Another Bill Rice homer! Even more evidence of early spread -- which completely blows the entire covid narrative out of the water. The fact is that we had already been living with the virus for months before we even knew it was a thing -- and we didn't even notice it.
Thanks, SC. I hope I can persuade a few people this Roosevelt info is actually quite important. It shows early spread, but it also (I think) shows that officials and journalists weren't heralding the obvious big-takeaway from this study.
Methinks the work you guys are doing, plus Malone, Igor C, Kennedy et slowly, excruciatingly slowly, starting to get MSM and those still wearing masks, to peek beneath the onion peels. Maybe, just maybe, we'll soon hit that ~8% mass to start changing the so called 'narrative'.
That's the key, Owain - "change the narrative." I still think it would take one definitive/undeniable "truth bomb" to get large numbers of people to finally start questioning all of these bogus narratives. I'm just working/researching one of many potential "truth bombs" - our trusted officials (and the corporate press) concealed known evidence of early spread - to promote a false narrative.
Unfortunately for the subscriber and ad hungry MSM they will not allow their reporters to cover stories that would stain the reputation of the drug companies that pay big bucks for ads, no matter how eager the reporter or how great the informaton quality is! Only independant reporters like Bill R jr will cover these stories.
Thanks, Fred. That's another key - We need MORE independent or "real" investigative journalists who will question dubious narratives ... but you and most of my readers already know this. We are, collectively, "moving the needle" ... some. If the mainstream press is captured, you've got to go around the barricades they've erected to block important stories. These "gatekeepers of the news" play serious. They guard those gates ... hard and tough.
I suspect many of the lying MSM are getting close to bankrupcy since the advent of internet news. Without pharma and government advertising they may get pushed over the edge.
To help that condition to arise it is best to encourage people to get off of the more useless and harmful Pharma prescriptions, substitute suppliments for other pharmaceuticals and thereby cut into big Pharmas profits. Some people who elected to throw all their prescriptions down the toilet report feeling better. It can be a win-win situation.
I think sharp Blacklock's reporter Holly Doan said it best: "government supporting MSM is like putting their knee on Henry Fords neck and giving the money instead to the wagon makers". She was referring to Canadian subsidies paid to MSM which is holding back innovation amongst smaller honest news agencies.
Great point. Follow the money - Big Pharma is by itself subsidizing/keeping afloat countless news organizations that depend on advertising revenue. So if you want to finish off these lying news organizations, take away their funding ... which means make it where Big Pharma can't keep writing them big checks.
The ultimate answer would be: kill Big Pharma.
What if everyone learned - definitively - that Big Pharma is killing millions of people? Would they even care? In a sane world, people would come at these companies with pitch forks ... and would boycott all of their products.
I see this as a live-or-die battle. The entire Big Pharma Complex could be nuked if the truth came out .... so this truth can't come out.
As Bill commented, MSM outlets are indispensable weapons of the big players, especially pharma. Military contractors too as you can see from Ukraine coverage. And of course the climate change scammers. Their advertising revenue will never dry up so long as they're spreading useful propaganda. So if any go bankrupt, it will be only those who are no longer effective enough propagandists to be worth funding.
That might be changing. Dr. Pierre Cory just recently published a piece in USA Today, not exactly a bastion of truth, with the hed, "More young Americans are dying – and it's not COVID. Why aren't we searching for answers?"
While not explicitly calling out the gene therapies...there is no mistake about what the article was alluding to.
Agree that Substack (which will also censor what it doesn't like) is where we come for real stories, real articles, real journalism. But let's hope Mr. Rice will also appear in USA Today sometime soon.
Every business incentive is for the MSM to keep lying. They never show the slightest sign of having a conscience or responsibility to the public welfare. The only hope for them to change is for them to get pissed enough because of harm to themselves or their families. So far, those in a position to spread the truth have been silent even when catastrophically affected, with a few exceptions like Kerryn Phelps. It's crazy how their lives are ruined, kids killed even, and they still toe the line.
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
My youngest was serving on the CVN 75 H S Trumann in up until he left the Navy in late 2017 out of Norfolk Va. I'm thrilled my son was no longer on any ship.
several people stated that, if there had not been such a hype, and such a hope for pocket filling, we would barely have noticed anything wrong. The virus followed the curve of flu-type illnesses. Some doctors in CA retested over 1000 samples and found they almost all had a kind of flu
And -- to back up Bill's main point -- antibody tests very very early in CA showed that we were missing like 90% of the cases and the virus was already far too widespread to stop.
That's when they pivoted to 'zero covid' (but without the guts to say zero covid).
According to the Red Cross antibody study, at least 2 percent of Californians had probably been exposed to the virus (and thus had antibodies) by some point in November 2019. If the virus is as contagious as we are told, what percentage of Californias would have been infected approximately two months later in mid-January 2020?
More than two percent. Whatever this unknown percentage, it would have included some sailors on the Roosevelt (which is based in San Diego).
In future articles, I"m going to argue that a lot more than 60 percent of this crew had probably been infected by late April 2020. Per my hypothesis: Some "early" infected sailors may have had antibodies that had "faded" or could not be detected by late April 2020.
Basically, I think the virus is very contagious and over two months, virtually every person on that ship would have been exposed .... unless they ALREADY had natural immunity, which some probably did.
I also believe there is a reason more "active surveillance" antibody studies were not done of all other naval vessels. Only three were done - and all three were prompted by earlier PCR positive tests.
Another point I'm going to develop: "No PCR tests" = "no outbreaks." On ships and across the country/world.
I would suggest that one of the following might be the case:
1. Those antibody tests have a false positive / cross reactivity rate between 0.8% and 4% (depending on how you interpret the Italian study and what kind of test you use). Therefore you can't conclude anything meaningful from a prevalence of 2% as in the Red Cross study.
2. Either SARS-CoV-2 or a very similar virus was already spreading in 2018, which would open a whole new can worms.
That also puts in question the two sailors who were tested 97 and 99 after symptom onset. Maybe they had covid, maybe not. I would say it's not proof, but strong evidence.
Of course it's a completely different story with high prevalences like 60% where it doesn't matter anymore if a small percentage of the tests are false.
Yes. There's no doubt that "cross reactivity" is the main argument that's been used to discredit any possible "early" antibody results. However, the Red Cross antibody study (and others) seem to have gone to great lengths to rule out the cross-reactivity explanation. These specificity antibody guildelines emphasize that the tests would change depending on how many people had previously been infected in a give community. It seems to me they all just assume that nobody had been infected by a certain date, which is a bad assumption IMO.
Are we saying these two sailors with symptoms 98 and 99 days before their tests didn't have Covid? The best antibody test the CDC could use was not trust-worthy? What about the other 226 positives? Should we also throw them out?
You know me. I'm the King Contrarian. I think the "false negatives" on these tests are higher than the "false positives."
I've learned in my research that some results are listed as "inconclusive," which I would label as "possible" cases. How the cutoff values/titre levels are set is very important as well.
I'll make a bet. Those two sailors who had symptoms 98 and 99 days before their antibody tests didn't come down with Covid after that. That means they must have had natural immunity, which they acquired when they were sick with Covid symptoms.
Another thing that did NOT happen, but should have: There was no follow-up with the people who tested positive for antibodies. How long do these antibodies last? Did they later come down with PCR-confirmed Covid or not?
That's info we could and should know; answers easy to get ... but answers we've never been given ... because no follow-up investigations happened. That should be another red flag.
Maybe this will better illustrate what I mean. Let’s just take the one sailor who was symptomatic 99 days before the sample was taken, and let’s assume whatever he had between Jan 12-15 triggered the positive test result. Let’s also assume the test has a false positive rate of 4%. What is the probability that this one sailor really had covid in mid-January? You would assume 96%, because the false positive rate is 4%, right? Wrong, because it depends on how widespread covid was in mid-January.
Let’s assume 2% of the population already had covid in mid-January as per the Red Cross study (although assuming the prevalence based on that study would be sort of circular reasoning but anyway). That means if you test 100 people, you will get 2 true positives + 4 false positives = 6 positives. If you pick any of these 6, the probability that it is a true positive is 33.3% and the probability that it's a false positive is 66.7%. Now, in the “extreme” case that the official narrative is true and covid wasn’t around until January 15, that means if you test 100 people, you will get 0 true positives + 4 false positives, which pushes the false positive probability to 100%.
