Great summation of the slanted coverage of that AP article - when I read it, I noticed every single one of those biased statements you highlighted. It was so obvious what the AP is up to. They're pathetic.

While I'm not registered as a Democrat - and therefore can't vote in a primary to support Kennedy in my state - I really hope he gets some traction and, as you said, "scares the hell" out of the elitist mob that is trying - and succeeding - to destroy our country and our lives!

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I might change my registration to vote for RFK in the primary.

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Reregister for the primary...than change back!

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He's expressed himself on climate issues in a way that has changed as the world political situation has developed.

He's said unequivocally that the WEF billionaire class has hijacked the climate discussion to promote measures that have less to do with avoiding planetary harm and more to do with locking down totalitarianism.

It seems unlikely that he's your best enemy here.

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A quote from his father...this one is an excerpt from a speech delivered in 1966…”Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.”

I often consider some words from John F. Kennedy…”Fear not the path of truth for the lack of people walking on it.”

JFK also once said, "”The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.”

The sun is not exactly shining through in these dark hours, but behind the clouds in the sky is luminosity and warmth.


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If anyone deserves one of those "Profile in Courage" awards named for Jack Kennedy ... it's his nephew. But no one in his own family would even nominate him.

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That courage word is from the French word "coeur," which means "heart."

Courage is not an absence of fear, but is moving on into the adventure despite having the fear.

If we let fear freeze and paralyze us, then there can be no courage.

We'll be putting some protective light around this courageous man.

Onward...I'll keep using that word....just keep moving along and onward into the adventure.

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Justin Hart (I think) wrote the other day (paraphrasing): "The price of courage is being disliked."

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Lib tolerance ends at point of disagreement.

Alan Dershowitz tells story about a dinner party where both he & Caroline Kennedy attended. She berated him; said if she knew HE would be coming she wouldn’t have. That she was too polite to simply walk out tho. All bc he defended Trump during impeachment.

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You might enjoy this discussion/debate btw Dershowitz and RFK, Jr., from 3 years ago --

Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz


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Thanks for the link, Tyrone. I'll watch this now.

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I watched it and really enjoyed it. RFK, Jr. won the debate in a landslide!

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"fun" fact: Caroline Kennedy is the US Ambassador to Australia now. Just throwing that out there. She would probably totally disavow RFK Jr.

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They are the ones heading in the wrong direction & too dense to realize it. Bobby’s book made respect him greatly! He’s a patriot warrior in my book.

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Powerful words from one of the greatest presidents. Im writing them down. These are words to live by. Thank you.

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Whoever runs his campaign has to walk a very fine line that he doesn't appear as though he is riding his family coattails but rather continuing the legacy!!!!!! At times he does invoke JFK far to much and has to be very careful! It comes off as if he is name dropping and exploiting it! “Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else”

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"Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else"

Thank you!...An excellent piece of advice! It is truly difficult and complicated to try to be someone else, or some thing else.

It is never too late to think about this and practice being authentic.

For some of us we have to let go of a lot of the false teachings and indoctrinations as a start to the practice.

I think RFK, Jr. is well on his way and I hope "they" let him fulfill his ministry.

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It's possible he admires him.

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This is just an add on that I noticed watching his announcement speech! He kept referring to the relatives in his family as HIS - HIS FATHER HIS GRANDMOTHER, he needs to stop that and say things such as OUR father OUR grandparents OUR uncle! The knives are already out - therefore the less ammunition he gives them (his family) the better! And technically speaking, I think he's one of 11 and therefore it is OUR not HIS! Someone's going to pick up on it and crucify him!

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Good suggestion. But he can't win with the MSM. They are going to try to crucify him. They've already started. And/or they will just ignore him like the press did with Ron Paul's 2012 presidential bid, which actually had tremendous grassroots support at one time.

