reckless negligence by actively pushing a bioweapon. Her whole upper chain of command committed to CYA should all be in prison as a deterrent to all who love keeping their lucrative CYA games going.

Her story and that of other early whistleblowers will get more traction and attention. A grassroots tide is turning one person at a time.

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Highest respect possible for Lt. Col. Long. She is a true hero.

it sickened me to read a few things.

she was immediately ordered to quit treating patients. Her military email communications were curtailed or censored and her presence on Facebook was wiped out “in the blink of an eye … The level of censorship was very frightening,” she said.

“no leader at the highest levels of the military has ever called me.”

Instead, almost all officers have been practicing “herd politics” to either advance their careers or not harm their career prospects.

There's more but I guess swearing an oath and code of conduct and ethical behavior doesn't mean much in reality.

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Thank you for sharing her story. The military deaths were possibly the most disturbing.

“The Navy has fired a dozen leaders but won't explain why”

A total of 13 commanding officers have been fired so far this year, including five in one week, the Navy said. Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/A2s7rtAM5TUi9YqTUIt3lxA

I know why; they dared to speak out about the sudden deaths among young, healthy recruits and were simply removed from their positions. After the Navy seal candidate was found dead after successfully completing HelI Week, I wrote to a couple of Congress folks suggesting that they do IL, CRP, d-dimer and other screening to see if we can identify those at risk. Got boilerplate responses on immigration. Not one word. That was my first attempt to reach someone with influence.






Blamed on “preexisting” condition; not! If you’re read nothing else, read this and tell me it was not caused by the vaccine. Died in less than 24 hours.



There are many of these already.

And, you’ll find this study removed and link disabled:


Have many, many, many more. The two small plane crashes here several months ago were likely from the vax. Fine on approach until abrupt onset of garbled speech in one, and “oh s—-“ by someone else on board with the second. Sadly, lost 4 members of our air ambulance crew. The 39 yo Utah gal; fulminant hepatic failure blamed on Tylenol, but none found on tox. No one is on a transplant list within a few days of developing liver disease. Docs know.

I imagine you’ve seen the Good Sciencing list of dead and injured athletes. Of course not all are from the shot, but if even a few are, the numbers are alarming.

Surgeon Kelsey Musgrove found dead beside a hiking trail with no apparent cause of death until news the next day that she was “partially buried” in a collapse. What; they didn’t notice that on day 1? The list goes on and on. 

Contrary to the immediate claim, Daman Hamlin did not have commotio cordis, and MSM is now backing off because it’s obvious. Docs say they don’t know what caused his collapse, but that is blatantly false. They know exactly what caused it. Pulmonary embolus would be my best guess, since an arrhythmia would be more easily corrected with defibrillation.

I wrote to journalists in vain.

I have dozens more if you’d like to engage in an honest discussion.

As a respected journalist, your voice could save many. Please think about it.

No responses.

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Thanks for your research and efforts to highlight these mysterious sudden deaths and serious medical events, Fred. I need to read through all your links. There are so many compelling stories that have NOT been told yet.

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Blessings to you and Dr. Long, and the other warriors who have jeopardized their lives and reputations to try to educate others!

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Of course, these were all early on, and the numbers since confirm our earlier concerns. I ‘borrowed’ this perfect comment from someone at the time... “Waking up out of the conventional medical paradigm is not without genuine mental and spiritual difficulties. It can be exceedingly painful.” Truth.

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Wonderful! I've read so many stories during the last 4yrs, but never came across this one. God bless Lt. Col. Theresa Long for trusting God! He can & does such marvelous things when His people genuinely follow His directions. What a gracious & wonderful God!

Thank you, Bill Rice Jr. for writing about this amazing doctor.

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How about an essay on The Wellness Company, Bill?👍🇦🇺

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Great piece Bill, thanks for writing this tribute for an American Hero

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This is a tiny possible correction: I do not believe that Peter McCullough, M.D. is a surgeon. He is a cardiologist, internist and possesses a masters in public health (epidemiology). Some cardiologists do perform some "minimally invasive" (if there is such a thing) surgeries within the category of interventional cardiology. This is surgery carried out, essentially, through a blood vessel. This might involve inserting stents, removing plague lining an artery or electrically destroying abnormally excitable heart muscle. Given the apparent pace and volume of his other activities, I would be a bit surprised if Dr. McCullough would have much time and opportunity remaining to devote to these types of procedures that do demand routinely-practiced physical skill and study. "Minimally invasive" cardiology nonetheless should still demand maximally-competent technique and ever-evolving subject knowledge. My guess is that Dr. McCullough has enough on his daily To-Do list. But, of course, I could be incorrect.

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Thanks for the correction or pointing out this distinction. (I've now edited the story). See what happens when you "assume" something? I always thought he was a surgeon.

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Oh, I love it when you talk Latin, Bill. It's making a comeback I tell you.

More seriously, this was a good piece about a woman, a military physician and a surgeon whose virtues and actions need to be remembered, studied and imitated. That she acted as she did within the particular authoritarian structures of the military adds further, significant context to the story.

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Oops, I made a similar mistake of assumption, Lt.. Col. Long may not be an operating surgeon!

The term "flight surgeon" in the military or in civilian practice can be misleading. They may or may not perform major surgical procedures (operations). I had a primary care physician (who was not a surgeon) who was a civilian pilot and who also was credentialed to conduct physicals for certifying pilots, that is, he was an Aviation Medical Examiner. At the very least, Dr. Long performed this role as well as probably general medical care for service men and women.

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It is good to hear of those such as Long living a life of conscience and conviction.

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I was wondering where Bill had gone; at least part of the answer is that he was working on this profile/article.

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I was also out of state for five days at a very interesting and inspiring conference of like-minded thinkers. This was my longest sabbatical without publishing an original story ... but I'm back in the saddle again!

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Great job as always Bill, and I hope that someone with the vast knowledge of Dr. Long and those like her will someday write a book about this terrible affair. Possibly, that someone may be you!

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This officer’s story is the kind of thing being suppressed, suppressed not just by progressivists and MSM, but by most conservatives. Suppressed by them in ’21, in ’22, in ’23, in ’24, and…

For more on how to think about suppression, see my latest think-piece on it: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/what-suppression-is-not

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