
I should note WHY I think the "embalmer clots" are such seismic evidence - evidence that, once proven, would stop the shots almost overnight. This is because anyone can SEE these clots with their own eyes. By now, there are hundreds of photos of these ugly substances taken from hundreds (or more) bodies. There's also video footage of these clots being removed.

The embalmers (and a few surgeons and cath-lab managers) can also hold these things in their hands. They can show us how big they are. They pull on them and they don't break apart.

In the history of human anatomy, this is a new phenomena. Nobody needs to read any conflicting and complex medical studies to reach the conclusion these shots are not safe. The evidence is TANGIBLE. If any person looks at these white fibrous substances and concludes they are benign or safe, this person is crazy as a loon.

If nothing else, put a black box label on the vials saying, "Covid vaccines may cause clots like these" - and then show photographs of a couple of these clots. Let's see how many people decide to go ahead and get these shots - or give them to their 2-year-old child.

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Jul 23Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Actually the head scratching is a complete waste of time if you continue to ignore that known phenomenon… PRECIPITINS.

Just google it… scientific papers abound explaining what happens when you inject a vaccine shortly after another.

Most vaccines are given 12 months apart.. but in the case of Covid they insisted you needed a booster shot within 8 to 12 weeks …

It’s the timeframe that’s important… your first shot makes you produce antibodies… designed to wait for the real virus to arrive…and the second shot makes you produce antigens… both look like “Y’s” with two branches at one end and one branch opposite… each double end links to a free floating Y…. over and over.. to produce a long strand of protein.

And your body should be able to break these proteins down using its own supply of protease which come from the pancreas.

Wondering why so many people have burnt out pancreas’s?

Furthermore.. if you “caught” Covid prior to your first injection.. you already have antibodies.. so your first shot makes you produce antigens .. so you experience the protein clumping far sooner than anyone who did not catch the virus.. often with deadly consequences… a good way to muddy the timeframe.

Protease enzymes are being used in long Covid to great affect… nattokinase being the enzyme of choice… serrapeptase used by the silk worm to break free from its silk cocoon.. spider threads tightly wrapped also work…but fibrin clearance with Eliquis is a lot slower .. and you guessed it Eliquis is made by BristolSquib a subsidiary of Pfizer…

These long proteins are of seen as foreign bodies so the immune system uses its repair mechanisms of wrapping these up in connective plaque and white blood cells just like they do with damaged arteries.. it is reasonable to assume that spike proteins sticking out of arterial walls will act like fish hooks and catch strands of fibrin too.. what could possibly go wrong?… DUH!!!

All cause mortality increasing in all age groups..

People are being crippled with circulatory diseases… not just affecting old people with failing hearts … and still the head scratching… where is critical thinking nowadays.. the evidence is so big it’s really hard to keep ignoring… but we do dont we?

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Interesting. Thanks. Per the people who know, the "white, fibrous clots" are more likely to be found in decedents who had multiple shots.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 22Author

At least thousands of people are certified embalmers in America. Tom Haviland's embalmer surveys show that up to 70 percent of these embalmers have found these strange, white fibrous clots by now. According to Tom's last survey, embalmers are finding these clots in 20 percent of the bodies they embalm. The previous survey said 30 percent. Extrapolated to the population of people who have died and been embalmed, that is MILLIONS of bodies that had these clots.

Also, more than half of people are now cremated (not embalmed) so we don't have any clot data on more than half the people who have died in the past three years.

In other words, these are conservative numbers, certainly NOT trivial figures.

Also, the embalmers say they don't find all the clots in the embalming process.

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Jul 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Bill. Here's what's forming them...the embalmers figured it out....its horrorfying..you are basically plasticizing and thry don't know how to stop it..plus they are gonna use same for future shots, worth watching


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Thanks for the link, Duchess!

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Jul 22Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

It's horrorfying…I think I went into shock when the chemist described what happens when the poly lipid meets the fibrin in your body…im still in shock…im asking family and friends..what's your blood type..did you get Pfizer or Moderna….God help us.

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One day (hopefully), THE question in medical science is going to become what can be done to treat these clots? (If anything).

The horrifying answer might be, "nothing."

One thing real leaders could easily do, though, is ... stop the shots right now!

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Right now they are saying it cannot be stopped. But you are so Right they could stop the shots right now...but they are instead pouring billions more 9f your and my money into them and have chosen the supplier..our very own Moderna....

No wonder i grind my teeth at night....

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The scariest thought is that they are rolling out new mRNA vaccines seemingly every month. We don't know if these new "vaccines" also cause these clots. They probably do.

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Actually the head scratching is a complete waste of time if you continue to ignore that known phenomenon… PRECIPITINS.

Just google it… scientific papers abound explaining what happens when you inject a vaccine shortly after another.

