We've heard the news saying for a long time, "if it bleeds it leads." Fear and Sex are two of the most powerful influences on the human mind.
Take this story on the importance of everyone getting the HPV vaccine. It uses both fear and sex in the same pitch because HPV vaccine uptake isn't as popular as those who pay for the news (Big Pharma) want it to be:
This story was one of the first to push masks in early April, 2020. Its medical efficacy known to be questionable, but sold as a compassionate thing to do, symbolic, show you care about others, "honor badges":
That was the opening ad pitch. But the real "science" behind masks was Fear. Masked faces trigger the same amygdala, "fight, flight or freeze" response as snakes:
Of snakes and faces: An evolutionary perspective on the psychology of fear
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, November 19, 2009
Sell it as compassion to the early adopters of the current thing, quickly becoming mandated after the same people who pay for the news (Big Pharma) write stories urging their compulsory adoption, including sexy stars and starlets in PSA's modeling masks, and next thing you know all of society is made into walking billboards of fear. How to terrorize a society into submission.
Which is why before 2020 masks were only seen in BDSM kinkster communities, the Dom-submissive power and control roles, "Fifty Shades of Grey":
Since it was so wildly successful, better than the BS practitioners imagined it would be even in the UK and US, authorities are giddy, drunk on the power it gives them, expanding funding for new Behavioral Health programs in cities and states across the nation, exponentially since 2020. You can check your own state for how many new behavioral health programs have started since 2020 just keyword searching "behavioral health" and your state or city in any search engine. Lots of laudatory praise for how wonderful they are at improving healthy outcomes and lives in your city and state. That's their story and they're sticking to it!
Whenever you hear authorities say they are "following the best science" know that they mean Behavioral Science, not natural science, not medical science, not biology or microbiology, not meteorology, not atmospheric, not chemistry not any hard science. And they want you to follow that BS right into the clutches of totalitarianism. Hiding in the intentional ambiguity of the word, "science," knowing you'll default think they mean hard, natural science while they actually mean soft, social, behavioral science. Which is a branch of the same tree limb that political science is on. Fear and Sex. Primal motivators, influences on human behavior.
A California professor assigned “The Real Anthony Fauci” to her students. As expected, some people were not amused … But, surprisingly, her bosses eventually sided with her and “academic freedom.”
Highly-recommended article. This professor makes some of the points I made in an earlier article about Pfizer becoming a “corporate sponsor of the SEC” … Our research and instruction … “brought to you by Pfizer!”
I also like this excerpt, which ties into my recent essay on the power of fear:
“There is an old German proverb: ‘Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is,’” Comerford said. “There was a lot of fear promulgated during COVID-19, I think learning about COVID-19 science from different perspectives empowered students during a challenging time and made the proverbial wolf smaller.”
5. It ain't natural for a human to have a mask on and at one time that was considered inappropriate behavior and for this to somehow be considered virtuous is not only stupid it makes no sense - it is harmful for the individual wearing the mask and it actually facilitates the agency of harmful entities is what I think and it shows somebody to be witless in their minds being they just obey authority and "do their duty" to wear a mask harmful.
6. Carbon dioxide levels increase in the bloodstream of those who wear masks endlessly.
7. On an incremental level it is not beneficial for society as a whole to have many members with elevate carbon dioxide in their bloodstream, and this is most critical when it comes to young members of society.
8. On top of that the filters these days don't stop the small particles from even entering into one's lungs.
9. So, is it not evident that wearing masks is not only unhelpful, harmful, and that it does nothing but perpetuate needless fear?
10. If you can't figure it out, then maybe you are a fearful one, and if you are, then I reckon, you will die the same way you have lived - fearfully.
I for one would just assume die in defense of principle and truth and fearful ones are more than just tiring - they are witless zombies and let me send them a clue - GET a CLUE!
time is of the essence....and those few who perpetuate fear are on notice - we know who you are individually and we are literally coming to get you one at a time.
You know, I want that, too. Then sometimes I hear a voice inside my head from scripture about forgiving those who have trespassed us. And cautioning us that we all have sinned upon our creator, who we ask forgiveness from, wishing to enter the kingdom of heaven. And as we seek his forgiveness for our many trespasses against him we cannot stand in judgement of those who have trespassed us; only God can judge.
So I struggle, actually a lifetime of struggle with forgiving the trespasses of other, always fighting back an instinctive revenge streak. Trust me, I've wanted them to hang from the gallows, even have said so on social media, early 2020 when I saw what was unfolding. Now a bit more tempered knowing who watches and monitors these forums and can and will use our words against us.
As I struggle with these two ideas inside me I've resolved to occasionally indulge the thought of the ultimate retribution being applied to these monsters with the better angel on my shoulder pulling me back from those dark wishes in my mind. And letting God judge.
Yes, they must be held accountable. But under the rules of a just and fair society, not lynch mob that has prejudged them for the guilt of their actions. I would accept the application of justice as either prison or death penalty, however my peers choose. Without blood lust and thirst for revenge in my heart. But, boy oh boy, I often feel like that is deserved. They're lucky many of us have that connection to God's word. Very lucky.
I'll tell you this Freedom Fox - I keep an eye out for those who desire freedom. Lately, because I'm blessed I reckon, as you are as well I suppose, I keep an eye out for those who realize - the times are changing and old ideas die hard, but die they will.
Postmodernist think they can create the future by virtue of collective will, but oh how wrong they are.
Individuals directly responsible for large-scale harm will hang both literally and metaphorically because they are offensive to those of us who understand justice and give it respect and heed.
Lady Libra suffers no fools and she will with the assistance of her minions literally destroy those who wander into the cave of wealth and death thinking pompously.
Taken to the extreme Justified Retribution spells the end of the human species if the peasants don't start getting a mind of their own. Lady Libra cares not a whit about a rich man or a peasant either, she holds the scales and she keeps them in balance and that is her job and she does it irrefutably - she is undeniable and forever, but the human species is not if the members are going to succumb to the fear.
Tis my thought that the only thing that can overcome fear is love, but victory is not assured - it just depends on will to survive I reckon. Individually and collectively to get all sappy about it.
Anyhow - those who have perpetuated these evident crimes upon all of humanity that apparently the individual ones amongst them think they are above - they deserve the gallows - one at a time. Literally.