But if you take a later point in time on board that ship where the prevalence was 60%, if you test 100 people, you will get 60 true positives + 4 false positives = 64 positives. If you pick any one of those 64, the probability that you picked a true covid case is 93.3% and the probability of a false positive is 6.7%.
That’s why I say the cases of those 2 sailors are inconclusive because we don't know the real prevalence of covid in mid-January.
"What about the other 226 positives? Should we also throw them out?"
Of course not. We should distinguish between individual cases and population level. A false positive rate of 4% would still leave 219 true positives, which would lower the prevalence from 59.7% to 57.3%, so what? That doesn't change anything about the overall situation.
"Are we saying these two sailors with symptoms 98 and 99 days before their tests didn't have Covid?"
We're saying we cannot draw that conclusion based on the available evidence. Let's assume for a moment the narrative is true (which it isn't, but hypothetically), then the first "case" was imported into the US on January 15, 2020. Which means 100% of positive test results on samples taken before January 15 are false positives. In case of these 2 sailors, that could mean:
1. They had Covid and their cases are somehow linked to that first imported case (extremely unlikely given the timeline), or
2. they acquired Covid later during the outbreak on the ship but they were "asymptomatic", or
3. they were infected with something else between Jan 12-15 which later cross-reacted with the antibody test, or
4. the narrative is false (which it is) and they indeed had Covid between Jan 12-15, which is absolutely possible, but we cannot conclude or prove that because these are 2 out of 228 (0.9%) which is well within the false positive threshold of those antibody tests. That's the problem when you project a population level study down to the individual level.
"I'll make a bet. Those two sailors who had symptoms 98 and 99 days before their antibody tests didn't come down with Covid after that."
Good point. An interview with those two could be very interesting indeed. Which probably won't happen because Science™.
If the virus is as contagious as we are told, what percentage of Californias would have been infected approximately two months later in mid-January 2020?
Especially considering what we know about the seasonality of the virus (winter waves all across the country) and the activities we were doing during winter 2019 -- going to church and basketball games and bars, or travelling and getting together for the holidays.......basically all the stuff they told us was too dangerous in 2020 and 2021.
If the prevalence, say, doubles every month (it's probably more than that), you'd have 4 percent by the end of December and 8 percent infected by the end of January.
I hope people remember my School closing story. Most of those school closings happened in late January/early February. Those schools closed because at least 20 percent of students and staff were out sick.
Schools are another "congregate" setting where contagious viruses would be expected to spread rapidly .... but said viruses would spread a lot more in a Navy ship.
Those two sailors who were "sick" around mid-January 2020, were among millions of Americans who were sick of something around the same time.
And they never ran the mass antibody-checking campaign that would give us that information and/or save kids from the shots. They just said it was safe for everybody and told people to jab their already-recovered kids.
As far as I can tell, the CDC is responsible for adopting/adapting the PCR procedure as a diagnostic test. That did not start with COVID, they had done it with measles by 2016 and likely with other diseases (I cannot find a list).
It is documented that Los Angeles had a somewhat early, prolonged, and elevated wave of Influenza Like Illness beginning in December of 2019. It went largely unremarked at the time, would be fully consistent with an early but undocumented COVID wave.
If the December 2019 ILI wave in Los Angeles was COVID, not only would it push back the entry of the virus into the US by at least a month, but it would undercut the narratives about how severe the virus was, because nobody thought anything about the infection wave until the following August--which means the disease could not have been at all severe.
It also means that all mitigation strategies were pointless--because that horse had already fled the barn.
Thanks, Peter. Those are my main take-aways as well. The IFR for Covid is miniscule if millions of people had already been infected. We know this because there was NOT a noticeable spike in all-cause deaths before late March.
I think we have/had a very contagious virus ... that just wasn't that lethal - it probably posed the "mortality risk" of the flu (perhaps even lower). And lockdowns in mid March to slow or stop spread were asinine if my "early spread" hypothesis is correct.
The "life-protecting vaccines" aren't/weren't needed ... because 99.99 percent of people infected were going to get through this virus ... just like they ride out the flu or any other "bug."
All of these contrarian conclusions could have been made from results of the Roosevelt antibody study.
I think officials are covering up info/statistics that they know - if revealed - would have detonated all the key "accepted" narratives.
Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . . March 25, 2022/by Tobias Langdon
“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left. That is, it’s financed and controlled by Jews who support the left and its anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western agenda.
Which is why it's called "Influenza Like Illness".
There are some 200 viruses which produce nearly identical symptoms, and which cannot be differentiated without a diagnostic test. There is no way to tell if the symptoms are COVID or another infection.
Symptomatically, it has always been "just the flu".
CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told doctors on a conference call this week that the United States is seeing more flu than is typical for this time of year.
Flu season arrives early, driven by an unexpected virus
And remember that we don't really do a whole lot of 'flu' testing because it doesn't matter if you have it or not, you should go home and rest until you feel better. Most flu numbers are estimations reached by extrapolating out the percentage of positives tests to the whole country.
By "unexpected virus" they meant Influenza B which usually circulates to a lesser extent than A, and if it shows up, it tends to be later in the season (Jan-Feb or so, but not Nov). See
The thing is, the vast vast vast majority of people who go in 'for the flu' never get tested at all, because it doesn't matter if you have the flu or not, protocol is the same: Go home and rest until you feel better.
CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
The biggest issue with the CDC's failed tests wasn't even the CDC's failed tests -- it was the fact that the CDC told everybody else they couldn't make tests. That left us all waiting on government to come save us, and it shouldn't be a surprise they failed big time.
Absolutely amazing work. Shout it from the rooftops! Unfortunately, the only people who will read this and believe or process it already understand the Covid game played against our world. The rest of the world I’m unable to be persuaded. Heck, many of them still beg for more boosters and masks. Lost causes
Based on this very deep dive into the Roosevelt outbreak, one initial conclusion is that “outbreaks” follow the introduction of PCR testing. On the Roosevelt, no PCR tests were administered to crew members until March 13 - three days after the ship left Da Nang, Vietnam.
This PCR testing was precipitated by one random event - two British tourists staying at a Vietnam hotel happened to test positive while the Roosevelt was in this port city. As it happens, several dozen Roosevelt crew members were staying at the same hotel.
This event generated headlines and resulted in these sailors (none of whom tested positive) having to stay in quarantine on the ship for 14 days. By March 24, the first Roosevelt crew members tested positive.
The more tests that were given, the more positive tests came back. Eventually, there were hundreds of positive tests. A few crew members (not many) were hospitalized but few had severe symptoms and most of the hospitalizations seemed to be as a precaution.
Basically, “PCR tests administered” = “outbreaks almost certain to be reported.” Or: “No PCR tests administered” = “No ‘outbreaks’ reported.”
It was the fact PCR tests were provided to the ship and began to be administered to crew members that led to the antibody study being performed. In other words, this antibody study probably would not have happened if those two UK tourists in Vietnam had not tested positive and that story made international headlines.
Thank you, interesting, and particularly interesting that they would report on control failures.
Perhaps you will be similarly interested in Australia's gain-of-function research program. It's completely out in the open. While Fauci and Rand Paul were performing their Senate theatre about GOF 'existing or not,' the Australians were beavering away doing exactly that at a BSL4 facility in Melbourne. Gardasil was made in Australia using GOF.
If you haven't, you need to watch RFK, Jr.'s interview with Tucker Carlson on Tucker's Twitter account. Tucker says in the interview, he's not going to ask about "vaccines" and I don't think he does ... but RFK, Jr. still talks about them - and explains how they tie in with "gain of function" research. It really ties in how Fauci became part of the Military Industrial and Intelligence Complex as well as the Science Complex. Kennedy also makes clear how many places and nations are doing this research. It's everywhere.
Basically, before you create a biological weapon ... you have to have a "vaccine" to protect "your team" first - so the vaccines go with the mad-scientists producing the virus weapons.
Other miscellaneous points - to be developed in future articles …
It took less than two months to produce this antibody study. I contrast this with the 11 1/2 months it took to produce the Red Cross antibody study, where blood was available for testing in mid-December 2019 but results of this (also small) antibody study weren’t published until November 30, 2020. In other words, antibody tests CAN be performed and the results published in a matter of a few weeks.
