I just added a photo of Sen. Bernie Sanders "throwing his tantrum" about the baby onesies that are being sold at the CHD website. I included a link if anyone wants to buy these cute onesies and provocative T-shirts. Question: Is Sanders also against free speech on T-shirts?
Sanders' money quote: “Are you supportive of these onesies?”
I like the Onesie that says, "Little Resister."
A few corrections I've now made:
77 - Percent of Americans who now disregard CDC guidance on Covid vaccines and boosters. Not 67 percent as I first reported.
Also, two senators did sit through the entire hearing - the chairman and the ranking Democrat (Sen Wyden). I think all the other senators skee-daddled after they made their speeches and asked one or two questions.
And a third one - 64 million people on Medicare not 68 million.
30 million citizens on Medicare proper and 34 million on "Medicare Advantage."
Kennedy said Medicare Advantage is much better but more expensive.
Correction No. 4: Big Pharma had $100 billion in profits in a recent year, according to Sen. Sanders. I had a typo and said $100 million.
... You can probably tell I was rushing to finish this story before my nutritious, MAHA supper!
I'd love it if someone knows how many questions Kennedy was actually allowed to answer? By the time we got to Sen. Warren, I became overwhelmed by the rising bile in my throat and bailed...
But it seemed like several Senators just yelled questions at him and then said he could send his answers to their offices. Between that and the constant shouting over the answers he TRIED to give, it was hard to keep up.
The Dem senators (term loosely used) are on a box of rocks level of sanity and intelligence. Warren. What a nasty harpy. I seem to remember she is a never married crone with no children. Preens in the spotlight.
seems to be tapering off. The CDC website, like all govt websites, is all about obfuscating any information available. I get so frustrated trying to find any info on it, that I just start screaming & give up - which is evidently what they want us to do.
I think medicare advantage plans are worse. every January, your doctors go out of network, plus the free one only allows in network in your county. If you go from Denton to Dallas for a doctor, the Dallas dr will be out of network. The cost for Gap plans is based on pre-existing. Obamacare was to get rid of pre-existing, but excluded medicare, so if you have few ailments, gap is cheap, have two or three, you'll pay a lot. Both Medicare advantage & gap plans push palliative care first which delays the treatment you really need til you're too bad off to actually have the care you really need.
RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE. VAERS was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the acutal deaths and injuries would be 20-100X higher. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit
I watched the whole show. My main take: It was appalling the number of US senators we have who are so obviously captured by the pharmaceutical industry, and to boot, some of them are plain old garden variety stupid.
Political realities-- well, I noted the Means pair in the audience. Clearly a lot of topics aren't being allowed to float up on the level of open discussion-- including, as you have said, the issue of the white clots.
I'm mainly feeling grateful that at least we have RFK willing to serve, and at least we have Senator Ron Johnson. Oh, and I also noted Megyn Kelly sitting next to RFK's wife. Amazing to think where things are now compared to 2020-2022. In sum: feeling appalled and feeling grateful.
I was a fervent bernie supporter in his first go round. giving donations I couldn't really afford. He appears to me now (as do a lot of the others) as a man possessed by a demon who is eating him from the inside out. I feel a great deal of sadness for him
I only watched excerpts of the clown show because my conclusion would have been the usual. Nearly all the politicians are stupid or completely uninterested in doing what is best for the USA. Or both. For example pocahontas is paid an enormous amount by the med pharma complex and cortez masto is very concerned about "bodily autonomy" for abortion but no doubt not for injections. My thanks for watching the entire thing and pointing out the absurdities and the fact that nothing of real substance was talked about. Ignored, covered up, lied about, misdirection, business as usual.
How much have vaccine manufacturers profits increased since the 1986 Child Vaccine act absolved them of any liability for the destruction their products cause?
Most senators today displayed such rude, disingenuous behavior that I find appalling. If you spoke that way in court, the judge would find you in contempt. I learned very little due to the grandstanding by these clowns. The people deserve better. Appalling show. Disgusting.
