Thanks to anyone who shares this. If nothing else, as many people as possible need to view this video. It's like the DHS has been taken over by the Gestapo.
When DHS was stood up in 2002, I immediately thought of the Third Reich. Such a creepy name sent shivers down my spine and my body warned "danger Will Robinson, danger!"
Same here. I wasn't born yesterday, and the use of the word "Homeland" was something I'd never seen in the US federal gov't, and it had some unfortunate echos from our adversaries in WWII. I still can hardly believe all those politicians fell like a row of dominoes for the Patriot Act.
Good point. This agency is doing exactly the things Ron Paul said it would do.
FWIW, even in the months after 9-11, I was with Dr. Paul and knew that we'd rue the day we created this massive new government bureaucracy. Also, this department of government was created by "conservative, small-government" Republicans.
Your last sentence makes a good point. I'm so tired of partisan commenters all over the place who blame it all on liberals. Whatever side is in power will do the Bad Stuff.
If the DHS did this while the US is still, somewhat not, a full blown police state, imagine what will happen if we have a truly SHTF type event. Think these brown shirts aren't keeping tabs on folks who happen to buy guns, ammo, supplies?
As the past three years have shown...DHS (and other agencies) are not your friend.
I hope you're following Matt Taibbi and his Twitter Files colleagues on their recent exposés about organized government-funded disinformation/censorship. and the Public substack.
I politely take issue with your use of the past tense in any discussion of surveillance by the federal government. It is not merely ongoing, it is expanding.
you hear a click, and then the sound changes. It sounds like there is somewhat of an echo in the speaker. Sometimes they disconnect and then it goes back to normal. My ex knew this and made me pay attention. This was back in the West, 20 years ago, so it is not new
Department of Homeland Defense/Security? A most egregious misnomer. Right up there with Department of Justice. Makes me giggle and throw up at the same time.
So....The Offensive Department of Homeland Defense? I can live with that. At least the first part. Funny ass video. Sometimes Covid is SO bad that you don't even know you have it.
Oh hell no....Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, was tossed under the Covid umbrella. Having pre-existing morbidities puts you in the cone of uncertainty. A common cold could take you out. Every other deadly disease on the planet suddenly took a vacation. Here in Florida the number of flu deaths in 2021-2022 was zero. A Festivus Miracle!
More people need to look at those Influenza Like Illness weekly reports produced by the CDC and all the State Health Agencies in the weeks and months before "Covid" suddenly started killing massive numbers of people (in late March 2020 and April 2020).
ILI was "severe" and "widespread" in at least 44 states in America and had been in many states since early November. That was your real first wave of Covid. Nobody can say this though because there wasn't any noticeable spike in excess deaths.
The conclusion might have been that this was a very contagious "flu-like" bug ... but it wasn't killing anyone. That wouldn't fit the lockdown and then "mandatory vaccine" narrative.
True that. The bogus PCR test - or more accurately- the "improper use of" the PCR test solidified the narrative and easily shoved the narrative into overdrive.
They likely did not die from the so-called "covid", but the jabs - the more the better - and they are killers of children and the evidence is overwhelming.
So the question simple is - do you love children or do you want to be a slave to central authority?
Ron Paul and a handful of others stood up against this. Sen Johnson, Rand Paul, Massie, who else. Just ordered some Ron Paul books, after reading his essays on Lew Rockwell. If he weren't 88 I would write him in on the voting bulletin ! I wish he would have gotten the nomination years ago. The country would be quite different
I always listen to Dr. Paul. He's almost always right. I don't know why the media doesn't book guests who have almost always been proven to be correct in iheir predictions instead of those who are wrong with everything they predict.
Well, I DO know why they don't book people who have accurate prediction rates.
Yep...this is all continuing to simmer below the surface too. Just yesterday, I over heard some entitled laptop set millennial woman complain to a friend she was dining with that the "anti vaxx Nazis " all need to lose their jobs.
The Stasi of the former East Germany (DDR) recruited coworkers, friends and family members to spy on each other. Back then you could not trust anyone, not even your own mother.