To me, study authors seemed to have no interest in when and how the virus actually got on this ship and began spreading.
In the study’s top header - “What is added by this report?”, authors do mention the significance of potential “neutralizing” antibodies and the significance of possible natural immunity. However, these two points seem just as important:
“Preventive measures, such as using face coverings and observing social distancing, reduced risk for infection.
“Use of face coverings and other preventive measures could mitigate transmission.”
The elephant in the room - that virus spread commenced when sailors came on board the ship - is not mentioned.
Nor do journalists seem overly interested in this topic. I found was a couple of references to the fact the sailors might have been infected in Vietnam or might have been infected when personnel flew onto the aircraft carrier to deliver supplies or ferry personnel.
There was no curiosity about how the six sailors who had symptoms before the Vietnam port of call developed their symptoms.
Based on this very deep dive into the Roosevelt outbreak, one initial conclusion is that “outbreaks” follow the introduction of PCR testing. On the Roosevelt, no PCR tests were administered to crew members until March 13 - three days after the ship left Da Nang, Vietnam
BONUS OR "cutting room floor" text deleted from main article. (I will come back to these points in future articles):
*According to a Congressional investigation into the events that led to the firing of Capt. Brett Crozier I found this information, which has apparently never been investigated.
“31. Between February 2, 2020 and February 22, 2020 TR had an outbreak of norovirus. (footnote 41)
33. Sometime soon after February 2, 2020, due to the norovirus outbreak, TR began a “bleach-a-palooza” campaign aimed at the eradicating the norovirus,
Per my research, many of the norivus symptoms overlap with the most common Covid symptoms.
This outbreak would have begun 16 days after the ship left port and lasted 20 days. The norovirus outbreak is not mentioned in the CDC antibody study so no one knows how many sailors became sick in this “outbreak” or how many of the ship’s sailors who had “norovirus” symptoms might have later tested positive for antibodies (if 4,400 more antibody tests had been performed).
Hmm, was the ship fumigated or treated, painted, repair work, washed with some toxic proprietary product while in port? I always think virus = poison. Everything makes more sense that way or as I asked earlier, were there vaccines administered earlier?
While I have long been aware that both the Princess Diamond and the U.S. Theodore Roosevelt ships were early events, and should have ended the lockdowns and Covid-terrrorism, I didn't know about the other 2 ships, so that was great information, and I haven't seen anyone report on this US ship being the first recorded case in America.
Well done!
And now that we know the whole Covid-terrorism was a long planned biowarfare attack on humanity, for which I rely on Dr. David Matin, Katherine Watt, and Sasha Latypova's research to make this comment, this is why the mainstream media and the corrupt global public health industry, which has been coopted to the depopulation agenda, ignored it all and put Xi Jinping's formula, which was drafted in the USA by CISA as early as January 2007, to lockdown the world, bail out banking and big pharma, transfer trillions while mass poisoning humanity, impoverishing billions, and creating multiple genocides - because that was the plan.
It is not hard to understand why the mainstream media does not report this.
There is no honest media left in the mainstream. Follow the money and the politics.
The giant investment companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, and StateStreet own significant shares in all the companies that control 90% of the worlds mainstream media. And the Chinese Communist Party now owns a huge chunk. Add into that mix the funding that comes from billionaires like Gates, and Big Pharma and the entire industry is corrupted into one big disinformation machine-and when you add in the same control over Big Tech, Hollywood, and the public health industry itself you have a Mind Control Matrix.
We are ruled by extreme evil coming from the top of the world down.
Remember the UN head declared we are now in the era of "global boiling" - nothing but a corrupt asshole puppet spewing lies and disinformation. Top down.
Thanks, Ivan.As usual, I agree ... Yep, the ko-fi button has been a much-appreciated addition. I need all the donations I can get. These stories take a lot of time.
Think about this question: What if the Navy and CDC had tested the crew of every ship for antibodies? Say in April 2020. You think all the other 100 ships would have zero percent antibodies? Or do you think, like I do, that almost all of them would have come back with 40 to 60 percent positives?
It's the tests they don't do that are important.
I just read the script of the movie "The Truman Show." We're all in the Truman Show. Nothing that we think is real is true.
Thanks for encouraging that. I think - know - that I've made more $ from ko-fi donations than from Substack subscriptions since I got my wife to set up that "tip jar" button for me.
«we know the whole Covid-terrorism was a long planned biowarfare attack on humanity»
It is incredible that virtually all the governments of every state, even long term adversaries, cooperated in this attack and in pushing vaccination on their populations. Both Iran and the USA, China-mainland and China-Taiwan, Poland and Russia, they all did the same. Amazing story.
Yes. It's amazing to us because it's a revelation.
But the Great Game of jockeying for world government has been going on for 2,000 years. Started with the Roman Empire, which transformed to the Roman Catholic Church and their god-monarchy-state docrine.
Remember the Vatican is an absolute monarchy and the pope has been the king of kings for nearly 2,000 years. and all nations that were run by Catholic or Church of England monarchies are colonies of the Roman Empire. King John the 1st swore eternal allegiance to Rome. And this group has created what I like to call the World Government Alliance - and they formed the depopulation agenda.
In the 20th century they transformed to neo-monarchies having reached the limitations of the religious monarchies and created the communist parties, the global institutions, think UN, WHO etc, and the World Economic Forum - all neo-monarchies that look just like the pyramid of power of the Roman Catholic Church - and they are waging war on us for the quest of Rome, world government. Fascist stinking rotten evil old men and women.
I realize I am late to the discussion of shipboard COVID in 2019. My own research had missed this completely. I am sceptical about relying on an antibody test as a diagnostic tool. When they first came to my awareness I researched them and concluded they were not diagnostic. As I now know, the RT-PCR test is NOT diagnostic - and I spent days researching it. I did copy into my notes remarks by at least two medical folk that diagnostic tests had not been relied upon previous to the appearance of COVID; they had their doubts about the usefulness of such tests. (I am neither a medical person nor a scientist; I am a software engineer and technical writer with an undergraduate degree in mathematics - and no interest in statistics.)
Thank you for your perspective!
In August 2021 I noted "In recent weeks, the data has demonstrated that the COVID-19 injections will not put an end to the infection even if 100% of the population was vaccinated. This was illustrated in the case of two ships with passengers and crew fully vaccinated at sailing, followed by infections appearing a few days later: a commercial Carnival Cruise ship and the military HMS Queen Elizabeth."
There is another example the Diamond Princess and views very early on By John P.A. Ioannidis March 17, 2020. U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%.
I think the real IFR from Covid is/was lower than 0.100 - which would mean it's lower than the common flu.
This could be quantified if we knew how many people had been infected with this virus before, say, March 2020 .. and then calculate the number of people who died from this virus.
But we don't really know how many people had "early Covid." (I think the number is in the tens of millions). However, we do have "all-cause mortality" statistics ... and there was no spike in deaths before March 2020 - so if there was a contagious virus spreading around the world, it wasn't killing hardly anyone.
As described previously, Denis Rancourt et al and I independently calculated the same number of total Covid-19 vaccine-caused deaths in the “developed world”, 13 million to end 2022.
I’ve watched this carnage unfold - identified it in Feb2020, published on 21Mar2020, and was ignored. 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused-deaths worldwide to end 2022, excluding China, India and Russia, 19 million by end 2023 unless simple, effective treatments of the Covid-19 vaxxed are started soon; 40 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused-deaths globally to end 2023.
I’ve become hardened by over-exposure to this reality, and that is wrong. Every one of these deceased were real people, who “loved and were loved”.
I was in Vancouver last week, visiting my good friend Dr Dave, a retired physician. Dave had told me that our hospitals were EMPTY on 20Mar2020 and that was the final key fact than enabled me to publish my very early warming of the Covid-19 scam.
We were drinking a Scotch overlooking the harbour one evening last week, and stumbled across the subject of this poem, a suitable requiem for the tens of millions who were murdered by the Covid-19 injections. I recited it from memory – my version, not necessarily the official one:
No man is an island,
Alone unto itself.
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is diminished,
Even as a promontory were,
Even as a manor of thy friends
Or of thine own were.
Any man's death concerns me,
Because I am concerned with mankind.
And therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
- John Donne, Mediations XVII, 1624
Their deaths are the greatest medical crime in the history of humanity, and they must be remembered and respected. Medical murder of innocents. We need Nuremberg 2.0!
