However, Dr. Robert Redfield still must not think a super-contagious virus would have quickly spread all across the world, including all across America.
In his hour-long interview with Chris Cuomo, Dr. Redfield made several pieces of news that have been noted by other Substack authors. A friend of mine, a contrarian doctor, sent me an email where he summarized the headlines that stood out to him.
Noted my friend: “Had he said this a year ago his medical license would have been in jeopardy in several states.” Headlines, per my friend:
- The CDC stopped tracking the people that were 'vaccinated' who became infected because they didn't want to know how ineffective the shots were.
- According to Dr. Redfield, public health officials should have been more honest about the side-effects.
- Also, the 'vaccines' don't protect against infection.
- No one should have said that it was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
- The spike protein is toxic and they didn't design it well because if you get the 'vaccine' they don't know how long your body produces the toxin or how much your body produces.
(Remember they swore that the shots stay in the arm for only an hour or two?)
My additions:
- Redfield said he is today treating many patients who are suffering from “Long Covid” and/or vaccine injuries, which he says are not uncommon.
- He said the vaccines should never have been mandated and should have only been considered by people over the age of 65 or people who had serious co-morbid conditions like morbid obesity.
- He did say he thinks the vaccines can save lives of people in these groups and says he is still giving vaccines to certain patients in his private practice, which specializes in “Long Covid” treatment.
- However, he endorses a Covid vaccine that is NOT one of the mRNA shots.
- He mentioned that he has received eight Covid vaccine shots.
- He said the influence of Big Pharma probably does explain the big push to get everyone vaccinated.
“Redfield said he is today treating many patients who are suffering from “Long Covid” and/or vaccine injuries, which he says are not uncommon.”
Bill - I only listened to excerpts from Redfield’s interview. I thought I heard him say that vax injuries are very rare. If indeed they are rare, why would his practice alone see so many injured patients? Isn’t that a conflicting statement?
Laura, I'll have to listen again but I'm pretty sure he made the point that vaccine injuries are not nearly as rare as officials have made them out to be. He says vaccine injuries are not terribly uncommon and that 'long Covid" is quite common. Some cases of presumed "Long Covid" might actually be vaccine injuries - is what I think he said.
He also said that natural immunity was a perfectly sane reason to not get vaccinated. Of course, early spread should have told him that millions of Americans had said natural immunity by early March 2020.
Laura, "early spread" could kind of factor into your work on "embalmers clots." As you know, one question the embalmers get is could these strange and terrifying clots have been caused by the virus itself? As far as I am aware, all of the embalmers say they never saw these clots in the year 2020. Per the official narrative, there would have only been about 8 1/2 months where these clots could have formed and killed people in 2020 (mid-March through December).
However, I contend the virus was infecting probably millions of Americans by November 2019 ... Thus there would be 13 months that the virus would have had a chance to create these clots in Covid victims - not 8 1/2 months.
I believe the retired Air Force major said that some of his survey respondents reported seeing the clots prior to the vaccine and a few even reported seeing them prior to the virus. The major speculated that these embalmers might have confused the chicken fat clots with the embalmer clots. Of course the possibility of early spread moves forward the date when the embalmers might have seen clots resulting from the virus.
I’m perhaps one of the few journalists who has noted the large number of Americans who experienced Influenza Like Illness (ILI) symptoms in the weeks and months before Covid had begun to spread in America (according to the CDC).
According to copious public health weekly surveillance reports and contemporaneous media reports, flu or flu-like illness was “widespread” and “severe” in virtually every U.S. state beginning in November 2019.
It’s always seemed strange to me that officials have ignored the atypical number of ILI cases that clearly affected tens of millions of Americans BEFORE March 2020.
This article is one of two I’ve written which present the copious evidence of widespread ILI in America in the weeks before Covid “officially” arrived:
From my research, I also believe more U.S. schools closed “due to illness” in the fall and winter of 2019-2020 than, perhaps, ever in the history of the country. See:
Regarding what the CDC knew about “early spread” and when they knew it ….
In today’s article, I highlight the CDC press conference of May 29, 2020 where Dr. Redfield and other CDC officials stated that researchers found no evidence of “limited community transmission” in America until “late January and the beginning of February.”
This statement is belied by the copious antibody evidence that was KNOWN (or should have been known) as of this date, evidence which strongly suggests the virus was spreading person-to-person by at least November 2019.
* This evidence includes 106 Red Cross blood donors who tested positive for Covid antibodies - the majority of whom had probably been infected by November 2019. I maintain these two tranches of archived blood (from nine U.S. states) must have already been tested and known by CDC officials by May 29, 2020. If this blood had not been tested by the end of May 2020, someone needs to answer why this hadn’t taken place.
* Also, 228 sailors on the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier (out of 382 who donated blood for antibody assays) tested positive for Covid antibodies (60 percent of tested crew members). This blood was collected April 20-24 - more than a month before the CDC press conference.
* As I’ve reported in numerous articles, I’ve identified at least 17 Americans from five U.S. states who were sick with Covid symptoms in November and December 2019, and had tested positive for antibodies by late April. All of these positive results were reported by prominent newspapers or TV stations in America by early May 2020 - weeks before the May 29 CDC press conference where officials said they had found no evidence of early spread in America.
* Also, hundreds of citizens in France and Italy had tested positive for antibodies in retrospective antibody studies. Studies of waste water had also identified likely early cases.
* The public still does not know how many Americans who received antibody tests in March, April or May 2020 had positive results … because no state health agency or the CDC has ever released this information.
