Bill Rice, Jr. - Troy - I developed CV-19 type symptoms on the evening of Saturday, Jan. 25th. Tested “negative” for flu and strep on January 29th. My symptoms: I was as sick as I have ever been and did not begin to feel “normal” for two weeks. I barely got out of bed for a week. The most prosaic of activities left me incredibly winded. I had a high fever for several days, extreme body aches and fatigue and chills at night. I also found it very hard to focus on simple tasks (like composing an email). I was sick enough to go to the doctor on January 29th, which I seldom do. At the health clinic, I was given breathing treatments to help with my shortness of breath (SOB), and was prescribed steroids and antibiotics as I was told I might be “developing” pneumonia. I also lost my sense of smell and taste and had a terrible - painful and violent - “dry” cough. I’ve had the flu and “upper respiratory infections” before, but this illness was different in several ways. One example: I had no discharges from my nose and while I might have had a minor soar throat, this symptom was much less severe than my other bouts with “bugs.”

Note: FWIW, myself and my children Maggie and Jack Rice came in contact with many Troy University Chinese students during a family excursion to several campus buildings on Saturday, January 18th. Maggie also attended dance lessons at She Bang Dance Studio one day a week (see above). Many students came down with flu-like symptoms around late January. Finally, Maggie’s teacher (Dawn Key) also developed flu-like symptoms around same time and her 3 children did as well. Several students in Maggie’s class also missed school with flu-like symptoms. Dawn, who was convinced she and her children all had COVID-19, later tested “negative” for antibodies. She got her antibody test on May 7th or 8th and and got this lab result on May 10th or 11th.

(1) Maggie Rice - Troy - my then 8-year-old daughter developed symptoms on January 24th (the day before me) and I checked her out of school on this date. Her “flu-like” symptoms lasted several days, but she tested “negative” for seasonal flu. I would say Maggie’s symptoms were much milder than my own. Jack Rice, my then 4-year-old son, also had flu-like symptoms around this time, maybe later.

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Great article! I was convinced that spread was occurring far earlier than we were told, as well. Here was the first major article I read about it:


But they couldn't admit this was the case, because that would be admitting the virus had already been floating around for months -- during winter!!! -- and we didn't even notice. And during that time we were doing all the stuff (gathering, bars, church, holiday travel, etc) that they told us was too dangerous to do in 2021.

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My daughter had a very rough "non-flu/non-strep" illness (she went to urgent care and tested negative for both) in February 2020. They treated her with z-Pack, steroid and Tamiflu just in case. She was fine 3 days later. Didn't give it a second thought until all the hoopla erupted in March and I wondered if she had Covid before it was popular???

I suspect she did and thousands others as well. Fortunately for most doctors were free to treat and not forced to let patients die.

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I will also mention that Dr. Ben Smith, Director of Medicine at South Alabama Rural Health Associaties (SARHA) - a medical practice based in Troy that serves 10 nearby communities - told me in an interview that SARHA saw a notable increase (over the norm from previous “flu seasons) of patients complaining of “flu-like illness” in December, January and early February, patients who tested negative for influenza and strep.

Dr. Smith said his “gut instinct” tells him that many of these patients who tested negative for influenza probably did have COVID-19 “but we just weren’t testing at the time.” He remembers several of his colleagues commenting on the unusually large number of patients complaining of flu symptoms who tested negative for flu. A senior administrator at SARHA told me that the organization’s health-care providers began to wonder if “something might be wrong” with the influenza tests because a surprising number of these tests were coming back negative.

These opinions are reinforced by CDC and Alabama Department of Public Health reports that chart the incidences of “Influenza-like illness” in the state and the country. Per my research, there was a major spike in such cases beginning in November 2019 and extending into March 2020 (pre-lockdowns, which started around March 15th).

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I'm in CA and for what it's worth my teenage son had flu like symptoms (mid Dec. 2019) like I had never seen in him and he stayed in bed with an on and off again fever that lasted 7 days. He had a cough too. I treated him at home and did not seek any test. He had never missed a whole week of school before. I took care of him and never got sick.

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Hi. So in early December 2019, my daughter did a filming project up at our house in southern New Hampshire. She brought a bunch of people up from NYC. One of the staff people became quite sick with a signifcant fever and other symptoms.. He was staying at an Airbnb my daughter arranged. Into the filming it became clear he was quite sick. I took him to the local emergency care place (and I tried to keep my distance). The local docs wanted him to go to the hospital ER. My husband took him there. They wanted a bunch of pretty aggressive tests which he and his mom refused. He went back to NYC on the bus with the rest of the team (!) but continued to be ill for some time. It was never diagnosed as being COVID but I think it was. Husband and I, and daughter, did not get sick. It was all very weird.

