I also wish more people would ask “what did the experts know and when did they know it?” about early spread (like people are now asking about myocarditis).
Oops. I accidentally disabled comments on this article. Now we are back in Posting Business. I also made a few quick edits ... I wish I could go back and edit EVERY article I made for typos! I had a newletter partner, who was supposed to proofread my copy (my dog, Annie) ... but all she does is eat my pens. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let her go. She can still eat everything in the house and she'll still get her tummy rubs and table scraps, but she's not ready for prime time on Substack.
The most dangerous form of malice is that which parades as incompetence. I do not believe we are dealing with incompetence when it comes to the "all things Covid" narrative, but rather what continues the monopolization of money, power and control.
"The intention or desire to commit a criminal act and especially murder without justification or excuse and usually with some degree of deliberation or premeditation or wanton disregard for life."
We see that however, getting a prosecutor to bring forth such a charge to a grand jury, obtaining indictments, proceeding into court for a jury consisting of 12 random people to weigh all evidence, and having an impartial judge, represents a hurdle I don't see overcoming. The judiciary will always protect the other branches of government and all those outside of it that enable the system. In short, nothing meaningful across the board will happen.
What happens if you send the redactions back, with a cc to the judge (subtle suggestion that was contempt of court), with a request for responsive information?
I thought everyone except the paid-off "scientific establishment" knew the epidemic ended in April, 2020. Anything after was variants, and then later, vaccine-damaged immune systems.
"The intention or desire to commit a criminal act and especially murder without justification or excuse and usually with some degree of deliberation or premeditation or wanton disregard for life"
Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.
You bet the censorship is ongoing!!! Too bad I couldn’t paste a screen shot of the message I got from FB after they removed the article I posted (CDC DROPS A BOMBSHELL ON ITSELF, EXPOSE ALARMING RISK/BENEFITS ANALYSIS)! Here is the copy of the text of that message: “ Your post is now on Facebook, but it looks similar to other posts that were removed because they don't follow our standards on nudity or sexual activity.”🤬 Not to mention, for the first time, a few days ago, my account was restricted for a day or so on IG: I couldn’t comment there… Obviously, they didn’t like my caustic language😂 in some political threads (I try really hard to stay away from politics at least on IG, because it is my business account, but it is not always possible).
Facebook is my battleground, although I know that most likely I am wasting time, because the clowns on the left are impermeable (And they think the same about us, sadly); however, if even few people view my border updates, medical articles I share from Dr. McCullough’s group, Substack articles, other things they won’t see in mass media, I am still happy… My waste of time is mostly happening in verbal battles… Hey, at least, I practically always have the last word…😉
You can protest those actions. I posted a funny anti-Trump meme in 2020 and *two years later* they removed it. I protested/appealed, and we went back-and-forth a couple of times. Then they reversed. I posted all this back-and-forthing on my page and, surprisingly, they left it up.
Where did you protest? In the message where they say, you can dispute the decision, ignore it or delete the post? Something like that… I didn’t think it would go anywhere, to be honest with you, so I just disregard those messages…
In the notification where they told me they had pulled my two-year-old meme, there were instructions on how to dispute the decision. I just did whatever that said. As I mentioned before, I had to dispute their reply to my first dispute, but they ended up reversing themselves.
Bill i am not sure the apathy of the public being bombarded by the all the lies by the government and the media see the realty and dire straits of the situation this country in. I believe just like Afghanistan fatigue they have political fatigue. I pray people awaken to the threat to their freedoms but am not sure they can process what the truth from the lies. I believe as Mark Twain so ably said, "The Truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie."
How could our public health officials and the majority of the medical community have lied to us about the pandemic spread and risk, masks, jabs, myocarditis, even with all of the smoking guns?
Watch this ten minutes of public testimony by doctors with a conscience to the Massachusetts legislature about individual rights and consent to invasive medical procedures vs. a declared collective good that requires sacrifice, including without the informed consent of a patient...unconscious...to being sexually assaulted...for training purposes. Rape. Actual, physical penetrative rape. Without your consent. For medical science. Up to 90% of medical doctors guilty:
H.2146 / S.1333, An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients
If they can rationalize and justify that type of violation for a declared medical greater good, forcing masks on people and injecting people with experimental biotechnology isn't much of a leap. This is what the practice of medicine looks like in the US today. Always remember this about the negotiations your doctor has already made before they've seen you. And how much (little) they really respect you. I didn't think my disgust for the profession could sink any lower. Until I watched and heard this.
When less than 14% of all new doctors take the Hippocratic Oath these days it all makes sense.
How is it possible that a court ruling, a Federal Court ruling, could be redacted? There are endless rows of expensive books decorating lawyers' offices and judges' chambers across this country, and while I suspect that many of them have never been opened, I can tell you that not a single one of those books that I have opened over the past 30+ years has had a single word redacted.
(I do understand that a "ruling" is different than a "decision", which is what is reflected in those books. And I do understand that a judge can "seal" a transcript of the proceedings.)
