Off topic (update to my Biden has dementia articles) ....

Per the linked Blaze article, The White House press secretary just said Biden is not going to get any medical exam that tests him for dementia or Alzehimers.

And his personal physician cannot be interviewed about his mental condition (and what tests, if any, have been given to him).

This is a different version of my Maxim: Officials never investigate/test that which they don't want to "confirm."

I have several doctors who are subscribers who can perhaps answer this question: Wouldn't not testing someone with obvious dementia qualify as a form of medical malpractice?


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Yes, omissions can be malpractice, but even though we citizens have suffered harm, there has to be an established dr-pt relationship. Agree, don't test if you don't want the answer (and I'll add, if it won't change therapy; many examples of this, esp with imaging). We don't need a test to diagnose his *advanced* dementia. TPTB don't want the answer formalized, and his dementia makes him a useful puppet who can be easily manipulated.

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That China guy has been one of my best arguments against covid believers all along, as I was one of the people calling this whole thing out from the very beginning. I ask people if they have seen or even know anyone who has seen anyone who died of covid anywhere but in a hospital. There are no bodies on buses. There are no people lying in the streets, or there weren't until the injections started...

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Our arguments haven't gotten enough attention. But I try to rectify that with this article. Everyone share it if you can!

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On March 20th 2020, I said out loud to myself that the only people dying of supposed "Covid" were people in the hospitals and nursing homes. I screamed to myself "the hospitals/nursing homes are killing people! It is the medical cartel murdering people!"

Meh, no one cared. So I retreated back into my turtle shell and ignored the clown show. Shocking, three years later I am still here, unvaccinated and still alive. I must be an anomaly.

BTW, NOT ONCE in the Covid clown show (2020-2023) did I see a hearse go up and down my street picking up dead people who died from supposed "Covid" at home. In fact NO ONE on my street/neighborhood died from Covid. All are doing just fine including the old farts on nicotine patches and oxygen machines.

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I could have. Peppermint oil saved me.

Um, what "China guy"?

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The guy who fell flat on his face and supposedly died in the street that they showed over and over in Jan and Feb of 2020.

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So today tbe CDC apparently issued new Covid guidelines. 5 days quarantine no longer recommended for return to work or school. If that doesn’t tell you all you need to know about how massive was the psyop, then nothing else ever will.

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I still remember the mandated 14-day (!) quarantine they used to give football players if they'd spent more than 10 minutes in "close contact" with a teammate who had "tested positive."

That decimated game-day rosters in 2020. No athlete even needed to be tested. No high school football players had to get those tests - 4 times a week!

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Yep. All of it was a psyop. I tried to convince my dad to skip the jab. But my mom had just died. He was lonely. And the pressure in the facility where he lived was relentless. They told the residents that if 90% of them got it they could resume group dining and activities. They’d been virtually locked up for 9 months. My ultra libtard DEI Dean brother (at a big University) disowned me for telling my dad to not get it.

My dad caved and got the 1st jab in late January 2021 and died in November 2021 from Stage 4 bladder cancer. Diagnosed in July. So 10 months from the first jab, 5 months from Dx. He was 94 and in great health.

Killed my MIL as well. Hers was quicker. 3 months after the booster she was dead from Stage 4 ovarian cancer and rapid onset Alzheimer’s. She was also 94.

And I no longer have a brother.

So. My mom died scared and alone in the nursing home. Dad and MIL were murdered (my view). And my brother disowned me. It’s been a rough for years.

I take some comfort in that my mom and dad (who was a WW2 and Korean Vet) do not have to watch the country that gave them so much be destroyed. And, most amusing to me and my wife is that her dad, who is 98 and in very poor health and should have died first of the 4, is still alive. He’s in bad shape but he still has his sense of humor.

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Terribly sad story, MoodyP. Multiplied by millions.

How do you quantify the families that broke up over this issue?