I agree they deserve the gallows. We, our friends, our families didn't deserve what they've done to us. But deserves got nothing to do with it sometimes. Quoting the Unforgiven. There's a meaning in that saying and movie title to this comment thread that fits, but I've not figured out the best way to express it. So I'll just leave it there.
Well you got individual trespasses and you got offenses committed upon society as a whole. The ones committed upon society as a whole are large-scale, and they are not the same as individual trespasses committed upon one another. So to take this to its fair conclusion, those who commit large-scale offense upon society as a whole, those who cause large-scale harm, well Justified Retribution awaits them in the real-time nowadays, and they will get what they deserve to put it simply.
So, keep in mind the difference between small-scale offense and large-scale harm intended consciously and willfully. In my mind, as a species, it is imperative to send a message to individual members that if you think you are above the rest of us and can willfully cause large-scale harm, then the rest of us do NOT want you to be members of the species anymore. Simple as that - Justified Retribution!
I understand that sentiment. Trust me, I understand it and the distinction you make. I don't deny you the right to hold it; I can hold it, too. I make the conscious choice to listen to the voice of that angel reminding me of the scripture and our relationship with the Almighty. Who, I believe, has the ultimate right to judge that our trespasses against him are even greater than even those large-scale offenses against society as a whole. Whether we like to believe that comparative truth or not. He gave us Ten Commandments. How many of those have you broken in your life. Just ten rules, no go's, don't do's. And most of us do them anyway. Whether or not we believe them to be small-scale offenses compared to the large-scale harms we see happening all around us.
Because God may have a different understanding of large v small-scale than we do. Which is why only he can judge. That's my better angel's story, and I'm sticking to it!
Fear is always a lie. Fear always makes people irrational. Fear often causes people to run into the arms of something they think will save them from what they fear, but which turns out to be worse. I have seen that in the deaths and injuries of countless people I know who took the covid shot because they were afraid of a flu.
Here are other quotes I have saved in my journal to help fear.
(Fear of failure is one of the greatest fears people have. Fear of failure is closely related to fear of criticism and fear of rejection. Successful people overcome their fear of failure. Fear incapacitates unsuccessful people.
The Law of Feedback states that there is no failure, only feedback. Successful people look at mistakes as outcomes or results, not as failures. Unsuccessful people look at mistakes as permanent and personal.
Buckminster Fuller wrote, "Whatever humans have learned had to be learned as a consequence only of trial and error experience. Humans have learned only through mistakes."
Most people self-limit themselves. Most people do not achieve a fraction of what they are capable of achieving because they are afraid to try—because they are afraid they will fail.
Take these steps to overcome your fear of failure and move yourself forward to getting the result you desire:
Step One: Take action. Bold, decisive action. Do something scary. Fear of failure immobilizes you. To overcome this fear, you must act. When you act, act boldly.
Action gives you the power to change the circumstances or the situation. You must overcome the inertia by doing something. Dr. Robert Schuller asks, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" What could you achieve? Be brave and just do it. If it doesn’t work out the way you want, then do something else. But DO SOMETHING NOW.
Step Two: Persist. Successful people just don’t give up. They keep trying different approaches to achieving their outcomes until they finally get the results they want. Unsuccessful people try one thing that doesn’t work and then give up. Often people give up when they are on the threshold of succeeding.
Step Three: Don’t take failure personally. Failure is about behavior, outcomes, and results. Failure is not a personality characteristic. Although what you do may not give you the result you wanted, it doesn’t mean you are a failure. Because you made a mistake doesn’t mean that you are a failure.
Step Four: Do things differently. If what you are doing isn’t working, do something else. There is an old saying, "if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got." If you’re not getting the desired results, you must do something different. Most people stop doing anything, which guarantees they won’t be successful.
Step Five: Don’t be so hard on yourself. Hey, if nothing else, you know what doesn’t work. Failure is a judgement or evaluation of behavior. Look at failure as an event or a happening, not as a person.
Step Six: Treat the experience as an opportunity to learn. Think of failure as a learning experience. What did you learn from the experience that will help you in the future? How can you use the experience to improve yourself or your situation? Ask yourself these questions: (1) What was the mistake? (2) How could it have been prevented? (3) How can I do better next time?
Then use what you learned from the experience to do things differently so you get different results next time. Learn from the experience or ignore it.
Step Seven: Look for possible opportunities that result from the experience. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, says "every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit." Look for the opportunity and the benefit.
Step Eight: Fail forward fast. Tom Peters, the management guru, says that in today’s business world, companies must fail forward fast. What he means is that the way we learn is by making mistakes. So if we want to learn at a faster pace, we must make mistakes at a faster pace. The key is that you must learn from the mistakes so you make so you don’t repeat them.
Although we all make mistakes, fear of failure doesn’t have to cripple you. As self-help author Susan Jeffers says, "feel the fear and do it anyway."
These are great. Fear holds all of us back from being our best. I keep procrastinating on a big, important story I want to write on ILI. Fear of too challenging a story?
I've written before that if you control the narrative, you can control the world. I think that's obviously true ... but all the key narratives are grounded in irrational fears.
Influenza Like Illness. It's the "symptoms" tens of millions of people had months before the coronavirus "officially" began to spread around the world. I think 20 to 30 percent of people who had ILI symptoms (and tested negative for influenza) probably had Covid.
Thanks for the reply. But, when people get ‘the flu’ every year, how many of them actually get ‘tested’? I’ve never heard of anyone I know who got a ‘flu test’ when they became ill (pre Covid19). And what kind of test was in use pre Covid19? PCR or something else?
In America, doctors give flu tests all the time. The CDC monitors these results. When I was sick in January 2020, I got a "negative" flu test ... so did my two children. So we could rule out the flu as causing our ILI symptoms. I'm working on a big story on the big spike in ILI in the fall and winter of 2019-2020. I think this should have told our public health experts that the coronavirus had already spread (widely) across America (and the world). ... I don't think the flu test is a PCR test, but I might be wrong. Good question.