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Thanks for the story. There are millions just like this. If just 20 percent of these people did have Covid, that's a lot of people.

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Bill, was it you who mentioned previously in the comment threads being interested in whether the vaping airway irritation was really early Covid cases?

This article popped up yesterday with potentially an interesting connection to both:


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I read the article. Very interesting. I appreciate any person who does contrarian journalism and investigations - and tries to connect dots no one else is trying to connect. I don't know if his theories are significant or not, but they might be - and need to be pursued further. The connections to the military and intelligence communities keep coming up. I wouldn't be surprised if one day we find out that this is all some kind of "bio-weapon" research gone amuck. Somehow the military industrial complex got into bed and formed an alliance with the government/science complex. This is the worst thing that could happen for our country and world.

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True. And we have no idea how it will impact other species - we're only beginning to get a glimpse of what happens to human cells. A sad thing for the innocent bystanders.

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I did mention it, Bird. I've heard a little about this possible connection, but haven't looked into it seriously. Someone needs to. I'll now go read the link. Thanks for providing.

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It was shared by Mary-Lou on Dr. Brown's post:


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We were in our local pub (semi-rural UK) on NYE 2019 and literally everyone had a cough. I had a really horrible cough and felt generally awful. My breathing was laboured and I ended up at a local NHS walk-in a few days later - which was packed with people with similar symptoms. The doctor saw me and my sats were very low but there was no sign of chest infection. They couldn’t explain the illness but thankfully, they gave me dexamethasone which helped (I have a history of mild asthma). A few days later I had to go off to New York for work - I really shouldn’t have gone, and I joke now about being patient zero in NYC!

It took me a long time to recover and I felt awful for months afterwards and had some knock on health problems as a result. Before I was red-pilled I had the antibody tests for Covid and they confirmed that I had them - this was almost 6 months after I got sick.

Covid was definitely circulating in the latter half of 2019. I’ve got mountains of personal and anecdotal evidence that says so.

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Marc, Can you send me an email and, if you are comfortable with this, give me your last name and place of residence. I'm saving "testimonials" from people who had Covid symptoms pre February 2020 who later received positive antibody tests? These stories are very important. Your testimonial would make 26 people I have identified by name.

Otherwise, I can just use your first name. My email is: wjricejunior@gmail.com.

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Sure, Bill. I’ll drop you an email.

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A commentator on El Gato Malo’s substack in Feb 2022 linked to several articles re a July 11, 2019 pneumonia type outbreak - started in a nursing home, no less - in the Ft. Detrick area. If it was WuFlu - & I have no reason to believe it wasn’t, this scam had gone global & herd immunity achieved 8 months before “lockdowns” & so-called “flattening the curve” bullshit. Makes my blood boil to think what was deliberately & diabolically done to us.

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Cindi, that mysterious outbreak at that nursing home has gotten a decent amount of attention from the alternative press, but not nearly enough. I wish we had more answers about that outbreak, but it seems to be a taboo area of inquiry. Also, the Ft. Detrick lab shut down for several weeks (?) due to safety concerns. That's also been largely hush hush. There are just so many areas that should be investigated that have not been.

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Hi Bill: It is the taboo aspect that makes it totally credible, because it is of a piece w/ literally everything else they are attempting to hide. And in fact, I would argue further that those 2 articles came out WAY before “ready for prime time” (since China, Gates & other elites tried to time it to early 2020) - they were not ready in Summer 2019. But the info came out - innocently - anyway. Just IMHO

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I had 5k FB friends.

Very early, when Trump shut out China I asked my friends. 15 said they had already had loss of taste and smell with their "weird cold"

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Pre-Covid, we all knew people in their 20s through early 50s who died from cancer, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, aneurysms, etc.

But is it only our imagination that makes us think these events are happening far more often in the last 2 years?

I don’t think so. Which really brings us to this question: Do “anecdotes” even matter? If millions of people are thinking the same thing is this significant?

I’ve been compiling “anecdotes” or “testimonials” of people who think they might have had Covid before the novel coronavirus was supposed to be circulating in the population. I’ve probably read thousands of such anecdotes and saved probably 750. Maybe most of these people who think they might have had “early” Covid are wrong, but are ALL of these people wrong?

