.... And this is probably a moot column. If I'm right that every important organization is completely captured, this would mean the organizations that supervise presidential elections are captured ... which would mean Donald Trump can't be re-elected - probably because he's still saying he's going to drain the swamp.

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Bill, you may want to check out True the Vote; they have put many mechanisms in place to protect honest elections. First one they did was about 1.5 yrs ago IIRC, and it was to get sheriffs to agree to be at polls on election day. First day after they announced this, they had 2,000 sheriffs sign up, then there were many others who did. There are a lot of electronic things put in place as well and some sort of device where you can punch in a person's name and pull up their address and other info so you can see if there are 22 people living in a studio apt. - which of course means election fraud due to using lots of names of people who don't exist or who are illegals. Military has ALL the info from 2020 election and know where all the bodies are buried so to speak. I'm sure military will have this next election in order - and that's when truth comes out about a lot of election fraud. True the Vote is just one group who is working on it. You can subscrube to True the Vote emails for updates.


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Slapping my knee! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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The same military that developed C19, and distributed the clot shots (bio-weapons) to millions of it's own citizens including their own soldiers? That U.S. military?

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No, not the same military. Right now there are TWO militaries, that is important to understand. There is one that is under Biden and that's the regular military. Then there is one that answers to Commander in Chief Trump - he is still CIC. Those are the white hats. It's important to not confuse the two. Also, you need to know that it isn't the soldiers in the military who did the bio-weapons; it was D.O.D., DARPA and those who run it. Even the scientists who work for DOD and Darpa aren't guilty as they are kept in the dark. They give scientists one small area to operate in so they have no idea of the whole picture. I know this because I have a good friend who worked for both of those departments as a scientist - until he discovered what was really going on, sued the departments and won but most of it went to taxes. He also believes they destroyed his health possibly through jabs and the like. If you read thedocuments.info you will understand the 2 militaries idea better.

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Good points. I often think about all the people in organizations who don't understand the "big picture." Employees in these groups are intentionally kept in the dark and only work on one little project.

Of course, the ones who figure it out and start connecting some dots - can't speak out. Or if they do, they are toast in the organization.

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Yes. Which is how my friend became "toast". He's a good man, too, and a brilliant scientist who is now sick with multiple illnesses and not much $. This is how the swamp devours many good people/patriots.

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Oh my God.

Thank you so much for this comment - it is so encouraging when people understand what is happening.

You are going to love this: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/theatre-of-war-australias-covid-response

Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation.

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Please read my comment just above in response to Quartervois. There is more going on than is immediately apparent. There are 2 militaries in U.S. right now. If you read:


you will understand this better.

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Please stop.

Q will not save you.

There is no 'plan.'

A rumpled flag is not 'evidence.'

When Trump 'wins' it will be because the banks want him to be there.

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The "Q" pacification psyop was an essential part of the coup.

Millions of Americans sitting on their fat behinds eating popcorn and waiting for the government to rescue them from the government.

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DJT can't be re-elected because the dumbocraps are going to do what they did last time, only bigger and better. FJB! will get almost as many votes as there are people on the planet. There's not a snowball's chance that we will not be a one, communist/fascist/socialist, party government from now until people grow a pair again, several centuries from now.

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I would flood the DC swamp and put a 50 foot concrete wall around it to stop the swamp creatures from leaving.

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This is why they put up barbed wire all around D.C. right around Inauguration Day 2020.

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If we ever return to a law and order society, the spread of the fake "Q" psyop hopium and copium should be punishable by life in prison.

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As usual, right on the money, Bill. Draining the swamp may have been accomplished to a certain extent with Ron Paul; however, at this point the swamp has no drain or hole to unplug. We as a country, along with the rest of the world, are captured and so many of us are now mentally drained.

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Good use of a pun - many of us are mentally drained.

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This is why Trump told us "military is the only way." I remember reading several yrs ago in news, he put out a call for military vets to sign up and re-enlist. This is a worldwide effort, Trump's military is joining with countries around the world to stop the deep state.

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I think this has to start from the schools on - I guess children home-schooled are way less prone to groupthink, and more critical. Well I hope so. Children have to be taught again, how to think for themselves, Sharyl Attkisson has an excellent YouTube from 7 8 or even 9 years old, how not to be gaslighted. M C Miller has an excellent program on propaganda (which he is forbidden to teach anymore). Teach from young on, that most of what is in the 'news' is propaganda, that commercials on TV and in stores are not 'information' and that lots of what is on line is nowhere near true.

I remember that the swamps in France were drained by monks, but I guess the monks nowadays won't do either.

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Ingrid - I think this is what you are referring to:


Watch Sharyl’s interview of Richard Hirschman and Tom Haviland:


Covid Clots

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yes that is the one! I have been following her for a few years now, wearing her Tshirts! Just ordered a few this afternoon, conspiracy theories are more like spoiler alert

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I like your thinking Ingrid, but we don't have 40 years to retrain two generations of our youth. It needs to be done, but should be a long term goal.

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A disruptive 20% of the population would be impossible to ignore.

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My "Twelve Angry Men" column highlighted the fact that 20 percent of the country is apparently immune to even non-stop propaganda and bullying tactics from the group-thinking mob.

Those brave people have to persuade one other person on the jury to re-think things. If the 2nd person speaks up, the third person on the jury will be more likely to change his view as well.