This isolated people from each other, prevented them to talk, think and act against the totalitarian government. The wall would have fallen much earlier, if it would have not been for the Stasi.
We don't need any of these nonsense departments. DHS, NSA, CIA are a huge waste of taxpayer money and create more harm than they do good. The agencies in place before 9/11 proof how useless they are, since they couldn't prevent what happened.
They real threat are power hungry bureaucrats that will misuse any of these agencies against the People.
Remember, true Freedom comes at a cost. You can never lean back and hope it'll be there forever. All of us have to make sure every single day that no one will take our Freedom from us.
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: The video is illustrated throughout with cartoon figures, beginning with a cartoon schoolteacher at a greenboard.
MALE VOICE: Welcome to cybersecurity 101. Class is in session. Today's lesson, Countering Disinformation on Social Media.
[screenshot of Matt McMedia's social media feed showing a post by Freddie Friendson: "I heard that the vaccine doesn't work."]
Since 2020 there has been a lot of false and inaccurate information about Covid-19. In many cases the authors of this misinformation are simply misinformed.
[screenshot of Matt McMedia's social media feed showing a post by Steve Socialite: "Everybody knows COVID is no worse than the flu!"]
But some misinformation is deliberately created to mislead, harm, or manipulate.
[screenshot in Matt McMedia's social media feed showing a post by Doctor Dennis: "Why you SHOULDN'T get the COVID-19 VACCINE. This information could save your life!"]
We call this "disinformation."
[screenshot of same page, now with a red warning sign on it that says "This has been flagged as disinformation."]
In this case, by eroding trust in public health, disinformation could lower lower vaccine acceptance or adherence to protocols.
[Cartoon characters, many reading their smartphones, wander in a parking lot outside a vaccination clinic. Sign above door says, "Get your COVID-19 Vaccine HERE"]
By dividing the community disinformation can cause a rise in infections and deaths.
Consider this post from Susan's feed. It's from her uncle Steve who claims everybody knows covid is no worse than the flu.
[screenshot of Steve Socialite's post: "Everybody knows COVID is no worse than the flu!"]
Statements like these often commit the fallacy of mob appeal by appealing to the emotions of a crowd for an idea to be accepted or rejected. Comparing a pandemic virus to a seasonal virus also commits the fallacy of weak analogy because the two viruses
have telling differences. Steve fails to share those differences committing the fallacy of suppressed evidence.
[screenshot shows Steve Socialite's social media bio:
Steve Socialite
Dad, soccer coach, electrician.
A man wandering through the world looking for adventure! I love the outdoors, nature, and coaching soccer. If you are having any electrical issues DM me and I will see if I can help"]
Unless Steve is an infectious disease expert he is also committing the fallacy of appeal to authority.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention website should be favored because they are a trustworthy source due to large government funding.
Susan eventually tracks down a fact-based source than compares flu and covid deaths during the same period.
[screenshot shows cartoon CDC website and graphs]
Meanwhile, Susan's uncle has been doing his own research.
[screenshot shows Steve Socialite's social media feed with a post by Doctor Dennis: "Virus made in secret government lab"]
He's encountered many so-called sources that contain disinformation.
[screenshot of Doctor Dennis' post "(CDC Chart) Missing FLU deaths padding COVID deaths"]
Take this fake news story, for example. It claims to cite an official source, the CDC, but it misrepresents the data. This video also uses emotional and sensational elements
instead of a fact-based argument.
[Screen shows Steve Socialite's feed with a suggested video illustrated by a cartoon of Doctor Dennis saying, "Millionaire forces lockdowns to control you!"]
Susan's uncle has made a common mistake. He's picking sources that confirm his opinions instead of presenting facts.
Susan, however, has done fact-based research and replies to her uncle.
[screen shows Susan's reply to her uncle Steve's post: "According to the CDC a quarter of a million US citizens died from COVID while almost none died from the flu. Probably because of people working from home and wearing masks in public." Uncle Steve replies: "You're a sheep if you trust the CDC."]
It doesn't change his opinion. You can't win every argument online.
[Screen again shows Steve Socialite's post, "Everybody knows COVID is no worse than the flu!"]