Most vaccines are given 12 months apart.. but in the case of Covid they insisted you needed a booster shot without n 8 to 12 weeks …

It’s the timeframe that’s important… your first shot makes you produce antibodies… designed to wait for the real virus to arrive…and the second shot makes you produce antigens… both look like “Y’s” with two branches at one end and one branch opposite… each double end links to a free floating Y…. over and over.. to produce a long strand of protein.

And your body should be able to break these proteins down using its own supply of protease which come from the pancreas.

Wondering why so many people have burnt out pancreas’s?

Furthermore.. if you “caught” Covid prior to your first injection.. you already have antibodies.. so your first shot makes you produce antigens .. so you experience the protein clumping far sooner than anyone who did t catch the virus.. often with deadly consequences… a good way to muddy the timeframe.

Protease enzymes are being used in long Covid to great affect… nattokinase being the enzyme of choice… but fibrin clearance with Eliquis is a lot slower .. and you guessed it Eliquis is made by BristolSquib a subsidiary of Pfizer…

These long proteins are of seen as foreign bodies so the immune system uses its repair mechanisms of wrapping these up in plaque… just like they do with damaged arteries.. it is reasonable to assume that spike proteins sticking out of arterial walls will act like fish hooks and catch strands of fibrin too.. what could possibly go wrong?… DUH!!!

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Hydrogel scaffolding...

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Start at 26.09 if pressed for time. These guys figured it out w help from chemistry 0fofessor.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

Unmentioned, but his should be mentioned: It's entirely possible that unvaccinated hospitalized patients who received blood transfusions or blood products (or organ transplants) from the vaccinated could be placed at risk from these medical procedures.

This prompts the question ... Are blood bank organizations like the Red Cross aware of the "embalmers clots" or have they studied this issue or reached out to the embalmers? If they have not, this qualifies as gross malfeasance or criminal negligence IMO.

If the blood banks are allowing dangerous blood to be distributed to hundreds of thousands or millions of people where these type clots could later form, this is yet another massive unreported scandal.

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Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I shared to Fakebook, let’s see how long until they pull it down and/ or put me in FakeBook jail.

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Thanks, Ron. I think I'm now permanently banned from Facebook. But when I was just shadow-banned I would post a couple of stories at my site (which had almost 1,600 followers). These usually got zero "likes" so I don't think I was reaching more than a handful of my followers.

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Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Please look here and scroll through comments from Frances re new link. They knew what LNPs would do, with or without mRNA or nano IoB, or other undisclosed contaminants. francesleader.substack.com/p/white-fibrous-clots/

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thanks for the link. The chemistry is far above my pay-grade, but something has changed in the blood chemistry. It seems like every chemist and university that had a science department would be researching this question.

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Above my grade too! But it seems only the chemists are totally aware of how compounds react, yet studies prior to covid show what makes these clots as they were seen before, so regulators should have been aware, but as we know, they were just enablers for pHarma/gov "health" security.

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Doesn't matter 8f you don't understand chemistry. You'll understand this when you're done listening.

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I did the same we will see how the so-called Fact-checkers response

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Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

you had me going for 2 minutes when I saw headline and was about to start texting my friends. ;/

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That headline SHOULD happen ... and WOULD happen if these agencies simply investigated the embalmers clots.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

"Never investigate that which you don't want to CONFIRM."

I bet I've typed or referenced this "maxim" 500 times since I started my Substack.

It works.

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Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

God willing!

However, you and I both know the forces arrayed against this coming forward. For them to agknowledge any aspect of this would cause the house of cards to collapse and resolutely destroy the entire medical industrial complex.

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Yep. If experts ever acknowledge, "these shots DID cause these clots," it might be the end of the United States of America. It would prove how sinister and massive the cover-up really was. And the liability would be more than even our Magic Printing Press could ever print.

So I certainly get why the embalmers clots can never be honestly and credibly investigated.

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Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

agree Bill. the truth is always difficult to face. on a much much smaller scale, we have never been willing to entertain the federal debt, too which is totally out of control fiat, and why our leaders in both D and R keep denying the reality (except for a few bravehearts like Ron Paul and his son). they keep kicking the can down the road. That day of reckoning cannot help but come.

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I'm with you on that unreported scandal too, Arnold. Frankly, I don't know how they've managed to kick that can so far down the road. All the economic reports - like inflation/CPI - are as rigged as the Covid data - and have been for years.

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Yes, this is the second- or third- biggest story being suppressed. Only the border invasion is a competitor.

For definitional discussion of what suppression is, see my recent posts on Laura Ingraham and The Federalists as "conservative" suppressors, on Eric Metaxas as not being one, and a post from last year providing a Lexicon of Covid/Vax-Disaster terms.

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I'll check those articles out. Yes, the invasion of the illegal immigrants - 15 million of them in recent years? - has gotten a little attention in the alternative press ... but not nearly enough.

