For “Citizen journalist” Laura Mueller (as well as myself), this “thermo-nuclear” theory’s just as plausible as the “settled science.” Laura’s story reveals the importance of independent journalists.
Like many “citizen journalists,” Laura’s preoccupation with uncovering more credible versions of the truth struck many friends and certain members of her family as obsessive behavior.
Common reactions included, “Stop imagining things” … “Let’s talk about something else … “Don’t worry; be happy.”
Bonus content. The story was already quite long so I cut a good bit of text ... For example:
“I began reading and researching extensively,” Laura said.
In the last five years, she’s “watched and reported on dozens of Congressional hearings and Covid Task Force briefings, read dozens of books about Covid, and made daily ritual visits to, Children’s Health Defense, TrialSiteNews, Unz Review, and hundreds of Substacks.”
A key feature of Laura’s personality is she’s not afraid to reach out to others who might have much-higher public profiles than herself. The fact she lacked “media credentials” left her undaunted.
If she could find the email address of people she wanted to query or contact, Laura wasn’t shy about reaching out to these people, share information she thought was important or ask them a few pointed questions.
Laura learned that at least a few much-better known public figures or experienced writers would correspond with her.
For example, Laura has shared emails with Debbie Lerman, Jeffrey Tucker, David Bell, state legislators or staff members Congressional Committees that might entertain contrarian evidence regarding virus origins (plus other Covid contrarian public figures).
It occurs to me that all important or significant citizen journalists probably share this personality trait. In their minds, their expertise or conclusions might be just as credible or valid as the perceived experts and authorities.
They know the extensive research they’ve performed and how much time they’ve spent thinking about a subject, time investments surely much greater than journalists employed by major media corporations.
Today, most “science” or health journalists typically view their core job as reporting the pronouncements of authorized scientists; questioning how these experts arrived at these conclusions - and considering the possibility these statements could be false - is not part of their job descriptions.
Like thousands of Citizen Journalists, Laura also started her own Substack newsletter.
However, her Substack never found a significant audience and she recently abandoned it because the contents of the newsletter made one or more of her three children uncomfortable.
It’s probably safe to say that Laura's children worried that their their mother had become obsessed with one contrarian topic (a result probably typical for many contrarian Citizen journalists).
Laura has also published several excellent articles at the medical/science website Trial SiteNews and routinely corresponds with the founder of this website. (I think today's article is going to be published at TrialSiteNews).
And one more piece of text, I cut out of the story proper. As you can see, I did some pretty heavy editorializing:
If Laura’s conjecture is true that early spread perhaps originated in America and could be “confirmed” by investigators, this revelation might represent the greatest scandal in U.S. history.
To be clear, like all true scientists or investigative journalists, Laura is not saying this is definitely the case. She’s simply pointed out that copious evidence exists that this could be the reality.
Certainly, equal or greater evidence exists that suggests this virus was spreading in America before any novel respiratory virus was spreading throughout Wuhan (and the rest of China).
I have made several comments earlier on other articles written by you that the spread was far earlier than you ever thought ( friends from the USA ,on a cycle tour of italy ,had it in june/july in northern Italy) and it was probably from Ft Dietrich.
A lot of text in this story ended up on the "cutting-room floor." Including this paragraph:
Laura was the first person to tell me that Dr. Robert Redfield, the former CDC director, has now made several comments, opining that virus spread began much earlier than Dr. Fauci and his colleagues said was possible (and Redfield keeps pushing back the possible start-date of virus spread. Today, he says spread in China probably began in September 2019.)
It would be nice to have primary source references to Redfield's remarks. This guy knew something was amiss. Can you or Laura provide these references?
I'm too lazy to look up the cite, but on one of Unz's many articles, he claims that it was a U.S. funded (and thus, probably official propaganda) media site that first claimed the virus had emerged from the (actually, a) Wuhan lab, in Jan. 2020 if I recall correctly. This, and many other of his claims, as well as the known cover-up we saw later (e.g. Fauci's emails, the "Proximal Origins" fraud, etc.) suggest orchestrated cover-up at the highest levels.