But is what we are seeing here a "sealing of the record" by one (or more) of the parties that were involved in the litigation?
I just start with the premise that they are lying. They shouldn't lie because we pay them, but they always, always lie. World without end, hallelujah amen.
My 19yo daughter has not been jabbed. But she date a guy who is fully jabbed and boosted (the smartest idiot I ever met). My daughter was diagnosed with myocarditis a few months ago (now not seeming to have any issues and was never given a drug or any sort of treatment).
Is it a coincidence or is it shedding of spike proteins from vaxxed to unvaxxed?
I do believe it can be caused by shedding. I have two friends, a mom and son. who the teen daughter/ sister and brother got the jabs. The mother and son both had heart stuff develop. Get her on all the detox stuff. Act as if she were jabbed. How soon post vax did they see each other? And were they securely active at that time (would mean shedding is worse, but obviously from my example above, didn't have to happen due to intercourse).
The reason we have a problem with early spread is because there was no early spread or any spread at all. The thing they called covid cannot be diagnosed even now. The only way you can be deemed to have it is with a very flawed non test-the PCR. The "pandemic" was a consruct from the start using mainly flu and pneumonia weaponised by the fake testing to push up the numbers of those infected by this non existent pathogen and create sufficient panic that people would be prepared to take an unnecessary injection. The jabs couldn't work because there is no specific disease or virus for them to work on and now the recipients of the shot have their immune systems permanently compromised ready for the next scam.
Bill, everyone - the 'architect-experts' knew beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2013 that the mRNA platform would maim and kill as a result of the work at Baylor University. Up until that point, they had been fiddling with the platform with the same disastrous results to varying degrees for over 10 years.
Those are the architects.
The enablers (lower tier) were simply mesmorised by their own cleverness at just understanding the technology on a superficial level and did not bother looking at the papers that were published before 2019. They didn't care. They simply did not want to stop. I believe many of them were promised Nobel Prizes for ongoing uses such as cancer.
Oops. I accidentally disabled comments on this article. Now we are back in Posting Business. I also made a few quick edits ... I wish I could go back and edit EVERY article I made for typos! I had a newletter partner, who was supposed to proofread my copy (my dog, Annie) ... but all she does is eat my pens. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let her go. She can still eat everything in the house and she'll still get her tummy rubs and table scraps, but she's not ready for prime time on Substack.
you need a Border Collie for editing, they are the smartest people in the room. Not that Annie isn't smart, she just isn't on the Border Collie level.
The most dangerous form of malice is that which parades as incompetence. I do not believe we are dealing with incompetence when it comes to the "all things Covid" narrative, but rather what continues the monopolization of money, power and control.
Malice Aforethought.
"The intention or desire to commit a criminal act and especially murder without justification or excuse and usually with some degree of deliberation or premeditation or wanton disregard for life."
That is the CHARGE.
We see that however, getting a prosecutor to bring forth such a charge to a grand jury, obtaining indictments, proceeding into court for a jury consisting of 12 random people to weigh all evidence, and having an impartial judge, represents a hurdle I don't see overcoming. The judiciary will always protect the other branches of government and all those outside of it that enable the system. In short, nothing meaningful across the board will happen.
What happens if you send the redactions back, with a cc to the judge (subtle suggestion that was contempt of court), with a request for responsive information?
I thought everyone except the paid-off "scientific establishment" knew the epidemic ended in April, 2020. Anything after was variants, and then later, vaccine-damaged immune systems.
Malice Aforethought:
"The intention or desire to commit a criminal act and especially murder without justification or excuse and usually with some degree of deliberation or premeditation or wanton disregard for life"
The charge is: Murder. In the 1st degree.
Yes we have fatigue. I'm tired of being reported as a Henny Penny, when, in truth the sky really is falling.
Thank you Bill. Roll Tide!
The Tide isn't rolling ... again.
And Just Like That, ole miss was defeated!
Sorry. Stepped away as game started to fix dinner. 😢
You bet the censorship is ongoing!!! Too bad I couldn’t paste a screen shot of the message I got from FB after they removed the article I posted (CDC DROPS A BOMBSHELL ON ITSELF, EXPOSE ALARMING RISK/BENEFITS ANALYSIS)! Here is the copy of the text of that message: “ Your post is now on Facebook, but it looks similar to other posts that were removed because they don't follow our standards on nudity or sexual activity.”🤬 Not to mention, for the first time, a few days ago, my account was restricted for a day or so on IG: I couldn’t comment there… Obviously, they didn’t like my caustic language😂 in some political threads (I try really hard to stay away from politics at least on IG, because it is my business account, but it is not always possible).
I keep my Facebook account just so I can see what they are still censoring (and what they don't censor).
Facebook is my battleground, although I know that most likely I am wasting time, because the clowns on the left are impermeable (And they think the same about us, sadly); however, if even few people view my border updates, medical articles I share from Dr. McCullough’s group, Substack articles, other things they won’t see in mass media, I am still happy… My waste of time is mostly happening in verbal battles… Hey, at least, I practically always have the last word…😉
You can protest those actions. I posted a funny anti-Trump meme in 2020 and *two years later* they removed it. I protested/appealed, and we went back-and-forth a couple of times. Then they reversed. I posted all this back-and-forthing on my page and, surprisingly, they left it up.
