Cutting-room-floor text:

Aside: I also emailed the same question - "how many of your employees have died from Covid?" - to the media affairs departments of the Alabama Department of Public Health and the NIH and also received no answer from these public servant health agencies.

... Also, simply reporting the number of "excess deaths" that have occurred in the world in the last four years would be a scandalous exercise for reporters or officials ... which should qualify as another scandal.

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This past Saturday I attended a afternoon seminar sponsored by Children's Health Defense. It was called "Science Unleashed 2024". The presenters were Dr. McCullough, Dr. Hooker, Chief Science Director for RFK Jr., Kevin McKernan, and Dr. Makis. The evidence is overwhelming that RNA injections should be removed from the market immediately. Dr. McCullough covered the myocarditis aspect and great harm caused and that the VAERS system vastly under reports the number of people who have died from the injections. His estimate is around 560,000. Not 19,700. Dr. Makis covered the epizootic rise in turbo cancer deaths in our young people who got the RNA. Dr. Hooker presented research analysis that clearly demonstrated the vaccinated children acquired many chronic illnesses which were absent in the non vaccinated. Kevin McKernan covered the impact of the RNA on cellular function and pointed out that contaminates in the injections are responsible for many of the side effects and permanent damage to those injected. SV40 virus is present as well as DNA fragments and other contaminates. It is criminal that great harm is bestowed on US citizens and that families are being destroyed across this nation because of deaths of children as well as parents due to the injections. President Trump should call for a joint meeting of the Senate and the House the day after he is elected and have these astute researchers present the evidence to all members of the Congress. At the end of the session, all members of Congress should pledge to REJECTING funding for their political careers from any medical entity. Then RFK Jr. should be charged to fix the sick care system that is destroying the health of our citizens.

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I wish in the strongest way that all of these scandals will be made known to all people.

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I also think it's a scandal - or disconcerting or depressing or unfortunate - that Mark's brilliant, astute and masterfully-written essays are read by only a couple of thousand people.

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I second your praise of Mark's essays, they are extraordinary, and a great solace for so many of us who have been awake to the con for a while now.

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As you have made clear with your essays, which I think are the best on Substack.

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The available data that was coming out of Italy (via world-o-meter I think) in late 2019, as "covid" was breaking news, should have told everyone everything they needed to know: it was basically a moderate flu. IFR was, as you say, close to the flu. The only people dying were very elderly and/or very sick (also the same as with the flu). It was far less dangerous than the flu to young people, especially infants.

Instead, we were told the opposite of all of that: that "covid" was a deadly, "once in a lifetime pandemic," and "equal opportunity killer" for which there was no effective treatment, so we should all sit at home, hunker down, vote by mail, and pray for a "vaccine." Obviously, all of those assertions were not only false, but demonstrably false at the time they were uttered.

One data point summed it up nicely: US all-cause mortality for 2020. Yes, it was higher than 2019. But, it was higher every year for 7 years prior to 2020 b/c the US has an aging population that was dying off. In 2020, the rate of increase for all-cause death rate actually slowed from what it had been each of the 7 prior years. Which makes no sense at all if there is a raging, out-of-control, untreatable, "once-in-a-lifetime" "deadly pandemic." The death rate should accelerate, not slow.

BTW, so may people still to this day say "but Trump pushed the vaccines." Politically, he had to.

Over half the country at that time had been so thoroughly brainwashed by propaganda that to argue against the only "savior" from this "plague" (actual words people were using) would have ended any chance of his re-election. (I suspect that's what people who bring this point up actually want.)

But, guess what...he also openly argued to remove them from the market. The vaccines were released under emergency use authorization (EUA), which means there could be no other existing effective treatments for the disease or they'd have to pulled from the market. Trump argued for hydroxychloroquine and (I think) ivermectin and another I'm forgetting. Which is the same as arguing to pull the vaccines w/o stating it outright. Something to think about now that he has hired RFK Jr.

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No. As I've repeated ad nauseam, amantadine had no effect on covid. Flu typically kills from pneumonia, while covid (initial infection; later bouts usually from various spike protein effects) does from choking bronchitis.

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To increase the number of annual "flu deaths," the CDC merged pneumonia deaths with flu deaths and called all deaths "flu deaths." For example, the CDC - for years - said that 80,000 Americans died from the flu in the bad flu season of 2017-2018. The CDC later revised these death estimates to 51,000. (Almost all "flu deaths" are really pneumonia deaths).