Those who saw my recent podcast interview on “early spread” with Nicholas Hulscher of Dr. McCullough’s widely-read Substack should know that Laura contacted Nicholas and told him he should interview Bill Rice, Jr. (The author did contact me and also produced one of the most pithy summaries of “early spread” evidence published to date).
Actually Covid began in Germany. That’s where a molecular analytical lab tool called RT-PCR, with no diagnostic validity testing was distributed worldwide to be the definitive test for Covid. After the release of this tool, positive Covid results spread like the California wildfires. Coupled with deadly hospital protocols and media stroked fear the plandemic exploded around the world.
The PCR test was THE key "invention" or development. No doubt about it. It gives "false positives" all the time. However, note that they weren't using the test in America before March 15, 2020.
Why'd they even bother with the "PCR test" (no such thing), when the original strain "pandemic" was over the next month? Is that why they spread variants? And how'd they get away without reporting the number of replication cycles in qPCR? The IHC NICU requests "PCR tests" for rhinovirus, and isn't even aware of the relevance of cycle counts. They say that be the lab's job. Not if the lab not even report it!
I saw 2 stories on Vaping injury: one in June of 2019 and one in October (the one referenced) with the 800 cases and 16 deaths. I have earlier mentioned my 3 patients with an extremely bad flu that put them in the ER in December 2019. The interesting detail is that the vaping story mentioned 'novel ground glass appearance of the alveoli" with dry non productive cough. One of my patients who came for his appointment in January reported that his doctor told him he had an unusual flu with alveoli destruction that was likely permanent. The radiographs he said appeared unusual and he tested negative for the flu. The exact term, ground glass, for the EVALI cases was used for describing Covid-2 lung injury too.
My thoughts: They were actually testing responses to different designs to get the best performance for creating the proper panic.
What we got was a component of the final design, and it came pretty close to causing strokes at first, then left us all with afib symptoms which have come and gone ever since. The symptom we all had at first was a slight fever, and a really bad headache in the back of our heads, towards the base of the skull.
Through research of deaths due to injections I figured out that this was accute inflammation in the arteries that allow blood to drain from the brain. Only one of us went to urgent care that I know of. He was given Tamaflu and informed that he did not have the flu but it was their best guess for treatment of something they had never seen before. It worked to reduce some symptoms.
Pretty sure they were monitoring admissions to see what the results were. This was in Winchester, VA, abput 50 minutes from USAMRIID in Frederick.
In 2014 I built some systems for the facility (Replacement, new building). It is set up with skywalks connecting two parts of the building, airlocks between over an inner courtyard. North side kept the naturally occuring deadly contagens, south side worked on enhancing them. In my walk through it was described as "Bad Shit" North, "Really Bad Shit" South. Ownership of my company found out what I was doing, made me stop, and gave my IP to another contractor on the project. When he asked me why I had even talked to them I said " It's 15 miles from my house." to which he said "I see your point".
I was concerned because they had framed Ivins, so the culprits were obviously still at large. That release of weaponized Anthrax caused a lot of people to become very ill. Including me. If you worked with USPS, you got sick multiple times that year.
What is needed is a deep dive survey in a 50 mile radius to see if, when all types of conditons are combined, you end up with a Delta or Omicron response as a composite. The Chinese, WHO, and Five Eyes intel cooperative are basically one big, real Spectre. They did this to us, but I think the USG was in the lead. I think the CCP owns all of them through blackmail ops. But we did it, to the world.
If we do not shut all of our BSL3 and 4 labs down right away, we are in grave danger. It's time we stop trying to memory hole it. Not real concerned about plastic spoon use or plastic plates, I am concerned about a completely out of control group with bioweapons at their disposal.