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Totally totally agree! However . . . . this is why I think he has more than a good chance! And this is just me thinking of different and hopefully potential variables! Most importantly, I think labeling him as an anti-vaxer may wind up actually working to his advantage! I beleive the latest poll stated something along the lines of 1 in 23 people knowing someone who has been injured and or DIED by these injections! Think how desperate people will be (FOR an anti-vaxer) once these figures begin skyrocketing. Which I absolutely do beleive will begin commencing in the next year! So say numerous experts! I really do beleive he's basing his chances on that mere fact alone! The MSM will have actually handed this to him on a silver platter! Talk about poetic justice! Biden will become even less cognitive then he already is - therefore who else is there? This is why I beleive they're throwing him under the bus with Hunter! They want him gone because he is a tremendous liability! I think Hillary was counting on this exact same scenario and why they already have the knives out! Hence Seymour Hirsch's hit piece on the Kennedy family (https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/the-kennedys-secret-sicilian-operation) 60 years after they're BOTH DEAD?!? Seriously? And notice the topic? Then you have RFK Jr's retribution at Hillary when he said "there are no deplorables" during HIS announcement speech! The fact that these two are at war with each other speaks enormous volumes! The same holds true for the media attacks! This confirms what a HUGE THREAT he is! Then there's the ANYONE BUT TRUMP voters! Granted people could just stay home instead but that could also solidify Trump's re-election! The Kennedy Democrat may not actually be a bad idea! People left the Democratic Party for what's it's become! They are desperate to return to it! There's a lot of nostalgia votes there - he could very easily sway the older voters who vividly remember both assassination's! Then you have people that truly do beleive their child's medical condition was caused by these childhood vaccines! What is the figure? 1 in 34 kids today are now diagnosed with autism? You saw the huge drop in these very vaccines once the Covid injections caused so much harm. Therefore I think if you add it up %5 here 5% there he has more than an ample chance! The economy will have imploded and then there's also the war in Ukraine! My two suggestions are to get out in front of these lies and set the record straight until they no longer are able to use them against him! Just keep repeating he was never against vaccines and merely a staunch advocate for SAFE vaccines - therefore when millions of people start DYING he wins the fight!

Secondly he needs to dumb down his rhetoric - Bush exploited the religious zealots Obama exploited the black community and Trump exploited the low intelligence voters (a.k.a imbeciles)! He needs to do the same since they're both preaching to the same choir. The difference being, Bobby can actually do what he says whereas Trump is nothing but grandstanding! Trump never had a pot to piss in or window to throw it out of - it was all robbing from Peter to pay Paul! Hence the lengths he has gone to to keep his tax records private. He finally starting making real money (just like Obama and the Clintons) once he entered the WH! He's never going to bite the hand that feeds him whereas Bobby has fame and fortune! I think the best line that was said during his speech by Kucinich was he can't be bossed or bought! Unlike DeSantis by the way who is clearly BOTH!

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As I said in response to a duplicate of this comment, ...

[RFK, Jr. has] expressed himself on climate issues in a way that has changed as the world political situation has developed.

He's said unequivocally that the WEF billionaire class has hijacked the climate discussion to promote measures that have less to do with avoiding planetary harm and more to do with locking down totalitarianism.

It seems unlikely that he's your best enemy here.

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Thank you Tyrone, RFK2 assumes that man-released-CO2 has to do with climate change and that reducing it would benefit anyone. He's only discussing degrees of intervention: any intervention means depopulation!

Unfortunately, he's not aware of the science:


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He's not recommending an emphasis on CO2 emissions at this point, preferring to focus on making businesses internalize their costs.

Simply doing that would make renewable sources more cost-effective and profitable than the CO2-emitters.

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Apr 6, 2023
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Explain please

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My bad

Was referring to Ted K

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Remember the bumper stickers that said, "Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my handgun"?

Then came the "Ted Kennedy's brain tumor has killed more people than my handgun"! bumper stickers!