This information was either known by public health officials … and has been kept from the public (which would suggest a cover-up) … or public health agencies never sought to learn from labs or health clinics how many positive antibody tests these facilities had processed that might pre-date official Covid. The latter scenario also connotes professional malfeasance (the refusal to perform obvious investigations or inquiries).
A key question in my mind is as follows: When was the Covid Treatment Medical protocol written that controlled the direction of medical treatment for those patients supposedly dealing with the Sars II gain of function enhanced virus. That directive needs to be published and the authors need to be brought before a Congressional investigative body. Why didn't they ask Anthony Fauci that question? Are they white washing this whole Covid con to perpetuate RNA injections? My thoughts.
A known knowable about the Wuhan World Military Games is that many athletes, from multiple countries, became sick at these games. If one believes some or all of these illnesses were early Covid, this would suggest a virus that was indeed contagious. How else could so many people get sick with the same symptoms at the same time?
This would also suggest that a respiratory virus had already spread through the population of Wuhan, which would explain why so many athletes quickly became ill upon arrival in this city.
Furthermore, one should remember this was in mid-October, which is not the month one typically associates with a flu-like virus.
If this virus was this contagious in mid-October and had infected so many visitors and local residents, one would not expect such a virus to suddenly become less contagious after October.
It would probably become more contagious as we moved into the traditional "virus season."
Add all these points up and it makes me think that if this was early Covid, it was very contagious ... and it would have quickly spread throughout the world. Athletes returning to their home countries would have spread it, but visitors to Wuhan had already spread the virus throughout the world even before people began arriving for these games.
Also, note that we've never heard any public health officials say, "We've tested many of these sick Military Games visitors and we can confirm they did NOT have Covid." If they had done this (which officials should have done), they would have trumpeted these results. The fact we haven't seen such reports suggests to me many of these visitors might have, in fact, had Covid - which was already off to the races by mid-October 2020.
One more piece of "cutting room" floor text I think is important but cut to reduce the length of my article:
As I belatedly realized, the CDC didn’t even need to rely on stored samples of Red Cross blood to gauge earlier virus prevalence. As I later learned, every active duty military member has to give blood samples at least once a year and this blood is stored in giant depositories maintained by the military. Any blood collected and saved before official Covid could have also been tested for antibodies.
For that matter, as soon as the CDC had an antibody test it trusted, it could have organized a blood drive of its own employees and tested all, or a sample, of these employees.
I’ve also noted that the CDC is located in Atlanta, Georgia, which happens to be one of five Deep South states which experienced “widespread” and “severe” outbreaks of ILI in the winter of 2019-2020. By November, ILI percentages were far above historic and expected “baselines” in the state of Georgia.
These elevated ILI percentages were ascertained by weekly ILI Surveillance Reports produced by … the CDC (and all 50 state health agencies).
Since Covid symptoms and flu or ILI symptoms are almost identical, it must have occurred to some officials at the CDC that Covid might explain the undeniable spikes in ILI that were reported in almost all 50 U.S. states between November 2019 and early February 2020.
While Redfield has commented on the large number of sick athletes at the World Military Games in China in October, he apparently never noticed that much-larger numbers of Americans were also getting sick with Covid symptoms beginning a month after these games.
My guess is that large numbers of CDC employees in Georgia came down with ILI symptoms between November and the first week of February 2020. If my theory is correct, antibody tests of CDC employees in, say, early March 2020 would have confirmed “early spread.”
In my longer version of this article, I also wrote some more about the ONE antibody study the CDC did of archived blood ....
Of course, the CDC could have better ascertained or estimated the number of Americans who’d already been infected by simply performing as many antibody tests as possible. The CDC did commission ONE study of “archived” Red Cross blood but the results of this study weren’t released until November 30, 2020 - after President Trump had lost a presidential election to Joe Biden.
Blood for this study was collected from donors in nine states between Dec. 13, 2019 and mid-January 2020 - 11-plus months before the results were published. These belatedly-published results found that 1.44 percent of donors had Covid antibodies when they donated blood. 2.03 percent of donors from the states of California, Washington and Oregon already had antibodies when they donated blood between Dec. 13-16, which means the vast majority of these donors must have been infected in November 2019 if not earlier - as it takes a week or two for detectable antibodies to form.
A question that to this day has never been answered is WHEN were these approximately 7,000 units of blood actually tested for antibodies? At least to this correspondent, It seems like these tranches of archived blood should have been tested before President Trump ordered the lockdowns in mid-March 2020.
That is, if officials knew millions of Americans might have already been infected, they should not have ordered the lockdowns “to slow or stop” or slow spread. (2.03 percent positive extrapolated to the national population of 330 million would mean approximately 6.6 million Americans may have have already been infected by the end of November 2019, with millions more Americans infected by the middle of March 3 1/2 months later).
The following excerpts from an NBC News report of May 30, 2020 provide several of the main points CDC officials made at a press conference discussing evidence of virus spread in America:
“According to an announcement made May 29th at the CDC’s first press briefing in two months, “Information from diverse data sources (now) suggests that limited community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States occurred between the latter half of January and the beginning of February,” reported NBC News.
“… There was no indication the virus had been introduced into the U.S. earlier, in November or December. We looked for evidence of early widespread transmission and could not confirm it,” Dr. Jay Butler, deputy director for infectious diseases at the CDC, said. He added his team will continue to search for clues of the first cases on U.S. soil.”
“.. The coronavirus began quietly spreading in the U.S. as early as late January, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday — before President Donald Trump blocked air travel from China and a full month before community spread was first detected in the country.
“…. the new data is the first comprehensive federal analysis of when COVID-19 took hold in the U.S.”
