Yes, the lack of resistance from churches really shocked me at the time. I saw family members who were very devout Catholics suddenly switch to Branch Covidianism. It was bizarre and disturbing to see in real time.

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One wonders if one important group had pushed back hard if things might not have turned out the same way. That is, every group that might have prevented this madness didn't try to.

We had little pockets of contrarians, who were bullied, cancelled, censored, dismissed, ignored, castigated, intimidated, etc.

So with any nefarious policy to come, they will do the same thing to the skeptics and dissenters. I mean, this m.o. worked.

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Indeed, this horrible m.o. did work!

As Mark Twain said, "It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled."

If people didn't have so much fearful hubris (and willful ignorance!), then more people might be able to bend a knee and admit that they were wronged, and are in the wrong. To make matters worse, the ignoramuses get coddled like every other victim group out there.

The stages of consciousness:

1) unconsciously unconscious...people don't know that they don't know = true tabula rasa ignorance.

2) consciously unconscious...people know that they don't know and want to keep it that way.

3) consciously conscious...people know that they don't know and they want to change for the better by knowing the truth.

4) unconsciously conscious...people are conditioned by the grace of their own intelligence to reflexively know the truth and not be bent by brainwashing.

It is easy to use these categories to figure a labeling for how folks stand on most any critical issue. (Of course, this implies that we might be lapsing into judgment, a sort of spiritual bugaboo. We can't have any judgment in our society, now, can we?)

We can also consider the influence of Mattias Desmet's Mass Formation Psychosis process on how we layer out in our consciousness.

JFK said another good one..."The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining."

We are in a lull in the curve. We can only hope that more people will wake up now. What can we do to help the poor babies? Coddle them out of their childhood fear psychosis with a little guilt and shaming, and get them to assume the OKness of accountability?

Another quote, this one from Einstein..."You can't solve a problem from the level of consciousness that produced the problem."

Perhaps meaning in this case that guilting and shaming the consciously unconscious might not be the most efficacious tactic. People have to wake up to the better angels of their nature. Perhaps we can lead them onward....to be a 100th monkey is to do our bit to make sure that there is a 100th monkey.

Lucid waking...Thanks for reading.

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That's a deep psychological treatment of this question, Johnny D. You also get to the question of what approach might change the thinking of large groups of people. Thanks to everyone who is taking a stab at the "how this happened" question. To prevent such tragic events in the future we must learn (or acknowledge) how they happened in the past.

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Well, hopefully once the majority of people realize what, why, & how they will be as cynical as I am & not believe anything just because some higher authority has told the m too. My question has been from the beginning, how is it that people like me just ‘ knew’ something was really wrong with this whole picture, & we refused to buy into it? No injections, no masks, no belief that there was a pandemic. None of it made any sense. Homeless people living in the streets, unvaxxed, no medical care, terrible hygiene, they should have been dying all over the place! Just one clue, out of many.

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There is a lot of cognitive dissonance out there, especially among the educated classes.

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They just don't seem able to hear it, or see it? Their spouse or child could die and it never dawns on them? I think they have some sort of "messaging" in the rna?

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The elite have foresworn critical thinking and wear their ignorance like good little nazi uniforms

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Thanks for all the great comments/additions. I greatly appreciate Dr. Paul Alexander using his Substack to send my Substack more readers! The Reader Comments are more important than the author's words.

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This m o worked-- this time. I don't think it will work next time.

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One can only hope it won't work the next time!

My concern is that the Ukraine process is going to be used to the hilt to make sure that as many people as possible will be kept in fear and confusion.

Of course, Mr. Global and the Deep State lackeys also can pull up a variety of other scary puppets in this scary theater of the absurd...economic crisis, environmental crisis, food crisis, another pandemic crisis, and so on.

Mr. Global has been conditioning the masses to accept such crises and wallow in them...no?

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Ukraine needs to be watched ... as that event could produce a (nuclear) global world war. That would be a little worse than a pandemic. The climate change fear-mongering hasn't slowed either. Personally, I'm watching the effort to ban cash and implement a digital currency and social credit system. I think these obtuse, evil "leaders" have to be stopped to save the world and our children. I still think non-sensical and criminal Covid policies could give us an opportunity to identify these dangerous people and purge these people from positions of leadership. But we need to take advantage of this opportunity.

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Continuing to expose and bring deep dive clarity to the C-19 bamboozle is what you have been doing really well. So, keep it up!

This is a good hill to get involved with (fight on, but not die on!) on account of so many people being outright resistant to the scamming, and on account of a great many more beginning to consider being resistant themselves, and get into some lucid waking and joining the growing alliance. Once they wake up to the truth about just one bad program from these bad deep state lackeys, they will begin to consider the panorama of what the other bad programs of manipulation and control may be. Most of the consciously unconscious are locked up in their lifetime of fear based living; patterns born in their childhood/family of origin. The purpose of healthy fear is to let us know that boundary formation may be called for. Then we have to access some healthy anger to declare the boundaries inside of this scary monster movie.

Your exposes are clarifying the rabbit holes which will help people understand how intricately coordinated the C-19 attack was.

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So many I know who were jabbed didn’t get boosted, but their skepticism stops at Covid. And when I say “yea but it’s the same people and the same institutions and the same MO”...blank stare.

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They cry climate change while continuing to poke the bear. Nuclear winter is climate change...