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The very rare occasion I access MSM I leave with derisive laughter deeply knowing how unscrupulous, untenable, and unconscionable the fascist pharma-pimped whorepress is. Such a loss to a once useful arm of America. But we have RFK, Jr., and we will add positive momentum voter by voter, and have his back as he moves forward. Gotta love that family, may God protect and preserve them, keep courage and faith. Strength to strength!

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I'm not sure which is worse.

The suffering of the Kennedys at the hand of Americans or the suffering of Americans at the hand of the Kennedys.

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Good write up.

In AL, we don't have party registration. I'm a lifelong Republican voter, but in 2020 I picked a Dem ballot to vote for Tulsi in the primary, and I'll do the same next year and vote for RFK, Jr.

With that said, he IS a long shot. That isn't a smear against him - it's a smear against the average Dem primary voter. They're either stupid or morally bankrupt or both.

RFK Jr will do exactly what Tulsi did. Run to spread awareness. Hopefully, he will make it to a debate stage, because he is dangerous. He threatens the establishment and has decades of experience and knowledge going against the establishment narrative on so many issues other than vaccines. If he does miraculously win the Democratic Primary, it will be the 1st time I vote for the Dem candidate for POTUS.

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I agree he is a long shot - every important constituency in the Democratic Party hates "anti-vaxxers." They also love maximum censorship, which Kennedy despises. I hope he does at least hang in there long enough to get into some presidential debates. Those debates would have hundreds of millions of viewers. Our side would want to see RFK, Jr. rail against the Covid criminals and crimes ... but we'd also love to watch Biden try to make it through two hours without his teleprompter. Prediction: The Powers that Be want RFK, Jr. to exit well before those debates. Second prediction: Biden's team won't participate in any debate.

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Biden won’t run! He is already toast!

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He was toast the first time. Dead voters like toast with their vegetables and crickets!

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To many people have died and or been harmed from these injections therefore all bets are off! It's not going to be red versus blue! It's going to be a firestorm! No former rules will apply - the economy - inflation - everything! The beauty is unlike everyone else, he has the answers!

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The media have received their talking points. Expect to see this exact article, possibly with paragraphs slightly reordered, in many print and online sources henceforth.

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I've already looked. Every story is the same. Almost every headline is the same - "Anti-vaxxer RFK announces bid" ... They were ready.

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It’s like reading a Wikipedia article on anybody who disputes the Covid narrative. “Discredited” “anti-vaxxer” “conspiracy Theories”. I think these are the three most common wiki phrases. When you see them, you know you’re reading about somebody worthwhile.

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Must just be a diversion for something else.

Too bad they couldn't call him a Global Warming Kook, but they'd just be outing themselves.

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Exactly; lockstep minions all

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Lockstep minions, indeed....Immoral minions....

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Reminds me of how the tables turned on Trump when he decided to run; oh, the cool kids of NYC & other libs liked him until they realized his patriotism, his exposure of the Deep State, etc.

Same w/ RFKJr. His climate creds aren’t enough to overcome his vaccine stance.

Alan Dershowitz in a Substack addressed the vitriol from their own crowd when one differs on even one issue.

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Kennedy has spoken candidly about being canceled/ostracized by many friends and colleagues due to his stance on the COVID-19 vax. Am sure that list also includes the elites in the Democrat Party and the UniParty, who will "do anything in their power to harpoon his presidential bid before it even gets started".

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He doesn't need them anymore he has an entire new base!

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It will be interesting to see how large a base he can attract...

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This nation is so divided but will finally join forces when the insurmountable deaths from the injections start mounting! It will unite the entire Nation to see it has always been US against the government and them pitting us against each other!