I find it highly unlikely 90% of Americans got at least one covid shot??? I would have thought somewhat lower number. I knew I was in the minority, and I had some friends and family who did not get the vax. Where did that number come from? Thank you for keeping us informed.
A man observed his neighbor going out every Thursday evening and conducting the same strange ritual. He would pace back and forth while chanting and looking at the moon. Sometimes he would stop, dig a hole, and bury some burnt offerings. After seeing this a few times, the man asked him why he was doing this. "I do this to keep the tigers away." His neighbor replied "We live in central Ohio, there aren't any tigers here." "Yes," the man replied, "it works great doesn't it ?"This is the story of vaccination that people are starting to wake up to. Those shots work great on things that aren't around anymore. There are almost no cases of rubella, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria. Most of measles and all of the polio cases are vaccine induced. They really screwed up when they allowed small pox to vanish and it was clearly not due to the vaccine. They are not going to make the same mistake with the above mentioned diseases. Polio and measles are the sacred diseases that cannot die out. Without the irrational fear of their reemergence, the cult of vaccines would quickly fall apart.
Chronic disease % as it related to Covid deaths = 3.8 Had you heard that before Bill? I had not. That does seem very plausible and proves that we didn't need to lock the freaking country down, we needed to lock down "high risk" people who already had pre-existing conditions.
The lock down was a total fraud, a psy op to get people to take these injections, "vaccines" so-called. Anyway, "high risk" people with "pre-existing conditions" -- that would include overweight people, people who've had organ transplants, people with lung issues, elderly folks-- they have rights, too. Some of them might want to protect themselves against infection by staying in their home or room, but maybe not all of them. Human rights violations are human rights violations.
Update: One of my "by the numbers" in this piece was my "over-under" on how many "shares" this article would produce. Playing Vegas odds-maker, I set this number at 21.
I just looked at my Substack metrics for this article. It's now been shared 23 times.
Substack "metric nerds" might be interested in my readership numbers or "page views" for this story, which illustrates a point I recently made.
This story generated 4,850 "page views." Of this number, 2,403 were from my "subscribers." Note: 96 percent of my subscribers are free subscribers.
This article was emailed (I think) to 7,090 of my subscribers, meaning my "open rate" for this story was 34 percent.
* 2,403 readers were my own existing subscribers.
* 2,477 readers (or "page views") were NOT current subscribers.
Main take-away: The majority of my readers for this story were NOT my subscribers.
As I've noted several times recently, my "Open Rate," which is now 32 to 35 percent, has declined dramatically in the past 8 to 12 months.
I used to have an "open rate" that ranged from 44 to 53 percent.
Again, this is why I think the "share" button is so important to my total readership numbers.
Besides my paid subscriber number (which has declined from 304 to 285), "readership" or "page views" is the metric that interests me the most ... since I, of course, want to "reach" as many readers as possible.
What a great rundown. Much appreciated since I couldn’t stomach watching it due to the ridiculousness of the left or the lack of real questioning by the right.
UPDATE AND Corrections:
I just added a photo of Sen. Bernie Sanders "throwing his tantrum" about the baby onesies that are being sold at the CHD website. I included a link if anyone wants to buy these cute onesies and provocative T-shirts. Question: Is Sanders also against free speech on T-shirts?
Here's a Link showing the onesie products:
Sanders' money quote: “Are you supportive of these onesies?”
I like the Onesie that says, "Little Resister."
A few corrections I've now made:
77 - Percent of Americans who now disregard CDC guidance on Covid vaccines and boosters. Not 67 percent as I first reported.
Also, two senators did sit through the entire hearing - the chairman and the ranking Democrat (Sen Wyden). I think all the other senators skee-daddled after they made their speeches and asked one or two questions.
And a third one - 64 million people on Medicare not 68 million.
30 million citizens on Medicare proper and 34 million on "Medicare Advantage."
Kennedy said Medicare Advantage is much better but more expensive.
Correction No. 4: Big Pharma had $100 billion in profits in a recent year, according to Sen. Sanders. I had a typo and said $100 million.