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>If experts ever acknowledge, "these shots DID cause these clots," it might be the end of the United States of America.

This is probably the most important line you have ever written. Notice no one is talking about Operation Warp Speed right now? I do not think they ever will again.

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I don't know. The Powers that Be in government and the public health agencies are pushing the heck out of the new mRNA flu shots, shingles shots, RSV shots, pneumonia shots, two-for-1 flu/Covid shots, etc. And don't forget Bird Flu.

All they need to do is to pay off the doctors (and pharmacists) to give these shots - which they've done ... and the doctors will do. Maybe it won't be 90 percent of people getting these shots, but it will still be a huge number of people.

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That's true but the words 'Operation Warp Speed' has guilty parties. People want to forget about that.

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Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

“For people who died with these clots in their veins, they might not have been quite as safe. It’s really too soon to tell.”

When I realized this was satire, it became hilarious. The quotes are brilliant in the sense that they are exactly the kind of lying gas lighting these "trusted professionals" have been using since the democide started. Apologies to anyone who was hurt by this Jonathan Swift, a Modest proposal level satire is a great thing.

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I must say my few "satire" pieces haven't been big hits with the audience. Still, I'm a fan of satire and think it can make points in ways straight journalism doesn't. It shows absurdity.

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Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Every method against evil should be used. Straightforward questioning, petitions, courageous presenting of facts and evidence doesn’t seem to be working.

And besides I like satire too.

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Thanks, Wilson. I agree. Throw the whole kitchen sink at these people. If some approach is NOT working, try another approach.

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Yes, we need to try to every possible approach, while we're fully aware that the vast majority of our efforts will either not be taken seriously by the majority of the population, or they'll be completely ignored. Worse results may follow, too. I'm not only referring to the covid psy-op. TargetedJustice.com.

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Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

😂🤣😂 You’re funny Bill.

The CDC forgot to mention that Tom Haviland emailed them the results of his surveys.

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He’s not funny. I lost my sister from these poisoned.

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Janet, I think your sister would want people to know what killed her. And the poison that killed her to be taken off the market as fast as possible.

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Janet, I am sorry for your loss. I, too, lost my brother to blood clots after booster #2. He should still be here. His wife, seven kids, and 35 grandchildren were cheated by his life cut short.

Some people find humor the only way to reevaluate their lack of critical thinking about such things.

Well done, Bill.

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Jul 25Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Looking forward to the novel and screen adaptation based on this post, Bill.

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Damn. It would be a great novel and movie. The truth is stranger than fiction. You've got millions of worm-like clots forming in humans all over the world ... and we're not supposed to talk about this or investigate it.

The protagonist of our movie would be the person who tries to expose this. He'd be in constant and grave danger.

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“A CDC media affairs employee then announced there would be no other questions, although the CDC employee did state, “Remember, flu season will be here soon. The CDC recommends everybody get their flu shot.”

Oh yes - Get your flu shot now so that we can stop the spread of this plague that’s ravaged humanity for centuries. And don’t believe anything anyone (even CDC’s very own data) says that shows it hardly ever works. Or that some recipients drop death after taking it. As always follow the science and we have exclusive rights to it.

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I couldn't resist inserting a zinger about the flu shot scam. That wasn't much of an exaggeration. Pretty much every statement I see from a public health spokesperson includes the requisite line: "It's not too late to get your flu shot."

They are serious about selling those flu shots.

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I have read a multitude of embalmers reports indicating various types of long, stringy clots. (I believe the author wrote “satirical” so he wouldn’t be sued.)

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Mr. Rice - I’ve no interest in reading this satirical post. What’s the point? There’s too much actual, real information to read.

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Cathleen, my point in writing this story was to show that actual and real "life-saving" information is being ignored by all "public health" agencies. I'm trying to get this information unignored. I've written multiple "straight" news stories ... and that hasn't done any good.

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The problem is that we can't be labeled as 'fake news' and stories like this give them more reason to ban people due to association with a fake story.

Nothing can be suspect... ever.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

The main point I make in this satirical piece is true. Apparently, the CDC is not aware of the embalmers clots.

Have you seen any evidence they've investigated this or contacted even one of these embalmers?

What if they did investigate this? Would they say, "we've looked into this and we've concluded thousands of embalmers are lying?"

Or maybe they would say, "We can confirm a new kind of white fibrous clot suddenly began to be found in millions of bodies, but these clots are not dangerous and have nothing to do with the vaccines."

If they do decide the clots were not caused by the vaccines, it would be nice if our "science" community told us what WAS/IS causing them.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

"If they do decide the clots were not caused by the vaccines, it would be nice if our "science" community told us what WAS/IS causing them."

They'd just use the same playbook that has worked for decades on autism. It's a mystery, we don't know what causes it. What we do know, is it's not vaccines. Pay no attention to those anti-science antivaxxers over there.

