If I could change one article, it’d be this one …
I also wish more people would ask “what did the experts know and when did they know it?” about early spread (like people are now asking about myocarditis).
I’ve now been a Substack newsletter writer for one year. In 12 months, I’ve written more than 100 articles and opinion pieces. In one year, I can think of only one article I might retract or edit significantly.
I remember writing an article stating that the lawsuit Biden vs. Missouri might be the “most important legal case in U.S. history.”
I no doubt went overboard with that statement. While it’s good to see that attorney generals from two U.S. states are suing the U.S. government for coercing brazen censorship, I don’t think the results of this case are likely to alter our future in any meaningful way.
This case will probably end up in the U.S. Supreme Court and we might still have at least five justices who are brave enough to reprimand employees of the U.S. government for bullying and coercing social media companies into censoring taboo (but true and life-saving) speech.
But the result of this case will likely be a (qualified) legal admonition for the government to cease and desist screwing with the First Amendment.
Nobody will go to jail and no White House officials will even have to pay a fine. In fact, many of the officials who were “guilty” of these non-“crimes” have already earned big promotions and will no doubt keep their censorship-promoting jobs in myriad other Censorship Industrial Complex organizations.
Furthermore, the censorship will continue as speech companies like Facebook, Google and YouTube already know what content they’re supposed to censor … and they’ll keep doing this.
This lawsuit, and one Congressional hearing into “censorship,” have been proceeding for more than a year and the “bad publicity” from these proceedings hasn’t deterred any of these companies from altering their “content moderation” policies and algorithms.
So the Big Censorship Lawsuit is probably moot. I’m glad a few plaintiffs pursued this case and that we’ve learned what we learned via discovery, but - big picture - it won’t be the biggest U.S. legal case in history.
The response in corporate boardrooms (and among rank-and-file employees) will be: “Don’t worry, Uncle Sam, we’ve got you covered and we definitely know what team we play for. We are honored and privileged to protect the masses from harmful disinformation and we will continue to ensure this remains our No. 1 corporate priority going forward.”
What did officials know and when did they know it?
Reflecting on my first year as a Substack author, most of my subscribers know my niche as a Covid researcher and investigative journalist has been producing evidence showing that the novel coronavirus was spreading widely across the world months before officials and authorities acknowledged.
My work might have moved the narrative needle a little as I now see more writers and members of the public who agree with me that “late spread” of this virus is both nonsensical and implausible.
When you think about my journalism focus, what I’ve really been asking is this question: “What did the experts know and when did they know it?”
If they didn’t know anything about early spread, the only offense our hyper-credentialed “experts” are guilty of is professional incompetence or malfeasance.
However, if it turns out this army of public health experts knew this virus had already spread widely through the population (or could have easily “confirmed” this was happening by myriad means) and didn’t tell the public this, what we would have is the Mother of All Epidemiological Cover-Ups.
The real message I’ve been trying to send is simple: Don’t trust the experts … They are all captured.
The Great Myocarditis Cover-up …
In the last few days, I’ve been struck by how the Substack and alternative media community of genuine truth-seekers have been highlighting the revelation that all the key players in the captured Science/Medical Complex seem to have known that myocarditis was causing serious “adverse health events” in large numbers of the vaccinated population, especially in younger males.
Basically, our trusted officials and experts DID know this was happening and they covered up this health detail, which they insisted wasn’t significant at all.
Apparently, leaders throughout government sent out memos on how to spin this alarming health data so that no young person or their parents would have any reason to forgo their shots.
Naomi Wolf recently labelled this a “smoking gun” about our captured healthcare and science officials.
Naomi is right. These revelations should be a smoking gun but we all know this wafting gun smoke won’t be noted by any journalists who belong to our Trusted News Initiative.
As dozens of Substack authors are reporting, almost all the pages of documents a citizen journalist secured from a Freedom of information request were redacted.
Project Redaction is another detail today’s Woodwards and Bernsteins all ignore.
The thinking of today’s Pack Journalists must be: “It’s good these documents were redacted. If these documents were revealed to the public, it would constitute a national security threat.”
Still, thanks largely to Substack, millions of world citizens now know much more about what our public officials knew and when they knew it … And how they acted once they knew a piece of scientific information might not comport with their authorized narrative.
It took a couple of years, but one of the litany of Covid scandals is now getting a little more attention.
I have the same question about Early Spread …
While I’m glad this myocarditis revelation is resonating with more people, I can’t help but wonder why no one is asking “what officials knew and when did they know it?” … about early spread.
What’s the timeline on the start of that cover-up?
If, say, 51 percent of the population knew that 20 percent of the population had already been infected by this virus by March 1, 2020, we probably wouldn’t even have had a later myocarditis crisis … because virtually every young male would know they didn’t need to get any experimental non-vaccine.
The citizens most likely to develop myocarditis would have known the virus posed no mortality risk, especially for any healthy citizen under the age of 70.
Even if our brilliant public health officials thought no person in America had been infected by this super-contagious virus in early 2020 (in virus season) …they should have known by April 1, 2020 that healthy children and young adults faced no mortality risk from this virus.
So we have yet another scandal where the public should ask “What did the experts know and when did they know it?”
But our “watchdog” mainstream press isn’t asking these questions. When a private citizen has to spend his own money and finally gets a few documents from a Freedom of Information request, all the key information is … redacted.
More documents from our non-transparent "public servants” could tell us what officials knew and when they knew it … but even when we get these documents … we learn virtually nothing.
Still, even with blobs of black redacted pages, more members of the public should have learned enough to know they shouldn’t trust any of these experts, whose most-important job is actually concealing the truth. They are experts at that job.
Oops. I accidentally disabled comments on this article. Now we are back in Posting Business. I also made a few quick edits ... I wish I could go back and edit EVERY article I made for typos! I had a newletter partner, who was supposed to proofread my copy (my dog, Annie) ... but all she does is eat my pens. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let her go. She can still eat everything in the house and she'll still get her tummy rubs and table scraps, but she's not ready for prime time on Substack.
The most dangerous form of malice is that which parades as incompetence. I do not believe we are dealing with incompetence when it comes to the "all things Covid" narrative, but rather what continues the monopolization of money, power and control.