... You can probably tell I was rushing to finish this story before my nutritious, MAHA supper!
I'd love it if someone knows how many questions Kennedy was actually allowed to answer? By the time we got to Sen. Warren, I became overwhelmed by the rising bile in my throat and bailed...
But it seemed like several Senators just yelled questions at him and then said he could send his answers to their offices. Between that and the constant shouting over the answers he TRIED to give, it was hard to keep up.
The Dem senators (term loosely used) are on a box of rocks level of sanity and intelligence. Warren. What a nasty harpy. I seem to remember she is a never married crone with no children. Preens in the spotlight.
According to the internet, she's been married twice and has two kids. But I agree with you on the dumb harpy part. :D
Corrected. 😀
There are some interesting current covid vaccine stats at https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccine-delivery-coverage
Check the Vaccinations in Nursing Homes numbers.
Everything they report is a hockey stick. Are we so dumb, that they don’t even bother explain how they accumulated their data?
seems to be tapering off. The CDC website, like all govt websites, is all about obfuscating any information available. I get so frustrated trying to find any info on it, that I just start screaming & give up - which is evidently what they want us to do.
I think medicare advantage plans are worse. every January, your doctors go out of network, plus the free one only allows in network in your county. If you go from Denton to Dallas for a doctor, the Dallas dr will be out of network. The cost for Gap plans is based on pre-existing. Obamacare was to get rid of pre-existing, but excluded medicare, so if you have few ailments, gap is cheap, have two or three, you'll pay a lot. Both Medicare advantage & gap plans push palliative care first which delays the treatment you really need til you're too bad off to actually have the care you really need.
RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE. VAERS was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the acutal deaths and injuries would be 20-100X higher. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit
Thanks for the rundown.
I watched the whole show. My main take: It was appalling the number of US senators we have who are so obviously captured by the pharmaceutical industry, and to boot, some of them are plain old garden variety stupid.
Political realities-- well, I noted the Means pair in the audience. Clearly a lot of topics aren't being allowed to float up on the level of open discussion-- including, as you have said, the issue of the white clots.
I'm mainly feeling grateful that at least we have RFK willing to serve, and at least we have Senator Ron Johnson. Oh, and I also noted Megyn Kelly sitting next to RFK's wife. Amazing to think where things are now compared to 2020-2022. In sum: feeling appalled and feeling grateful.
I was a fervent bernie supporter in his first go round. giving donations I couldn't really afford. He appears to me now (as do a lot of the others) as a man possessed by a demon who is eating him from the inside out. I feel a great deal of sadness for him
I feel the same way Nancy...very sad.
Brilliant and thoughtful analysis! Will be including in my own angry rant tomorrow 🤬💪👏
Looking forward to that. 🔥🔥🔥
Here ya go! :) https://jennasside.rocks/p/the-senate-v-kennedy-two-nights-only
I thoroughly enjoyed this ... and not just because you mentioned my piece!
Thanks for the plug.
I only watched excerpts of the clown show because my conclusion would have been the usual. Nearly all the politicians are stupid or completely uninterested in doing what is best for the USA. Or both. For example pocahontas is paid an enormous amount by the med pharma complex and cortez masto is very concerned about "bodily autonomy" for abortion but no doubt not for injections. My thanks for watching the entire thing and pointing out the absurdities and the fact that nothing of real substance was talked about. Ignored, covered up, lied about, misdirection, business as usual.
stupidity or malice. I used to ponder that. now realize stupidity AND malice
Only number we really need:
How much have vaccine manufacturers profits increased since the 1986 Child Vaccine act absolved them of any liability for the destruction their products cause?
This was a great run-down. Thank you. I only made it through part of it myself, it made my blood pressure skyrocket!
Good summary, Bill. I like how you structured it.
Notice how CHD appropriated my t=shirt idea?
And what great free advertising.
Thanks Bill, I was unable to watch at work today, if Kennedy doesn’t get the vote, it will be my second loss of the week, the first being our Bills.
