Aug 7Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I read Hillbilly Elegy. Written before the man had political aspirations. He grew up poor and has been to "the other side". It scares the rich because they do not compute, Will Robinson. Nothing like a person who has been poor to scare the rich elite with the knowledge that he knows what they can become and he can probably put them there if he squeals on their decadent and evil lifestyle? Wishful thinking. We all know The Blackmail Game. This is a man who has actually paid into the social security system, unlike all 'the political elites' who have their own retirement outside of the one forced upon The Third Estate, of which none of them belong. And I grew up watching the same stuff as you. Hubs is a Maryanne guy. I asked if he was a Maryanne guy why did he marry a Ginger? I was a David Cassidy kind of gal. We used to play Lost in Space and always fought over who got to be Judy. I think we are being run by a shit ton of Dr. Smiths...what a crock of hooey this world has become.

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"If he was a Mary Ann guy, why did he marry a Ginger." I love it!

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Aug 7Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Maryanne when I was 8, Ginger now (at 64.) At 8, it was the face, but later, other things came into play.

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Hey, this is a family newsletter!

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When Thiel gives a man $15M for his Senate campaign, I guarantee you that this comes with favors owed.

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It is all so disgusting. No hiding money trails. I am very wary and it comes with a lot of disappointment. Does nobody have critical thinking skills? “Gee, if I do that, this could possibly happen.” Just bleck to all of it. Is there nobody who can’t be bought? And Thiel is SO evil.

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Sam Altman is another one running the Trumptrain.

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Meanwhile….I have very little bandwidth left because I am surrounded by wildfires.

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Are you old enough to remember that these things were formerly described as "forest fires"?

Adopting the fear-porn vocabulary signifies a loss.

We have 3 or 500 fires reported in the province this weekend. I am lazy enough to not have looked up annual statistics for this week over the past 70 years.

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Thank you...I needed to hear that. I live single digit close the Paddock Fire in Idaho. I am at the north end, it is a range fire and there is no forest about it. Started by lightening as it is dry as a popcorn fart out here. Let's just say we are living in weird times. Having a go bag has always been a real thing when you live where I do...

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Aug 8Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I'm a bit younger than you maybe. I don't remember Lost in Space. My 1st TV crush was hands down Bo Duke. There was no other competition, and my sister and I boycotted Miami Vice for a few years for taking over that timeslot.

I bought Hillbilly Elegy after listening to this CSPAN washington journal segment, but I never finished reading the book. https://www.c-span.org/video/?419678-4/jd-vance-hillbilly-elegy I don't think I made it past chapter 1. I distinctly remember not liking JD after listening to the cspan appearance. He was like this token 'elite from rust belt' brought on the show to explain what attracted white working class voters to vote for Trump. I remember not liking JD after that interview With that said, it's hard to imagine someone of his age and background not being a Trump hating neocon (which is what I believe he was and a bit woke). As for his transformation - he moved back to Ohio in 2017, became a father and watched his family, friends, and relatives get constantly ridiculed by the media, not to mention everything that happened during covid. It's easy for me to see him become more of an anti-woke populist after that. Look at the Dem ticket in 2016 compared to the 2020 ticket to see how radical the left has become. They've pushed all of us further to the right.

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We can only look on the outside, but God sees our heart. If I believed or was the same as I was in 2016 or 2020 or last week, then shame on me. I think changing is part of the human experience. Part of the God thing. Learning and changing, figuring out who we are. And figuring out what is right and what is wrong and seeking to be better. I don’t mean flap in the wind, but becoming wiser. I can’t afford to NOT see clearly, so I am always working to make better choices in how much and just what I can handle ‘knowing’ because it seems like so much sucks. I suppose it is a purposeful assault by the enemy and I can’t fall for it. Was Bo Duke the blond or dark haired one?? John Schneider has managed to age VERY well, IMHO. Yes, I think you are a little younger. Haha!

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Aug 7Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

You are wrong about Miss Hathaway. She was always in love with Jethro.

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That's right. Jethro was great. Mrs. Hathaway was great. That show was great. They don't make them like that anymore.

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NancySD I just asked my wife and she said that's true.

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Aug 7Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Most of us during that time, came home from school and ate a PB&J watching those shows. I used to love MASH. I guess now the kids rush home to be on their cell phones...

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There were a bunch of them. I learned you only needed to watch "The Andy Griffith Show" episodes that were in black and white (when Don Knotts and Barney were still on the show).

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Aug 8Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Don Knotts WAS Barney. 🤨

"The Andy Griffith Show" is on everynight from 8 to 9 pm on MeTV and on Sunday at either 6 or 6:30, same channel.

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Aug 8Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I love MASH as well. The theme song is called "Suicide is Painless." It is a very nuanced show about war.

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I liked the fist few years of "MASH" when Trapper John and Col. Blake were on it. The politics became too conspicuous in later years. Also, the actors all had long hair, which nobody had in 1952 in America, and especially not in the Army.

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I see our current military leadership have modeled themselves after “McHale’s Navy”. Or maybe F-Troup?

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Corporal Klinger was meant to be a joke to get OUT of the army. God help us all.

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F Troup, for sure! 😉

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M.A.S.H. but a lot less funny.

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Aug 8Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Some darn funny, off-the-wall lines in this story. But be careful to keep Netflix's Susan Rice far away from your scripts.

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Aug 8Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

"about three decades before the rest of the United States did the same thing." The fact that segments of the Good Ol' USA have "Jumped The Shark" has never been clearer!

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Thank you for writing this. I too watched those shows when i was a kid growing up in Missouri. I later realized that the show The Beverly Hillbillies was made by the elites making fun of us folks in “flyover country”. Granted i was raised in a city and not the country but folks in Hollywood saw all of us as uneducated hillbillies. Their disdain and contempt for regular folks was evident even back then.

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Aug 8Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Jethro and his “goz-intos” a true genius!

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Perhaps Alex Berenson is a bit jealous of fellow Yale alumni Vance for his ability as a political pugilist. Berenson is a pencil-necked wimp whose fame came only when he was censored by Twitter. Vance survived Yale, and kept his conservative beliefs intact. Berenson has yet to fully conquer his Ivy League indoctrination.

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You hit the nail on the head, imho. Berenson is jealous. I can hear him thinking - how on earth did this Kentucky hillbilly write a book about his loser hillbilly upbringing and produce a #1 New York Times bestseller?

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Ginger. Mary Ann was great and so lovable. But Ginger was another level, physically.

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In the great white north, we have a house of commons that is more reminisent of The Gong Show

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I really enjoyed this stack. I guess I'm like your mom, I like the funny ones best.

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Either, actually

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Like you, I'm fairly certain Penny was my first crush. Fun article.

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As a casual consumer of American TV in the 50's and 60's I still have a particular disdain for the genre.

From "The Flintstones" to "Father Knows Best", and including the Hillbillies, American fathers and husbands were depicted as klutzes, deserving of disrespect. "I Love Lucy" was probably worse.

The results are now evident, with social disintegration following the disruption of the family. We have progressed from divorce restricted to Hollywood stars (Elizabeth Taylor X 7) to 50% of marriages.

The selection and trajectory of Sen. Vance as a Thiel protege does not leave a warm and fuzzy feeling.

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I read "Hillbilly Elegy" before I had become aware that J.D. Vance is a politician.

A great book .. my grandfather on my dad's side was a Kentucky hillbilly who moved to Van Nuys, California and bought a few acres of land with a small but sturdy home on it. He kept a burro as a companion animal, and I got to feed and ride the burro when I was visiting.. I was around 6yrs old.

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