Early on in my Covid research, I spent weeks researching and writing an in-depth article that proved Covid was no mortality risk to 99 percent of the population. ... that the entire "fear-mongering" agenda was contrived to control the masses.

In my article, I include several data points showing that minorities were, by far, the greatest victims of the Covid "scamdemic" response. I don't know how any neutral observer could deny this FACT.

I'm still proud of this piece, which no one would publish when I produced it. So, once I started my own Substack newsletter, I published it myself.


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My unsuccessful search caused me to entertain a provocative question: Is it possible some kind of conspiracy exists among public health officials and the press to conceal or down-play the average age of a COVID-19 victim?

While I can’t prove if some kind of conspiracy explains this research oddity, I do think it’s possible that if this statistic was widely published, the fear associated with Covid might diminish. And if this happened, it’s also possible that acceptance of government-imposed COVID mandates (and later vaccines) might have been far less widespread.

I bet you can prove it now !

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Thanks for reading some of that long piece, David. I bet I could do a better job on that front. There is no doubt in my mind there was an intentional "conspiracy" to keep the average age of a Covid victim from being known by most of the public. I looked and looked and could find no articles that would mention this supremely-important data point/statistic.

It was easier to find this age (about 82) in stories and documents in Europe then America. Our press is even more captured and awful.

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I'm much too lazy. You have a hard job, I don't care what your wife says.

I much prefer to be a smart ass.

I hope one day the riches you deserve come your way.

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You read my mind. It is a short read at times. Hahaha.

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That's funny.

Brevity is the grease of life.

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No wonder in so few words I easily slide into trouble.

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😏 Smart ass is so much easier, isn't it?

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"...stories and documents in Europe... "

I learned more than a decade ago that a duller truth is found by reading news information and blogs outside the US to fill in the malinformation censored facts. It's particularly useful when court cases have players like Steele of the infamous Steele Russian pee pee dossier testifying to avoid a billion dollar liable suit. You can get testimony off court websites that often tell the truth.

Same EXACT thing for scientific studies and trials. In the COVID-1984 case, that's where the correlation with all the censored authors was validated.

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I've found you have to read/search a ton of places before you can find some nuggets that seem more credible and important. These are usually buried and missed. Then - after all this research- you can start to "connect some dots."

Another point I've made in arguments with mainstream journalists who won't cover important stories is that I am doing a lot more important research than they are. I'm reading the same "authorized" BS studies and stories they are, but I'm also looking for the others side of these stories they never search for.

Actually, freelance journalists like myself have more time to do this research because we don't have a story quota or daily deadlines.

BTW, this is another reason to support your favorite Substack authors. They ARE putting in the time to do all of this tedious leg work.

... And, lastly, read the dang Reader Comments! You are going to find great sources from readers - intelligent private citizens who are also researching these topics.

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Yes! I always tell people new to substack that they MUST read the comments! I have lost count of the extra knowledge I’ve gained from our amazing community.

It’s a great place to get questions answered too...

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Links, too!

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Those journalists are being paid NOT to look at the other side. And even if they do, writing or reporting anything about it would likely cost them their job. Examples: Phil Donahue, Sharyl Atkisson, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck and many more. Fortunately those of us he try to keep our eyes and ears open follow them and just shut off the BSMSM altogether. I stopped listening 6 years ago. Was the wisest thing I ever did.

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Fuller truth, rarely duller....

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Example... Roughly 2003 I found the Downing Street Memo written in the UK that briefed the PM that America has decided to invade Iraq and the data was bein fixed to support it. This was more than a year before the Bezos (Washington) Post had a P1 story on it.

Red pill #1 for me right there.

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Please forgive me for this, but you being in "the newspaper business," I have to 😔......very last paragraph, "...documents in Europe THAN America."

As you know, but most everyone else seems not to know, THEN is a time related event. THAN is a comparative event.

Please forgive me. I'm not perfect, and my typing certainly is not, but I do try.