I vape. I remember that Aug/Sept of 2019 clearly because the House (or Senate) committee overseeing public health had a hearing to discuss whether or not they wanted to ban all vaping in US because of the "mysterious" pneumonia deaths. It was the CDC who claimed the deaths were caused by vaping 'illicit substances'. A cover-up? I did some research into it after watching a youtube video from an account with the name Nathan in it. He was a US born man living in China. He had a pretty convincing argument that SARS-COV-2 had leaked out of Fort Detrick. I saw that video sometime in the spring or summer of 2020. Or it could have leaked out of Ralph Baric's lab in North Carolina. Either is plausible. What % of samples did Dr. Bhatacharya's antibody study find positive? 10% in April 2020? I can't remember.
If memory serves, Bhatacharya's antibody study found about 3 to 4 percent positives in a random early antibody surveillance study. That figures significant. I've always been skeptical of the percent positive from that and other early seroprevalence studies as the lab-testing was steered to the "authorized" labs that might be in on the conspiracy to conceal evidence of early spread. (That is, I think some of these seroprevalence study results might be questionable).
The Red Cross antibody study found 2.04 percent positives from blood drawn Dec. 13-16, 2019 in about 1,700 donors in CA, WA and OR. Those 39 people would have been infected at least by November 2019 as it takes about 10 days for detectable antibodies to form.
One question I have is why didn't the CDC test "archived" (pre-pandemic) blood from the states where ILI activity was already at the highest level by November 2019. Like the state of Georgia, home of the CDC! Or the agency could have simply asked CDC employees to give blood in late February 2020.
They could have done the same thing Bhatacharya did ... but they didn't. "The dog that didn't bark."
The CDC only tested two tranches of archived blood for antibodies ... and they didn't publish the results of that study for 11 1/2 months. Another question I've posed 50 times: How long does it take to test a few thousand units of blood for antibodies? Couldn't they have done this in a few days? Answer: Yes.
If you read the CDC's paper on the results of the "Red Cross Antibody Study,' you will NOT find out when those units of blood were tested. For some reason, they left out that info.
Hey, thanks Bill - and thanks Laura - for this interesting article. It makes it even more likely that, even if the outbreak was unintended, they still decided to run with it as a full-blown human experimentation project.
It's good to know the kinds of people we have looking after us all.
Well, we should cut the government some slack. It’s not like they could issue a press release that read something like, “Citizens, we have an important public health announcement. As you may know, there have been reports of an atypical pneumonia and other respiratory symptoms at local hospitals. At this time, we are allowed to disclose that the illness may have been caused by an unexpected release from one of our research facilities. Citizens are urged not to panic; the disease is contagious but rarely fatal. If you have symptoms, please see your doctor.”
Whether or not it was a virus, something was definitely going on before 2020 with out a doubt.
My wife had something for over 2 weeks in late Oct early Nov 2019 and they never did figure out what it was but she was totally wiped out, lethargic, extremely tired, not eating, nausea, some low grade fever. No coughing to speak of but they did find a lung nodule during an x-ray. Blood work at the time was fairly normal. Of course all this was before the bogus PCR test so I don't know what that would have indicated. Good work on this subject!!!
Excellent article of journalistic investigation - and if their are rebuffs and rebuttals, than time to to "air" them I reckon - cause the evidence is becoming more than overwhelming.
More cutting-room-floor text ....
Like many “citizen journalists,” Laura’s preoccupation with uncovering more credible versions of the truth struck many friends and certain members of her family as obsessive behavior.
Common reactions included, “Stop imagining things” … “Let’s talk about something else … “Don’t worry; be happy.”
Been there, heard that.
I think we all have, Thomas.
Bonus content. The story was already quite long so I cut a good bit of text ... For example:
“I began reading and researching extensively,” Laura said.