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It has been suggested that nukes don't actually exist. Would make sense as another weapon of fear rather than a weapon of mass destruction.

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Nuclear bombs are as fake as Covid. We have the internet now, a fuck off from the draft age young people will defang the globalist warmongers. UBI and CBDC is the foundational organizing scheme of the NWO.

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Indeed it was bizarre and disturbing. I did notice that Calvary Chapel in San Jose California, though, they did resist. But wow, with counted outstanding exceptions, organized religion, from Catholics to Quakers, rumpled like tissue paper in a rainy wind-- and this meant, let's be frank, abandoning many of their most vulnerable members in their time of greatest emotional and spiritual need. Also, encouraging members to get injected with an experimental "vaccine," that was none of their business to be doing. None. Where was their moral spine and common sense? Oh, there in the pile of soggy crap.

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I go to a CC in Socal. Have not once seen the church in a mask nor did they ever not have service, childcare or greet each other with a hug. There was not a mass casualty COVID event due to the lack of masking here either.

It's really sad to see how our nation had been played the fool during this whole charade.

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Beautiful and amazing.

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Amen. Compare and contrast with the historical response to plagues and pandemics...

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“The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom”...most churches are/were far more fearful of the state...still can’t find a church I can attend in good conscience within reasonable driving distance. People do not understand how DEEP this failure was for God’s people IMO.

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I have a devout doctor friend (Stewart Tankersley) who keeps making the same point.

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I like him already...”my” doctor on the other hand...haven’t talked to him in 3 years. Can’t imagine how I could trust his judgment EVER again!!

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He has a nice page on Micro Current Neurofeedback on his website.


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I wondered about this too. I wondered if the Rev, or priest failed with Covid, can one still accept holy communion from them as they are sinners. According to Catholicism, it is Christ who provides the communion, with the Church Priest merely a vehicle for The lord’s presence.

But I know what you mean being the only undone extended family at my church.

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How can I put myself under the authority of leaders who are still participating in the ruse in any way🤷‍♂️

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You are not under their authority. They, and you, are under the authority of Christ our King and our Holy Father Almighty.

Adonai, Elohim

Yeshua and Yahweh.

Those under the rule of the powers from this world are under Satan’s authority.

There’s a split between after Luther from Orthodox/Catholicism whereby one sees the Communion as mere remembrance of Christ while the other has transmutation with the Real Presence of Christ.

I’m split between. Hence have found it painful to accept communion in my church. Since Covid they’ve done away with shaking hands for the peace be with you, no longer offer wine and then bread but dip the wafer in the wine, and have put the entire communion to a lecturn NOT the altar.

It’s as if everything they can do to reduce the significance of it has been done!

Am actively considering going to Orthodox Church instead! ESP since they have expressed a desire to remove ‘Our Father’ and any reference to a Male Christ and G*d.

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From the Protestant side...it’s painful but hopeful...may these times awaken many to the reality of our existence. Naomi wolf just wrote a very interesting article about the return of the old gods in her sub.

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I totally agree.

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I'm sure he's angry, for many reasons.

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Lack of resistance, which actually was churches accepting money to push the poison.

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I hadn't thought about the churches also being "paid off" or getting some of the vast amounts of money that was spread around important organizations ... but it follows that they did.

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Absolutely, I know of some. I'm certain if someone were to file a FOIA as was filed for all media, they would turn up receiving some of the $13 billion convid coalition community "fund." Just as George Lopez, Michelle Kwan, to coerce their communities.

Have a blessed day.

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There is a great line from the movie "She's The One" where Mr. Fitzpatrick is angry because his wife wants to divorce him. At one point, because Mr. Fitzpatrick is ranting about Catholicism his son says:

"Why are you even going on about this, you don't even believe in God."

The father replies, "That doesn't mean I'm not a good Catholic."

A long pased Christian musician in the seventies named Keith Green stated "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger."

C.S. Lewis warned about the "tyranny of caring." That there would be those that would be motivated by the "best intentions" into moral dogma. What could be a better motivation to adopt a code or set of beliefs based on what would help other people?

Yet we know love by what it is:

Love is patient, love is kind, it keeps no record of wrongs, it does not seek it's own way,

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Just wait until the government moves forward on the CBDCs. If the church doesn't go along with the current government narrative, individual contributions to the church can & will be halted. It will be a complete takeover of churches to become the government's mouthpiece. It's a fascist takeover of churches; an end run around free speech.

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Substantial fear ingestion easily changes minds and hearts. PsyOps knows this.

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I’m still going through the five stages of grief. It’s unbelievable to many that this has happened. I’m not vaxxed.

Many cannot wrap their minds around what is happening to us. Others feel hopeless to do anything. If a grass root rising were to happen, the FBI would infiltrate and flip the script. I do not see an end to this madness. 🥲

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I remember back in Spring 2020 some people said that many of us went through the five stages of grief in reverse. Or, as it is more accurately called, getting red-pilled and revovering from the mass formation psychosis .

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As in our past, brave souls stood up and said NO! (to their cost), so must we.

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A lot of it comes down to obeying and worshiping

authority. Some of the most highly educated people I know don’t have an ounce of common sense.

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Yes that is abundantly, but abundantly clear to me now. And in 2019 I could have said, I wasn't born yesterday.

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Or integrity.

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"They" are us.

