Before I started to research Covid topics almost full-time, I was already convinced the “most important thing” to the world’s real rulers was “protecting the printing press.”

This was no brilliant observation. I simply noted how much money it costs to “feed the beast” of ever-bigger government and I knew these expenditures would grow even larger in the years to come. If one “follows the money,” he realizes where most of this “money” actually comes from. It comes from borrowing ever-more money or, basically, printing the stuff out of thin air.

This is technical inflation, which leads to “price inflation” at the grocery store or in our insurance policies or in tuition prices or the price of our speeding and red-light tickets going up.

I always thought this was “unsustainable,” but somehow the Powers that Be kept “kicking the can down the road” a little longer.

One thing I knew is that the government lies in all the economics data their agencies produce … just like they lied with all their Covid data and statistics.

A silver lining of Covid might be that more citizens are starting to figure this out. Our trusted officials are going to try, but it's hard to lie about the prices we are paying for every-day items and services we must purchase.

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.... the hidden tax of inflation caused by an out-of-control servant government - corrupt to the core under-cover fuck-buddies with the central banking pirates.... XIII section 1 Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place suject to their jurisdiction. Section 2 Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legilslation. So - how much more clear can the point be made? Hang 'em all... robbery plain and simple... extinction economics.

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I think our rulers are actually, secretly, very worried about real inflation or the state of the economy ... and being hung by the masses they have stolen from for decades. Their solution to prevent this possibility is to print more money and give more citizens "free money" or government goodies and benefits - maybe a minimum guaranteed income ... from the coming digital currency system?

They'll try to buy-off and pacify the masses. But this will just create even more inflation and harm the real economy even more. But it will buy them some more time.

Also, they'll probably create some new "distractions" - like more pandemics or WWIII.

I think our rulers just want to live high on the hog while they are still alive (for a couple more years or decades). The next generation of rulers can worry about the Mad Max consequences.

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.... in bad economic times they always take you to war - this time the medical industrial complex solves their "population problems". Remember the icon/symbol for Medicine is the serpent and staff. The next generation can worry about the Mad Max consequence - A-men - may the collapse be swift and severe!

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My real worry is WWIII which could, easily, become a nuclear war (as the participants would include China and Russia). If we can just avoid this war, I'll take it. I don't want my 8 and 12-year-old children to be vaporized in that war ... and they probably would be because three of the nuclear targets are within 15 to 45 minutes from our house (a Lockheeed Martin missile plant, Ft. Rucker, home to Army aviation, and Maxwell Air Force base, home to the Air War College).

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I'm a target as well Bill. Perth is a key centre for the US war machine by air and sea. I believe Australia will be turned into the next Ukraine in a US proxy war. We host all the NSA facilities in the southern hemisphere for drone strikes and communications in the northern hemisphere.

Being America's enemy is dangerous but her 'ally' is much worse. We're toast.

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I used to think my life was a tragedy - now I think it is a comedy. Our leaders deserve what they get - they're not stupid they aren't incompetent - they are actors portraying traitors.... you know that right? Remember when we all knew wrestling was fake and they finally admitted it, but all the fans basically ignored it? We are pretty much there - but now the plan is to kill off the dumb. When tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty. When government betrays the needs of its People - it is no longer their government it is their enemy. Teach your children well.

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Mars and Jupiter are plenty far enough to avoid vaporization along with Lockheed Martin! You must have assumed some speed other than c.

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As the crow flies, that missile plant is about 13 miles from my house. What if the nuclear strike that targets that facility is a couple of miles off? It could land on my house!

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Bill, Surely you do not mean to fault the Fed for printing fiat money! That's their job! What would a national bank do if it couldn'print fiat money?

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If the bank cannot print fiat money, then they can invest in a lot of Monopoly games and start handing out Monopoly money.

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Bill, I think you'd appreciate this post from Catherine Austin Fitts. (It's cross-posted here from Sasha Latypova's substack.) I read this last night but I plan to study it further. Trillions and trillions of "missing money" (a/k/a "dark money") are known to have "disappeared" from the military-industrial-censorship-"intelligence" complex. I have a lot more to say about this, but not right now. This is a lengthy post, but it's well worth the time.


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Some of these "missing" trillions of dollars fund satanic operations, e.g. the modern incarnation of MK-ULTRA. Today the victims of these torture operations are known as "Targeted Individuals." I am one of the millions who are victims of this. Untold numbers of human beings are victimized, but the vast majority of the victims are not consciously aware of it. The US government is captive to dark forces which siphon off unimaginable amounts of money (trillions of dollars, as Catherine Austin Fitts says in her recent post) to fund their satanic agendas. I know this sounds cazy, but if you were to investigate this in depth, and especially if you were to realize, against your mind's will, that you were in fact one of its innumerable victims, you would know it's true.

This website: TargetedJustice.com/ offers merely an introduction to what "Targeted Individuals" experience. The information presented in this website is incomplete, not through any malfeasance of the substack's creator, Len Ber, but simply because he doesn't realize the full extent of the program. The reality is much worse than what he has himself experienced. I don't fault him for this. He has done a great service to humanity in creating this substack.

The modern incarnation of MK-ULTRA (satanic psychological operations) is today a vast Mafia, which controls the US government. Neither the President of the United States, nor the Congress of the United States can be "read into" the operations of the agencies which carry out these programs. They operate far above the level of all of our "elected" representatives. They are unaccountable to all branches of government. They extort vast amounts of money from Americans of all walks of life, but particularly to those who have some money that can be extorted, i.e. the middle and upper middle classes. But this also happens to people who are wealthy! They have no idea that they are being extorted and victimized. I wish to God I could communicate with you in private to elucidate what I know about all of this. The people who victimize me are messing with you, your Substack, and your family.

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every one is just waiting for the collapse. The frn is losing world reserve status. 34 trillion deficit, massive unfunded liabilities (a big reason for the injections was to kill off pensioners)and billions to ukraine, israel and every other foreign country. And the morons keep on spending and lying as if everything is fine. I have an ex banker acquaintance who quit banking when he realized what a scam it is. He says XRP and precious metals.

other than crypto, gold silver and preps of every other kind to the best of ability not much can be done.

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I'm looking forward to buying an entire city block with my gold stash 1930s style.

Who's with me?

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I fear for my grand kids. One, they don't have a clue what's coming. And two, they aren't prepared.

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MMT ignores history of money printing--it always ends badly.

Bartering will be necessary in the future, as well as the other things you've suggested.

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If you want to know your future look to Australia and Canada. Then, Argentina.

It's bad, real bad.

I honestly have no idea how we are surviving at this point. We're just kind of stumbling through a nightmare. Somehow the cogs of life keep turning but few people are really living, and no one is really planning for the future. People are getting desperate.

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Seems like they’ve got it all figured out for the system’s final collapse… with all the quasi-legalization in place for the great taking (of everything).

Thanks to David Webb’s lifelong work in pursuit of its exposure.




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If "we, the people" now have 34.7 trillion dollars of debt (through the reckless policies of our government), to WHOM do we actually owe all this money?

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the book the creature from Jekyll Island is a good start to answer that question.

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Thanks - I read G. Edward Griffin's excellent book some years ago; have also read SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE, by Eustace Mullins and many, many other informative books and essays. Currently I am better than half-way through THE PREDATORS VERSUS THE PEOPLE, by Mees Baaijen - available on his Substack site.

Getting back to the question in my comment, I think it very important that people understand who is "financing" our world and for what purposes.

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you know more than I do then. good post

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