“… The CDC traced the early spread in several ways, including what's called syndromic surveillance of emergency department records, tests of respiratory specimens and analyses of the virus's genetic sequences from early cases.”
MY COMMENT: Note that officials did NOT consider antibody evidence in making these conclusions about when the virus arrived in America.
“… Additionally, three separate COVID-19 cases in California confirmed "cryptic circulation of the virus by early February," the CDC authors wrote.
"Information from these diverse data sources suggests that limited community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States occurred between the latter half of January and the beginning of February, following an importation of SARS-CoV-2 from China," the authors wrote.
“… The virus then came into the U.S. from Europe, the CDC reported. "The findings do show that in late February, early March, there were several importations of the virus from Europe to California and northeastern United States and possibly elsewhere," Redfield said.
“By Friday afternoon (May 29, 2020) — more than four months since COVID-19 began circulating in the U.S. — more than 1.7 million cases had been diagnosed.”
Comment: So once this virus began to spread (in late February, according to the CDC), it spread everywhere ... and incredibly fast.
It is very obvious that this whole circus was not about a virus. They all knew this. It was all about the jabs,that had to be given to all of the world 's population. They had never thought so many would refuse. They thought with all the fear mongering, everyone and their little dog would hurry to get jabbed (and a lot did). IMO this was a test to see how much of the population would go along with the story. Even the jabs are not what you would think, although they are certainly killing quite a few.
I've shared this in comments on your newsletter several times before, but its been awhile, and for new readers, here's a review. And Redfield's timing of early spread makes Fauci's October, 2019 CNN interview presented below even more suspect.
This information from pharmaceutical and health policymaker's official industry publications may point us to the possibility that the 2019-2020 flu vaccine itself helped generate the perception that Covid was an exceptionally dangerous and infectious pathogen. The 2019-2020 flu jabs themselves may very well be responsible for the severe outcomes that were being experienced, either via direct injection or shedding from vaccines - that we know happens with the LAIV model that was standardized for use in the 2019-2020 version.
An investigator leaving no stone unturned isn't limited to two possibilities. A skilled investigator on a relentless search for truth, no matter where it leads, would start digging around into what was actually in those 2019 flu jabs that could have precipitated the entire pandemic. Yes, we know that vaccines themselves shed. Fauci and the CDC eventually admitted that even about the mRNA COVID design. But especially the live-attenuated types that were used in the 2019-2020 flu season design. So one didn't need to receive the flu shot that year to have gotten very sick from it.
And the 2019 flu jab used a known severe H3N2 variant that was hotly debated about its inclusion in the quadrivalent because it was known to be very severe. Here's some interesting information that may help connect some dots when paired with the study found in the Substack link towards the end this comment. And don't miss the November, 2019 CNN Fauci section I include that is also very, very curious to consider with 20/20 hindsight. Given all that has transpired since it takes on a very predictive appearance, similar to "priming" in psychological parlance:
- This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:
"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.
Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.
To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"
“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"
"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"
“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"
- This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:
"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."
- These articles tell us about what the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all. H3N2 was a "very severe" variant:
- Now, this is an interesting story from CNN that came out in November, 2019, an important time frame in the evolution of the covid story. Note the discussion about the need to develop a new type of all-purpose vaccine, a desire to test it widely, one that focused on a protein they link to a particular, say, a spike protein. Fauci is frequently quoted in it:
"But a universal flu shot would theoretically cover every strain of the flu using what’s known as an ice cream cone approach."
"Last spring, doctors at the NIH started testing universal flu shots on Sonn and other study participants to see how their bodies respond.
The research got an extra push in September when President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at developing a better flu vaccine.
Fauci said it could take less time – but still many years – to develop a semi-universal flu shot, which would protect against not all flu viruses, but rather a group of flu viruses."
"The faster and more precise method is not to grow the virus at all and instead just create the virus’ protein, he said.
“We clone the gene that codes for the specific protein we want,” Fauci said. “I don’t even want to see the virus. I just need the sequence of that virus, the genetic map of that virus. And you could send that to me by email.”
That’s the technology that’s being used to create the vaccines being trialed on participants like Sonn right now.
“We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said."
And there is a strong correlation between the 2019-2020 flu vaccine and COVID-19 susceptibility:
About that 2019 severe variant high-shed flu vaccine? Culprit? And how does that CNN piece from November, 2019 read in hindsight now? Anyone with resources to investigate and see what kind of "there" is there?
I'm always leery of binary limited possibilities. What seems obvious at first is often a misdirection leading away from the true source. And with the entire industry of flu vaccines that discovery of skulduggery in would jeopardize has a whole lot of rea$on$ to not want this type of information to be revealed. It would generate a whole lot of "vaccine hesitancy," you know. And a whole lot more.
My intuition says you are focussing on a very important non-investigated avenue of this pandemic. Don't stop digging and reporting. This scenario is definitely on my radar as well. You are trying to "connect some dots" few others have connected.
I'm confident about one "known knowable" - there were more people coming down with flu-like symptoms after the Powers that Be in the public health agencies switched over to this new flu non-vaccine.
Another implication of any revelation about the role of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine in the 2020-21 covid deaths (respiratory illness, not fake PCR) would be the possibility that "flu season" as we know it is and has been the product of flu vaccines since they first came out. What are the numbers of flu deaths pre-flu vaccine versus flu deaths post-flu vaccine? How many lives are actually saved by it in that comparison? Are they really lower or higher post development and deployment of flu vaccines?
Here's a brief timeline of flu vaccines put out by the Mayo Clinic:
1958 was the first time flu vaccines were recommended for high-risk general population (primarily elderly).
2002 flu vaccines were first recommended for children 6-23 months.
