Cutting room floor text:

In the story I mention that our local epidemiologist blames "social media" for all the misinformation.

But, interestingly, she does not blame the mainstream media, which has NEVER engaged in misinformation. Actually, the undisputed King of alleged Covid misinformation must be the same Substack platform that’s made OLE one of the world’s wealthiest epidemiologists … as I often advise, post while you still can.

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In a future article, I might give some more metrics on OLE's Substack metrics. I found several different statements about her total subscribe numbers from different sources. These range from 190K to 212K. A feature story on her distributed by Substack said that approximately 10 percent of her subscribers are paid.

I've researched the "paid subscriber" ratio of many Substackers and that figure seems to be about 2 to 4 percent .... So she might have the highest percent of "paid subscribers" on the platform.

She ranks number one on the "leaderboard" of Substack authors in the "Science" category. The only Covid skeptic who is listed in the Top 30 of "science" Substacker's is Sasha L ... which is very strange since "Covid skeptics" put Substack on the map.

By way of comparison, at the moment, I have 216 paid subscribers and 4,789 total subscribers.

One of my take-aways is that the Local Epidemiologist's version of "the truth" sells a lot more than my version of the truth.

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Also, if she has 211,000 total subscribers and 10 percent of these pay for her content, that would be 21,100 paid subscribers. An annual subscription at her site is $50 ($60 for those who pay by the month at $5/month). This means her gross annual revenue is more than $1 million.

Mine is $11,200. (Substack gets 10 percent and Stripe, which processes payments gets 3 percent.)

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Bill that is just vomit inducing, truly. I was disgusted while reading but this just compounds the nausea. I would posit that she is actually being paid by TPTB via bot accounts to write this drivel, possibly via sites like Fakebook ™️ and CDC (meaning our TAX dollars. Also vomit inducing). What a clown AND a sell out.

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I was thinking the same thing.

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I think you're right. Since this fifth generation war, the lizards would pay people like OLE to push the party line. The number of subscribers makes the average normie think, this person has a lot of subscribers, she must be telling the truth. I'd better believe her. The people who don't have very many subscribers are fringe people. They are conspiracists. So they are not to be believed. The TV says so.

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It's important to document the fascist kerazy. Thanks for doing this.

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I thought so too.

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The biggest repository of mis/disinformation was created by the authorities in their veiled coercion, mandates, insistence, bribery, shaming, name-calling and blackmail...(financial and medical, no jab no job, no jab no admission to hospital). After that no sensible thinking man could be expected to believe it was 'for our own good'... They have only themselves to blame for underestimating and misjudging the population.

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I think she’s nuts! 🥜🔩🌰. Possibly a screw loose.

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Grifter she is. She's on a team, and it's about winning. It's a very primitive instinct, which means it's not at all about the science.

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Bill, this is absolutely one of your very best.

In my opinion, YLE is a CIA front. After Obama turbo-charged the Smith-Mundt Act we are seeing the result here.

Why would anyone subscribe to YLE? It simply regurgitates the MSM talking points. People can open up CNN and get the exact same thing for free except maybe without the faux cutsie 'relationship.' Seems like a front to me complete with fake subscribers.

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I always yield to your instincts. That's a great question: What the heck are people paying for? They get the exact same propaganda from 200 mainstream media sites and every official in the world ... for free.

And 10 percent paid? Come on, Man.

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Likely data collection - they're monitoring our reactions and developing AI.

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My "spider sense" says something is going on. Many Substackers are starting to comment on strange occurrences with payments of subscribers declined, low rankings for popular sites, emailed stories going to spam, etc.

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A person like that could get subscribers if it became an academic requirement to get behind the paywall and interact.

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wow yes

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Not only that, I just realized that, on FB anyway, you can't do anything EXCEPT like someone. I was looking for the "don't like" button. It's not there. Sigh.

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Her comments section is like visiting my boosted mom. They can’t see the cognitive dissonance. . Dear Lord, help us all.

