IMPORTANT AND QUICK CORRECTION: This essay was written by Jeffrey H. Anderson ... not Tom Klingenstein. The essay was published at the website TomKlingestein.com. I apologize for the error.

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Two of the men I worked with in San Francisco died of AIDS. That was the name given to a number of illnesses experienced by homosexual men at that time. Their deaths were tragic to friends, family, and co-workers.

HIV is a dumbshit imagination that some presumably well-meaning French scientist “discovered” and which Fauci promoted as the cause of AIDS. It was all theatre - a lie.

I have read three books about AIDS - by Hodgkinson, Farber, and Rappoport; I decided Duesberg’s book was superfluous after these. HIV did not, and does not, cause AIDS. AZT was fatal, it did not “cure” HIV or AIDS.

Fauci’s endorsement of AZT was criminal. He got away with it and returned in 2020 to try it again with the so-called COVID “vaccination” — another fatal drug.

Hopefully this is the end of the road for Fauci.

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Remdesivir is to Covid what AZT was to AIDS/HIV. History did repeat. Both drugs had been declared toxic and were recycled for AIDS and then Covid - per Fauci's urging and promotion.

BTW, Fauci's replacement at NIAID - Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, previously from UAB - led the remdesivir trials at UAB.

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God help us. And that will keep him busy. Did Fauci recommend Marrazzo? I guess yes. We need to be extra careful of any advice from HHS.

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My guess would be Fauci definitely recommended Marrazzo or signed-off on her for this position. He knew she would play ball. My other guess is that Fauci is still making many of the important public health decisions.

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Just like Obama in the Biden White House.

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I agree with you about Fauci's continued influence. And about Marrazzo's support. We need to keep our eyes open.

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the HHS, the CDC, the NAID, all should never be trusted on any issue of health, ever. There is plenty of better info out there to guide your health. These institutions have been corrupted, and offer no valid health advice.

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I absolutely agree.

The CDC, NIH, and FDA report to HHS. The man in charge of HHS has a lot of influence.

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It seemed to me that the shot of novel gain of dysfunction was the equivalent of AZT in the latest, end of the world, damn demic.

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I've read Duesberg will have to check these out, which one is the best if you had to pick?

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Thanks for asking. My first choice is Neville Hogkinson, a Brit who originally wrote about AIDS and then saw the parallels with COVID. He, I think, modified his book on AIDS to add COVID, which he saw as similar. You may find it on Amazon. I bought it shortly after it was published (I correspond with him).

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I was a medical/surgical RN during the AIDS years and only ever had 1 AIDS patient. I think it was another group of immunocompromised "targeted" folks who could have benefited from "life style changes" who were told to take the toxic drugs until death.

Not saying AIDS isn't real just perhaps the approach was wrong...They got Freddy / Queen which is a sore spot. Fauci leaves dead bodies wherever he goes.

I would like to add another illness they tried to fabricate was called The Flesh Eating Bacteria. I remember seeing pictures. but I never witnessed it in the hospital or nursing home. They have been doing this for a long time, scaring people, killing people and making money.

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I owned a flower shop in the 1990’s and my business partner was gay. I heard a lot about Fauci from him, and others. When Covid rolled around and I saw who was running that shit show, I knew what was going on. That was the number one reason I knew it was a scam and to stay far, far away from any treatment recommended by that little gnome! #FauciLiedPeopleDied.

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If I remember from Kennedy's book, early in AIDS, Fauci was being attacked by the gay community for not doing enough to help them. He was also criticized for pointing out it seemed to be a disease largely of promiscuous gay men who frequented bath houses.

He tben pivoted to "this is a disease that anyone can get and that can kill anyone" ... and he became the Super Star of the gay community. He leveraged the AIDS scare into a massive increase in the budget for his (then) insignificant agency. And the rest is history ... terrible and world-changing history.

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Nicolo Soldo wrote a deep drive into the early days of the AIDS phenomenon that helped me better understand the politics of the time. It’s astonishing how tone deaf homosexual men engaged in very risky sexual practices were. And, Fauci lacked any leadership to create public health guidelines for that specific cohort. https://open.substack.com/pub/niccolo/p/the-early-days-of-hivaids-introduction?r=k48qf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web. I believe there are about eight or nine separate articles — all an incredible read.