And most of the public is so stupid they'd believe them.

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Yes, your story raised a lot of issues. I just think a different angle would have been better.

Why can't we get an interview with the CDC on this issue? A tough reporter asking tough questions. That would be the story of the year. Why make it fiction when a real interview would be better?

If I were a journalist, that would be my goal. They are there to serve the people. I am sure there are rules that they need to respond to questions from anyone if the proper channels are used.

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You raise a good point. Has any reporter in the world asked any public health official a question about these "embalmer clots?" If they have, I am not aware of this. I've given up asking questions of these agencies because they just ignore me.

And I have forwarded stories about these clots to those agencies, including the Alabama Department of Public Health. So has Tom Haviland, who did two detailed surveys of embalmers.

He said he has heard "crickets" from officials. That's a giant "tell" as well.

I've also sent many emails to mainstream reporters asking them to investigate this and interview Richard Hirschman. Again, no replies forthcoming.

So, more seriously, they definitely know about these clots ... They just won't acknowledge them or investigate them.

Many people in the alternative press won't make an issue out of this either.

It's very strange. I keep writing about this topic because I'm convinced this could be the story that DOES stop the shots. That's all I want to happen.

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So there is a story (health agencies refuse to answer questions or reply to evidence brought to their attention).

What about Freedom of Information requests? Ask them to give you everything that they have received from embalmers regarding clots.

I don't know the law here, but there are ways to force them to take a stand and then embarrass them or get people fired which forces them to respond.

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This is a great article Bill.

In one of my articles I did a 'mock up' TV screen of what it would look like if the Australian government took excess deaths as seriously as they did 'covid.' People need to see the visuals of how things should be in order to see the lies.

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Mr. Rice. Not a good strategy. Also, it reeks of desperation, which is never a good look. If you did this to increase subscribers (which you’re always writing about), it has likely backfired. In my case, at least.

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Great satirical piece. Satire is needed in this world to kick the evil demons in the butt. I predict that in 5-10 years the covid vaccines will be pulled from the market.

Your satirical writing is exactly how the CDC will respond to the lawsuits that are coming with regard to the murderous bioweapons (covid "vaccines").

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Bless you Bill.

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{...clots...} ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

That term is euphemistic new-speak for PLUG !!!

A PLUG in any circuit/circulation of any kind of fluid will irrevocably destroy any machinery and kill any living organism.

In addition to "fibrous plugs", red-blood-cells are massively clogging together forming so-called rouleaux (like the paper-wrapped bundles of small coins handed-over by the banks to cashiers), thus reducing their total surface by a huge factor and preventing them to transport enough oxygen. THAT is the long-Covid-fatigue ...

We're close to pin-point the outer limits of the Universe, but I strongly doubt we ever shall see the limits of human gullibility currently border-lining on plain stupidity ...

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Bill, not in the mood for satire. My sister died from these. May no longer click here.

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I'm so sorry, Janet. Your sister's death might not be in vain if we could stop these shots right now. People are going to keep dying from these clots unless we stop them. That's a 100-percent certainty.

So how do we stop them? I say we should not be afraid to talk about the elephant in the room - or the elephant in the veins in this case.

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Janet, thanks for this comment. My thoughts exactly…except replace my brother for your sister. When one has a broken heart, satire is no good.

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I think satire can be effective where other forms of writing are not. It's not for everyone because it can be harsh and shows how insane some activities and behaviors are.

I'm sure the Censorship Industrial Complex folk would love to ban satire. They want to ban it because it can be effective.

If we ban satire, we'd have to ban some of the greatest works of literate in human history.

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Hey, it’s your blog. I was just giving you my opinion and feedback. Thanks for your posts in the past.

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Thanks, Cathleen. I appreciate you sharing your opinion. All opinions allowed in my Reader Comments!

As an aside, I used to think definitive evidence of "early spread" could change the whole Covid narrative. My thought is that if millions of people had been previously infected and had NOT died, this virus was NOT "deadly."

But my main goal is to debunk the so-called "experts" and stop the shots as soon as possible. (I can't do anything about things that have already happened). Of all the topics I've studied, the "embalmer clots" are the best way to achieve this goal ... IMO. But they are being ignored by the people and organizations who "matter."

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I thought reading it you were actually saying there were no clots...

Do listen to embalmers and what they found out about the clots with help..they are desperate to wake up ordinary people as the know those in charge will never acknowledge...see rumble link above quick before it too gets taken private....can you download? I d9nt know how to...start at 26.09 to save time...

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If I couldn't use drugs to address lifestyle choices while supporting the latest war and distracting myself with Amazon shopping & video viewing, would the economy carry on without me?

Would I still be a good American if I concluded the cultural oddity that is modern American life should be avoided as much as possible?

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