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Out of all the misinformation spread by the media, the obfuscation of the true lethality by age group statistics might have been one of the most damaging overall, cause if you can't prove that a significant segment of the population is dying or suffering from the disease, the compliance with these horrendous public health policies would have been much much lower, and your plandemic is over. So they lied ... The real stats were repeatedly published by many independent medias (the Highwire comes to mind).

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I agree, McFly. Concealing - or suppressing - data on the real age of (alleged) Covid victims was VERY IMPORTANT to produce the requisite "fear narrative."

They also kept pushing the "fact" that children were at risk. Talk about a brazen lie.

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That's why I also started writing here, based on our prior conversations, and being tired of rejections due to a lack of guts or knowledge in publishing counter-narrative pieces. My hats off to you for keeping at it and creating a following.

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THIS summed up everything! The second I learned you had less than a one percent chance of dying I stopped listening - I never social distanced wore a mask or stayed indoors I never stopped living which is why it is so difficult for me to remember anything - my so called covid experience! I never had one!

What shocks and absolutely astounds me is how people got these injections for something they weren't going to DIE from! I really do beleive it stemmed from massive narcissism!

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Great points, Bill! I just listened to some of the hearing and was not in the least bit surprised by Wasserman-Schultz and Stacey Plaskett's roles in trying to bully and censor Kennedy Jr. It was a despicable tactic. These people have zero shame. I found it interesting that Plaskett is tied to Jeffrey Epstein and had previously given him a $100 million tax break. That should tell you all you need to know about this supposed "ranking member," lol. I remember when she labelled Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, "supposed journalists," in a previous hearing. She is venomous. All in all, Kennedy Jr. reallt outsmarted them with his rebuttals and truly embarrassed them, while exposing their cheap and despicable censorship tactics.

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They threw Brer Rabbit into the briar patch!

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They sure did!

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"RANKing member...?" 😉😊😋

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In reading the comments I’ve seen on YouTube, Twitter and other socials, a vast majority of viewers were appalled by her, DWS and the other DemonCrats. If the war of public opinion still matters at all in the world of often shady politics, they are sinking in the quicksand of their own swamp.

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Yeah, DWS and Stacey Plaskett are tools for the censorship industrual complex. Censorship at a censorship hearing. Par for the course.

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Never thought I would ever see where the Democratic Party would turn on one of the icon families in Democratic history the Kennedys. Really a sad day for America whete JFK and RFK give their life’s up in trying to make America a better place only for the Dems party to be taken over by the fringe left that only cares about power and enriching themselves and their followers. JFK and RFK must be rolling in their graves and kudos to RFK Jr who’s trying to educate his party they abandoned all principles that their party stood for and to the danger of destroying the party he loved. At some point RFK and a lot of Dems whom keep voting Dems because that’s what they done will realize that the party they think there voting for no longer represents them or the values they think they represent as Ronald Reagan a life long Dem said in 1960s why he left the party said he didn’t leave the party the party left him. Says it all

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We should all support the No Labels Party.

Let all the globalist migrate there.

Then maybe we can have a Democrat party and a Republican party. Tell them to leave us and keep our parties

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You highlight the problem we’re in this should be about parties nor should parties matters it should be about the candidates running for office what they stand for. Both parties are in disarray and are corrupted by pac and Corp $$$ unless we get term limits to stop career politicians from serving over 12 years.

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They are in disarray because they are both dominated by globalist.

Which as created the Uniparty.

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You correct but to end this you pass term limits and take the $$$$ and influence out of both parties

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That's a nice dream.

There are only two parties and they are worldwide.

Globalist/ Nationalist.

DJT made this obvious to the world.

It's the reason he's going to jail.

