A testing process used to detect dinosaur DNA in fossils. Not live dinosaurs. Even with all the Hollywood magic, Jurassic Park isn't coming alive. And nor will skeletal DNA detected on cotton swabs down noses or in spittle. PCR tests make illusion and narrative, the stuff of movies, plausible. Remove the test and the illusion and narrative crumbles.

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Your persistence on this topic is admirable, thank you.

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The DoD could easily prove the harms of the toxxine, but they refuse to.

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What? And ruin the plan? The DoD put the plan in the plandemic!

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I know a few who feel 100% sure they had Covid Nov-Dec 2019. Pennsylvania.

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I was at the airport in late December 2019, had a "mysterious" illness I'd never had before in early Jan. I suspected but when I got a slightly worse identical illness in 2023, I knew. A friend flew back from Panama after Christmas 2019, and doc was baffled that it wasn't the flu. She's certain.

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Same here in northern MI

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Excerpts from PANDA organization’s analysis re:  “What the Diamond Princess tells us about NYC in Spring 2020”

Note: I found this article Friday morning - two days after I published the above story. It speaks to my points about the Diamond Princess and my points about the PCR tests not picking up "real" cases.


"... Total deaths in NYC from week 12 to week 20 of 2020 amounted to about 38,000. This is almost four times worse than the scaled Diamond Princess (DP) fatalities. According to the CDC, the CFR of Covid for those over 64 during this “first wave” in NYC was 28% (13,798 deaths, 49,124 cases). [13] Conversely, on the Diamond Princess, even if we count all deaths as 70+, the CFR maxes out at 4.9% (14 deaths, 288 cases).  While one can argue whether the respective durations of exposure are comparable, a locked down New York City should have fared much better than a confined cruise ship. Yet, amazingly, the CFR on the DP for those under 65 was precisely zero, while in NYC the CFR for those 45 to 64 was 5.7% – worse than that for those over 70 on the DP, despite it being a “virus mill quarantine nightmare”.

… In addition, there are several factors which likely make the DP outbreak look worse than it really was. First, PCR test data taken in mid February [14] indicate that more than half of the “positive” cases had a Cycle Threshold value [15] greater than 30. More than half of those testing positive were asymptomatic. So the true infection rate may have been significantly less than reported. Second, it is unclear if all 14 deceased passengers died as a result of a Covid infection contracted while on board the ship. 

… Furthermore, the examination [14] of 900 swab samples taken onboard the DP in mid February, indicates no correlation between Ct value of positive tests, symptomatic vs asymptomatic, or even symptoms vs positive tests. Clearly this sheds some doubt on whether those specimens considered positive really were of live infections, and whether those with symptoms (but testing negative) were actually suffering from Covid-19. In a documentary with footage largely sourced from passenger and crew cell phones, not a single person appeared ill, including some passengers evacuated to hospitals. [16]

… Testing data from the Diamond Princess arguably indicates that the severity may well have been even milder than generally believed, and clearly was of no danger to the non-elderly.

The Diamond Princess event should have demonstrated to officials early on that this was not a particularly dangerous virus to the broad population, and that it certainly did not justify unprecedented draconian measures on a population-wide basis.

Second, it is clear from the above discussion that something else beyond Covid or the spread of a respiratory virus was responsible for a significant majority of the “first-wave” excess deaths in NYC.

Third, more likely causes of the unprecedented excess mortality in NYC need to be considered, including iatrogenic harms, psychological effects, neglect, panic stoked by constant media propaganda, ill-advised use of ventilators and sedatives, and policies relating to residents in care homes. If these were indeed the causes behind the excess in deaths in NYC in early 2020, a tragic proportion of the deaths were avoidable.” 

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To tie everything better together on the existence of the Dept. of Defense Serum Repository, I went back and added this sentence to the article:

What did the Navy (and CDC) know and when did they know it? Don’t ask what they did investigate; ask what they could and should have investigated and didn’t.

I also included a link to my recent story on "The Great Navy Cover-up." I think the Navy and the CDC know that early cases were everywhere on these ships ... and they've covered this up for almost four years.

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Antibody testing is not a good measure of whether someone has had COVID or anything else. Some people don't make antibodies, particularly if they are older. It is T-cells that are the actual sign a person has been infected and recovered from a virus, and it is T-cells that are important in fighting off a virus. This is one of the reasons vaccines are relatively poor at protecting against disease, especially vaccines that are given multiple times.

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I agree that IgG antibodies probably don't have much to do with "immunity." That is determined by T or B memory cells, per my research. However, the presence of IgG or IgM antibodies does show "prior infection." That's the main thing I care about or am looking for in my "early spread" research. But people who's antibodies have faded or waned in a few months (a lot of people) can and probably still are immune. I tested negative for antibodies in mid-May 2020 after having all the Covid symptoms in January. I still think I had Covid and the antibody test just didn't detect this. BTW, I never got "official" Covid via a PCR test after I was sick in Januray. I think the cutoff values on some of these tests might have been manipulated to NOT give more evidence of early spread.