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Even today, if you question the authorized AIDS/HIV narrative ... watch out, brother. The article Mr. Anderson wrote - and I excerpted - is the Third Rail of "science."

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I like to read but Judy Mikovits had suggested watching “And the Band Played On” and “Dallas Buyers Club”. I watched both very early on in the pandemic. The left tends to make better non-fiction movies when a Republican is in the White House at the time.

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I haven't seen "Dallas Buyers Club," but I want to watch it. You recommend it?

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Yes, but I wouldn’t have kids/teens around when you watch it. You’ll be shocked at the similarities between AIDS and Covid pandemic.

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Yes it is good. Ditto about kids unless they are "mature". I didn't hide much from mine, they see stuff at their friends houses anyway it's often better if you are there to discuss topics with them. Not sure if there is any sexual content though which I would avoid LOL

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I have a feeling that Hollywood wouldn't want the world to know just how weird gay sex got. It was inevitable they would have contracted very odd, rare, uncommon ailments that only the medical profession had some familiarity with.

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Back about 1996, I heard about Peter Duesberg's book, INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS, and was able to read it. The foreword by Kary Mullis was quite eye-opening. Many years later I learned of Jon Rappoport's book, AIDS, INC., and read that as well. Both are excellent.

In 2020, I read Kary Mullis's autobiography, DANCING NAKED IN THE MIND FIELD, which was quite interesting. I was sad to learn that he died in 2019. He received the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the Polymerase Chain Reaction, used for DNA testing. If Kary had lived into 2020, he would have been the first person to tell us that the PCR test was not appropriate for diagnosing an illness.

Lastly, the test used to determine if one is "HIV-positive" is an antibody test. If you have these antibodies, then you may have AIDS! But the establishment is still trying to come up with a vaccine. If they come up with one, it will create HIV antibodies to prevent AIDS! Isn't that amazing!

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The Vaccinated

Are Just

Marching Toward Utopia


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I lost two fellow interior designer friends in NYC. They hated Fauci as he would not listen to the anecdotal evidence from gay men suffering with AIDS. He forced AZT on them and thousands does.

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"Forced"? How so?

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It was the only drug doctors were allowed to prescribe.

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Boy, that sounds familiar, the little prick with only an internship, contravening explicit FDA regulations that say once a drug is on the market, a doctor is free to prescribe it for whatever reason s/he wants using his best professional judgment (clinical experience, published & unpublished research, basic knowledge of human & animal physiology and pathophysiology, and analogy to similar situations encountered in the past, as well as knowledge of medical history).

I would like to have a day alone with him: I would beat him senseless, wait for him to wake up and then I would tie him up, strip. him and whip him until he was unconscious again; wait for him to revive and drive sticks under his nails, & repeat until the day is over.

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And put maggots in his ears like he did to the puppies.

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I remember that now that you mention it, great idea!

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I’m sure you could sell tickets for a that. Make a fortune

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Let me know and I'll bring the alcohol to pour over his lacerations.

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Hi, are you taking patients? You're the doctor for me.

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Oh my God this is such a nightmare.

And we are here to see it.

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How does allowed become "forced"? You aren't required to take all the drugs a doctors prescribes you. Besides which, doctors are allowed to prescribe off-label. Were their board certifications and medical licenses revoked?

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They believed that this drug, AZT, that was a failed chemotherapeutic drug, because it was too toxic, was there only hope. In addition, all other drugs were not allowed to be prescribed because of fouchi. So, they believed, in order to live they had to or were forced to take only the drug that became the most profitable drug in history. AZT was the forced drug almost the same way they were forced to take the covid vaccine and boosters or the remdesivir etc.

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The AZT scandal should have been enough to end Fauci's career in the 1980s. It should have been enough to put him in prison the rest of his life.

The same with remdesivir today.

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Yes, but he helped make a lot of people a lot of money.