So you need the first person to speak up ... but then the 2nd person who says, "Hey, that guy is right" is almost just as brave and influential.

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a bitchute video by Asha Logos, 14.30 min. My reading of history says we have a lot farther to go into the abyss. How and when we climb out is unknown. but maybe all is not lost.


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Draining a swamp is the last thing you would want to do. That's why the cold blooded reptiles are now slithering around.

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I want it to happen, but I am convinced that it is past the point of no return. All the acronyms (CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, and probably some I haven't heard of) work for the World Economic Forum because they pay better.

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If it's an "alphabet agency," it has to go.

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That's my yard stick as well. Back in early 1990s (30 yrs ago) my virologist husband had a conversation with James Watson, who won a Nobel prize for discovering the structure of DNA, told my husband that CDC had fired him and all the other scientists because he didn't want to go along with telling their deep state lies/B.S. Scientists were replaced with public relations people. P.R. folks are known for telling all sorts of lies to cover things up. Not all but most of them nowadays. This was soon after Clinton took office as president.

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This might help:


law of war manual - 11.3

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The US may be "God's own Country" but, ...

Argentina is Javier Milei's one !!!

A F U E R A , A F U E R A , A F U E R A !!!

Maybe, some "patriots" that want the US to survive the next decade should consult him in some of the topics you so bravely mentioned ... 🤔🤔🤔

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Yeah, about that.

Milei is tying the Argentine peso to the US dollar rather than the gold standard or trying to enter BRICS.

You are watching a CIA operation in Argentina.

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hmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔👍👍 ...

But for sure, he wouldn't be where he is now if he tied it to Au or knocked at BRICS' door straight away ... Change like that can be introduced step-by-step only. 🤞🤞

Only time will show; let's see ...

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You may find this interesting. And before anyone gets wound up, the author is Jewish, Israeli-Australian and former Zionist and IDF soldier.


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Amen to all of the above. In the case of the US government - moderation is the enemy of the good - to paraphrase the old adage. "Moderation" is in reality the ultimate form of extremism - perpetuation of a system of totalitarianism the likes of which we have never witnessed - in which experimental medical interventions are mandated for large swaths of the population - wars are endless - children are growing sicker with no urgency to uncover the cause - and the government determines the correctness of the news - just to point to the tip of the iceberg of US insanity.

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It's "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" writ large.

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I have been saying this for years and most people think I am nuts. Jeffrey Tucker is 100% right.

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Off topic here. Quote from CDC’s release about the person with h5n1 bird flu in Texas. Has anyone dissected this report? Seems like de ja vue. 33 ct threshold and patient has no respiratory symptoms.

In concordance with the rRT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values obtained from each specimen (i.e., approximately 18 for the conjunctival specimen and 33 for the nasopharyngeal sample), viral RNA from the nasopharyngeal sample failed to generate PCR amplicons suitable for sequencing. Notably, the patient reported only conjunctivitis with no respiratory or other symptoms, which likely resulted in lower viral RNA concentrations detected in the nasopharyngeal sample and is suggestive of a lack of respiratory infection in the patient.

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Thanks for highlighting this!

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I think one way to Drain is to move.....Different agencies to different cities throughout the country.

Agriculture to Omaha

Interior to Denver

Eliminate Education and fund each individual state.

Moving swamp creatures may encourage retirements.

Perhaps a small start.

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Or nuke it from space. It's the only way to be sure!!

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It’s the only way to be sure. 😉

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I included that line (from "Aliens") in my column "Movies for our Covid times."

I now use it all the time ... as you can tell from this column.


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There is no way under ordinary circumstances to drain the swamp. The bureaucracies are little kingdoms of their own. Too many vested interests and trough feeding. Only the margins can be changed but only slightly. And that will only last until the next politician gets in. Basically we are screwed.

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No, Trump did not drain the swamp, but he stirred it up and now more people know how much it stinks!

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See this:


Also Google: Law of War manual and read 11.3 statute

White hats in military (they are under Trump) have been draining swamp since shortly after Trump became president. This is confirmed by white hats in military & if you read the website I just gave you will see all kinds of proof.

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Total garbage.

Derek Johnson is a grifting wannabe country singer and Pascal Najadi is a loon.

There is no "Q". There is only us.

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I often joke that Hillary lost the 2016 election because the demorats Underestimated the number of votes they needed to steal. They didn't make the same mistake in 2020.

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"At this point in world history, the only reform that might work is to abolish entire agencies."

This. I will vote for the arsonist, holding a lit match, that vows to burn down all of political Washington, DC. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Pick whatever analogy you want: wrecking balls, explosive demolition, or whatever. We don't need 90% of Washington. Destroy it all. Move the small remaining pieces out to Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, etc. Anywhere but Washington, northern Virginia, or Maryland. Turf all the current employees. Force anybody who wants to retain a job to move and re-interview. Offer half-pay, no benefits, and force everybody to sign a contract stating that nothing will be unionized.

This is no time for half-measures. The country is dying and only drastic action will save the patient. If it isn't explicitly listed in the Consitution, burn it down. Burn, baby, burn! Feel free to play Disco Inferno in the background as the theme song for the whole process.

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See my comment above David. I had not read the comments before I posted mine. We think alike!

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