Thanks for your reply. It sure would be good to know exactly what the long-used ‘flu test’ actually is. Do you know a doctor you could ask?. I certainly believe the PCR test is so inaccurate as to be worse than worthless…I almost think it was used for Covid19 intentionally to build ‘case’ numbers. I also suspect Covid19 (a new virus) was around before they ‘announced’ it to the world in Feb/March 2020…in January 2020, every single person I knew who had children in school said their kids came down with a ‘weird flu’ in November & December 2019. I also know some adults who came down with it early January 2020.
DR. JEFF HORAK: They call the surgeon in when there's trauma, alright? Look around, this community is in trouble. Alright? I wore a mask for 38 years. I'm in a position for just that long. Everything I do, put a mask on and I can tell you when I put that N95 mask on and just stood there and operated I got headaches. I got headaches. I'm used to wearing masks. I'm not even trying to do without running or playing a gym or all the other stuff. These masks? You want to stop the virus? The example of it is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain-link fence. Good luck, alright? Yes, I sneeze. These masks are designed to toss shit behind me [laughter from audience] That's all they're designed for. So I'm still not sure why I'm here.
Yes, I take care of people. I feel like what this is about, this is about fear. This is about fear. I'm going to say it right out [thumps podium with fist], this is about death. Everybody around here is scared that a kid might die in this community and I'm terrified of it, too. But I've been the guy there who pronounced the kids when they died. We all remember, I'm not gonna say her name, but an 18 month little girl who got hit by a car. Her mom was a nurse, [inaudible] was her primary doctor. And we tried to keep her going as long as we could, but it was time, and I pronounced her because nobody else ever could.
Because why? Because it's not about our science. You can find anything you want about science. You can go read any— I can prove either side of this anytime, looking anywhere I want, I can find the data that'll show what you think is right.
You heard that from people out here. Social media? You heard it. Tom [inaudible] did an excellent job. I'll grow my social media thing [inaudible].
So what do I do when I have to make life death decisions? Because effectively that's what you're being tasked to decide. Somewhere along this [inaudible] you're going to have to decide and your decision is going to make a life or death decision for some kid, or an adult, or like my partner said, her kid's home because that kid might have brought that to that uncle and he got it and he died.
We all are going to die. It's a given. You cannot change it. Who do you believe? What is your foundation? This city has 17 Lutheran churches. [laughter from audience] It, it's environment, you can't turn without seeing a church. Detroit, Michigan, you can't turn without seeing a liquor store! [laughter from audience] I am blessed to be in this community, as are all of you, but now you're put in a position to make a decision.
How do I make my decisions with my experience of 35, 38 years with what I've seen? You know what really magic is of what surgery does? You take, and one of you might need my services tonight because chances are, y'all are going to get an ulcer. [laughter from audience] When you perforate your ulcer you're gonna call, and I'm gonna show up, and I'm gonna give you information, real quick. And I'm the expert, I'm going to tell you what you need, and 99 percent of the time you're going to believe it. Most of [inaudible] are hurting so bad they have no choice.
But these people are hurting and they have no choice and aren't sure where to look. They're looking to you to make a decision. How do I make those decisions? I pray. I pray on the way in. Any one of you shows up tonight I'm praying on the way in. When I walk in I pray for you. I pray with you. I pray for the team. I ask for guidance.
Fixing your ulcer? Well this is the part [inaudible]. I don't take any responsibility for that, I just put the two sides together. Just little strings anybody can do it, monkeys can do it. [laughter from audience] Monkeys do it in a [inaudible] [laughter from audience]. God heals you. He mends that, in 24 hours it's watertight and won't leak anymore. I take you through those places but I give Him credit. I'm a tool by the Maker.
Look to your Maker. Do what you need to do for the people who have entrusted this to you. Put yourself in their shoes. I don't know how you can put yourself in that woman whose child has to wear a mask yet can't do her physical therapy or her speech therapy. I don't know how you do that decision.
You mandate this across the board, that's a tough place to go. I would suggest, and it's just a suggestion, pray about it. Come real close to God, find out what He wants you to do, and then I would ask you to say, Who does God put in charge of these kids? Their parents, right? God gave each one of these kids to their child, I'm sorry, each one of these kids their parents, and they speak for them. They may be wrong, they may be dumb, they may be imperfect in their decisions, but it's still their responsibility. It's not yours. God gave it to them. Honor their wishes, either side of the fence, and then let them decide if they want to go to school here or not. They'll go to another school in [inaudible] so be it! If they want to stay here and not wear a mask, so be it!
Take care of your people. OK that's why I'm here. God wins.
And a lot of these people don't give their consent. They do not give their consent, it's against the constitution. But that's another story. Thank you.
FEMALE VOICE: Thank you, Dr. Horak.
# # #
Minnesota surgeon fired after criticizing mask mandates at school board meeting
A rally was held in support of Dr. Jeff Horak on Monday morning and hundreds of supporters reportedly showed up.
Evan Stambaugh, October 26, 2021
"A surgeon for Lake Region Healthcare in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, was recently fired after speaking about mask mandates at a school board meeting. Valley News Live reported Friday that Dr. Jeff Horak was let go from his job not long after giving remarks at a Fergus Falls School Board meeting on Oct. 11. "The explanation I have that was given is that my views and the views of my group were no longer congruent," he told the station. Dr. Horak, a 40-year veteran of the medical field, said his employer presented him with two options: resign voluntarily or be fired. He did not choose to resign and was thus fired. “We live in America where freedoms are held close. I am a man who believes individuals have the right to do their research and decide what is best for them and their children when it comes to their health. I don’t believe governments or institutions should dictate that. It’s a position I’ve always taken. And when the science doesn’t make sense it’s hard for me to go along,” Horak said in a statement on Facebook."
I've commented on this fear thing before. To be afraid of death is to be disconnected from life. Life must end in order for life to continue. To fear the absolutely inevitable, necessary and natural end is, as Spock would say, illogical. If you believe in God, and have been a good person, what's to fear? If you don't believe in God, then it's simple oblivion and what's wrong with that? The best one can do is to make sure your house is "in order" with backup plans for those left behind.
Go rock climbing. Go run a river. Go skiing. Go skydiving. Don't be content with the comfortable.
I have written many times about how we fear the wrong things. My favorite example is a gal who delivered a lecture on the dangers of cell phone radiation. When she left, she lit a cigarette and drove off at high speed without a seat belt.