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Not all commenters :)


But that is one of the problems she faces. She practices social science (not a science), and in her career studying domestic violence has never had to double check her work. No one pushes back in the majority of social sciences and says "hey your hypothesis is flawed - let's dig back to cut away errors". You just publish piece after piece in some obscure journal, and that's science.

Likewise, as she pivoted from domestic violence to Covid majority of her audience is the 5% who got the booster, and that creates a feedback loop, never offering peer review, critique, constructive feedback. And I am guessing she must assume this is because what she is saying is science.

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The commenters are paid shills from the NIH. Guarantee it.

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Simply put, perhaps she could explain how, during “the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu” 600,000 unvaccinated unhygienic mentally deranged tent city drug addicts are still with us? Or, for that matter why are the 99% unvaccinated Amish still with us? Is it illogical to feel betrayed by the broken promises that the vaccines did not stop the spread or end covid infections? Within the context of the aforementioned the promise that I may still get covid but it won’t be as bad is flimsy. The embodiment of the missive, Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I haven’t even gotten into VAERS or All Cause Mortality, the attempt to bury data for 75 years, etc. Because, frankly, there’s enough rancid meat on the bone without those things to warrant a hard-stop and reassessment of events that anyone can see in hindsight is a panic induced con job. So the big question is, instead of addressing legitimate concerns why instead, is she supporting the con?

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I wish you were "Our" Local Epidemiologist.

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They’d Kary Mullis me in short order. But I appreciate the compliment!

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The reality is that good health and longevity is all about clean water and minimal industrial waste. However, for some reason we lost the plot in the last 150 or so years. It seems almost as if it's a war of good vs. evil now. One team has the mainstream narrative that they bathe themselves in for comfort, and the other, though they will and do speak out, simply wish to be left alone.

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This is what I was looking for as well at the start of covid - how are the homeless faring? When I saw it was 'situation normal' (as horrible as it is) I immediately realised fresh air and vitamin D was the go and turned off all government 'advice' around April 2020.

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If she exists she must be a paid (with laundered or off the books money) agent. This tripe would never attract 20,000 subscribers. I just tried to subscribe to her substack and was only given a free option, but if we assume the usual ~$50 subscription she is getting $1M. And 190K additional free subscribers. I’m not that naive. That substack is just part of the real disinformation scheme, along with the MSM etc.

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I did the math too, Tom. If those numbers are legit, she's grossing at least $1 million a year. She's also apparently now in demand on the Disinformation/Expert Circuit so she's getting paid to attend those events too. Two articles I found said she's working with the CDC and the White House as well. I wonder if they are paying her of if she is consulting with them pro bono.

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I agree. I think there is massive fakery/laundering happening.

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I’m pretty sure she is using a pseudonym. Her actual name is Karen.

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Gone are the days when epidemiologists wanted to study what BIOLOGICAL CAUSES might be at work in diseases and disorders. Gone are the days when they would apply the most fundamental scientific method to the problem by eliminating the suspected cause (i.e., "controls") to see if this group had a different rate of disorders than those who were exposed.

Now, the "art" is primarily limited to selling more vaccines and drugs with scientific FRAUD and attacking anyone who doesn't agree with their NON-science fraud. It's all been reduced to a complete rejection (and slandering of) of the true scientific method, and an attack on anyone who wants to avoid injury and death at the hands of pharma.

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We ought to call these "public health" alphabet agencies what they really are - Vaccine Promotion Agencies.

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They are POPULATION CONTROL agencies. Whenever you see the word "health" or "disease" in the name, it means they are there to destroy health and CAUSE disease. The CDC is the Center for Depopulation & Coverup.

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Good comment - since when was 'the speed of science' a part of the scientific method? I can hear the circus music...

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Perhaps Katelyn should borrow Dr. Peter Hotez's lopsided eyeglasses and bowtie so as to increase her credibility. Hey, that scam works well for him.

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I would debate whether that’s ‘working well for him.’

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Or the female costume. She could become another "scarf lady" ;-)

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So, "false news spreads 6 times faster than the truth on social media". What about lamestream media? I would estimate that false news spreads there 60 times faster than the truth, unless you apply the current doublespeak definitions where The Truth™ is the one approved narrative and False News™ is anything that goes against The Truth™. Then there would be no False News™ on lamestream media. How confusing.

