Democide: When mass deaths are sanctioned and caused by … government
This wasn’t supposed to be as likely in a democracy. A summary of the 4 categories of mass ‘Covid’ deaths.

A few weeks ago one of my generous subscribers encouraged me to consider the possibility that “democide” on a massive scale has been occurring in America and the world in the last four years.
The man who coined the term was the late author and political scientist R.J. Hummel (1932-2014).
Yesterday, I cross-posted an article by Richard Cox, who has documented what he believes are staggering numbers of iatrogenic deaths falsely attributed to Covid. Richard began his article with a quote from Hummel:
“Democide means for governments what murder means for an individual under municipal law. It is the premeditated killing of a person in cold blood, or causing the death of a person through reckless and wanton disregard for their life.” (Emphasis added throughout article).
These anecdotes prompted me to do a little research into this term and its author. From Wikipedia, I learned that:
“Rummel was also interested in analyzing the effects of regimes that unintentionally, yet culpably, cause the deaths of their citizens through negligence, incompetence or sheer indifference. An example is a regime in which corruption has become so pervasive and destructive of a people's welfare that it threatens their daily lives and reduces their life expectancy."
A 2016 essay published at The Imaginative Conservative included a quote that expounds on Hummel’s thesis:
“The results here clearly and decisively show that democracies commit less democide than other regimes. These results also well illustrate the principle underlying all my findings on war, collective violence, and democide: the less freedom people have, the greater the violence; the more freedom, the less the violence. I offer this proposition here as the Power Principle: power kills, and absolute power kills absolutely.”
“Democide” is no trivial concept. According to an estimate in Rummel’s last book, “Over 272 million innocent, non-combatant civilians were murdered by their own governments during the 20th century.”
Since Rummel died in 2014, it’s impossible to know if he would attribute millions of excess deaths - most attributed to “Covid” - to “democide.” One can only speculate if the vast numbers of deaths that have occurred in “democratic” countries might force him to reconsider his view that democracy was the greatest safeguard against “death by government.”
One can guess that observations from recent years might cause him to conclude that nations that were formerly considered “democratic” - and supporters of individual liberty - have taken an alarming turn toward authoritarianism. The deadly results that followed seem to confirm his core conclusion - i.e. absolute power kills absolutely.
Before I’d ever heard the term “democide,” I’d been considering the possibility government policies had, indeed, caused the deaths of massive numbers of citizens.
Indeed, the most disturbing possibility I’ve considered in my life is the possibility millions of people, now deceased, would be alive today absent the actions of government officials (and countless organizations and leaders who support these policies).
Four categories of death caused by government …
It should be stated most officials attribute these deaths to an unusually lethal and contagious new respiratory virus. As a member of the group the practitioners of democide are eager to censor or suppress, I disagree.
Deaths that would not have happened, or very possibly would not have happened, absent government policies … or “guidelines” promulgated by government public health agencies:
Iatrogenic Deaths
Note: Richard Cox goes into more detail on these deaths in this excellent Substack article).
Deaths of hospitalized patients unnecessarily placed on ventilators.
Deaths of hospitalized patients given remdesivir, an FDA (government)-approved treatment for Covid patients that previously had been considered toxic.
Deaths caused by administering the powerful sedative midazolam and the opioid morphine (among other powerful drugs).
Deaths directly or indirectly caused by starvation or the lack of adequate hydration of patients.
Deaths that could have been prevented if the administration of antibiotics had not been significantly curtailed.
Deaths that may have been prevented if family members of patients were allowed to monitor their care.
Deaths that could have been prevented if nursing home staff levels were not dramatically lower and the workers who remained were not taking on far more responsibilities.
Deaths caused by sending hospitalized nursing home residents back to the nursing home.
Deaths that could have been prevented if more people who needed hospital care had not been told to avoid the hospital.
Deaths that may have been caused by patients who were suffering increased (and unwarranted) anxiety over Covid.
Deaths that may have been caused by the manifestation of psychosomatic symptoms, which falsely caused healthcare workers to believe a patient had Covid and should thus undergo life-threatening treatment protocols.
Deaths caused by doctors who did not personally see patients (especially nursing home residents) but still prescribed dangerous drugs and treatment protocols.
Deaths indirectly caused by healthcare workers who were afraid they might contract Covid from a patient and thus modified the way they interacted with patients.
Deaths caused by “Do-Not-Resuscitate” orders that should not have been given and/or were not fully understood by the patients or their next-of-kin.
Deaths that may have been prevented by the administration of safe and effective drugs like ivermectin and HCQ, which were banned by new medical guidance.
Deaths caused by patients who could or should have been released from the hospital, but were not allowed to leave.
Deaths caused by “false positive” Covid PCR test results, results that triggered many of the above protocols. (Note: The dubious PCR tests were approved and mandated by the government).
The above summarizes 17 categories of “iatrogenic” deaths. It’s impossible to know what this true mortality figure may be, but it must be in the hundreds of thousands … if not more.
Collateral Deaths from Lockdowns …
A second category of government-caused or sanctioned deaths would be those that occurred because of government-mandated lockdowns. These deaths undoubtedly include:
Deaths from over-doses of illegal or legal drugs and alcohol. These deaths might have been indirectly caused by stress from the lockdowns, loneliness and depression and cancellation of AA type meetings.