Most senators today displayed such rude, disingenuous behavior that I find appalling. If you spoke that way in court, the judge would find you in contempt. I learned very little due to the grandstanding by these clowns. The people deserve better. Appalling show. Disgusting.
we'll only get better when we quit outsourcing our power. why should anyone respect us if we dont respect ourselves?
90 percent - Percentage of Americans who got at least one of the Covid “vaccines” in the fist year of the vaccines, according to Kennedy
I find it highly unlikely 90% of Americans got at least one covid shot??? I would have thought somewhat lower number. I knew I was in the minority, and I had some friends and family who did not get the vax. Where did that number come from? Thank you for keeping us informed.
From rfk statement. I thought it sounded high too. The 23 percent figure also seems high to me.
A man observed his neighbor going out every Thursday evening and conducting the same strange ritual. He would pace back and forth while chanting and looking at the moon. Sometimes he would stop, dig a hole, and bury some burnt offerings. After seeing this a few times, the man asked him why he was doing this. "I do this to keep the tigers away." His neighbor replied "We live in central Ohio, there aren't any tigers here." "Yes," the man replied, "it works great doesn't it ?"This is the story of vaccination that people are starting to wake up to. Those shots work great on things that aren't around anymore. There are almost no cases of rubella, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria. Most of measles and all of the polio cases are vaccine induced. They really screwed up when they allowed small pox to vanish and it was clearly not due to the vaccine. They are not going to make the same mistake with the above mentioned diseases. Polio and measles are the sacred diseases that cannot die out. Without the irrational fear of their reemergence, the cult of vaccines would quickly fall apart.
actually that were probably never around, but convenient names for intentional poisoning. ck out https://thehighwire.com/plus/video/jefferey-jaxen-investigates-polio-the-founding-myth-of-modern-medicine-part-2/
or anything about the end of virology by Sam and Mark Bailey
Chronic disease % as it related to Covid deaths = 3.8 Had you heard that before Bill? I had not. That does seem very plausible and proves that we didn't need to lock the freaking country down, we needed to lock down "high risk" people who already had pre-existing conditions.
Early treatment with inexpensive drugs would have saved most of even elderly with other health issues. No lock downs necessary.
The lock down was a total fraud, a psy op to get people to take these injections, "vaccines" so-called. Anyway, "high risk" people with "pre-existing conditions" -- that would include overweight people, people who've had organ transplants, people with lung issues, elderly folks-- they have rights, too. Some of them might want to protect themselves against infection by staying in their home or room, but maybe not all of them. Human rights violations are human rights violations.
Update: One of my "by the numbers" in this piece was my "over-under" on how many "shares" this article would produce. Playing Vegas odds-maker, I set this number at 21.
I just looked at my Substack metrics for this article. It's now been shared 23 times.
If you bet the "over," you win your bet!
Substack "metric nerds" might be interested in my readership numbers or "page views" for this story, which illustrates a point I recently made.
This story generated 4,850 "page views." Of this number, 2,403 were from my "subscribers." Note: 96 percent of my subscribers are free subscribers.
This article was emailed (I think) to 7,090 of my subscribers, meaning my "open rate" for this story was 34 percent.
* 2,403 readers were my own existing subscribers.
* 2,477 readers (or "page views") were NOT current subscribers.
Main take-away: The majority of my readers for this story were NOT my subscribers.
As I've noted several times recently, my "Open Rate," which is now 32 to 35 percent, has declined dramatically in the past 8 to 12 months.
I used to have an "open rate" that ranged from 44 to 53 percent.
Again, this is why I think the "share" button is so important to my total readership numbers.
Besides my paid subscriber number (which has declined from 304 to 285), "readership" or "page views" is the metric that interests me the most ... since I, of course, want to "reach" as many readers as possible.
What a great rundown. Much appreciated since I couldn’t stomach watching it due to the ridiculousness of the left or the lack of real questioning by the right.
"$100 million - Profits of Big Pharmaceutical companies in a recent year, according to Sanders." must be either a typo, or a bald-faced lie.