We all have tendencies to place ourselves above others.

Of the 18 percent who didn't participate only 1 percent of those stood up and spoke out. About the same percentage as the revolutionaries who formed this country.

Never before have so few done so much for so many.

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Let's not forget the pressure that state medical and pharmacy boards put on physicians. In MN, any discussion of ivermectin and/or HCQ would have jeopardized an MS's license to practice. And even if a doc wrote an Rx for one of those two, pharmacists were forbidden to fill it unless it was for a condition other than c19 (like HCQ and rheumatoid arthritis)

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Yup, and that part really needs to be questioned. There was no need for a vaccine. Making a vaccine for one specific viral strain? HCQ is long off patent and can be manufactured in mass quantity easily. In Countries that are plagued with Malaria , it is sold OTC and taken daily by millions. I took it 25 years ago for Lyme Disease. I called “foul” on that immediately.

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This was a huge factor in the success of rolling out the Bill Gates Vaccine. Doctors were afraid to contradict the vaccine edict as their licensing boards would cancel their doctors license real quick. The removal of the two most effective drugs for Covid ensured the vaccine could be distributed as no other "effective drugs" were available to fight Covid. How convenient!

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What percentage of doctors saying no, do you think it would have taken to break the cartels back ?

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Here’s the thing I learned. If a doctor were to question a board or treat patients outside the

“ protocol”, ( Ivermectin, HCQ, antibiotics, etc.), they could have license taken away. This is the biggie.. If the dr. wanted to fight that in the medical court ( different than our judicial system), the cost of the entire fight, including specialists called in by prosecution & by dr.s defense, is ALL payed for by the Dr.!

No kidding! Even if the dr. wins, there’s no f difference. So losing would cost you your livelihood plus, easily, up to $300,000 or more. If you lose, the cost is the same. ( but you keep your license, probably lose 1/2 patients from bad press and cancel culture)

How many dr.s would/could fight this honorable fight? Some did, most didn’t. Could you reading this, put it all on the line, plus even more, to fight this fight? Don’t blame Dr.s for not standing up to the tidal wave of guidelines & protocols they had to follow. Don’t forget the medical journals all retracted positive use of HCQ & Ivermectin & pushed the success of faulty drugs with fraudulent studies.

Stanford, Harvard, Duke, U.of Wa., etc., all provided studies & data that were manipulated to spread misinformation. AMA, JAMA, Lancet, and other journals were happy to pass the info. along. Most intelligent , discerning doctors already are aware of this corruption. But again, all the “ wrong” studies & data could be used against them , if they ever challenged the medical “establishment”.

NIH, CDC, FDA, DOD, all following narrative of deceit & pro-vaccine.

This wasn’t & isn’t about Big Pharma & others making substantial amounts of money from the vaccines & Covid meds, though the extra revenue was an incentive for the “buy in.” This is an act of war against all of humanity, with the spread of a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. This is all in papers found through the Freedom of Info. Act. They are heavily redacted but it’s there. The excuse of pandemic gave DOD, Gates, & other elites, the green light to push the genocide button. ( hidden in millions of vaccinations & hospital protocols that killed.)

This is an evil web they weaved to depopulate a world to bring numbers to a controllable level. This has nothing to do with resources, climate change, sustainability, or conservation. This is tyrants gone power mad, & United Nations Agenda 21.

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Good points. I guess this would fall under the category of How they got the doctors to sign on to the program - they used the carrot and the STICK. They don't mind using that stick.

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F every one of them

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I’m a physician and I fought it in the form of questioning the narrative in the beginning , recommending supplements and HCQ and later ivermectin ( only to be suspended for 28 days each time on Facebook ) , wrote lots and lots of prescriptions only to be denied at pharmacies because of their board edicts , went on the local radio several times to sound the alarm only yo receive a call from a fellow physician that ii was being discussed to make an example of with license suspension . I had to open 2 other non medical businesses in 18 months as a backup because I wasn’t going to be gagged . We have our own Dr Fauci at our hospital and I’ve been made out to be a granola and fear mongerer . My stance has only increased my practice of like minded people who I now get ( men and women now - I’m a gynecologist ) to see if I can help them from their vaccine injury. I’ve had the good fortune to be invited in to a physician texting group if like minded doctors which also include Lee Vliet , Peter Mcullough , Dr Witcher ( running for Mississippi governor ) , and many otters. We share articles constantly and I’ve learned a ton and have a group of specialist who think like me and protect patients from the Big Pharma sales force physicians have become . It’s disgusting . I try my hardest to learn what they can do yo improve their health , forward the FLCCC protocol 40 times at least daily and hope I can continue a career I’ve been blessed to be very busy in .

The medical profession on a physician level has not been bought off . The boards have been taken over and then if you go against them , you are an outcast at best . The ACOG ( obstetrics and gynecology ) and it’s approval of anything usually takes decades ( they still can’t decide on Viramin D ) and the 10 week approval of this and the absolute carnage that followed is unforgivable. We still don’t know the full impact of the infertility or childhood outcomes . I cant imagine .

Most Physicians are more concerned with staying in the approved circle , keeping their incomes , and not admitting they hurt so many by not doing their basic due diligence AND TRUSTED DUTY and becoming a well informed information packed educator on a shot that clearly was a life changer for so many ( loss of life or damage to existing health ) It’s just insanely and heartbreakingly painful to watch

So , no , some of us can still be trusted to tell you the truth as we see it, especially if you, as a patient , know it cost them dearly to tell it to you .