Where did you protest? In the message where they say, you can dispute the decision, ignore it or delete the post? Something like that… I didn’t think it would go anywhere, to be honest with you, so I just disregard those messages…
In the notification where they told me they had pulled my two-year-old meme, there were instructions on how to dispute the decision. I just did whatever that said. As I mentioned before, I had to dispute their reply to my first dispute, but they ended up reversing themselves.
Thank you, I will try to go all the way next time (There is no doubt there will be the next time!)!
Bill i am not sure the apathy of the public being bombarded by the all the lies by the government and the media see the realty and dire straits of the situation this country in. I believe just like Afghanistan fatigue they have political fatigue. I pray people awaken to the threat to their freedoms but am not sure they can process what the truth from the lies. I believe as Mark Twain so ably said, "The Truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie."
redacting is just concealment of criminal action under color of law.
Pleading the fifth in b&w, but off the record fer sure.
How could our public health officials and the majority of the medical community have lied to us about the pandemic spread and risk, masks, jabs, myocarditis, even with all of the smoking guns?
Watch this ten minutes of public testimony by doctors with a conscience to the Massachusetts legislature about individual rights and consent to invasive medical procedures vs. a declared collective good that requires sacrifice, including without the informed consent of a patient...unconscious...to being sexually assaulted...for training purposes. Rape. Actual, physical penetrative rape. Without your consent. For medical science. Up to 90% of medical doctors guilty:
H.2146 / S.1333, An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients
(Timestamp Begin 03:24:40 - 03:34:30 End)
If they can rationalize and justify that type of violation for a declared medical greater good, forcing masks on people and injecting people with experimental biotechnology isn't much of a leap. This is what the practice of medicine looks like in the US today. Always remember this about the negotiations your doctor has already made before they've seen you. And how much (little) they really respect you. I didn't think my disgust for the profession could sink any lower. Until I watched and heard this.
When less than 14% of all new doctors take the Hippocratic Oath these days it all makes sense.
Wesley A. Smith
Culture of Death, The Age of "Do Harm" Medicine
Discovery Institute, 2016
Why are you complaining about redactions? I count 25 WHOLE UNREDACTED words on the illustrated page. 😬
Thank you, Bill.
(And thank you, Naomi.)
But, am I missing something here?
How is it possible that a court ruling, a Federal Court ruling, could be redacted? There are endless rows of expensive books decorating lawyers' offices and judges' chambers across this country, and while I suspect that many of them have never been opened, I can tell you that not a single one of those books that I have opened over the past 30+ years has had a single word redacted.
(I do understand that a "ruling" is different than a "decision", which is what is reflected in those books. And I do understand that a judge can "seal" a transcript of the proceedings.)
But is what we are seeing here a "sealing of the record" by one (or more) of the parties that were involved in the litigation?
I just start with the premise that they are lying. They shouldn't lie because we pay them, but they always, always lie. World without end, hallelujah amen.
Congrats on your one-year anniversary!!!
We are going to need more lawsuits to get the documents unpredicted via discovery requests...
My 19yo daughter has not been jabbed. But she date a guy who is fully jabbed and boosted (the smartest idiot I ever met). My daughter was diagnosed with myocarditis a few months ago (now not seeming to have any issues and was never given a drug or any sort of treatment).
Is it a coincidence or is it shedding of spike proteins from vaxxed to unvaxxed?
I do believe it can be caused by shedding. I have two friends, a mom and son. who the teen daughter/ sister and brother got the jabs. The mother and son both had heart stuff develop. Get her on all the detox stuff. Act as if she were jabbed. How soon post vax did they see each other? And were they securely active at that time (would mean shedding is worse, but obviously from my example above, didn't have to happen due to intercourse).
The reason we have a problem with early spread is because there was no early spread or any spread at all. The thing they called covid cannot be diagnosed even now. The only way you can be deemed to have it is with a very flawed non test-the PCR. The "pandemic" was a consruct from the start using mainly flu and pneumonia weaponised by the fake testing to push up the numbers of those infected by this non existent pathogen and create sufficient panic that people would be prepared to take an unnecessary injection. The jabs couldn't work because there is no specific disease or virus for them to work on and now the recipients of the shot have their immune systems permanently compromised ready for the next scam.
Bill, everyone - the 'architect-experts' knew beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2013 that the mRNA platform would maim and kill as a result of the work at Baylor University. Up until that point, they had been fiddling with the platform with the same disastrous results to varying degrees for over 10 years.
Those are the architects.
The enablers (lower tier) were simply mesmorised by their own cleverness at just understanding the technology on a superficial level and did not bother looking at the papers that were published before 2019. They didn't care. They simply did not want to stop. I believe many of them were promised Nobel Prizes for ongoing uses such as cancer.
The irony.