2008 flu vaccines were first recommended for children 6 months - 18 years old.
2010 flu vaccines were first recommended for everyone 6 months and older.
If the focus of an investigation of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine became the entire flu vaccination campaign itself since origination that might turn over some stones exposing an even larger truth, a major problem for all governments that have pushed flu vaccinations since they came out. They don't have a long population-wide history, just the last two decades. The data of total flu deaths is a matter of record. Have they gone down since they were introduced? Or up? Or stayed the same? Evidence-based medicine should show the evidence of efficacy.
My suspicions are that flu deaths have either increased or stayed the same. And that any claims of flu vaccine efficacy are as false as claims that Obama's 2009 Stimulus "saved or created" millions of jobs. Empty assertions that they unprovably "saved" lives:
Examining the role of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine campaign is a Pandora's box they don't want to open up. They'd rather conjure up a "lab leak" or "wet market" excuse and watch the debate over those theories fly than admit flu vaccines themselves are the culprit for 2020. Or 2002-2019. Or 1958-present for the elderly "at risk." A whole lot of reasons for magicians to distract from the hand the coin is really in.
I agree, Fox. The entire flu vaccine program has been a massive scam. These shots didn't reduce the numbers of deaths or, "flu cases." Ironically and non-sensically, the flu-promoting agencies hype "flu deaths" to encourage more people to get flu shots. In other words, everyone get these shots that are on data says aren't working.
And the "flu deaths" are subjective and often revised significantly. For example, or 18 months the CDC said the flu season of 2017-2018 produced 80,000 flu deaths. That was revised to 61,000 and now the figure/"estimate" is listed as 51,000 deaths. So 37 percent of flu deaths that year (actually in two or so months in the worst part of said flu season) simply disappeared.
Thanks for these links. I'll save those for a future article on this topic.
Right! If the covid "vaccine" was so profitable for them, imagine how much money is at stake for the entire flu vaccine program! Investigation into it isn't good for business. Much less culpability, criminality and corruption. A lot of rea$on$ to palm the coin in one hand while the other distracts.
I've done a great deal of research on the flu vaccines and read many "Flu Surveillance Reports" and those annual estimates of "Flu cases" and deaths.
I've posted that these agencies shouldn't be referred to as "Public Health Agencies." They really should have been called "Flu Vaccine Promotion Agencies." As far as I can tell, before Covid, that was the only real reason they existed.
By the way, I'm not getting the "push" notifications for your replies that are normally emailed to me by Substack. I see the activity for you only when I'm on the site. Not happening on other comment threads I am getting the push notifications about replies.
I love what you’ve uncovered and that you can show that deaths weren’t increasing when this influenza-like illness was spreading in late 2019. It’s been clear that even before the injection agenda, the horrific death protocols being implemented in senior centers and hospitals was killing people plus once in those facilities, records could be falsified that to attribute deaths from other causes to COVID’s The narrative was that a deadly virus was killing g people when in fact the protocols killed. The timing of the first illnesses is part of the scam narrative.
I am glad Redfield continues down the same train of thought. If you recall, during those press conferences on tv, Trump began to speak about China and the Wuhan lab and this was right after some investigations. I watched the faces of Birx and Fauci and they were not pleased. After that, Trump stepped back on his comments and seemed to let Fauci take over. I contend that Fauci and Birx knew that there was early spread along with it coming from the Wuhan lab. Due to people's hatred of Trump and their worry that this would interfere with relations with China, AND the fear that the public would learn that the U.S. was responsible for the funding, they wanted to keep the whole thing under lock and key. Then conveniently using the wet market as the reason. I know very little about how viruses pass from human to animal, but even to me this seemed far fetched at the time - particularly when seeing a map of the area where the wet market was located in relation to the WIV. This is all malfeasance on their part -- Trump was out of the picture.
Vulkan, I wish had a dime for every anecdote I've read like this in Reader Comments sections. Thanks for sharing. I'm a contrarian - I think large numbers of similar anecdotes should matter.
Yes. My nieces and nephew were home from college (Colorado, Illinois, and Michigan) at that time too and were incredibly sick. Which means a lot of college kids and their families already had this pre 2020. Another niece in Austria had a mystery illness in January 2020.
There's a report on government secrecy, from 1997 (available at that puts forth the notion that "secrecy is a form of government regulation," which is quite applicable to the covid story. One way of controlling behavior is by keeping quiet about what you don't want the public to know.
I'm not sure Redfield is right about no spectators at the Military games. I can't find any reference to an absence of spectators. An article in a Tibetan journal did mention that the 2019 Games were a first for many things, including the use of 5G telecom systems. There are interesting theories about 5G...
He might be wrong about that. I guess I need to research it more. If he's wrong about that and said it in an interview that's not a great testament to his credibility.
One person I know believes that he had COVID in November of 2019 here in the central US. He and his father were both sick for about three weeks with a stubborn respiratory illness. Neither of them travel.
A friend in Silicon Valley had symptoms much like COVID but claims that it was not COVID because it was not officially present in the US at that time. I don't remember if he said he lost his sense of smell. I guess that symptom was the smoking gun for the original variants of COVID.
In his hour-long interview with Chris Cuomo, Dr. Redfield made several pieces of news that have been noted by other Substack authors. A friend of mine, a contrarian doctor, sent me an email where he summarized the headlines that stood out to him.
Noted my friend: “Had he said this a year ago his medical license would have been in jeopardy in several states.” Headlines, per my friend:
- The CDC stopped tracking the people that were 'vaccinated' who became infected because they didn't want to know how ineffective the shots were.
- According to Dr. Redfield, public health officials should have been more honest about the side-effects.