I wrote about this many months ago on how they play the fear and lie card to distract the public from learning the truth https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/lies-and-fear-lead-to-more-lies glad your article verifies what in wrote hopefully our articles will awaken the sheep to see there being played as the fools
Thanks, Jen! I kept writing, "Those who control the narrative can control the world." But it occurred to me that I need to define the root elements of these "narratives" and why they are so powerful .... which is ... fear (irrational and exaggerated fears).
Fear of misogyny is the reason everyone pretends men and women are the same, but it's resulted in advocacy for equality of outcome (without any sort of discussion lacking histrionics), and that's turning me into a misogynist.
Unhinged reactions to fear result in the fears coming true... Like the monster in "It". I suspect the same thing will come to pass for the government that censors us.
Great article- one other point - all of the media figured out they get more eyeballs (and thus money) with fear porn every night instead of what’s actually happening
If the story hadn't (as usual) run long, I would have tried to develop that germane point. I think today's press corp is also afraid to challenge the people they are supposed to challenge. I haven't figured that one out yet.
Bill, firstly, that's a great image you chose for the cover. I'm stealing it! Some initial thoughts:
Part of the fear/death hoax is how they re-defined it as being the absolute end of it (mortality). [For one, that helps them sell more meds and products throughout peoples' lives (commercial component).] In other words, they've done their utmost best to remove the notion of immortality of the Judeo-Christian belief that after our body dies, the soul will live on, for it is God's will (spiritual component). Just like everything else, it's a multi-pronged attack. Alan Watts touched upon this in some of his talks and is definitely worth a listen.
Let me ponder your article more for additional thoughts. Love your writing.
Thanks, Dan. I love your writing. Yep - the more you think about it the great fear they have to exploit is the fear of death. This fear does form the foundation of the entire medical and "science" industrial complex. Also, the military industrial complex. We were all afraid the terrorist - or Russia, Russia, Russia! - were going to conquer us ... and kill us. Another nonsensical fear.
Thank you for this post. Yes! People act, even against their own self interests, out of fear.
You said "But more citizens should probably think about how these people exploited the population’s irrational fear of a respiratory virus to achieve even more immense power and control."
'They' didn't exploit fear, they created it. When I say 'They', I'm talking about what some people call the "Cathedral" (media + academia and sometimes + government). With big tech, they've gotten orders of magnitude better than their campaigns during the War on Terror. Remember getting constantly bombarded with emails back them with the theme that 'muslims are plotting to slit the throats of Americans while you're sleeping' from a well meaning, but delusional distant cousin?
I'll never forget watching a video from the early 90s breakup of the Soviet Union. A journalist was interviewing an older woman and asking about looking forward to freedom. The woman said she was scared to death of it - where would she work if the gov't didn't tell her where. How would she get food, clothing, shelter if the government didn't provide it for her? Watching the exchange shocked me.
I'd like to link that to a recent exchange between a journalist and a current high school student I heard recently. The student was asked what they felt about school closures and mask mandates. The male student said that he didn't like them much because he couldn't see and hang out with his friends, but he thought they were ok because it showed the school and teachers cared about his well-being.
People who aren't brought-up and raised with freedom (like we Gen Xers and older) were don't value it. Freedom is scary to them. And that scares the crap out of me.
Great comment, Lisa P. Thanks. Yes, I agree, "they" didn't exploit fear ... they actually created it in the first place ... then they exploited the very fear they themselves had created. That's an important point I should have made in my article.
On the subject of fear, here is a link to an open letter to the UK prime minister Sunak from Dr Christian Buckland, Chair of the UK Council for Psychotherapy. Well worth a read. Clearly the Western governments especially the US, Canada, Australia, Britain and New Zealand were subjected to psychoterror by their governments.
We DO have an enemy and it’s not our government; it’s the spiritual wickedness in high places that control the leaders of our government. Our real enemy uses fear, lying and accusations to control us. It’s a spiritual battle and has been all along. And unfortunately most people don’t realize that so they try to use the weapons of man which are completely ineffective in waging warfare in the heavenlies. America will lose the battle but God wins in the end. Always.
I think I agree with this, but the "God" for one may not be the same as the "God" for another and that is the crux of the matter in a way.
The concept I use to judge the actions of others both small-scale and large-scale is whether their behavior causes harm to innocence. Now, to keep it simple, lets consider that a 2-year old is innocent. The child was born innocent and at the age of 2 most children remain innocent. So, for any group of folks to advocate giving an experimental injection to children but 6-months old, definitely they are innocent, I consider those folks harming innocence and I can't abide it. When they passed the vote for this I think it was a consensus 21-0, and all I know is all 21 of those who voted to harm innocence are guilty. I want them to face justice.
So, I have my Lord, and I reckon you have yours as well, and I hope your Lord concurs with that sentiment.
We've heard the news saying for a long time, "if it bleeds it leads." Fear and Sex are two of the most powerful influences on the human mind.
Take this story on the importance of everyone getting the HPV vaccine. It uses both fear and sex in the same pitch because HPV vaccine uptake isn't as popular as those who pay for the news (Big Pharma) want it to be:
This story was one of the first to push masks in early April, 2020. Its medical efficacy known to be questionable, but sold as a compassionate thing to do, symbolic, show you care about others, "honor badges":
That was the opening ad pitch. But the real "science" behind masks was Fear. Masked faces trigger the same amygdala, "fight, flight or freeze" response as snakes:
Of snakes and faces: An evolutionary perspective on the psychology of fear
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, November 19, 2009
Sell it as compassion to the early adopters of the current thing, quickly becoming mandated after the same people who pay for the news (Big Pharma) write stories urging their compulsory adoption, including sexy stars and starlets in PSA's modeling masks, and next thing you know all of society is made into walking billboards of fear. How to terrorize a society into submission.
Which is why before 2020 masks were only seen in BDSM kinkster communities, the Dom-submissive power and control roles, "Fifty Shades of Grey":
Unless used by bank robbers, terrorists and slavemasters:
Fear. Application of Behavioral Science (BS), The Best Science (TM), "the science of totalitarianism" to enslave once-free people:
Since it was so wildly successful, better than the BS practitioners imagined it would be even in the UK and US, authorities are giddy, drunk on the power it gives them, expanding funding for new Behavioral Health programs in cities and states across the nation, exponentially since 2020. You can check your own state for how many new behavioral health programs have started since 2020 just keyword searching "behavioral health" and your state or city in any search engine. Lots of laudatory praise for how wonderful they are at improving healthy outcomes and lives in your city and state. That's their story and they're sticking to it!