In the last five years, she’s “watched and reported on dozens of Congressional hearings and Covid Task Force briefings, read dozens of books about Covid, and made daily ritual visits to, Children’s Health Defense, TrialSiteNews, Unz Review, and hundreds of Substacks.”
A key feature of Laura’s personality is she’s not afraid to reach out to others who might have much-higher public profiles than herself. The fact she lacked “media credentials” left her undaunted.
If she could find the email address of people she wanted to query or contact, Laura wasn’t shy about reaching out to these people, share information she thought was important or ask them a few pointed questions.
Laura learned that at least a few much-better known public figures or experienced writers would correspond with her.
For example, Laura has shared emails with Debbie Lerman, Jeffrey Tucker, David Bell, state legislators or staff members Congressional Committees that might entertain contrarian evidence regarding virus origins (plus other Covid contrarian public figures).
It occurs to me that all important or significant citizen journalists probably share this personality trait. In their minds, their expertise or conclusions might be just as credible or valid as the perceived experts and authorities.
They know the extensive research they’ve performed and how much time they’ve spent thinking about a subject, time investments surely much greater than journalists employed by major media corporations.
Today, most “science” or health journalists typically view their core job as reporting the pronouncements of authorized scientists; questioning how these experts arrived at these conclusions - and considering the possibility these statements could be false - is not part of their job descriptions.
Like thousands of Citizen Journalists, Laura also started her own Substack newsletter.
However, her Substack never found a significant audience and she recently abandoned it because the contents of the newsletter made one or more of her three children uncomfortable.
It’s probably safe to say that Laura's children worried that their their mother had become obsessed with one contrarian topic (a result probably typical for many contrarian Citizen journalists).
Laura has also published several excellent articles at the medical/science website Trial SiteNews and routinely corresponds with the founder of this website. (I think today's article is going to be published at TrialSiteNews).
And one more piece of text, I cut out of the story proper. As you can see, I did some pretty heavy editorializing:
If Laura’s conjecture is true that early spread perhaps originated in America and could be “confirmed” by investigators, this revelation might represent the greatest scandal in U.S. history.
To be clear, like all true scientists or investigative journalists, Laura is not saying this is definitely the case. She’s simply pointed out that copious evidence exists that this could be the reality.
Certainly, equal or greater evidence exists that suggests this virus was spreading in America before any novel respiratory virus was spreading throughout Wuhan (and the rest of China).
I have made several comments earlier on other articles written by you that the spread was far earlier than you ever thought ( friends from the USA ,on a cycle tour of italy ,had it in june/july in northern Italy) and it was probably from Ft Dietrich.
A lot of text in this story ended up on the "cutting-room floor." Including this paragraph:
Laura was the first person to tell me that Dr. Robert Redfield, the former CDC director, has now made several comments, opining that virus spread began much earlier than Dr. Fauci and his colleagues said was possible (and Redfield keeps pushing back the possible start-date of virus spread. Today, he says spread in China probably began in September 2019.)
It would be nice to have primary source references to Redfield's remarks. This guy knew something was amiss. Can you or Laura provide these references?
That’s a hard YES. And YES to Fort Dietrich and why we will never learn the truth, the whole truth…..
And see how the Internet robot aways changes the spelling of Fort Detrick.
I generally have to watch and correct, I slipped it by this time.
I had my first Covid in Nov., 2019, in farthest British Columbia. (My appreciation of the diagnosis is a longer story.)
I see the "finding" of a (Chinese) lab origin by a US committee as another layer of smokescreen.
I'm too lazy to look up the cite, but on one of Unz's many articles, he claims that it was a U.S. funded (and thus, probably official propaganda) media site that first claimed the virus had emerged from the (actually, a) Wuhan lab, in Jan. 2020 if I recall correctly. This, and many other of his claims, as well as the known cover-up we saw later (e.g. Fauci's emails, the "Proximal Origins" fraud, etc.) suggest orchestrated cover-up at the highest levels.