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I sometimes comment that a couple of very decent human beings (best I can tell) were in the last primary - Tulsi and Yang. They never could get out of single digits, because democrats only vote for hate-filled snakes like Obama, Biden, Warren, et al. For brevity, I never mention a huge factor is the media did all they could to destroy those two. And we know democrat voters are much more influenced by the MSM than Republican voters. So this is expected, and will continue, and get absolutely as bad as they can make it. I don't know if RFK is doing this just to get his message out more, or if he thinks he has a chance. If he thinks he has a snowball's chance in hell, he is clueless as to where the Democrat party is.

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Ron Paul comes to mind as someone who once had a lot of momentum in one of his campaigns (despite the media blackout) and then was quickly shot out of the saddle with the usual charge that he was a racist. Maybe like Paul, RFK, Jr. is running just to bring more attention to his pet subjects. He's trying to move the needle by going out on the campaign trail. It's worth the try IMO.

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I liked Ron Paul a lot. Fortunately the power of the media has slipped a little. Still dictates to the dems though. I'm glad he's running, it might be interesting. He'll need visibility beyond his own campaigning though. I expect the media to ignore him as much as they can, except for an occasional attack like this one. If vaccine damage hits the right places, that could change.

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Don't forget that the RNC made sure that Ron Paul didn't get on the ballot.

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Democrats don't vote.

No need

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Thank you for putting this together. It summarizes all my thoughts without me having to do it. My guess is that they had this article ready to go (all but final touches) well in advance. The good news is that more and more people are learning to ignore the lies of MSM.

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I had a sentence about that in my first draft of this article. I also bet that article was pre-written and teed up to go. I'm sure they have Phase 2, 3 ... 10 lined up to knock him out as quickly as possible. The good thing for RFK, Jr. is he knows how D.C. works. He knows their game plans ... so he might be prepared to counter their moves.

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This man knows how the game is played and wouldn't be doing this unless he knew he had more than an ample chance No one knows more about politics than the Kennedy's! Even if that was not his intent but rather using the platform to expose the lethal injections - he knows he'll succeed! Have you listened to him speak? is there anyone he doesn't know? The best part is - he will begin rebuilding all these alphabet agencies instantly! I am a bit shocked to say the least he's already naming names he'd expel!

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I am gobsmacked that I might actually vote for a Democrat if Kennedy gets the nomination! A dream team would be Trump and Kennedy

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I'd like to see DeSantis win and then appoint RFK, Jr. as his attorney general with the marching orders to get everyone who conspired to commit all our Covid crimes against humanity.

I'm going to put up a DeSantis and Kennedy sign in my front yard. That's going to freak out my neighbors! But they'll know what issue is most important to me.

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I think it’s going to be a Trump and Kari Lake ticket.

A Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard ticket would also be great. Either way, the establishment is going to get some real pushback and their detractors are getting some major attention. All good in my book

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Tulsi is WEF, and Kennedy is a global warming kook, so yes, that's an excellent ticket!

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Anyone who considers RFK, Jr. a "global warming kook" needs to look at what he's actually said about the issue *recently*. He's made it very clear that the issue has been hijacked by the WEF billionaire class to lock down totalitarianism.

And that whether you believe in climate change or not, everything we'd do for that reason we need to do anyway, because all polluting industries are operated to enrich their owners by robbing the vast majority of the environment we all deserve as a birthright.

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Ya, we wouldn't want to look into anyone's past, would we?

Let's just cling to the State Media and the 'choices' they give us.

Hey, while we're busy thinking, let's try to figure out why the rights we lost during the tenure of the 'bad regime' never get restored when the 'good regime' takes office.

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Look at both if you want, just don't overlook what a person does as the true situation becomes clear over time.

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Thanks for the permission; very big of you

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Interesting concept! 🤔

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Well, if they truly are the uniparty, why not?

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😹 UniParty Outcasts?

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RFK Jr. has very thick skin. And God has surrounded this global treasure with his impenetrable shield. He would make for such a good U.S. President.

