Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

The recent Brownstone article on inflation and other dubious economic statistics also made reference to what's sometimes referred to as the "Big Mac Index," which I think IS a much-better indicator of real inflation than the CPI reports. Write the authors:

"Various studies have shown that since 2019 fast food prices — a gold standard in financial markets for measuring true inflation — have outpaced official CPI by between 25% and 50%."

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I can assure you these truths…

1) The gov’t lies about everything even when they don’t need to, they still lie.

2) The majority of grocery items have definitely gone up at least 50% and for those who don’t know this are too rich to care or incoherent sheeple.

3) We can no longer depend on our elected officials because the majority have been compromised by seedy lifestyles (drugs, infidelity, pedophilia, etc) and having been caught in the Cabal’s web are now controlled.

4) Trump may be a great aid in reversing most of the asinine executive orders and policies, backing us out of the war insanity yet when you consider the depth and complexity of the decades of the Cabal orchestrating everything to this point, I cannot figure out how we can ever surmount it enough to defeat it.

It’s going to be a raucous ride in the coming months.

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The shutting out of RFK Jr from the CNN sham debate exposes Trump as the 2nd ranked choice vote of the cabal. He certainly promises more freedom under corporate control, but has not really challenged it one bit, as has RFK Jr. But last I heard, millions more tuned into The Real Debate on X, which r=feature RFK Jr, (smiling)

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Always trying to figure out a work around - fasting isn't that bad : eat less, buy less . The same in Canada , Bill - although some of the little local small markets somehow beat the bigger ones with their price points . We also don't have a young child to feed, but these days , it is interesting to really be aware of what you can but that is healthy and satisfying without going broke.

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I watched the interview Tucker Carlson did with NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers talked for a couple of minutes about how he periodically fasts ... and how it makes him feel and think much better. His testimonials piqued my interest.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Think Bill you may find more people do in fact fast - although the FDA or our so called health canada would never endorse that idea . There are lots of sources to read . I believe food is medicine and it's my very first line of defence . Your little guy is growing and he need lots of great protein sources along with a balance and I suspect the kids need the regular meals . However, when I comes to myself , I am the test subject so to speak and take full responsibility for my health choices especially at this late stage in life . The intermittent fasting was the best for me . Also , the higher protein keeps me more satiated and have lost my cravings for junk food . You are a curious guy Bill ; it'll be another less traumatic rabbit hole to explore since we've been in this upside down world .

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I was discussing the fact to have children the parents have to make six figures to keep up w/ prices. Women have to work nowdays, and more couples are opting not to raise a family. It is hard enough to save for retirement. Since this country is in decline/off the rails there is no future for the young people anyway.

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Jul 1Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The middle class is certainly disappearing - as is the plan . I think the same thing happened in China- could be wrong . I understand and wonder how people can afford their kids . The future for the younger generation will be very different than when we were young and if they don't know the difference , maybe they will figure something out in their own ways .

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Food inflation has us (and others I know) cutting out ice cream,bakery items and snack foods (junk) and motivated us to maintain a certain weight. I can remember when that soup was 16 oz (not 10 oz now) can and 10 cents and apples were a couple dollars a bushel now they are selling for 2-3 dollars a lb . Potatoes likewise. toiletries up also, shoes clothes unless a sale, or clearance which many wait for.

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Jul 1Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Maybe over all not a bad thing to cut out the high carbs anyway . I think our canadian price points are even higher than yours ! Love my eggs...

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The economic statistics the government puts out should be called the “Big Whopper Index.”

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Another hidden inflation category is fines and fees or licenses. The government gets us with speeding-ticket and red-light ticket fees - which keep going up far faster than the CPI rate. And, of course, many cities now have cameras at every intersection to issue those tickets.

Also, local and state governments must be making a killing on sales tax receipts. If a buggy of groceries that used to cost $200 now costs $300, the sales tax has gone up from $20 to $30. (Alabama sales tax is 10 percent in most cities). That's an increase of 50 percent sales tax receipts on every buggy of groceries ($20 to $30).