Whenever you hear authorities say they are "following the best science" know that they mean Behavioral Science, not natural science, not medical science, not biology or microbiology, not meteorology, not atmospheric, not chemistry not any hard science. And they want you to follow that BS right into the clutches of totalitarianism. Hiding in the intentional ambiguity of the word, "science," knowing you'll default think they mean hard, natural science while they actually mean soft, social, behavioral science. Which is a branch of the same tree limb that political science is on. Fear and Sex. Primal motivators, influences on human behavior.
Now this adds some meat (links and summaries) to my essay. Thanks for this addition!
A California professor assigned “The Real Anthony Fauci” to her students. As expected, some people were not amused … But, surprisingly, her bosses eventually sided with her and “academic freedom.”
Highly-recommended article. This professor makes some of the points I made in an earlier article about Pfizer becoming a “corporate sponsor of the SEC” … Our research and instruction … “brought to you by Pfizer!”
I also like this excerpt, which ties into my recent essay on the power of fear:
“There is an old German proverb: ‘Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is,’” Comerford said. “There was a lot of fear promulgated during COVID-19, I think learning about COVID-19 science from different perspectives empowered students during a challenging time and made the proverbial wolf smaller.”
Link to article:
This is what I think about masks.
1. They hide your face.
2. They get to feel your breath in an out.
3. Like any filter, they catch particles.
4. Those particles remain in the mask.
5. It ain't natural for a human to have a mask on and at one time that was considered inappropriate behavior and for this to somehow be considered virtuous is not only stupid it makes no sense - it is harmful for the individual wearing the mask and it actually facilitates the agency of harmful entities is what I think and it shows somebody to be witless in their minds being they just obey authority and "do their duty" to wear a mask harmful.
6. Carbon dioxide levels increase in the bloodstream of those who wear masks endlessly.
7. On an incremental level it is not beneficial for society as a whole to have many members with elevate carbon dioxide in their bloodstream, and this is most critical when it comes to young members of society.
8. On top of that the filters these days don't stop the small particles from even entering into one's lungs.
9. So, is it not evident that wearing masks is not only unhelpful, harmful, and that it does nothing but perpetuate needless fear?
10. If you can't figure it out, then maybe you are a fearful one, and if you are, then I reckon, you will die the same way you have lived - fearfully.
I for one would just assume die in defense of principle and truth and fearful ones are more than just tiring - they are witless zombies and let me send them a clue - GET a CLUE!
time is of the essence....and those few who perpetuate fear are on notice - we know who you are individually and we are literally coming to get you one at a time.
The psycho-social effect of masking is just as bad, if not worse than the physiological effect.
It is mainly the "large-scale" pushers of fear who I want to see hang on the gallows and I know I'm not alone in this sentiment.
Justified Retribution is not a simple concept but it is justified and may the best ideas prevail is what I think.
You know, I want that, too. Then sometimes I hear a voice inside my head from scripture about forgiving those who have trespassed us. And cautioning us that we all have sinned upon our creator, who we ask forgiveness from, wishing to enter the kingdom of heaven. And as we seek his forgiveness for our many trespasses against him we cannot stand in judgement of those who have trespassed us; only God can judge.
So I struggle, actually a lifetime of struggle with forgiving the trespasses of other, always fighting back an instinctive revenge streak. Trust me, I've wanted them to hang from the gallows, even have said so on social media, early 2020 when I saw what was unfolding. Now a bit more tempered knowing who watches and monitors these forums and can and will use our words against us.
As I struggle with these two ideas inside me I've resolved to occasionally indulge the thought of the ultimate retribution being applied to these monsters with the better angel on my shoulder pulling me back from those dark wishes in my mind. And letting God judge.
Yes, they must be held accountable. But under the rules of a just and fair society, not lynch mob that has prejudged them for the guilt of their actions. I would accept the application of justice as either prison or death penalty, however my peers choose. Without blood lust and thirst for revenge in my heart. But, boy oh boy, I often feel like that is deserved. They're lucky many of us have that connection to God's word. Very lucky.
They know not what they do.
I'll tell you this Freedom Fox - I keep an eye out for those who desire freedom. Lately, because I'm blessed I reckon, as you are as well I suppose, I keep an eye out for those who realize - the times are changing and old ideas die hard, but die they will.
Postmodernist think they can create the future by virtue of collective will, but oh how wrong they are.
Individuals directly responsible for large-scale harm will hang both literally and metaphorically because they are offensive to those of us who understand justice and give it respect and heed.
Lady Libra suffers no fools and she will with the assistance of her minions literally destroy those who wander into the cave of wealth and death thinking pompously.
Taken to the extreme Justified Retribution spells the end of the human species if the peasants don't start getting a mind of their own. Lady Libra cares not a whit about a rich man or a peasant either, she holds the scales and she keeps them in balance and that is her job and she does it irrefutably - she is undeniable and forever, but the human species is not if the members are going to succumb to the fear.
Tis my thought that the only thing that can overcome fear is love, but victory is not assured - it just depends on will to survive I reckon. Individually and collectively to get all sappy about it.
Anyhow - those who have perpetuated these evident crimes upon all of humanity that apparently the individual ones amongst them think they are above - they deserve the gallows - one at a time. Literally.
I agree they deserve the gallows. We, our friends, our families didn't deserve what they've done to us. But deserves got nothing to do with it sometimes. Quoting the Unforgiven. There's a meaning in that saying and movie title to this comment thread that fits, but I've not figured out the best way to express it. So I'll just leave it there.
Well you got individual trespasses and you got offenses committed upon society as a whole. The ones committed upon society as a whole are large-scale, and they are not the same as individual trespasses committed upon one another. So to take this to its fair conclusion, those who commit large-scale offense upon society as a whole, those who cause large-scale harm, well Justified Retribution awaits them in the real-time nowadays, and they will get what they deserve to put it simply.
