Fauci busted for pushing bogus virus-origination theory
And what I think really happened and why.

Among other alternative media journalists, Alex Berenson just posted a story on an eye-opening and important revelation dealing with the question of what Anthony Fauci knew about the origins of coronavirus spread (and how, where and when this virus began to spread in the world) … and when he knew this.
Here’s Berenson’s headline and sub-headline:
When the virologists lied, science died
A new email proves Dr. Anthony Fauci knew in early 2020 that China was running risky coronavirus research and a lab leak had likely caused the epidemic; why didn't he come clean?
The attention today’s big story generated gives me another opportunity to share my views on why “early spread” is the one scandal that’s been almost completely ignored and why this topic is more important than most people might realize (at least in my opinion).
And, also, why I think everyone is still missing the most-important details of this unreported scandal.
I made two posts at Alex’s site, which (with minor editing) I wanted to share with my readers today. (Check that: I actually made three posts and included the other one in the Reader Comments).
The first post outlines how I think Fauci and his top lieutenants created a false narrative on virus origination, probably to prevent the discovery of any fingerprints of the “science mafia” regarding the creation of this man-made virus. (Certain people in the military and “intelligence” communities were also probably involved in creating the requisite “false narratives” … assisted, of course, by the captured MSM.)
My second post is one I’ve been wanting to share for months. In this post, I briefly present my opinion on what I think really happened … and what I think set one of the pandemic’s integral cover-ups into motion.
Post 1 - Fauci created this narrative; so we know it must be false …
We know what “authorized narrative” the Fauci braintrust was conspiring to push: the narrative which says (definitively) that this virus originated at a live market (from “nature” and not a lab) in Wuhan in December 2019.
We should all know this was a brazen lie because:
These people always lie, especially Fauci, who had been manipulating data, rigging studies and creating bogus science narratives his whole career (in my opinion).
The evidence of “early spread” (before December 2019) was copious and undeniable - and could have been “proven” even by early February 2020.
For example, the CDC and NIH knew they had tranches of archived Red Cross blood they could test for Covid antibodies. One tranche of available blood was collected Dec. 13-16, 2019 in CA, WA and OR.
This blood could have been tested by early February if not late January. (China doctors and scientists were testing patients for Covid antibodies in January 2020.)
We know this expedited testing was NOT done.
We know this blood was finally tested; we just don’t know when because the CDC’s “Red Cross Blood Study” doesn’t include this very-important information.
We know this CDC study was belatedly published on November 30, 2020 - 11 1/2 months after the blood had been collected. So it apparently took 11-plus months to test 7,300 units of blood for antibodies.
We know this tranche of blood revealed that at least 39 of approximately 1,900 blood donors (2.04 percent of this random sample of blood donors) already had Covid antibodies in their blood in December 2019.
We know it takes a week or two for detectable antibodies to develop. From this information, one can conclude that most of these 39 positive blood donors were infected in November 2019 (if not even earlier).
From this information alone, we should know “Case Zero” in the world was NOT someone who visited the “Wet Market” in Wuhan in December 2019 … nor was it three WIV scientists who allegedly became “sick” in November 2019.
We also know that Red Cross blood donors from three different states tested positive for antibodies … so these early cases were NOT isolated to just one town or one state. (At least for this non-scientist/non-expert, this detail suggests this supposedly very-contagious virus was “spreading” from person-to-person.)
We also know CDC or public health officials never interviewed one person who tested positive (to ask them if they had Covid symptoms and, if so, when) … Or if anyone else in their family might have had Covid symptoms before early December 2019.
What we don’t know is why the testing of this “archived blood” was not expedited BEFORE officials decided to lockdown the entire world.
Or why more tranches of archived blood collected from other dates or other sections of the country were not tested as well.
Would-be Sherlock Holmes trying to solve the “Virus Origination” question should consider everything that common-sense says SHOULD have happened …. But never did happen.
This is the “dog-that-didn’t-bark” evidence that would almost-certainly solve the Crime of the Century.
Post 2 … My best guess on what happened …
Here’s what I think happened:
Certain people in the US government and the Virus Establishment Complex probably knew this virus was already circulating at least by October 2019 or probably by September 2019.