Thank you, Allan. I'm going to save that anecdote about hospitals being empty on March 20, 2020. I suspect this was the case at the vast majority of hospitals in North America. It would be powerful if someone could tally up summaries of all the hospitals that were "empty" when the virus was supposed to be exploding.
Our Alberta hospitals were EMPTY for eight weeks starting mid-March 2020, cleared out of all elective surgery, tests, etc to make room for the "tsunami of Covid-19 cases" that NEVER ARRIVED.. The hospitals were finally re-opened after eight weeks of being empty.
Our hospitals publish for doctors a daily record of patients - you can imagine the needless backlog of delayed cases. Incredible incompetence and deliberate malfeasance.
Note also that there were NO EXCESS DEATHS in Alberta to well past 1Jul2020.
Alberta physicians practiced early treatment, unlike the USA.
The data told me in Feb2020 that Covid-19 was a relatively mild flu, fatal only to the very elderly and infirm.
Inexpensive, effective Ivermectin treatment of Covid-19 was banned to push the costly, toxic “vaccines”.
There were 530,000 excess deaths in the USA in 2020, caused by late treatment, Remdesivir to destroy kidneys and liver, ventilators to finish them off, and ~$30,000 to hospitals for each coded Covid-19 death.
I agree with all these very-important conclusions, Allan. Rancourt - and especially Dr. Yeadon - seem to be suggesting there was no Covid or an illness caused by a novel coronavirus. (Although Rancourt seems to be saying there was no "virulent" virus spreading, which makes me think he is open to the possibility there was some kind of respiratory virus circulating - it was just nothing to be concerned about - it would be like the normal flu)
The key point that the "no virus" group and my group (there was probably a new virus circulating, it just wasn't lethal) agree on is that all the subsequent "Covid deaths" HAVE to be explained by iatrogenic and panic/lockdown reasons.
As you probably know from reading my previous articles and posts, I think this seasonal respiratory virus had already PEAKED by early March 2020. The virus "spread" was fading out on its own by the time of the lockdowns.
One thing that has never made sense to me: "Cases" supposedly exploded in late March and early April 2020 ... but I don't remember hardly anyone experiencing Covid-like "symptoms" in this time frame. But millions of people had these very same symptoms beginning in November 2019 - with ILI peaking in most places in north America in late December/early January and then again with another huge spike in late January/early February. (This is supported by information in my "school closing" story.) In short, I think those were the big "waves" of Covid.
I agree with all these very-important conclusions, Allan. Rancourt - and especially Dr. Yeadon - seem to be suggesting there was no Covid or an illness caused by a novel coronavirus. (Although Rancourt seems to be saying there was no "virulent" virus spreading, which makes me think he is open to the possibility there was some kind of respiratory virus circulating - it was just nothing to be concerned about - it would be like the normal flu)
The key point that the "no virus" group and my group (there was probably a new virus circulating, it just wasn't lethal) agree on is that all the subsequent "Covid deaths" HAVE to be explained by iatrogenic and panic/lockdown reasons. I AGREE WITH YOU AND YOUR GROUP.
As you probably know from reading my previous articles and posts, I think this seasonal respiratory virus had already PEAKED by early March 2020. The virus "spread" was fading out on its own by the time of the lockdowns.
One thing that has never made sense to me: "Cases" supposedly exploded in late March and early April 2020 ... but I don't remember hardly anyone experiencing Covid-like "symptoms" in this time frame. A CASEDEMIC, WITH THE FLAWED PCR TESTS GIVING MANY MANY FALSE POSITIVES FOR ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE - NOT SICK!. But millions of people had these very same symptoms beginning in November 2019 - with ILI peaking in most places in north America in late December/early January and then again with another huge spike in late January/early February. (This is supported by information in my "school closing" story.) In short, I think those were the big "waves" of Covid.
CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
Drink Scotch, recite Renaissance poetry, ski double-blacks and rescue damsels in distress.
Although the girls were at great risk, this was an easy daylight summer rescue in calm waters. Try it on a cold, dark, foggy, stormy night in high seas.
The small rescue boat has 800hp, full suspension seating for the crew, and goes like hell.
Imagine that you understood everything from the start, and warned everyone in March 2020 about the Covid-19 scam:
NO harmful Lockdowns
and later
NO toxic Vaccines!
Imagine that nobody listened, trillions of dollars were squandered, tens of millions of people were killed by the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines", about one billion more were vaxx-injured and the carnage is far from over.
That describes the last 3 ½ years of my life. I might have saved a handful of people.
My free book – records some of the earliest and most accurate warnings on the Covid-19 Lockdowns (21Mar2020) and “vaccines” (8Jan2021).
Denis Rancourt and I independently calculated 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-deaths to end 2022, excluding China, India and Russia. We used similar but not identical methodologies but different total death data - I used Alberta; Rancourt used Israel and Australia. Same result.
I projected 19 million vaxx-deaths by end 2023 excluding China, India and Russia, for approx. 40 million global total vaxx deaths to end 2023.
Deaths attributed to the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” in 2021 & 2022 totaled 98,000 Canadians to end 2022, increasing to 145,000 by end2023. Justin, Jagmeet and their corrupt leftist cohorts have now killed more Canadians than the 105,000 lost in WW1&2.
Based on USA total deaths:
Incompetent, late Covid-19 treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators caused ~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths in 2020. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional ~1.1 million American deaths in 2021 and 2022, equal to all the deaths in all of America’s wars back to 1776. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled ~1.6 million to end 2022, and it is far from over.
Hey look Bill! We can make 6 figures on Substack! It's so easy! Just write about writing! (Also, do not be blocked on social media, do not anger The Machine, do not be controversial).
Nice digging! In 2021, CDC officials basically walked back their first patient paper with that Red Cross study you’ve highlighted before: “Conclusions These findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may have been introduced into the United States prior to 19 January 2020.”
BTW, if you look really closely at that “first” US patient from Washington State, he was our first patient FROM Wuhan. You find what you look for. (PS His nurse MH worked for Dr. Fauci & the CDC. Right place at right time?)
For more than a month, the CDC would only test people who had recently come back from China. You are definitely right: You find what your are looking for .... and you don't find what you are not looking for!
Another Bill Rice homer! Even more evidence of early spread -- which completely blows the entire covid narrative out of the water. The fact is that we had already been living with the virus for months before we even knew it was a thing -- and we didn't even notice it.
Thanks, SC. I hope I can persuade a few people this Roosevelt info is actually quite important. It shows early spread, but it also (I think) shows that officials and journalists weren't heralding the obvious big-takeaway from this study.
Methinks the work you guys are doing, plus Malone, Igor C, Kennedy et slowly, excruciatingly slowly, starting to get MSM and those still wearing masks, to peek beneath the onion peels. Maybe, just maybe, we'll soon hit that ~8% mass to start changing the so called 'narrative'.
That's the key, Owain - "change the narrative." I still think it would take one definitive/undeniable "truth bomb" to get large numbers of people to finally start questioning all of these bogus narratives. I'm just working/researching one of many potential "truth bombs" - our trusted officials (and the corporate press) concealed known evidence of early spread - to promote a false narrative.
Zoonosis or Zio-nosis? I retort, you deride . . .
The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore . . .
Unfortunately for the subscriber and ad hungry MSM they will not allow their reporters to cover stories that would stain the reputation of the drug companies that pay big bucks for ads, no matter how eager the reporter or how great the informaton quality is! Only independant reporters like Bill R jr will cover these stories.
Thanks, Fred. That's another key - We need MORE independent or "real" investigative journalists who will question dubious narratives ... but you and most of my readers already know this. We are, collectively, "moving the needle" ... some. If the mainstream press is captured, you've got to go around the barricades they've erected to block important stories. These "gatekeepers of the news" play serious. They guard those gates ... hard and tough.
I suspect many of the lying MSM are getting close to bankrupcy since the advent of internet news. Without pharma and government advertising they may get pushed over the edge.
To help that condition to arise it is best to encourage people to get off of the more useless and harmful Pharma prescriptions, substitute suppliments for other pharmaceuticals and thereby cut into big Pharmas profits. Some people who elected to throw all their prescriptions down the toilet report feeling better. It can be a win-win situation.