It’s the same with vaccine injuries and deaths. There are MILLIONS of people who think these “vaccines” are causing these myriad medical conditions and deaths. Are they ALL wrong?

Similarly, many millions of people think they might have had “early” Covid.

But we are told by the experts that EVERY ONE of these people are wrong. “Do not trust the anecdotes” is the real message.

Perhaps one of the most surreal take-aways from our New-Normal times is that massive segments of the population can now ignore massive numbers of anecdotes that are trying to scream, “Warning! … Something terrible is happening here.”

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After I did this survey, I found a couple in Sylacauga, Alabama who both had Covid in December. The husband, Tim McCain, was hospitalized for 24 days in ICU and nearly died. I later wrote an in-depth feature story on this couple ... as both later tested positive for antibodies. Brandie McCain has received THREE positive antibody results.

A B'ham TV station aired a segment on this couple's early case. After the station put this story on its Facebook page, it received a good number of comments from other Alabamians who also think they had the disease before mid-February. Here are a few of those replies I saved:

WTVY-TV Facebook Page comments on Timmy McCain story.

* Judy Geneva - Dothan - had it too from just before Thanksgiving through Christmas fever, pink eye, sore throat, bad cough and shortness of breath. Some days I couldn't get out of bed but some I could. my Dr said was a respiratory infection. She was right they just didn't know about Covid19 yet.

* Dewayne Quattlebaum - same here. I got it the week before Thanksgiving and had it through Christmas

* Tia Hinerman Orlofske - Enterprise - I believe that I went through the same thing in February. My husband & I went to Destin to the outlet mall then had dinner at Bubba Gumps. 2 days later I was soo sick. I spent a week at home. Shallow breathing, cold chills/sweats. My potassium & magnesium bottomed out. I finally went to the hospital in Enterprise. It was the worst experience.

* Francis Voncille - same as me. Took over a month to recover.

* Jason Burgess - Enterprise - I believe I had it in Feb. I remember coughing violently, almost constantly and not able to breath in.. at all for about 2 minutes, almost like my windpipe closed completely shut. I also had high temperatures, body aches, and a sever loss of strength. All this lasted for about 3 weeks, and my cough didnt clear up for at least a month after. It was brutal.

Darrin Kent - I think I had it in December, my cough lasted for at least a month also.

Felicia Clark - I believe that I had it also late February, I had a bad cough that started in November 2019, after self medicating, I went to my Doctor who put me on antibiotics, did not help. I finally went to the Emergency Room because of the shortness of breath, I was hospitalized for 9 days. Symptoms were Flu, bronchitis, shortness of breath, fluid in my right lungs. Very low oxygen level that kept dropping. It took me about a month to get my strength back after being released. I thought I was going to die! God kept his angels around my bed! #2ndchance

* Tammy Dee Zuniga - I though I had it also in March coughing so bad and it started hurting my lung every time I coughed went ER and tested for flu and strip throat both negative

They did chest x-ray and diagnosed with upper respiratory infection. Anyways I went and got the anti bodies test a week ago and it was negative for covid 19 so yeah something else was going around also at that time.

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I've saved probably 750 similar testimonials from various Reader Comment sites. Here are two more from Brandie McCain's Facebook page:

Maria Parker - This mess has been around long before March. Gracie got awfully sick end January then I got sick in February. Our symptoms was some what alike but mine seemed to be more intense.

I'm so glad that y'all are sharing Timmy's story. Rather it gets yelled from rooftops or not, I know y'all feel blessed to be able to share his story with him sitting beside you

Jenny Woodard Petty

I live in Arkansas and our governor was explaining that.

We are experiencing a legitimate increase in COVID despite an increase in testing showing up in our positivity rate. Unfortunately one corner of our state is exploding, two are going down and the region I live in has a moderate increase. So it’s kind of a bummer. We’ve also flown by our original projected number of deaths which is so sad.

I genuinely wonder if I didn’t have COVID in December. I was incredibly sick. My doctor decided not to even test me for flu because he assumed I had it. But it was nothing like a case of the flu I’d ever had before. My chest hurt so bad and it took all of my energy just to breathe. I almost had my husband take me to the ER one evening because that paired with an out of control temperature started to scare me.

Also, a friend of Brandie's who works at a local medical clinic posted that her clinic was seeing a big spike in people coming in with ILI symptoms in December and January. This supports Brandie's quote I used in my feature article where Brandie said, "It seems like half of Sylacauga was sick" at the same time that she, her husband, their roommate, their two children and Brandie's boss also got sick with "something" at roughly the same time.

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