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Thanks for being willing to be the rare contrarian. If just 10 percent of physicians thought like you - and weren't afraid to speak up - most of this wouldn't have happened.

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When the time is right, you and other like minded medical professionals need to name names. The scarlet letters need to be pinned.

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Worms every last one of them.

They would shove the death jab then go to their big house with their fake tittle wife in their BMWs

F them all

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Can't say I don't understand the feeling.

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Feb 25, 2023Edited
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Individual fortitude was sadly lacking in the medical profession.

Much like society in general.

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4 % said no.

I was would guess that less than .05 organized and spoke up.


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There you are. That's a pretty good level of "buy in." And your estimate of the percentage that was willing to publicly push back is probably close to accurate. These numbers are scary.

I wrote an article a while back estimating that there are 40,000 "mainstream journalists" in America. As far as I can tell, zero of these 40,000 have written any serious story questioning any part of the bogus Covid narratives ... 0 out of 40,000. How is that even possible?

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If we count Tucker Carlson and some journalists at The Epoch Times as "mainstream journalists," there would be a few more than zero "contrarian" journalists. Tucker's recent hour-long interview with Ed Dowd (about the huge spike in all-cause mortality) was really significant IMO.

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Please consider dropping the use of the word,"mainstream" to qualify "media." There is no such thing. It's more accurately labeled mass media, corporate media or just plain garbage.

Mass media call themselves "mainstream" in an attempt to legitimize themselves; don't contribute to that fraud.

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10-4. Sometimes I use "legacy press" or "establishment media" or "corporate media."

I guess one could debate whether the "mainstream" of society gets most of their "news" from these people. It's also "pack journalism."

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That sad flock/herd mentality trend is going to change.

Keep the faith, keep up the great writing, and all of the rest of us have to raise up in chorus. This is a new kind of church movement.

The meaning of the word "religion" is literally to "re-ligate" or to tie back to the truth.

Be a surgeon and ligate some loose blood vessels of ignorance and fear that spill the life blood of truth.

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Simple, the 'news' syndicate had already been purchased.

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Nextdoor too. I reposted the GB Declaration right after it came out and it was pulled in less than 24 hours.

Not that it has much effect, but I now boycott all social media and anything related to a big corporation as much as possible.

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Idiots in my 'nextdoor' group wanted to call a bunch of kids digging dirt up around a boulder terrorists. Just another mob of online imbeciles.

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Feb 25, 2023
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My son had just introduced me to it (I hadn't done social media since I got kicked off Farcebook for stating the truth in a short, civil manner) and I couldn not believe the hysteria being expressed so I posted it in hopes of giving my neighbors some relief from the terror. Completely civil and non confrontational, yet "Poof!"

So I left, never looked back, and have never regretted it.

Boycott everything possible!

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Feb 26, 2023
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Thanks, I found the Emerald Robinson FOIA article very enlightening.

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The toughest part of two weeks to flatten the curve is the first six months.


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That's great!

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I stood up

I spoke out

I did not wear a mask

I did not get the clot shot

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Thank you. Thank you especially for not wearing a mask. I know that was really tough at times.

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Even in AZ I very often would be the only person in stores with out one.

I would ignore their request. I would not leave. I told them to call the police.

None ever did.

I made everyone as miserable as possible.

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'Twas fun, wasn't it?

I'm sad to see the mandates wasting away. I was getting pretty good at making fools of the enforcers. and mocking them mercilessly. Too bad the majority were too stupid to understand it.

I guess I'll have to get my jollies someother way...

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Can you give some examples of mocking them mercilessly?

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Hooboy! Good question but tough to answer on a forum such as this, especially since it's situation specific and it would be tedious to go into detail. A good answer would require a handbook or a video.

Essentially, nothing particularly brilliant but I just basically question their authority and the basis of it. I ask 'em if they're a physician or a cop or whatever, and when they reply in the negative, I ask them how they know what they're claiming. If they truly are an authority I still ask them the same questions. Never assume that an authority is really what it claims to be and make them prove it. Do not be impressed with titles, framed documents on the wall, and other trinkets displaying some form of superiority.

A useful tactic is to dismiss your antagonist after it's obvious that they know nothing by going over its head all the way up the "chain of command" to a point where it's obviously absurd to proceed any further. Helps to make a display of it while doing so.

In fact just the act of questioning them is a form of mockery.

You can also ask them why trust their sources or even why they believe what they believe.

Just point out the obvious flaws in their claims and have an answer, usually a ridiculous one, for whatever they come up with. A lot of the time they wind up chuckling at the obvious absurdity of whatever. Other times they just get frustrated. Even then, keep it up. If they give up, point that out.

Another key is persistence; an applied reductio ad absurdum. Another is humor. It helps to make goofy faces (easy for me to do) and use goofy "reasoning" (Also easy cuz it's very easy for me to play dumb. Hint: Being stupid is not an act!!!).

It takes a lot of practice, a good dose of brazeness, and you have to have done some homework on the subject.

If you're into reading you may want to read anything by Lucian of Samosata especially where he employs Menippus, the cynic. He's a real smart arse and a true inspiration.

I hope I've at least partially answered your question; in any case it's the best I can do under the circumstances! And remember that practice makes perfect, although even with practice, I'm still far from it!