I think sharp Blacklock's reporter Holly Doan said it best: "government supporting MSM is like putting their knee on Henry Fords neck and giving the money instead to the wagon makers". She was referring to Canadian subsidies paid to MSM which is holding back innovation amongst smaller honest news agencies.
Great point. Follow the money - Big Pharma is by itself subsidizing/keeping afloat countless news organizations that depend on advertising revenue. So if you want to finish off these lying news organizations, take away their funding ... which means make it where Big Pharma can't keep writing them big checks.
The ultimate answer would be: kill Big Pharma.
What if everyone learned - definitively - that Big Pharma is killing millions of people? Would they even care? In a sane world, people would come at these companies with pitch forks ... and would boycott all of their products.
I see this as a live-or-die battle. The entire Big Pharma Complex could be nuked if the truth came out .... so this truth can't come out.
As Bill commented, MSM outlets are indispensable weapons of the big players, especially pharma. Military contractors too as you can see from Ukraine coverage. And of course the climate change scammers. Their advertising revenue will never dry up so long as they're spreading useful propaganda. So if any go bankrupt, it will be only those who are no longer effective enough propagandists to be worth funding.
That might be changing. Dr. Pierre Cory just recently published a piece in USA Today, not exactly a bastion of truth, with the hed, "More young Americans are dying – and it's not COVID. Why aren't we searching for answers?"
While not explicitly calling out the gene therapies...there is no mistake about what the article was alluding to.
Agree that Substack (which will also censor what it doesn't like) is where we come for real stories, real articles, real journalism. But let's hope Mr. Rice will also appear in USA Today sometime soon.
Every business incentive is for the MSM to keep lying. They never show the slightest sign of having a conscience or responsibility to the public welfare. The only hope for them to change is for them to get pissed enough because of harm to themselves or their families. So far, those in a position to spread the truth have been silent even when catastrophically affected, with a few exceptions like Kerryn Phelps. It's crazy how their lives are ruined, kids killed even, and they still toe the line.
❝Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.❞
Zoonosis or Zio-nosis? I retort, you deride . . .
The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore . . .
You are doing God’s work Bill! I’m positive HE will reward you greatly!!! GBY and yours! 🙏🏻
My youngest was serving on the CVN 75 H S Trumann in up until he left the Navy in late 2017 out of Norfolk Va. I'm thrilled my son was no longer on any ship.
Also as a technical note, you have no link in your Ko-Fi section :)
Hmm. Thanks for the heads-up. Let me investigate that.
several people stated that, if there had not been such a hype, and such a hope for pocket filling, we would barely have noticed anything wrong. The virus followed the curve of flu-type illnesses. Some doctors in CA retested over 1000 samples and found they almost all had a kind of flu
And -- to back up Bill's main point -- antibody tests very very early in CA showed that we were missing like 90% of the cases and the virus was already far too widespread to stop.
That's when they pivoted to 'zero covid' (but without the guts to say zero covid).
According to the Red Cross antibody study, at least 2 percent of Californians had probably been exposed to the virus (and thus had antibodies) by some point in November 2019. If the virus is as contagious as we are told, what percentage of Californias would have been infected approximately two months later in mid-January 2020?
More than two percent. Whatever this unknown percentage, it would have included some sailors on the Roosevelt (which is based in San Diego).
In future articles, I"m going to argue that a lot more than 60 percent of this crew had probably been infected by late April 2020. Per my hypothesis: Some "early" infected sailors may have had antibodies that had "faded" or could not be detected by late April 2020.
Basically, I think the virus is very contagious and over two months, virtually every person on that ship would have been exposed .... unless they ALREADY had natural immunity, which some probably did.
I also believe there is a reason more "active surveillance" antibody studies were not done of all other naval vessels. Only three were done - and all three were prompted by earlier PCR positive tests.
Another point I'm going to develop: "No PCR tests" = "no outbreaks." On ships and across the country/world.
Hey Bill, it's me, I went on your nerve before with the cross reactivity issue ;-)
Based on these 2 studies:
I would suggest that one of the following might be the case:
1. Those antibody tests have a false positive / cross reactivity rate between 0.8% and 4% (depending on how you interpret the Italian study and what kind of test you use). Therefore you can't conclude anything meaningful from a prevalence of 2% as in the Red Cross study.
2. Either SARS-CoV-2 or a very similar virus was already spreading in 2018, which would open a whole new can worms.
That also puts in question the two sailors who were tested 97 and 99 after symptom onset. Maybe they had covid, maybe not. I would say it's not proof, but strong evidence.
Of course it's a completely different story with high prevalences like 60% where it doesn't matter anymore if a small percentage of the tests are false.
Thanks for the great article. Cheers!
Yes. There's no doubt that "cross reactivity" is the main argument that's been used to discredit any possible "early" antibody results. However, the Red Cross antibody study (and others) seem to have gone to great lengths to rule out the cross-reactivity explanation. These specificity antibody guildelines emphasize that the tests would change depending on how many people had previously been infected in a give community. It seems to me they all just assume that nobody had been infected by a certain date, which is a bad assumption IMO.
Are we saying these two sailors with symptoms 98 and 99 days before their tests didn't have Covid? The best antibody test the CDC could use was not trust-worthy? What about the other 226 positives? Should we also throw them out?
You know me. I'm the King Contrarian. I think the "false negatives" on these tests are higher than the "false positives."
I've learned in my research that some results are listed as "inconclusive," which I would label as "possible" cases. How the cutoff values/titre levels are set is very important as well.
I'll make a bet. Those two sailors who had symptoms 98 and 99 days before their antibody tests didn't come down with Covid after that. That means they must have had natural immunity, which they acquired when they were sick with Covid symptoms.
Another thing that did NOT happen, but should have: There was no follow-up with the people who tested positive for antibodies. How long do these antibodies last? Did they later come down with PCR-confirmed Covid or not?
That's info we could and should know; answers easy to get ... but answers we've never been given ... because no follow-up investigations happened. That should be another red flag.
Maybe this will better illustrate what I mean. Let’s just take the one sailor who was symptomatic 99 days before the sample was taken, and let’s assume whatever he had between Jan 12-15 triggered the positive test result. Let’s also assume the test has a false positive rate of 4%. What is the probability that this one sailor really had covid in mid-January? You would assume 96%, because the false positive rate is 4%, right? Wrong, because it depends on how widespread covid was in mid-January.
Let’s assume 2% of the population already had covid in mid-January as per the Red Cross study (although assuming the prevalence based on that study would be sort of circular reasoning but anyway). That means if you test 100 people, you will get 2 true positives + 4 false positives = 6 positives. If you pick any of these 6, the probability that it is a true positive is 33.3% and the probability that it's a false positive is 66.7%. Now, in the “extreme” case that the official narrative is true and covid wasn’t around until January 15, that means if you test 100 people, you will get 0 true positives + 4 false positives, which pushes the false positive probability to 100%.
But if you take a later point in time on board that ship where the prevalence was 60%, if you test 100 people, you will get 60 true positives + 4 false positives = 64 positives. If you pick any one of those 64, the probability that you picked a true covid case is 93.3% and the probability of a false positive is 6.7%.
That’s why I say the cases of those 2 sailors are inconclusive because we don't know the real prevalence of covid in mid-January.
"What about the other 226 positives? Should we also throw them out?"
Of course not. We should distinguish between individual cases and population level. A false positive rate of 4% would still leave 219 true positives, which would lower the prevalence from 59.7% to 57.3%, so what? That doesn't change anything about the overall situation.
"Are we saying these two sailors with symptoms 98 and 99 days before their tests didn't have Covid?"
We're saying we cannot draw that conclusion based on the available evidence. Let's assume for a moment the narrative is true (which it isn't, but hypothetically), then the first "case" was imported into the US on January 15, 2020. Which means 100% of positive test results on samples taken before January 15 are false positives. In case of these 2 sailors, that could mean:
1. They had Covid and their cases are somehow linked to that first imported case (extremely unlikely given the timeline), or
2. they acquired Covid later during the outbreak on the ship but they were "asymptomatic", or
3. they were infected with something else between Jan 12-15 which later cross-reacted with the antibody test, or
4. the narrative is false (which it is) and they indeed had Covid between Jan 12-15, which is absolutely possible, but we cannot conclude or prove that because these are 2 out of 228 (0.9%) which is well within the false positive threshold of those antibody tests. That's the problem when you project a population level study down to the individual level.