- Also, the 'vaccines' don't protect against infection.
- No one should have said that it was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
- The spike protein is toxic and they didn't design it well because if you get the 'vaccine' they don't know how long your body produces the toxin or how much your body produces.
(Remember they swore that the shots stay in the arm for only an hour or two?)
My additions:
- Redfield said he is today treating many patients who are suffering from “Long Covid” and/or vaccine injuries, which he says are not uncommon.
- He said the vaccines should never have been mandated and should have only been considered by people over the age of 65 or people who had serious co-morbid conditions like morbid obesity.
- He did say he thinks the vaccines can save lives of people in these groups and says he is still giving vaccines to certain patients in his private practice, which specializes in “Long Covid” treatment.
- However, he endorses a Covid vaccine that is NOT one of the mRNA shots.
- He mentioned that he has received eight Covid vaccine shots.
- He said the influence of Big Pharma probably does explain the big push to get everyone vaccinated.
8 ! but not the mRna - which ones, then? and how many times has he been sick?
I wondered about that too. Cuomo should have asked him how many times he's had Covid.
“big push”, aka the largest and most expensive propaganda campaign in history.
8 shots and he’s still alive and uninjured? If so, it’s miraculous or he’s not forthcoming regarding his health issues.
Maybe he got the special saline shots? I have read that Pfizer employees might have gotten different shots than the public.
Or the “8” is BS!
“Redfield said he is today treating many patients who are suffering from “Long Covid” and/or vaccine injuries, which he says are not uncommon.”
Bill - I only listened to excerpts from Redfield’s interview. I thought I heard him say that vax injuries are very rare. If indeed they are rare, why would his practice alone see so many injured patients? Isn’t that a conflicting statement?
Or maybe I am just asking a dumbass question. 😩
Laura, I'll have to listen again but I'm pretty sure he made the point that vaccine injuries are not nearly as rare as officials have made them out to be. He says vaccine injuries are not terribly uncommon and that 'long Covid" is quite common. Some cases of presumed "Long Covid" might actually be vaccine injuries - is what I think he said.
He also said that natural immunity was a perfectly sane reason to not get vaccinated. Of course, early spread should have told him that millions of Americans had said natural immunity by early March 2020.
Laura, "early spread" could kind of factor into your work on "embalmers clots." As you know, one question the embalmers get is could these strange and terrifying clots have been caused by the virus itself? As far as I am aware, all of the embalmers say they never saw these clots in the year 2020. Per the official narrative, there would have only been about 8 1/2 months where these clots could have formed and killed people in 2020 (mid-March through December).
However, I contend the virus was infecting probably millions of Americans by November 2019 ... Thus there would be 13 months that the virus would have had a chance to create these clots in Covid victims - not 8 1/2 months.
I believe the retired Air Force major said that some of his survey respondents reported seeing the clots prior to the vaccine and a few even reported seeing them prior to the virus. The major speculated that these embalmers might have confused the chicken fat clots with the embalmer clots. Of course the possibility of early spread moves forward the date when the embalmers might have seen clots resulting from the virus.
Bob L - you are correct. Tom Haviland did indeed say that. I was his partner on the embalmer survey.
Thanks. That's a salient point.
The virus was released in August 2019:
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
If we don’t succeed, prepare for their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:
I’m perhaps one of the few journalists who has noted the large number of Americans who experienced Influenza Like Illness (ILI) symptoms in the weeks and months before Covid had begun to spread in America (according to the CDC).
According to copious public health weekly surveillance reports and contemporaneous media reports, flu or flu-like illness was “widespread” and “severe” in virtually every U.S. state beginning in November 2019.
It’s always seemed strange to me that officials have ignored the atypical number of ILI cases that clearly affected tens of millions of Americans BEFORE March 2020.
This article is one of two I’ve written which present the copious evidence of widespread ILI in America in the weeks before Covid “officially” arrived:
From my research, I also believe more U.S. schools closed “due to illness” in the fall and winter of 2019-2020 than, perhaps, ever in the history of the country. See:
Regarding what the CDC knew about “early spread” and when they knew it ….
In today’s article, I highlight the CDC press conference of May 29, 2020 where Dr. Redfield and other CDC officials stated that researchers found no evidence of “limited community transmission” in America until “late January and the beginning of February.”
This statement is belied by the copious antibody evidence that was KNOWN (or should have been known) as of this date, evidence which strongly suggests the virus was spreading person-to-person by at least November 2019.
* This evidence includes 106 Red Cross blood donors who tested positive for Covid antibodies - the majority of whom had probably been infected by November 2019. I maintain these two tranches of archived blood (from nine U.S. states) must have already been tested and known by CDC officials by May 29, 2020. If this blood had not been tested by the end of May 2020, someone needs to answer why this hadn’t taken place.
* Also, 228 sailors on the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier (out of 382 who donated blood for antibody assays) tested positive for Covid antibodies (60 percent of tested crew members). This blood was collected April 20-24 - more than a month before the CDC press conference.
* As I’ve reported in numerous articles, I’ve identified at least 17 Americans from five U.S. states who were sick with Covid symptoms in November and December 2019, and had tested positive for antibodies by late April. All of these positive results were reported by prominent newspapers or TV stations in America by early May 2020 - weeks before the May 29 CDC press conference where officials said they had found no evidence of early spread in America.
* Also, hundreds of citizens in France and Italy had tested positive for antibodies in retrospective antibody studies. Studies of waste water had also identified likely early cases.
* The public still does not know how many Americans who received antibody tests in March, April or May 2020 had positive results … because no state health agency or the CDC has ever released this information.