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Oh yeah. I take solace in the fact that I’m not alone. And quantification on that issue is impossible.

All planned. For decades. Are you familiar with the Day Tapes. 1969.

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Thanks for sharing that tough story, MoodyP!

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You are welcome. They are all in a much better place.

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Re: How officials "concealed evidence of early spread," .... Many months ago, I wrote what I still think is my most-important Covid article. This article list 27 (!) mechanisms I think officials used to conceal evidence of early spread.

The scandal, in my opinion, is not just that some key officials KNEW early spread had happened - the scandal is the massive cover-up of this narrative-changing truth.

I wish this article had gotten at least one cross-post.


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Undoubtedly you’ve hit the nail on the head regarding early spread. What I’d like to know is what exactly we were dealing with? I was extremely skeptical at first. But after having caught it myself, and other family members too. The “whatever it was” was real. Something was sickening us that ran its course exactly like a bad flu virus. It hit hard targeting the old then gradually fizzled out. No mRNA necessary for most people. Particularly the young. Still, I feel like the fuse was deliberately lit and the perpetrators have gotten away with it.

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We are of like minds, GLK. That's my other point - we DID, in my opinion - have a "novel" virus that WAS created in a lab. (This point is increasingly being challenged or rejected by a growing number of people in our "Covid contrarian" community. That is, the view there never was a "novel virus" is growing in popularity). I admit this theory could be true as well. However, then you'd have to conclude that not only were the PCR tests an intentional scam/fraud .... but so were are all the positive antibody tests that show (showed) evidence of prior infection. This would be a massive scandal as well.

IMO, our mad scientists did create a novel virus in a lab - It just wasn't a "deadly" virus (to approximately 99.9 percent of the people who would have contracted this virus).

But, still, let's don't forget these scientists did create this virus and it did "escape" (or was intentionally released). This virus did make millions of people sick, some very sick. It also did kill some unknown number of people - probably mostly the elderly or those with existing serious co-morbidities.

So we need to find out who created this novel virus and when the virus actually began to spread - and how and why all these people who didn't really die from this virus actually died. It wasn't this novel virus that killed the vast majority of "Covid victims." There's our real scandal.

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Man, I couldn’t agree more. I think the splintering of our community of dissenters into camps was intentional too.

I’m frankly sick of hearing about snake venom, 5G radiation and the viruses never existed crowd. A lot are suspiciously selling associated products.

Covid ran its course just like EVERY other flu-type virus we’ve ever dealt with.

Why didn’t the alleged beams from cell towers sicken the poorly sheltered homeless? Rhetorical question. Whatever.

Everything is nonsense except targeted viral release.

The questions remain, who? why? and how?

It is remarkable and disappointing how little has surfaced in this regard.

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At some point, I'm going to write a column addressing the implications of the "no novel virus" theory/argument. Or the "no viruses exist" group.

I agree that it can't have been 5-G radiation or environmental pollution that caused entire families to all get sick at the same time in, say, 1850.

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Separate from the media machine I believe there are two major clinical components that comprised the lie. The virus itself and PCR testing.

The virus lit the main fuse that led to the chain reaction of PCR cluster bombs. Kary Mullis tried defusing the bomb and that landed him in an early grave.

I also think it took a relatively small number of people to pull the strings. Only a handful could explain how they pulled this off and they aren’t talking.

The rest are just various levels of useful idiots. The idiots at the top of the heap got rich, or richer, so they have no reason to question things. As it trickled down to the plebs who were we to question experts?

If it’s a choice between risking an early grave, a new Gulfstream jet or a return to life pre-2020 what would you choose? (Rhetorical question).

I read a book about WWII that indicated it only took a small staff to run the death camps. Once the trains were unloaded the captured were compliant to the point virtually nobody resisted. It was said that other than the victims the camps were a ghost town. Eerily quiet.

Lesson: It doesn’t take many to inflict unspeakable horrors onto hordes of people.