"I'll make a bet. Those two sailors who had symptoms 98 and 99 days before their antibody tests didn't come down with Covid after that."
Good point. An interview with those two could be very interesting indeed. Which probably won't happen because Science™.
If the virus is as contagious as we are told, what percentage of Californias would have been infected approximately two months later in mid-January 2020?
Especially considering what we know about the seasonality of the virus (winter waves all across the country) and the activities we were doing during winter 2019 -- going to church and basketball games and bars, or travelling and getting together for the holidays.......basically all the stuff they told us was too dangerous in 2020 and 2021.
If the prevalence, say, doubles every month (it's probably more than that), you'd have 4 percent by the end of December and 8 percent infected by the end of January.
I hope people remember my School closing story. Most of those school closings happened in late January/early February. Those schools closed because at least 20 percent of students and staff were out sick.
Schools are another "congregate" setting where contagious viruses would be expected to spread rapidly .... but said viruses would spread a lot more in a Navy ship.
Those two sailors who were "sick" around mid-January 2020, were among millions of Americans who were sick of something around the same time.
And they never ran the mass antibody-checking campaign that would give us that information and/or save kids from the shots. They just said it was safe for everybody and told people to jab their already-recovered kids.
Absolutely: no PCR test, no pandemic.
As far as I can tell, the CDC is responsible for adopting/adapting the PCR procedure as a diagnostic test. That did not start with COVID, they had done it with measles by 2016 and likely with other diseases (I cannot find a list).
It is documented that Los Angeles had a somewhat early, prolonged, and elevated wave of Influenza Like Illness beginning in December of 2019. It went largely unremarked at the time, would be fully consistent with an early but undocumented COVID wave.
If the December 2019 ILI wave in Los Angeles was COVID, not only would it push back the entry of the virus into the US by at least a month, but it would undercut the narratives about how severe the virus was, because nobody thought anything about the infection wave until the following August--which means the disease could not have been at all severe.
It also means that all mitigation strategies were pointless--because that horse had already fled the barn.
Thanks, Peter. Those are my main take-aways as well. The IFR for Covid is miniscule if millions of people had already been infected. We know this because there was NOT a noticeable spike in all-cause deaths before late March.
I think we have/had a very contagious virus ... that just wasn't that lethal - it probably posed the "mortality risk" of the flu (perhaps even lower). And lockdowns in mid March to slow or stop spread were asinine if my "early spread" hypothesis is correct.
The "life-protecting vaccines" aren't/weren't needed ... because 99.99 percent of people infected were going to get through this virus ... just like they ride out the flu or any other "bug."
All of these contrarian conclusions could have been made from results of the Roosevelt antibody study.
I think officials are covering up info/statistics that they know - if revealed - would have detonated all the key "accepted" narratives.
Even before some of these studies, it was apparent from the epidemiological data that the narrative didn't add up.
As early as February 2020 the case counts were not in line with the narrative.
As early as April, the mortality statistics were not following the narrative.
By September 2020 it was plain that the narrative was bogus.
The disease has never been as bad as the narrative has maintained.
Zoonosis or Zio-nosis? I retort, you deride . . .
The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore . . .
And just like that....blocked.
Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . . March 25, 2022/by Tobias Langdon
“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left. That is, it’s financed and controlled by Jews who support the left and its anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western agenda.
Hmmmm. I had “the worst flu ever” in December, 2019. Fiancé had the same thing in January 2020.
I wish I had a dime for every similar comment I've heard or read! The old "anecdotal evidence."
Which is why it's called "Influenza Like Illness".
There are some 200 viruses which produce nearly identical symptoms, and which cannot be differentiated without a diagnostic test. There is no way to tell if the symptoms are COVID or another infection.
Symptomatically, it has always been "just the flu".
CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
Nov 15, 2019:
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told doctors on a conference call this week that the United States is seeing more flu than is typical for this time of year.
Dec 6, 2019:
Flu season arrives early, driven by an unexpected virus
And remember that we don't really do a whole lot of 'flu' testing because it doesn't matter if you have it or not, you should go home and rest until you feel better. Most flu numbers are estimations reached by extrapolating out the percentage of positives tests to the whole country.
By "unexpected virus" they meant Influenza B which usually circulates to a lesser extent than A, and if it shows up, it tends to be later in the season (Jan-Feb or so, but not Nov). See
The thing is, the vast vast vast majority of people who go in 'for the flu' never get tested at all, because it doesn't matter if you have the flu or not, protocol is the same: Go home and rest until you feel better.
CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
Perhaps how Sundance brought it to me.
August 16th 2023 The CDC works to overhaul lab operations after original (SARS-Cov-1) COVID test flop used to detect fake (SARS Cov-2) showed inaccurate results
August 16th 2023 Butt sniffing BS: Dogs can detect COVID-19 better than tests, fake study shows
Zoonosis or Zio-nosis? I retort, you deride . . .
The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore . . .
The biggest issue with the CDC's failed tests wasn't even the CDC's failed tests -- it was the fact that the CDC told everybody else they couldn't make tests. That left us all waiting on government to come save us, and it shouldn't be a surprise they failed big time.
That's one way for the CDC to justify its existence.
Remember that before covid, they were studying the 'vaping epidemic' instead of restocking our pandemic supplies.
Here are some of the articles/studies I've read in researching this topic. For those interested in more information ...
Reuters story:
French study - supplemental graph:
De Gaulle authors writes letter about antibody percentages:
SARS-CoV-2 serologic testing performed in 1706 crew members showed that 60% were antibody-positive at the end of quarantine.
French study:
USS Kidd study
Lessons from de Gaulle paper -
Another French study - This one does not mention antibody tests
Absolutely amazing work. Shout it from the rooftops! Unfortunately, the only people who will read this and believe or process it already understand the Covid game played against our world. The rest of the world I’m unable to be persuaded. Heck, many of them still beg for more boosters and masks. Lost causes
Based on this very deep dive into the Roosevelt outbreak, one initial conclusion is that “outbreaks” follow the introduction of PCR testing. On the Roosevelt, no PCR tests were administered to crew members until March 13 - three days after the ship left Da Nang, Vietnam.
This PCR testing was precipitated by one random event - two British tourists staying at a Vietnam hotel happened to test positive while the Roosevelt was in this port city. As it happens, several dozen Roosevelt crew members were staying at the same hotel.
This event generated headlines and resulted in these sailors (none of whom tested positive) having to stay in quarantine on the ship for 14 days. By March 24, the first Roosevelt crew members tested positive.
The more tests that were given, the more positive tests came back. Eventually, there were hundreds of positive tests. A few crew members (not many) were hospitalized but few had severe symptoms and most of the hospitalizations seemed to be as a precaution.
Basically, “PCR tests administered” = “outbreaks almost certain to be reported.” Or: “No PCR tests administered” = “No ‘outbreaks’ reported.”
It was the fact PCR tests were provided to the ship and began to be administered to crew members that led to the antibody study being performed. In other words, this antibody study probably would not have happened if those two UK tourists in Vietnam had not tested positive and that story made international headlines.
Greensboro, Maryland - Nursing Home - Spring 2019
Exactly, Michelle. I shared articles from June or July 2019 re mystery illness in a nrsg home & then cover up @ Ft Detrich
Yup, that was in Greenspring, Virginia. But I'm not aware of anything happening in Greensboro, Maryland(?)
Just sent links that an early commentator shared a long time ago that I saved
Greensboro? Or did you mean Greenspring?
Greensboro, Maryland…not too far from Fort Detrick.
Do you have any articles about this?
Cindi posted some further down in the thread.
Thank you, interesting, and particularly interesting that they would report on control failures.
Perhaps you will be similarly interested in Australia's gain-of-function research program. It's completely out in the open. While Fauci and Rand Paul were performing their Senate theatre about GOF 'existing or not,' the Australians were beavering away doing exactly that at a BSL4 facility in Melbourne. Gardasil was made in Australia using GOF.
If you haven't, you need to watch RFK, Jr.'s interview with Tucker Carlson on Tucker's Twitter account. Tucker says in the interview, he's not going to ask about "vaccines" and I don't think he does ... but RFK, Jr. still talks about them - and explains how they tie in with "gain of function" research. It really ties in how Fauci became part of the Military Industrial and Intelligence Complex as well as the Science Complex. Kennedy also makes clear how many places and nations are doing this research. It's everywhere.