This information was either known by public health officials … and has been kept from the public (which would suggest a cover-up) … or public health agencies never sought to learn from labs or health clinics how many positive antibody tests these facilities had processed that might pre-date official Covid. The latter scenario also connotes professional malfeasance (the refusal to perform obvious investigations or inquiries).
A key question in my mind is as follows: When was the Covid Treatment Medical protocol written that controlled the direction of medical treatment for those patients supposedly dealing with the Sars II gain of function enhanced virus. That directive needs to be published and the authors need to be brought before a Congressional investigative body. Why didn't they ask Anthony Fauci that question? Are they white washing this whole Covid con to perpetuate RNA injections? My thoughts.
I am all for the hush hush
A known knowable about the Wuhan World Military Games is that many athletes, from multiple countries, became sick at these games. If one believes some or all of these illnesses were early Covid, this would suggest a virus that was indeed contagious. How else could so many people get sick with the same symptoms at the same time?
This would also suggest that a respiratory virus had already spread through the population of Wuhan, which would explain why so many athletes quickly became ill upon arrival in this city.
Furthermore, one should remember this was in mid-October, which is not the month one typically associates with a flu-like virus.
If this virus was this contagious in mid-October and had infected so many visitors and local residents, one would not expect such a virus to suddenly become less contagious after October.
It would probably become more contagious as we moved into the traditional "virus season."
Add all these points up and it makes me think that if this was early Covid, it was very contagious ... and it would have quickly spread throughout the world. Athletes returning to their home countries would have spread it, but visitors to Wuhan had already spread the virus throughout the world even before people began arriving for these games.
Also, note that we've never heard any public health officials say, "We've tested many of these sick Military Games visitors and we can confirm they did NOT have Covid." If they had done this (which officials should have done), they would have trumpeted these results. The fact we haven't seen such reports suggests to me many of these visitors might have, in fact, had Covid - which was already off to the races by mid-October 2020.
How many of these athletes were required to be vaccinated prior to going to the games???
One more piece of "cutting room" floor text I think is important but cut to reduce the length of my article:
As I belatedly realized, the CDC didn’t even need to rely on stored samples of Red Cross blood to gauge earlier virus prevalence. As I later learned, every active duty military member has to give blood samples at least once a year and this blood is stored in giant depositories maintained by the military. Any blood collected and saved before official Covid could have also been tested for antibodies.
For that matter, as soon as the CDC had an antibody test it trusted, it could have organized a blood drive of its own employees and tested all, or a sample, of these employees.
I’ve also noted that the CDC is located in Atlanta, Georgia, which happens to be one of five Deep South states which experienced “widespread” and “severe” outbreaks of ILI in the winter of 2019-2020. By November, ILI percentages were far above historic and expected “baselines” in the state of Georgia.
These elevated ILI percentages were ascertained by weekly ILI Surveillance Reports produced by … the CDC (and all 50 state health agencies).
Since Covid symptoms and flu or ILI symptoms are almost identical, it must have occurred to some officials at the CDC that Covid might explain the undeniable spikes in ILI that were reported in almost all 50 U.S. states between November 2019 and early February 2020.
While Redfield has commented on the large number of sick athletes at the World Military Games in China in October, he apparently never noticed that much-larger numbers of Americans were also getting sick with Covid symptoms beginning a month after these games.
My guess is that large numbers of CDC employees in Georgia came down with ILI symptoms between November and the first week of February 2020. If my theory is correct, antibody tests of CDC employees in, say, early March 2020 would have confirmed “early spread.”
In my longer version of this article, I also wrote some more about the ONE antibody study the CDC did of archived blood ....
Of course, the CDC could have better ascertained or estimated the number of Americans who’d already been infected by simply performing as many antibody tests as possible. The CDC did commission ONE study of “archived” Red Cross blood but the results of this study weren’t released until November 30, 2020 - after President Trump had lost a presidential election to Joe Biden.
Blood for this study was collected from donors in nine states between Dec. 13, 2019 and mid-January 2020 - 11-plus months before the results were published. These belatedly-published results found that 1.44 percent of donors had Covid antibodies when they donated blood. 2.03 percent of donors from the states of California, Washington and Oregon already had antibodies when they donated blood between Dec. 13-16, which means the vast majority of these donors must have been infected in November 2019 if not earlier - as it takes a week or two for detectable antibodies to form.
A question that to this day has never been answered is WHEN were these approximately 7,000 units of blood actually tested for antibodies? At least to this correspondent, It seems like these tranches of archived blood should have been tested before President Trump ordered the lockdowns in mid-March 2020.
That is, if officials knew millions of Americans might have already been infected, they should not have ordered the lockdowns “to slow or stop” or slow spread. (2.03 percent positive extrapolated to the national population of 330 million would mean approximately 6.6 million Americans may have have already been infected by the end of November 2019, with millions more Americans infected by the middle of March 3 1/2 months later).
The following excerpts from an NBC News report of May 30, 2020 provide several of the main points CDC officials made at a press conference discussing evidence of virus spread in America:
“According to an announcement made May 29th at the CDC’s first press briefing in two months, “Information from diverse data sources (now) suggests that limited community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States occurred between the latter half of January and the beginning of February,” reported NBC News.
“… There was no indication the virus had been introduced into the U.S. earlier, in November or December. We looked for evidence of early widespread transmission and could not confirm it,” Dr. Jay Butler, deputy director for infectious diseases at the CDC, said. He added his team will continue to search for clues of the first cases on U.S. soil.”
“.. The coronavirus began quietly spreading in the U.S. as early as late January, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday — before President Donald Trump blocked air travel from China and a full month before community spread was first detected in the country.