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Wow, I didn't realize that any states taxed groceries (except pet food and snack food)!

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

usually before 2020 my cart at WM would be 150 bucks or so. the same cart would be 200 or so last year and now it is well over 300. My phone plus internet just went up from 112 last month to 117 this month. End of 2018 it was 79. When I came here 20 years ago I bought 6 cans of tomato paste for 1 dollar. Now it is 1,59 for ONE can. Yoghurt was 99 cents. Now it is 4,79.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

And don't forget the 'shrink' part of inflation. Just two examples, there's many more:

1) Kingsford Charcoal Grilling Briquettes - Previously ~$18 for two 20lb bags. Sometime in the last two years, two 16lb bags for the same price.

2) Braun Clean & Renew Refill Cartridges for electric razor. Dec 2020: $21.44 for pack of four.

June 2024: $19 for a pack of three (shrunk AND price increase)

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yes ! I used to eat small yoghourt jars. First they were not available at the local store, then they were back, with 20 % less, on 'sale'. Means, with the old price, but smaller, and then the price went up. So I started with the large jars, made yo myself for years, and then the doc told me the rash I had was probably from milk products. It was from shampoo. I craved yo so badly, now eating it again, and thinking about making it myself again as well.

One of the memes collections had a pic of 20 % more - turned out it was a lie - same cans, with a fake sale sticker ! This should be punishable - it is fooling the customer.

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My wife is a yo lover...I do the shopping. I knew the prices were going up, but didn't keep track. Now, I'll keep an eye out for the shrink yo!

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Doctors know nothing about nutrition.

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Great specific examples. Thanks!

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to my surprise yesterday at the store I saw an example of the opposite. The cookies my dog likes were in small packages of 10 for 4 bucks. Then the packages grew bigger, 15 pieces, fro 10 bucks, now they are in very large bags, probably 30 or so, 37 bucks. Of course Luckily she is not picky ! she got other cookies.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Bill, I know you already know this, but watch all those chips, cookies, and soft drinks, ok? They are poison and I mean that sincerely. As a longtime NP who counseled my patients on having a healthy, wholesome diet (unlike most docs), I hope you will reconsider buying these items meant to make us sick so that we will need Big Pharma even more. Leave that stuff on the shelf, if at all possible.

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Great advice. I'm going to soon go on the low-carb diet and completely cut out all that poison. When I've done this in the past, the weight falls off ... and I feel much better.

The challenge is that it's now much-more expensive to do this diet as it includes a lot more meats. I used to fill up on scrambled eggs and bacon (or sausage). The bacon and sausage now cost twice what they used to.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Be sure to continue lots of veggies though, along with your meats, especially the cruciferous ones that prevent cancer. You are such a great guy and a good writer and thinker. We need you around for as long as possible. Mainly, decreasing high glycemic index carbs and cutting out sugar is critical. I personally avoid artificial sugars too, especially aspartame and Spenda. I know I feel better too when I practice what I preach. Best of luck, gem- I say gem, because you are one. Love, Mel

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Thank you very much, Mel. I'm going to do it. When I do this diet, there are several veggies I can eat - broccoli, salad/lettuce, green beans, asparagus, etc. So I end up eating more vegetables than I am right now.

These pre-processed foods and sugars are Bad News for all of us.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yes sir, they are. I’ll be rooting for you, Bill!!

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Take a look at the Whole-30 method as well. We did it 2016, just before heart surgery to replace a faulty valve and it steered us in whole new directions - meaning primarily to 'real' food, prepared at home and sourced...as much as possible...from local/regional producers. (Also kicked off deep-dive look-see into statins, processed oils etc...but those are other stories)

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I'm skeptical of the Statin narrative ... Like a lot more people are becoming. That might be a bigger Big Pharma scam than the flu vaccines (and now the Covid vaccines).

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I think it was, perhaps along with HIV vax/drugs, the big scam...before Covid. MaryAnne Demasi has been writing about statins for years...she was booted off ABC for a docu she put out. Dr. Malcom Kendrick has also been writing for years about the statin shell game. And many others writing too.