Basically, before you create a biological weapon ... you have to have a "vaccine" to protect "your team" first - so the vaccines go with the mad-scientists producing the virus weapons.
Check out this book:
Inside the Hot Zone: A Soldier on the Front Lines of Biological Warfare
Book by Mark G. Kortepeter
Other miscellaneous points - to be developed in future articles …
It took less than two months to produce this antibody study. I contrast this with the 11 1/2 months it took to produce the Red Cross antibody study, where blood was available for testing in mid-December 2019 but results of this (also small) antibody study weren’t published until November 30, 2020. In other words, antibody tests CAN be performed and the results published in a matter of a few weeks.
To me, study authors seemed to have no interest in when and how the virus actually got on this ship and began spreading.
In the study’s top header - “What is added by this report?”, authors do mention the significance of potential “neutralizing” antibodies and the significance of possible natural immunity. However, these two points seem just as important:
“Preventive measures, such as using face coverings and observing social distancing, reduced risk for infection.
“Use of face coverings and other preventive measures could mitigate transmission.”
The elephant in the room - that virus spread commenced when sailors came on board the ship - is not mentioned.
Nor do journalists seem overly interested in this topic. I found was a couple of references to the fact the sailors might have been infected in Vietnam or might have been infected when personnel flew onto the aircraft carrier to deliver supplies or ferry personnel.
There was no curiosity about how the six sailors who had symptoms before the Vietnam port of call developed their symptoms.
Based on this very deep dive into the Roosevelt outbreak, one initial conclusion is that “outbreaks” follow the introduction of PCR testing. On the Roosevelt, no PCR tests were administered to crew members until March 13 - three days after the ship left Da Nang, Vietnam
BONUS OR "cutting room floor" text deleted from main article. (I will come back to these points in future articles):
*According to a Congressional investigation into the events that led to the firing of Capt. Brett Crozier I found this information, which has apparently never been investigated.
“31. Between February 2, 2020 and February 22, 2020 TR had an outbreak of norovirus. (footnote 41)
33. Sometime soon after February 2, 2020, due to the norovirus outbreak, TR began a “bleach-a-palooza” campaign aimed at the eradicating the norovirus,
Per my research, many of the norivus symptoms overlap with the most common Covid symptoms.
This outbreak would have begun 16 days after the ship left port and lasted 20 days. The norovirus outbreak is not mentioned in the CDC antibody study so no one knows how many sailors became sick in this “outbreak” or how many of the ship’s sailors who had “norovirus” symptoms might have later tested positive for antibodies (if 4,400 more antibody tests had been performed).
Hmm, was the ship fumigated or treated, painted, repair work, washed with some toxic proprietary product while in port? I always think virus = poison. Everything makes more sense that way or as I asked earlier, were there vaccines administered earlier?
Fantastic work Bill. Very important. Alternative title "Military conceals evidence of military operation: thinking people not surprised."
Hi Bill - great article mate. I
learnt a few things from this.
While I have long been aware that both the Princess Diamond and the U.S. Theodore Roosevelt ships were early events, and should have ended the lockdowns and Covid-terrrorism, I didn't know about the other 2 ships, so that was great information, and I haven't seen anyone report on this US ship being the first recorded case in America.
Well done!
And now that we know the whole Covid-terrorism was a long planned biowarfare attack on humanity, for which I rely on Dr. David Matin, Katherine Watt, and Sasha Latypova's research to make this comment, this is why the mainstream media and the corrupt global public health industry, which has been coopted to the depopulation agenda, ignored it all and put Xi Jinping's formula, which was drafted in the USA by CISA as early as January 2007, to lockdown the world, bail out banking and big pharma, transfer trillions while mass poisoning humanity, impoverishing billions, and creating multiple genocides - because that was the plan.
It is not hard to understand why the mainstream media does not report this.
There is no honest media left in the mainstream. Follow the money and the politics.
The giant investment companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, and StateStreet own significant shares in all the companies that control 90% of the worlds mainstream media. And the Chinese Communist Party now owns a huge chunk. Add into that mix the funding that comes from billionaires like Gates, and Big Pharma and the entire industry is corrupted into one big disinformation machine-and when you add in the same control over Big Tech, Hollywood, and the public health industry itself you have a Mind Control Matrix.
We are ruled by extreme evil coming from the top of the world down.
Remember the UN head declared we are now in the era of "global boiling" - nothing but a corrupt asshole puppet spewing lies and disinformation. Top down.
I runneth off at the mouth.
Glad to see your coffee button is helping you!
Thanks, Ivan.As usual, I agree ... Yep, the ko-fi button has been a much-appreciated addition. I need all the donations I can get. These stories take a lot of time.
Think about this question: What if the Navy and CDC had tested the crew of every ship for antibodies? Say in April 2020. You think all the other 100 ships would have zero percent antibodies? Or do you think, like I do, that almost all of them would have come back with 40 to 60 percent positives?
It's the tests they don't do that are important.
I just read the script of the movie "The Truman Show." We're all in the Truman Show. Nothing that we think is real is true.
"Truman" = "Tru Man."
Yes I like your comparison to the Truman Show.
Caitlin Johnson calls it Clown World.
But Truman was the elites using Hollywood to laugh at us all.
I have a suspicion that the military ships were probably testing grounds - it was probably injected into their environment to see the impact.
Glad to see that ko-fi button has worked out.
Thanks for encouraging that. I think - know - that I've made more $ from ko-fi donations than from Substack subscriptions since I got my wife to set up that "tip jar" button for me.
Yep-the tip button could be the key to making a living income.
«we know the whole Covid-terrorism was a long planned biowarfare attack on humanity»
It is incredible that virtually all the governments of every state, even long term adversaries, cooperated in this attack and in pushing vaccination on their populations. Both Iran and the USA, China-mainland and China-Taiwan, Poland and Russia, they all did the same. Amazing story.
Yes. It's amazing to us because it's a revelation.
But the Great Game of jockeying for world government has been going on for 2,000 years. Started with the Roman Empire, which transformed to the Roman Catholic Church and their god-monarchy-state docrine.
Remember the Vatican is an absolute monarchy and the pope has been the king of kings for nearly 2,000 years. and all nations that were run by Catholic or Church of England monarchies are colonies of the Roman Empire. King John the 1st swore eternal allegiance to Rome. And this group has created what I like to call the World Government Alliance - and they formed the depopulation agenda.
In the 20th century they transformed to neo-monarchies having reached the limitations of the religious monarchies and created the communist parties, the global institutions, think UN, WHO etc, and the World Economic Forum - all neo-monarchies that look just like the pyramid of power of the Roman Catholic Church - and they are waging war on us for the quest of Rome, world government. Fascist stinking rotten evil old men and women.
I realize I am late to the discussion of shipboard COVID in 2019. My own research had missed this completely. I am sceptical about relying on an antibody test as a diagnostic tool. When they first came to my awareness I researched them and concluded they were not diagnostic. As I now know, the RT-PCR test is NOT diagnostic - and I spent days researching it. I did copy into my notes remarks by at least two medical folk that diagnostic tests had not been relied upon previous to the appearance of COVID; they had their doubts about the usefulness of such tests. (I am neither a medical person nor a scientist; I am a software engineer and technical writer with an undergraduate degree in mathematics - and no interest in statistics.)
Thank you for your perspective!
In August 2021 I noted "In recent weeks, the data has demonstrated that the COVID-19 injections will not put an end to the infection even if 100% of the population was vaccinated. This was illustrated in the case of two ships with passengers and crew fully vaccinated at sailing, followed by infections appearing a few days later: a commercial Carnival Cruise ship and the military HMS Queen Elizabeth."
Might it be the sea air that incubates COVID?
There is another example the Diamond Princess and views very early on By John P.A. Ioannidis March 17, 2020. U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%.
I think the real IFR from Covid is/was lower than 0.100 - which would mean it's lower than the common flu.
This could be quantified if we knew how many people had been infected with this virus before, say, March 2020 .. and then calculate the number of people who died from this virus.
But we don't really know how many people had "early Covid." (I think the number is in the tens of millions). However, we do have "all-cause mortality" statistics ... and there was no spike in deaths before March 2020 - so if there was a contagious virus spreading around the world, it wasn't killing hardly anyone.