“…. the new data is the first comprehensive federal analysis of when COVID-19 took hold in the U.S.”
“… The CDC traced the early spread in several ways, including what's called syndromic surveillance of emergency department records, tests of respiratory specimens and analyses of the virus's genetic sequences from early cases.”
MY COMMENT: Note that officials did NOT consider antibody evidence in making these conclusions about when the virus arrived in America.
“… Additionally, three separate COVID-19 cases in California confirmed "cryptic circulation of the virus by early February," the CDC authors wrote.
"Information from these diverse data sources suggests that limited community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States occurred between the latter half of January and the beginning of February, following an importation of SARS-CoV-2 from China," the authors wrote.
“… The virus then came into the U.S. from Europe, the CDC reported. "The findings do show that in late February, early March, there were several importations of the virus from Europe to California and northeastern United States and possibly elsewhere," Redfield said.
“By Friday afternoon (May 29, 2020) — more than four months since COVID-19 began circulating in the U.S. — more than 1.7 million cases had been diagnosed.”
Comment: So once this virus began to spread (in late February, according to the CDC), it spread everywhere ... and incredibly fast.
I read somewhere there was a medical Congress in NY I think late February where several sick people attended
I had to stop listening to the interview bc I was too disgusted by his support for Fauci.
It is very obvious that this whole circus was not about a virus. They all knew this. It was all about the jabs,that had to be given to all of the world 's population. They had never thought so many would refuse. They thought with all the fear mongering, everyone and their little dog would hurry to get jabbed (and a lot did). IMO this was a test to see how much of the population would go along with the story. Even the jabs are not what you would think, although they are certainly killing quite a few.
I've shared this in comments on your newsletter several times before, but its been awhile, and for new readers, here's a review. And Redfield's timing of early spread makes Fauci's October, 2019 CNN interview presented below even more suspect.
This information from pharmaceutical and health policymaker's official industry publications may point us to the possibility that the 2019-2020 flu vaccine itself helped generate the perception that Covid was an exceptionally dangerous and infectious pathogen. The 2019-2020 flu jabs themselves may very well be responsible for the severe outcomes that were being experienced, either via direct injection or shedding from vaccines - that we know happens with the LAIV model that was standardized for use in the 2019-2020 version.
An investigator leaving no stone unturned isn't limited to two possibilities. A skilled investigator on a relentless search for truth, no matter where it leads, would start digging around into what was actually in those 2019 flu jabs that could have precipitated the entire pandemic. Yes, we know that vaccines themselves shed. Fauci and the CDC eventually admitted that even about the mRNA COVID design. But especially the live-attenuated types that were used in the 2019-2020 flu season design. So one didn't need to receive the flu shot that year to have gotten very sick from it.
And the 2019 flu jab used a known severe H3N2 variant that was hotly debated about its inclusion in the quadrivalent because it was known to be very severe. Here's some interesting information that may help connect some dots when paired with the study found in the Substack link towards the end this comment. And don't miss the November, 2019 CNN Fauci section I include that is also very, very curious to consider with 20/20 hindsight. Given all that has transpired since it takes on a very predictive appearance, similar to "priming" in psychological parlance:
- This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:
"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.
Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.
To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"
“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"
"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"
“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"
- This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:
"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."
- These articles tell us about what the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all. H3N2 was a "very severe" variant:
- Now, this is an interesting story from CNN that came out in November, 2019, an important time frame in the evolution of the covid story. Note the discussion about the need to develop a new type of all-purpose vaccine, a desire to test it widely, one that focused on a protein they link to a particular, say, a spike protein. Fauci is frequently quoted in it:
"But a universal flu shot would theoretically cover every strain of the flu using what’s known as an ice cream cone approach."
"Last spring, doctors at the NIH started testing universal flu shots on Sonn and other study participants to see how their bodies respond.
The research got an extra push in September when President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at developing a better flu vaccine.
Fauci said it could take less time – but still many years – to develop a semi-universal flu shot, which would protect against not all flu viruses, but rather a group of flu viruses."
"The faster and more precise method is not to grow the virus at all and instead just create the virus’ protein, he said.
“We clone the gene that codes for the specific protein we want,” Fauci said. “I don’t even want to see the virus. I just need the sequence of that virus, the genetic map of that virus. And you could send that to me by email.”
That’s the technology that’s being used to create the vaccines being trialed on participants like Sonn right now.
“We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said."
And there is a strong correlation between the 2019-2020 flu vaccine and COVID-19 susceptibility:
About that 2019 severe variant high-shed flu vaccine? Culprit? And how does that CNN piece from November, 2019 read in hindsight now? Anyone with resources to investigate and see what kind of "there" is there?
I'm always leery of binary limited possibilities. What seems obvious at first is often a misdirection leading away from the true source. And with the entire industry of flu vaccines that discovery of skulduggery in would jeopardize has a whole lot of rea$on$ to not want this type of information to be revealed. It would generate a whole lot of "vaccine hesitancy," you know. And a whole lot more.
My intuition says you are focussing on a very important non-investigated avenue of this pandemic. Don't stop digging and reporting. This scenario is definitely on my radar as well. You are trying to "connect some dots" few others have connected.
I'm confident about one "known knowable" - there were more people coming down with flu-like symptoms after the Powers that Be in the public health agencies switched over to this new flu non-vaccine.
Another implication of any revelation about the role of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine in the 2020-21 covid deaths (respiratory illness, not fake PCR) would be the possibility that "flu season" as we know it is and has been the product of flu vaccines since they first came out. What are the numbers of flu deaths pre-flu vaccine versus flu deaths post-flu vaccine? How many lives are actually saved by it in that comparison? Are they really lower or higher post development and deployment of flu vaccines?