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You should have lied about your recent (imaginary) trip to China, and hanging out with large numbers of Chinese tourists. I didn't get "tested" (PCR) because I saw to reason to go out while sick, let alone to a deathpital, and then saw no reason to get jabbed, on my own dime, for an "I told you so!" serotest.

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Ha. Yep I should have lied. A big point that too many people miss is that officials weren't testing anyone in America for Covid before the end of March. They only did a few tests and those were of people who had travelled to China or maybe northern Italy. If you don't test 99.99999 percent of the population, I guarantee you you will not find any "early cases" in the hundreds of millions of people you did NOT test.

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Antibody tests are nonspecific, no controlled diagnostic validation studies have even been done. It’s the same BS antibody tests that were used to confirm HIV and get people to take dangerous drugs which killed so many. Unless we push back on these unscientific “tests” the craziness will continue indefinitely.

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Perth, Western Australia 2023.

Bill, for what it's worth, I have the exact same symptoms now as I had in February 2020. I feel like I am infected with something 'new.' Zero respiratory issues, mild fever, fatigue, splitting headache. 2020 I lost my sense of taste and smell for 6 months and had an exanthem that made me look like I was a smallpox victim (of course, they said there was 'no covid in Australia'). This time though, after 3 years on the Zelenko protocol and now with the horse paste and vitaminmaxxing (as I call it), I have no loss of taste/smell, no exanthem, and I am a lot less tired.

High-octane speculation: I think there is a new lab leak/poison event. Election variant incoming.

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Two anecdotes here from first person accounts:

1. A good friend of mine went to Cisco Live in Spain (Barcelona) in January. According to him, the return flight to the US, practically everyone was sick. Took the guy 4 weeks to recover.

2. Another group of my coworkers went to Taiwan in December and the three of them got very sick. One who was about my age, almost died and spread it to his entire family.

So, this thing was definitely spreading before 2020, and reports I have read were that it likely started as early as late July 2019!

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Yep. I had a friend stretchered off the plane January 2020 from Barcelona to Australia she was so sick.

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FYI--at quest lab it now costs $200 for the test that discriminates Covid vs Flu. A basic Covid test at quest is $130 + 6.00 physian fee. If you go to CareSpot or similar its about $100 physian fee + $150 for the basic test. What a moneymaker. If I’m sick, I’m sick. I don’t care if it’s Covid or the flu. I’m old enough to know if I’m sick I should stay home. And its none of my employer’s business what I’m sick with.

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So the Navy/Military has millions of preserved blood samples that could be tested for antibodies and maintains a medical surveillance system that would tell us if more military personnel (than typical) were experiencing “Covid-like” symptoms … before official Covid.

Why hasn’t any reporter or scientist pointed out both of these facts?


WOW that is huge! Access to those samples could prove the theory for certain!

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Read RFK’s recent book about Fauci where he discusses the AIDS epidemic, it was based on the same nonsense surrounding the CoVid craziness.

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There's a good chance I had the dreaded Covid in February 2020. I was living in a rooming house with seven other people at the time, and we all got sick to varying degrees. One young person had a terrible cough that lasted for a week. An older person (mid-70s) got stomach queasiness so bad that she couldn't even drink water, and had to go to a clinic to get rehydrated with an IV. I just had what I called "the weird flu", where I felt headachy and weak for a couple of days. We'll never really know for sure what this was, but I have my suspicions.

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“According to antibody testing and PCR testing, 15.5 percent of town residents were infected because of this community festival.... Of the 919 people who tested positive by either an antibody test or PCR test, 45.52 percent had attended the Carnival.” For a virus that was supposed to be such a ‘fast spreading’ virus that even granny who never leaves the house wasn’t safe, only 15.5% infected after a ‘super-spreader’ event in a relatively closed locality where nearly half the population attended, is rather... er... underwhelming. Fast spreading, dangerous is where at least 90% have got it before supper, and most are dead by breakfast time. Also to be noted - an impressive lack of corpses in the street from such a ‘dangerous’ and Novel™️ killer.

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The "testing, testing, testing" lunacy was a sick madness that gripped the entire world. Imagine being the poor bastard coming back into the country....he feels fine....they stick a big Q-Tip up his nose...scrape the back of his skull.....they quarantine him until the test comes back...(hahahahaha...and silly me thought that they only quarantined sick people.)...anyway, his PCR test comes back positive, so then the poor slob is quarantined for another two weeks even though he feels perfectly fine...and then an army of bureaucratic flunkies is unleashed on him with a pile of ridiculous and arbitrary "safety" requirements that he needs to follow. Total lunacy. Especially, when it was clear right from the start that Covid was like the flu and only a danger to the elderly and sick jammed into old folks homes.

Oh, and I should mention that my brother came back from a cruise in Dec 2019 and says he caught the weirdest flu he's ever had.

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