But you can protect yourself from disinformation. You can stop it from spreading, too.
[arrow on screen points to click on the option to "Report as Disinformation." The arrow then moves to click on "Report as Disinformation," and camera zooms in as the letters turn red.]
VERY DEEP MALE VOICE: You can stop it from spreading, too.
So many perfectly sensible people are cancelled because they just spread the truth! Hateful! This whole scamdemic was atrocious! Interesting that the predictive text follows the government narrative! What’s that all about???🤔
Great article Bill! Every single departmant of the governement that isnt in the constitution should be abolished as the government was never given the right to create them, but did anyway.
np. Thought I was missing a joke. Hate it when that happens. As far as the joke: one thing you ain't fixin' is the Department of Homeland Security cause...
This post (I recently made at my newsletter and at Brownstone) speaks to how coordinated the Censorship and Surveillance Program really is ... and that the Department of Defense (!) is apparently helping lead this conspiracy. Here's the post:
Highly-recommended post from a writer at the Brownstone Institute’s “writer group” email chain ...
In which they clearly outline their intentions to propagandize the US and the world into mental compliance through “whole of society” (read a boundary-less approach carried out with allies and private cut-outs) information operations.
From the report:
“The IE (Information Environment) knows few boundaries, and the Department’s approach to OIE must reflect this reality. The competition for information advantage is an inherently global, joint, combined, interagency, and whole-of-society one. The United States military’s capability and capacity to operate globally in the IE will be contingent on its ability to establish and maintain situational and enduring partnerships. Integration with allies and partners provides a critical warfighting capability. Our allies and partners around the world have incredible capability, understanding of regional and local language and culture, and can better
communicate within their respective regions and with their partners than can DoD. DoD will eliminate barriers to cooperation and combined action with our allies and partners.
To truly make OIE an effective national capability it must be applied by DoD in a deliberate and unified manner; remain aligned with the interagency; and consider the viewpoints and activities of academia to include university-affiliated research centers (UARCs), commercial entities, industry, federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs); NGOs; and State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial governments and agencies. The United States must embrace a whole-of-government approach to the development and employment of Information as an instrument of national power. In addition to its statutory and traditional military role and functions, DoD can provide planning support to help coordinate, synchronize, reinforce,
and deconflict interagency information activities, as well as provide thematic reinforcement and mutual support across agencies. Integration with allies and partners will be critical to effective warfighting capabilities. DoD partners around the world have incredible capability, understanding of local language and culture, and can better communicate with their respective regions. To that end, with an emphasis on people, processes and capabilities, DoD must facilitate the integration of our partners into our military and our military into theirs. This will be imperative to truly understand the diverse information environment that meld together across the areas of responsibilities around the globe. “
See my post below in reply to this post. It speaks to the fact that all important organizations are “completely captured.”
This is IT, "the most important thing" for the country's real rulers. They believe they MUST control all information to advance their agendas - to create, manipulate and control all the most important narratives. They HAD to completely capture all of the most important organizations ... and, they now have achieved this result.
Covid just showed (a few of us, but not enough of us) what they had finally achieved. Again, the real story is that all important organizations are now completely captured.
If you work in a captured organization, this does not necessarily mean you are "corrupt" or will become corrupt. However, if all the important "truth-seeking" organizations are captured, corruption becomes much easier, or far more likely to occur, and more people and organizations will become corrupt (because they know they will never be exposed .... since the organizations that could expose their corruption are captured).
With corruption and capture so endemic, only bad things will happen. Until a few of the important truth-seeking organizations become uncaptured, things will only get worse.
Actually, the mortality rate from "covid" is exactly zero, because the existence of the pathogenic "virus" hasn't been confirmed (according to numerous FOIA reports), and the PCR "test" was intended tot take people's DNA (which it did), but its Nobel-Prize-winner inventor emphasized that it was useless as a diagnostic tool. He conveniently passed away in 2019.