So, keep in mind the difference between small-scale offense and large-scale harm intended consciously and willfully. In my mind, as a species, it is imperative to send a message to individual members that if you think you are above the rest of us and can willfully cause large-scale harm, then the rest of us do NOT want you to be members of the species anymore. Simple as that - Justified Retribution!
I understand that sentiment. Trust me, I understand it and the distinction you make. I don't deny you the right to hold it; I can hold it, too. I make the conscious choice to listen to the voice of that angel reminding me of the scripture and our relationship with the Almighty. Who, I believe, has the ultimate right to judge that our trespasses against him are even greater than even those large-scale offenses against society as a whole. Whether we like to believe that comparative truth or not. He gave us Ten Commandments. How many of those have you broken in your life. Just ten rules, no go's, don't do's. And most of us do them anyway. Whether or not we believe them to be small-scale offenses compared to the large-scale harms we see happening all around us.
Because God may have a different understanding of large v small-scale than we do. Which is why only he can judge. That's my better angel's story, and I'm sticking to it!
For sure - that is why it makes no sense.
“Professor Freud, what comes between Fear and Sex?” Freud puffs cigar then says “Fünf”.
My German-English translator says that means "Five"?
Ja! Vier, fünf, sechs... a little German humor there... ba-dum tssss
Lol! I can be slow on the 'uptake.'
Correct. It's called TRUST MK-ULTRA TRUST MK-NAOMI ft Germ Theory & Vaccine Bioweapons https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/trust-mk-ultra-trust-mk-naomi-ft-germ-theory-vaccine-biowepons - The Narrative: Mass Formation Psychosis Doesn't Exist ft MK-NAOMI https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/the-narrative-mass-formation-psychosis-doesnt-exist-ft-mk-naomi
Fear is always a lie. Fear always makes people irrational. Fear often causes people to run into the arms of something they think will save them from what they fear, but which turns out to be worse. I have seen that in the deaths and injuries of countless people I know who took the covid shot because they were afraid of a flu.
Great Post Bill.
False Expectations Appearing Real
Here are other quotes I have saved in my journal to help fear.
(Fear of failure is one of the greatest fears people have. Fear of failure is closely related to fear of criticism and fear of rejection. Successful people overcome their fear of failure. Fear incapacitates unsuccessful people.
The Law of Feedback states that there is no failure, only feedback. Successful people look at mistakes as outcomes or results, not as failures. Unsuccessful people look at mistakes as permanent and personal.
Buckminster Fuller wrote, "Whatever humans have learned had to be learned as a consequence only of trial and error experience. Humans have learned only through mistakes."
Most people self-limit themselves. Most people do not achieve a fraction of what they are capable of achieving because they are afraid to try—because they are afraid they will fail.
Take these steps to overcome your fear of failure and move yourself forward to getting the result you desire:
Step One: Take action. Bold, decisive action. Do something scary. Fear of failure immobilizes you. To overcome this fear, you must act. When you act, act boldly.
Action gives you the power to change the circumstances or the situation. You must overcome the inertia by doing something. Dr. Robert Schuller asks, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" What could you achieve? Be brave and just do it. If it doesn’t work out the way you want, then do something else. But DO SOMETHING NOW.
Step Two: Persist. Successful people just don’t give up. They keep trying different approaches to achieving their outcomes until they finally get the results they want. Unsuccessful people try one thing that doesn’t work and then give up. Often people give up when they are on the threshold of succeeding.
Step Three: Don’t take failure personally. Failure is about behavior, outcomes, and results. Failure is not a personality characteristic. Although what you do may not give you the result you wanted, it doesn’t mean you are a failure. Because you made a mistake doesn’t mean that you are a failure.
Step Four: Do things differently. If what you are doing isn’t working, do something else. There is an old saying, "if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got." If you’re not getting the desired results, you must do something different. Most people stop doing anything, which guarantees they won’t be successful.
Step Five: Don’t be so hard on yourself. Hey, if nothing else, you know what doesn’t work. Failure is a judgement or evaluation of behavior. Look at failure as an event or a happening, not as a person.
Step Six: Treat the experience as an opportunity to learn. Think of failure as a learning experience. What did you learn from the experience that will help you in the future? How can you use the experience to improve yourself or your situation? Ask yourself these questions: (1) What was the mistake? (2) How could it have been prevented? (3) How can I do better next time?
Then use what you learned from the experience to do things differently so you get different results next time. Learn from the experience or ignore it.
Step Seven: Look for possible opportunities that result from the experience. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, says "every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit." Look for the opportunity and the benefit.
Step Eight: Fail forward fast. Tom Peters, the management guru, says that in today’s business world, companies must fail forward fast. What he means is that the way we learn is by making mistakes. So if we want to learn at a faster pace, we must make mistakes at a faster pace. The key is that you must learn from the mistakes so you make so you don’t repeat them.
Although we all make mistakes, fear of failure doesn’t have to cripple you. As self-help author Susan Jeffers says, "feel the fear and do it anyway."
These are great. Fear holds all of us back from being our best. I keep procrastinating on a big, important story I want to write on ILI. Fear of too challenging a story?
I've written before that if you control the narrative, you can control the world. I think that's obviously true ... but all the key narratives are grounded in irrational fears.
What is ILI?
Influenza Like Illness. It's the "symptoms" tens of millions of people had months before the coronavirus "officially" began to spread around the world. I think 20 to 30 percent of people who had ILI symptoms (and tested negative for influenza) probably had Covid.
Thanks for the reply. But, when people get ‘the flu’ every year, how many of them actually get ‘tested’? I’ve never heard of anyone I know who got a ‘flu test’ when they became ill (pre Covid19). And what kind of test was in use pre Covid19? PCR or something else?
In America, doctors give flu tests all the time. The CDC monitors these results. When I was sick in January 2020, I got a "negative" flu test ... so did my two children. So we could rule out the flu as causing our ILI symptoms. I'm working on a big story on the big spike in ILI in the fall and winter of 2019-2020. I think this should have told our public health experts that the coronavirus had already spread (widely) across America (and the world). ... I don't think the flu test is a PCR test, but I might be wrong. Good question.