Deaths caused by heart attacks and strokes caused in part by increased stress levels.
Deaths caused by domestic violence perpetrated on spouses, girlfriends and children.
Deaths caused by suicides caused by increased stress, loneliness or isolation, depression, fear, loss of income or job, etc.
Deaths caused by the cancellation of procedures that would allow for early diagnosis of treatable diseases.
Deaths among children from accidents unlikely to have occurred if the children were at school.
Deaths from homicides, which increased due to young adults not being in school, at work or perpetrators who had more idle time or were triggered by stress and anger.
Especially in poor, Third-World nations, deaths from starvation or denial of medical care caused by the disruption of global distribution chains and charitable giving being curtailed.
Deaths caused by an increase in obesity, which dramatically increased in lockdowns (and/or lack of exercise). An increase in diabetes and juvenile diabetes. Note: These deaths might manifest themselves in the “long-term.”
It’s also impossible to quantify the number of deaths that were directly or indirectly caused by the lockdowns. However, it’s almost certain that deaths from every category listed above increased in the last four years … due to decisions made by government leaders. Note: Very few of the people who died from these causes would have ever died “from Covid.”
Vaccine Deaths
Estimates of the number of citizens who have died from Covid “vaccines” range from a handful (according to the government) to millions (according to those skeptical of government pronouncements).
What is certain is that all-cause “excess deaths” have sky-rocketed in virtually every nation in the world since vaccines were first administered in December 2020.
This story shows that death benefits to group-life insurance holders for America’s fifth largest life insurance company almost tripled between 2019 (pre-pandemic) and 2021 (post vaccine).
Death payments to beneficiaries of employees ages 18-to-65:
2019: $501 million
2021: $1.45 billion.
World-wide, if the vaccine death figure is 10,000 or 10 million, all of these deaths would be a result of “democide.” Per my belief, I think the latter estimate (millions of deaths) is very plausible … and this figure will continue to grow.
Deaths that were caused by Covid
The final category of “democide” Covid deaths would be deaths that were caused by a new virus and the disease it causes, Covid-19.
While I think the number of deaths attributed to Covid has been massively inflated, I do believe some small percentage of people said to have died from Covid did, in fact, die from Covid.
Significantly, the virus was almost certainly created by … government and almost certainly did not “jump” from bats to humans. Furthermore, while the virus might have annually killed the same number of people as a typical flu season, it did make hundreds of millions of people sick, many people very sick.
Also, if this is an “unnatural” virus, it is unknown how the long-term effects of such a virus might affect many of the people who contracted the virus.
The Democide Final Tally …
First, people working for government (including the U.S. government and using tax-payer money), created a novel virus that did, in fact, kill many people and caused many more to become sick.
Second, the government health agencies created the medical protocols (and unnecessary panic) that likely caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
Third, the lockdowns caused countless “collateral” deaths, deaths which will continue to grow as the global economy worsens in years to come. (Not mentioned previously is the huge increase in illegal immigration, caused in part by deteriorating economic conditions caused by governments’ response to this “pandemic.”)
Fourth, for the first time in world history, government officials either mandated or strongly coerced the public to get an experimental new “vaccine.” This vaccine has, almost certainly, killed millions of people, a figure which will continue to grow.
Additionally, tens of millions of people are now suffering serious medical issues caused by the shots. The economic loss and strain caused by these debilitating conditions will further damage the macro economy, producing even worse health effects in the future.
The most maddening component of democide remains the fact that those who perpetrated these crimes against humanity are celebrated as saviors of society and credited with “saving millions of lives.”
In summary, Mr. Hummel thought individual freedoms and human rights associated with democratic nations might insulate citizens from government-caused mass deaths.
As it turns out, a virus that caused a flu-like illness in a small percentage of the world population was enough to allow the world’s real rulers to get their wish - which, apparently, was to kill as many citizens as they could. This, or killing large numbers of people is an aphrodisiac for those who crave even more power, wealth and control.
Governments have always caused mass deaths. What’s new is the overwhelming evidence democratic nations have universally embraced democide.
Subscription appeal: Lately, I’ve been going backwards on total and paid subscribers. Some of my readers tell me this is because my articles must be hovering over key targets that threaten the wrong people. I don’t know, but I’d like to reverse this trend if possible.
Ko-Fi donations are greatly appreciated as well.
Off topic, but regarding my line about how I might be hitting too close to key targets ... I've now gotten several "disputes" about cancelled subscriptions. People say they cancelled their subscription and were still charged. I don't know if this is true or not. All I know is I have nothing to do with when someone cancels a subscription and whether they are charged or not. I don't make "subscription cancellation decisions." Substack or Stripe (the payment processor handles all that). But I just lost my "dispute." So $50 will be taken from my checking account, plus I have to pay a $15 dispute fee - so they got me for $65.
PNC Bank, National Association - Consumer Credit decided in their customer’s favor for the $50 USD dispute that was started on March 26, 2024. The dispute was created because the customer said the transaction was fraudulent.
Thanks for highlighting this fascinating author and his life's work. You asked --" I wonder what the author would think about the last four years." He would think our democratic governments have been overtaken/captured by globalists-- entities we call the Global Predators--and we citizens must take back our governments and reestablish freedom supporting constitutional republics! ~ Ginger Breggin