A year or so before covid I launched a free service for the public and firefighters. QR911.COM Everyone and everything I read about marketing told me I must have a Social Media presence.
I quickly got to the 5k limit of fire fighter friends on FB. I couldn't have a page for my business without a personal page. I ended up going down the rabbit hole. I got addicted to hours of conversations about all sorts of subjects, rarely about QR911.COM . I did not get one sign up or get one fire station participation from FB.
As I fell deeper into the narcissistic world of posting every thought on whatever the current thing was, the less comments I received. Eventually I was warned, suspended then canceled. What a beautiful day that as turned into. Lesson learned, there ain't no gold in them thar hills.
I think one of the prime mechanisms used to control people is fear. Deception and fear cause confusion and panic, which shuts down the brain's ability to think rationally and coherently. The Bible talks more about fear than many other topics. I can't even recall how many times it says "do not fear." The self-censorship is extremely concerning. It's a sign of widespread societal fear. If they ever get their social credit system installed, I don't think my score will be very high.
I read the article from Reason as well, and wasn't surprised. I don't use the NSA trackers [smart phones] after reading EFF and EPIC for years, and when theFake had enough of what little I could bring to discussion, it asked for a number to text, and when I didn't have one the account was deleted.
What's humourous is that the other few accounts under assumed names have never had the problem, only the one under the name my mother gave me.
FWIW, talk-on-the-walk/roll-on-the-stroll/word-from-a-herd is that theFake was always a CIA front, taking a second round of funding from InQTel, something I read in an article in the DailyBell(?) 10+ yrs back, which would make sense-surveilling billions of people is expensive, unless they're willing to help out by sharing personal details with people they may not know well.
But it's not like I ran into "someone" in a EmpireStateCollege class chat who knew someone else who was also studying YinStyleBagua via DVD, but the gen trigram rather than xun, gen not being released until two years after the attempted conversation.
FWIW, there's a couple papers floating around updating the six degrees of separation [Milgram, of obedience fame] that claim it was about 4 degrees prior to social media and smart phones; I'm curious if we can get to one and have a revelation about ourselves individually and then a discussion about the collective.
Can't somebody else link the article for you? Facebook , you tube, I gram just banned rebel news hounding Pfizer CEO for 5 minutes. I didn't see one thing that should have had it banned. Its on Twitter
This will not end without a bloodletting, sadly. Millions more will succumb to their insecurities and will be sacrificed to the god Science. Many of them will suffer no ill effects. Many of them will perish sooner than they had thought due to heart “issues”.
Death comes for us all. There is no escape. This is not the only life, but it is the only one we get on earth. Live accordingly.
They're not stupid, they're sociopaths so they just don't care.
Wear it as a badge of honor. I do. They will not survive the coming changes.
A year or so before covid I launched a free service for the public and firefighters. QR911.COM Everyone and everything I read about marketing told me I must have a Social Media presence.
I quickly got to the 5k limit of fire fighter friends on FB. I couldn't have a page for my business without a personal page. I ended up going down the rabbit hole. I got addicted to hours of conversations about all sorts of subjects, rarely about QR911.COM . I did not get one sign up or get one fire station participation from FB.
As I fell deeper into the narcissistic world of posting every thought on whatever the current thing was, the less comments I received. Eventually I was warned, suspended then canceled. What a beautiful day that as turned into. Lesson learned, there ain't no gold in them thar hills.
The MedRxiv preprint server is the primary control mechanism for suppression of Science on Facebook by Zuckerberg and his Wife. https://chanzuckerberg.com/science/programs-resources/open-science/sharingplatforms/preprints/
Fu(《book serves Satan and always has.
I think one of the prime mechanisms used to control people is fear. Deception and fear cause confusion and panic, which shuts down the brain's ability to think rationally and coherently. The Bible talks more about fear than many other topics. I can't even recall how many times it says "do not fear." The self-censorship is extremely concerning. It's a sign of widespread societal fear. If they ever get their social credit system installed, I don't think my score will be very high.
I read the article from Reason as well, and wasn't surprised. I don't use the NSA trackers [smart phones] after reading EFF and EPIC for years, and when theFake had enough of what little I could bring to discussion, it asked for a number to text, and when I didn't have one the account was deleted.
What's humourous is that the other few accounts under assumed names have never had the problem, only the one under the name my mother gave me.
FWIW, talk-on-the-walk/roll-on-the-stroll/word-from-a-herd is that theFake was always a CIA front, taking a second round of funding from InQTel, something I read in an article in the DailyBell(?) 10+ yrs back, which would make sense-surveilling billions of people is expensive, unless they're willing to help out by sharing personal details with people they may not know well.
But it's not like I ran into "someone" in a EmpireStateCollege class chat who knew someone else who was also studying YinStyleBagua via DVD, but the gen trigram rather than xun, gen not being released until two years after the attempted conversation.
FWIW, there's a couple papers floating around updating the six degrees of separation [Milgram, of obedience fame] that claim it was about 4 degrees prior to social media and smart phones; I'm curious if we can get to one and have a revelation about ourselves individually and then a discussion about the collective.
Can't somebody else link the article for you? Facebook , you tube, I gram just banned rebel news hounding Pfizer CEO for 5 minutes. I didn't see one thing that should have had it banned. Its on Twitter
This will not end without a bloodletting, sadly. Millions more will succumb to their insecurities and will be sacrificed to the god Science. Many of them will suffer no ill effects. Many of them will perish sooner than they had thought due to heart “issues”.
Death comes for us all. There is no escape. This is not the only life, but it is the only one we get on earth. Live accordingly.