Apr 16Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Watergate had absolutely no effect on my life, and probably little effect on the lives of others, except politicians. Covid affected everyone except the politicians. Go figure.

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Apr 16Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

JFK assassination and the Covid con are the most damning events against we the people! Tricky Dick was tricked into the Watergate scandal to march him out of office. He wanted the JFK crime reopened! FBI/CIA orchestrated how it would be done! My view! Trump wanted vaccine companies investigated and what price is he paying?

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Apr 16Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Woodward and Bernstein were just hacks...the real story has been and will continue to be told by Geoff Shepard...."The Nixon Conspiracy"...it's deeper than anyone acknowledges. A cabal of folks took out Nixon...aka a Coup. Check him out.

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Apr 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

Watergate was peanuts compared to the scamdemic.

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Apr 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

First you need to go one level higher than “Covid” to the Great Reset 2030 and the goal of only 500M people left on the planet. This is worldwide genocide!

Covid only precipitated the vaccine. The vaccine is *the* point due to all the toxicity contained therein…beginning with the mRNA as the delivery mechanism for the DNA altering agent. Look at all the “died suddenly” numbers, the “turbo cancers”, miscarriages, those disgusting, long white clots being pulled out of people, nanotechnology and more. There are many on Substack writing about all of that and accompanied by *volumes* of verifiable data.

We have been marked for eradication by virtue of being useless eaters. The sheeple are being lead by MSM. The 40somethings and under crowd being affected by the schooling system of unlearning so they are much more vulnerable to mind control via MSM. Again, all by design in the making for decades!!

I could go on but hopefully I’ve conveyed my thoughts succinctly enough…

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Apr 16Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

I must suggest that you check out what Tucker has to say about The Watergate Scandal and it has very little to do with the narrative we were sold.

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Apr 17Liked by Bill Rice, Jr.

The NIH meeting/conference in 2013 that Alex Berenson's writing about is worthwhile.


Even if you watch only a half-hour or so of Baric talking, it gives you a good feel for who he is and what the coronavirus researchers were thinking about. It's also remarkable that the meeting happened while a new virus with an apparently close to 50% fatality rate was circulating; also, Fauci says he expects MERS to reach the U.S.--and yet no one in the room is masked, or talks about masking.

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Bill - I haven't read it, but I can tell you right off the bat...

There is no comparison.

One is way worse.


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While I really liked the movie ‘All the Presidents Men’ and deep throat’s true identity has been revealed, I choose to favor the alternate version of events depicted in the movie ‘Dick’, which remains one of my favorite movies.

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The 60s were an interesting time. It's then that the CIA shadow government took the US as we know it. The term conspiracy theorist also developed around that time and it became the term to blind anyone who looked into JFK, Moon landing, etc: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-art-of-theoretical-science

The 60s also gave us MK Ultra which was launched into full speed ahead with the pandemic: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-success-of-mk-ultra#details

Overall, Watergate was the beginning, Covid showed how badly things could really be...

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Watergate is waaay down the list.

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Thank you Bill, for your continued efforts. I have a request for one of the next pieces you write. Can you list all of the patents Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates had gotten, for the Covid gene therapy death shots, prior to 2019? I think this information needs to go viral, just before Mr. Science’s ego takes center stage with his new memoir. This will shine light on the truth. The truth is all we ever wanted, so that justice can be served.

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Uh No. Watergate was a trifle compared to even Fauci illegally funding the Wuhan experiments let alone all that followed once his pet bug escaped.

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I know you were intending to write about how big the uncovered scandal of the plandemic is, but by bringing up Watergate and no mention in the Stack or in comments yet about how the Obama Administration oriented the full force and resources of the federal government's intelligence and justice assets to spy on Trump's campaign in 2016. Obama/Clinton/Biden told Nixon to hold their beers. The biggest scandal is how nobody from the Obama/Clinton/Biden administration has been held to account for what they did. Nixon's saying "WTF?!?! For real?!?! And I resigned in disgrace???"

The difference is, the press and DC globalist powers wanted Nixon gone, he did his job throwing in with CCP China and tossing Taiwain overboard, getting the US currency off of the gold standard, federalized the education system and all sorts of various and sundry seed planting for the poisonous tree that's grown from his final years in office. Only a Communist Hawk like Nixon could've gone to China, only a darling of the right could've given the bankers carte blanche printing presses. While the media's printing presses trashed him on cue; they are owned by the DC globalist powers. Aka Deep State.

Nixon was a power-hungry tool. He was played like a harpsichord and disposed of when no longer needed. Watergate was a setup by his own staff, appointed by the DC power guild, a built-in self destruct button.

Obama/Clinton/Biden was a much different animal. The same DC globalist power structure and media (Deep State owned) supported his criminal abuse of power deployed against Trump. And would never report it as a scandal. Instead reporting that Trump's "unproven allegations" were a nothingburger. In the face of a Himalayan mountain range of evidence.

And that, my friend, is the connection to the non-scandal covid plandemic. That which the media, aka Deep State wants to become a scandal does. That which it doesn't, doesn't. The news media is and has been a tool of government propaganda for as long as its been in business. A Deep State that uncovers bad actors who've fallen out of favor or are too embarrassing by means of media proxy, spoon feeding scandal nuggets to harm threats to their power.

George Orwell's Prevention of Literature explains the difference between media and other writers under totalitarian regimes. Including the one he saw around him in the UK in 1946 that most certainly was already in place in the US at the same time. And only has grown:


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I have told Hubs many times that Watergate is like reporting a sliver under a fingernail in this age of egregious grift, greed, evil and corruption. I watch shows that might feature the government as white hats and just shake my head and find another show. Or read my Bible. Hang on, because we are at the end of a whip.

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Whoever you are.....you are a numb nutted liberal idiot. Take me off your list.

Watergate is the biggest crime!!! What a dumbass thing to say! Screw you.

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