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Are you talking about the dead China man that stuck his arms out to break his fall, as he died on the street? That guy?

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Yes, that guy. He might be the most influential actor in world history.

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Great article

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Thank you, John.

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Henry Ford once said: "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

If the masses took the time to research what their own government, in concert with other world governments as well as global NGO's are doing to them....well, you know.

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There would be a run on pitchforks at all hardware stores.

And our Shadow Rulers know this too. That's why "dissent" is being outlawed and examples are being made of traitors and extremists - like Julian Assange and the hundreds of J-6 protestors who are still in prison.

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True that. If there is to be an uprising EVERYONE needs to get off the bench. The masses having been totally distracted and dumbed down makes this an extremely tall order, if not a complete impossibility

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I got lambasted for it by a lot of people but a while ago I said the injections were the largest clinical trial ever foisted upon humankind. The people it hurt and killed were expendable for “the greater good.” It really is unsurprising given the trials that have been carried out in the third world that’ve been going on for decades. The only difference is inhabitants of the first world felt like they were above being guinea pigs. Surprise!

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Good point. In the past, they tried all these new vaccines and drugs on the citizens of Africa.

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I worked at a hospital campus that spanned seven city blocks and employed 20,000 people on-site.

The guy sitting across from me was a biological engineer PhD with patents on ventricular assist devices. Wrote numerous papers.

He told me FDA approval for drugs and devices is very expensive, time consuming and fraught with red tape. To expedite the process they all test products first on inhabitants of the third world where rules are loose.

If the outcome is promising they bring it back to the U.S. for investigational studies and start the approval process. If not, then it’s back to the drawing board. Saves a ton of money that way.

So when I saw what was going on with Covid injections it wasn’t a huge leap for me to connect the dots given their EUA and legal immunity it was just business as usual on a grand scale.

I’m also of the mind that PCR testing which on the surface makes zero sense at all, could very well have been a scheme to harvest a treasure trove of DNA that’ll be stored for much future testing.

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Someone commented that China owns some of our ancestry companies...hmmm. Freely acknowledged in the underground that it has fabulous transplant programs.

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When I worked at The Cleveland Clinic I was friends with the guy that scouted other hospitals that would be suitable to acquire to fold into our system. Once they had him scout a place in China. Upon his return I asked him if we were acquiring a Chinese affiliate? He laughed and said, no. Because it was found that China harvests organs from prisoners. If someone needs an organ and a prisoner is a match. Well, buh-bye. I guess they keep prisoners alive and healthy to keep their organs fresh. Needless to say the Clinic didn’t want any part of that PR nightmare.

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There are waaay to many stories of "disappearing prisoners" for that not to be true. An OB doc who escaped in horror during the '1 child' days stated that they have DNA on nearly everyone. Described some of the foreign diplomats who availed themselves of the services (and we're not talkin' kidneys and bone marrow).

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Oh, yes, I have zero doubt the story is true. The guy I spoke to had no reason to lie.

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And this time, Africa came out the winner. Isn't it interesting that they had so few deaths? Could it be that the prophylactic Ivermectin they take had anything to do with it?

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Correct. I believe it was reported that India was having success with IVM then I think they banned it and deaths went through the roof. Something like that. I’m in my mid-60s and when I got Covid in fall 2021 I took IVM. Probably good that I did because initially it felt like I got hit by a truck. Nine days later I was covid free. Never went into my lungs.

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I am glad you did that.....the earlier you take it the better. I have not had it unless I had it March 1 2020. And yes just like being hit by a truck... if I didn't have it it was the worst flu I ever had.

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You all must know this was part of the Great Reset. The "opportunity" to introduce vax Digital ID into the masses.

It was was pre planned. Meticulously arrived out as per the requirements of the Pharma industry and who gains from them. I believe this ties into the "selection" cycle of the changing of the guard. In the US, its presidential year. In the UK we face a General election. All are planned, there's NO democracy involved.