Now, sally forth and do battle! ;)

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Please only use such tactics on arrogant ignoramuses who deserve to be put in their places good and hard.

For all the rest, avoid mocking them at all costs. Usually one simple question is sufficient. Just ask them how they know whatever they claim then just drop it. Do not pursue it. The best we can do is to plant seeds and wait. Do not antagonize people who don't deserve such treatment.

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I was quite amazed at the high degree of apparently once latent hostility being expressed. It was like a dam broke and released a flood. The word, "punk," obtained a new meaning.

They must've all been bullied a lot; that, plus brain damage due to flouride, repeated toxic jabs containing Al, Hg, squalene, and who knows what else, mood altering meds, neglectful and irresponsible parenting, perverted media 24/7, genital mutilation, etc., etc., how could any of them had a fighting chance?

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I'm 6ft 3, 225.

I gave much more hostility than was directly foisted upon me.

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I was raised in a somewhat nasty neighborhood so I learned early how to handle myself. The punks nowadays are clueless. I shocked more than a few.

Good thing a guy cannot defend himself nowadays without getting into trouble with the "law," or the mouthy fools would've learned a few new lessons about respect (new concept for the twerps) that they wouldn't forget.

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Even the young docs were arrogant punks (my wife needed a visit). One couldn't stand our firm resistance against the jab he was trying to sell us, so left the room pissed and slammed the door. Made my day. Tsk tsk.

We'll never go back to that simple minded fool; not that he cares.

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I asked my doctor why he stopped pushing the colt shot. He said he never did.

Straight up lie

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Feb 25, 2023
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I'm just an asshole who doesn't like being told what to do.

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Society needs people who don't like being told what to do. Seriously. Thank you.

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Are we brothers? :)

I'm an old asshole that doesn't like to be told what to do. And I've made it 3/4 of a century which proves that approach works. If it weren't for us assholes, everyone would be FoS.

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Thank you to you also!

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Something more currently of concern with the whole Covid disaster to ponder is the lack of thorough autopsies these days. For some reasons the coroners are not reporting if the cause of death is the Bill Gates Vaccine or not. Mortuaries are saying they are pulling clots over a foot long out of bodies however the coroners are simply listing "Heart Attack". OK ok so they are both right but pre vaccine I never heard of long clots so is this something caused by the vaccine? Shouldn't this be noteworthy in the autospy. SILENCE. Have coroners also been silenced? I trust the morticians more than the doctors these days.

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Thanks for mentioning the deafening silence of the coroners. I should have added a category on all the things that should have happened but were made to not happen - like widespread autopsies.

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Funeral services are regulated and licensed in MN under the Dept of health. Other than those that appeared in "Died Suddenly", I haven't heard much from this population. A quick search yielded nothing, but I suspect that between HIPAA and the state's ability to revoke a license, funeral directors face similar consequences to MDs and MEs (most if not all are technically MDs).

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Good point. The funeral home directors, coroners and medical examiners must all know the real story. I'm sure they are all feeling pressure to stay silent. The life insurance and disability insurance companies know the true story.

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They are all under threat of losing their licenses as the physicians are by their state licensing agencies except for Florida where our great Governor DeSantis signed into law that prevent the Florida licensing agency from punishing and revoking physicians licenses for speaking the truth about COVID treatment protocols, masks, jabs, etc. I don't know if this applies to the licensing agencies for funeral directors, et al. The silencing of medical examiners and those in the funeral business is one of the primary reasons deaths from the jabs are not being reported in any media outlets (in addition to the complicity of the media in the cover-up of the jab injuries and deaths). If the medical examiners, coroners, funeral home directors were not under the threat of losing their licenses and losing their businesses, I believe that many would be going public to the local media (local news stations and newspapers) to expose the truth. So disturbing and heartbreaking that this is the current state of the world that we live in.

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Josh Stirling, is making progress in the insurance arena by founding Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives. More info here:


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They're no doubt getting "incentives" not to report such things.

In like manner, big pharma has long done fraudulent "studies" aiming to prove that vaccines and meds are not harmful.

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At first glance, I’d like to add the comment that Francis Collins’ role in this needs greater scrutiny . He retired and successfully took his exit. He’s as complicit as Fauci in collaborating with the Chinese Virologists. The Fauci, Collins Birx triumvirate conned the entire country. “ We didn’t know”.... yes, they did.

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That is EXACTLY how it happened!

Some small tweaks:

1. Deaths with Covid listed as the cause of death were eligible for up to $8000.00 government subsididy in the US for funeral expenses.

2. The vaccine was released first as a voluntary injection, then was mandated for hospitals and health care, then for armed forces and governments, then private employers were pushed to create their own mandates.

3. The original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were designed for Alpha. By the time the vaccine rollout got going we have moved into Beta variant, then Delta and by Omicron none of the vaccines had any efficacy and had turned to negative efficacay because of the damage to your immune systems. Like the flu, the Covid vaccine had to be designed for the variant of interest. This is all assuming that Covid wasn't a construct in everyone's mind and that in fact all those flu and cold cases that disappeared during covid were in fact present and just renamed COVID to keep the scare tactic going. An overcycled PCR test is almost always going to give a false positive. The aim is for 25 cycles.

Thanks Bill for lifting the veil and letting a breeze of fresh air into this debacle.