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Dr Malcolm Kendrick nailed it. Saved me from statins. This article is also a good reference. https://expose-news.com/2023/11/10/statins-are-not-wonder-drugs-they-are-metabolic-poisons-that-kill-one-cell-at-a-time/

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Cooking the cruciferous veg only. Veg has oxolates and anti nutrients. We are getting lied to about the low carb scam also. Works for awhile then the wheels fall off because of improper and inadequate fuel. Metabolism drops and weight comes back. I’m trying to recover from low carb keto. I feel duped. You absolutely need sugar/glucose to run your body. Too much veg made my gut absolutely sick and not working properly.

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In my opinion, a Mediterranean diet is probably the best one to follow routinely. Veggies are not bad for you, Janet, as long as you don’t eat potatoes and sweet corn by the ton every day. As for “sugar” to run your body- everything we eat turns into glucose as that is the fuel all our cells need to function. But the sugar-laden foods available today are truly poisons. We know them by name, so I don’t have to repeat them here. Think of excess sugar in the bloodstream acting as little razor blades, cutting up the insides of your arteries and arterioles, damaging the endothelium and causing severe inflammation. That is why before insulin was discovered, people with Type 1 diabetes got sicker and sicker and sicker as the sugar built up in their blood, unusable by the cells since it takes insulin to get the glucose into the cell to use for fuel. High sugar in the blood is corrosive. Everything in moderation, of course and you should follow the diet that makes you feel your best. I’ve never been an extreme diet fan of any kind of diet, be it keto, or other. Americans eat too much junk. If they stopped all of that, I’d be happy enough for them! That alone would keep us out of the hospitals, dialysis units, and cardiovascular suites…

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And the piggies may have been jabbed for your safety....

Cut out all ultraprocessed food.

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Including Campbell soups.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Many up-votes!

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I'm in UK, single person, and don't do a weekly shop anymore. Prices are much higher here too. Another sneaky way of making you pay more is by reducing the weights of goods. Seeing it on butter, was 250g pack, now 230g, chocolate bars, biscuits smaller, etc.

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I need to re-post my story on Shrinkflation I wrote several years ago. That's gotten far more conspicuous - and the CPI does NOT properly account for that trick.

Also, manufacturers "substitute" cheaper ingredients. That's why so many foods don't taste as good as they used to. For example, Mrs. Stouffer's macaroni and cheese. Or Oreo cookies.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Oreos are tasteless. It’s ALL garbage now. Went last week to a new grocery touting healthy options. Every single offering had nasty seed oils polluting it. Don’t they get it? Plus prices were astronomical. I won’t be back. I might have bought something but for the one ingredient that is ruining health and causing chronic disease.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Big Ag/Big Food doesn't get enough scrutiny IMO. I think this "chronic disease" problem RFK is trying to highlight is largely explained by the foods that are being pushed on us - thus Big Ag/Big Food is just as bad for us as Big Pharma.

Per my Spider Sense, something has changed with the "gut" chemicals or digestive system of tens of millions of Americans.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Believe your spider sense for sure.

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Here's a link to my article on Shrinkflation that was published by The American Conservative in April 2019. This was my very first "paid" freelance article. I interviewed Ron Paul and the founder of Shadow Stats among many others.


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You still buy Oreos? After they ran an ad featuring two men tonguing a cookie between their mouths?

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Oh, God. I think my kids like them, but I'm going to stop buying them.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Exactly! Same here in the US. We should be measuring price per ounce, apparently!

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

That was the first thing I noticed a few years ago. Paying the same for less product.

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Jun 30·edited Jul 1Author

I just had a thought: Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden's Covid coordinator and one of his most-important advisors, must clearly know that his boss has severe dementia. Fauci, a "doctor," never said anything to anyone or encouraged Biden to get the help he needs.

This is yet another "tell" about the true character of our trusted leaders.