Hi Bill and thank you for your good work.
As described previously, Denis Rancourt et al and I independently calculated the same number of total Covid-19 vaccine-caused deaths in the “developed world”, 13 million to end 2022.
I’ve watched this carnage unfold - identified it in Feb2020, published on 21Mar2020, and was ignored. 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused-deaths worldwide to end 2022, excluding China, India and Russia, 19 million by end 2023 unless simple, effective treatments of the Covid-19 vaxxed are started soon; 40 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused-deaths globally to end 2023.
I’ve become hardened by over-exposure to this reality, and that is wrong. Every one of these deceased were real people, who “loved and were loved”.
I was in Vancouver last week, visiting my good friend Dr Dave, a retired physician. Dave had told me that our hospitals were EMPTY on 20Mar2020 and that was the final key fact than enabled me to publish my very early warming of the Covid-19 scam.
We were drinking a Scotch overlooking the harbour one evening last week, and stumbled across the subject of this poem, a suitable requiem for the tens of millions who were murdered by the Covid-19 injections. I recited it from memory – my version, not necessarily the official one:
No man is an island,
Alone unto itself.
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is diminished,
Even as a promontory were,
Even as a manor of thy friends
Or of thine own were.
Any man's death concerns me,
Because I am concerned with mankind.
And therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
- John Donne, Mediations XVII, 1624
Their deaths are the greatest medical crime in the history of humanity, and they must be remembered and respected. Medical murder of innocents. We need Nuremberg 2.0!
Best regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary
Thank you, Allan. I'm going to save that anecdote about hospitals being empty on March 20, 2020. I suspect this was the case at the vast majority of hospitals in North America. It would be powerful if someone could tally up summaries of all the hospitals that were "empty" when the virus was supposed to be exploding.
Hi Bill,
Our Alberta hospitals were EMPTY for eight weeks starting mid-March 2020, cleared out of all elective surgery, tests, etc to make room for the "tsunami of Covid-19 cases" that NEVER ARRIVED.. The hospitals were finally re-opened after eight weeks of being empty.
Our hospitals publish for doctors a daily record of patients - you can imagine the needless backlog of delayed cases. Incredible incompetence and deliberate malfeasance.
Note also that there were NO EXCESS DEATHS in Alberta to well past 1Jul2020.
Alberta physicians practiced early treatment, unlike the USA.
The data told me in Feb2020 that Covid-19 was a relatively mild flu, fatal only to the very elderly and infirm.
Inexpensive, effective Ivermectin treatment of Covid-19 was banned to push the costly, toxic “vaccines”.
There were 530,000 excess deaths in the USA in 2020, caused by late treatment, Remdesivir to destroy kidneys and liver, ventilators to finish them off, and ~$30,000 to hospitals for each coded Covid-19 death.
Best, Allan
I agree with all these very-important conclusions, Allan. Rancourt - and especially Dr. Yeadon - seem to be suggesting there was no Covid or an illness caused by a novel coronavirus. (Although Rancourt seems to be saying there was no "virulent" virus spreading, which makes me think he is open to the possibility there was some kind of respiratory virus circulating - it was just nothing to be concerned about - it would be like the normal flu)
The key point that the "no virus" group and my group (there was probably a new virus circulating, it just wasn't lethal) agree on is that all the subsequent "Covid deaths" HAVE to be explained by iatrogenic and panic/lockdown reasons.
As you probably know from reading my previous articles and posts, I think this seasonal respiratory virus had already PEAKED by early March 2020. The virus "spread" was fading out on its own by the time of the lockdowns.
One thing that has never made sense to me: "Cases" supposedly exploded in late March and early April 2020 ... but I don't remember hardly anyone experiencing Covid-like "symptoms" in this time frame. But millions of people had these very same symptoms beginning in November 2019 - with ILI peaking in most places in north America in late December/early January and then again with another huge spike in late January/early February. (This is supported by information in my "school closing" story.) In short, I think those were the big "waves" of Covid.
Hi Bill - my comments in CAPS:
I agree with all these very-important conclusions, Allan. Rancourt - and especially Dr. Yeadon - seem to be suggesting there was no Covid or an illness caused by a novel coronavirus. (Although Rancourt seems to be saying there was no "virulent" virus spreading, which makes me think he is open to the possibility there was some kind of respiratory virus circulating - it was just nothing to be concerned about - it would be like the normal flu)
The key point that the "no virus" group and my group (there was probably a new virus circulating, it just wasn't lethal) agree on is that all the subsequent "Covid deaths" HAVE to be explained by iatrogenic and panic/lockdown reasons. I AGREE WITH YOU AND YOUR GROUP.
As you probably know from reading my previous articles and posts, I think this seasonal respiratory virus had already PEAKED by early March 2020. The virus "spread" was fading out on its own by the time of the lockdowns.
One thing that has never made sense to me: "Cases" supposedly exploded in late March and early April 2020 ... but I don't remember hardly anyone experiencing Covid-like "symptoms" in this time frame. A CASEDEMIC, WITH THE FLAWED PCR TESTS GIVING MANY MANY FALSE POSITIVES FOR ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE - NOT SICK!. But millions of people had these very same symptoms beginning in November 2019 - with ILI peaking in most places in north America in late December/early January and then again with another huge spike in late January/early February. (This is supported by information in my "school closing" story.) In short, I think those were the big "waves" of Covid.
CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .
Trudeau's environment minister has a side gig: he's an adviser to Xi Jinping's communist dictatorship.
Justin Pedeau and his entire cabinet are traitors to Canada.
On a social note - Dr Dave sent me this - he was one of the four rescue crew:
“Hey team, here is a little article from a call that happened this past Thursday … great job guys…!
This is what real men do in retirement:
Drink Scotch, recite Renaissance poetry, ski double-blacks and rescue damsels in distress.
Although the girls were at great risk, this was an easy daylight summer rescue in calm waters. Try it on a cold, dark, foggy, stormy night in high seas.
The small rescue boat has 800hp, full suspension seating for the crew, and goes like hell.
Imagine that you understood everything from the start, and warned everyone in March 2020 about the Covid-19 scam:
NO harmful Lockdowns
and later
NO toxic Vaccines!
Imagine that nobody listened, trillions of dollars were squandered, tens of millions of people were killed by the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines", about one billion more were vaxx-injured and the carnage is far from over.
That describes the last 3 ½ years of my life. I might have saved a handful of people.
Best regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary
My free book – records some of the earliest and most accurate warnings on the Covid-19 Lockdowns (21Mar2020) and “vaccines” (8Jan2021).
Denis Rancourt and I independently calculated 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-deaths to end 2022, excluding China, India and Russia. We used similar but not identical methodologies but different total death data - I used Alberta; Rancourt used Israel and Australia. Same result.
I projected 19 million vaxx-deaths by end 2023 excluding China, India and Russia, for approx. 40 million global total vaxx deaths to end 2023.
A Chapter of my book:
Based on total Alberta deaths:
Deaths attributed to the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” in 2021 & 2022 totaled 98,000 Canadians to end 2022, increasing to 145,000 by end2023. Justin, Jagmeet and their corrupt leftist cohorts have now killed more Canadians than the 105,000 lost in WW1&2.
Based on USA total deaths:
Incompetent, late Covid-19 treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators caused ~530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths in 2020. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional ~1.1 million American deaths in 2021 and 2022, equal to all the deaths in all of America’s wars back to 1776. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled ~1.6 million to end 2022, and it is far from over.
Mind-boggling. Thanks for sharing.
Hey look Bill! We can make 6 figures on Substack! It's so easy! Just write about writing! (Also, do not be blocked on social media, do not anger The Machine, do not be controversial).
Thanks for the link. It's too late for me to follow this advice.
Nice digging! In 2021, CDC officials basically walked back their first patient paper with that Red Cross study you’ve highlighted before: “Conclusions These findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may have been introduced into the United States prior to 19 January 2020.”
BTW, if you look really closely at that “first” US patient from Washington State, he was our first patient FROM Wuhan. You find what you look for. (PS His nurse MH worked for Dr. Fauci & the CDC. Right place at right time?)
For more than a month, the CDC would only test people who had recently come back from China. You are definitely right: You find what your are looking for .... and you don't find what you are not looking for!