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Dream? Get out of the twilight zone if they can jail Trump they can jail you what do you think they been doing the last 12 years? They’re using the power of the state to go after your freedom. 2024 election is our Custer Last Stand to stop their plan to change America. If you can’t see that they’re telling you to your face there in charge and there nothing you can do about it when they now they can still be stopped. I wouldn’t worry about focusing two parties I would be focusing on saving your constitutional rights otherwise you won’t have a country left if there no Rule of Law.

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Term limits without money limits will only increase the power of non-elected players (lobbyists) by making them the permanent inhabitants of the legislature who show the newly elected the ropes, and dangle post-termout employment opportunities as inducements to cooperate.

Term limits will increase corruption.

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Term limits won’t increase corruption that’s total BS I do agree that there needs to be caps on lobbyist campaign contributions. The problem is people who have the courage to run for office under todays system if they can’t raise money regardless how great a candidate they are won’t be able to get their messaging out. Caps on lobbyists and corporate contribution may be the answer. The reason the system is corrupt is because you have career politician's who increase their power by seniority by being head of committees instead of part time citizen politician's as some state allow.

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JFK, RFK, MLK would not be welcome in today’s DemoncRAT party, & surely they would not want to be. RFK Jr should switch to something else too, because “his party” has definitely left him as well

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Wasserman Schultz is pure evil. I remember when she left her laptop in lost property in DC and hammered that police officer about it. What the hell is wrong with her. Demonic!

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Everyone's going to hate me, but, I'm sorry, RFK Jr might as well be a mouse squeaking in a room full of shrieking hyenas. Is he surprised his Democrat brothers and sisters would lie and slander him? This is just standard operating procedure for the Democrats. Its all they've got. C'mon. Cicero, himself, could stand up and give the best speech ever, and every single Democrat in the chamber would fly into a rage, screaming out "Racist!!!"

Democrats couldn't give a shit about RFK Jr, about civility or about free speech. You've got to be kidding me. Eloquent speeches, logic, decorum are useless against Democrats. Democrats mean business. Their whole plan is to shut down free speech, arrest their enemies, and do whatever it takes.

And didn't Blabbermouth-Schultz get kicked out of the DNC for rigging the vote against Bernie? It would have been better for RFK Jr to throw all her scandals back in her stupid looking face.

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He's going to kill them with kindness - and class. Or at least try to. Don't ask me why (perhaps because it's such a rare approach), it might just work.

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They can't bait him.

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It is working.

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Maybe....its worth a try I guess.

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Despicable doesn't even begin to describe what the Democrats have become.

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DeSantis slides downward.

RFK jr slides upward.

One out of two ain't bad.

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Maybe they'd make an interesting ticket - that should drive everyone (who isn't already there) nuts!!

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Thank you for this report, Bill. I just shake my head in wonder.

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I see this Kennedy hearing as another great sign of hope. The Censorship Industrial Complex is over-playing their hand. I always thought their arrogance and cockiness would get them in the end.

The people we are fighting seem invincible right now. But the Soviet Union and its satellite states crumbled in a couple of days.

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Much has been written about RFK Jr's. "antisemitic" "vaccine" statement. I guess many people don't bother to go back to his actual comments because, from what's published, I don't get that impression. Always go back to the primary source, otherwise you're just reading headlines, while the truth is to be found in the 14th paragraph.

As for RFK's reference to the Army-McCarthy hearings, I have to disagree with him there, and honestly not a few other areas. In a nutshell, McCarthy was much more right than not. Though he didn't have the "kill-shot" evidence for many of his accusations, his instincts were correct as subsequently backed up by the Venona intercepts. M. Stanton Evans, one of America's great historians, in his book "Blacklisted by History", details the railroading of McCarthy. I can say that everyone who falls for the "What are you a McCarthyite" has not read that book.

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America is in desperate need of another McCarthy.

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Tailgunner Joe's problems certainly weren't helped with the pressures placed upon him. Our system wasn't designed for truth-seekers, but rather to crush any opposition to those in power, whether elected or not. McCarthy was bucking the system by trying to out those who wished to keep their deeds hidden, therefore he had to pay a price.