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Point 2-- "The vaccine was released first as a voluntary injection, then was mandated for hospitals and health care, then for armed forces and governments, then private employers were pushed to create their own mandates."

Yes, I remember that time so clearly. It felt as if the heavy black curtain of madness slowly, inexorably descended, and then, boom, everyone was plumb zombie kookoo. Any objection, even the mildest little objections to getting the injections ASAP, met with a thunderous even viscious response along the lines of, "you anti-vaxxer Trumpist nut!!"-- even though, at the time I was not an anti-vaxxer, I never voted for Trump, and I have more education in human biology than almost everyone I talked to about this in the past 3 years.

On the note of private employers who, at their own discretion, imposed vaxx mandates-- I think they are the low-hanging fruit civil rights attorneys are going to pluck and pluck and pluck.

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I never was an anti-vaxxer til covid came along and I started boning up on vaccines. Now I am as adamantly opposed to all of them as I am to the bulk of the poisons they call medicines.

If we have clean air, pure water, decent nutrition, sunlight, excercise, decent shelter, and occasional exposure to infective pathogens then we have all we need to defend ourselves from them assuming an otherwise intact immune system.

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I'm not taking another vaxx, not in this lifetime. Trust "the science"? Hard pass.

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I'm not either. Thank goodness for the covid scam, the internet, and good people speaking out. I had a lot of trust in the system previously, but none of it was warranted.

If it were not for covid, I would never have run across Malcolm Kendrick's wonderful site and that led me to all kinds of fine places like this one. Thank goodness for all of it! I'm an old geezer, but this has been the most fascinating thing I've ever been through by a very long shot!

Bless all of you!

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Goeff, you've identified a silver lining of these past three years. We've all "met" lots of great people on forums like this. We'd all be going crazy if we didn't know plenty of people existed who have not drunk the Kool Aid.

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The next step is to meet more like-minded people in person and actually accomplish something in the real world of the legal and legislative process (or whatever floats your boat). That isn't to say that what we're all doing here, shaping the narrative with words, isn't also vitally important. Glad to have met you here, Bill.

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Yes to all! Good work, Sir!

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Bless you also, Geoff.

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I am curious how the "VAX lawsuits" will fair as they work through the courts. Will the government declare an amnesty for all employers? Will the shear number of lawsuits bring our country's major corporations to their knees? Hard to say right now. The good thing about the US is if you do something wrong you can be held liable in court and punished.

But punishing all those thousands of employers following the direction of the government?

That might be tough.

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Attorney Jeff Childers has a lot to say this over at his substack, Coffee and Covid.

My own sense is that the number and outcomes of such lawsuits are going to vary dramatically from one city, county, state to the next. Of course many plaintiffs do not have the deep pockets, the psychological powers to persist, and the legal know-how. But there is a cadre of lawyers out there, among them, Bobbie Ann Cox and Aaron Siri, who are already doing some very amazing things-- not that the MSM has much to say about them. Add to that Children's Health Defense, Steve Kirsch and Leslie Manookian (she's the one who got the masks off on flights to and in the US). I think a whole lot more is going on than it would seem, simply because the MSM isn't covering it and FB and YT are still heavily censoring and shadow-banning.

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Some of the people pursuing lawsuits are really, really committed. Since the MSM isn't covering these stories, I thought I'd share this transcript:


The Healthy American Peggy Hall


October 20, 2022

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Interviewer Peggy Hall is well known for her freedom activism most recently focusing on securing religious exemption for the injections. Her webpage is https://www.thehealthyamerican.org . Interviewee Theresa Buccola is a noted stained-glass artist based in Carmel. Her website, which offers a portfolio of her works, is https://www.theresabuccola.com. Her activist video page (which avatar is of a honey badger) is https://www.youtube.com/c/TheresaBuccola/featured ]



PEGGY HALL: Dear friend Theresa joins me from central California. I actually lived in your neck of the woods for several years, it's a beautiful place. Tell our viewers where you live and then just take us to the start of your story, Theresa, which I'm going to give everybody a sneak peek, there's a very good happy ending. So she has been fighting, she's been getting wins. And your approach has been so intelligent. And this is what people need to see, is how actually do we fight City Hall? That's what you're doing and you're winning. Take it away!

THERESA BUCCOLA: Yes, OK. So I am located in Monterey County and I have an art studio in Carmel. And when this whole covid thing started I was really doing mostly a lot of complaining. And then when they closed the beach, I felt well, this is really, this is like literally my line in the sand. And when I went down to the beach I didn't have any intention on doing what I did because City Hall and the Chief of Police Paul Tomasi decided, they actually announced on FaceBook that anybody that was caught swimming, surfing, or playing water sports in the ocean would be fined, charged with entering a disaster area, and do jail time. And so they had completely cleared off our beach of dogs, people, children, everything. And when I went down there I really just went completely mental. And I called to the crowd to come out and join me, that we had to stand against this because it was a gift from God. And the men just let me go out there and do it alone. And I was summarily arrested. And I was handcuffed. And they just started digging through my pockets. I was searched three times and then dragged out to our jail 30 miles away. And then released at 3 o'clock in the morning. And the officers had stolen my mace, and they charged me with selling and possession of a tear gas weapon, when what I actually had was mace, and entering a disaster area.