This is not to say that the symptoms didn't exist. They started in Wuhan and in Northern-Italy after massive 5G installations (many installers in the UK ended up on worker's comp), so it's actually originally radiation sickness, but later on, new technologies emerged in the "vaccines" that happened to shed, too. That doesn't include other sources, but to make a long story short, there is no need for "vaccinations":
The IFR for the flu is greatly exaggerated. The CDC conflates flu and pneumonia deaths to get the figure ("estimates") of how many people allegedly died from the flu in a given flu season.
They began massively inflating flu deaths a decade or two ago ... to of course promote the flu "vaccine."
That's the shot that changed the definition of a "vaccine." After that, a "vaccine" didn't have to stop any disease or illness.
The flu "vaccines" showed Big Pharma they could sell billions of units of a product that didn't even work. That knowledge came in handy with the Covid "vaccines."
Thanks to anyone who shares this. If nothing else, as many people as possible need to view this video. It's like the DHS has been taken over by the Gestapo.
Not like, but actually.
When DHS was stood up in 2002, I immediately thought of the Third Reich. Such a creepy name sent shivers down my spine and my body warned "danger Will Robinson, danger!"
Same here. I wasn't born yesterday, and the use of the word "Homeland" was something I'd never seen in the US federal gov't, and it had some unfortunate echos from our adversaries in WWII. I still can hardly believe all those politicians fell like a row of dominoes for the Patriot Act.
I have to quibble with your statement, the DHS weren't taken over, they were created to be the Gestapo.
Good point. This agency is doing exactly the things Ron Paul said it would do.
FWIW, even in the months after 9-11, I was with Dr. Paul and knew that we'd rue the day we created this massive new government bureaucracy. Also, this department of government was created by "conservative, small-government" Republicans.
Your last sentence makes a good point. I'm so tired of partisan commenters all over the place who blame it all on liberals. Whatever side is in power will do the Bad Stuff.
A PNAC neocon is still a neocon, whether red or blue.
that and more relevant to the globo homo great reset is the KGB and the Stasi.
If the DHS did this while the US is still, somewhat not, a full blown police state, imagine what will happen if we have a truly SHTF type event. Think these brown shirts aren't keeping tabs on folks who happen to buy guns, ammo, supplies?
As the past three years have shown...DHS (and other agencies) are not your friend.
I hope you're following Matt Taibbi and his Twitter Files colleagues on their recent exposés about organized government-funded disinformation/censorship. and the Public substack.
I politely take issue with your use of the past tense in any discussion of surveillance by the federal government. It is not merely ongoing, it is expanding.
That was a bad mistake if I used past tense.
yesterday I called with family overseas. They were listening in again. It is quite obvious you can hear it easily
Thankfully, not many speak Welsh so doubtful an intel agency has an interpreter on staff.
I speak a Dutch dialect so not much chance they understand a word of that either LOL. Not even a Dutch interpreter might understand it!
Exactly. North Walian (sic) is much different than South and even the North has differences between areas.
I think it's now policy for the US to surveil and record any calls placed from the US to another country.
Ingrid- how can you tell??
you hear a click, and then the sound changes. It sounds like there is somewhat of an echo in the speaker. Sometimes they disconnect and then it goes back to normal. My ex knew this and made me pay attention. This was back in the West, 20 years ago, so it is not new
Department of Homeland Defense/Security? A most egregious misnomer. Right up there with Department of Justice. Makes me giggle and throw up at the same time.
They are going on the OFFENSE against poor Uncle Steve.
So....The Offensive Department of Homeland Defense? I can live with that. At least the first part. Funny ass video. Sometimes Covid is SO bad that you don't even know you have it.
I'd be surprised if ANY healthy 10-year-old girl in the world really died "from" Covid. More have probably died from a bad case of the flu.
Oh hell no....Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, was tossed under the Covid umbrella. Having pre-existing morbidities puts you in the cone of uncertainty. A common cold could take you out. Every other deadly disease on the planet suddenly took a vacation. Here in Florida the number of flu deaths in 2021-2022 was zero. A Festivus Miracle!
More people need to look at those Influenza Like Illness weekly reports produced by the CDC and all the State Health Agencies in the weeks and months before "Covid" suddenly started killing massive numbers of people (in late March 2020 and April 2020).