Thanks for your reply. It sure would be good to know exactly what the long-used ‘flu test’ actually is. Do you know a doctor you could ask?. I certainly believe the PCR test is so inaccurate as to be worse than worthless…I almost think it was used for Covid19 intentionally to build ‘case’ numbers. I also suspect Covid19 (a new virus) was around before they ‘announced’ it to the world in Feb/March 2020…in January 2020, every single person I knew who had children in school said their kids came down with a ‘weird flu’ in November & December 2019. I also know some adults who came down with it early January 2020.
A failure is a sure sign that someone tried. We in the sciences learn more from our failures than our successes.
Good one, Bill.
Relatedly: here is a transcript I made just this week, of a video from 2021, in which a wise and compassionate surgeon talks about fear:
Dr. Jeff Horak speaks out against mask mandates
Oct 27, 2021
DR. JEFF HORAK: They call the surgeon in when there's trauma, alright? Look around, this community is in trouble. Alright? I wore a mask for 38 years. I'm in a position for just that long. Everything I do, put a mask on and I can tell you when I put that N95 mask on and just stood there and operated I got headaches. I got headaches. I'm used to wearing masks. I'm not even trying to do without running or playing a gym or all the other stuff. These masks? You want to stop the virus? The example of it is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain-link fence. Good luck, alright? Yes, I sneeze. These masks are designed to toss shit behind me [laughter from audience] That's all they're designed for. So I'm still not sure why I'm here.
Yes, I take care of people. I feel like what this is about, this is about fear. This is about fear. I'm going to say it right out [thumps podium with fist], this is about death. Everybody around here is scared that a kid might die in this community and I'm terrified of it, too. But I've been the guy there who pronounced the kids when they died. We all remember, I'm not gonna say her name, but an 18 month little girl who got hit by a car. Her mom was a nurse, [inaudible] was her primary doctor. And we tried to keep her going as long as we could, but it was time, and I pronounced her because nobody else ever could.
Because why? Because it's not about our science. You can find anything you want about science. You can go read any— I can prove either side of this anytime, looking anywhere I want, I can find the data that'll show what you think is right.
You heard that from people out here. Social media? You heard it. Tom [inaudible] did an excellent job. I'll grow my social media thing [inaudible].
So what do I do when I have to make life death decisions? Because effectively that's what you're being tasked to decide. Somewhere along this [inaudible] you're going to have to decide and your decision is going to make a life or death decision for some kid, or an adult, or like my partner said, her kid's home because that kid might have brought that to that uncle and he got it and he died.
We all are going to die. It's a given. You cannot change it. Who do you believe? What is your foundation? This city has 17 Lutheran churches. [laughter from audience] It, it's environment, you can't turn without seeing a church. Detroit, Michigan, you can't turn without seeing a liquor store! [laughter from audience] I am blessed to be in this community, as are all of you, but now you're put in a position to make a decision.
How do I make my decisions with my experience of 35, 38 years with what I've seen? You know what really magic is of what surgery does? You take, and one of you might need my services tonight because chances are, y'all are going to get an ulcer. [laughter from audience] When you perforate your ulcer you're gonna call, and I'm gonna show up, and I'm gonna give you information, real quick. And I'm the expert, I'm going to tell you what you need, and 99 percent of the time you're going to believe it. Most of [inaudible] are hurting so bad they have no choice.
But these people are hurting and they have no choice and aren't sure where to look. They're looking to you to make a decision. How do I make those decisions? I pray. I pray on the way in. Any one of you shows up tonight I'm praying on the way in. When I walk in I pray for you. I pray with you. I pray for the team. I ask for guidance.
Fixing your ulcer? Well this is the part [inaudible]. I don't take any responsibility for that, I just put the two sides together. Just little strings anybody can do it, monkeys can do it. [laughter from audience] Monkeys do it in a [inaudible] [laughter from audience]. God heals you. He mends that, in 24 hours it's watertight and won't leak anymore. I take you through those places but I give Him credit. I'm a tool by the Maker.
Look to your Maker. Do what you need to do for the people who have entrusted this to you. Put yourself in their shoes. I don't know how you can put yourself in that woman whose child has to wear a mask yet can't do her physical therapy or her speech therapy. I don't know how you do that decision.
You mandate this across the board, that's a tough place to go. I would suggest, and it's just a suggestion, pray about it. Come real close to God, find out what He wants you to do, and then I would ask you to say, Who does God put in charge of these kids? Their parents, right? God gave each one of these kids to their child, I'm sorry, each one of these kids their parents, and they speak for them. They may be wrong, they may be dumb, they may be imperfect in their decisions, but it's still their responsibility. It's not yours. God gave it to them. Honor their wishes, either side of the fence, and then let them decide if they want to go to school here or not. They'll go to another school in [inaudible] so be it! If they want to stay here and not wear a mask, so be it!
Take care of your people. OK that's why I'm here. God wins.
And a lot of these people don't give their consent. They do not give their consent, it's against the constitution. But that's another story. Thank you.
FEMALE VOICE: Thank you, Dr. Horak.
# # #
Minnesota surgeon fired after criticizing mask mandates at school board meeting
A rally was held in support of Dr. Jeff Horak on Monday morning and hundreds of supporters reportedly showed up.
Evan Stambaugh, October 26, 2021
"A surgeon for Lake Region Healthcare in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, was recently fired after speaking about mask mandates at a school board meeting. Valley News Live reported Friday that Dr. Jeff Horak was let go from his job not long after giving remarks at a Fergus Falls School Board meeting on Oct. 11. "The explanation I have that was given is that my views and the views of my group were no longer congruent," he told the station. Dr. Horak, a 40-year veteran of the medical field, said his employer presented him with two options: resign voluntarily or be fired. He did not choose to resign and was thus fired. “We live in America where freedoms are held close. I am a man who believes individuals have the right to do their research and decide what is best for them and their children when it comes to their health. I don’t believe governments or institutions should dictate that. It’s a position I’ve always taken. And when the science doesn’t make sense it’s hard for me to go along,” Horak said in a statement on Facebook."
continue reading at https://alphanews.org/minnesota-surgeon-fired-after-criticizing-mask-mandates-at-school-board-meeting/
See also:
"Minnesota surgeon loses job after telling school board to let parents makle descisions about masking kids"
by Paul Best, Fox News, October 27, 2021
Excellent as always. Thanks for all your hard work compiling and then disseminating these!