And then they did it again on Labor Day where they completely closed off our Carmel Beach, which I'm sure you know, Peggy, this beautiful white sand beach. And we had a notice of violation delivered to five local health officials. And when we got down there it was mostly deserted, there were a few people in the water, but it was the same scene again, you know, people were looking out longingly at the beach and they were standing behind the police tape because they were scared to go out there to get arrested. And my friends and I went out and we cut the police tape down and then we called to people from the surf on bullhorns, and all these people started pouring down through the police tape. There was one police vehicle, as soon as we arrived, he got off the sand real quick and we never saw him again. And that is on my YouTube channel, it's called "Labor Day or, 12 Rebels Open and Close Beach." I think that's what the title of the video was.*

And then I returned to the Carmel Police Department, it was about 5 months after that in order to get the body camera footage of the first arrest. And they told me they wouldn't mail it to me, I couldn't send a friend to pick it up. And when I got there they claimed that they had a warrant for my arrest. And what they really had was an instrument of human trafficking. That's what we've started calling these written instruments. And they demanded ID, they demanded I sign the citation for the warrant, and when I refused they threw me to the ground and leaned on my back and dragged me inside. They pushed me up against the wall, and then I got taken to jail again for the second time. And I was in there for about 24 hours.

So, and I think that's about the last time that we I spoke. It was month after that. So it took me probably about two months really to emerge from— you know I think I had PTSD.

PEGGY HALL: Oh yeah.

THERESA BUCCOLA: Just because it was really— you know people go through a lot worse with the police for this, for me it was pretty violent and humiliating. And so after I emerged from my trauma, then I really went on the warpath.

PEGGY HALL: Let's stop for a moment before we dive onto the warpath. So I want to just review for those that might be hopping on. So Theresa is from Monterey County, I actually lived there for some years, I was doing my masters degree in International Law and Policy. So Theresa, you and I share this firm stance for the truth and justice.

You actually went out on a public beach, you, the first time, you encouraged people, come on, it's a public beach, we have a right to be here. You were handcuffed, you were taken to jail, they confiscated your personal property, there was no warrant, they said you were in a disaster area. What exact disaster was happening on the beautiful beach of Carmel? Nothing.

Months later, they closed the beach again. This time you had other people join you, and you were rallying people out of the water. That is a protest which is protected by law. It is a protest against these illegal, tyrannical, oppressive, unlawful, unthinkable, immoral, I mean, just go on and on, activities that were perpetrated against the public.

And then they target— it sounds like they targeted you again, another arrest, jail for 24 hours, while, you know, miles down the road probably there were thieves and criminals selling drugs and breaking into peoples' homes and, you know, animals being, dog fighting, and whatever the case may be miles away, and here they are picking on a productive member of society who owns a business, who has been an upstanding community member.

And here— I'm just speechless. You had to recover from the trauma. It's very traumatizing. And then you went on the warpath. So tell us what happened next.



The other 2 parts of this transcript are posted at https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/29152.html

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Feb 25, 2023
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Great Write up. I copied your substack column to add to my covid research material, hope you don't mind. I am a very fluid person seeking the truth so am open to all avenues this Covid disaster might have taken to arrive at my doorstep. I have only nailed down a few things in this disaster. So much remains concealed by government, pharma, medical establishment, etc.

Another "serious health risk which pharma, the medical establishment and government couldn't get their hands on back in the day WHEN THEY DID THEIR JOBS was mad cow disease.

The solution as I show below all came down to one little known anthropologist working in the South Pacific. For your amusement I have repeated the storey below. Bottom line is she did her job with no guile, unlike todays medical establishment.

Back around 1990’s when scientists were feverishly trying to find the source of Mad Cow Disease (Prion Disease) for years and they couldn’t come up with the answer. One scientist finally got in touch with Shirley Lindenbaum, a medical anthropologist with the City University of New York who was studying a tribe in Papua New Guinea. The tribe were having a problem with people suddenly going mad from “Kuru” disease as they called it. After much work in the early 1960’s she found the source of the problem. The men on the island lived separate from the women and children. When a woman wanted children she went to the men’s side of the island. The men hunted small animals for food while the women grew grains and vegetables. The only time the women got meat was when one of them died. They boiled up grandma so to speak.

Shirley discovered that the boiling process did not destroy the “prion” that then carried over into the eater. This was the clue to what was causing mad cow disease.

She is relatively uncredited in the history of Mad Cow disease.

My point is there are smart, ethical scientists out there who are not doing high profile work but often have the answers. Unfortunately they are often ignored and the sloppy high profile money grubbing scientists with their shoddy work get the ear of the government and wrong decisions are made. We need more dedicated ethical scientists like Shirley Lindenbaum.

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Good article.

I miss the reference to one fact that enabled the surrender to fear: zoom calls.

Also, there would be no possibility of coercing people to get a bioweapon injected if people understood the principle of bodily autonomy and the fact that there are no pathogenic viruses.

And people always ignore the nocebo effect. It is so easy to induce psychogenic illness in some people. Once they are dependent on the media, they can be played like a fiddle any minute.

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Good points. The novelty of Zoom was a great distraction at the time.