ILI was "severe" and "widespread" in at least 44 states in America and had been in many states since early November. That was your real first wave of Covid. Nobody can say this though because there wasn't any noticeable spike in excess deaths.
The conclusion might have been that this was a very contagious "flu-like" bug ... but it wasn't killing anyone. That wouldn't fit the lockdown and then "mandatory vaccine" narrative.
Bill - the evidence is already in.
It don't matter anymore.
What matters is will to protect the children who are innocent and don't deserve this shit-storm of lies from legacy entities.
True that. The bogus PCR test - or more accurately- the "improper use of" the PCR test solidified the narrative and easily shoved the narrative into overdrive.
They likely did not die from the so-called "covid", but the jabs - the more the better - and they are killers of children and the evidence is overwhelming.
So the question simple is - do you love children or do you want to be a slave to central authority?
Uncle Steve's tinfoil hat does not cause myocarditis. Be like Uncle Steve.
Ron Paul and a handful of others stood up against this. Sen Johnson, Rand Paul, Massie, who else. Just ordered some Ron Paul books, after reading his essays on Lew Rockwell. If he weren't 88 I would write him in on the voting bulletin ! I wish he would have gotten the nomination years ago. The country would be quite different
I always listen to Dr. Paul. He's almost always right. I don't know why the media doesn't book guests who have almost always been proven to be correct in iheir predictions instead of those who are wrong with everything they predict.
Well, I DO know why they don't book people who have accurate prediction rates.
Try being in the UK!! Terrible 🤔
Yep...this is all continuing to simmer below the surface too. Just yesterday, I over heard some entitled laptop set millennial woman complain to a friend she was dining with that the "anti vaxx Nazis " all need to lose their jobs.
Newsflash: They still want you in camps. Right Kathy (Hochul)???
The People That Are Wearing Masks
And Still Taking Booster Shots
Have Started To Identify
With Their Captors.
DHS = Stasi
The Stasi of the former East Germany (DDR) recruited coworkers, friends and family members to spy on each other. Back then you could not trust anyone, not even your own mother.
This isolated people from each other, prevented them to talk, think and act against the totalitarian government. The wall would have fallen much earlier, if it would have not been for the Stasi.
We don't need any of these nonsense departments. DHS, NSA, CIA are a huge waste of taxpayer money and create more harm than they do good. The agencies in place before 9/11 proof how useless they are, since they couldn't prevent what happened.
They real threat are power hungry bureaucrats that will misuse any of these agencies against the People.
Remember, true Freedom comes at a cost. You can never lean back and hope it'll be there forever. All of us have to make sure every single day that no one will take our Freedom from us.
At last, someone uses something more appropriate than the gestapo and nazi Germany.
Omg, that was painful to watch! We could pull apart every sentence that narrator stated as disinformation.
Hear ye, hear ye, I have transcribed it (for my growing collection of what I call "cringe") so that you don't have to watch it:
DHS Censorship Cartoon - Report Uncle Steve For Disinformation
Posted August 25, 2022
DESCRIPTION: "Clipped from DHS (CISA) YouTube channel:
Hat tip:
which links to:
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: The video is illustrated throughout with cartoon figures, beginning with a cartoon schoolteacher at a greenboard.
MALE VOICE: Welcome to cybersecurity 101. Class is in session. Today's lesson, Countering Disinformation on Social Media.
[screenshot of Matt McMedia's social media feed showing a post by Freddie Friendson: "I heard that the vaccine doesn't work."]
Since 2020 there has been a lot of false and inaccurate information about Covid-19. In many cases the authors of this misinformation are simply misinformed.
[screenshot of Matt McMedia's social media feed showing a post by Steve Socialite: "Everybody knows COVID is no worse than the flu!"]
But some misinformation is deliberately created to mislead, harm, or manipulate.
[screenshot in Matt McMedia's social media feed showing a post by Doctor Dennis: "Why you SHOULDN'T get the COVID-19 VACCINE. This information could save your life!"]
We call this "disinformation."