The CDC also produced report after report in the winter of 2019-2020, documenting that the pre-Covid flu season was one of the worst ("most severe" and "widespread") in memory. Strangely - but not surprisingly - the CDC quickly changed all of its flu metrics/estimates for this flu season.

Today, the number of "flu deaths" pre-Covid (2019-2020) are just average compared to the 10-year norm.

What was once widely reported to be a terrible flu season became a normal flu season.

Basically, I don't trust the CDC's flu statistics and estimates. Clearly, the purpose of these statistics is to scare as many people as possible into getting their annual flu shots - which 50 percent of the population dutifully does (70 percent of senior citizens).

FWIW, I've never in my life heard of ONE child aged 1 to 18 who died from the flu ... so why do parents keep getting their children this shots? ... A shot that does NOT prevent the flu ... nor does it cause you to have a less severe case if you got the shot.

The flu "vaccines" were already so accepted by large swaths of the population probably made possible so many people thinking they HAD to get the Covid vaccine. But (my opinion) the flu shots are also a massive scam .... I do think more people are starting to figure this out - which is a silver lining of our Covid times.

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I've thought for some time that the pre-2020 flu shots, primed some people for the jabby. How can we ever know if mRNA or some of the ingredients, was or wasn't pre-trialled via flu shots?

A friend told me pre-2019 that many men where he lives, died after the annual flu shot 2 years running.

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I also wonder about the flu shot perhaps causing many of the alleged "Covid" deaths in 2019, 2020 and 2021. That would be another huge scandal if ever "proven" ... but it will never be proven because this hypothesis will never be seriously investigated.

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I have noticed that "being compliant" is a very important point of conversations about patients as of late. I'm not in the hospital often, so the fact that I'm noticing it is concerning to me. A man I met in early '21 was hospitalized in Chicago in Feb '20 for an unusual respiratory infection. He was treated with a "new drug" and ended up in renal failure. This points at them "trialing" run-death-is-near earlier than was stated and most likely seeing the devastating effects 😞 but continuing to use it anyway.

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The approval and wide-spread use of Remdesivir is another massive scandal. They are still prescribing it.

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They made this personal for so many people. This election was a referendum on the covid response and the flamboyant wokeness that followed in its wake. Somehow the powers-that-be were actually emboldened by their covid crimes. But, they just got shown the door in dramatic fashion, and with some luck, will soon be shown the inside of a prison cell.

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Hospital protocols separated patients from families or health advocates. They wanted the numbers up. Remdesivir was often administered to people that ended up in hospitals that were refusing the jab. And the hospitals received covid $ for giving it. I believe that is how they killed my father.

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It’s on my list of “allergies “. My “reaction” to it is “anaphylactic”. I’d advise everyone to list the same.

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Follow the work of Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan. They haven't found that much evidence that 'flu' has killed as many people as we have been told.

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I agree. IMO The CDC massively inflated the number of "flu deaths" to ... advance their efforts to sell more flu shots.

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In your article you bring out how thoroughly everything and everyone was captured by the official narrative, MSM, government at nearly all levels, med pharma complex etc. And they are still captured. The question that should be asked is how did this happen? How is it possible that every official and non official organ of state/people control is on one page?

The only thing I can come up with is the billions (apparently) of people who took one or more of the death jabs are a force (psychologically) that keeps the entire narrative going. No one wants to admit that the death jabs are death jabs because they can't. Better to pretend that the anti vaxxers are crazy and the globo homos really don't want to democide/genocide billions.

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This Has Been A 100 Year War

On Natural Immunity.

It Is High Time Someone Declare Victory

For Natural Immunity

And End This War.


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Excellent post. It so often occurs to me that because this whole covidian con was, in all its particulars, about creating confusion and distraction, inducing a sort of "follow orders" reaction, this mental work of just laying it out, as you have, is extraordinarily valuable.

What's been on my mind today is the scandal of suppressing autopsies all during this period, including during and after the jabs roll out. Perhaps you saw Louise Roseingrave's post earlier today?


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If I'd died about 01 March 2020, it would have been from CoViD-19. Since I lived, I don't know what the death certificate would have said, though I suspect "bronchitis".

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Hi Bill. In my opinion which is shared by many others, COVID was the flu rebranded. All the other noise was just a distraction to keep the masses thinking it was something new.

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I think that's possible, David ... which, if true, would be a ... massive scandal.

I still think, for now, Covid was a real thing or caused by a real virus ... it just wasn't a "deadly virus."