In my opinion, they must have known this … because (my opinion again) they must have known they were fully or partially responsible for this happening.
This said, most “experts” and authorities almost-certainly did NOT know this (although the big spike in ILI cases should have provided a great clue).
However, most experts and authorities probably figured out early on that something was rotten in Washington D.C. … that there probably WAS copious evidence of early virus spread … in America.
Since these “Influencers” had already gone “all-in” on lockdowns and the authorized narrative - i.e. this was the worst pandemic in world history - these people and organizations didn’t want to suddenly say, “Well, maybe we were wrong and we shouldn’t have imposed all these draconian measures” (measures designed to “slow” or “stop” the “spread” of a virus that was already spreading widely).
Or: “Maybe this virus isn’t anything to panic over after all.” (Because copious evidence existed which strongly suggested the virus had been spreading for months, but no spike in “excess deaths” had been observed - e.g. the virus wasn’t particularly lethal.)
They certainly didn’t want to entertain the possibility that many people were already being infected … in America.
To me, this means they all now had a powerful incentive to protect the already-established narrative.
This, at least to me, also means they would have all been on board with any measures that would block these embarrassing and scandalous revelations. … So they were all okay with the numerous measures that must have been used to conceal evidence of early spread.
One might ask: Well, how would officials actually conceal evidence of early spread? I’m glad at least a few people might ask this question (although I think I might be the only journalist in the world who’s asked this question).
I’ve been investigating this subject for 40 months, and the link included below shows how I think they did exactly this.
As for WHY so many officials and members of the “Science” and Health Establishments all conspired to do this … my answer is they were all protecting the “authorized narrative.”
They were also all on-board with “The Most Important Thing” - which was rolling out the new mRNA “vaccines.”
In short, at some point, all these people recognized they had to hang together ... or else they all might ... hang together (as in, from a noose).
Also, for emphasis: “Confirmed evidence of early spread” = “Authorized Narrative destroyed.”
How I think officials likely concealed evidence of early spread:
I actually made three posts at Alex's site. Here is my first post, which is getting a large number of "likes" ... so maybe my contrarian investigation is "moving the needle?"
I still think one of the most important goals for Fauci and his team of prevaricators was to cover-up and conceal any evidence this virus was already circulating widely in the world by late 2019 ... If "confirmed" or definitive evidence this was happening had been revealed to the public:
1) There would have been no need for lockdowns to "slow" or "stop" spread. This result would have been seen as impossible to achieve.
2) Everyone would know the real IFR for Covid was the same or lower than ILI/flu. Thus no mortality risk to 99 percent of world inhabitants. (That is, a very-contagious virus WAS spreading and making many people sick, this virus just wasn't killing hardly anyone.)
3) Many people would have already been infected and thus already had natural immunity.
4) The case for mandatory vaccines for an experimental, rushed "vaccine" would not be nearly as compelling.
In short, the entire narrative about this virus would be completely different.
Instead, Fauci and his lieutenants pushed the preposterous narrative that "spread" began at the Wuhan live market in December 2019.
This "authorized" story kept investigators from going backwards and looking for early cases. This also kept the focus only on China as the origination point, when the real origination event could have happened in America ... or Ukraine or maybe China ... but much earlier.
In my mind, there are many reasons real investigations into early cases have been off-limits. But Fauci et al DID effectively control the narrative on the start-date and location of virus spread. This took the focus off of Fauci and his collaborators. No investigator was looking for their fingerprints on this origination event.
So the likely virus architects or "mad scientists" in America who must have been deeply involved ... were protected. That is, this narrative-control effort WORKED ... with a giant and vital assist from the captured mainstream press, which has also refused to investigate all the copious evidence of "early spread."
Remember the Greenspring Retirement community outbreak of June and July of 2019? A severe respiratory pathogen outbreak where multiple staff and elderly got infected, three died? The staff were incredulous that such a respiratory outbreak would occur in SUMMER. It was reported in our press and you can still find the reporting of it online. I remember David Muir of ABC news talking about it. Then nothing. Do you recall this instance, Bill Rice, Jr? I’m curious. I’ve mentioned it before here on your stack, but you did not respond. Greenspring is about 60 miles from Fort Detrick. I’m pretty sure the thing was leaked here first… So are a lot of other people.