[screenshot of same page, now with a red warning sign on it that says "This has been flagged as disinformation."]
In this case, by eroding trust in public health, disinformation could lower lower vaccine acceptance or adherence to protocols.
[Cartoon characters, many reading their smartphones, wander in a parking lot outside a vaccination clinic. Sign above door says, "Get your COVID-19 Vaccine HERE"]
By dividing the community disinformation can cause a rise in infections and deaths.
Consider this post from Susan's feed. It's from her uncle Steve who claims everybody knows covid is no worse than the flu.
[screenshot of Steve Socialite's post: "Everybody knows COVID is no worse than the flu!"]
Statements like these often commit the fallacy of mob appeal by appealing to the emotions of a crowd for an idea to be accepted or rejected. Comparing a pandemic virus to a seasonal virus also commits the fallacy of weak analogy because the two viruses
have telling differences. Steve fails to share those differences committing the fallacy of suppressed evidence.
[screenshot shows Steve Socialite's social media bio:
Steve Socialite
Dad, soccer coach, electrician.
A man wandering through the world looking for adventure! I love the outdoors, nature, and coaching soccer. If you are having any electrical issues DM me and I will see if I can help"]
Unless Steve is an infectious disease expert he is also committing the fallacy of appeal to authority.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention website should be favored because they are a trustworthy source due to large government funding.
Susan eventually tracks down a fact-based source than compares flu and covid deaths during the same period.
[screenshot shows cartoon CDC website and graphs]
Meanwhile, Susan's uncle has been doing his own research.
[screenshot shows Steve Socialite's social media feed with a post by Doctor Dennis: "Virus made in secret government lab"]
He's encountered many so-called sources that contain disinformation.
[screenshot of Doctor Dennis' post "(CDC Chart) Missing FLU deaths padding COVID deaths"]
Take this fake news story, for example. It claims to cite an official source, the CDC, but it misrepresents the data. This video also uses emotional and sensational elements
instead of a fact-based argument.
[Screen shows Steve Socialite's feed with a suggested video illustrated by a cartoon of Doctor Dennis saying, "Millionaire forces lockdowns to control you!"]
Susan's uncle has made a common mistake. He's picking sources that confirm his opinions instead of presenting facts.
Susan, however, has done fact-based research and replies to her uncle.
[screen shows Susan's reply to her uncle Steve's post: "According to the CDC a quarter of a million US citizens died from COVID while almost none died from the flu. Probably because of people working from home and wearing masks in public." Uncle Steve replies: "You're a sheep if you trust the CDC."]
It doesn't change his opinion. You can't win every argument online.
[Screen again shows Steve Socialite's post, "Everybody knows COVID is no worse than the flu!"]
But you can protect yourself from disinformation. You can stop it from spreading, too.
[arrow on screen points to click on the option to "Report as Disinformation." The arrow then moves to click on "Report as Disinformation," and camera zooms in as the letters turn red.]
VERY DEEP MALE VOICE: You can stop it from spreading, too.
Thank you, TB! I like your header - the "Cringe Transcripts."
Tiny collection here (for now under "miscellaneous"):
More in the pipeline.
The Founding Fathers would be [redacted] by now.
See how I had to write [redacted] or else [redacted].
So many perfectly sensible people are cancelled because they just spread the truth! Hateful! This whole scamdemic was atrocious! Interesting that the predictive text follows the government narrative! What’s that all about???🤔
Great article Bill! Every single departmant of the governement that isnt in the constitution should be abolished as the government was never given the right to create them, but did anyway.
Confused: DHD or DHS?
Oops. I think it is DHS - Department of Homeland Security. I'll fix that. Thanks.
np. Thought I was missing a joke. Hate it when that happens. As far as the joke: one thing you ain't fixin' is the Department of Homeland Security cause...
"ya can't fix stupid"
This post (I recently made at my newsletter and at Brownstone) speaks to how coordinated the Censorship and Surveillance Program really is ... and that the Department of Defense (!) is apparently helping lead this conspiracy. Here's the post:
Highly-recommended post from a writer at the Brownstone Institute’s “writer group” email chain ...