Heck, the flu isn't a deadly virus - to 99.9+ percent of the people who come down with it. Both are respiratory, contagious viruses.

And respiratory viruses typically don't assault a country in the spring months, which is what the experts said happened in April-May 2020.

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I agree with all who think covid was a scam and shots are bioweapons. I do think they lumped flu with covid to make more deaths to scare people, but, my covid experience was not flu symptoms. I believe covid symptoms mimic 5G radiation. I had No cold symptoms what so ever, only achy joints and loss of smell and taste. My husband had classic flu symptoms. We were sick at the same time. My teen son had just a headache, fever , and stuffy nose. He was over it in 2 days with No medicine. Horrible scam for the youth to endure closed school for so long.

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This is a beautifully written article. I think we will need many years to heal from the past four years.

It is even so much more deeper than this. The way they used Hollywood and Entertainment industry as a tool to brainwash us for years.

They would tell a false narrative and reinforce the lie via a movie.


I also suspect they would use television and film to normalize things which were to come.

I recall a time in my life not knowing anyone with autism or even the term autism.

I recall an explosion of autism in the 1990s.

I recall first hearing the term autism in the late 80s and early 90s.


The Awakenings

Series finale St Elsewhere

We are all on different levels too on what we know as truth.

Some have known for some years and some are just coming to terms with it.

There is no better time than the present for us all to be especially kind to one another and allow this beautiful country and its courageous citizens time to heal from this devastating tragedy.

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Original Covid and delta Covid were WORSE flu than normal. They were over-hyped but they were worse than "normal" flu. Several friends of mine and younger friends of my children were hospitalized. No one died that I knew. It was almost certainly a lab created virus and that would necessarily heighten concern about its "lethality" in the early months of the pandemic. After the China, Italy, Iran, Italy, and NYC/New Orleans hype, it would be reasonable to "flatten the curve" and try and moderate the spread. I was not suspicious about the shutdown of my business at first. I wanted to do my part.

That said, it was clear early that there was a lot of official lying going on. Going back to work in early May 2020 I called my doctor and asked for their protocol if I got sick. They said, Don't come here. Drink fluids, take Advil, and if you can't breathe go to the ER. I was shocked, knowing about the Zev Zelenko protocol in Brooklyn and my friend an infectious disease specialist in NYC that mentioned early steroid treatment. Something suspiciously criminal was going on.

Here in Alabama we were never "locked down". I wondered why people in other places put up with severe restrictions. We had a small bump in cases during June of 2020. By then, the "gold standard" PCR test was creating whatever case results were necessary to get compensation in the hospital for a Covid case or to confuse the extent of disease in the population.

By June/July it was obvious they were minimizing alternative treatments to push the vaccine. That only intensified in the Fall with Ivermectin. The authorities wanted the vaccine and my take was to pay off the pharmaceutical industry. When the vaccine rolled out it became clearer that the whole 'warp speed' messaging was due to 20 years of bioweapons research on corona viruses and they wanted something to show for the investments they had made. My daughter was in the Pfizer trial in August of 2020(and knew she was a control since she had no symptoms) and by March of 2021 they were insisting for her protection that she go ahead and get vaccinated. I recommended against it because to eliminate the controls in an experiment, ends the useful information and it was becoming clearer that young people were not as seriously affected.

But that was then. Now, I think we need an accounting and I hope Kennedy provides it.

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The fly in the ointment of your testimony is that no one can really say, for sure, that the illness that they suffered was due to the Covid virus. The qualitative and quantitative accuracy of the analytical tests employed to identify Covid-19 virus were not determinative and the clinical evaluations were biased by professional groupthink bolstered by perverse financial incentives to label anything and everything as “Covid.”

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Many had the unique loss of taste/smell which would likely indicate Covid

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It’s literally the scandal that no one wants to talk about anymore. Maybe Covid fatigue? BTW the illustration left out the free donuts with each shot. They almost got me on that offer. If those Krispy Kreme’s had been still hot I would have succumbed! (Sarcasm)

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Yeah, that’s why RFK Jr. likens the whole sordid affair to the Catholic Church child molestation scandal (there’s that word again).

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Stephan Homburg shows it was politically led, not health led. German RKI (CDC) Whistleblower. m.youtube.com/watch?v=-j7qjedth3A Why political, not health? Bad banking business, again to funnel money to save the banks. There was no pandemic, just a perceived one, fuelled by all they did, especially patient treatments.

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1) New York City Spring 2020 and the silence around it

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