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Good point, Thorstein. Their side has cornered the market on the "mainstream media." Everything those "news organizations" publish is disinformation.

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Bill, Did you post this piece as a comment in her stack? You should.

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No, I can't ... because she doesn't allow comments from free subscribers - which is a "tell" right there. No debate allowed from Substack's free subscribers. Comments were allowed after Substack ran a glowing feature story on her site. Many of those comments ripped her a new one. In fact, the most popular comments were those who were NOT fans of YLE. I'll post a couple later.

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So can’t buy a subscription (according to a comment above) and frees aren’t allowed to comment? If this doesn’t scream propaganda nothing does. The paids are all obviously government employees required to add to the vomit. What a crock. I’d suggest she be disallowed from here but I’m a free speech purist (which is why I despise when frees can’t comment--or even read comments).

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Here’s another odd occurrence.... despite having you, Bill Heath, SimComm, Taibbi, Public , Igor, etc listed as contacts... two weeks ago, all your submissions went straight to my Gmail Junk.....

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I'm starting to get worried about this - so are a lot more Substackers. Thanks for the update.

I know my "free subscriber" numbers were going up much higher and faster my first 6 to 9 months on Substack. Now, I gain a couple subscribers and lose almost as many in a given week. My "open rate" (people who read my emails) has also dropped about 4 percent in recent weeks.

Substack has to be a threat. The question is how are they dealing with this threat? I guess there's lots of ways they could do this - without us maybe knowing what's happening.

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And the other thing worth noting Bill, is that it’s the Substacks I pay for that are not showing up. My Freebies ( for which I have deep guilt) do show up in my inbox.... I first noticed it with Taibbi because “he” had just thanked me for re upping and then I didn’t see anything for two weeks... I went into Junk to look for a Lands End order confirmation and there you all were!

Curiously, the same thing happening with my TEAM KENNEDY emails....

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Hmm. Please keep giving us these "intelligence reports." Something is off ... and starting to change.

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I routinely go into my spam folder now because I never know, one day to the next, which author/article will end up there, even though I've explicitly tagged most as 'Not Junk and Always Allow". I don't know if it's my ISP (Cox Cable) or something else.

And for three or four days, two weeks ago...I got no notifications via my regular email. I filed a ticket and heard...crickets.

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Ffs stop using Gmail! I use it only for shit I never want to read again (sites requiring an email I must have access to but don’t want to read their ads) etc. My real email I pay for so I don’t have to worry about that kind of bs.

I was “told” by substack that I wasn’t getting Bills sub in my app feed because I had turned off email notifications for his account but I’ve *never* used email notifications for any account--I use the app only version where it only shows up in your feed--so that was a lie. Who knows what they did but after I emailed them a complaint they “fixed” it (and Steve Kirsch’s).

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I’m inclined to believe that goolag (and MS) would be able to do that easily.

I can report that Proton has never had an issue delivering.

They have a free option that I assume works as well as my paid one.

Not a rep but have been with them since their crowdsourcing days and happy to proselytize.

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Similar for me as well

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Bill I call myself a 'lemonade stand behind razor wire.' Strangely, my free subscribers are skyrocketing at the moment. I am looking at the ones I can track and they are real people.

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All my stack emails go to my proton account

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Good article, Bill. I don't follow her and was not aware of her, so this was quite informative. Your by-line - "She knows not what she’s doing and she and her ilk are killing and harming too many people. Amen." I would have to disagree with. Appears to me she knows "exactly" what she's doing!! Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Good point. She does/must know exactly what's she's doing. So do all those people attending the same galas she's attending. As always, thanks for the links. If I get 206,000 more subscribers I can catch YLE.

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I believe she and all the others know exactly what they are doing as well. Money is probably the main motive. A few may be lizard wannabes/true believers. They figure they won't be sent to the camps because they were good party members. Like the guy said waiting for the bullet in the head, this wouldn't be happening to me if stalin knew.

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