Cutting-room-floor text, Part 3:
Those who saw my recent podcast interview on “early spread” with Nicholas Hulscher of Dr. McCullough’s widely-read Substack should know that Laura contacted Nicholas and told him he should interview Bill Rice, Jr. (The author did contact me and also produced one of the most pithy summaries of “early spread” evidence published to date).
Actually Covid began in Germany. That’s where a molecular analytical lab tool called RT-PCR, with no diagnostic validity testing was distributed worldwide to be the definitive test for Covid. After the release of this tool, positive Covid results spread like the California wildfires. Coupled with deadly hospital protocols and media stroked fear the plandemic exploded around the world.
The PCR test was THE key "invention" or development. No doubt about it. It gives "false positives" all the time. However, note that they weren't using the test in America before March 15, 2020.
Why'd they even bother with the "PCR test" (no such thing), when the original strain "pandemic" was over the next month? Is that why they spread variants? And how'd they get away without reporting the number of replication cycles in qPCR? The IHC NICU requests "PCR tests" for rhinovirus, and isn't even aware of the relevance of cycle counts. They say that be the lab's job. Not if the lab not even report it!
Very collateral approach. But why "PCR test"? Why not qPCR?
I saw 2 stories on Vaping injury: one in June of 2019 and one in October (the one referenced) with the 800 cases and 16 deaths. I have earlier mentioned my 3 patients with an extremely bad flu that put them in the ER in December 2019. The interesting detail is that the vaping story mentioned 'novel ground glass appearance of the alveoli" with dry non productive cough. One of my patients who came for his appointment in January reported that his doctor told him he had an unusual flu with alveoli destruction that was likely permanent. The radiographs he said appeared unusual and he tested negative for the flu. The exact term, ground glass, for the EVALI cases was used for describing Covid-2 lung injury too.
My thoughts: They were actually testing responses to different designs to get the best performance for creating the proper panic.
What we got was a component of the final design, and it came pretty close to causing strokes at first, then left us all with afib symptoms which have come and gone ever since. The symptom we all had at first was a slight fever, and a really bad headache in the back of our heads, towards the base of the skull.
Through research of deaths due to injections I figured out that this was accute inflammation in the arteries that allow blood to drain from the brain. Only one of us went to urgent care that I know of. He was given Tamaflu and informed that he did not have the flu but it was their best guess for treatment of something they had never seen before. It worked to reduce some symptoms.
Pretty sure they were monitoring admissions to see what the results were. This was in Winchester, VA, abput 50 minutes from USAMRIID in Frederick.
In 2014 I built some systems for the facility (Replacement, new building). It is set up with skywalks connecting two parts of the building, airlocks between over an inner courtyard. North side kept the naturally occuring deadly contagens, south side worked on enhancing them. In my walk through it was described as "Bad Shit" North, "Really Bad Shit" South. Ownership of my company found out what I was doing, made me stop, and gave my IP to another contractor on the project. When he asked me why I had even talked to them I said " It's 15 miles from my house." to which he said "I see your point".
I was concerned because they had framed Ivins, so the culprits were obviously still at large. That release of weaponized Anthrax caused a lot of people to become very ill. Including me. If you worked with USPS, you got sick multiple times that year.
What is needed is a deep dive survey in a 50 mile radius to see if, when all types of conditons are combined, you end up with a Delta or Omicron response as a composite. The Chinese, WHO, and Five Eyes intel cooperative are basically one big, real Spectre. They did this to us, but I think the USG was in the lead. I think the CCP owns all of them through blackmail ops. But we did it, to the world.
If we do not shut all of our BSL3 and 4 labs down right away, we are in grave danger. It's time we stop trying to memory hole it. Not real concerned about plastic spoon use or plastic plates, I am concerned about a completely out of control group with bioweapons at their disposal.
Great post. We should shut down all of those labs .... today.