Thank YOU, dear Bill.
Mrs B I was just thinking how important you were. I have some old medical books from the 40s-90s and how the times (and definitions) have changed.
I've commented on this fear thing before. To be afraid of death is to be disconnected from life. Life must end in order for life to continue. To fear the absolutely inevitable, necessary and natural end is, as Spock would say, illogical. If you believe in God, and have been a good person, what's to fear? If you don't believe in God, then it's simple oblivion and what's wrong with that? The best one can do is to make sure your house is "in order" with backup plans for those left behind.
Go rock climbing. Go run a river. Go skiing. Go skydiving. Don't be content with the comfortable.
I have written many times about how we fear the wrong things. My favorite example is a gal who delivered a lecture on the dangers of cell phone radiation. When she left, she lit a cigarette and drove off at high speed without a seat belt.
Ah...the maskers walking into traffic looking at mobile phones...
I wrote about this many months ago on how they play the fear and lie card to distract the public from learning the truth https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/lies-and-fear-lead-to-more-lies glad your article verifies what in wrote hopefully our articles will awaken the sheep to see there being played as the fools
Impressive work, John. I just subscribed to your site and will read more when I have time.
BEST Stack article read in a long time!! Am saving this to share with “fearful” family members!!
Thanks, Jen! I kept writing, "Those who control the narrative can control the world." But it occurred to me that I need to define the root elements of these "narratives" and why they are so powerful .... which is ... fear (irrational and exaggerated fears).
Fear of misogyny is the reason everyone pretends men and women are the same, but it's resulted in advocacy for equality of outcome (without any sort of discussion lacking histrionics), and that's turning me into a misogynist.
Unhinged reactions to fear result in the fears coming true... Like the monster in "It". I suspect the same thing will come to pass for the government that censors us.
The Law of Opposite Effects kicks in again! (I hope).
Great article- one other point - all of the media figured out they get more eyeballs (and thus money) with fear porn every night instead of what’s actually happening
If the story hadn't (as usual) run long, I would have tried to develop that germane point. I think today's press corp is also afraid to challenge the people they are supposed to challenge. I haven't figured that one out yet.
The letters of the word fear spell out, False Evidence Appearing Real.
Bill, firstly, that's a great image you chose for the cover. I'm stealing it! Some initial thoughts:
Part of the fear/death hoax is how they re-defined it as being the absolute end of it (mortality). [For one, that helps them sell more meds and products throughout peoples' lives (commercial component).] In other words, they've done their utmost best to remove the notion of immortality of the Judeo-Christian belief that after our body dies, the soul will live on, for it is God's will (spiritual component). Just like everything else, it's a multi-pronged attack. Alan Watts touched upon this in some of his talks and is definitely worth a listen.
Let me ponder your article more for additional thoughts. Love your writing.
Thanks, Dan. I love your writing. Yep - the more you think about it the great fear they have to exploit is the fear of death. This fear does form the foundation of the entire medical and "science" industrial complex. Also, the military industrial complex. We were all afraid the terrorist - or Russia, Russia, Russia! - were going to conquer us ... and kill us. Another nonsensical fear.
Fear is also an important and effective tactic in the "divide-and-conquer" strategy, among others.
Good point!
Thank you for this post. Yes! People act, even against their own self interests, out of fear.
You said "But more citizens should probably think about how these people exploited the population’s irrational fear of a respiratory virus to achieve even more immense power and control."
'They' didn't exploit fear, they created it. When I say 'They', I'm talking about what some people call the "Cathedral" (media + academia and sometimes + government). With big tech, they've gotten orders of magnitude better than their campaigns during the War on Terror. Remember getting constantly bombarded with emails back them with the theme that 'muslims are plotting to slit the throats of Americans while you're sleeping' from a well meaning, but delusional distant cousin?
I'll never forget watching a video from the early 90s breakup of the Soviet Union. A journalist was interviewing an older woman and asking about looking forward to freedom. The woman said she was scared to death of it - where would she work if the gov't didn't tell her where. How would she get food, clothing, shelter if the government didn't provide it for her? Watching the exchange shocked me.
I'd like to link that to a recent exchange between a journalist and a current high school student I heard recently. The student was asked what they felt about school closures and mask mandates. The male student said that he didn't like them much because he couldn't see and hang out with his friends, but he thought they were ok because it showed the school and teachers cared about his well-being.
People who aren't brought-up and raised with freedom (like we Gen Xers and older) were don't value it. Freedom is scary to them. And that scares the crap out of me.
Great comment, Lisa P. Thanks. Yes, I agree, "they" didn't exploit fear ... they actually created it in the first place ... then they exploited the very fear they themselves had created. That's an important point I should have made in my article.
On the subject of fear, here is a link to an open letter to the UK prime minister Sunak from Dr Christian Buckland, Chair of the UK Council for Psychotherapy. Well worth a read. Clearly the Western governments especially the US, Canada, Australia, Britain and New Zealand were subjected to psychoterror by their governments.
We DO have an enemy and it’s not our government; it’s the spiritual wickedness in high places that control the leaders of our government. Our real enemy uses fear, lying and accusations to control us. It’s a spiritual battle and has been all along. And unfortunately most people don’t realize that so they try to use the weapons of man which are completely ineffective in waging warfare in the heavenlies. America will lose the battle but God wins in the end. Always.
I think I agree with this, but the "God" for one may not be the same as the "God" for another and that is the crux of the matter in a way.
The concept I use to judge the actions of others both small-scale and large-scale is whether their behavior causes harm to innocence. Now, to keep it simple, lets consider that a 2-year old is innocent. The child was born innocent and at the age of 2 most children remain innocent. So, for any group of folks to advocate giving an experimental injection to children but 6-months old, definitely they are innocent, I consider those folks harming innocence and I can't abide it. When they passed the vote for this I think it was a consensus 21-0, and all I know is all 21 of those who voted to harm innocence are guilty. I want them to face justice.
So, I have my Lord, and I reckon you have yours as well, and I hope your Lord concurs with that sentiment.
Blessings to you.
Bill is right on target! Fear instilled through mass propaganda and draconian big government keeps the 80 percent inline.