So, the fake pandemic was started intentionally, Moderna(CIA construct) already had patented the "vaccine" beforehand.

This is a massive power grab by our great leaders. The world bankers. The fiat system is about to implode with the debt bubble which is growing. War is the only means by which they can create cash in the now. So as the "markets" rise the economies tank....

Its NOT finished yet, 2024 will be one he'll of a year.

Some people are doing research covering the appeared of nano technology in the jabs....

I have a personal theory about this. Another time.

Good luck everyone, get your money OUT of the banks into, assets, crypto, gold or silver, classic cars. ANYTHING but "cash"....

It's doomed, it's only a matter of time before it crashes...even the boss of JP Morgan yesterday said people were going to lose everything.

A warning? You bet.....

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Dukes, you make several points I've made. I think much of what's happened does tie into the impending economic collapse. Digital currency probably is the most-important "reform" of our Shadow Rulers. 2024 is going to be very interesting.

Everyone don't cancel your Substack subscriptions yet! And pray our Shadow Rulers don't take down Substack.

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Great article, Bill! Everything revolves around some outside perceived threat to humanity. I will call it the fear factor. The recently deceased Henry Kissinger said,

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."

How convenient that their test run was an invisible enemy (a virus) that (I believe)was intentionally released from a lab. Now, predictably so, as you stated in your article, they are tying the mythical natural origin to climate change and the health of all of humanity.

The WHO pandemic treaty is all about control. I wouldn't be surprised if they soon make any speech against this treaty illegal and punishable by fines and incarceration.

Unless more people speak up, they will continue to take away our freedom of speech and tell the general public that freedom of speech is harmful for humanity and the world.

At that point, we effectively will have lost all our freedoms and will be slaves to the new world order, Kissinger so famously referenced.

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I wrote a story about prescient movies and my first movie was "Three Days of the Condor." In that movie, the CIA manager makes the same point as Kissinger. He said the CIA does "exercises" and game-playing. The idea/goal is to keep the country safe from some terrible outcome that would happen in the future if they didn't do these exercises. (The threat in that plot was the world running out of oil).

That reminds me of the pretext for "gain of function" research.

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Very interesting, Bill. I have not seen that movie. I'll have to watch it. Sounds very diabolical.

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Covid Planners knew that if someone wears a white lab coat and says something in a PSA, 90 percent of the population will believe what they say....

But they had to be an attractive female (XX Only) wear large dark-rimmed glasses and carry a clipboard.

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Another excellent summation. Send it to Tucker.....maybe he will bring your arguments forth. It's more than time for all of this to be laid out on the table. The PSAs need to be about this rather than the propaganda they spew.

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Yeah, I saved many good ones too, including a lot of memes. If you need anything specific, let me know. The perfect image can really set the proper tone for a post/article/story/podcast.

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Thanks. I spend a lot of time searching for photos that fit the story. A few times I've run photos that have nothing to do with the theme of the story - I just like them! I then make up a caption that tries to loosely tie in with the story.

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I sometimes purchase when I need the perfect image. This site is very good for them: https://www.123rf.com/

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I love the cover image Bill (sorry, I stole it and tweeted it out, guilty as charged).


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There's a member of the Brownstone email group who always posts funny cartoons and images like this. I've started saving them because I can use them for "cover art" for my stories. Share and Tweet away!

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As to why did Fauci cover up the COVID lab origin: CYA.

Furthermore, I'm not sure if proof of "early spread" would lead to the conclusion that this was not a deadly virus because logic went out the window in early 2020. For example, the conclusion of this study sort of mirrors the narrative: https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.15.2001695

Translation: The Virus was running rampant in a French school in January 2020 and although kids carried The Virus home and infected their parents and possibly Grandma, there were no bodies piling up in the streets and no one noticed anything unusual, but we must not let that happen again because it was the coof and because "Science".

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