I vape. I remember that Aug/Sept of 2019 clearly because the House (or Senate) committee overseeing public health had a hearing to discuss whether or not they wanted to ban all vaping in US because of the "mysterious" pneumonia deaths. It was the CDC who claimed the deaths were caused by vaping 'illicit substances'. A cover-up? I did some research into it after watching a youtube video from an account with the name Nathan in it. He was a US born man living in China. He had a pretty convincing argument that SARS-COV-2 had leaked out of Fort Detrick. I saw that video sometime in the spring or summer of 2020. Or it could have leaked out of Ralph Baric's lab in North Carolina. Either is plausible. What % of samples did Dr. Bhatacharya's antibody study find positive? 10% in April 2020? I can't remember.
If memory serves, Bhatacharya's antibody study found about 3 to 4 percent positives in a random early antibody surveillance study. That figures significant. I've always been skeptical of the percent positive from that and other early seroprevalence studies as the lab-testing was steered to the "authorized" labs that might be in on the conspiracy to conceal evidence of early spread. (That is, I think some of these seroprevalence study results might be questionable).
The Red Cross antibody study found 2.04 percent positives from blood drawn Dec. 13-16, 2019 in about 1,700 donors in CA, WA and OR. Those 39 people would have been infected at least by November 2019 as it takes about 10 days for detectable antibodies to form.
One question I have is why didn't the CDC test "archived" (pre-pandemic) blood from the states where ILI activity was already at the highest level by November 2019. Like the state of Georgia, home of the CDC! Or the agency could have simply asked CDC employees to give blood in late February 2020.
They could have done the same thing Bhatacharya did ... but they didn't. "The dog that didn't bark."
The CDC only tested two tranches of archived blood for antibodies ... and they didn't publish the results of that study for 11 1/2 months. Another question I've posed 50 times: How long does it take to test a few thousand units of blood for antibodies? Couldn't they have done this in a few days? Answer: Yes.
If you read the CDC's paper on the results of the "Red Cross Antibody Study,' you will NOT find out when those units of blood were tested. For some reason, they left out that info.
I'm sure this was just an honest oversight.
Hey, thanks Bill - and thanks Laura - for this interesting article. It makes it even more likely that, even if the outbreak was unintended, they still decided to run with it as a full-blown human experimentation project.
It's good to know the kinds of people we have looking after us all.
Well, we should cut the government some slack. It’s not like they could issue a press release that read something like, “Citizens, we have an important public health announcement. As you may know, there have been reports of an atypical pneumonia and other respiratory symptoms at local hospitals. At this time, we are allowed to disclose that the illness may have been caused by an unexpected release from one of our research facilities. Citizens are urged not to panic; the disease is contagious but rarely fatal. If you have symptoms, please see your doctor.”
Linking you once again, Bill @
Whether or not it was a virus, something was definitely going on before 2020 with out a doubt.
My wife had something for over 2 weeks in late Oct early Nov 2019 and they never did figure out what it was but she was totally wiped out, lethargic, extremely tired, not eating, nausea, some low grade fever. No coughing to speak of but they did find a lung nodule during an x-ray. Blood work at the time was fairly normal. Of course all this was before the bogus PCR test so I don't know what that would have indicated. Good work on this subject!!!
Thanks, WatchMan! I learned 4 1/2 years ago, stories like this will NOT "go viral."
Excellent article of journalistic investigation - and if their are rebuffs and rebuttals, than time to to "air" them I reckon - cause the evidence is becoming more than overwhelming.
Here to show support for Mr. Rice… good one, honey.
Thank you, Honey! I support you in your .... five or six jobs!
I’ve had suspicions about Fort Detrick ever since I read about the vaping issues near there.
Also, remember this news story about French athletes coming down with a mysterious illness after attending the 2019 World Military Games in Wuhan?
Yep. They had the anthrax spores mailed, then tried to blame me.
WOW. 😱
KSL, Deseret, and DPG are Zio Deep State.