Here's a brief timeline of flu vaccines put out by the Mayo Clinic:
1958 was the first time flu vaccines were recommended for high-risk general population (primarily elderly).
2002 flu vaccines were first recommended for children 6-23 months.
2008 flu vaccines were first recommended for children 6 months - 18 years old.
2010 flu vaccines were first recommended for everyone 6 months and older.
If the focus of an investigation of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine became the entire flu vaccination campaign itself since origination that might turn over some stones exposing an even larger truth, a major problem for all governments that have pushed flu vaccinations since they came out. They don't have a long population-wide history, just the last two decades. The data of total flu deaths is a matter of record. Have they gone down since they were introduced? Or up? Or stayed the same? Evidence-based medicine should show the evidence of efficacy.
My suspicions are that flu deaths have either increased or stayed the same. And that any claims of flu vaccine efficacy are as false as claims that Obama's 2009 Stimulus "saved or created" millions of jobs. Empty assertions that they unprovably "saved" lives:
Examining the role of the 2019-2020 flu vaccine campaign is a Pandora's box they don't want to open up. They'd rather conjure up a "lab leak" or "wet market" excuse and watch the debate over those theories fly than admit flu vaccines themselves are the culprit for 2020. Or 2002-2019. Or 1958-present for the elderly "at risk." A whole lot of reasons for magicians to distract from the hand the coin is really in.
I agree, Fox. The entire flu vaccine program has been a massive scam. These shots didn't reduce the numbers of deaths or, "flu cases." Ironically and non-sensically, the flu-promoting agencies hype "flu deaths" to encourage more people to get flu shots. In other words, everyone get these shots that are on data says aren't working.
And the "flu deaths" are subjective and often revised significantly. For example, or 18 months the CDC said the flu season of 2017-2018 produced 80,000 flu deaths. That was revised to 61,000 and now the figure/"estimate" is listed as 51,000 deaths. So 37 percent of flu deaths that year (actually in two or so months in the worst part of said flu season) simply disappeared.
Thanks for these links. I'll save those for a future article on this topic.
Right! If the covid "vaccine" was so profitable for them, imagine how much money is at stake for the entire flu vaccine program! Investigation into it isn't good for business. Much less culpability, criminality and corruption. A lot of rea$on$ to palm the coin in one hand while the other distracts.
I've done a great deal of research on the flu vaccines and read many "Flu Surveillance Reports" and those annual estimates of "Flu cases" and deaths.
I've posted that these agencies shouldn't be referred to as "Public Health Agencies." They really should have been called "Flu Vaccine Promotion Agencies." As far as I can tell, before Covid, that was the only real reason they existed.
By the way, I'm not getting the "push" notifications for your replies that are normally emailed to me by Substack. I see the activity for you only when I'm on the site. Not happening on other comment threads I am getting the push notifications about replies.
I love what you’ve uncovered and that you can show that deaths weren’t increasing when this influenza-like illness was spreading in late 2019. It’s been clear that even before the injection agenda, the horrific death protocols being implemented in senior centers and hospitals was killing people plus once in those facilities, records could be falsified that to attribute deaths from other causes to COVID’s The narrative was that a deadly virus was killing g people when in fact the protocols killed. The timing of the first illnesses is part of the scam narrative.
I am glad Redfield continues down the same train of thought. If you recall, during those press conferences on tv, Trump began to speak about China and the Wuhan lab and this was right after some investigations. I watched the faces of Birx and Fauci and they were not pleased. After that, Trump stepped back on his comments and seemed to let Fauci take over. I contend that Fauci and Birx knew that there was early spread along with it coming from the Wuhan lab. Due to people's hatred of Trump and their worry that this would interfere with relations with China, AND the fear that the public would learn that the U.S. was responsible for the funding, they wanted to keep the whole thing under lock and key. Then conveniently using the wet market as the reason. I know very little about how viruses pass from human to animal, but even to me this seemed far fetched at the time - particularly when seeing a map of the area where the wet market was located in relation to the WIV. This is all malfeasance on their part -- Trump was out of the picture.
Excellent comment. thanks.
My sister and girlfriend both fell ill over Christmas 2019. They both said they’d never felt anything like it.
Now we all believe that they caught COVID then before the world knew about it.
Vulkan, I wish had a dime for every anecdote I've read like this in Reader Comments sections. Thanks for sharing. I'm a contrarian - I think large numbers of similar anecdotes should matter.
Yes. My nieces and nephew were home from college (Colorado, Illinois, and Michigan) at that time too and were incredibly sick. Which means a lot of college kids and their families already had this pre 2020. Another niece in Austria had a mystery illness in January 2020.
There's a report on government secrecy, from 1997 (available at that puts forth the notion that "secrecy is a form of government regulation," which is quite applicable to the covid story. One way of controlling behavior is by keeping quiet about what you don't want the public to know.
I'm not sure Redfield is right about no spectators at the Military games. I can't find any reference to an absence of spectators. An article in a Tibetan journal did mention that the 2019 Games were a first for many things, including the use of 5G telecom systems. There are interesting theories about 5G...
He might be wrong about that. I guess I need to research it more. If he's wrong about that and said it in an interview that's not a great testament to his credibility.
One person I know believes that he had COVID in November of 2019 here in the central US. He and his father were both sick for about three weeks with a stubborn respiratory illness. Neither of them travel.
A friend in Silicon Valley had symptoms much like COVID but claims that it was not COVID because it was not officially present in the US at that time. I don't remember if he said he lost his sense of smell. I guess that symptom was the smoking gun for the original variants of COVID.