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Yes I have hated Fauci for years and his prominence in this debacle was one of MANY clues it was all bullshit.

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Fauci fear mongered. It’s AZT or nothing. Google “ Fauci Village Voice 1988”

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These people are terrified! They are watching their friends an loved ones DIE by the thousands!

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This is a good review of the AIDS/HIV foundations of Fauci's public health empire. Fauci learned from the AIDS crisis just how easy it is to use scare tactics and lies to manipulate the government and the public for billions of dollars and tremendous personal power, as long as you use a sciency-sounding grift. He used this knowledge to devastating effect in his psycopathic manipulation of the covid scamdemic. It is still unclear what role viruses play in AIDS and Covid, to what extent infectious transmission is happening (given the corrupt PCR and other surveillance testing) and whether viruses exist at all. But in any case Fauci has distinguished himself as one of the most effective mass murderers and creators of human suffering in the history of mankind. And no one can touch him. He still walks around unfazed, coddled and protected by the taxpayer-funded secret service security detail. The epitome of pure evil.

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And now a very good friend of mine has been using a cocktail of pharmaceuticals for a couple of decades that would keep him from getting AIDS, because a dubious testing method and an interpretation by doctors that the result of this testing method would prove a presence of the "HIV" virus, and so for my friend, the risk of AIDS suddenly existed. You can't imagine how many side effects he has had in all those years of using all those drug cocktails and as we may now see again with the side effects of the so-called 'covid vaccinations' there is yet another ( expensive ) treatment and / or drug available for every side effect!!! And so on. And if all that was not enough, on top of that he also took some Pfizer "COVID vaccinations", which in turn also brought about all kinds of side effects, etc. I think it is a miracle that he is alive at all!!! And his faith in Medical Science has not diminished in all this time. He even gets angry if you would, for example, criticize his use of medicine! So I intend to gradually introduce him to all the information now available to us regarding the horrific history of AIDS/HIV and of course the shocking similarities to the Covid scam.

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Follow the patents…they tell the story 💰 ☠️

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The ultrastructural and immunohistochemical demonstration of viral particles in lymph nodes from human immunodeficiency virus-related and non-human immunodeficiency virus-related lymphadenopathy syndromes

Author links open overlay panelMD Carl J. O'Hara †, MD Jerome E. Groopman † *, PhD Micheline Federman †


'Viral particles have been demonstrated by electron microscopy in lymph nodes from patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS-related persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL) syndrome. Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies have identified these viruses as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In this study, we examined 20 PGL lymph nodes and found viral particles in 18 cases. Immunohistochemical studies on these cases revealed positive staining for the HIV core protein P24 within germinal centers of secondary follicles. In addition we found viral particles, morphologically indistinguishable from those observed in PGL lymph nodes, in 13 of 15 non-HIV related reactive lymph nodes. Immunohistochemical staining of these lymph nodes for the P24 core protein was negative. Non of the patients in this group had risk factors for developing AIDS and none exhibited clinical evidence of immune deficiency. We conclude that the viral particles observed in PGL lymph nodes are most likely HIV, but similar particles can be seen in reactive lymph nodes not associated with HIV infection. The discrete localization of these particles within germinal centers has been observed for other viruses and immune complexes and a possible mechanism of this antigen deposition is discussed.'


Excerpt from Hans Gelderblom's study on the characteristics of t-lymphocytes in HIV.

Not very convincing evidence.

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AZT Remidisfer. Chemotherapy is Mustard Gas. Statins. Vaccines. Blood thinners are rat poison. HIV is not a problem if one follows a healthy lifestyle. Bit most gays are getting sperm from many people. Getting tears in their rectum. Taking in feces through their penis. Using drugs and drinking. Poor sleep. Poor nutrition. No wonder you are sick.

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I just want to say, as I've reread this post, ready to delete this email one final poiint:

That man's face makes me feel nauseated and want to puke.

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Dr. Fauci was the French-Kissing can cause aids Dr. And if I remember correctly, it cause a general panic throughout the US and the homosexual community. I have been pointing this out from the start of COVID1984 to deaf ears.

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