In which they clearly outline their intentions to propagandize the US and the world into mental compliance through “whole of society” (read a boundary-less approach carried out with allies and private cut-outs) information operations.
From the report:
“The IE (Information Environment) knows few boundaries, and the Department’s approach to OIE must reflect this reality. The competition for information advantage is an inherently global, joint, combined, interagency, and whole-of-society one. The United States military’s capability and capacity to operate globally in the IE will be contingent on its ability to establish and maintain situational and enduring partnerships. Integration with allies and partners provides a critical warfighting capability. Our allies and partners around the world have incredible capability, understanding of regional and local language and culture, and can better
communicate within their respective regions and with their partners than can DoD. DoD will eliminate barriers to cooperation and combined action with our allies and partners.
To truly make OIE an effective national capability it must be applied by DoD in a deliberate and unified manner; remain aligned with the interagency; and consider the viewpoints and activities of academia to include university-affiliated research centers (UARCs), commercial entities, industry, federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs); NGOs; and State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial governments and agencies. The United States must embrace a whole-of-government approach to the development and employment of Information as an instrument of national power. In addition to its statutory and traditional military role and functions, DoD can provide planning support to help coordinate, synchronize, reinforce,
and deconflict interagency information activities, as well as provide thematic reinforcement and mutual support across agencies. Integration with allies and partners will be critical to effective warfighting capabilities. DoD partners around the world have incredible capability, understanding of local language and culture, and can better communicate with their respective regions. To that end, with an emphasis on people, processes and capabilities, DoD must facilitate the integration of our partners into our military and our military into theirs. This will be imperative to truly understand the diverse information environment that meld together across the areas of responsibilities around the globe. “
See my post below in reply to this post. It speaks to the fact that all important organizations are “completely captured.”
My Post ....
This is IT, "the most important thing" for the country's real rulers. They believe they MUST control all information to advance their agendas - to create, manipulate and control all the most important narratives. They HAD to completely capture all of the most important organizations ... and, they now have achieved this result.
Covid just showed (a few of us, but not enough of us) what they had finally achieved. Again, the real story is that all important organizations are now completely captured.
If you work in a captured organization, this does not necessarily mean you are "corrupt" or will become corrupt. However, if all the important "truth-seeking" organizations are captured, corruption becomes much easier, or far more likely to occur, and more people and organizations will become corrupt (because they know they will never be exposed .... since the organizations that could expose their corruption are captured).
With corruption and capture so endemic, only bad things will happen. Until a few of the important truth-seeking organizations become uncaptured, things will only get worse.
- Bill Rice, Jr.
The tragicomic part is that even the flu is an invented illness:
There are hundreds of invented illnesses that cover up industrial poisonings ("medicines"can also cause quite a few). Here are a few:
Actually, the mortality rate from "covid" is exactly zero, because the existence of the pathogenic "virus" hasn't been confirmed (according to numerous FOIA reports), and the PCR "test" was intended tot take people's DNA (which it did), but its Nobel-Prize-winner inventor emphasized that it was useless as a diagnostic tool. He conveniently passed away in 2019.
This is not to say that the symptoms didn't exist. They started in Wuhan and in Northern-Italy after massive 5G installations (many installers in the UK ended up on worker's comp), so it's actually originally radiation sickness, but later on, new technologies emerged in the "vaccines" that happened to shed, too. That doesn't include other sources, but to make a long story short, there is no need for "vaccinations":
The IFR for the flu is greatly exaggerated. The CDC conflates flu and pneumonia deaths to get the figure ("estimates") of how many people allegedly died from the flu in a given flu season.
They began massively inflating flu deaths a decade or two ago ... to of course promote the flu "vaccine."
That's the shot that changed the definition of a "vaccine." After that, a "vaccine" didn't have to stop any disease or illness.
The flu "vaccines" showed Big Pharma they could sell billions of units of a product that didn't even work. That knowledge came in handy with the Covid "vaccines."
That video is a keeper. A classic in the annals of propaganda.
That video comes across as satire. It's getting so hard to tell anymore.