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Ty and Charlene Bollinger connected RFK Jr to President Trump and all went to DC for two days together and met with Trump's Administration for hours on the understanding/premise that Trump was going to appoint RFK Jr to a newly created position of oversight over all US vaccine safety and open up all the vaccine trials and data, for all the vaccines including the entire childhood vaccine schedule. This would enable independent scientists to peer-review ALL the vaccines, especially the childhood vaccine schedule's mandatory vaccines for babies and children and teens, which actually have not been scientifically proven "safe and effective," particularly egregiously violating the "completely inert placebo" rule as well as hiding all trials and data from the public, which, in this way, violated the scientific transparency rule by precluding all independent scientific review, with the effect of censorship of scientific debate.

A video exists of Bill Gates talking about going to the White House 3 times to talk to President Trump, after RFK, Jr. had been led to believe he would be appointment to vaccine safety oversight in the USA. Trump informed Gates that he was considering putting RFK, Jr. in such an oversight position. Gates told him that not be a good idea. Since RFK, Jr. was never appointed to this position, I can only conclude that Trump listened to Gates, not RFK, Jr.

Can you imagine how strong the USA would be if we were the only Western nation not to poison its citizens with this bioweapon with syncytin-1 (fertility destroyer, miscarriage causer), 3-HIV molecules (each shot destroys the immune system more than previously), a bent prion (leading to irreversible death), covered by PEG lipo-protein layer (poly-ethylene-glycol toxin from petroleum triggering rapid-onset anaphylaxis and possible death)? Worse yet, the mRNA technology with immortalized cells using fetal tissue gets into the DNA inside of cells and replicates this S-1 spike protein to overwhelm your blood circulation.

Can you imagine how this would not have happened if RFK, Jr had been President, because he cares about people and justice?

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Great info, I'd never heard before now. This would be worth a stand-alone story. If you have more details and links, please let me know!

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Actually this is a well known story. Sorry, no links but I have read it numerous times & if I’m not mistaken RFK Jr has told the story that he was invited to the WHITE HOUSE to meet with PDJT 3 times.

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Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong but I do beleive one of the meetings if not the first was actually held at Trump Tower in NY as I distinctively recall the pictures and or video of RFK Jr arriving! Of course the media was present to tar and feather RFK Jr!

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This, I do not remember.

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I need to bookmark this for a future story or some research/investigation of my own. Thanks for highlighting this.

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I’ve heard this as well please look into it as I’d love to know more details!

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Biggest mistake President Trump made IMO.

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Actually yes and no - talk about poetic justice - while Trump relentlessly heralds these lethal injections and being responsible for their creation - millions upon millions of people will continue to die and or be harmed catapulting RFK Jr into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

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I don't think he relentlessly heralds the jabs. He has always said he is for alternative treatments and that the jabs are and should be a personal choice.

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Its obvious Mr Kennedy flies smoothly over the target. Flak proves it. Duck! Your last name alone will get u killed by your own desperate deepstate!

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UncoverDC.com just published an interesting story, telling how RFK, Jr. became interested in vaccines.

This website, founded by Tracy Beanz, has published many of my Covid stories, including my first article on the early cases of Tim and Brandie McCain. I sent that article to about 30 news organizations which all rejected it. So I am a big fan of UncoverDC.com


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RFK Jr.is an American hero! He is a courageous Warrior fighting the now communist Democratic Party.

AP now stands for Asshholes Proliferate... full stop 🛑.

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They’re scared of him. The truth is the exact opposite, he’s not a long shot. From everything I’ve seen and read about RFK Jr., he’s the only person I wouldn’t mind winning the White House, though I will be voting for Trump the third time - if he isn’t assassinated. The left will do him in if they can. His character, track record, and family already have suffered a form of death and survived, thank God. Nobody else would have. ✝️

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They are beyond scared - when Seymour Hirsh (in bed with Bill and Hillary) writes a hit piece (last week - Substak) on his family (father and uncle regarding the CIA) who've been dead for nearly 60 years you know he's a threat!

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