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I'm disgusted most that Dr Jill chooses this path. There's a special place in hell for her, if the Lord's vengeance is as great as His glory.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I run a baking business. Looking back at receipts for regularly purchased items, I found that between Jan 2021 and January 2023, my costs for butter, sugar, flour, and eggs went from $29.84 to $54.71! At my latest purchase, these same items were down slightly to $52.37. Not 1% by any stretch.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

It's very easy to estimate inflation. Two barometers of inflation that can easily show inflationary correlations across the board are gas and milk. In 2019, I bough gas for $1.82 in Oklahoma. Today, gas is $3.09. That's a 59% jump. Gas prices effect everything else. I chose milk (you could have chose eggs also) because dairy is in everything. It went from 2.49/gal (2019) to today's 3.20/gal. That's a 77% jump. You can do this with nearly any commonly used item. Tuna fish went from 1.00 a can to 1.67. It's always about 60% in increase. Numbers don't lie, but democrats do. I'm not sure if they are lying, or if they are so stupid and cultish nowadays, that they just make s--- up. I think it's both.

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More great examples - milk and gas are great products to compare over time.

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Looking around I’d say stupid.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I can tell you that in 2021 I was paying $5.99 for uncured lunch meat. I’m paying nearly $11 for that same package.

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We're going broke paying for Lunch-Ables, the crackers and turkey our kids like to eat for school lunches.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Yes, the country can’t keep on this trajectory. It’s ridiculous and I think people are ready to revolt. Hopefully, people will vote out the current administration destroying our country. But will the powers that be let that happen?

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Disgusting fake food in our schools. Very profitable for Kraft, however.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The good news is that NO food should be purchased at Walmart, because just about everything they sell can pose a danger. Our farmer's market still has pretty much the same prices.

Food, no matter where it's from, can contain surprising ingredients:


It's "normal" for the globalists to make the taxpayer pay for the rope (s)he is hanged with.

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You do know that WM sells name brand products, just like the other stores, right? Any evidence for your claim? And no, our farmers’ market prices are not “pretty much the same.” Full size watermelons last year $4.49 each; now $8.99 or more. The minis were 3 to a sleeve; now 2, and the price is the same or a bit higher.

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It is pretty widely known that WM pays less for brand-name stuff that is inferior than elsewhere, so they can sell it for less.

The only "evidence" I possess is that just about all comestibles sold at WM made us sick, so we don't buy food there anymore. :)

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Businesses also are adapting more and more inflation work-arounds. That's why we have more "self-check out" at stores or kiosks at fast-food restaurants. More automation/robotics everywhere. Illegal immigrant labor is a work-around to keep wages (and thus prices) lower.

Below I note that I once submitted a story on "inflation work-arounds" to the American Conservative, which didn't run that story. A work-around for news organizations is that they quit paying for freelance submissions - or, if a few still pay, they pay a lot less than they used to.

So, as a freelance journalist, I'm a victim of these work-arounds.

My work-around to get past the fact very few of my freelance articles were ever published was to ... start my own Substack newsletter!

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This is an important meta-topic, Bill.

My post about Murthy will ask the same question: what happens when people don't trust the courts?

But I think the sad reality is that despite all of the lies of the past five years, people DO still believe the government. They still believe the "we did the best we could" narrative.

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And they still, apparently, believe the MSM narratives. Everyone says they don't trust the government or the press ... but they did with Covid.

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I'd guess that a lot of folks just don't have the time, or inclination, even if they sense something is wrong, to do their own dives into topics like these. They, and parents before them, could always turn on the local and national news and felt they were 'up to date'.

The debatacle last Thursday, just might cause a whole new cohort of folks to blink a few times and say hmmmm. Let's hope.

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If that's the result of this debate, it will be the most "historic" and important debate in U.S. history.

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Safe & effective, LOL

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The same Oscar Meyer bacon that was $3 and change forever is now over $8!!! You can keep your bacon. When I go out for breakfast, I bring my own scrambled eggs and get a large iced tea from Circle K (gas station) for 89¢

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Jun 30Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

My husband and I spent a lot more of groceries than we used to. It’s just the 2 of us and our dog. $100+ each shopping trip, 2 times a week is nuts!

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Thanks. Reader comments on this piece should be interesting. Anyone that has specific examples of grocery store receipts please post away!

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