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Unfortunately the majority of Americans get their history from Hollywood

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The first 30 pages are gold. Evans confirmed my thinking: if the Soviets had assets in every level of U.S. governments, industry, media, entertainment and schools, why not the CCP? I'd already concluded Joe was committing treason by abandoning, among other things, $85 billion in high tech military equipment at Bagram Air Force Base. Evans, along with the Tucker expose of a Chinese professor (I think), about nine months before Bagram, bragging to his audience that the CCP had assets in every level of (all of the above), really cemented the deal for me.

Some day I'll have to read the rest of "Blacklisted," but that first 30 was all I needed.

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Make that day tomorrow. hahaha. And when you're done, read Diana West's "American Betrayal". Evans supplied her with some of the material for that book.

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Absolutely fantastic. Kennedy spoke eloquently, passionately and articulately...completely off the cuff. You could see and hear he was offended. And pissed off. rightly so. He is a decent man, head and shoulders above those trying to malign him.

I'm not a fan of some of his stances and not sure I would vote for him in the General, yet. But my state has open primaries and I plan to vote for him in the primaries.

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If the Dems don't flame out after yesterday's horrific spectacle, then I don't know what it would take. I've never seen anything like it. Joe McCarthy was drunk; but what is wrong with these people? Is it a social contagion? A mass psychosis? It has to be something psychological.

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The word "surreal" doesn't come close to capturing the characteristics of our New Normal world.

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America is in desperate need of another Joe McCarthy.

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Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz w/ the Medusa hair. She’s a bag

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...and a hag.

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And a sagging one @ that

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UPDATE: I just received an email from Kennedy’s campaign (I made a small donation so I’m on the donor email list). This blurb has some other good excerpts. I’d note the great efforts CHD is leading on the lawsuit front. The legal arm of this organization is filing or funding lawsuits on vaccine injuries, but also against the Censorship Industrial Complex. Kennedy and his organization are trying to change things by writing books (The Real Anthony Fauci), filing lawsuits, publishing off-limits stories at their “Defender” news organization, filing lawsuits and, now … running for president. From this email (which I just added to the bottom of my article):

“ …. As Kennedy told Congress:

“The corner foundation stone of our system is freedom of speech. All of the other freedoms depend on it. If we lose that, not only do we lose our democracy in this country, but in the entire world.”

We also lose the right to informed consent and medical freedom.

CHD is leading the charge against government censorship — in the public arena and in the courts.

In his written testimony, Kennedy laid out three lawsuits he and CHD are pushing through the courts . . . to protect your right to free speech and hold government officials accountable for blatantly stomping on those rights.

Early on in the pandemic, CHD sued Facebook for censoring and deplatforming us.

We also sued the Biden administration for colluding with social media to censor us.

And in a landmark, first-of-its-kind antitrust lawsuit, we sued media giants like the BBC, Reuters and the Washington Post — part of the “Trusted News Initiative” — for colluding with each other to silence independent media . . . and thinkers.

As these lawsuits wind their way through the courts, CHD remains dedicated to using every means available to expose this attack on our constitutional right to freedom of speech.

But we can’t do it without you.”

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Kennedy knows he has a snowball chance in hell of winning the primary.

I have been suggesting he run as an independent and force the democrats to adopt some of his policies. But I realize now, he just wants to be heard and not be censored. So he is in exactly in the right spot. He could be much more easily ignored and discounted as an independent. I wonder how long before the lawfare starts. Jack Smith is probably already preparing a cell next to Trumps.

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Some people have no shame and more and more politicians fall into this category. Any normal, intelligent person hearing what RFK Jr just said would have moderated their statements a bit, not necessarily to acquiesce but to more intelligently try to "go at him" (normal politics). Instead she shows how unintelligent and hypocritical she is, a real "piece of work"!!

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Yeah...it was definitely a bad look for the Democrats. Of course, Debbie Ramen Hair Schultz is always a bad look.

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