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Another tweak to Bills column that occurred in Canada is that the federal government had refused to provide any subsidies to the flailing mainstream media companies there. They were having trouble adapting to the new Internet age and people stopped buying newspapers, magazines and watching TV news in favour of the internet news. However in 2018 the federal government offered half a billion dollars in subsidies to the Canadian Mainstream Media and invited 30 heads of mainstream media to a meeting to divvy up the subsidy. This was one year before the Plandemic hit. Coincidence or forward planning? In the US from what I have gleaned the tool of persuasion for the MSM was drug company and government advertising.

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Good additions. They have literally bought off or subsidized the only group that might provide meaningful dissent. I should have mentioned s/thing about all the money Big Pharma has spread through the system, including the media companies. Thanks to all these great responses and additions. Keep them coming!

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The only major political party in Canada that will provide subsidies to the MSM are the Liberals who are currently in power, controlled by WEF fan Justin Trudeau. The conservative party does not believe in bailouts and the NDP (third in votes) will never form a government.

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Disagree. On what basis do you think the cons would remove the funding?

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See the following link where Poilievre said he will cut subsidies to the MSM.


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Ya...sadly I am so cynical about politicians doing what they say they will...I hope he gets in and does it though!!!!!

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As much cynicism as I now have about politicians, to get "real change" at some point the politicians would have to hold substantial hearings that have some teeth. So I guess all we can do is pressure these politicians to do this.

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It just occurred to me that with the Liberal buy off of the media, the unfavourable press that the MSM gave to the conservatives in the 2019 election might have been due to the subsidies and their continued bias to the Liberals will likely prevent the conservatives from gaining power. This is due I think to the sheep mindedness of the people of Canada who believe the MSM just like so many believed in the Covid death jabs.

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The mainstream media has never been your friend. Those who don't yet understand what the "mainstream media" is, should read the book by Noam Chomsky and Robert S. Herman entitled "Manufacturing Consent". In the book, Chomsky and Herman show us very clearly what the "mainstream media" is, and what their main function is. Hint: it's not to inform us. It's to lie to us, manipulate us, protect the "establishment", and make sure we remain good little consumers of the products that the corporations who own the "mainstream media" produce. If you aren't much of a reader, "Manufacturing Consent" was also made into a documentary. You can find it on YT. It will change your understanding of how the "mainstream media" really works, what it is that they do, and why. Oh.....Chomsky and Herman also go into detail about "Operation Mockingbird". Unfortunately, many people are unfamiliar with Operation Mockingbird....and many of those who are believe that the program ended with the Church Hearings back in the mid 1970's. Towards the end of the hearings, then director of the CIA, George H. W. Bush made a statement about the program which made many believe that they were ending it. They did not. Operation mockingbird is still ongoing. Between that, and the Mundt-Smith modernization act, the mainstream media is the last place people should be getting their news and information. "The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (signed into law as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013) arguably set the United States on the path toward the erection of a full-fledged Ministry of Truth and the consequent shrinking of citizens' liberty"

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Yup.Check out Bernays,Creel, and lippmann who operated propaganda rackets in the US a century ago.

Then there's this, from a short letter (1807) that's well worth reading.:

"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day."

-Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807


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The reason I was so skeptic to the whole vaccine plot was that there were already several drugs on the market that could heal the covid virus but for some really suspicious reason the WHO and the CDC did not want us to know how effective they were and are. Both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were being used and having great success in controlling the virus. So why were those in power downplaying the success rate of both of those drugs? Could it be because they had other plans?

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My thought exactly. To much "directing" of the plandemic response, too much preplanning by the powers that are. Perhaps too many billionaires wanting to terraform a world landscape to their own liking so to speak. Who knew, who followed orders, who was bribed, who was looking for a piece of the action? I don't know yet. I'll know when the rest of us know.

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Never forget that the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, formed in 1905, used Ivy League and major public universities and colleges in its "early spread" across the nation. Having worked in these institutions my entire career, I can say that they are like Petri dishes for every awful ideology and grievous cultural cancer.

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Institutional education can be traumatizing to clean intellects.

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And it is STILL working. And even reports on the UK’s T4 Midazalam, morphine, Liverpool care pathway and Remdesivar (now for any respiratory distress) Programme used to dispose of all those with higher than 5 Frailty scores WAS REPORTED only briefly on MSM Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph and even The Guardian. Doesn’t get through.

Fact that deaths (DNARs) in care homes for physically, elderly and learning disabled were investigated by The Quality Care Commission and Amnesty, doesn’t matter.

Only if blanketed on TV News from BBC or Sky news matters. Like they did with the fear porn. Sadly they’ll keep believing the Convid narrative. And jabs good!

If they won’t take on above, they’ll never accept that the Shots are dangerous. They’ll never believe that there’s no global warming, with Polar ice levels having no change over last 8 years. These are only ever Briefly reported.

My conclusion, we who are aware of the real science and facts are few in number. WE ARE THE REMNANT.

As for Christians and their churches, next village Church is flying nUke-rain flag!

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Thanks. A lot of these atrocious policies we think are not continuing ... are continuing.

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Thank you, Bill, succinct compendium.

"They sold fear … hard, incessantly, shamelessly, brazenly, unapologetically."

About this selling of fear, you may have heard the song, "Welcome to the Hotel Paranoia."


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The Sound of Silenced Science:


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Wow, just absolutely f*cking excellent! Very, very well done.

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Feb 25, 2023
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Also very good, creative and on point (as in the tip of needle point)

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Thanks, Ned!

We're trying to move the needle on the bogus Covid narratives.

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